THE EVENING TIMES:' RALEIGH, N. 0.; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, '1910. TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain and i v .JfC'-i'. -v "... . . New York Stock. (By'charles W. Storm.) if ' ... . New York," Sept 15 Canadian pad tic led a declining market at the open ing In Wall street, today .'with a rop of 1 points. Interborough-Metropoll- tan, Amalgamated Copper, Reading, Pennsylvania and ,lf.. S. aleel .also snowed iracuonai aecunes. Steel recovered alter a lew tnln. utes of trading and showed a gain of 4 points on" the opening price.. The market showed great activity, ' the largest amount of trading being done in Steel. .." . : This was considered peculiar In the face of unfavorable conditions in this trade, but the general opinion prevailed that it seems close at hand. Trading on the curb market' In New York began fairly active and firm.' American shareB hi London were dull and some of tb. leading issues showed rractionai declines, very iiiue irau lng was done early In the day. ... ' Bear pressure was exterted against the leading rails and industrials in the " afternoon causing losses of one point or more from the top prices of the fore, noon. Many rumors accompanied the selling, one. forecasting the Issue of a new rate schedule by the United States Steel Corporation, cutting the price of Steel billets, while another had the American Smelting and Refining Com pany planning. .announcement of the new financial arrangement. Neither of these could be: confirmed, however. . . , . , . r ' NeW York Closing Stock List. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Amalgamated Copper .. .. American Jee Securities .. American Sugar Refinery ,. American Smelting .. ".. American Locomotive .. American Car Foundry .. .. American Cotton Oil .. .. American Woolen ...... Anaconda .. ..... .. .. .. Atchison .. .... .. .. .. Atlantic Ciast. ,Line .. .. Brooklyn Rapid Transit' .. Baltimore & Ohio ., .. .. . Canadian Pacific ..' .. .. .. Chesapeake & 'Ohio ... .. Consolidated Gas .. .. Central. Leather .. .. Colorado -Fuel & Iron . . '-. . Colorado Southern .. .. ,. . Delaware & Hudson .... .. Denver &' Wo."- Grande ,'. . . . . Distillers Securities ..-'. .. .. Erie .. .. . .. ... ,i Erie, pref. .. .. .. .. .. .. .' General Electije ... .. .. .. Great Western', .. v. .j :.,,' Great Northern, pref. ,,r.. Great Northern pre .. . . Hoc-king Coal & Iron .. .. ... Illinois Central ,. ... .". .. Interboro .. . . . . . " Interboro, pref. .. .......',- Iowa Central .'; .. .. .. .. .. Kansas City Southern Kansas & Texas ..... .. Kansas & Texas, pref Louisville & Nashville Missouri Pacific .. .. New York Central Northwestern ... . ; .. National Lefdr .. Norfolk & - Wesern ..' . ;'. . . ; . Northern Pacific "... Ontario & Western . . , . : . . Pennsylvania .. . Pacific Mall .. .. .. .. .. Peoples. Gas .. : ... . .. .. Pressed "Steel Car .. .. ... Reading . . ". Rock Island Rock Island, ; pref. .. ... ... Republic Iron, & Steel .. .. Republic Iron & Steel, pref. . Sloss-Shef field" ... ... .. .. Southern Pacific... .. .. .. Southern Railway .J .'. .. .. Southern Railway, pref. ... St. Paul . . ,f. .. .. .. Tenn. Copper .. Texas Pacific' .. .. .. .. .. Third Avenue .. .. .. j. ,. Union 'Pacific .. .. ., .... .. V. Su Rubber ,. .. ',..' .. .. Utah'Copper ... .. .. .. .. U. S. Steel ..... .. .. .. '.. ... U. S. Steel, pref.;.. .. .. -.. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Western Union Wabash : Wabash, pref. .. .. , .. .. Westtnghouse' Electric ,. ... Wisconsin Central .. ... Wesern ' Maryland .. ... .. Corn Products .. ... .. 62a .. 18H ..116V4 .. 4 . 35 . . 46 .. 62 .. 27 .. 38 .. 96 ..109 .. 74 ..103 ..188 .. 73 ..129 .. 33 ..- 29 .. 52 ..159 ..- 29 .. 26 .V 25 42 .(142; 22 ..12m .. 54 . 3 ..129 .. 19 . .- 51 ...16 .. 28 ,. 31 i. 63 ,.142 .. Gl ,.111 .144 ,. 60 .. 96 ..116 ..40 .128 27 ;.106 ; ,.33 ..139 . . 30 .. 63 .. 30 ,. 93 ,.55 ,.112 .. 22 . ; 52 ,.119 .. 27 ..26 .. 8 ..163 . . 33 ,. 45 ... 67 ,.116 ... 67' ,.63 ,. 16 I. 35 ..43 ...13 New York Produce. . (By Leased Wire, to The Times) New York, 'Sept. 15 Wheat:', No. 1, easj Sept 101; Dec., 105; May. 109;,No. 2 redl02 in ele- vator; lb3l f.o.b. r ' Corn--No; 2, quiet; 65. Oats-Nti.' white, steady; 38 to 39. s : ' . Rye No. '2, western, dull; 78 Barley--Dull; malting, 71 to 76. Flour Quiet, 6.60 to 5.85; spring patents, Btralghts, 5.00 to 5.35. . ', , Tallow Pilme city Inactive; 7: LardPrlme western; steady; 12.60 to 12.65. . Pork-Mess, steady; 23.50 to 24. 00.- l Coffee No! 7 Rio, steady; 10 to 10. 1 ; 1 . . Sugar Granulated, quiet; 5.15. , : , Chicago Live Stock. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Union Stock?, Yards, -Ills., Sept, 15 Hogs receipts' 12,000; market steady; mixed and butchers 8.60 to .55; good heavy 8.70 to 9.35; rough heavy 8.30 to 8165; light 9.20 to 9.70; pigs 8.40 to 9.50; bulk 8.65 to 9-:05.. - : ' : ' Cattle receipts 8,000;' market steady; beeves 4.85 jtp 8.25; c6ws and heifers 2 50 to 8.60; j Itockera and feeders 3.25 to 5.75; Tex4i 4.40 to 6.80),. calves 7.50 to 9.60. i' ', v ,i ' ,, " Sheep receipts 26,000; market strong. Native and aestern 2.75 to 4 f:. lsmbs .J!7 to 7.00. k , MARKETS Morning Reports From Cotton Belt. Morning reports received by the local office of the weather bureau from the cotton belt show heavy Tains In ex treme Southern Texas and light showers In ' the . central portion of Southern Texas. Light rain is also reported In the Wilmington and Charleston dls tricts. Over the main body of the belt the weather 'has been fair. It is cooler throughout the . northern portion, from Oklahoma to North Carolina. New York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept.- 15 The .cotton, 'market, opened quiet today, with prices unchanged to 6 points lower. Spot interests were active on both sides of the market ana there was some buying from Wall street. Af ter the call prices eased a point or two on room selling, but there was no feature to the trading. . - Open. High.':: Low. Close. 13.61 13.14 13.07 13.06 13.01 13.09 13;09 Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Mar. July 13.45 13.65 13.43 12.98 " 13.24 12.98 12:93 12.89 12.96 12.98 1-3.11 13.06 13.15 13.00 12.91 12.88 12.96 12.98 Market closed barely steady. New York. Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept. 15 Spot cotton, quiet; 5 points higher, at 13.80; sales, 2,550 bales. ' : New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to Tne Times.) Open. , High. Low. Close, Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May ' 13.24 13.30 13.26 12.84 12.98 12.82 13.27 12.96 12.86 12.92 12.97 13.02 13.10 12.80 12.82 12.95 13.01 12.78 12.82 12.96 , 13.14 12.96 13.08 13.20 13.08 13.20 Market closed steady.'1 Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable tl The Times) Liverpool, Sept, 15 Cotlon cpot, steady; American middling, 7.98; sales, 6,000; American, 4,400; re ce'ipts, 14,000; American, 7,500. Fu tures opened 'steady and closed very steady. September . . . . .. 7.76 ; 7.80 v Sept.-Oct. ... . . 7.08 7.17 Oct.-Nov 6.86 ' 6.94 Nov.-Dec. . . . . . 6.80 : 6.85 Dec-Jan. . . . . , . 6.76 6.82 Jan.-Feb. . ., . . . 6.77 6.82 Feb.-March. , . . . 6.77 . 6.82 March-April . -. .. . 6.77 : . 6.83 - April-May . . .;, 6.87 6.83 May-June . .; . . . 6.78V 6.83 Raleigh Cotton Market. Good middling, 13. Strict middling, 13. Receipts, 1 bale. ; Port Receipts. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept. 1 5 Cotton port receipts were as follows: . , New Orleans, 288 against 3,311; Galveston, 16,607 against 11,650; Mobile, 308 against 1,039; Savannah, 7,809 against 12,521; Charleston, 567 against 2,251; Wilmington, 726 against 4,530; ; Norfolk, 486 against 1,342; Baltimore, 1 against 0; Pa cific coast, 300 agalnBt 9551. Total, 27.091 against 37,605. Interior Movement: Houston, 14,- 700 against 13,30a; Augusta, 1,423 against ,3,279; Memphis, 76 against 321; St. Louis, 242 against 268; Cin cinnati, 25 against 82; Little Rock, 0 against 1,835. Total, 16,466 against 19,090. Cotton-seed Oil. New. York, Sept. 15 Cotton-seed oil ; prices, based on prime yellow. ranged as. follows: , Closing. September '. . . . 10.22 October , . . ... 9.30 November ... . . 7.78 10.30 9.35 7.99 7.43 7.45 7.46 7.45 7.47 December . . . . . 7.4 2 January . .'. . . . . 7.43 February . . . , . 7.42 March'.. . .' . . , 7.42 May ... . . . . 7.45 Spot oil, 10.20 10.30; sales, 15,- 20 barrels. - St. Louis Grain jkarket. , : St. Louis, Mo., 'Sept. 15 Cash wheat No. 2 red 88 to 102; No. 2 corn 55; No. oats 30; No. 2 white 44 to 45. . Futures Wheat May 106; Dec. 98 to . . , ' . Corn May 66; Dec. 52. Oats May 36; , Dec 33. ...... . .. . Raleigh Produce Market. Reported Pally by M. lXoenthal Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Butter .. .. ., ...... f. SO tp 3Bc: Eggs ;;. v '.' , - Z5c. Hams Sugar Cured . . '. . .'. 22c. North Carolina . V . . ,. . 26c Virginia . . . 27 c. Bacon .. .. .. i .. .. .. 17 c. Spring Chickens . . . . 80 to 40c. Hens . i. i , 'v . . V ' 6 to 65c Irish Potatoes .. .. .1, .. $1.00 bu. Cabbage , . v v. .i i . B to16c Heal .. .. .. $2.00 bag Flour ..:. .; , '. .. $6.B0 bbl. Ontun,:,,;'";".n", r 'iTl'l Jur'i,l!l0kiJTnJtmeilit8'agalnst the offenders. BY WIRE. Provisions New Y'ork .Cotton Letter. , (By W, B. HlbbB & Company.) New York, Sept. 15 Extraordinary rainfalls bf 4 to '8 inches In. extreme southwestern part of Texas, In' the Corpus Christ! district, as the result of the progress which the big gulf storm has made last night in touching thatiart of the state in its movement in a nortnwesteriy direction Into Mex ico; had the effect of advancing the market sharply before the noon hour today of a flurry among the shorts, The short Interest In the near months are believed to be lame in this market nd Liverpool and this will help to sus tain prices until the movement of the crop has had an opportunity to show the natural Increase which must soon develop from the broadening of ginning operations. , We, therefore, still see little probability of more than tempor ary ralies from such technical mar ket conditions, as witnessed in today's little flurry among the shorts. The advance carried October up 25 points to its high level of 13.24 and the rest of the list responded wlthi a sympathetic rise of from 15 to 20 points with December selling at 13.11; Jan. 13,06 and March 13.15; while Sept. ad vanced to 13,65. There was good selling on this rise and prices late In the day reacted moderately from their highest on this. Navni Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah. Sept. 15 Spirits Tur pentine: Firm; 71; sales, 70; re ceipts, 581. Rosins: Firm; sales, none; re ceipt. 1,995. Quote: WW, 6.90; WG, 6.85; N, 6.75; M, 6.55; K, 6.50; I. 6.45; H, 6.35; G, 6.32; F, 6.25; E, 6.20; D, 6.15; C, B, A, 6.05. New York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Sept. 15 Money on call, 1 7-8 2 percent; time mon ey, quiet; 60 days, 3 4; 90 days, 4 4 1.-8 ; six month, 4 . Posted rates: ' Sterling exchange, 484 487 with, actual business in bankers bills at 486.30 bid and asked for demand and 483 for 60 day bills. Prime mercantile paper unchanged in rates. Baltimore Grain Market. (By Leased Wire to The 'Times.) ' , Baltimore, Md., Sept. 15 Wheat closed weak. Spot and September 98; October 99: Nov 100 to 100; De cember 102 to 102. Corn closed dull; Spot and year 62. Oats closied quiet, No. 2 white 37 to 17 ; standard 36 to 30; No. B white 36 to 36; No. 4 white 35 to 35. STILL INVESTIGATING. Uneasiness Among Chicago Packers . at Persistence of Grand Jury. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chicago, Sept. 15 Considerable uneasiness was felt among Chicago packers today when it became known that the federal grand jury which is inestigating the beef trust, had not concluded its investigation with the indictment of the ten millionaire packers, but would continue for a few days and probably return more true bills. . It was reported that two more mil lionaires, one of them a New Yorker,' were to be indicted on charges of conspiracy . in connection with the formation of the beef trust. The trials of the ten heads and employes bf the National Packing Company', Swift & Company, Armour & Com pany, and Morris & Company prob ably will come up in October, KILLED IN LANDSLIDE. Seven : Persons Dend and Scores Wounded In Landslide. ; . (By . Cable to The Times.) Madrid, Sept. 15 Seven persons were killed and scores wounded in a great landslide at Abanllla, according to a report which was brought to t'hls city today. The disaster took place on the 9th, but, owing to jthe difficult means of communication, word ot it was not received here until today. It Is be lieved that later reports will swell the death list. Heavy rains caused the landslide. The . earth of a mountainside, loosened by the storms, suddenly gave way and nearly the whole village was swept into the valley. . . . ' The meagre details received here stated that workmen are now employ ed In clearing away the debris and tt Is believed that,, other .. bodies .wljjbe recovered. ' MILK PRICK" RAISED." Increase in Price May Cause Grand Jury Investigation; - (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' ' Washington, Sept. 15 As a result of the milk producers association today to Increase the wholesale price of milk to 24 cents per gallon, being two cents higher than the upnprecedented high price , of 22 cents per gallon charged last winter, It Is-believed that the 'dis trict grand jury Will at once begin an investigation of the local, milk trust. 1 When United States District Attorney Wilson was asked what steps his. oft flco might take, in view of the action of the association he said: "There are two steps that may be taken. We can file a bill In equity to dissolve any unlawful trusl-or combin ation of milk dealers' or! w may' take Criminal action by presenting the mat ter) to the grand jury and procure ATTEMPT AT" ROBBERY.- Attempt to Rob Postofflce Was Un successful. ' r (By Leased Wire :to The' Times.)" ' Baltimore, Md., Sept.- 15 A' gensa tlonal and daring attempt at robbery In the postofHce of Baltimore was checked late this afternoon, when an aged : man, . alleged to be a veteran crook and costofflce robber was cap tured after one of; the' most exciting chases witnessed . In the neighborhood of the federal building. . But his "getaway" was not accom plished before he lhad upset half a dozen persons In his mad dash' for lib erty. Tf robbery occurred while, large bundles of stamps were' being trans ferred from one room to another. The man; whom little notice was taken of, grabbed a package which contained stamps to the value of. $1,000 and then made a break through one' of the large doers. An official attempted to stop the man but he knocked the former down, and rushing Over .."his body made his way to the street followed by cries of "ston thief." . Three or four persons who got In the man's path were bowled over like so many ten pins, but he was finally captured after he had dropped the bundle of stamps which were recover ed. ;.. . '. . When brought before Inspector Hooten he smilingly gave the name "John Doe."' .. He will be arraigned before . the United State commissioner tomorrow. OLD LINE LOSING. Gains Made by Insurgents and l)eino , rrats in Preliminary Battles. (By Leased Wire to. The Times) Washington, Sept. 15 The forces of tile national "standpat" ' republi cans have suffered heavily in the pre liminary engagements to' the fall's political battle. The result of elec tions and primaries to date shows that fifteen insurgents of democrats have been nominated to succeed old line republicans in the house of rep resentatives and one to succeed a United States senator. The losses of the organization re publicans show by the summary of states are as follows: Nominations for the house: Cali fornia, 2; Kansas, 4; Michigan, 2; Missouri, 2; Nebraska, 1; Ohio, 1 and Washington 1. Michigan gets one senator. The election of democrats: Maine, tWO..;-.:'..: '.-.,: -,-.' . ' '",,' The result of the Maine election gives the foes of the old liners claim on another seat in the United States senatorship through the fact that the democrats will control tb legislature which will elect a successor to Sena tor Hale. uitf,. 'ill Census Figures. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Sept. 15 The cen sus bureau, today made" public the following population returns: Ohio Cleveland: 560,663; last census, 3 8 1 ,7 6 8 ; increase, 4 6 . 9 . Illinois Joliet : 34;i70T last cen sus, 29,353; increase, 18.1. APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF ; ED. SNEED. '. Application Will be' made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Ed Sneed, convicted at the March Term of the Superior Court of Wake County of the crime of Lar ceny and Receiving, and sentenced to the Public Roads for a term or twelve months. ' ' ' All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are tnyited to for ward their protests to the Governor without delay. This the 15th day of September, 1910. HARRIS & HARRIS, 15-22 Attorneys for Ed. Haris. COMMISSIONERS' SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wake County, made in the special proceeding, en titled J. O. Ruth and wife, Ida Ruth; M. W. Ruth and wife, Florence Ruth, et al against M.' F. Ruth and wife, Hattie C. Ruth: Geo. Williams and and wife, Lovey Williams, et al, on Monday, September 19, 1910, at 12:00 o'clock M., I, as Commis sioner, will offer for sale to the high est bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C, the fol- lng described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in the Northwest ern section of the City of Raleigh, N. C, commencing at a point on the North Line of Peace Street in said city, 45 6-1 0 feet East of the North east corner of Brooklyn Road and Peace Street, at the ,S,th westerly corner of . lot; thence Easterly along the North line of Peace Street 50 feet to dividing line between lots' 5 and 6, according-to map of said property; thence Northerly with said line 100 feet to a stake; thence Westerly par allel with' said Peace Street. 50 feet to Lot No. 7, on said map; -thence Southerly 100 feet to -the beginning. being lot of land purchased, by S. L. Ruth from the Glenwood Land Com pany. . .;".'". . JOHN W. HINSDALE, Jr.. , . Commissioner. This ISth day of August, 1910. oaw-4w HUBBARD P0S.&C0 HANOVER SQUARE, N1W YORK. MEMBERS of New York' Cotton Exchange, New Orletfns Cotton Exchange, Associate Members Liv erpool Cot't6n'"A'ssoclhtin."l("; ORDERS SOU0ITED--For the purl haea urnl bnln lif Cnttnn for fiitn delivery. Correspondence Invited. J 1 A Want Ad. in The Evening Times goes on ' that buyer-seeking errand for you, goes into the tittle houses and the trig, among the rich and the poor talks the language of "self interest" to the thrifty and finds your markets for you. . Get the Servant Sell the Lot Rent the Rouse Find the Lost. Evening Times. Ads. Can Do Most Anything. "' NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 10c. ATTENTION Special offer , of The Times. Wetfre- offering to the ... readers of The Times whether they are new or old subscribers, the choice of several useful and val uable premiums, any of which are a necessity in every home. Watch The Times and take advantage of our liberal offer. . tf LACE CURTAIN CLEANING TIME is here. : Phone 74, Peoples Laun dry, t. f. BLANKETS WASHKD WITHOUT shrinking. Peoples Laundry. Phone 74. t. f. LEAVE YOUR BUNDLES AT PEO pies Laundry ofllce, 107 Fayette ville street. t. f. PIGS KOU SALE Some nice, thor oughbred English Berkshire pigs ; for sale. They are now ready for delivery. They are of the very best of registered Berkshire breed. Ap- ply at once if you want any of them. John C. Drewry. .... 16-t.f COLT FOR SALE 1 have one nice, well bred colt, three and one-half years old, for sale. Raised on my farm near this city. He will be a bargain at $150. John C. Drewry. 16-tf ' WANTED Thrifty people to clip coupons and take advantage of the splendid premium offer Tho Times is making to its subscribers. tf WANTED All housekeepers in Ral eigh and nearby towns to call at our premium department to look at the beautiful premiums we are giving to subscribers of The Times. Beautiful lamps, clocks, silver ware, etc., come in and -look them over. Yes, it is worth a visit. tf. LOST Gold flower pin, with dia mond in center; probably lost at ball ground. Reward if returned to Times office. . 5-tf ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. No canvassing. Be yeur own boss. Seild for free booklet. "Tells how, Heacock, A5262 Luckport, N. Y. 4-19 t. f. ' WANTED Men to iearn Barber Trade. Practice furnished by free work, careful instructions by ex perts. Few weeks completes. . Tools given, board secured. Ex perience in shops before complet ing. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. ' 9-6t. WANTED Geese leather beds and old .Mahogany furniture. Best prices. Address C. L. Robinson, Gen. Delivery, Raleigh, N. C. 12-5t WANTED Four or five rooms in pri vate family to do light housekeep ing by man and wife. Write W. P. F., P. O. B. No. 167, Raleigh, N. C. v 13 3t. WANTED A Good Butler. Apply at 708 Hillsboro street. 17 t. f. FOR SALE Several of my thorough bred Barred Rock Cocks and White Orphingtpn Cockerels at reasonable , prices. Barred Rock eggs for fall setting. Wm. T. Harding ,116 W. Jones. 8-tf IOU CAN HAVE GOOD TEETH IF you will keep them clean. You should brush your teeth every morning and night. Clean teeth do not decay and all decay begins on the outside of the teeth. The nearer you keep your teeth clean the less decayed teeth you will have. When your gums bleed, eas ily they are unhealthy and need treatment. Brushing . your teeth regularly will stop your gums from bleeding. Brushing the teeth ' regularly saves dental bills and prevents toothache. Brushing the teeth regularly causes pretty teeth, sound teeth, and a pleasant breath. A bad condition of the throat, nose, or earS is made worse by decayed teeth. vThey invite infectious diseases-because they afford a' perfect : lodgment for germs. " Wolf cared for teeth and. a clean mouth help to prevent consumption and all con tagious diseases. Cleanliness op poses disease. Dr. Ernest H. H. BrOughton, Raleigh, N. C. 15-eod-8t ' - EVERYTHING SEASONABLE IN in sea food received twice a (Jay. C. D. Arthur. 15-3t OIK Ranges sold at cost; connection free, along our line of main. . STA1ABD- GAS AND ; ELECTRIC Cpnffflfe, ,; Pfcoxw ittJt-ltepreawutjvw S.U GiJl s Templprary Office 107 S. W!mj4cn Ctj.' OneCent aVord CasH With Order WANTEI Position at once by ex ' perienced stenographer, permanent . or:,, temporarily. ' Not afraid of work. Good reference. Will start on moderate salary. Address "Willing" care The Times. 13 e. o. d. t. f. FOUND AT LAST: Beautiful Vene tian art lamps, large mission 8-day, strike the hours and half hour, clock, stands 26 inches high and 13 inches wide. Also a large as sortment of other valuable articles for readers of The Times. Call at once and claim same at our prem ium office. tf WHEN IN NEED OF SHOE REPAIR ing phone 704, Electric Shoe Shop, 14 E. Hargett St. Work called for and delivered. 7-tf FOR-. SALE Remington Typewriter No. 7, almost new. Price $37.50. Address "K", P. O. Box 345, City. It IS. E. ROGERS SAWS WOOD, SELLS and delivers Oak or Pine in large or small quantities. Reduced rates on sawing large quantities. Phone 1034-M 415 South "Person Street. 14-2t. WHEN SCHOOL OPENS YOU WILX. need Blotters. We have them. J. C. Allison & Co., Fire Insurance agents, 107 Fayetteville street. Sat., Tues., Thurs., Sat. WANTED Firct class printer for weekly paper. Addres Box ' 125, Lillington, N. C. 15-2t LADIES Your Suits altered to fit, repaired, steam-cleaned, and pressed. Gentlemen's Suits done likewise. . Satisfaction guaranteed. Capital 'phone 384 and 386. Join our pressing club. $1.00 per month. Bridgers Tailoring Co., 120 and 216 Fayetteville Street. Ion., Tues., Wed., Thur. WANTED To purchase two or three second hand showcases six or eight : feet in length. A'ddress P. O. Box 446,, City. "''".';': l4-2t. : ' WANTED School boys to carry routes in afternoon. Good pay to right boys. Will not , interfere with school, duties. Apply Circu lation Manager The Evening Times.. 15-3t TEN DOLLARS REWARD FOR RE turn of Diamond Set lost from ring. M. Ashby Lambeth. ; 14-4t. WANTED AT ONCE Experienced cook. Single woman preferred. Apply 417 S. Dawson street. 15-lt MELROSE The Flower of quality for quality people. , Costs no more. Pleases the wife. 14-3t. FOR SALE -Sash weights, building castings and columns, engines, boilers, smoke stacks, grate bars, mill supplies and machinery re pairs. Raleigh Iron Works Co., Raleigh, N. C. 8-eod-tf Florida Excursion To Jacksonville and Tampa, Via Southern Railway, September 27th. ROUND TRIP RATES. From Oxford . . Raleigh . . Durham . Burlington For rates from intermediate slut Ions seo laro tlyeis. . Elegant Pullmans und Day Coaches will he operated from Ral eljjli and all principal points connecliiiK with Sprcial Train leaving Charlotte at 11:10 p. ., September 27th, 1910. Tickets rok1 returning on regular train uj to nnd ineluilinj: October 4tli. . - : A rare oppoi'luiilty to vltlt beautiful Tropical Florida nt a very cheap rate. . ... ... t.. ' FoV further information ask any agent or write , W. H. PARNELL, ji Traveling Piissenser Agent, Raleigh, N. C. it: ' . '- : ' ' - W WANTED-Young' ladles fr tele-, phone' operator-."-BrjttelB'-' necessary Apply i, Ralojgh ; Tele-.: phone Company-',V:'--'','.1'A5t. T." 1 POPULARIT l" , NGHTjfttlDAv" Sept1. 16th. Wh wlirM8he nipst1 popular1 lady 5 4)respftii, Glenwood? Rinlt. . - - l-St. FOR.. RENT Nice-"l-room-flat.- Eiec-. .. .trie lights, 'furnace ' beat!;' '-fifteen 2, minutes walk from postofilce.'- A1- , dress. Flat care Times. r 15-3t. ALL KINDS . SCHOOL BOOKS,: ; bought. ,f. sold, exchanged. - Old Book Stored' -S, - ' " 15 lt HOUSE , AND1 LOT FOR SALE House and: lot: occupied by the late S. L. Ruth , on Brooklyn HU1 will ' be sold to the highest bidder for cash at ' the court nouse, floor1' on j Monday, the l9tn, at 12 o-cJaok. . : 15-4t ' -tV: ' FORRENT Store room; . furnace heated; 11? Fayetteville-- street. Possession givea'-.' Jan. -1st, 1911.. Apply to Dr. . Norwood .Oxv Carroll. 15-eod-tf ; 4 SELL YOUR SURPLUS BOOKS FOR cash to Southern Book Exchange. 15 it..., .: MACKEREL BL1JE FISH, TROUT, Norfolk. Spots, '.andi anything in season at my place. ' C. D. Arthur. 15-3t " FOR RENT That deslraare cottage, corner Elm and Lane Streets. .... Ap ply Darnell & Thomas. 15-tf SCHOOL BOOKS AT HALF PR!fE or exchanged. Old Book Store.-15-1 1. . . -1 IF YOU WANT OYSTERS OUT OF an absolutely sanitary display can call on C. D. Artnur. . 15-3t FOR RENT Furnished house; with in two blocks of Capitol. Address W, care Evening Times. Thur-Sat, WANTED BY POOR GIRL Place to work for board and room while at tending college. Address Box 401. : 15-3t. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassing.. Send for particulars. Press Syn dicate. B 5363 Lockport, N. Y. WE NOW HAVE PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE FLOUR In Burrels, $6.25. We Guarantee . - ' ' PATAPSCO. . - , Just Received New N. C. Dried Peaches . Pwled). Extra - Fine Fruit, 15c. Pound. EITHER 23 PHONE. Hj. JOHNSON, Successor to D. T. JOHNSON & SON. : 16 E. Hargett St., Ralehih. N. X KEEP OFF THE ASPHALT. The laying of asphalt on the streets begins this week. Walking or driving upon it before It- Is com pleted greatly damages it. .. The streets will be barricaded, and until the barricades are removed all per sons are forbidden to drive or walk upon the asphalt. Violations "of, tins regulation will make the violator re sponsible for damages. - . " . ' J. S. WYNNE, 9-14-3 1 Mayor. Leave To To .1:1.1 p.m. Jacksonville, $7.r0; Tampa, $9.50 4:05 p.m. Jacksonville, ; Tanipu, 9.00 5:0H p. in. .Jacksonville, 7.00; Tampa, 9.00 0:2!) p.m. .Iitcksiinvilii', 7.00; Tampa, 9.00 - :. 4--''-'i .'V":..:y,: '.::; .': : J A '...- ; 'V ttl v .yrjfu-.i I -! ::-.:4 ;r :.iv:.v.:- ,m u i ! . . l'....l!J- ' - ; I tiid ' -'--'4 . ,-t 4 ' -:-:?.! . ' 'MS :il ,iU H. VI '' -a. .!' m t ' . ltif 'l . no:r - 'KttVi.if !"" " "Mv.A i . . . ; - . .. t . i xVM. ' f i f iii e .nxil , 'unit .: -;. -: I. i it u.t. i-iim: . .. . 'f a tc DWj'' K'l'j.l