THE EVENIg ,TPPS: jATTIRpA 'OCp$ER 29, 1910. ' ' fm, TO ; Stocks, Cotton, Grain and York Stock, srlei W. Storm.) New York C.J- Extreme" dullness (and heavlnei wlllb practically every tandard ralltay- abd industrial stock uoting fractional looses marked the penlng of trading pday' -tradthffJVfiAi point, Tteaaing IJlirlng 'ine early cirtc fell off or Southern Pacitia 96 Northern,, 3oJ- '1iHng'tm r and Rock Iitmhil (in deDartment "Wis extnemely dull Ith but few traesics Ions.; ' steel common watt al Iso Weak. This ck opened half! a H lolnt 'below yes. ' rdav's closlnr. h the next half ' ur of trading a fu thpr fractional icline w'as record Smelting. Utah. Suf Amalgamated ere the weak featswl of the copper . roup, each of tlw-wistj ' oss. General Eleetlc ocks quoting a was a weak actor am'ong the intuittrials. Consul dated Oaa was also weak. Tlie curb-: market tsHa dull. There was no material 'change In prices. Irregularity prevai di a ."Ipse through the market' to the Reading, TTnlon Pacific, New Yo: kCentral. North em Pacific, Southern Aclfic and Erie fell E quoted losses ranffinfe 'rom . V to of a point, New York Ckttln It Stock Msf. (By Leased Wire t Amalgamated Copper he Times.) .. ,, .. 68 American Ice- Securit .. 17 ..118 American Sugar Refii American " Smelting ..79 American Locomotive! America Car Foundry1 American Cotton Oil ;. American Woolen ...... . Anaconda .. ,;' ,, .. Atchison .'. .. .. ... .. Atlantic Coast Line . Brooklyn Rapid Transit Baltimore & Ohio .. . Canadian Pacific '...'., '.'.; 40 .... 65 ... 32 .. 42 ..104V4 ..117 .. 77 . . 108VI .,.198 , Chesapeake & Ohio" . Consolidated Gas .. Central Leather V. . . Colorado Fuel & Iron Colorado Southern . . Delaware & Hudson Denver & Rio Grande ..136'4 ... 34 ..33 '-.. 69 4 .. 32 .. 31 . . 29 .. 48 Distillers Securities ..: Erie .. .. .. .. .. .Erie, pref. ...... .. .. .. General Electric ., ,. Great Western Great Northern, pn'f. Great Northern Oi e- . . Illinois Central ..' . . ,. Interboro .. .. . ; .. j. Interboro, pref. .. 1 Iowa Central . . : Kansas City Southern ; Kansas & Texah ' .. ..,'.';' Kansas & Texas, pref Louisville & Nashville'. Missouri Pacific . . '.'. I. New York Central" ;'...-,' Northwestern .. .. .. . National Lead .. ., ' i. Norfolk & Western ..V Northern Pacific .. .. Ontario & Western ... , ' ..155 .. 23 ..127 . . 59 ..132 . ; 22 ..57 .. 19 .. 32 ,. 34 ..64 ..145 ., 54 ..116 ..148 .. 58 ..99 .119 ; .. 42 Pennsylvania Pacific Mall Peoples Gas Co. . Pressed Steel Car Reading ... .. . Rock Islund .. '-.,-Rock Island, pref. ..131 . . 33 ..108 .. 34 ..1.12 .. S3 64 .. 34 Republic Iron & Stce Republic Iron & Steels ref. ., 97 Sloss-Shef field .. Southern Pacific , : Southern Railway St. Paul .. ,. .. Tenn. Copper .. . Texas Pacific .. . Third Avenue .. Union Pacific .: . IT. S. Rubber ., ' Utah Copper .". . U. S. Steel ..','. .. 51 ..118 .. 25 ...124 x.. 37 ..26 .. 13 ..173 .. 35 .. 49 ., 78 U. S. Steel, pref. ".. Virginia Carolina Che; ..119 leal .. 64 ' Western Union .. .. . Wabash .... :.: .. .. .. Wabash, pref. .. Westlnghouse Electric Wisconsin Central .. Western Maryland 72 .. 18 .. 38 .... 73 .. 59 48 ' ... 17 M - . , ' ' 11 New York S. nejr. Irho Times.) (By Leased Wire to New York, Oct. , 29 money today. Posted exchange 483 to 487 w .tiling said In ates:- Sterling actual busl- ness In bankers bills a 486.10 to 486.1.1 for demand and 482 bills. for sixty day Bank Statement. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Oct. 29 -Average state ment cash reserve, 25.90 percent; re serve decrease, $336,450; less U. S. .decrease, $335,025; loans decrease, $6,119,100; specie decrease, $3,489,- 600; legal tenders increase, $904,- 800; deposits decrease, $8,993,000; . circulation decrease, $23,100. Act ual statement cash reserve, 25.83 per centn. ; ;, Port Receipts. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Oct. , 29 Cotton port receipts were as follows' today: '' New Orleans, 8,627 against 17, 234; Galveston, 17,231 against 17, 930; Mobile, 1,438 against 2.339; Savannah, 4,266 against 15)903; Charleston, ' 2,043 against 2,227; Wilmington 3,372 against 4.209; -Norfolk, 4,459 against 5,825; Balti more, 0 against 756; Boston, 7 agalns 0; various, 9,000 against 214. Total, 78,443 against 66.666. Interior Movement: Houston,' 12, - 825 against 14,776;' Augusta, 3,248 against 3,721; Memphis, 6,840 against 8,952; St.: Louis, 2,587 against 7,168; Clnolnnati, 1,069 against 1,659; Little Rock, 0 against 2,154. Total, 26,469 against 38,-430. (By Ct l ff'SMETSBV New York Cotton Letter. ' (By W. B, Hlbbs & Co.) New York, Oct. 29 A crop estimate of 12,600.000 bales put out by F. M. Cord 11 1, a southern crop expert, who has been guessing the crop of the last three or four years closely, upset the rqackitf ;todaV. ';. Wikim.m to l.SOO.OOO above the popular estimates - of the hulls. - It proved a great surprise and had such an unsettling Influence among specu lative holders and trade -Interests, It completely offsets the freezing weather which prevailed last night and this morning all over Arkansas, Tennes see and the upper half of Mississippi and Alabama and Louisiana aQd the eastern portion of Texas and Okla homa, and also the northern . part of Georgia. The freeze lias killed what ever chance there remained for further development of the top crop and as the weather bureau's predictions are for ;the frost to .extend tonight throughout Georgia and the Crirolinas the crop Is now through making and only the larger grown bolls remain to open. ;:: ' . The great majority of operators, however, disregard these conditions to day owing to the heavy selling by the big spot Interests and continued ag gressive bear raids with the, old bull leaders withdrawing their support. There was. much liquidation and short selling, It perhaps seemed best to these Interests,- to let the movement run Its course. For these reasons, the market sold off sjiarply directly from the opening, breaking 33 to 40 points. There was enormous liquidation, but on the other hand bears were heavy buyers to cover. Prices closed 5 to 10 cents up from the lowest. ."''.- Morning Reports From the Cotton -..': Belt.,1'. . Morning reports received at the lo cal office of the weather bureau show that killing frost has occurred over the northern and central portions of the cotton belt and light to heavy frosts are reported over the greater portion of the extreme southern and extreme eastern districts. The freez ing line extended southward to Shreveport, Meridian, and Montgom ery. ; The weather continued fair in all districts of the belt. New York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The. Times.) New York, Oct. 29 Bearish weather reports from the south were offset by' Cordill estimate of a 12,- 600,000 bale crop at the opening of the cotton market today and initial prices were from 4 to 9 points off. There were further recessions until 15:15 when buying for a rally came into evidence. Open. : High. Low. 14.38 14.45 14.25 Close. 14.40 Oct. Nov: 14.17 14.22 Dec. Jan. 14.48' 14.37 14.48 14.41 14.16 14.05 14.10 Feb. 14.14 14.15 Mar. Apr. 14.38 14.46 14.13 May 14.47 14.52 11.19 14.24 June July 14.42 14.46 14.19 14.20 Market closed easy. New Orleans Cotton. .Open. High. Low. Close. Oct . . I 14.04 Nov! . . ...... ...... 14.03 Dec. ,. .14.22 14.23 14.00 14.04 Jan. .. 14.25 14,30 14.05 14.11 Feb. . . . ... , ..... 14.18 Mar. ..14.37 14.43 14.18 14.23 April .. ..v.. . ... . .... . ..... . May .. . 14.4 4 14.55 14.30 14.35 June . .... . July ., 14.40 14.48, 14.37 14.40 Market closed steady. . Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, Oct, 29 Cotton spot, 7.85. steady; American middling-. Sales, 4,000; receipts, 12,300. Fu tures opened steady and closed quiet. . . . ; Open. Close. October . . .... 7.66 . 7.69 Oct.-Nov. . .-'. .... -7.61 7.64 Nov.-Dec. V . . . . 7.54 7.55 Dec-Jan. . . . . . 7.53 7.54 Jan.-Feb.-. . . . . '7.53 7.55 Feb.-March .... 7.54 7.55 March-April .... 7.55 7.56 April-May . . . . . 7.56 7.56 May-June . .. . . . '7.56 7.57 June-July . ... . 7.55 ' 7.56 July-August . .; i 7153 ; 7.53 Raleigh Cotton Market. Good middling, 14. Strict middling, 14. Middling, 13, Receipts, 40 bales. ' Cotton-seed Oil. . New: York, Oct. 29 Cotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: ' Closing". November December 7.23 7.32 7.37. 7.38 7.46 7.55 7.58 7.25 7.35 7.39 7.43 7.47 7.58 7.56 January . February ; March . . May . July . . '. Spot oil, 7.22 7.30; sales, 5,100 barrels.- - ' When a woman hears that a man who once made love to her has done something bad. she says. "I don't believe It." . ' Provisions. ' Chicago Grain, ' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chicago, Oct. 29 Easy cables, bear Ish foreign news, prospects of heavy world shipments and a break In the Parts market caused a lower , wheat market at the opening with prices off about half a cent. .on general selling by commission : houses. Liverpool closed -unchanged to c lower. .Corn started slpw and ea'sy on the splendid. w.eafher; for hastening the curing and marketing .of the new crop, The trade lacked Important feature. Oats opened steady to a shade easier with little doing. Provisions started slow as the grains with no important .trade and small demand .and offerings. Chicago Rrain quotations ranged as follows: Wheat Open. High. Close. Dec.; . . ..32 .0214, :,.90 May . . .98 .98 -.97 July . '. -.95 .95.' .95 Corn Dec. . . .4(1 .46 .46 May . , .4-9 .-.49 MSft July . . .n0' .50 .49j Oats " Dec. . . ..11 Vi -.31 : .31 May'.;. .34 , .34 . 3414 ; July . . .3414 .34 : .33 Pork Oct.: , . 17.25 . '... , 17.25 Jan. . . 17.10 17.10 17.00 May . ..-16.12 16.12 16.00 Lard :. Oct. . . 13.00 13.20 13.10 Nov. . .11.52 .11.52 11.50 Jan. . . 10.22 10.23 10.15 May . . 9.70 . 9.7a 9.67 Ribs.' . -: v Oct. . . 11.00 11.00 1.0.97 Jan. . . 9.07 9.10 9.05 May . . 8.87 8.87 8.82 . New York Provision Market. New York, Oct. 29 Wheat- No. easier: Dec. 99; May 104: No. red 97 In elevator and 98 fob. Com No. 2 steady 56. Oats No. 2 white quiet 37 to 38, Rye western quiet 84. Barley dull, malting 75 to 80. f lour steady 5.2o to 5.50 for spring patents; straights 4.90 to 5.10. Tallow prime city steady at 77!iC. Lard prime western steady at ,12.50. Pork mess steady 20.50. Coffee No.. 7 Rio steady 10c. Sugar granulated easrei at 4.65. Bultimore Grain. :..-' Baltimore, Md., Oct, 29 Wheat closed weak; spot and October 92 3-8; No. 2 spot red western, 92 3-8;' November, 92 5-8; December, 94 1-4; February, 93 3-8 bid. Corn closed easier; spot, 54; year,. 51 1-8; January, 50 5-8 to 50 7-8; February, 50 7-8 to 51 1-8; March, 51 5-8 to 51 7-8. Oats closed firmer; No. 2 white, 37 1-4 to 37 1-2; Standard white, 37; No. 3 white, 36 1-2 to 36 3-1. . St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, M67, Oct. 29 Cash wheat No. 2 red 96 to 99; No. 2 corn 48; No. 2 opts 31. Futures Wheat May' 98 to ; Dec.. 92T4, '-.".-" ..-."' : ' Corn May 47 to ; Dec. 44. Oats May ,33; Dc. 30. . Chicago Live Stock, , Union Stock Yards, Ills., Oct, 29 Hogs receipts 7,IKX; .market 'steady; mixed anil butchers 7.95 to 8.95; good heavy 8.20 to 8.S0: rough heavy 7.70 10 8.10; light 8.35 to 8.95; pigs 7. 80 to 8.6.1; hulk 8.0.1 to 8.70. Cattle receipts 400: : market weak; beeves 4.50 to 7.50; cows and heifers 2.25 to 6.40; storkors and feeders.. 3.15 to 6.00; Texans 4.40 to 5.50; calves 8.00 to 10.25. '-...Sheep receipts 2,000; -market -..weak native and western 2.7.1 to 4.10; lambs 4.25 to 6.S5, Nuval Stoi-es, Savannah, Oa'., .Oct. 29 Spirits tur pentine firm; 77 to 77; Sales none; re ceipts 549. Rosins firm; sales 826; receipts 1.587. Quote WW 7.00 to 7.20; WG 7.00; N 0.70: M 0.50; K 6.4.1; I 6.10: H 6.10; O 6.05; F 6.0.1; K 6.00; D .1.9.1; C 15 A i.WI. - . ' - liliOODY RIOT. Ten Thousand People Engage ' in Bloody Riot in Jersey City. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 29 Ten thousand civilians and 100 policemen engaged in. a bloody riot in the streets of Jersey City today when an attempt was made by the Adams Ex press Company to send two wagons, driven by strike-breakers, and pro tected by police to the Erie Railroad ferry. Sympathizers 'of the striking express helpers attacked the wagons and fotiA tlnje the two- vehicles were the vortex of a crowd. , of ' maddened humanity, while the police fired vol ley after volley from their revolvers into the air and charged the mass of humanity, mowing down men, women and children. . Montgomery and Hud son streets were strewn with injured. Worse Than Bullets. Ballets have often caused less suf fering to soldiers than the eczema L. W. Harriman, Burlington, Me., got In the army, and suffered with forty years. : "But. nuckien s Arnica saive cured me when all else failed," he writes. : Greatest healer for Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, Burns, Cuts,' Wounds, Bruises and' Piles. 25c. at all drug- ' gists. ' Sabbath Convention (Continued 'From Page One. )s 4:15 Address: "Sabbath Observ ance an Element in True Educa ' tlon," by Rev-. J. Henry H'armS, D.D., president Newberry College, " Newberry, 8: C , 5:00 Reports of committees and business of the association.' Tuesday Kvenlng. 7:30 Rev. A. D. Wilcox to preside, conduct devotional exercises and praise service. . -' 8:00 Address: "The Sabbath and Our Christian Civilization," by Rev. W. M. Vines, D.D., Asheville. Closing exercises. , ' Officers. Rev. R. F. Campbell, D.D., president, Asheville. ' . V. L. P'oteat, LL.D., vlce-))resldenl:, Wake Forest, ,; , Mr. CharlAf) H. Ireland, treasurer, (Ireensboro. . , Roj. W. H. McMasler, Ph.D., Held secretary, Raleigh. , Rev. S. n. Turruntino, D.D., chair man executive committee, Kalis bury. . Rev. James O. Helsaheck, correspond , ing secretary, Asheville. BETTER THAN SPANKING SpankluK doea not cure children of ImhI wrttlng. There 1r constitational rniiiw for tl.U trouble. Mrs. M. Rummers, Box W, Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to any mother her snccesanil home treatment, with full Instructions. Send no money, but write her today it your children trouble joo In this way. Don't blame the flblld, 4he chanrea are It can't 'help It. This treatment also cures adults and a Red people troubled with urine difflcuUleu by day or night. . COLES HOT BLAST HEATING STOVES. Give more heat, easier to manage, keep fire longer, costs less to operate than any heating stove made is the verdict of more than a hundred sat isfied purchasers in Raleigh. CAROLINA HARDWARE COMPANY. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ' RALEIGH, , 225 South Wilmington Street. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West THREE FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Lout- vUlo, Cincinnati, Chicago, Mid SU IiOuin. P. M. P.M. P.M. Leave Norfolk 4:00 Leave Rlchmund 2:00 4:20 T.:I0 A.M. 10:00 :46 11:00 Leave Lynchburg Ar. Charlottesville Ar. Louisville 9:17 7:30 P. M. A. M. P. M Arrive Cincinnati 7MB 10:00 G:0fl Arrive Chicago 6:25 6:00 7:10 Arrive St. Louis 6:51 1:10 7:15 Only one night between Ralelgn, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. Direct Connections for All Polnti West and Northwest, . QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE. The IJne to the Celebrated Sesorta of Virginia. For descriptive matter, schedule and Pullman Reservation, address W. O. WARTHEN, D. P. A., Richmond, Vs JO. D. POTTS, Oen'l. Pom. Agfm. North Carolina Wake County, v In the Superior Court. A. M .Harris vs. J. W. Travis. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. The defendant above-named will take notice that a summons in the above-entitled action was issued against said, defendant on the 13th day of October, 1910, in the Super ior Court of Wake County, which is returnable to the' January term, 1911, of said Superior Court, to be held on the 9th day of January. 1911, for the recovery of $6,750.00 due by the de fendant to the plaintiff for breach of contract, for the cutting, sawing, hauling and planing of defendant's timber In Wake County. The defend ant will also take notice that a war rant, of attachment was issued by said court on the 1 7 th day of October, 1910, against the property of the" said defendant. 'which warrant is re turnable before the said court, at the time and place above-named for the return pf the said summons, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. r-. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. IT; 1910! ; W. M..RUS3,' !. . CieU of Superior Court, l a wis 4wks, SHORT VAMP SHOES give the feet that chic ap pearance desired by all smart dressed women. Our Short Vamp Shoe styles for Fall are distinc tively different the " prices are distinctly low. ; y :: HERBERT ROSENTHAL'S, "THE SHOE FITTER" 129 Fayetteville Street . . . . ... . Raleigh, N. CV Mi A Want Ad. in The Evening Times goes on that buyer-seeking errand for you, goes Into the little houses and the big, among the rich and the poor talks, the language of "self interest" to the thrifty and finds your markets for you. Get the Servant Sell the Lot Rent the House Find the Lost. ; Evening Times Ads. Can Do Most Anything. NO AD. TAKEX FOR LESS THAN 10c. 'OR RENT Furnished 419 Fayetteville St. rooms at 2-;it COLLARS AND CUFFS LAST LON ger if laundered right. We know how. People's Laundry. 5-tf WANTED Board by couple with twto small children. Two rooms desired with private family. Fur nace heat. Dressmaker neighbor hood and location. Address, "T. P.", Evening Times. 29-4t THE F1RELKSS COOKERS ARE : creating a sensation. You cannot get one unless you save coupons. WAXTKD By an orphan girl attend ing suiioui, a piace iu uyaru w iieie she can assist with the work to pay for board. Address "Student" care Evening Times. 29-4t FOR SALE Beautiful Sideboard, Leather Couch, Incubator, Suit of Furniture, Cook Stove, fine chick ens (cockerels and pullets), etc., etc. Leaving city. J. T. BOWLES, With, parnell & Thomas. 28-2t WANTED Three good boys for mes senger service. Apply Western Union. 29-2t IF IT'S LAUNDRY WORK YOU want, we excel. We know how. That's all. Peoples' Laundry (the best). 17-tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 2,500 feet of No. 2 weatherboarding and , 1,500 feet of No. 1 and No. 2 floor ing. .1. A. Sunders. 29-tf WANTED WHITE M KSU, STRONG, willing to work. -. Apply SI. Luke's Home. ' , . 28-2t AGENTS Clean up $300 before Xmas. Mammoth hand decorated $1 bottle perfume, 20c. Sells like . blue blazes. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. . It FOR RENT Storage room for fur niture. Plage dry and well cared for. Rent by week or month. Call 11C E. Morgan street, or phone C. C. 338. , 19-tf $101) MONTHLY AM) EXPENSES to travel and distribute samples for lilg manufacturer, steady work. S. Slieffeiy Trism er. V 2M , Chicago, 11 NOTICE Cai iiels and Rug.-;, cleiined at cut prices, by the stronger Vacuum Cleaner. .1, L. Williams. Phone !i:M-. 2S-St IBERAL REWARD OFFERED FOR return of ladies' red cloak, lost ' yesterday afternoon at depot, or in carriage. ' R. E. Barnes. 28-21 AT M. ROSENTHAL CO. NEW Buckwheat, new Mince Meat, new Canned Fruits and Vegetables of every kind, and very best brands only. : 28-t MISS MARY ROBINSON, PUBLIC Stenographer. Capital Club Build ing, Room 3. 14-e. o. d. lot. WAKE COUNTY MAP The latest and best ever issued. Times read ers get these maps while they last for 30 cents. . 26-t.f LATEST MAP OF NORTH CARO- Una and the United States. Times readers send 30 cents for postage' and get one " of these fine wall maps. - "2 G-l f FOR SALE Pool Table. Will sell reasonable. A. W. Williams, No. 712 West Hargett street. 2fa'-6t ..... SILVERWARE. CLOCKS, LAMPS, Fireless Cookers and many other valuable premiums to you, if you only clip the coupons. SILVERWARE PREMIUMS GO SO fast we have to telegraph our or ers. Yours arrived today. v WANTED You to know that an other large shipmennt of The Times' line Silverware Premiums arrived today. OneCenf aVVord Cash With Order SOME EXTRA BARGAINS IX TYPE- writers. No. 7 Remington, $30; Manhattan, $25; No. 2 Smith Pre mier, $23. These machines are in excellent condition. If you need a typewriter,. -come and see these before they go at this very low price. Examine the New Emerson Visible Typewriter at $50; also have nearly new Underwood Dupli cator at less than half price, $15; Raleigh Typewriter Exchange, e. o. d. lot. WHY NOT SELL INSTANTANEOUS Gasoline Lighting Systems? Make $250 to $400 per month. Cheap est and most powerful light known to science. For home and com mercial lighting. Anyone can in stall and operate them. Exclus ive territorial contracts given re sponsible Men. Gloria Light Com pany, 1 ISO Washington' Bldg., Chicago. It FOR RENT Rooms for light house ' keeping, 218 Elm St. 24-6t PATENT VOI R. IDEAS AND MAKE money. Send for my new book, "How to Get Them". Best serv ice. Joshua R.. H. Potts, Lawyer, Washington, D .C, Chicago, and Philadelphia. 10-29-1 St FOR SALE Sash weights, building castings and columns, engines, boilers, smoke stacks, grate bars, mill supplies and machinery re pairs. Raleigh Iron Works Co., Raleigh, N. C. S-eod-tf WANTED A settled colored woman to cook for three people. Address Cook care Times. 4-t. f. I LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED Laundry in the city. Office 107 Fayetteville Street. Peoples' , Laundry, the best. 17-tf WE HAVE HOME-MADE PORK Sausagt! today and tomorrow. T. L. MoCullers. 2S-t.f. I ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order .business at home No canvassing. Be your own boss. Send. for free booklet. Tells how Heacock. A 52C2 Lock port, N. X-4-19 t, f. . .. WANTED To repair your liicyclcs, baby carriages, -.'guns, locks, etc. .1. G. Chamblei', successor to W. 11. Holloway, 1 1 5 S. Wilmington SI, : 211-2!). FOR RENT Furnished room, all modern conveniences; near board ing house, two blocks from capi tol. Adress "G" caTe Times, V : 2-4t.. . v ; ;;.- '.''; .usTri'X'iTiVEi;"FRrr;KEits Philadelphia Candies, little cheaper, hut a great deal better than" other aandies. Try it and you will buy it. M. -Rosenthal Co. 2St!t - COUPLE W.:sTS ROOM AND board in private family. Two con necting rooms preferred, with fur nace heat. Preferences tsxclianged. Give full"' information in letter to . "Permanent," care Times. 28-3t NEW C500DS V SELECTED : ; ;' ' Georges Cixlrislii Stiips 1."c. lb.: packages, I .". c;i-h. Itni'iihniii At. Morrill's Fish Flaki's. I Sc. can '.-.. . Fresh Pork Sans ae, 2lc lb. Frankfort Sausage, l.c. Hi. Hiinis, 20, 22 i,. n,l 2ic. lb. EITHER. 23 I'HONE. H J, JOHNSON, uc stor o D. T. iOLiKSOX & SON. ltt E. Ilargett St., Ralehjh, S. 0. MEearn ;';Automo)Hei :" bustataS- ' rGreat demand, for skilled help. We. teach you at home, furnish Auto, .Model. Get you $25 weekly job. Make $10 weekly while learning. Rochester Auto, School, 602 Roch ester N. Y. . ' .'-'lt- TAILORIJJG,, ' DRY CLEANING, pressing, 'dyeing and repairing. Kid gloves cleaned; all work guar v. anteed. Jtoln'' our club. - Charles Cardwell, 204 S. Salisbury. C. C. Phone 82G-Y. Wed.. Sat.-tl FOR SALE -Coon Hounds, thorough ly trained, free trial, new .book, coon-huntihg anp: coon hounds, combined with, icomplete catalogue, 64 pages )Uuf)trated. for" 1 tie.:, -J. Ev Williams, elmei;.; Tehn. FOB RKNT-New Tour-roomcpttage, .. . situatd 6n : Bloodwortli:, "street, ' south. Modrn: conveniences. For fuller information apply' to J. to, Monie. 27. -0- F DEALERS GET A COARSE, BAD meal from Lasslter, Lassiter will take It back. If yon get a coarse, had meal from your dealer and ho calls it Lassiter's meal, make him , take it back. . 10-29-lt FOUND That..the fine Clocks and ; silverware which arrived today are being sent out to those who hold the coupons. Send your coupon and get your premium. $2. WEEKLY AND EXPENSES TO trustworthy people to travel and distribute samples for big whole sale house. C. H. Emery, B 304. Chicago. . '.' It -'OR SALE Bicycles, new and second-hand. J. G. Chamblee, succes sor to W. H. Holloway, 115 S. Wil mington street. ,26-29 LADY OR GENTLEMAN, FAIR ED ucation, to travel for old estab lished house. Salary, $12 per week to start.- Expenses advanced. Geo. G. Clows, Philadelphia, Pa. 29-5-12-19 WHEN YOU GET BAD, COARSE Meal,; It is not Lassiter's Meal. 30-1 It FOR SALE Eight-room house; ne cessary conveniences, just renovat ed. Easy terms, 519 N. East St. Wed., Sat., 2t. DR. JENNIE W. HOUGHTON, Osteopath. Women and Children's Diseases a spec ialty. See me in time to prevent Inval idism and - operations. Consultation free. -Office, hours, 9 to ?sW3 to 5., and by appointment K&ojnv: 1 Hotel Giersch. Pone 391. A Hail-Storm of Lead The Stevcni Vitible Loading Rebcmtlnc ItiAe No. 70 ihoots 1 J shots fasU tacb cartridge ai 11 come out oi me magazine and goes into the chamber abows plainly before your eyci. v You don't have to think whether the rifle ia loaded or not you know. Guaranteed to be the mou accuratt .aft Caliber Repeating Rifle in the world, - Made in two stylea. One takes .1 abort cartridge only. The other takes any one of three carttdges -,n Short, .at Long and .21 Loag Ride, but the greatest accuracy la ob tained by using .21 Long Rifle cartridge . nly. If your dealer hasn't h we will tend ex press prepaid 00 receipt of Li it Price $&.oo. Points (or the Sharpshooter. Hunter and-v. Trapshooter. Write ut and tell ua what kind of hooting you are most interested in and we will write a lct;cr of advice with many valuable pointers for the Hunter and Sharpshooter. We will give yow abort cuts to expert marksmanship which will not only make you a bettei . abot than you already are, but will cut doftu your ammunitiou bills aa well. f J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. DEPT. S. . The Factory of Precision Chicopee Falls, Mass. see HUBBARD BROS. &CG HANOVEIt SQUAKE, NEW YORK. MEM 11 Kits of New York Cotton ICxthanse, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Associate Members Liv erpool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED- -For the pur chase and sale of Cotton (or future HplivArv . r.nrrpnnondpnra Invited. Morning reDorts received at the Succeed when everything else falls. In nervous prostration and female weakneastd tln:y are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the . best medicine ever old over a druggist's counted) - i'u TlCEl t will sell at public auction for cash on the 4th day of November, .1910, at 12 o'clock M., on my mill yard, near the residence of John Pngh Haywood, Esq., in Wake Forest- Township, Wake County, N. C, about five hundred thousand feet of lumber, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy a lien for $1,134.82 due me by J, W, Travis, for cutting and sawing said lumber. Oct. 19, mo: . .. :, A. M. HARRIS. 1 a. w. iw, j- .'ft ft. (1 I hoaJ -. ah hi . .;' - .- I