S THE EVENING TIMES: RALEKHi. N. 0., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1010. CO. Great September Sale of Carpets. Purchased Under- priced From Noted Carpet Mills. Churches, Hotels, Lodges, Societies, Offices and Public Buildings as well as private House holds are given the opportunity of the season to supply their carpet needs at prices much lower than can be obtained later on. Now's your carpet bargain opportunity. Dobbin Ferrall Comp'y 1X3-121 Fayettevlll It RALEIGH, M. C. Appointed Committee to Wage Hard Fight Against Democrats Prof. Overton to Take Charge of Headquarters as Secretory leiuo trats Plan for the Fight Marriage of Miss Irene Hicks to Mr. Eugene Phillips. (Special to The Times) Durham, N. C. 'Sept.' 8 The re publican candidates or Durham coun ty met last nignt and appointed a campaign comittee that ' will have charge o fthe fight against the op position candidates. The committee will be under the leadership of the recently elected county chairman and will act as an emergency committee where it is convenient for the entire executive committee to get together. It will consist of the following well Known republicans, Messrs. J. C. An- gier, H. B. Abernathy, N. Underwood, W. T. Riggsbee and T. H. Scoggins. Mr.: W. H. Overton was elected sec retary of the county executive com-, mittee and will take charge of the party headquarters', which will open next Monday in the second storv ot the Holloway building on Church street. The republicans of this sec tion are very much elated in secur ing for this important position a man of the popularity of Prof. Overton, who has heretofore steadily declined ta take an active part in politics. The speakers that are to be brought here have not been definitely decided upon although one prominent meber of the committee stated that among the prominent men who are to come to Durham to inspire the re publican stronghold will be Candi date D. H. Blair, Marion Butler. I. M. Meek ins, Thomas Settle and other leading lights o fthe party. The latest' from the camp of lo cal republicans is to the effect that Dr. Bowling, who at the time ot his nomination .expressed a desire to stump the county with Gen. Carr. will not bo permitted to do so, trie leaders fear that such a proceedings1 might lead to unnecessary bitterness and had better be abandoned. Democrats to Open Headquarters. The democratic executive commit-1 tee is arranging to open campaign; headquarters in the rigut build ing in the suite of rooms just oppo site the law offices of Chairman How ard A. Foushee. . The ftnishini; touches are being put on the ofhees and in a few days the committee will begin the dissemination of campaign literature for the approaching con test, which promises to be an uniis tially warm one. Mr. Foushee will direct the fight, assisted by Secretary Brogden. The publicity end ot the campaign headquarters will be m charge of J. A. Robinson, tor many years editor of the Sun. Announce ments of the speakers have not yet been made but it is .confidently ex pected that Major Steadman will de liver one or two addresses In the county and help swing it back into the democratic column. Pretty Home Wedding. At the home of her father. Dr. V N. Hicks, Miss Irene Hicks was mar ried yesterday morning to Mr. Eu gene Phillips, of Hertford, N. C. The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The marriage cere mony was performed hy. Rev; Frank Culbreth, of Newton Grove. N. t a college friend of both the bride and groom, and the special chum of Mr. Phillips while at Trinity College. LATEST NEWS Dandruff. Fulling Hair and Itching - Scalp Cured, or Money Hack. What other people say of you, sometimes has more effect than what you say about yourself. Read these. 'I used one bottle of Parisian Sage, and it did all you claim it would do. My hair is fluftv and clean from dandruff since I used the &age. andM am going to keep it constant.lv on my dressing table for toilet use.'- Mrs. M. Griffin, 326 W. 9th St.. Danvenport, Iowa. 'I write in short that niv head was almost running me crazy, and I saw your ad in the Times-l;nion. I bought a bottle of Parisian Sage at, once and tried it, and in a week I could see that ray head was almost well, and my hair was growing won derful, and I continued using Paris ian Sage, and now my hair is beauti ful and everybody admires it. My scalp is always clean. Your cus tomer, Mrs. S. Dingle, Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 13, 1909. 'Parisian Sage is certainly a won derful hair restorer. My husband and I both have used it, and find it to be Just as advertised." -Mrs. D. Schorling, 220 Wasaon St., Toledo, , Oct. 23, 1909. . Parisian Sage isold by druggists everywhere, and by King-Crowell Drug Company, for 50 cents a large bottle, and Is guaranteed to cure dan druff, stop falling hair and Itching scalp, or money back. It makes hair grow soft, lustrous and luxuriant, and Is hot sticky or greasy. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every bot tle. Mall orders filled by Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. I 'NN- (''llj I fjV'" ij 'Iff.. I a - J- . vi M J; riliiripils in the aim! loi cst-i v.. oimiilw n:,i im-eli-iii" .some ........ t . Ilicliiii'tl I'VI'iincr S.'(-i-.!ii v of the Intel m'i- ;m( tc-ic;o linn (.illiinl INiiclnn, lbc mnncr liici l-nicsicr. Ic Imv rlic left is Senator iiniite AeUcii ( l innesol :i. I lie cliiiiruinn ol the invest nif; comittee. In (be b.ivcr center is I .. I; s ;l-v is die dismissed I'iclil Aovl t'"! I In mum witness iignmst li:tlli:iger. On the lower right is Frederick Kcrbv the stcini-.-iplier rf the Init i-i . r Ilcmirimi in. who testilied aiiinst hecrct :iry. liiillinscr. Miss iivne Hicks was maul o; honor and .Mr. R. I... .Phillips, the: '...brother of the groom. a ie;l as besi man. 1 ne wedding -march was played, 'by. Miss Pearl Carrington, a sciioohnate o( the brlriO. and "Annie l-anrie" was . -beautifully. O rendered' by .Miss M r'e Branca. The couple lelt on the alternooa westbond train for visits to rchaives in. Concord anrl Salisbury, N. ( . Tiiey will nuiki:' their home in Hert lord. where Mr. Phillips is .superin tendent of sc hools. . ci'KF i tii! i;czi;.m.. Discovery That ( ures rimpli lve ma anil Ml skin I rnuliles. If you are .-troubled- will pimples blackheads, ai tie. Iiarhe blotches, I'rei. hies' or. oilier ease of hlcmisn. now is the s itch, rtli iii (lis time. to cure it wilh Hoi;ara. This pare. and simple skin food is being introduced iii.'Haleigli; by- Hen rv T. Hicks Co. and 1 acker . ISuilding Hiarmacv at the low price ol -' ic lor a liberal sized .jar, ; and. in the past lew weeks they-have sold -'.hundreds ol treatments. It contains no gre-me or acid, is cleanlv to use and is a true tood and nourishment for tht skin, cleansiiu; and clearing it in every pore, making it soft, white and beautiful. If Hokara does not do even more than is claimed for it and pve- perfect satisfaction ret i; rn tae empty jur to Henry T. Hicks Drug. Co.--and- Tucker Building Pharmacv and lliey will ro tund vour m on n v. It von have any skin trouble, von cannot spend z.ic to better advantage .than: for a jar of this skin food. Larger size ,'0c. ATKINSON NIOWS. S)( lioo ()ii iis t p ( nder Promising (.onditions lievival Meeling. I Sijcciiil to 1 he Times ) Atkinson, .-sept, s 1 ho graded school at, this place opened Tuesday. The attendance was good tor the first dav. Quito a number of the patrons showed their interest in the work by being present. The school this vear is in charge of Prof. lairlev. of Laiirinburg. a graduate of Davidson College, assist ed bv Mr. K. L. Womble, of this place, a graduate ol Wake Forest College: Miss Kvans. of St. Paul, a graduate ot Red Springs Seminary, and Miss Thompson, of Falson, a graduate of St.". Mary's. .. Atkinson has a school of -which-she may well be proud. - Rev. Mr. DeLoatr-h, of Clinton, who has been assisting Rev. Mr. Riven bank, the pastor of 'the Baptist church of this place, has Just closed a successful revival meeting. Twelve were added to tho church and several were converted who joined otner churches." Misses May Lewis and Katie Smith left this morning for Oxford, to at tend the Oxford Seminary. Tiiey have our best .-wishes for a successful year. . Safe Medicine For Children. Foley's Honey and. Tar is. a safe and effective medicine for children as it does not contain opiates 'or harm ful drugs. Get only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. King-Crowell Drug Co. r mwj i&. vr -.mi "iim M .itn n-.i i .e d ion n i-.i wI-k'i !"- I en . I llc ii'OsI I I milieu! II" II Hi lush ollh I'll I'l. i e. .SH .i.l;i: NIAVS. (iovci iior Ivitchm and oiiKiessmaii Foil to M.eiik Mchools of the ( oitnlv. rhy Timr . I Nashville . C nor ; . Kill am MMit. x dover anil Congressinan K. W sh Poll wnl address the people ol county at Nashville Sat'ifday, ) September' 1 T. ! band and the i adu-rused. A t here w ill be a brass speaking will be well record-iirenking crowd ( at the I'ountv seat i is the home ol H. A. will be. expect! that dav; Thi: j P." Cooley, .who is the republicail-in-I dependent candidate against Mr. I I'ou. Folks are beginning to won der' whether' or. not he will Invite.. Mr. pou to divide lime wilh him. - and thus take an opportunity way he went into '.the--democratic enngres i sional convention and moved to make J Poll's nomination unanimous and i then allerwards announced himself a candidate It is not known what he i will want io sav lo the lolks. but tt. j wiiiiki lit n t II t inillil iiiie-n hi bis explanation.. There's going to be big times ai. Nashville Saturday, Sep lember : 1 7 1 ll. Lie Red Oak High School, one ol the slate high schools, in -Nash, nas openeii wilh snlendiil enrollmeiit. The Casiaiia High School, another nourishing school of tae county, opened., the past, week: Mr. .-.Oscar Creech is. the principal. .The school 'has'.- thirty boarders and a splendid local patronage. Other schools open ing this week were: .. Spring Hope irr-ided school, wit a Mr. A. B. 1 1 a r rell, principal; Nashville sciioril, wiili Mr. II. M. Cox, principal; Miinoyer school, with Miss Nina Collins prin cipal. The Mt. Pleasant High School, another, of the state lliah Schools in tae count v. will open September 19. with Mr. W. R. West principal, lhe (maker High School has onened with Mr. John L. Singletary pnnci pal. tuition is tree to all high -school pupils at the Red Oak. Mt. Pleasant and V hunkers Higa School. I here are also a number of entered schools in opera lion in- .Nash at tiie present time. -.Other public schools will open later. lhe people of tno eountv are taking an active interest in education. A number ol communities in Nash are beginning to arrange to make bids lor the tarin-liCe school taat the county superintendents, the tanners, and others will ask the legislature:-to provide for. if there are only ten created the lii'st year, as has been suggested would he the case, Nash means'. to have one of the ten. There is to be no backward step in Nash along the lines of education, if the people have their way. The farmers' union is strong and there are other folks interested in education. - When Merit Wins. Will on tho medicine you take cures your disease, tonos up your Bysteri and makes you feel better, stronger and more vigorous than before. That is what Foley Kidney Pills . do for you, in all cases of backache, head ache, nervousness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and general weakness that, s caused by anv disorder of the kidneys or bladder. King-Crowell Drug Co. . mit.lt MIA l0 (lllllllM t('f it Hie ton , (be Icil Is :c:iui!(!ul September l.itlna ."ipiiu iMilia.t .. Iluft'alo l.ithta Springs, 'Vn... Sept. S Never- before in the history of tiles celebrated springs have- the attrac tions been more engaging than dur ing the -present season, and even in t dp closing month-l ho gnosis contin ue to arrive. I he cool nights and in vigorating davs are alluring, and bounteous nature has spared nolning to endow t his place. The -splendid cuisine, which has long been renowned as a distinctive tent ii re ot Butlalo Mprings: has this vear even eclipsed Us former lame. The .''manager "spares nothing :n pro viding a table that is (rule fit for Lie gods.' .September is one ol the most hean lilul months id the vear among Ine pictnres-'ciie loothills ot tins section, and manv regular visitors, as wen as new ones, preler llns to anv oi.ier season. The ."fall crowd" is .coming in daily now and the pros-peels are good for a most 'enjoyable. month, as the season closes with .-soptetuher. The average woman buy f.hjiigs than go . f I hat. takes money. would rai aer : - -ha! hopping i'Oh t,1iQ LiVFR. tix-jvU Pvcr Ccranitcs the whole systc'.i, nal produces . t)ysjcpsi- -Cor.tvcncs, Rhcu rrtdtiHin, 'i '.'.'v Shin and Piles. Thoro I.- no better remedy for theie cmnmoii diseases thnn DR. TIITT'S LIVRR PICL.S, us a trial will prove. Take No Substitute. COMMISSION FIS' KALK, I nder and by virtue of an order ot the Superior Court ol Wake ( ountv. made in the special proceeding, en titled .1. O. Ruth and wifo.Jda Ruth: M. W. Ruth and wile. Florence Ruth, et al against M. K. Ruth and wife. Haltle C. Ruth: Geo. Williams and and wito, Lovcv iiliams. el al. on Monday, September 10, 11)10, at .12:00 o cIock M.. I. as Commis sioner, will offer for sale to the high est binder, for cash, tit the court house door in Raleigh, N. C, the fol lng described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in the Northwest-, era iseclion of the City of Raleigh, N, C, coniinencing at a point na the North Line of Peace Street in said city, -15 fi-1 0 feet Kast of the North east corner of Brooklyn Road and Peace Street, at the Southwesterly corner of lot; thence Easterly along the North line of Peace Street R!) .feet to dividing line between lots 5 and 6, according to man of said property; thence Northerly with said line 100 feet to a stake; thence Westerly par allel with said Peace Street 50 feet to Lot No. 7, on said map; thence Southerly 100 feet, to the beginning, being lot of land purchased by S. L. Ruth from the Glenwood Land Com pany. JOHN W. HINSDALE, Jr., " Commissioner. This 18th day ot August, 1910. oaw-iw "ff" S i iii lei SAVED V FROM AN OPERATION ByLydiaEPinkliam's Vegetable Compound De Forest, 'Win. "A iter an oper;1 tion lour yeai'3 ago 1 lind painv down ward iu both sides, backache, and a u ikness. The doc tor wanted me to Iki ve another opera tion. ltookLydia K rjiiUham's Veffeta hle Compound ant' I i'.in entirely cured ct my troubles." Mrs. ArnrsTB Vj: 1'K1!iaxx, Do Tor cst, AViscoiirin. Another Operation 'Avoided. Xcw Orleans, "For years 1 suf fered from severe female troubles. Finally I was coulined to my bed and the doctor said nn operation was neces- rary. 1 pave .ylia F.. Pinkhani's cg-' rtitule Compound a trial first, and was saved from ;ui operation." llrs. Lily PuYitorx, 1111 KcrlerecSt, Hew Orleans, J,a. Thirty years of unparalleled success confirms tho power of J.ydia E. Pink ham's Vepetahlo Compound, to cure female diseases. The great volume of unsolicited testimony constantly pour ing' in priiv.". .' ;"! naively that Lydir. 10. 1'inkliamV. '(-i.r.'U;i)le.Coiiipoiiiid is a reinai'.;:.!lv . .r-nieriy iiy tnosc mn tressinct feiiiinlne iih;; from . ivhich so many women siilVer. . - Hf yoti Vv'i( spcolnl aclviccnboiit. voti -:iso write to 7 rf). Piukliam, it I.ynn, Mass..- I (or advice is tree, au! always helpful. Notice lo Owners of Dogs AH dog owners are hereby notified that the ta on their dogs was due .luly Jsf, anil must I e pair on or be Lire September: lilt, I'M 11, or the Police Department,.- whose duty it is to enforce nil ordinances, will pro ceed against them under the ordi nance. I'y order of I lie l-'iniiiice Commit tee. WILLIAM V. AMLLSOX, City Clerk. Succeed when everything else falls. In nervous prostration end female weahnesstij they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever ed over a druggist's counter. Ask onr drncnrlst br it If he ennnut flupply the MARVEL, accept no nthAr. hnt nenu Btmn for ' triited book tled. IS Hives fell io ii'li - MiSVEL CO- H si.. Hw Yifl 'S?s it is the best medicine ever cd 8 Every Woman' iwyi Is interested and fhoulilkEow RWwAM!ttll about the wonderful mm. ml..: m NEW FALL WOOLENS FOR LADIES ND GENTLEMEN Merchant -Tailoring of the Best Sort Citizens and Visitors in the City. , While yon have a few leisure moments, romo in and see the biggest and best display of new Fall Woolens. There is a sense of satisfaction in a merchant tailored garment that is not to be found in lhe ready-to-wear or custom tailored stuff. There is a Keener sense of this siilisfaction when you KNOW that the' men who do the work have an abiding interest in the growth of the business That's the way it is at this shop. All of the new Foreign patterns, as well as tho niftiest home manufactured are here awaitirg your critical eye. We want to show you through,'-- Jlothing thort of the acme of fit and finish is offered to our customers. Bridgers Tailoring Company, MKIU HAXT TAILORING, ; 12(1 Fsij-ettovillc Street - LcMhc Oldest and Best Be the Best for You. Thoue us uiul vte'll cull for your bundle. If our work is not the Iwst, there will be the reason for your going elsewhere we know that It WILL PLEASE VOf. '; . .'-':.; ', . X OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, N RALEIGH N. C. YOUNG MAN! "What of Your Future? Your future success or fail ure depends not upon luck, Imt upon what you are doin NOW. 1'rcparatinii or no preparation determines the future. (Jracln tites of the North Carolina Ag ricultural and Mechanical Col lege for the Colored Kace arc in great demand, receiving splendid compensation, direct In farms, dairies, and Indus trial depart incuts in prominent schools over the country; suc cesl'ul enntractors mid build "ers. Such preparation has IicljieU others and will help VOC. Ilest ni-cotiiiiiodiitioiis, lowest terms. Keally cheaper to ; to school (hau to stay at home, liuard, lodging iind tuition, $7.00 per month. For catalog, free tuition and other informa tion, address, rKKSli)i:.T Dl'DMOY, A. & M. College, fireensl.oro ... - . . Jf. 6 LIGHTNING SHOTS Thai's what you get If yon use the Stevens Repeating ibotun No. $1Q. Tbe rrpcating action i to impla that you can work it with only your thumb itnd finger. No matter how fast you pump thit gun you cannot possibly ba.k of clog it. The empty and th lozird ihIU trivrl by two separate routes. There u no chance for them to meet : and jam. If your dealer hasn't It, wr will". Vend, express prepaid, on receipt of f.ist Price, $iy.oo. Points for the Sharpshooter, Hunter and Trapshooter Write ua and tell u what kind of hooting you are moit interested in: and we will write a letter of advica with many valuable pointers) for the -. . ' - Hunter and bharp&bootcr. We ) will give you short cuii to expert . niarkimansbip, which will not . only make you a better shot than you already are but will cut down your ammunition bills as well. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. DEPT. 5. The Factory of Precisian Chicopce Falls, Mass. AITIiKWTION KOK I'AlthOX Ol' TOM KI.I.1S. Apiili'iitkin will be made In Hie (iovrrnor of North I'molina for ir don of Tom Ellis, convictPd al the Seiitein.ber, ' 1 yofi tcnii (if I bo Hupcr ior I'.mit of Willie county (if die crime of bni-Klnry amr Kcntencpd to tlii? .'Si n to' 1'iiiiou for a tcnii of tven-ty-live years. . All pci wiis who ojipose lhe grant--ins of said pardon are Invited to.lor wan! Ibeir pnilesls to the (lovei nor wit iiout delay.. : TUis t-ie 1st. day of September, 1910, ; MAlUtlS ei IfAUKIS. Attofiieys for Tom Klli:. On oilh'-r llt'Jil or Ivrsonal rietiio-ity. IS. F, MONTAHt'IC. il.i..m. IfUllt I "alien Itnllillnc. i.tlv " " " ..." r.alcigh, N. C. Money to Lend