a. 0 - i t ... - l v )AtnmMtiM CieV h Enemy's Cecily ' y - v . ; ' ,;. olonel CArt- Make Good Speech Dr. Bowling Attacks 8 nil Club Meeting At Trinity College. J i u L Ll.J (Special. to The Times.) . Durham, Oct. 29 The democratic candidates of the country met the-vot-era o( the Orange - factory district Thursday nlght .and considering the fact that'thy were la the enemies territory drew godd. crowds. . All of '' the candidate present announced their candidacy. ,J 'tteneral-' Y'RTr , was there and iroadcj d ! ringing .speech 'In support T- ,f . X)uliam'4 county' democracy inrl ' dentally rubbing' it tn to Dr. Bowling; tUe republican candidate for the leg islature, saying that at the time that r he. the speaker, was working for the i; democratic cause and for white su premacy In the state, the republican . nominee was hauling his (Dr. Bowl ing's) father across the country to vote the ticket that meant nesro domin ation. He was followed . by Judge Oretn. and Mr. 8. C. Brawley, both of whom made short talks. Mr. Sneed " SaFser; secretary of the First Voter's Club, made a short speech telling why he was going tri cast his first ballot for the democrats. At the conclusion ' of his talk fo'ir new names were en rolled In the club. Last night the candidates held forth at Holrten'R store In East" Durham be- lug met by big crowds. The speaking began at seven thirty and lasted till ten. . . . - Dr. Howling Attacked the Hun. In a speech at the Dry Bridge on ' Hollowav street, Thurjiday night, Dr. llowling, ihe republican cnndiilate for the legislature from this county, at tacked . the local afternoon paper for their silence In regard to the public : health department since he announced his candidacy, whereas before that.lt was a fearless critic of this 'depart ment and supported him In his t . tacks upon It. He repudiated the sug ' gcHtions of The Sun that tho local re publican organization was getting sup port in the form of contributions from j 'the bond-holder., syndicate, and re-1 ferred any one that desired to do ;o to an examination of the records of I'hnirman Carpenter for a substitution I rtf his statement. He was followed by Postmaster Giles, who devoted his re marks to a discussion of the recorder's th'$ t -. femtdy never tall to eftctu.y cur r " dyspepsia, Ccr.stJpation, Sick Ac4 AIL DISEASES arUInf from a Torpid Liver find Cad Digestion i P - The natural result la good appetite and solid flesh. Dose small; elegant Iyengar coated and easy to mmllar. iexe no auosutute.. AT THE REVELRY "Whist." (Comedy) "Ho Met the Champion." (Comedy) "The Little Mother." - - ( Dramatic V -, , "The Peace-maker." . (Dramatic) -u Blind Boy's Orchestra Plays Tonight Front 7:30 to 11. , CQurt advocating a plan to make this Important office1 elective instead of ap pointive, i t Fortnightly Club Held Meeting. The Fortnightly Club of Trln(ty COl lege . met -in' the faculty room : Friday night.. Professor ;H. E. Spencei preaiv dent of the club,-'offered an interpre tation of Maeterlinck's "Blue' Bird:" He examined at some length the work of the,- Flemish author and called at tention to the remarkable furh. that has attended tin presentation of his latest : play both in England and In this country. In London particularly, he is rapidly becoming a cult, and "Blue Bird" clubs are the literary fashion of the day. Professor Spence was followed .by Professor Webb who made an interesting talk on the efforts of the Catalans to preserve their In dividuality In languages and literature, and on the plcturesqueness of the Catalan drama. The Fortnightly Club is taking up this year a study of the modern, drama of merit, paying atten tion to those only which' passes gen uine literary worth and which have met with success on the stage. The Classical Club Initiates. The Classical Club of Trinity College met for the first time this, year and took In seven new members. Member ship In the club is open to those stu dents who are taking advanced work In the classical languages and have, shown a certain proficiency and Inter est In their pursuit. While it is In point of time the youngest of Trinity's Clubs it lias already become an Im portant force in undergraduate life and is doing a commendable work along cultural lines. The new men elected were: K. :. Bundy, Elizabeth City; J. P. Wynne. Enfield; R. U. Towe, En field; J. T. Laten, Fayettevllle, Tenn.; W. E. Eller. Clifton; N. I. White, Statesville, and Qulnton Holton, Dur ham. . The initiatory ceremonies were fol lowed by an enjoyable Informal spread. At the next meeting of the club, a week from Thursday night, a paper on "Pompeian Wall Decorations," will be presented by Mr. F. S. Bennett. ' A Generous and Charitable Wish. "I wish all might know of the ben efit I received from your Foley's Kid ney Remedy," says I. N. Regan, Far mer, Mo. His kidneys and bladder gave him so much pain, misery and annoyance, he could not work, nor sleep. He says Foley's Kidney Rem edy completely cured him. King Crowell Drug Company. district of lUmyung and ChentKlang were under water and thousands 'were homeless, s v . ! ACCIDENTS ON HACK TRACK. ' ' ' Three Killed and Nine Injured at the Dallas Track, (By Leased Wire to The Times.) '- Dallas, Tex., Oct. 29-rOne,' automo-' blllst Is dead, another Is at the point of death, wlth a broken back and a third Is suffering, from injuries .today as-a result of accidents while racing here yesterday.. Tills makes-three kllU ed and nine injured In races Upon', the Dallas: track. During the free for all one hour-race the Qenault, car turned turtle over the fence.' -Raymond Koch, a mechanician :of 'Paris, vustained In juries from which he. died last, nlghtv Gascon Morris, also of Pariv was bad ly hurt. An hour later in full view of, 5,000 grandstand spectators tltc Moon car speeding at a mlle-a-mlnuW, erash ed IntO' '8 . fence post. Phil Wells, of St. Louis, the driver, was picked up unconscious. His buck Is broken nnd he is Internally Injured. ViiV; SO WEAK? rV The Demon of the Air la the (ferni of LaGrlppe, that, breathed In, brings suffering to thous ands. " Its after effects are weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy, and' ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regulator of Stom ach", Liver and Kidneys. Thousands bare proved that they wonderfully Strengthen the nerves, build up the system and restore health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. . If suffering, try them. Only 50c. Per fect satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists. TWENTY-FI VIS DROWNED. Steamer Foundered Off Shoal Bay- Six Passengers Lost. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) North Sydney. N. S.. Oct. Twenty-five persons were drowned In the foundering of the steamer Regulas at Shoal Bay, according to lnforma tlon brought here today. Six passen gers were lost and the crew of 19. Reports say only the crew was miss ing. The Regulas was being towed by a tug when the hawser broke and she was dashed to pieces on the rocks. tZ 71" Humphreys' Seventy-Seven Breaks up Grip and COLDS ' One Thousand Persons Drowned. (By Cable to The Times Victoria, B. C, Oct. 29 News that 1.C00 persons were, drowned In Chvn Kiang, China, following a rise of the River Han, early in this month, was brought here by the Japanese liner Kamakura Maru. Yokohoma, Japan, was inundated when the ship left there two weeks ago. According to the ship's officers the : A COMMON COLD. The first feeling of a Common Cold is lassitude and weakness; followed hv Sneezinir. '..Couahin and Sore Throat. If "Seventy-Seven" Is taken at the "first feeling" the Cold disappears, Tf treatment Is delayed. It takes longer, but the Cold yields to "Seventy Seven" at any stage. A small vial of pleasant pellets, fits the vest pocket. At all dealers In medicine 2"cv or mailed. Humpherey's "Homeo, Medicine Co., Cor. William and Ann Streets, New York. From City to Country IT is a long way from the city to the farm house. Yet our telephone service elim inates the distance. It keeps all members of the .family united and puts the city 4weller in immediate communication with rela tives in the country. -; . The universal system unites thousands of cities, towns and villages so. that your telephone is the center of the sys tem. We connect with the long distance lines of the Bell Company. ' . V , ' ,,J . Are you a subscriber? CAPITAL CITY TELEPHONE CO. UNIVERSAL SERVICE. REASONABLE RATES. Kidney Troubles May be . Sappiag - Your IJfe AwayRaleigh People . Have Learned This Fact. - - When a healthy man or woman be gins to run down,, without apparent cause, becomes weak, languid, de pressed, suffers backache, headache, dli:y spells : and urinary, disorders. look to the kidneys for the' caoeoT it alL Keep the kidneys, well and thy will keep you well.-. Doan's Kid ney Pills cure sick kidneys and keep UtefDWftlL''- Hera Js Jtaleigh.: testt inony to prove It; , - &rs,; $!. M. Martin. 700 W, JoneB street, RaleighV.N. Uv say s; ' ' y , used poan s Kidney pills and from the results received j ean give them u most, hearty .recommendation? I. suffored a great, .deal from dull, nagging backaches and sharp pains across my kidneys. I could not sleep well and arose In the morning feel ing tired and sore. Headaches added to my discomfort and at times I felM languid and devoid of energy. A friend finally recommended Doan's Kidney Pills so highly that I procured a box from the Bohbit.t-Wynne Drug Company and began using them They benefited me at once and since then I have bad no backache or any oiher symptom of kidney trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for tho United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. , Princeton and Dartmouth. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Oct. 29 Princeton an ticipated the most gruelling contest ot the season from the Dartmouth football gqtlad at the Polo grounds this afternoon. Last year they played a tie game, the score being 6 to 6. The Princeton-Dartmouth game was one of the two important games to day, this opening the period of big Inter-collegiate gridiron contests. There was no. lack of confidence among the Princeton men when they arrived here this morning. The Dartmouth team was at , the Grama tan Hotel, in the Bronx where the men have been keeping limbered up by practicing in their stocking feet upon the floor of the hotel ball room. The betting was practically a stand-off. Coach Roper and Trainer Fitzpatrick, who : accompanied the Princeton team, said today that they were confident Princeton had a speedier team than Dartmouth, al though they conceded that the green aggregation had rounded into superb form. Captain Ryan, of the Dart mouth eleven,' predicted victory for his men by a narrow score. ''''. , Big Crowd At West Point. (By Leased Wire to The Times) West Point, N. Y., Oct. 2The big gest crowd In the history of football at West Point was indicated by the sale of tickets for the Harvard-West Point game, this afternoon. Brown, the Army's star right half back, is on the hospital list and It was announced today that Hyatt, the crack quarterback, could not plar. The Harvard team came to West Point last night and with them came u great crowd of loyal supporters with plenty of money to back their loyal ty. Head Couch Haughton held a con ference with the Crimson squad this morning for a final .word of advice. Following this he said he was confi dent his men would win. Special boats were run from New York for the game. Russian Wrestler Comes, (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Oct. 29 George ITack- epschmidt, the Russian wrestler, ar rived here from Europe today, He is after the scalp of Frank Gotch, the American wrestler, who defeated him for the world's championship in Chi cago several years ago, and will issue a challenge. . I DQYIAN-PEAIICE C6. EOYlAN-FSACIS G 2 STORK CLOSES AT 0:00 P. M. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. vinnnr Wilt Particular Women Like to Trade Here. Tlieftnd the particular kind of merchancIisFT;Iial""5bdies 'style and qfialiitfiups are jhhe very best and full satisfaction is;Jf puaranefd with every purchase and because they receive the very best'ktteatWn, ffoJto- pains taking salespeople. The stocks are its very best. Your inspection is invited. WARM WINTER WOOLEN DRESS GOODS. Completeness is shown on every shelf. The variety is iinsurpassed. Every weave dropped from foreign looms is here represented. The fall colorings are superb. The plan of your individual ideas can be carried out to a perfect fin ish. The long range of prieeings enables one to economize or indulge them selves in all 1 he richness of finery, ' vj ; 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 THE BEAUTIFUL TRIMMINGS. In perfect accord with exquisite fabrics they are . . intended to adorn. Handsome garnitures, Beaded Novelties, Ornaments, Sectional Pieces, Bands, Metal Effects, Pearl, '.fluttering Beads, Gold and Silver Laces, Spangled Net, Tapestry Persians, Marquisettes, Appliques and Festoons of every wanted kind. . . . . THE LATEST IN MILLINERY. Beautiful large shapes, fresh from the leading importing houses. Picture frames in wliich youth and beauty pose. Street Hats of smaller shapes. Nov elty Hats for children. -SMART TAILORED SUITS IN LATEST MODELS. "We pride ourselves in the ownership of these superior populai'-priecd suits. .Made of Serges, Cloths, Knockabout Homespuns and rough mixtures. Incomparably the best for the prices asked . . . . . . . .$22.50, $23.50, $25.00 New Long Coats for Ladies, Misses, and Children. New Waists, Separate Skirts and Petticoats. BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. (CdD Ranges sold at cost; connection free, along our line of main. STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, Pli An, 0nrnltiv Will Call Temporary Office 107 S. Wilmincrton 81 Cupt. Roganlus Again Hits the null's Eve..' ' This world famous rifle shot who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in consecutive shots Is living at Lincoln, 111. Recently interviewed he says: "I suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trouble and used several well known kidney medicines, all of which gave me no relief until I started taking Foley Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley Kidney Pills I bad severe backaches and pains In my kidneys with suppression and a cloudy voiding. On arising in the morning I would get dull headaches. Now I have taken three bottles of Foley Kidney Pills and fell 100 per cent better. I am : never bothered with my kidneys ' or bladder and again feel like my own self." Klng Crowell Drug Company. Advance In Rates. (By Lensod Wire to Tho Timps.) Washington, Oct. 29 Advances in rates recently made by 715 railroads and uteamsliip lines In various sec tions of the country, on the transport ation of government powder : tanks, made of copper or. galvanized iron, were suspended today by the Inter state commerce 'commission until March 1. During- the Interim the com mission will investigate the reasonable ness of the propesed advance. What a Satisfaction IT IS to have clothes made for you, to fit your owu shape and personality especial ly if they embody the true metropolitan cut and style, such as we put into our clothes. "OUR PRICES ARE MODERATE, but the value we deliver is rarely equaled short of a much higher figure than we charge. Select your pattern and leave your or der today. A. C. H1NTON, NORTH CAROLINA'S FOREMOST TAILOR, Rooms 208, 200, 210 Merchants National Bank Building. "Nothing Succeeds Like Cir dilation", and nearly every body reads The Evening Times. Norfolk Southern Railroad New Short Route Through Eastern North Carolina Via Ralelgh-Nor-folk Schedule In Effect August 15th. . No. 12. Dally except Sunday. Leave Raleigh 6:15 a. m., Wilson 8:20 a. m., Greenville 9:40 a. m., ar rive Washington 10:40 a. m New Bern 11:35 a. m., Norfolk 4:06 p. m., connect with A. C. L. at Wilson for Rocky Mount and the north. No. 18. Daily except Sunday. Leave Raleigh 3:00 p. m., Wilson 5:00 p.. m. Arrive Greenville 6:30 p. m., arrive Washington 7:25 p. m. Receives connection at Raleigh from Southern Railway, S. A. L. Railway and R. & S. Railway. No. 6. Dally "Night Express" Pullman sleeping cars. Leave Ral eigh 9:00 p. m., Wilson 11:15 p. m., Greenville 12:41 a. m., Washington 1:40 a. m. Arrive Edenton 3:55 a. ni., Elizabeth City 5:10 a. m Nor folk 7:00 a. m. Receives connection at Raleigh from Southern Railway, S. A. L. Railway, and R. & S. Rail way. At. Wilson from A. C. L. Rail way from north and south. Trains Arrive Raleigh Union Station. No. 5. Dally "Night Express" from Norfolk at 7:30 a. m connect! with all lines. . No. 19. Daily except Sunday from WashiBgjppr and Intermediate points at il:20 a" tn. ' ' , ; No.;, lli j p,all)rf, .except Sunday from 'tlortdlit; NeV Bern and lnter mediatef points at 7:26 p. m. : N. B-V'Ahove chedule figure! published as . Information only and are not guaranteed. For further information as io reservation of sleeping car space ap ply to any ticket agent or H. L. Lipe, U. T. A., and D. V. Conn, S. P. A-i Raleigh, N. C. . 4 W. W. CROXTON, P. P. A. , B. L. BUGGDROFFI3, Manager. ; , Norfolk. Va.. In Raleigh Nearly Everybody Read The Evening Times. 5