8 THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: THDTRSDAY, NOVEMBER' 3, 1910." (IP TTT)US H I'W-fi, Mug sale! Five Arrests Made Yesterday and Two This Morning Ends Saturday Night. 36x72 inches, Axminster, $2.99 27x60 " M 1.57 ROOM SIZE RUGS-PRICES JUST AS SENSATIONALLY LOW These Rug Values and Prices have not been equalled in in our city. These prices good only tor the week. Weathers Furniture Co. The Negro Burglars Who Have Been I)oJnf ft Wholesale Business Re ecatly Captured Five ' Arrest!) Made Yesterday . nd Two This Morning Part of the Stolen Prop erty Recovered Biggest Capture of Burglars Made in Many a pay. 121 East Martin Street. Raleigh, N. C. THE WEATHER. Kor Ualoifjh and V'lomn y : Fair to night and Friday-;, colder tonight. For North Carolina: Fair tonight Mid Frid.-iv: slinhtlv colder lomnhi; lif.lu noilli In northwest winds. We'll Iiit ( ouililions. A .muderaii! disliirluiiice tlint de veloped from the unsealed condi tions in i lie southeast and now cen tral oil' llalleras has been itllended bv light rain Irani South Carolina to .Marvland It is hc'iii; lollowed by Mull pressure from the Lakes to the Gulf with clear .t-old weather. A disturbance of considerable energy hna overspread the northwest, caus Iw; warmer weather in that section. The weather will lie fair and colder - in this vicinity tonight, and fair Fri day. I.. A. DUNrtOX, Section Director. TO SIKKT IX XKW OKI-KANS. Fourteenth Annual Convention of Food and Dairy Departments. The fourteenth annual convention of the Association of State and Na Honal Food and Dairy Departments will he held in New Orleans Novem ber 29-T)eceniber 2. An excellent program has been arranged, which includes addresses ly men of national reputation. Dr. V. M. Allen, rood chemist of North Carolina, is secretary of the as sociation, i A Household Medicine. To be really valuable ntust.shlow equally 'good results: from each mem ber tit the tamilv umng it. Foley s Honey and Tar does just tins. Whether for children or grown persons Foley's Honey and Tar is best and safest, for all coughs and.' colds;. Kin'g-Crowell Drug Company. CHIII.I) STOI.KX. Little Negro Hoy Kidnapped Tester- ly Believed to Have Been Car , lied to Fayetteville. According to information received by the police this morning it is be lieved that the seven-nionths-old boy who was stolen from Adam Avery colored, yesterday, '.'.'was- carried to Fayetteville yesterday evening. This report is being investigated and the I'avetteville officers have been noti fied to be on the lookout. Yesterday morning Avery and his wife left the hoy with its 14-year-old Sister. According to the girl, a ne gro woman came to the house and said she was a friend of the Avery's. She gave the girl 10 cents and asked her to run to the market and get some steak and sue would wat.cn tne child during her absence. The girl went to the market, but when she ce. turned the woman and the child had disappeared. The woman was de scribed as being very black, wearing a black dress and a white bonnet. No trace was discovered until this morning when an employee at the Union station said a woman answer ing the above description was at the station yesterday evening about 6:30 and asked when the train for Fayette ville left. She had a child with her, It. is not known whether she left on the 6:30 train or not, but it is be lieved she did. A Regular Tom Boy was Susieclimbing trees and fen ces, jumping ditches, whitling, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruis es, bumps, burns, or scalds. But laws! Her mother just applied Biicklen's Arnica Salve and cured her quick. Heals everything healable Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Old Sores, Corns or Piles. Try it. 25c. at all druggists. By excellent work on the part of the police department seven suspected burglars, have been . arrested, much stolen property recovered, and a gang of theives put out of business. As told in The Daily Times yester day and the day before it was be lieved that the many recent robberies in the elty were committed by a gang of three or more negroes, most of the work being done by the trio. 'The stolen property was disposed of by accomplices, but who they were was the question that bothered the police. Yesterday morning, Policpman Bailey and Poole found Charley Hinton asleep In Die woods near the cemetery with pistol beside him tin easy reach When he awoke he was safely In th clutches of the officers. He was brought to the station house nd under close examination broke down and confessed that he was guilty of many of the recent burglaries and tid that Spurgeon Yancey and Hufus Clanton were his accomplices. Yesterday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock Yancey and Clanton were ar rested. They denied having anythin to do with the robberies, but said that ilmost every day Hinton would bring load of pistols, . razors, clothing jewelry and other property to Uud Neal's poolroom on Wilmington street. Hid that Bud would sell the property They..' remembered seeing some cloth iug marked, as the negroes express (1 it "D. O. Sumthing," which doubt less was the property of Mr. ). O Sunderland whose home was bur glarized a week or two ago. Acting on this information the police raided Neal's place about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon and arrested him on the charge of receiving and dispos ing' stolon property. Several articles of the property were found in his place of, business. It was learned that one Joe Harris had purchased a pistol and a razor or two which had been stolen, and he was arrested charged with receiving stolen property. Hinton has told where other articles were concealed or had been disposed of. and this morning two more negroes were rounded up on the charge of receiving.' The police are working hard on the information that has been gained and believe that considerable property will be recovered and possibly other ar rests made before night. It is thought that a well-organized band of thieves has been rounded up and that the burglaries will now cease During the past two weeks nearly a dozen robberies in various sections of the city have been reported. . It seems as if we are to have cold weather from now on, and yon should prepare for it. You should, not delay any longer in selecting your Coat Suit or Long Coat, as this is just the time for such wearables. Before making your selections, however, you should not fail to see our Suits " and Coats for Ladies, and Misses. We have them in all sizes and colors. . In Ladies Suits from $10.00 and up.'.- For the Misses our Suits run from $7.50 up. . , - ' We have a few Embriodered Suits well out of the ordinary, being very stylish and handsomely made at $3,100, $40.00, $45.00, up to $G0.00. , Tn long black tailored Coats we have them from $7.50 up to $30.00. For convenient wear we are showin an exceptionally large line of Sweaters in all colors. In sizes for ladies from $1.98 up. Infants' and .Children's from 50c. up. v 203-5 Fayetteville St C. C. Phone 799. RALEIGH, North Carolina, C. C. Phone 799. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE FIT OF AN OVERCOAT? Sonic people regard the Overcoat morel v as an "overall" garment, without: putting much stress on the fit. .It is the first thing' about a man to be seen, and why shouldn't it conform to the individual's physique I It. can and will, provided it is made for that in-r dividual. Our ( 'ustoni Tailoring has all the ear-marks (ex cept the price) of the Merchant man, and we feel sure that we could ulease vou. and fit vou. too. Prices from $15.00 up. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON . Everything in Furnishings Fayetteville Street . Raleigh, N. C. TEE -ABOVE TELLS why our garments hold their shape until the very end.' Why they always fit snugly and properly. Examine our stock of Fall and Winter suitings and have a suit made to your in dividual measurenibuiis this year. A tailor-made suit one of ours will give the maximum of genuine satisfaction. Bridgers Tailoring Company, MERCHANT TAILORING, 120 FayetteylUe Street . - - -.. - . Raleigh. N. C. . ii 1 11 i If ' - - - - - - -r , - - : : v.' SUPRKMK COl'RT lKCISIOX.S. HON. iAftlON BUTLER ,''. . ; Will speak at Academy of Music in Raleigh, May, Nov. 4, AT 1:30 P.M. He has challenged Simmons and Daniels to face him with their accusations. 23-CAPITAL CITY TELEPHONE 23 Has it ever occurred to you that Lqrge Expense means Large Profit, and that the Large Profit must ' be paid by you to help pay the Large Expense. Such is only Common Sense, V OUR SYSTEM AND MOTTO: SMALL EXPENSE AND LITTLE PROFIT. BARGAINS A PLENTY. PRICES WILL ASTONISH YOU. We carry a complete line in Coat Suits, Bear Skin Cloaks, Capes, Skirts, Dresses, Sweaters, Un derwear, Shirtwaists, Children's Dresses, Etc., Etc. We Fit the Ladies', Misses, and the Infant. Ladies' Furnishing Co. CASH OR CREDIT. CASH OR CREDIT. 113 E Hargett St.. Raleigh, N. O. S. GLASS, Proprietor. 23 CAPITAL CITY TELEPHONE 23 A His Hunch of Opinions Handed Down Atkinson vs. I'pcliureh I'min Weke Affirmed. ' lhe supreme court handed down the following opinions yesterday af ternoon: State v. A. F. Thompson, appellant, from Dare; no error. K. F. Aydlett v. Andrew Brown, appellant, from Pasquotank; no er ror. , W. D. Bowen et ,al, appellants, v. Roper Lumber Company, from Wash ington; reversed. Henry Coleman v, A. C. L. Rail road, appellant, trom toiumbus; re versed. R. H. Beai-v. Western Union Tele graph Company appellant, from Ciatham; error. G. C, McLarty "v. George rrquhait, appellant, from Union; affirmed. Harold opping v. Clay Mfg. Com pany, from Orange; affirmed, L. S. Reynolds, appellant, v. Greensboro Boiler Company, from Guilford; reversed, G. W. Pritchett v. Greensboro Sup ply Company, from Guilford; no er ror. W. C. Jones et al v. City of High Point, appellant, from Guilford; af firmed. , W. 7.. Atkinson v. Isham S. Up- church, from Wake; per curiam af firmed. Ellison Ashcraft v. J. A. Gulledge, appellant, from Union; pur curiam, affirmed. Solomon Monsour v. A. C. L. Rail road Company, appellant, from Cum berland;, per curiam, affirmed. J. A. h. Martin, appellant, v. J. A. Warren, from Alamance; per curiam, affirmed. J. B. Crews, appellant, v. Southern Railway Company, from Guilford; per curiam, affirmed. B. R. Houston, Adm'h. v. Durham Traction Company, appellant, from Durham. The court being evenly di- I vided In opinion (Manning J., not sit ting), judgment Is affirmed. J. W. Tysn,' appellant, v. Joseph May et al, from Guilford, docketed and dismissed under Rule 17. Hardwood Mfg. Company v. C. C. Taylor, appellant, from . Guilford, docketed and dismissed under Rule SHORT VAMP SHOES give the feet that chic ap pearance desired by all smart dressed women. Our Short Vamp Shoe styles for Fall are distinc tively different the prices are distinctly low. HERBERT ROSENTHAL'S, "THE SHOE FITTER" 129 Fayetteville Street . . . . . ... Raleigh, N. 0. F-O-R R-E-N-T Two SPLENDID BRICK STORES. Several Dwellings and Cottages. Let us shov you our Cameron Park Property. The Parker-Hunter Really Co. RALEIGH, N. O. Your Bed and Table Linen Treated "tyhite" Here. If it is not white when we get it, we will make it white, and that without injury. Our machinery for plain and fany linen is all that could be desired, and a trial from vou .will lead you to think so. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, 117 West Hargett St. - - - - : - - - Raleigh, N. C. 1 - I i 1 ' .. i I,, HAMS AND B. BACON. F. F. V. Ham, 2712C Eingan Reliable Ham, 25c. Busy Bee Ham, 22c. Kingan B. Bacon, 25c. Pure and Compound Lard RUDY & BUFF ALOE. Both Phones. Good Kesulta Always Follow. The use of Foley Kidney Pills, They are upbuilding,, strengthening 'and soothing. Tonics In action, quick In re- THE GREAT MAJE8TI0 RANGE THE ONLY BEST. Send for .Booklet. : ' RANGE ' COMPARISON. Ca refer yon to more than 60 mem of this Range Thos. 0. Criggs & Sons eAleigh. . o. The E H&rdw&re Ilex YOUNG MEN'S SUITS We' are showing some very " Classy" Suits for Young Men, made up in fall patterns, And are just the kind that . Vv I. V .....,.,..., will appeal to the swTell young fellows' who like clothes with "some class". " And they fit better than the average made-to-measure suit. We would suggest that you look at these suits now. r s- v ; Prices, $17.00 to $27.50. . . y 'J .- ' . .' . .', Gross and Linehan Company, ,'!-, ''-.;.i.;'Vr,ifv . .,... V '- . ''--:-. C V: ''.'''-;.. ' -,..''' a ; Head to Foot Outfitters for Gentlemen and Their Sons. FayettevHle Street Raleigh, N. C. m.-KM?Towrtfi'ruKi Company, ' if'1 '

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