" ' SHE TIMES: RALEIGEf, N. C., 'MONDAY, OCTOBER 311910. ."'if v C;J DAY AT TRiulTY iraticn 'cf . Dr. Few Next' Week Will Bo Marked By a Brilliant As. seniblage of - Scholars Leading ' Address By President Hudson, .of , Chicago University. . V- (Special to The Times) Durham, Oct. 31 With the" in auguration of President Few barely ten days off everything Is now in readiness for what, promises, to be the most brilliant assemblage of scholars that has been brought to gether in the south in many years. The public exercises that will mark the inauguration1 will be elaborate and Impressive, and will Include ad dresses by President Judson of the University of Chicago; Governor Kitcbln, President Few, and retiring President Kilgo. Various functions will mark the memorable day. A luncheon to the delegates, guests and trustees will be Dean Ernest, E. Merrltt, M.E ' University of Pennsylvania Phila delphlaWlUiam E. Mikell. B.S. Johns Hopkins' University, Ball more James . Curtis Ballagh, Ph.D. LL.D. - Vanderbllt University, " Nashville, Tenn. Chancellor-James H. Kirk land, Ph.D., LL.D. University of Virginia, Charlottes ville Bruce Reyburn Payne, A.M. Ph.D. - -' ' ; 'University of Tennessee, Knoxvllle. President Brown Ayres, Ph.D., LL.D. D.C.L." - . . ' Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. Dean Andrew F. West. Washington and Lee University Lexington, Va. President George H Denny, LL.D. University of Minnesota, Minneap olis Acting President John F. Downey. Massachusetts Institute of. Tech nology, Boston President Richard C. MacLaurln, M.A., LL.D., D.Sc, Randolph Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va. Prof. J. L. Arm strong, M. A. Gojicher College, Baltimore Pres. tdent Eugene Allen Noble, L.H.D University of South Carolina, Co lumbia Prof. A. C. Carson Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, Rock Hill, S. C. President D. B. Johnson. given in the Washington Duke build ing, west wing, at 1 o'clock, at which nrfina noii,,.,, OninAnvUi r. James H. Kirkland, Ph. D.. chancel- President Thomas J. Simmons; A.M., ior 01 vauueruui. university, win ll.D. preside. At Uhe same hour, Mrs, Georgia School of Technology, At James Edward Stagg will give a iait.Pri,M0nf if r. u.tL.nn luncheon to the wives of the visiting) North Carolina State Normal and pe"1 uu 10 lu 'nvuea guesis, industrial College, Greensboro Pres at "Greystone". her city residence. i t to Ft6m,9:00 to 11:00 In the evening! Southern University. Rreennhhrn. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Duke will re- Ala. President Andrew Sledd, Ph.D., Hill street, the specially invited guests, the members of the board of trustees, and the faculties of the col lege. Arrangements have been made with the officials of the Southern Rajlway to operate, for the benefit of the delegates, a special train from Greensboro, which will arrive in : Durham at 8:55 Wednesday morning, and another one from Durham ' to Greensboro, which will leave Durham at 11:30 at. night after the Duke re ception. The Inauguration brings to the south a delegation of educators which In point of academic'distinctlon and connection with the leading colleges and universities of the country has seldom been equalled in southern ed ucational annals. That the city real izes the importance of the occasion and the Tesponsibility that will de volve upon her in entertaining so distinguished a body of men is evi dent from the interest that Is being' taken on all sides and the prepara-. Hons that are being made for them. The mayor has made it the occasion ' of an address to the people of Dur ham, calling attention to the inaugu ration on November 9th, and dwell ing on its importance. He says in part: "The city of Durham will have as guests probably the most disting uished body of educational leaders ever assembled In a southern city. Practically all of the large institu tions of the country -will send repre sentatives, many of whom will be their official heads. Durham will have an opportunity to show to rep resentatives of all sections of the country something of her enterprise and progressive spirit. There will be present on this occasion, not only many delegates from other states, but' also a large number of people from all sections of this- state. Durham Is to be signally1 honored, and I call upon all the citizens to do all in their power to give our visitors evidence of our public splrltedness and hospital ity. Let all our people who can dp so open their homes and assist- In entertaining, v our distinguished guests." There is a move among the business houses of the principle streets to decorate their . places . of business "with the Trinity colors on the day of the Inauguration. Fol lowing Is an Incomplete list of the delegates who have written that they will be present at the exercises:. '. Harvard University, Cambridge, Muss. President A. Lawrence Low el, A. B., LL.B., LL.D. . Vale University, New Haven, Conn. Dean Frederick S. Jones, .M.A. University of Chicago President Harry Pratt; Judson, LL.D. Columbia University, New York City George B. Pegram,.Ph.D. Cornell University, Ithaca, N, T. Haverford College, Haverford.JPa, Professor J. Franklin Davis, Ph.D. Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. George Augustus Gates, D.D., LL.D. Ohio Wesleyan University, Dela ware Wilbur Patterson Thirkfleld, M.A., D.D., LL.D. Western Reserve University, Cleve land Professor G. C. Laubscher. Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. Mrs. Adelia ' Gates Hensley, principal Mount Vernon Seminary, Washington, D. C. Union Theological Seminary, New York Rev. Plato Durham. - Lander College, Greenwood, S. C) President John C. Wilson. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg. Rev. Louis A. Bickle, D.D. ' Richmond College, Rlcnmond, Va. President Frederick W. Boatwright, M.A., LL.D. . University of Georgia, Athens -L. L. Hendren, Ph.D. Salem Academy and College, Wln-ston-Salem President Howard E. Rond thaler. Emory College, Oxford, Ga. Pres ident James E. Dickey, D.D. Board of Education M. K. Church, South Stonewall Anderson, A.M., d.d. Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C President Henry N. Snyder, M.A. Emory and Henry College, Emory, Va.r-J. S. Miller, D.Sc. -, Central College Mlssourla Rich ard Caleb, M.A. v Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. -. United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Robert Lee Flowers, A.M. ' ' Swarthmore College, Swaithmore, Pa. Mr. William Grlest Underwood. St. Johns College, Annapolis, Md. Professor Edwin Davis Pusey, A.M. The Citadel, Charleston, S. C Colonel O. J. Bond, superintendent. Wake Forest College, Wake For est Benjamin Sledd, M.A., LL.D. Elon College, Elon College Pres ident E. L. Moffit, M.A., LL.D. New fYork University, New York City J. M. Manning, M.D. Clark University, . Worcester, Mass. Prof. Harry W. Chase, .Ph.D. Lenlgh University, South Bethle hem, Pa. Wallace Carl Roddick, A.B., C.E. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Wesleyan University, Mlddletown, Con. Prof. A. H. Merrltt. ,Unlversityr of worth Carolina, Chapel Hill President Francis 'P. Venable, Ph.D., LL.D. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Prof. H. E. Satterfleld. Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. Cornelius Van Leuven, B.Sc. General Education ..: Board Dr. Wallace Buttrlck, 2 Rector street, New, York City. . Atlantic Christian College, Wilson. President J. C. Caldwell. ill EILE2 COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM TODAY.' 1 ' 'A Lunatic at Large," (A Vltagraph Life' Portrayal) (Comedy) "The School Master or Mariposh" 1 ' , (Dramatic) "The Ruling Passion' (Dramatic)' , ' Levin's Orchestra Plays Here Tonight, From 7:30 to 10:30. tfc... Ori- iff n I 4 9 Henri St. Yves, the womlertul lit' tie French runner, who came over to this country last year and galloped away with two $10,000 races, and who has now sent in his entry for the twenty mile race to be held in Mudi, son Square Garden, N. Y., November 4. .As a team mate St. Yves will have the crack-a-jack ten miler, Pierre Larque, who established an enviable reputation while running for an iinia- teur in the Irish-American, A. C. of New York. These two runners will represent France. ' You , are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparation has won Its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. It is equally valuable for adu'ts and chll dren and may be given to young chll dren with Implicit confidence as It contains no harmful drug. Sold by all dealers, ' . Death of Mrs. Carpenter. (Special to The Times.) Wadesboro, N. C, Oct. 31 Mrs. Martha J. Carpenter died at the home of her son,' Dr. S. B. Carpenter, of Cedar Hill, Friday. She was In her 8 9 tli year and has been an invalid for about eight years. She has suf fered two strokes of paralysis but death was due to old age. The fun eral service was conducted at the Concord Methodist church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Call of the Blood. for purlcation, finds voice in pim ples, boils, sallow complexion, a Jaundiced look, both patches and blotches on the skin all signs of liver trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills make rich red blood; give clear skin, rosy cheeks, fine complex- Ion, health. Try them. ' 25c. at all druggists. Football Not to Blame. ( By Leased Wire to The Times. ) Vicksburg, Miss., Oct. 31 Al- through his son, Sterling Gunn, Jr., died as the result of concussion of the brain, following a scrimmage dur ing football practice, the Rev.' E. Sterling Gunn, Sr., rector, of Trinity Episcopal Church, lauds the game as 'manly sport." In speaking today of his son's death he said football should not be blamed and that it was an accident. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE. New Trains Between New York, Washington, Augusta and Jackson rllle. Effective November 27th, 1910, the Southern Railway will put in ef fect new train service between New York, Washington,; Augusta and Jacksonville, schedule of which will be as follows: -.-'' -. ; No, ai. Leave New-York .12:38 P. M. Arrive Washington . 6:10 P. M. Ar. A'g'sta t la" Bl'ck ' Vie 1 1 : 3 5 A. M. Lv. A'g'sta via Trenton, .11:45 A. M. Arrive Jacksonville . . . '-',;.' if No. 82, Leave Jacksonville . . . , , Ar. A'g'sta via Trenton. Lv. A.'g'sta viafprck'vle Arrive Waiskygton .'. ;'.;,' Leave Washington . . ... . Arrive New York , X.y The above trains will be known as the Southern's Southeastern Limited and will consist of elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars; also Dining Car Ser vice. This train, as well as all other Southern Railway trains, will arrive and depart from the New Pennsyl vania Station, Seventh' Avenue and Thirty-second street New York City. For all Information pertaining to same, address the undersigned. W; H. PARNELL, Travelling Passenger Agent, , , ; ' ; Raleigh, N. C. H. F: CARY, y . General Pass. Agt. Washington, D. C, , 3:45 P. M. 9:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M. 3 :15 P. M. 8:63 P. M. , 9:05 A. M. 2:45 P. U. King off Externals Accepted b4 the Mothers of America as the one and dnly external preparation that positively and qnicldy CURES all forms of In flammation or Congestion such as Pnenmonia.Croup, Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy. Since Gowana Preparation has b4n introduced hen it has gained a strong foot-hold in many- ot our beat families whom I know aregir. ing.von advertisement right along without solicitation It always makes good. Weidlingjt Son, Tiffin, Ohio. Vroggista. BUY "TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Draitiaia. 50a. 25a. 0WN MEDICAL CO.. DURHAM. N. C. mrMlial. ut n ntttt tf ran Innttl English Paper On American Plan (By Cable to The Times.) London, Oct. 31 The first edition of the Evening Times! t;ie new paper run upon the American plan, made its appearance today. .' It is copiously 11 lustrated, even down to the editor ials. The Times now approaches the American : standard of journalism nearer than any otiier English pa- per. It consists of eight pages and ttte price is one-half penny. All the leading news Items are lustrated witn Diograpns ana drawings. Fire In Deaf and Dumb Institut ion (By Leased Wire to The Times.) San Francisco, Oct. 31 Fire in a dormitory adjoining the main build ing of' the state deaf and dumb asy lum at Berkeley resulted in a total loss to the building and . caused a stampede among the inmates of the institution. That there were no fa talities is due to the fact that inmates of the building were in the dining room of the main building at the time. The fire was confined to the dormitory though for a time the en tire plant was threatened. The best plaster. A piece of flan nel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on over the af fected parts is superior to a plaster and costs only one-tenth as much. For sale by all dealers. Foremost Sculptor Dead. (By Cable to The Times.) , London, Oct. 31 John Adams Acton,,,. England's foremost sculptor died today. Among the sitters for ,Mr. Acton were King Edward, Queen Victoria, the late Kaiser of Germany and the kaiserin, Pope Leo and many others. Mr. Acton married Marion Hamil ton, the authoress who wrote under the name of "Jeanie Hering." To Cure a Cold In One Day, Take LAXATIVE' BROMO Quinthe Tablets. Druggists refund money if it -fails to cure. : E. W. GROVE'S sig nature is on each box. , 25c. Premium Department. The following premiums will be given by The Evening Times for 30 consecutive coupons clipped from the paper and the payment of the small amount of cash on each. . Silverware Rogers. Knives and Forks; 12 pieces. 30 Coupons and $2.55. Spoons; 14 pieces; Sugar and Butter. 30 Coupons and $2.55. Clocks 8-day. Large Mahogany Wall No. 54. No. 13. No. 601. No. 600. No. 172 lock. 30 Coupons and $2.85. Large Mission Wall Clock. 30 Coupons and $2.55. Book Rack Clock, Mission. 30 Coupons and $3.10. Mantel 8-day Mission. 30 Coupons and $2.55. Mission Alarm. - 30 Coupons and $1.28. Gothic, Alarm. 30 Coupons and $1.28. Green Art Nourean Alarm. 30 Coupons and $1.28. Ebony, Art Mourean Alarm. 30 Coupons and $1.28. Dutch Percolator Sets; 3 pieces. 30 Coupons and $2.65. Rozone Tea Sets; 3 pieces. 30 Coupons and $1.75. National 2-hole Fireless Cooker. 30 Coupons and $2.95. 24-piece Crown Derby Tea .Sets. 30 Coupons and $2.45. 27-plece Crown Derby Tea .Sets. 30 Coupons and $2.45. National Cassierole. 30 Coupons and $1.29. . Lamp. Gas, Art. Oil. Art. Electricity, Art. 30 Coupons and $2.85. Gas, Green. Oil, Green. v Electricity, Green. 30 CouponB and $2.95. We do not pay delivery or express charges on any premium. Ad dress or call Premium Department THE EVENING TIMES. Phono 17 8. Raleigh, N. C. No. 11. No. 11. Np. 11. 15. 15. No. 16. No. No. Note: I BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. 1 BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. STORE CLOSES. AT 0:00 P. M. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE). Sisi Women's Tailored ' , UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE FALL STYLES. v w J A Fino materials in Smooth Broadcloth, granite effects or rough:, Scijlch; Mixtures, plain and fancy colors.. Severely tailored, with a modest plainness:' 'that captures your attention at first sight. You are cordially invited to see whole gathering of Suits and Dresses. Higher and lower priced garments, tut he. sure. You'll agree that such Suits should command higher prices, yet we only ask.. .... .. .......... ... .. . . $22.50, $23.50 and $25.00 EXTRA SKIRT VALUES. 'i f No woman would- expect to buy All-wool Skirts of the desirable kinds foi', less money when we are crowding values' up to $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00 into this Skirt Sale at. . . . . . $4.98 LONG CLOTH AND CHEVIOT COATS. Particularly strong is the line of popular priced Coats black and colors, Cheviots, Broadcloth and Knock-about Scotch Woolens . : . . $7.50 up to $25.00 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SWEATERS. i This first cool snap calls for heavier raiment and young people are clamor ing for Sweaters. They are rapid sellers, because thev are of the worthy sort . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . .......... .. $200, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00 'Children's Sweaters at . . . . . . . : ....... ... . . 50c, $1.00 and $1.50 BLANKETS, ROBES AND COMFORTS. Minneapolis, California, and North Carolina Blankets, white with fancy borders ... ... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 to $12.50 Robe Blankets in fancv checks and heavv plaid Auto Blankets, . , : $4.00, $5.00, and $6.00 Maish's Laminated "Cotton Down" Comfortables, with Maishaline Cov ers ...... . . . . . : .... .... .. $2.00 to $6.00 LARGE ROOM RUGS. Little advertising do these get, yet the sales are enormous. Recently it be came necessary for ou r buyer to make a special tri p to New York for the spec ial purpose of buying Rugs alone. Hundreds of them are here the assort ment greater, prices fair and just . . . . .... ....... , $12.50 on up to $65.00 Hearth Rugs, Door Rugs and Hall Rugs in patterns to match, $1.00 on up to $8.50 ' All Carpets are made and laid free of cost. 1 BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. Ill CtDdDM WETI.a Ranges sold at cost; connection free, along our line of main. STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, Pfenn 9aRTrnntat.iv Will Call Temporary Office 107 S. Wilmintrton 8k. What a Satisfaction IT IS to have clothes made for you, to fit your own shape and personality especial ly if they embody the true metropolitan cut and style, such as we put into our clothes. OUR PRICES ARE MODERATE, but the value we deliver is rarely equaled short of a much higher figure than we charge. Select your pattern and leave your or der today. A. C. HINTON, NORTH CAROLINA'S FOREMOST TAILOR, , Rooms 208, 209, 210 MerchamU National Bank Building. "Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation", and nearly every body reads The Evening Times. Norfolk Southern Railroad New Short Route Through Eastern North Carolina Via Raleigh-Norfolk Schedule In Effect August 15th. ::..:.: No. 12. Dally except Sunday. Leave Raleigh 6:15 a. m WllBon 8:20 a. m., Greenville 9:40 a; m., ar rive Washington 10:40 a; m., New Bern 11:35 a. m., Norfolk 4:05 p. m., connect with A. C. L. at Wilson for Rocky Mount and the north. No. 18. Daily except Sunday. Leave Raleigh s: 00 p. m., Wilson 5:00 p. m. Arrive Greenville 6:30 p. m.,arrive Washington 7:25 p. m. Receives connection at Raleigh from Southern Railway, S. A. L. Railway and R. & S. Railway. - No. 6. Daily "Night Express" Pullman sleeping cars. Leave Ral eigh 9:00 p. m., Wilson 11:15 p. m., Greenville 12:41 a. m., Washington 1:40 a. m. Arrive Eden ton 3:55 a. m., Elizabeth City 6:10 a. m Nor folk 7:00 a. m. Receives connection at Raleigh from Southern Railway, S. A. L. Railway, and R. & S. Rail way. At Wilson from A. C. L. Rail way from north and south. . Trains Arrive Raleigh Union Station. No. 6." Daily ' "Night ; Express" from Norfolk at 7:30 a. m., connects with all lines. ' ' .i'f i. No. 19. Dally except Sunday from Washington and Intermediate points at 11:20 a. m. No. 11. Dally except Sunday from Norfolk, New Bern and Inter mediate polntB at 7:25 p. mj N. B.: Above schedule! figures published as Information only and are not guaranteed. For further information as to reservation of sleeping cap space ap ply to any ticket agent or H. L. Llpe, U. T. A., and D. V. Conn, f, P. A., Raleigh, N. C. ( W. W. CROXTON, P. P. A, B. L. BUGQDROFFIS, Manager. Norfolk, Va. ' In Ralolgh Nearly Everybody Reads The Evening Tiiufw. war-

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