6 -. 2 "IMF" CO, Ready to-wear Tailor- made Coat Suits Plain Tailored or Trimmed Models Semi-fitting Coats, richly lined with Satin. New Model Skirts Plain, sored and flounce. Fabrics. Broad cloths. Worsted Cheviots. Rough- weaves. . V. -V Smart and invisible stripes. Our Suits are made with more nan oromary care ind with great i . ft MVW U1IU charm Dobbin- Ferrall Comp'y 123-125 Fayetteville Street TROUBLE IN PORTUGAL Military Conspiracy Again New Government Trope Massed About the (lOVcminetit House anil Soldier Held In Ttendi. , ih'ss Thirty-two Officers "At" IWited. (By Cable to The Time.) Lisbon. Portugal. Oct. 31 Troops were massed about the government house today ami e olriiers n ere held ii readiness in tin- bat-rack as the re suit of the unearthing -of a miut;iry conspiracy- and the arrest nf j: ofti eers charged with secret ly plotting against the republic. President Kraga the provisional head of the republic while admitting today that he did not know how fur the infection had spread, declared that the revelation came about through an investigation by the judiciary and not of the cab. inet. Drastic' measures were taken today to prevent turther display or disloyal ly. It was reported that tjie cab inet feared that a .secret cabal ex isted to overthrow the republic unrl set .Manuel back upon the Portuguese throne. - Seno Franco, who was premier when King Charles and Crown Prince I.nuis were assassinated nearly three years ago. has been arrested but today was at, liberty under heavy bond, t tther members of Ids cabinet were arrest ed while the revolution against the crown was at its height. He is charged with abuse of power al though it is .secretly hinted that the leal accusation against him Is that lie is su.ieeted of fomenting ' disten tion against the republic. Franco was in exile from Portugal for a good many years and It only recently that be came into the country from Spain whole he had been hiding. ) V f 3- yrJtSXJl z-r--W i;sZJZ. 2-KrXE.je JSLSSSJiX&aJtJ Map showing' route traversed byAlun H. Haw ley ami .Augustus Post, who smashed all international balloon records in their ilissht from St. l,ouis to Clucoiitiiiii, Quebec, Can. 'I liese men started frnin St. Louis on October ITili and nothing- was beard of them lr over a week, until they reported all sale from this tittle out-of-the-way town in Canada. , fi'Ui inmnulLn wi ' i.iiiih.hiiiii. i v -V . " ' ,-.w ' v , t -. . ,. . . : - J. ; . . . - , I , fe- ,1 . I . : -. " '. . : :. " ' - v- " j . ' . ' b... - , J D e 1 iciouV Candies Bonbons and Chocolates that just make your mouth water to think about. Always pure, ' always fresh; the highest grade candies made. , ' n - HfiXRY T, HICK CO. and "wunnaHy'" TICKER BUILDING PH ARMACY. t in the president s messase, it is now known definitely that Mr. Tal't's sreaiest hope is that the short ses sion may remove -all. worry as to tne future of i he superannuated Kovcrn- llll'i'' clerl. s. f'f usitm-retirenieiit bill, : in the m!nd of the president, goes hand with t lie Kieat economy plans that are being' adopter! in all branches of tile overnnient service. $ THK PRKSIDKXT'S MKSS.ACK. Has About Oeeided on All the lie- eoiniiiendntioiis He Will .Make Tills Fait... . ..-..' ) (By Leased Wire to The Times;) Washington, Oct, "1 Although he has not yet made even a preliminary draft of his annual, niessage. Presi dent Taft has virtually decided on all the recommendations he will make to congress Ht the opening of the s.iort session in December.,' Not until he is on his way home from ii is visit of in-' spection to the Panama Canal will the preetdent- n(egin actual work on his message, une pi tne reasons lor.uie delay is that certain -proposals wnich he will make regarding the canal will depend on the result ot ats visit. Another is that, he wishes to know before beginning the message whether the next congress that lie will have on his hands will be repub licaii or detnocratic. But no matter whether the repub licans or democrats rule the next house, tiie president will continue liis constructive legislative work.. It can be stated that iie will recommend to a democratic: house exactly what he would recommend to a republican house. If the democrats are in con fro! and they refuse to accept men- lorious suggestions from a republi can nresident. Jir. tan win iie con tent to leave the issue to the people of the country Nevertheless, if the returns from t lie election a week from tomorrow -show that the next house will he democi-atic. President raft will trv to put through a more ambitious program at the short ses sion than the one contemplated should the republicans continue in control. Kconnmy will he one of the key notes of the message out ii is not likely that the plans for two more battleships and six torpedo boat de stroyers will be made to feel ; the pinch. I'nder the present plan of ac tion, congress Will be asked to ap propriate for these at the short ses sion. While lime mention uas ueeu made of a pension retirement hill in any of the advance hints of the pro gram that will be sent to congress Saved Front the Grave. 'I had about given up hope, after nearly four years of suffering from a severe lung trouble.'' writes Mrs. M. Dix, of Clarksville, Tenn. "Often the pain in my chest would be al most unbearable and I could not do any work, but Dr. King's New Dis covery has made me feel lilifr a new person. It's the best medicine made for the throat and lungs." Obstinate coughs, stubborn colds, hay fever, la grippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis and hemorrhages, .hoarsenes and whoop ing cough yield quickly to this won derful medicine. Try it. 50c, and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Guaran teed by all druggists. broken window while on his round shortly alter 10 o f lock. Wadeslioro has had considerable irouliio wlm rowdys ou Saturday um.it s.- hut tile trouble has -always been on. a differ ent street. T:ie recent ugiiion con cerning the enforcement of law bad its eifect tsatnrdav- nignt and the streets were much more quiet-, ni.l.!SI)X WITH STOI.'K TRAIN. I''oui- Hliwl; Men Cr:rsii:d to Dentil Mhii I'unsciispi' Rtiiift I !-1 riiem. I'ASVIOT.WK .11-1 RIGHT. (1! i : t I. s h.ii I I iiat-' there is j "vei y am! J badly c.ripplei) wb: I ! t ic i iii Hsu. .Mihvaul- I ! .. to '! ne tevid.'o. Sliuiiv. Dct. niei: . u err- cntsln-d to slerpor. two injured so l - ) i -I' mir death in serlouslv slight , r banco for (lifir n engineer ami fireman seel ion four .i M. Paul -as! bound Will Pile Ip Her I sua I llcmocratic .Maioi'itv .Vows Notes, CS. ) FRKK RHEUMATISM CIRF. Tiie Worst Old Cases Solicited Cures Thru the Rlood Where AH Klse Fails Remedy Tester For Past 30 A'ears Thousands Sing Its Praises. ' Aching bones, swolcn joints perma nently cured thru the blood by taking internally. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It has made more people who suffer from rheumatism happy by curing them than any other remedy. If you have bone pains,' sciatic or shooting pains up and down the leg, aching back or shoulder blades, swollen joints or swollen muscles, dif ficulty in moving around so you have to use crutches; blood thin or skin pale', skin itches and burns; shifting pains; bad breath; lumbago, gout, take Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B.) which will remove every symptom, because B. B. B. sends a rich tingling flood of warm, rich pure blood direct Jo the paralyzed nerves, bones and joints, g lying warmth attd strength just where it is needed, and in this way making a 'perfect lasting cure of Rheumatism in all its forms. B. B.'B. has made thousands of cures of. rheumatism after all other medi cines, liniments'and doctors have fail ed to help' or cure. DRUGGISTS, or by express, $1 PER LARGE BOTTLE, with- directions for home cure. SAM PLES SENT FREE by writing BLOOD BALM CO., ATLANTA, OA. Describe your trouble and free medical advice given. IMXHIi: ATHI.KTIC COXTIvST. Rettveen" Canada and the I'nited States Toniyht. ( By I. eased W ire to The Times.'). New York, Oct. '. SI -Canada wjll be pitted against the I'nited States in. the indoor eliampionsliip meet oi the amateur athletic union, which starts tonight - in . Madison Square Garden and wil lwind up tomorrow night'.'. In all thirty-two events will be contested for in the international batlle lor amateur titles. Lukewarm and Happeiiy of Montreal, came to town with the determination to carry away tiie running and pole vaulting honors and perhaps establish some new .murks. Lukewarm is rated as one- of The" speediest sprinters in the world and lias victories over cham pion Bobby t.'long.i. Happony is a classic pole vaultef and is nearly al ways in at the finals. Among the American athletes who will contest are Mel Sheppard. Harry Gissins, Abel Kiviat, Pieik, of Pennsylvania ; McGee and Hauer. of Ciiicag6:Matt McGiath, .Martin Sheridan, Griffin, of Chicago, who defeated Sheridan for the senior discuss throwing cham pionship at New Orleans: Ray Ewry. the Olympic champion; H. I,. Soli roth. of New Orleans, and many on ers. Yale. Princeton. Dartmouth, Pennsylvania, Chicago University and other schools will be represented. . Biliousness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chamber lain's Tablets are essentially a stom ach medicine, intended especially to act on that organ; to cleanse it, strengthen It, tone and invigorate It, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually. For sale by all dealers. ; leeiul .to The '1 Elisabeth-' City, f t. MH-lt is an a' si:cd fact tnat Pas.iuoiank eoiituv will pile up lier usual wholes. line dem ocratic majority, on November, the Mil, when her stuilv manhood will march to the' polls -and do its lull duly in helping to bury ncgroism, llutler ism and the fraudulent timids lor ever. The republican lenders in this 'county know that ibey have not got a- 'nil mor? cbanci' to cut anv !li:ure at the polls than -one-legged" man . in a kicking I ioIic. and so far tli'-v have wasted no. time in having ihelr spell binders'. to 'harangue' here. , ; Locke .Craig lias been here and What he did for the republican partv was a plenty. If ' fin-tier 'gets one half of the flaying elsewhere that In.- got here. Ins is the "most Haved. man alive. Craig -mercilessly. rid tiled;, the republic an partv s record in North Carolina in a way that the democrats -'stood agbat at' the. evil liiai there is ill their : midst, Possiblv. Locke r'raig did not niaat1 .'un votes, Jir eili-boflv licre old enough to vote, are already democrats, ex I'ept a lew republican olliee holders: and those who 'expect to' hold office, i if tiie republican, party- st4j's (n 'power long eiiouglt for their turn to come. .senator Simmons is scheduled to speak here on the ,'lh of November, and a large crowd will hear him r:im or shine. Henry. T. King, of. Pin couittyi the icpuhlican xandidale loi congress i advertised to speak here on Hie, even ing of WedneHday, November 2nd. Hi is the hist republican speaker to conic tins wavy . . .Miss, Lillian '-Phelps;.' of" Niagara, N. V.. lectured to the W. C. T. Thi lecline was heard with a great thai nl interest by a ' large audience. Miss Phelps is a gifted speaker and greni.lv interested her audience. ' -nd p. Muni, tile Pine.'. : ve:;in to tiie jiassr ker : and , sscnger train No. ll from . i-:. tailed into ll:e ri-ar 'loi'!; train, lust west, of stock train ' was. en- k on the siding- lit train 1 .-Eugineer :i;'ii ,Sli. kb i- of the ill . 1 inir1 to, save START NOW and keep it up. 4 Wake County Savings Bank. Quarterly Interest Paid on Deposits. Small or Large Accounts Equally Ap ' predated. Aq0 , Three FELL INTO RIVKR. .Men Finlitiim IJoll OIV Docks Two Drowned. : Leased Wire to 'I lie Times.) PATROLMAN ATTACKED. Hadly Wounded by Assassin Ground Sprinkled With Pepper. (By Leased Wire to The Times-. ) Padticah, Ky., Oct. 31 An attempt was made to assassinate Patrolman Leslie Ogilvie early today and the pa trolman was picked up for dead, his helmet pierced with three bullets and a gaping wound in his neck near the base of the brain. He is believed near death. . Bloodhounds were taken to the scene of the shooting, where a hat was found in the bushes. The dogs began to cough and sneeze and could not be induced to take the trail. Investigation showed that the ground was sprinkled wfLi red pepper. - ' ' .. '..'. if ROL1) ATTEMPT AT IU'RGLARA". (i: r'lui'ago. Oct. .11 Two men. were diowned and a third narrowlv escaped death lodav following a fight on the liver docks near the' Clark . street bridge.. The men. locued in each others anus, were fighting so tiercel y Unit they tailed to notice that their strug gles had .carried them to the edge of the docks. Suddculv watchers saw them plunge into the water and all three disappeared. Jiemhers of the lite saving crew rescued Charles Miller, a : marine en gineer, The men who were drow ncd were unidentified, hut are believed lo have been lake sailors. . None ot the men bad weapons and the light was with lists and feet. When they fell into the water, each had his lingers clutched about the. others throat. - ''. .MAM: A DEPOSIT of (lie amount you can save FA FRY WEEK. i Wc do a Savin-s I tank business, pay FOUR PER CENT. Compounded Quarterly, and keep open SATURDAY NIGHT. ' THE MECHANICS' SAVING BANK Service oi Siimnirins hv Hubiicaljon-Notice. The resources of all the Ranks in Wake county aereeatcd, accnrdliiK fo an aihi'i'tisinu: liooi.lcl, flic sum id SU,'.!IT,7il(i.2l, and Raleieh was proud l it. . In llns K1""! year, one Rank alone THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK lias resources anioniilln:; fo more llian uli liiiil in I1MXI. fooling mi .K.d'JI.- 7.-00. ' .'" 'V ': ' .': v .:',.''.. .'.' .And llieri- area number of other strom: banks. ) If your funds are inactive yon can get 4 ijtiartcrly at Ihe The Raeigh Savings Bank and Trust Co. 41 Certificates of Deposit -' i - - Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent HaieigJb- Banking Trust Company DIRECTORS: Chus. K. .Tolinson. .Ian.- A. BrlgiS, W. A. Line han, H. K. JJon-is. O. Morfnjr, W. N. Jones, J. II., CliamberUfn, T. . Crowder. ATre,! Wliliums, Tbos. S. Kenan, John W. Harden, Carey K. Durfe? in North Carolina V ake Cotitii v. T. K. Moore and vs. William L. Kanme S'atilv, the Superior Court i Helore the Clerk. ! iff, Lucv Mooro ! .Manly nnd Wile, tllittni Rurgoss Merchants National OF ttALiflGEt, N. C, Bank, nnd W ife, Virtue Uuress ami Hen Jones. ' - . Xofice. 'Ihe defendants, William L. .Manly and wife, K'aniiie Manlv, oi Conwav, State of Arkansas, will t:;ke notice that a special proceeding entitled as above lias been commenced - before the cleric ol the superior court ot Wake county to partition certain lands lying and being in W ane coun ty, near the City of. -Raleigh, anion? tiie tenants in common; and tne said defendants will luither take notice tiiat (.hoy are required to appear at the oflice ol tne clerk of tiie superior rourt ot mi!:c count v on November Kith, at Raleigh, N". C, and answer or . demur to the complaint.-in said special pror or ding, or the plninViff will apply to the court for the relier demanded in liio complaint: . Wli.l.lAM lU'SS, Clerk of the Superior ("oint. Tins 7th dav of October, l!H0,. la w--4t. ' J BANKING HOURS. 9:00 A M. to 3:0aP. M. ON SATURDAY. 9:00 A M. to 3:00 P. M. AM G:00 P. M. 9:00 P. M. V.. C. DI XCA.V, President, WM. II. WII.LIVMSOX, 1st V.-P. W. Ii. DRAKR, Jr., Cashier. W. l VTI.KY,' 2ml Y.-T. ' S. J. HIXSDALF, Asst. Ciifihier, 1 O-U-R p-L-A-T-F-O-R-M Safety fnsf, liberality nevt-bot Ii are essential to succesfiil Ranking. If you are satisfied with out platform conic and see us. 4 allowed in iiaviiijis Department. , The Comsnercial National Bank, Capital and Surplus, $385,000.00. Ii. S. JEM MAN,. President; ALF. A. THOMPSON, Vico-Presl-J.-J.. THOMAS, Chairnmii' ot Bourd; B. B. CROW, Cashier; Ol'l ICKRS - de:it : A. P. 13 A CM AN, ABsistaiit Cashier. Plate Olass Window Broken In Hriglitly Lighted Street. ',--.- t ' t : ( Special to The Times.) : Wadesboro, N. C, Oct. 31 The boldest burglary ever attempted in the town took place Saturday night about. 10o'clock. Some one smash ed the plate glass window In tne fropt of the store of Blalock Hard ware company. . The window was broken with a large piece of cement.. Three, pistols were taken from tile window. The strange part of the'af fair is that t:ie street is '-brightly lighted, and stores less than 100 feet away were open and doing business, bu none heard the glass' broken. Po liceman Crouch discovered the FME in SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP: Watch for the, Coupon in the Raleigh Evening Times, November 7th. On the above date we will print in The Evening Times a Coupon good for a full size cake of our famous Sweetheart Toilet Soap, absolutely free. - Present the coupon to any retail grocer handling Sweetheart, and he will give you a cake of soap free. Sweetheart Soap is an absolutely pure, neutral Toilet Soap. Contains Glycerine, Cold Cream arid Benzoine for softening arid whitening the skin. ' rfas an exquisite perfume. Retails far only 5 cents perxake. Made only by MANHATTAN 'SOAP CO NEU -YORK: 9 I