" the" eveStot mrEsi ralet(ih,x. c, wednfd'at, sept,1'4, '1 fli o: L Kindel Davenport The only practical Davenport Bed on the . market. Let us show you. ' -' 1 Upholstered in Cenuine Leather, Moroc colinc and Cloth: IT GETS TWO YEARS SEIJTEIIC (By Leased-Wire to The Times.) New York, Sept. 14 Ernest W. Ger bracht,. former superintendent of the sugar trust .refinery in Williamsburg, today was sentenced to two years Im prisonment In the federal prison Atlanta, Qa., together with a fine of 5,000 by United States Judge Martin He was tried and found guilty of de frauding the government by the; false weighing of sugar. . Judge Martin granted a stay of ex ecu t Ion pending an appeal to the United States circuit court of appeals to be taken at the first session of this court. ROOSEVELT WRITING PLATFORM CLOISSOfrNE 1 BEAUTIFUL SILVER ENAMEL .JEWELRY. Bar Pins, 80c to .5I.7.". Belt Plus, $1.75 to $2.2.1. Hut Pins, 50c. to $2.50. Waist Pins,' 25c. to $l.:$Ot Cuff Links, $1. 15 to .113.25. Bouquet Holder, $2.00. Kcarf Pin. 50c. to $1.00. Scarf folder, 75tvto $2.00. NEW ATTRACTIVE FALL DESIGNS. H. MAHLER'S SONS. 31 Mew (Ms Continue to come. Bright and fresh just from the mills and factories. Bought some time ago so as to keep the price down. " We are showing New Silks, Woolen Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Neckwear, and a comlete line of Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Etc. - Our Ladies' Shoes are here and await your inspection.- Hunter Bros. & Brewer Company. WE SELL PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERN'S. r Dike's Peraiogen Cream A CItJIASELESS ANTISEPTIC SKIN TONIC. Gives to the skin that smooth and velvety ap pearance so necessary to a beautiful complexion. Price 25 cents. -x ' BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG COMPANY. REGAL SHOES Broken lines of sizes at Cut Prices $3.50, $4.00 apd $5 00 REGALS FOR , $2.75 $3.60 and $3.75 Every pair is perfect Regular prices stamped on each shoe. EDGAR E. BROUGIITON, HABERDASHER, ;, Fayclteville St Raleigh, N. C. Will Seek to Dictate Platform to Re publican State. Convention. (By Leased Wire to The Times) - Oyster Bay, N. Y., Sept. 14 Theo dore Roosevelt Is at work construct' ing a state platform for the progres sives for the republican state conven tlon at Saratoga on September 27 This became known today when Jas. B. Reynolds, of New York, who was special assistant district attorney i the recent white slave Inquiry by the grand Jury, came to Oyster Bay visit the ex-president. Colonel Roos evelt told the newspaper correspond ents that Reynolds bad come to con suit him on a labor plank for t;ie state platform. Reynolds made an investigation for Colonel Roosevelt tiurlng his term as president into con ditions in the Chicago stock yards and the ex-president explained this morning that Reynolds was deeply interested in labor conditions. Mf. Roosevelt had nothing to divulge as to the character of the labor plank that he and Reynolds were to build, nor would he go into a discussion of other planks that he proposes putting into the state platform. That Colonel Roosevelt is reason ably, certain of the general primary result in the state is indicated in this early platform activity, sir. Roos evelt as temporary chairman of the state convention could control the rules committee and could dictate the platform. ' From what he said this morning, however, there Is no certainty that he will try to make himself the tem porary chairman. He will wage the fight against Vice-president Sherman but it is possible that he will push someone else for the championship In that event, should Roosevelt get his man in, he could still foist his platform on the convention. ' " Colonel .Roosevelt was elated over the result of yesterday's primaries In New York. "Naturally I am gratified over the result; it was no less than I expect ed, was his comment. the ex-president is now going ahead with his fight In oiner parts of the state to get control of the del egates. - NEWS FROM PASQUOTANK. (Special to The Tinies) : iwizaDein uuy, sept. 14 a sec ond primary for the purpose of ef fecting the nomination of a demo- cratlc candidate for the of tice of regis ter of deeds in this county will be held on Thursday, September 15. The failure of any of the candidates to secure a majority of the votes cast In the recent primary necessitates this second one. ; There will be only two candidates, the present register of deeds, J. C. Spence, and J. W. Kun den, the candidate who received the next highest number of votes in the first primary. The result of the primary cannot be forestated as it is not known Just how much interest will be taken in it. Harold, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Boss, met with the mtsror tune this afternoon to fall from the top of a wood, shed upon which he was playing, at his home, corner of fomaexter ana hearing streets, and break his arm. Dr. J. B. Griggs set the limb and t.he little fellow Is doing very nicely. The court house was literally packed last night with spectators who gathered to witness the hearing of the case of State vs. Leslie Simpson, upon the charge of seduction. A Miss Midgette, of this city, swore out a warrant last Saturday charging him with being responsible for her deli cate condition. He was arrested and was released on bond until - last night. Attorney E. F. Aydlett conducted the oase for. the defense and Attor ney I. M. Meeklns prosecuted for the state. , -Judge -Sawyer bound the young man over to the actlou of the grand ury in bail in the sum of $500.' Young Simpson since the alleged offense occurred has married anoth er woman. ; 1 The, spring term of Pasquotank superior court will convene here next Monday mosning. There are a num ber of Important cases on the docket and the greater part of the week will be 'consumed in disposing of these cases. , When MIrs Marguerite Barbey bp- came the wife of Gilbert Co"ipton El llo't, of London,' recently at he .anee tral home of the Barbeys, Chateau Bel levue, near Geneva. she displayed among her wedding presents a specially built Farman biplane with two Beats. This present was sent by one of Miss Rurbey's sisters, Baroneis Andre de Neufllse, In recognition of the aviation The Appalachian Exposition a Blaze of Glory; OUUltl 3 Ulg iJHUYV JLlyVCIll Ul LUC 1 Cal llUVV XjpVll r"",t""'ijrr " u """"V" : t- . 111 r: .'jv,' hlk . 1 BIRD'S KYE VIEW OP THR APPALACHIAN KXPOSITION GKOI'XIW,' KNOXVILLK, TENN., but fair APPALACHIAN EXPOSITION Big Show at Knoxville Opens Promptly on Time With JUverythmg Keaay. Thousands of Visitors Attend the Opening Day and Are Astounded at Completeness and Excellence of i the Big Exposition. Buildings and Grounds Represent Outlay. a Million Dollars President Taft and Ex-President Roosevelt to be Visi tors Wrights' Brothers Aeroplanes Brooks' and Weber's Bands and Other Special Features Scheduled. 1 Lowest Railroad Rates Ever Given An Exposition. Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 12 The widely heralded Appalachian Exposi tion, the south 's only big affair of this kind for 1910, opened in a blaze at glory here today and Knoxville nas made gooa ner promise 10 give the south the biggest and best exposi tion of this kind which tias been held or will be seen south -of the Ohio river for years. The amount of money invested m the buildings and grounds represent one million dollars and work on the same has been under way for the past twelve months. The foundation idea of the exposition is to exploit the re sources of the south, particularly that section of the south known as the Appalachian region. Owing to the fact that all the southern railroads have given- rates for this exposition, the lowest ever given tp any exposition, one cent a mile, preparations have been made to take care of the enormous attend ance which this low rate insures. Conservative estimates places the fig ures at not less than one million dur ing the thirty days the exposition will be-open, September lth to Octo ber 12th. " ' Knoxville hotel people have made unusual efforts to be ready to take care of the crowds and two large new hotels have been opened in this city during the past year. The public com fort committee has also arranged for accommodations in boarding houses, etc., in the city to the extent of 20, 000 visitors per day and has also taken steps to see that no increase has been made in any rates for aor commodations; consequently visitors may not only expect comfort treatment. No expense has been spared in making the exposition attractive from every standpoint. Special buildings are devoted to mineral and forestry, agriculture and horticulture, manu facturing and mercantile interests, combining the resources of the Appa lachian region. The women ,are also represented In a building of their own. Negroes also have a large and creditable building. The U. S. government is represent ed with an elaborate exhibit valued at $250,000. The midway Is one of the most complete ever shown in the south, containing everything from' a wild west show down. The Wright broth ers aeroplanes will be on hand, also Strobol's Dirigible balloon. Brooks' and Weber's magnificent bands will provide music during the Expostlon; President Wm. H. Taft will visit the Exposition, the date to be announced later and ex-President Roosevelt will be there on October 7th, which is Spanish war veterans' day. The live-stock, races and horse show features will be on the largest scale of any attempted in the south. $25,000 has been expended In pyro technics, such as Paine's "Battle of the Clouds", 'Fall of Pompeii," etc. The following is a general program of the exposition events: Exposition. September 1 2th to October 12tb. Famous bands. Brooks and Weber, SEPT. 12th TO OCT. 13tW.. during exposition period. v. ' Live-stock and races, September 12th to 17th. s Horse show, September 13th, 14tb' and 15th. Bench show, September 22nd, : 2Srd, and 24th. Pigeon and pet stock show, S6p- . tember 27th to October 1st. - Poultry show, October 5th to 12th...' Wright Brothers, airships, Septem ber 23rd to 29th. Strobel and Coleman every day, September 12th to October 12th. Battle in the Clouds, September 19th to 24th. Fall of Pompeii, September-26th to October 1st. Grand Pyrotechnic Displays, Sep tember 12th to October 12th. " : The Appalachian Exposition .will be of enormous advertising value to the entire Appalachian region as it has been heavily advertised In the north and east and will doubtless attract the attention of millions of dollars of eastern capital in the re-, sources of the entire Appalachian rer gion, all of which will be represented at the exposition. LOW RATES TO EXPOSITION. Unusually low railroad rates have been authorized from this city to Knoxville and return, on account of the Appalachian Exposition.' The coach excursion tickets, on sale Tuesday and Thursday of each week, is $15.25 from this city and return. Upon other days the round trip- rate is $12.25. PHOTOOKflPH' )!' THE MAIN ISriLDING AT NIGHT. AUTOMOBILES The following is a list of all own ers and postofllce addresses, name of machine, lieense number, horsepower and seating , capacity of all automo biles licensed in the state during the week ending September 10: K D. F. Crinkley, Raleigh; Oldsmo- bile, 1937, one colt, 2. ' W. A. Johnson, Littleton; riupino- blle, 1938, 20, 2. T. M. Benton, Winston-Salem:' Cadillac, 1939,. 30, 5. Clias. H. Robinson, Elizabeth City; Cadillac, 1940, 35, 5. W. E. Moffatt, Charlotte; Ram bler, 1941, 34, 5. v.' . W. R. Hartness, Shelby; Maxwell, 942, 12, 2. . Clark Bros. & Pottus, Wilson; Brush, 1943, 7, 2. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Greensboro; Case, 1944, 30, 5. J. B. Flora, Elizabeth City; Cadil lac, 1945, 30, 4. Vance Skipper, Red Springs; Ford, 1946, 15, 2. W. T. Carstarphen, Klttrell; Keo, 1947, 18-22, 4. Harris Gibson, Gibson; Ford 1948, 20, i. C. E. Jackson, Warren ton; Hupmo- iie, 1949, 20, 2. Badger Chapman, Rocky Mount; Overland, 1950, 25, ,4. H. H. Utley, Benson; Maxwell, 1951, 2?, 4. . " W. W. Wood, Charlotte: Chalmers, 1952, 30, 5. ' Bernard W, Leirget.t, Southern Pines: Mrxwell, 1953, 14, 2. . W. T. McCoy, Charlotte; Rambler, 1954. 24. 5. W."'J. Hlierrod, Greensboro: Over land. .1955, 20-22, 4. . D. Trexlor, Asheville; Ford. 1956, 20, 2. '.'.. J. J. Fleetwood, Hertford; Pack ' sfiettmtii " THIS C'Ol'PON IS VALUELESS NOT COUNTED IX SERIES. RESERVE COUPON 9 .... C Fill out below and present or mail today, so that we will hold 9 for your order and ship the same day we receive your series of A coupons and remittance. q To The Evening Times, Raleigh, N. C: 6 I'lease reserve for me one ... V ................. ; (No. of Premium) 0 . ' ........ , .. Household Premium, (Name of Premium) ( If Lamp, state if gas or electric) so that yon can deliver or ship it to mo without any deiay when I deliver oi" iitnd a series of 30 coupons, consecutively dated, and . ... . ' 0 $ ; ' ' ' 9 Name .......... . . . . .... .... .... 0 ' Aildress ....... . .......... A ' ' City . . . . . . ........................ Mail Aliove Coupon to Premium Department at Once. 0 J THE EVENING TIMES SEPTEMBER 13, 1010. No 6 , HOUSEHOLD PREMIUM COUPON. This coupon, signed wlthilm imiile atI address of a reader of THE TIMES, will be honored on any ef our-Household Prem- in ins. " 0 Name . . ...... . . .... , . . , , . ...... 9 Addi'CNM . . , ,y. .... . . , . ',, , City .. .. .. .. .. .. '.. . ... '. .. .. .. .. .. NOTICK--A rotnplete set consists of ;t"hirty (301 coupons of it consecuiivo dittos -only one coupon of eac'bv'd.ite will be accented 0 .0 In each set. . ; ' 7, y Hold Your .Coupons Until you Hilvr the Full Set. 0 Reinenibor, the thirty (Dtl) coupons "mriwt- be- consecutively dated. You can start- wta anv date.- . NOTICE. Superior Court of Wake County ; Thos. W. Krocke and Bert A. Flank ers, Co-partners, trading as Kracke & Flanders, vs. Ai'i D. Zachary, trading as Zachary & Zachury. To A. D. Zachary: Tou are hereby ordered to appear belore me at the court house in Raleigh, N. C,,: On September 24, 1910, at ten d'eiock a, m. and show cause, if any there is, why execution should not issue on the judgment against you In favor of Thos. W. Krocke and Bert A. Fland ers, co-partners, trading as Krocke & Flanders. W. M. RUSS, ' Clerk Superior court Wake Co. 14, 16, 19, 21, 23. ; NOTICE. Superior Court of Wuke County ," Cambridge Manufacturing Co., a cor poration, vs. A. D. Zachary, trad ing as Zachary & Zachary. To A. D." Zachary: You are hereby -ordered to appear before me at the court house In Raleigh, N. C; f on September 24, 1910, at ten o'clock a. m. and snow cause, if any there Is, why execution should not Issuje-' on the judgment against you in favoj' of Cambridge Manufacturing Co., a cor poration. W. M. RUSS,: ; Clerk Superior Court Wake -,. September 14. 1910. k. S 14. 16. 19, 21, 23. NOTICK Superior Conr!. of Wake County.;' Thos. St. John, trading as Ttroj St. John & Co., vs. A. D. Zacharyt ' ' To A. D. Zachary: Yoij are hereby ordered to appear before aie fctvthe court, house In Raleigh, N. C'., on September 24, 1810. Ot ten. Tlock a. m. and show cause, if any the :s, why execution should hot issNfej on the j judgment-, against you In favof of Thds. St. John, trading as Thos.' St. John & Co. W. M. Rtrs:-;, . Clerk Superior Court: Wake'' fc6.' September 14, 1910. ' . . 14, 16. 19, 21, 23. 'exploits Mr. Elliott. . ard, 1957, 30, 7. - ' "TTft TTK TIP

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