'"' ."I ;. 1 ; ,THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES. vFRIDAY, NOVEMBER & I'll: h': I-- is f.5: ) TmUSHLRlG MUG SALE! pojuce court. Ends Saturday Night. 36x72 inches, Axminster, $2.99 27x60 ." 41 1.57 ROOM SIZE RUGS-PRICES JUST AS SENSATIONALLY LOW These Rug Values and Prices have not been equalled in in our city. These prices good only for the week. Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street. Raleigh, N. C. THE WEATHER. Var Kuleigh und Vicinity : Kit 1 r tcmitfh t and Saturday;' slightly colder tomxhl, followed by siowlv rising . icil'i'nitiire on Saturday. For North Carolina : Fair tonight ami Saturday; rising temperature in llio inierior Saturday; lirisK . west v. in. Is tliiiuiiisliiiis?. cut her Comlilioiis. Tin' disl nihil ore off llutteras ves liM'dnv iiioriinii; nuived siowlv north ward and haw increased to a storm : oi marked intensity. Ilrisk to high wind are reported Irom HiittenA northward with rain along the coast which has been verv heavy -In New York Citv. Snow was tallitiR in Washington tit the time ot the morn ing observation.' Over interior dis tricts westward to the Mississippi Ittver the weather has been gener ally clear with earlv morning tem peratures ranging trom 20 in the northern portion of the lake region to 4 0 at Mobile. The northwestern disturbance now extends Irom North Dakota . to Texas, attended In- cloudy weather. It is being followed by high pressure over the northern Rocky 'mountain region. The weather will continue fair in this viclnitv tomgnt and Saturday, tr will be somewhat colder tonight, followed Saturday by slowly rising temperature. 1,.. DENSON, Section Director. DKATH OF AX INFANT- Milliliter or .Mr. mid .Mrs. .1. It. ltig gall Died This Morning. The inlani daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Riggan, of 21.3 E. Harget street. 'died this morning about 1 o'clock. T:ie funeral will be conducted from l.ie residence tins afternoon nt. o clock and the interment, will be In the citv cemetery. A Itegulitr Tom Boy was Susie climbing trees and fen ces, lumping ditches, whitling, alwavs getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruis es, bumps, burns, or scalds. But laws! Her mother just applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve and cured her quick." Heals everything healahle- Boils, T'Icers, Eczema, Old Sores Corns or Piles. Try it. 25c. at all druggists. The Rev. Oouverneur F. M (Winer. missionary at W u win; China, will - de liver an address nt the church of Hie (iood shepherd next Sunday night The people of Raleigh will be interested to hear Mr. Mosher, as be is a co worker with Miss Annie Cheshire who went out from this church in 109. Mr. Xloslier will also address the united auxiliaries; of the city in the Church nf the Good shepherd next Monday atternoon at 4 o clock. The public is cordially invited to hear this inter esting visitor to our city. The Name on a Box of Candy that guarantees the purity, quality, fresh ness of every dainty morsel within. No other candies are so good. tVc" receive ' IIKMJV T. HICKS TO. und press shipmtnls . ' TtCKKJJ BVIT.DIXf j IMIAiniACY. almost djilf. . E Copyright 1910 B ' 4m Houk of KuppeahciiMr H Chicago r ' That Overcoat must come You can't afford to wait until all have been. picked over and we don't believe that you can afford to buy other than a Kup peuheimer garment. There is more extra value in these garments than you'd find in most others. If you want n Overcoat that will meet every need, buy a button-high-and-low-collar Kuppen heimer. 3V J. ROSENGARTEN CO. FAYETTEVILLE STREET Capital City Phono RALEIGH, K. a The silence that has pervaded the police court since Wednesday was broken this morning when two' cases appeared on the police blotter, one for being drunk and the other a lar ceny case. ' . . . , William Lewis, white,, who has gotten the habit of appearing before this court every few weeks upon the same charge, drunk, came up again this morning. The best illustration of faithfulness la exhibited in his wife's devotion to him. Upon every occaston she appears before- the judge's desk and breaks down in a flood of tears, while pleas of every description are poured out to his honor. This morning she plead as never before, and when a road serv ice stared her in the face she went down. She alone saved William this time, and her pitiable condition caused the judge to let him off one more time with the payment of the cost, $2.75. Isaac Taylor, colored, . could not sland the temptation of taking some ol the "filthy lucre", and had taken into his own possession the sum of $95, the property of Mr. E. G. Red dingfleld, who lives near Neiise. Mr Reddingfield went, over to the Merch ants National Bank yesterday and got a check for $90 cashed and then went to Hunter & Dunn's store. While there one of nis hands asked him for some change. When he ran his hand into his pocket and pulled out the change, in some means he dropped his purse. Not noticing it he went down to the office to pay a bill and there found his purse gone. Returning to the front of the store he told of his loss and searched everybody. Taylor, objected to opening his purse, but finally yielded. The purse was then opened mid the money found inside was the same as Mr. Reddingfield had lost, the same number of tens, fives, and ones as he had, but it was in the negro's purse. Later Mr. Wynne found Mr. Red dingfield's purse lip-stairs among some bagging. Chief Stell stated that Taylor admitted to him that he took the money out of Mr. Bedding field's purse and put it in his. and that he hid the purse tip-stairs In the bagging. Upon his own confession he was bound over to January term of superior court under a $200 bond. IT WAS A FAIjSK ALARM. '"Hilly" lioylan Was Reported As Having a Hat On Yesterday. Late yesterday afternoon The Times' office 'pnone bell began to fur iously ring, and one of the ,bovs, thinking that something serious was going on, nearly broke his neck get ting to the receiver, and here is what he caught coming over the wire: "Is that Tue Times' office?" sweet ly inquired a feminine voice. Yes ; what s the trouble?" was the response. "Billy" Boylan is out this after noon wearing a coat and a hat a hat," came back over the wire. That was a naralvzer for The Times' man, and after a few gasps during which he tried to realize tue awful news lie rushed out into tlie street, to see this unusual exhibition After a search '"Billy" was -found wearing a coat, but minus the caapeau. .No, sir, that hat adorning Billy's iiead is a sight yet to be seen. When told about it, Col. Jack Dun can merely snorted and said tuat he lowed Billy's topknot would soon require a shelter," but when it was announced later that such was not the case, the Colonel grunted in despair. Billy just won't wear a hat. it seems. mMElWMG NEW M TMLdDK MAUDE ; 8EMT WMT. : ' ' We have just received a beautiful line-of New Tailor-made Shirtwaists in colors of black, navy brown, and in fact all the desirable colors. ; . . ' . . , ' . We have an exceptionally pretty Waist in black, of heavy quality and suitable for mourning wear. We also have some striking Waist in Taffeta and Messaline! We have what we believe to be the largest display of Shirtwaist that has ever been .made in Raleigh. We want you to see them. ... . . v Fayetteville St. Q7i C. C. Phone 799. RALEIGH, North Carolina. C. C. Phone 799. Wf SnowdrUt 4 Sm lea t?'w Expense 'Jj More -' Value Hoglcss Lard ("HAR(iKn WITH KMBKZ7XKMKNT Mr. A. A. .lernigan Hound Over to Su perior Court. Mr. A. A. Jernigan, of Knightdale, was tried before Justice J. it. I p church yesterday afternoon on the charge of embezzlement, E. Danniiig- burg being the prosecutor. It was al leged that the defendant disposed of consignment of near-beer or cider for which he failed to make the proper remittance. He was bound to court in the sun of $200 which he gave. I-Yothall (ianie Tomorrow. On Saturday. Nov. 5. the Raleigh fans will witness one of th-j best football games of the season, when the strong Donaldson football team will play the Raleigh high school football, team. Both teams are working hard and hope to 'win. The Donaldson boys have a good team and are playing good games.' The Kaleigh boys have a good team also and tnose wno saw tne Greensboro-Raleigh game will remem ber how the Raleigh boys play. They are in fine condition, and Prof. Jack son of the Raleigh high school, who is coaching the boys. Is responsible for the execellent condition of the team. The largest crowd of the season is expected to attend the gam. The game will be palled promptly at 4 p. m on the A. & M. Athletic field. Straight Democratic speaking at Court House tonight 7:30 o'clock. It Banks' Will Close. Next Tuesday, November 8, being genera election day, and having been made A legal holiday in North Caro lina, the banks of he city will be closed on that day. For pains in the side of chest dam. pen a piece of flannel with Chamber lain's Liniment and bind It on over the. seat, of -pain-There 1b nothing better.' For sale byall deajers. is as "pure as the drillina snow" which first touches the mountain crest. Its sue- ' cess compares to an avalanche sweeping down Irom the mountain lop, driving all imitations and substitutes before it. SNOWDRIFT is always U. S. Inspected and Passed. Avoid counterleils as you would coun tered money. Snowdrift is healthful and pure, made Irom refined cotton seed oil, and oleo steanne to give desired consistency and is uni- verally known as "the standard American shorlrning'v It is sold by all dealers in touch with the highest progress, and used in the leading hotels, eales and restaurants throughout llie United States and Canada. C-4 Hade by the soijthern cotton oil co. New York New Orleans Savannah Cbkag HOTEL LENOX BUFFALO, N. Y. Highest Grade. Fireproof. Service Unexcelled. Conveniently located In most beautiful part of Buffalo, tthe Ideal summer city. Southern families And Trie f.enox a delightful atopping place. EUROPEAN PLAN, v $1.50 Per Day. and Up. Special Weekly-and Monthly Rates. Patrons may take taxicabs or carriages from depots or wharves direct to the hotel, charging same to The Lenox. ' C. A. MIXER, Manager. , WHAT DO. YOU THINK ABOUT THE FIT OF AN OVERCOAT? Some people regard the Overcoat merely as an "overall", yanrlrnt, without putting rnueh stress on the fit. It is 'the lirst .thing about a man to lie seen, and why shouldn't- it e: inform to the individual's physique ? It can an! will, provided it is made for. that in dividual. Our Custom Tailoring has all the ear-marks (ex cept the price) of the Merchant man, and we feel sure that we could please you, and tit you, too. Prices from $15.00 up. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON Everything in Furnishings Fayetteville Street Raleigh, N. C. Wrlttrs ff iPV , r t' Wsj Wrltrni & 1 rlnr- " - i Fikon WgI wKii-'S'-f--W curtate . CLh"i X" ; INSIST , ',. 11 .-Ii Lr 52?J mw less I ffiS UNLIMITED VjIWVAR.ICTlESQjj I W . .' ... -w A Want Ad. in The Raleigh Daily Times Will Work Wonders for Your Business. I,lnvni.iiniitu' "See Our' Window." STATIONERY. Ofllce Sujiplies and Sieriultie8. THE OFFICE STATIONERY CO., James E. Tlilem, Manuger. 12 K. Hargett St. Times Bldg. Capital City Phone 844-F. COLES DOT BLAST HEATING STOVES. Give more heat, easier to manage, keep fire longer, costs less to operate than any heating stove made is th6 verdict of more than a hundred sat isfied purchasers in Raleigh. CAROLINA HARDWARE COMPANY. .EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR RALEIGH, , 225 South Wilmington Street. HAMS AND B. BACON. F. F. V. Ham, 27c. Kingan Reliable Ham, 25c. Busy Bee' Ham, 22V2C. Kingan B. Bacon, 25c. Pure and Compound Lard. RUDY & BUFF ALOE. Both Phones. THE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE , "; THE ONLY BEST. Send for BookleC - RANGE v 'COMPARISON. Caa refer jrou to mbre than 50 .... .. t,! - -k" . ' - oscrt of tbis IUng. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons KALEiaa, v. c. The Biff Htrdwar Ilea. 1 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS We are showing some very "Classy" Suits for Young Men, made up in fU patterns, and are just the kind t.hat will appeal to the swell young fellows wEb . like clothes with "some, class". And they fit better than the average made-to-measure suit. We would suggest that you look at these suits now. . ' 1 . Prices, $17.00 to $27.50. ifi y Cross and Linehan Company. Head to Ftoot Outfitters for Gentlemen and Their Sons. " , Fayetteville Street r ... w ' Raleigh, N. 0. 1 1 A;;-

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