THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES : THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910. 3 CHILD HOI SOCIETY Will Erect a Home In Durham ' North C'urollna Child Home oSciety . . Will Move From - firecnuboro to .' A. Durham and Occupy Its Own Building Meeting of St. Mary's Alumnae. . .. -. -;s ' (Special to The Times.) Duiham, N. C, Nov. 3 Announce ment was made yesterday by the' com mittee on construction that plans are now complete for the Erection ' of "Joyland." the new uome of the North Carolina Child Home Society, which is to beerected on a plot of land in the mineral spring vicinity on the outskirts of the city. -Work will - begin on the actual construction as ,s.oqn as f he material can be- gotten together and the -weather permits. The main office of the society which lias hitherto been in Greensboro, will shortly-be moved to this city. The president of the society is J. S. Carr, of Durham, and the general superintendent is Mr. W. B. Streeter, ,of Greensboro. The latter will re to this city 'to, continue the management as soon as the building iscompleted. Plans for tlie structure -have been drawn by Architect J. W. : -'Brewer,! of Greensboro, and . have been accepted by ,the building com mittee. t The building will be con structed of brick and stone, and abso Jutely. fire-proof, having all the mod ern conveniences found in the best appointed orphan homes. . The land for the home has been donated by Mr. O. K. Proctor and is a beautiful fifteen acre site directly opposite the residence of Mr. Proctor and situated upon one of the highest spots in the county, thus insuring perfect drain age. It is the same site which was offered by Mr. Proctor to the Knights of Pythias for their orphanage bef are that organization definitely located their institution in Clayton. Tue place is generally admitted to be one of the finest sites for such a home in North Carolina and the Childrens' Home Society is exceedingly fortu nate in being given so valuable a piece of land. The society is at present taking care of over one thousand children in the state, twenty of .whom are from this county. No restrictions are 'placed as to age, children from one hour old-up Jiaying foiqd homes in tue institution. The society does not turn them loose until they are twen ty, and generally succeeds in finding for thm a good position or home. The society has at present fifty ap plications from orphans which they are unable to take care of. With the completion of the new commodious home some time next summer, this difficulty will largely be remedied. .St. .Mary Alumnae Celebrate. The local alumnae of St. Mary's School ,of Ilaleigh, met Tuesday af ternoon at. tiie residence of the presi dent of the Pui'ham Alumni Associa tion .Mrs. J. M. Manning, on Dillard. street. An interesting program was carried out. Extracts from the cele bration of founders day in Raleigh, April 110, 1910, were read by one of the members. Perhaps one of the most interesting features of the meet ing was the , reading of papers by ladies representing three generations of the school life of St. Mary's: Mrs. W. L. Wall. Mrs. William Graham, and Miss Robbie Tillingliast. In ad dition to this there were short talks about tilings of interest to the local organization which is on a permanent footing and holds meetings twice a year. All graduates of the school who are living In Durham are mem bers, and. attend the meetings when ever possible. The business and rou tine part of the meeting was follow ed by the singing of the St. Mary's f S. i ? w. j ra;-.::.lL : if f & X i &Y -1 r i w Iver Lawsuit, the famous six-day bicycle rider ,wh was recently Injur cl at the Hoston six-day meet as a re suit of a spill in the seventh hour, 'Lawson's collar hone wan broken which put1' him : permanently, oat of the- race. His .team mute procuml another partner and continued the rare. One lap behind the leaders. Ode, after which refreshments were served. , . ;';.' The alumnae present at this meet ing were:r Mrs. V. A. Erwin, Mrs, W. L. Wall. Mrs. Prank Webb, Mrs. John Rose, Mrs. 13. K. Powe, Mrs. W A. Graham, Mrs. W. J. Griswold, Mrs, T, M. Williamson, Mrs. , W; B. Gutb rie, Mrs. L. A. Carr, Mrs. John Man nine, Mrs. Paul Taylor, Mrs. D. C Mitchell, Mrs. Bessie Leak, Miss Lot tie Sharp and Miss Tilinghast. Both Speedy and Effective. This indicates the action of Foley Kfdney Pills as S. Parsons, ' Battle Creek, Mich., illustrates: "I have been afflicted with a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble for which I found no relief until I used Foley Kidney Pills. These cured me entirely of all my ailments. I was troubled with backaches' and severe shooting pains with annoying urinary irregularities, The steady use of Foley Kidney Pills rid me entirely of all my . former troubles. They have my highest re commendation." King-Crowell Drug Company. Eight-day Bicycle Itiice. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Boston, .Nov. 8 The eight-team Lie for first place in the six-day bicy cle race at the arena, which had stood since Monday was broken last night and only five teams will face the star ter at 4 o'clock this afternoon in line for the premier honor. The leaders have covered 677 miles, 2 laps. Mr. OottO Paul, Milwaukee, Wis., says Foley's Honey and Tar is still more than the best. He writes us. "All that bought it think it is the best for coughs and colds they ever had and I think it " is still more than the best..-' Our baby had a bad cold and It cured him in one day. Please accept thanks. King-Cro well Drug Company. An effort is being made to incite interest in the question of good roads. It is proposed to repair the road from Ensenada sought for 250 miles. This would make the interior of the lower California peninsula much more ac cessible, as automobiles now make frequent trips to Ensenada from San Diego and other California cities. Only One "BROMO QUININE," that Is LaxaSve Bromo Quinine Cares a Cold in One Day, Crip in 2 Day :1EVEL 1Y: COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM TODAY. "A Mohawk's Way" (A Biograph) A Subject of the Janes Fenlniore Cooper Type) "Two Waifs and a Stray; (A Heal YitJiK-'npli I fife rrtryal) "Celestial Vengeance" .Levin's Orchestra Plays Here Tonight, From 8:00 to 10:30. mm FOR TORPID LIVER. " ,. torpid liver deranges the whol r , aystcn, ana proauccs SiCK HFAnArHF, Dyspepsia Costiveness, Rheu matishi. Sallow Skin and Piles There Is no better remedy for this ,- common disease than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, ax a trial will prove. take No substitute. 'AINSrOKO SOCIALS. Hallowe'en Farly Given by .Mrs. L. I), RotiiiKon Notslie Event Hook Clab Jlecti:ii;s. . (Special to The Timw.) Avauesboiov Nov. 3 notable among the tocial events of the opening aututn teauon and tastefully carried out I every detail was the Halloween party given by Mrn. L. D. Robinson. f6n day afternoon and extendingr into th evening. The afternoon guests were bhlden pt 5 o'clock and were welcomed by he happy hostess, and Miss John sle Dunlap at the door. In th? hall way. Sfrs. F. J. Coxe and Miss Lon Little served punch at a dainty table, artistically decorated and lighted.1 the library and fitting room, tables were arranged for a progressive game, in which the score cards were em blematic of the occasion. The prizes went to Mrs. Karle Dunlap and Miss Flora MeKinnon and at the con elusion or the game an elegant menu or two courses was served. The long table was very beautiful in decoration and was much admired. The season was further emphasized in the artist arrangement of the entire room. In the evening at 7:30 other invite guests enjoyed the hospitality of M and Mrs. Robinson and an elegant sup per was serveid followed by bridge (list, but no prizes were offered Mrs. Robinson was becomingly gowned In pale green silk over satin, made deeoiette and a number of the guest wore elegant toilets. . Tuesday afternoon Master Carl Rob inson was host at a delightful gather Ing of his playmates and the youn people enjoyed a happy afternoon with limes. Dainty ; refreshments were served. The Wadesboro Rook Club enjoyed delightfully informal meeting Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Eugene Little, who is always a gracious and charm ing hostess. Many of the club mem bers were prer ent and the number was suppiimented by a number of invited guests. The subject of the afternoon was the early colonial history of North Carolina and the guests were asked to write an original poem concern ing Sir Walter Raleigh. These were read and showed much original thought. The fortunate prize winners were Miss Ethel Terrill and Mrs. Jas, Hardlson. Elegant refreshments were served. The hostess was assist ed by Misses Kate Leak, Mary Cliffe Bennett and Augusta Little. The meeting of the Tuesday After noon Club this week with Mrs. L. L. McLendon at her happy suburban home was a most enjoyable occasion Potted plants and pink roses were used to beautify the rooms and added charm nd delight. In addition to the mem bers of the club, there were present, Mrs. T. C. Coxe, Mrs. B. Dunn. Misses Lora and Marion Little 'and Mrs, Clive Cottingham. of St. Louis, Mo. After an . enjoyable game of progres sive "Forty-Two" in which the honors went to Mrs. T. L, Caudle, the hostess served an elegant two course luncheon followed by ice cream and cake. An Ideal Huslmml is patient, even with a nagging wife for he knows she needs help. She may be so nervous and riin-dowu in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleep lessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bit ters the most wonderful remedy for lling women. Thousands of suffer ers from female troubles, nervous roubles, backache and weak kidneys have used them and become healthy nil hiinnv. Trv them. Onlv Tifte. Satisfaction guaranteed by all drug gists. ... :. OA It MAGNATES ROBIiEl). Train Itobbcrs Enter Private Car and Get $11.20. (By Leased Wire to The Times) El Paso, Tex., Nov. 3 Entering the private car of Walter Douglas, general manager of the Phelps-Dodge interests in the southwest, two band its held up a party of eastern direc tors and officials of the Calumet and Arizona mine at Lordsburg, N. M., and got $11.20 out of the crowd, hich contained several millionaires. The 20 cents was obtained from the negro porters. ; The victims in the lid west hold-up scene, which was staged on a siding, were: C. D. Atit remont, James Briggs, Captain Jas. Hoatson, and J. C. Greenway, gen eral manager of the Calumet and Arizona mine, all of New York. SKIN SUFFERER SAY'S "IF I HAD ONLY KNOWN". "Jf I had only known how quickly Eczema can be cured, what long years of awful suffering It would have saved me," writes F. A. Will, of 250fi Washington St., San Francisco, Cal. This, after .40 years of suffering and after using less than one bottle of the Oil of Wintergreem-Thymol D. D.' D. Prescription. , : - , Try at least a 25 cent bottle. To our certain. knowledge 0. D. D. Pre scription always gives instant relief absolute relief Inside of ten sec onds! ' Henry T. Hicks, Tucker Building Pharmacy, Ptemium . Department ' The following premiums will be given by The. Evening Times for 30 consecutive coupons clipped from, the paper and the payment of the small amount of cash on each. . Silverware -Rogers. Knives and Forks; 12 pieces. ZO Coupons and $2.55 Spoons; 14 pieces; Sugar and Butter. 30 Coupons and $2.55 Clocks 8-daj. No. J72. Large Mahogany Wall Clock. 30 Coupons and $2.85 No. 54. Large Mission Wall Clock 30 Coupons and $2.55 Book Rack Clock, Mission. , 30 Coupons and $3.10 No. 13. Mantel 8-day Mission. 30 Coupons and $2.55 No. 501. Mission Alarm. 30 Coupons and $1.28 No. BOO. Gothic, Alarm. 30 Coupons and $1.28 Green Art Nourean Alarm. 30 Coupons and $1.28 Ebony, Art Mourean Alarm. ' 30 Coupons and $1.28 Dutch Percolator Sets; 3 pieces. 30 Coupons and $2.55 Rozone Tea Sets; 3 pieces. 30 Coupons and $1.75 National 2-hole Fireless Cooker. 30 Coupons and $2.95 24-pIece Crown Derby Tea Sets. 30 Coupons and $2.45 27-piece Crown Derby Tea Sets. 30 Coupons and $2.45 National Cassierole. 30 Coupons and $1.29 Lamps. . Gas, Art. Oil, Art. Electricity, Art. 30 Coupons and $2.85 Gas, Green. Oil, Green. Electricity, Green. 30 Coupons and $2.95 We do not pay delivery or express charges on any premium. Ad dress or call Premium Department THE EVENING TIMES, 'Phone 178. Raleigh, N. C. No. 11. No. 11. No. 11. No. 15. No. 16. No. 15. Note: SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE New Trains Between - Now York. Washington, Augusta and Jackson ville. : Effective - November 27th, 1910, the Southern Railway will put in ef fect new train service between New Ysrk, Washington, : Augusta and Jacksonville, schedule of which will be as follows: : No. 31. Leave New York ..... .12:38 P. M Arrive Washington . . . . 6:10 P. M. Ar. A'g'sta via Bl'ik'v'le 11:35 A. M Lv. A'g'sta via Trenton. .11:45 A. M. . 3:45 P. M. Areive Jacksonville . No. 32. -; Leave Jacksonville. .... 9:00 A. M. Ar, A'g'sta via Trenton. . 3:00 P. M. Lv. A'g'sta via Bl'ck'vle. 3:15 P. M. Arrive Washington. , ... ; 8:53 P. M. Leave Washington, . . . . . 9:05 A. M. Arrive New York . . . . . . 2:45 P. M. The above trains will be known as the Southern's Southeastern Limited and will consist of elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars; also Dining Car Ser vice, This train, as well as all other Southern Railway trains, will arrive and depart from the New Pennsyl vania Station, Seventh Avenue and Thirty-second street New York City. For all information pertaining to same, address the undersigned. W. H. PARNELL, Travelling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, X. C. II. F. CARY, . General Pass. AgF. Washington, D. C. FALL IX PRICES OF .MEAT. All Hog; Products to Take a Tumble in Price. ; ( By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, Nov. 3 -The prices of ba con, : hams, and all hog products, ill take a decided slump within the next two weeks, according to the ex perts at the I'ni'on Stock' Yards. Hogs are now selling on the basis of 90 cents for corn, although corn actually only worth half that much. A fall In prices is Inevitable, and the big puckers are getting ready for it. At Armour & Co. and other pack 's today it was said that breakfast bacon was selling at from 20 to 30 cents a pound, but that so many bacon hogs were coming into the market that a fall in prices was cer tain. Slight reductions are now be ing made, and larger ones will come within a few. weeks when the new ams and bacon sides are cured. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. 1 BOYLAN-PEARCE CO; STORE CLOSES AT 6:00 P. M. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Forest Mills ''Hand-Trimmed'' Underwear y ; j Hand Finished, High Class, Thoroughly Depen dable and Perfect Fitting. Forest Mill (xarineuts arc all made from the choicest materials, the,. bera so1 leeted cotton the purest and softest wool, the finest Lisle thread. This- tinder wear is produced by the most skilled. labor and the best modern machinery the garments knitted to fit the' figure exactly, and in such a manner tlmtj laundering does not destroy their shapeliness, even in the course of the longest wear. All the garments are carefully finished br hand and so appeal to the most refined taste. These garments are made in cotton, lisle, wool, silk , and wool, and silk and cotton for.. Women and Children! We have handled this Line for many years. They have given full satisfaction and increased our sales so that double space is now required to handle them. Xo better endorsement could be asked. . ' Infants, Childrens, Misses, Boys and Ladies Underwear. "Union Suits, -Vests,- Pants, Plain or Flat Knit, Ribbed, Fleece-lined, Cot ton, '..Wool. .Mixed, All Wool, Silk and Wool, Silk and Cotton the medium, light ami heavv weig hts the kind vou are seeking in the qualities vou want. V ' 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 to $2.50 Honest Gordon Hosiery. Our wide experio nee enables us to know good Hosiery, and perhaps all we need say about "Gordon Hosiery" is that we have, absolute confidence in it and can thoroughly recommend it. Consequently we carry a large assortment and complete stock in all grades and all colors and black. The best that your money can buy at ... . ; . . , . , , . . 25 and 50c. and 3 Pairs for $1.00 Ladies Black Silk Hose. The kinds that are creating a furore all over the country with and feet, with 'pure silk between . . All Silk througho ut from top to tip of toe- lisle tops 50 and 75c. ilack and colors, $1.00 and $1.50 BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. WITI (GAS Ranges sold at cost; connection free, along our line of main. STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, Pfcotta ia .RmnrAKAntAtivA Will Call Temporary Office 107 S. Wilminffton St. A Man Wants to lie only when a lazy liver and sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency. But Dr. King's New Life Pills expel poisonB from the system ; bring hope and courage: cure all Liver, Stomach and Kidney troubles; impart health mid vigor to the, weak, nervous and ailing. 25c. at all druggists, Vacuum cleaners do not appear to be. needed' in China. Consul General Knabensbue states, that the Chinese use no carpets and not a great num ber of rus. Tientsin dealers, there- fore1, do not believe that it would pay tliiu io stock vacuum cleaners. What a Satisfaction 1 " w ) -"seBae-. LEErLr" 1 IT IS to have clothes made for you, to fit your own shape and personality especial ly if they embody the true metropolitan cut and style, such as we put into our clothes. OUR PRICES ARE MODERATE, but the value we deliver is rarely equaled short of a much higher figure than we charge. Select your pattern and leave your or der today. A. C. HINTON, KOKTtl. CAROLINA'S FOREMOST TAILOR, Rooms 208, 209, 210 - MerchaaU Nation! Bank Building. 4 "Nothing RueoeedR Like Circulation", and nearly rvery body reads The Evening Tiroes. Norfolk Southern Railroad New Short Route Through Eastern North Carolina Via Italeigh-Nor. folk Schedule in Effect August 15th. ';'. No. 12. Dally except Sunday. Leave Raleigh 6:15 a. m", Wilson 8:20 a. m., Greenville 9:40 a. m'., ar rive Washington 10:40 a. m., New Bern 11:36 a. m., Norfolk 4:05 p. m., connect with A. C. L. at Wilson lor Rocky Mount and the north. No. 18. Daily except . Sunday. Leave Raleigh 3:00 p. m., Wilson 5:00 p. m. Arrive Greenville 6:30 n. m., arrive Washington 7:25 p. m. Receives connection at Raleigh from Southern Railway, S. A. L. Railway and R. & S. Railway. No. 6. Daily "Night Express" Pullman sleeping cars. '.. Leave Ral eigh 9:00 p. m., Wilson 11:15 p. m., Greenville 12:41 a. m., Washington 1:40 a. m. Arrive Edenton 3:65 a. m., Elizabeth City 5:10 a. m., Nor folk 7 :00 a. m. Receives connection at Raleigh from Southern Railway, S. A. L. Railway, and R. & S. Rail way. At Wilson from A. C. L. Rail way from north and south. Trains Arrive Raleigh Union Station. No. 6. Daily "Night Express" from Norfolk at 7:30 a. m connect! with all lines. No, 19. Dally except Sunday from Washington and Intermediate, points at 11:20 a. m. No. 11. Daily except , Sunday from Norfolk, New Brn and Inter mediate points at 7:25 p. m. N. B.: Above schedule figures published as information only and are not guaranteed. For further Information t as to reservation of sleeping car space ap ply to ay ticket agent or -H, h. Llpe, U. T. A., and D. V. Conn, S. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. '.. W. W. CROXTOX, G. P. A. B. Lv BUOG, Traffic Mauagor, Norfolk.' Va. In Haicleh Nearly Everybody: Rend The Ereniug Time, ' iVJL'1

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