-,8 THE EVENING TIMES: RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 191Q. 1 i f . VI The greatest value ever offered in a Jap Rug Always something going on in Special values at the Peoples Big Store. Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street. IHE WEATHER. For lialeiyh and Vicinity: Increas ing cloudiness: iouahlv showers late tonight or Sunday; somewiiat cooler Sunday. For North Carolina: Increasing cloudiness with suowars late tonight or Sunday; cooler Sunday; winds shifting to northeast and increasing. Weather Conditions. The tropical storm has advanced nort h-northeast ward during the last 24 hours, hut its center has not yet reached the southwestern coast of Florida. It is still causing rain in southeast winds and heavy ra:n v. southern Florida and also covers the southeastern portion of the Gulf.' Klsewhere east of the Ttoelty Moun tains fair weather is reported, though with some cloudiness in the north eastern slates. Hain is falling in Utah and Arizona. The temperature is above normal in nearly ail sec tions. Conditions are favorable for In creasing cloudiness, and probably showers in this vicinity tonight or Simdav, witli somewhat cooler weath er Sunday. I.. A. DKNSON, Section Director. WILL SI'KVIv IX NKW YORK. - y- -'7 ' Insurance Commissioner Young Will Address Casualty and Surety In derivi'iters. Insurance Commissioner James R. Young left last night for Halt miore, where lie will spend Sunday with Commissioner Cronse, of Maryland. On Monday, togetner with Com missioner McMaster. of South Caro lina, and Commissioner Butler, of Virginia, he will go to Philadelphia to investigate t:ie Fraternal Mystic Circle. .)n Tuesday he will address the casti'ltv and surety underwriters of New ork. Series of Ser nous Cliristian Church. Johnson, pastor of tue Re I.. F llillsboro Street Christian church, is in-eaohliig a series ot Sunday nigat sermons on the subject of lite. .Theme for tomorrow nignt, ' The Moral Life." Text, .lames 4:14. The doors of the chinch will be open ed tomorrow at 11a. m. tor the re ception of members. The baptizing w ill be announced later. The special meetings closed Thursday nignt with excellent results. Chas. Butler and Ms wile have been engaged tor a future meeting. : Two SH'akinns At (Jarner. The citizens ot darner will have hot political times today, as the can didates on two tickets will tell them Just liow to vote in November. At 12 oVlock the republicans occupy the limelight, and tonight, the "straight democrats", will try to explain things from tueir point of view. Services At Soldiers' Home. .Services at Soldiers' Home tomor row afternoon will he conducted by Rev. Al. A. Barber, of Christ church. Insurance Commissioner James R. "Young left last night for New York on business. He expects Ao be gone a week or ten davs. ."..'','::.' r ' . ..:..'. is the name on a box of Candies that guarantees purity, quality, fresh ness. There's"NonelikeNunnally's." We receive them fresh almost daily. Tht Idtal holiday yiff. JAPANESE RUGS Room Size 9x12 Feet 25 Rugs in this Sale. Raleigh, N. C. I'HK MAX OX THK 1MX. The l'iist Tlieatiical Attraction at The (iraiitl a Uig Farce Last Night. A gool house was at the tlrand last niKlit to witness the lirst theatri cal attraction taere, "The Man on the i!ox." The storv as told by Harold Met; rath is a .popular one and the audience was looking forward to a delightful presentation of the popu lar play. The less said about the show the better, the wiiole .performance, with the exception of Mr. liert l.elgh, in the Stellar role, being about the blg-ges- farce ever imposed on a Raleigh audience. It was poorly staged, tne actors were overloaded with 'make up" while most of tlfe parts were played line amateurs. Bert I.eigh, as Lieutenant Robert Warburton, lately resigned, masques- ading as a groom, was the one re- deein.ng feature; in iact, he was the whole snow. Kudowed with an un usual amount ot good looks and an attractive personality, he was ne man for the part and was altogether delightful, lie was met with fre quent applause, and while he held the stage, he overshadowed tae poor er points of the play, so the aud ience managed to find some enjoy ment. Altogether, the sell was taken very good naturedly. COltntX'S MIXSTRKI.S. Greeted With Wis Applause From Utile Audience Last Kvcning. Big applause from a little audience greeted Coburn's Greater Minstrels at the Academy of Music list even ing and the greater part of the ap plause was well merited. It was a clever perl ormance. T:ie balcony was well filled on both sides, but down stairs only a handful of tiie regulars were pres ent. However, this small crowd was ii most enthusiastic one, and the ef forts of the singers, dancers, come dians, etc., were received with pro longed applause in every case where tae act was deserving ot the ap plause. Owing to the tact that for some inexplicable reason tue house did not provide its patrons with pro grams the names ot the artists are not known to the writer, but it can be said that t he soloists, yodler, quar tet and comic songsters, were excep tionally good and their work heartily applauded. The second part of the perform ance, including the novelties and spectacular acts, was on a par with the first part, and all in all, it can be said without any tear of contradic tion, that Coburn's Greater Minstrels pleased its Raleigh patrons and that a much larger house was deserved. Worse Than Bullets. Bullets have often caused less suf fering to soldiers than the eczema L. W. Harriman, Burlington, Me., got in the army, and suffered with forty years. "But Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me when all else failed," he writes. Greatest healer for Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises and Piles. 25c. at all drug gists. A woman is judged by the society she's unable to get into. HENRY T. HICKS CO. and TUCKER BUILDING PHARMACY. MAKES UNIQUE RECORD a '.a f ' -..,... '1.1. Arrested for Ddinkeness Three Times In One Day Young White Man Proves His Taste For Raleigh Whiskey (Jets Out on Horn! and Gets Drunk Again Before His Trial. Three trips to the station house In less than twenty-four hours was the unique record made by D. H. Me- Gee, white, of Rocky Mount, Thurs day night and yesterday, eaeh trip being the result of an overamount of booze. This morning he was fined $5 and coats, $2.75, in one case and judgment suspended in the other two. On Thursday night about 9 o'clock, hackman, while driving down Fay ttevllle street, observed a man sitting m a store window, swaying to and fro, as if under some other than human influence. The hackman drove up close to the sidewalk to get a closer view of the man, and as he did so the man, who afterwards proved to be Metlee. hailed him, scrambled In and ordered him to drive ahead. 'Where must. I drive to, boss'.'" said the negro driver. "To the police station," answered Mi'tiee, and that's where the driver took him. Arriving at the corner of the market, the hack came to a stop, McGee got out and a policeman was made acquainted with the man's In tentions. When locked up, he explain d Ills peculiar actions to the turnkey, saying that he had some money on him and if he remained on the rtreets his condition somebody might rob nun, while he knew his fine wouldn't be over four or five dollars. At four o clock next morning he was about sober and was let out on a ten dollar bond. When the time fur trial ca.me, however, instead of being In court McGee was In the police station having been arrested again for over intoxication. This time he was held n the station house until the .middle of the afternoon, when he was turned out on the sn nie ten dollar bond. Lo! and behold! about ti:'M) o'clock that very same afternoon he was ai rested on Wilmington street, full to the lillt, and again he was brought to the police station. This time he was about out of funds and would have emained in the lockup all night but for a brother in the cause, who put up cash bond for his appearance this morning. , After settling with the court this morning, he started toward the door, md just as he crossed the threshold he turned and Inquired, "What time docs the next train leave here?" "Where for?" he was asked. "Anywhere!" "12:30. going east," he was told. "Well, I'm gone from here on that train." was his parting remark, as he adjusted his cranium cover and hustled down the stairs. Judge Stronach had another itlner ant imbiber betore him today in the person of James Snipes, a middle aged white man, who told the court he hail ed from Hamlet. This b'lng Ins first offense in Raleigh, he was given the usual cut rate of the costs, amounting to $:i.rr. "You're a good man. I see you have a good heart in yer. Much oblige," were Ins remarks to the court after pay ing his bill. ... THK FIXAIj TOrCHKS. The Fair Grounds Present a Scene Toduy F.xhihits Busy Ih'iiiR Placed and Shows Put I'p. The state fair grounds presented a scene of activity today such as- lias never before been seen on Saturday before the opening of the fair, livery inch of space in the different build ings Is being tilled with exhibits. Many exhibitors have already placed their exhibits. Both sides of the midway are being lined with shows and several of them are open for business today. Nearly all of the lunch stands are open and doing a flourishing business. The live stock stalls are being tilled with the choicest breeds and by Mon day this part of the exhibits will be crowded. As you enter the main entrance you see people here and there erecting their tents, and those that are complete are waiting for customers. Floral Hall has already taken on the appearance mid-fair, and some of various exhibits have been arranged. As one Journeyed through the various departments toddy he was struck with the rapidity In which the exhibits are being arranged. The grounds near the main build ing are covered with the displays of heavy machinery and . farming Imple ments. The handsome new Agricultural and Horticultural Exposition Hall present ed a pleasing appearance. Here the agricultural department has one of the most complete displays ever seen In tins or other states, and it would do credit to a big exposition. Up the midway Secretary Poguo was surrounded by a score of showmen, concessionaries, etc., all anxious to se cure their rpace In order to erect their tents. The eye was greeted with busy scenes on every side, from which will rise the greatest state fair ever held in North Carolina, on Monday will see almost everything in readiness for the thous ands of visitors who are already be ginning to come in. Mrs. Geo. Green, a missionary from China,- will address the woman's mis sionary society of FayeUeville street Baptist church Monday, Oct. 17, 1910 at 7:30 p. m. All cordially invited. Mr. Z. H. Broughton, of Greenville, N. C, arrived In the city this morn Norfolk-Southern Railroad train No. 18, due to leave Raleigh at 3:00 p. in., dally, except Sunday, will leave Union Station at 4:30 p. m., during Fair Week October 17th to October 22nd. Inclusive. .... . " Sweattwrs. M fe Mfe A great assortment of Sweaters in White, Red, Grey, Navy, Black. . These Sweaters are of the best makes and our $1.98 Sweaters are $2.50 values. We have them in the different sizes from $1.98 to $7.50. ED 5e In White, Cardinal, Grey, Navy Blue, Brown, values in this lot, from 50 cents to $3.50. 203-5 Fayetteville St C. C. Phone 799. POISOXKI) THKOI'GH SCAMV Mercurial Head PvdT I'sed liy Mother Causes Heath of Baby. John A. MacFarland, two years old, of 2520 North Nape street, Phil adelphia, died in the Mary Drexel Home yesterday from poisoning re sulting from his mother rubbing a mercurial preparation on his head. Mrs. MacFarland is frantic that her baby should have died as a result of an act of maternal kindness. The officials of the home and Deputy Coroner Braun have done what they could to comfort her, however, In forming her that death from mercu rial poisoning through the pores of the scalp is unusual. "No blame lor the child's death is attached to any one," the deputy cor oner said today, after he had made an Investigation. "I had used the substance, on John's head before," Mrs. McKarland said. "It did not harm him then, and I had no idea it would harm him this time." A physician in the Drexel Home explained that the mercury in the preparation used on the child's head had worked its way throiigri tae pores of the scalp,, entered me Mood, and been carried to the kidneys. There is set up an irritation that caused death after the little fellow had suffered terrlhlv. It was a day after the mercurial preparation had been used before ill ness manifested itself. Then Mrs. MacFarland carried her baby to the home for treatment. The doctors here say the preparation is used on the heads of thousands of children, II of whom are endangered New York Press. Special Services at Nazareth Catholic Church. . The morning service of high mass and sermon will take place at 10:00', ' , , " , ,, ....... , 1 longer showing and more valuable o'clock There will he special services af 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon, con sisting of vesper, benediction, and sermon. The .sacrament of baptism will be administered at this service to several candidates. To all these services the public is cordially invited. IN THE HST OF IU MOK. Friends You fought bare-headed? French Duelist -Yes, and got a line sun-stroke. Journal Amusal. Miss Antique I was born on a Friday. Do you think thai unlucky? Miss Caustlque Yes: If It was long enough ago. Philadelphia Rec ord. "I sent a poem to that magazine, and now I hear it has failed." "Too bad. But maybe they won't sue you tor damages. Atlanta Constitution. ' Mother (visiting son at prepara tory school)--Well, my darling? Son I say, mother, don't look so ghastly pleased before all these fel lows. Punch. Elsie Ethel's marriage was dreadfully unromantic. Ida Yes; even the man she mar ried was the one she was engaged to. Chicago News. "What is a gentleman, any way?" "A gentleman is a smoker who throws his cigar away before enter ing a car, instead of trying to keep it until he alights." Buffalo Ex press. One genius Is about all the aver age family can afford. PILES CURED AT HOME JY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If TOn : ltllffl fMH MnAln I I .... t.1 1 A or nmtrnllna ihim .' ...... 1ja and 1 will tell yon htm to care jroarMlf at muiuv uj ui. ww iMurpuoD iiwnnt ; and will ilao Ml tome ot ml kom treatment (rM far 1rll, with rrftmem from row own locality If rcqoested. Innmllata re lief and permanent care aummd. Send mo Bwinv hilt tMll hu ,1.1. ' tnda'fto tin. M. Suntowra, . Box P, Motra, (Num. lad. mi CWtta's Sweaters H F A New Postoffice Station, to be Opened November 1 Will be Located at Levister's Store at t 'oilier of Person and Pace Streets For the Citizens of Pilot Hill and North Raleigh. The:. poRtoftice. department has au thorized Postmaster Willis (. Brlggs to open up another station in this city November 1. This station will be in Mr. T. O. l.evister's drug store, at. the corner of Person and Pace streets, and will be known as Station No.' 4. ,: This station will be a great conven ience to the citizens of Pilot Mill sec tion and extreme north Kaleigh. When the legislature meets an other station will be opened in the coitol building, making five stations lor the citv. Malaria Makes Pale, Sickly Children. The old Standard GROVE'S TASTE - LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma laria and builds up the system. For grown people and children, 50c. Important Notice to Exhibitors the State Kair, October 17-22. at Exhibitors are most, respectfully urged to get their exhibits on the grounds tins year as early as possible so they may be placed in position and fully Installed by Monday even ing, October 17th. If exhibitors will act promptly upon this request they llrill COI, (1,nmL.nl,TAn mnh ........ ,.,, ,. . th ni , advertising results. 12-4t JOS. E. POGUE, Sec. NOTICE. By order of the advisory board of the State Fair Executive Committee, notice is hereby given that the fair grounds will be closed to the public on Sunday, October the 10th. JOS. E. POGUE, Sec. N, C. Agricultural Society. l2-4t The plumber saves a lot of money by being able to do his own repair work. .,. ". , ..... . .. ., . . , . ., " t MERELY k Mer of telipsico Any man who stops to think knows that goods are never sold under their legitimate value except when there is no demand; " hence the sacri fice. - f ? There is always a demand for high quality clothes. The mediocre goes to the unthinking and unknownig. "C. & h. Co." Suits require no argu ment with men who know how to dress and how to buy. $15, $20 and $25 are the prices that buy Clothes value not duplicated in this town and a cursory investigation on vour part will conlirm'the Tact. Full range, $12 to $35. , ' . s ' , Cross and Unehan Company, Fayetteville Street. and a combination of colors. ("HASH WITH CATTI.K TKAIX. 1 r.ins-0'on!liicntal Kxpress Has .Mix Up With Cattle Train. (liy Leased Wire to The Times.) Toronto, Out., Oct. 15--Trans-con-tiueutal Kxpress No. 1 on the C. P. R. crashed head on wit'.i a cattle train at Geneva station toaay. En gineer McLennan of No. 1 and Fire men Vice and S u mm era of the cattle train were killed. All others escap ed in a most remarkable maiine:. Four cars of express, mall and bag B&ge served as a buffer and the pas-. soiiRera on the express got but a slignt slinking up. 'I he only real luck in four-leaf clovers is that tney are not poisonous mush rooms. FOR RENT AND SALE For rent for 1911, two farms, mile from the city, on Falrview Road, each with four-room cottage, barn, stable, etc. For sale on easy terms or on huild- ing Rnd loan plan, three cottages with ' Ini'Be lots in Glenwood, on Devereaux Street, short block from car line. Houses well built, modern conven iences and good neighborhood. Two cottages near Waterworks, and one in South Park. One combination store and residence, corner Fayette ville and Lee Streets. ' For sale on easy terms, monthly payments If desired, dozen vacant lots on Fayetteville, Lee and Cro."s Streets, and six near Waterworks. For sale on easy terms, part of Moffltt lot, on Fayetteville Street, between lots purchased by Mrs. Biv ens and Mr. David Ellas. JAMES H. POU. F-O-R Several Modern Jhwlliii' s and The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. Selling Agents For the Cfliueron Park Property. . RALEIGH, N. C. . The Good Clothes Store. l- : You will find some great RALEIGH, North Carolina. C. C. Phone 799. What Are You Going to Have For Breakfast Why not call 721-F, leave your order for a nice Steak or Chop, and it will be delivered early enough for your break f,nst. Our Meats are all well seasoned before rutting. We have installed one of the Hnest sanitary refrigerators in the State. F. H. HUNNICUTT, Stall No. 5 - - City Market, l'hone No. 721-P. DR. JK.NNIK W. HOt'OUTON, Osteoputli. Women and Children's Diseases a spec ialty. See me In time to prevent Inval idism and operations. Consultation fre. Office hours, 8 to 12:30 S to D., and by appointment, Hoom 16 Hotel Giersch. Pone 391. NOTICE TO SlinSCltlHK'ltS. ' If The Times Is not delivered to your home each afternoon by 0:30 please call 304, Capital City Phone, and one win be sent you by masseu tter. tf In Raleigh Nearly Everybody Heads The Evening Times R - E - Nf - T Small Cottages, Stores. Two Splendid Brick Raleigh, N. C. U l

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