'J.! THE EVENING TIMES : RALEIGH, X. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1010. PAOl! 8HVE77 P1 VV Th. ElaaUe" Bootoasa grows with your library, ftU any apaoa, I arttatlo. and Is f Ittad with tha only psrfaot dust proof roliar-baarina non-blndlng door that poaltlvaly cannot gat out of ordar. Call, wrlta or phono and aahforsatalea. let Us Show You dcivjuvuiuHi fc; 1 GREATEST IE CITY OF THE WORLD New York City Is flow Spend ing $50,000,000 For New Hotels REMODELING OLD JEWELRY. We cut ni.'iko over your Old Jewelry. W'e can inako over your Old Silverware. WTe make estimates on "till ' work ' u furnish designs that you can see how the work will look when complete, ALL WORK LOOIvF.R Al l Kit 15V A .MFMI5ER OF THE' FIRM. H MAHL ER'S SONS. 1 ngforoard to a splendid Fall trade we have spared no means or expense to get the best of every thing for our friends and customers. - ' New Pat Leather Belts in Red and" Black New Dutch, Lace, Emb. and Stock Collars, 25 cents. New Ruchins, Ruflins and Neck Cords. Kid Gloves, Belt Pins, Brooches, Side and Back Combs, Turban Hair Pins and Bar retts. '-'"... Remember, half of our store is devoted to ;..-"' Shoes. Hunter Bros. &Brewer Company. WE SELL PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. Dike's Peraxogen Cream A GREASELESS ANTISEPTIC SKIN TONIC. Gives to the skin I hat smooth and velvety ap pearance so necessary to a beautiful complexion. Price 25 cents. ' ' . BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG COMPANY. REGALSHOES Broken lines of sizes at Cut Prices $3,50, $4.00 and $5 00 REGALS FOR $2.75, $3.00 and $3.75 Every pair is perfect. Regular prices stamped on each shoe. EDGAR E. BROUGIITON, HABERDASHER, , Eayetteville St. Raleigh, N.C. THE PRACTICAL JOKER This Sum Xow Being Extended in New York ' City in Construction, Which Wrtll Make it the Greatest Hotel City in the World Will ;. Have 2,500 Hotels, Representing Iiivestment Greater Than National Debt by 1911 City's Most Practi cal Joker Again Robs Up With . Joke That Costs Father Knicker bocker $2,640 Statistics Show That Cost of Health is Increasing. : Captain Kidd's Treasure Discov ered Once More Freak White Fawn Rorn at Zoo. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sep. 5 With $50, 000,000 now being spent in the con struction of new hotels, to be com pleted in the near future, New Yorli will within the next few months out strip all other competitors for the title of the greatest hotel city In the world. By January first, it :s now expected, there will be in operation no less than 2,500 hotels capable of accommodating nearly a third of a million persons, and able to feed at least 2,000,000 daily. As these fig ures do not include boarding houses or apartment and flat buildings, it is probable that the total transient pop illation which Father Knickerbocker will be able to house by 1911 will considerably exceed the million mark Many causes have led to the remark- able increase in hotel construction in spite of the fact that on epper Broad way there Is hardly a block which does not contain at least one hotel while many squares are given over to them solidly. Of course there are numerous hotels in other parts of the city,, but for obvious reasons Broad way has remained t:te hotel thor oughfare. A walk along the three- mile stretch between the old Astoi- House, famous before the war, to the new hotel which Charles Hector of restaurant fame has nearly com pleted at Forty-fourth street, reveals n a striking manner the advances which have been made in hotel con struction during more than half a century. Between the former, which now Is the oldest hotel of any note in the city, and the latter wjilen em-jofi-ies all that has come through 50 years development, the successive stages of advancement are clearly marked not only in ever-increasing size, but in all other details as we!!. While this newest hotel is ay no means the largest in the city, since size has been made secondary to com pleteness, it would easily make half dozen of the old Astor House, while point of service there could or course be no comparison. Certainly with all the hotel construction which is now going on. New Yorr; will be able to make a strong bid ror a : 9 1 a world's fair, on the ground that this city is far better equipped than any other to care for vast throngs of visi tors. Incidentally if matters keep on as they are now going, It will not be many years before hotel row will stretch almost solidly up to Central Park. At present It Is estimated that the amount of money :nves:ec in ho tels In this city is greaier t:ian ;:ie national debt. .... ;'. After a lapse of more than a year, New York's most famous practical joker .who has achieved as much faint in his field as has Chauncey Depew as an after-dinner speaker, has again limped into the limeligat and this time at the expense of the city ad ministration itself. Brian G. Hughe; the name of the man who, popu- arly known as "B. G." has takei more advantage of the credulity oi New Yorkers than any man living. He it was who fed and groomed an alley cut, sent It to the aristocratic at. show and won a blue ribbon over all sorts of blooded competitors. Jkewise it was B. G. who brough the roprietor of a famous restaurant al most to tears by "accidentally find ing" a set of false teeth In his soup. Also It was his alleged blooded horse Puldeka" which took a prize at a local horse show, to the great conster nation of other exhibitors. The ani mal in question was a , street car horse, its name indicating that it had ulled a car. While all these ac complishment of Mr. Hughes were without financial profit, :ils latest joke which has just come to light iias netted him. the neat suu: or 2,G40. Some, five years ago, aecon::ng -o Uu evidence at hand, there were 'ten rooms in one of the downtown court buildings for which the city nad no use. The sinking fund commission was in a quandary as to what dispo sition to make of the empty room when it brighl-eed, tstimlltah in with a bald head wandered Into one of the meetings, explained that 'understood the building was a heavy expense to the city and offered to take the rooms off their nanus at a monthly rental of $ 55. ' The commis sloners almost fell on Mr., Hughes neck when he paid the first month rent. This week, however, one of the commissioners discovered that Mr. Hughes has been sub-:eu:ng i:ie rooms In question at a monthly rental of $99, leaving a net profit of $44 month for the last five years. As a result the joke, of a most practical nature, has cost the city $2,640. Mr Hughes' lease will not be renewed. Health, like about everything else, is at. least twice as expensive in New York as elsewhere. . For once In way its expensi.veness, or which the city is rather proud,-. Is! likely to re act In a serious manner affecting the safety of life Itself. As a result of various suggestions It different states to establish 4ome form or regulation of physicians' fees, statistics bearing on this subject have just neei- colleer ed for the first time.; They illustrate in an astonishing manner trie effect on public health, so far as its care is concerned, of the conditions which make New York the most expensive city to live in in the United Stales. As a result of these conditions Fat:i er Knickerbocker finds himself in the position of being less-' able to attract the most capable medical talent than are smaller communities, since on the authority of an eminent physician $30,000 is not too high an estimate of the expenditure necessary in this modern Capua before the young coc tor can be self-supporting. In the- country, based on the statistics whlcti have been collected com more than 000 doctors in every part of the Union, the cost, including education, will hardly average more than $13, 000. Moreover, the figures show that while the practitioner who settles here cannot expect to be self-support ing much before he is 33' years old, the young doctor in the smaller com munity can do so several years ear ner, wnne this subject has never been brought to notice before, since statistics have never been collected, these figures would seem to indicate that the doctors are - Justified in charging more for their services here man in otner places, oecause it costs them more and takes longer to estab lish a paying practice.' This city has just been treated, for what must be at least the hundredth time, to the re-discovery of the treas ure which Captain Kidd is supposed to have- buried 'somewtteTB between Florida and Newfouridlami. This time it came to light in New York it self, or rather in that part of the greater city known as Staten Island. Its discoverer, who settled there 25 years ago, has spent every Sunday and holiday since h:s arrival from Ireland In tramping trie island in search of the treasure which he felt certain had been buried there. In pite of the ridicule of his neighbors he has persisted in his hunt, and this week his perseverance t.-;;s rewarded by the discovery of a large chest filled with what appeared to be gold coins and ingots. His jubilation was short-lived, however, for closer ex am ination revealed the fact thai, the coins were merely gilded pennies and the ingots lumps of .brass, a "plant' prepared by his neighbors wno had grown tired of his search. So Cup- tain Kidd's treasure still remains safe in spite of the great number of mes It has been discovered. .. One of the strangest freaks of.na- ure which has beeu seen In ihis Ity for a long time is now attracting large amount of attention at the Bronx Zoo. This freak is a wlilte fawn which was recently born there and it is made doubly interesting be cause of the fact that both Us ra;her and mother are plain red deer wit.'.i not so much as a single spot or wltiti in their coats. Not only Is the young ster pure white color, but he has also white rings In his eyes, which give him an uncanny appearance. He i' source of endless interest to child ren because of the frequent went ion and wonderful doing of the while deer in fairy tales. These aulmals are extremely rare and the graau ma jority of hunters are so superstitious about them that they will not shoot them, it being an almost wor'd-wide belief that to do so brings bad luex. Saved a Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell in the Civil War was more- Agreeable to J. A. Srone. of Ken.p, Tex., than facing it from what doctors suid vss consumption. "I contracted a stub born cold," he writes, "that develop ed a cough that stuck to me in spite of all remedies for years. My weight ran down to 130 pounds. Then I be gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. I now weigh 178 pounds." For Coughs. Colds, LaGrippc, Asthma, Hemor rhage, Hoarseness, Croup, Whooping Cough and lung trouble, Its supreme 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by all druggists. Very Va. Cheap Rates to Norfolk, ami Return. iOn account of Confederate Veter ans' Reunion, the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets September 4th, 5th and 6th, with final limit Sep tember 14 th at rate of $3.70. These rates open to the public. eeiemoer Is now at hand, and that is the month you have been looking forward to for a long time. It is the beginning of the big prosperous fall business for you. It is the day you have been promising your self to begin advertising your business. To start out to be something and make something out of your business. TRY Now has over one million dollars going into perma nent improvements. Thousands of men are at work making big wages. More are needed. Hun dreds of young men and women are coming to the city this week and next week to enter college. They spend thousand of dollars here with our mer chants. With all this money being spent here the merchants who get busy should reap a harvest this fall and winter. September is going to open the season with a rush, thousands coming into the city for the winter and thousands working every day. takeyoerelaim By taking an advertisment every day in The Even ing Times, the paper that reaches nearly everybody. Don't wait until the other fellow gets first call on the business but open up your advertising campaign and go after the money that is being spent here in Raleigh. If ybii want more business, if you need help in preparing your copy, just 'Phone. THE E illMG TIMES' Advertising Department - - - Phone 178

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