The Weather FAIR. RALEIGH, N. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1910. LAST EDITION. PRICE 5 CENTS; Double the Number of Paid Subscriber in the City of Raleigh of Ancler Newspaper. " '. . . 1 X '; . r . , ,.. PRECEDENTS OF YEARS johv a. mx. woodhow wilsov. DEMOCRACY OF WAKE ESTABLISHED 1876 BU7LEH REPUDIATED 8 iK Se ontn EMERGES F Thoroughly Angry People! Smite the. Bulwarks of Greed and Corruption PAYNE-ALDR1CH Revolution Shattered Traditions and Delayed Kcpiibliranisni Under 11 Tidal Wave of Democracy Sting ing Rebuke Administered to the Republicans for the High Cost, of Living Cbnnip Clnrk Will be the Next Speaker of the House and the I'ayne-Aldrlrh Tariff Law Will be Revised Soriallsts F.lcrt One Rep resentative. . (By Leased Wire to The Jlmes) Washington, Nov. 9 A political revolutipn which has shattered tra ditions and deluged republicans un der a tidal wave of democracy has swept the country. It has upset the precedents of a generation, changed the political complexion of the na tional house of representatives and presaged the national political fight in 1912. The full and effective re sult was not realized until today, when the sober second thought turn ed to a, consideration of the outcome. The socialists made amazing gains, electing at least one of their party to congress and lie will be the first of that political propaganda to sit in the national house. He is Victor L, Bee fier, of Milwaukee. - Renatorships have fallen; a sting ing rebuke has been administered to the republicans for the high cost of living caused by the tariff bill. Par ticularly did interest turn today to the defeats of the candidates and is sues sponsored by ex-President Roosevelt. The overthrow of Colonel Roosevelt's doctrine o fnew nation alism and the defeat of many of the men he supported has by no means silenced the question:", "What; will Roosevelt do in 19X2?" With the machinery of the govern ment in the hands of the democrats, two far-reaching results are in view: The election of Representative Champ Clark, of Missouri, or some other democrat speaker and the possible revision of the Payne-Aldrich tariff by the sixty-second congress. The great national pivotal states of New York, Massachusetts, Ohio and Indiana are democratic and through out the west insurgency either pre vailed or democrats upholding the ROOSEVELT GOES (By Leased Wire to The Times) Oysitcr Cay, L. 1.. Nov. 9 Colonel Theodore Itoosevelt went Into seclu sion today for a ten days rest. He would make no comment upon defeat of the republicans in New York or elsewhere. A diplomatic negro butler conveyed the information to a small army of newspaper men that the colonel did not want to see anybody, reporters least of nil and as for discussing the election, he might possibly talk of something else but not that. As the correspondents approached Sagamore Hill this morning seeking light upon the colonel's feeling, Colonel Roosevelt could be seen through the windows, seated in his library in. the midst of i pile of newspapers while he I rati wun apparent inicicai of yesterday's landslide. When the butler approached the col onel with the information that the newspapermen awaited an audience the colonel could be seen shakingg his' head and talking rapidly. The butler Hiibsequently announced to the cor respondents, many of whom are old friends of Colonel Roosevelt, having Journeyed with hiiri on campaign trips, that the former president had nothing to say. . Privately the butler conveyed the intelligence that the colonel did not want to see any one at all. Colonel Roosevelt's future plans are known only to himself. His closest friends who appreciate his tremendous energy and bulldog tenacity say that lie "has just started to light" for his political Ideals and principles. principles of insurgency were pretty generally elected. The eyes of the nation were focus ed upon New York because of the ac tivity of, Roosevelt in that. ; state. Roosevelt and Roosevelt's future was an absorbing issue. The election of John A. Dlx governor and the bal ance of his democratic ticket discred ited, according to political students, the doctrine of new nationalism which Colonel Roosevelt hoped to mould into a great national party. The far reaching effects were hard ly recognized today so vast are tney in their consequences. The oligarchy of power in the United States senate has been hurst asunder and the next congress ' will open under a 'totally new regime. A democratic legislature in New York will choose a successor to Sen ator Depew. Senator A. .1. Tlover- idge, Insurgent republican, and pa trone;! by Roosevelt, has been doleat- ed in Indiana and will be sueceeeded by John W. Kern. Senator N. 1!. Scott's senatorial seat from West Vir ginia is in doubt. Democrats claimed that Senator Henry Cabot Lodge would not be returned from Massa chusetts. Senator Nelson W. Aid rich, one of the framers of the tarift which bears his name, withdrew from the race for re-election when he s the trend of events weeks ago, and Maine, which went democratic recent ly, will elect a democrat to succeed Eugene Hale in the senate. Political interest far and near is directed towards the congressional results with the promise of democrats looming up that measure will be taken to reduce the cost of -.'- livnn through tariff revision. As the -sit nation is broadly considered today the democrats will have a chance to carry out their program in the house and, by an alliance of democrats and Insurgents in the senate, the situation will present the picture of a demo- cratic congress forcing legislation under the pend of a republican presi dent. The election of Captain Ben. W. Hooper, the fusionist-republican can didate for governor in .Tennessee, was one of the anonamlies of the elec tion. This was the first break in tne "solid south" which has been prom ised for 1912. Democrats, of Tennessee today claimed that the break was on local Issues solely. There were varying phases of the situation which were a puzzle to those who tried to analyze them to day.' . " The election of Eugene Foss, demo crat, governor of Massachusetts and Judge Simon E. Baldwin, democrat governor of Connecticut, coupled with the earlier democratic landslide in Maine has completely changed the political complexion of New England There will be many faces new to Washington in the sixty-second con gress. but not one of the new mem bers will be watched more closely than Victor Berger, the socialist, who has been elected a representative from Milwaukee. Result In New York, New York, Nov. 9 it is a demo cratic landslide in New York state. Although all the returns were not In today they were not necessary to show that John A. Dix has been elected governor with from 60,000 to 65,000 plurality, carrying his entire state ticket with him. The victory is the greatest that New York state democrats have achieved in a genera tion. Of the seventeen congressmen m Greater New York only one is a re publican. The lone republican is William M. Calder, of Brooklyn, who squeezed through with a narrow mar gin so that his election was in doubt until today. , The democrats will have a plural ity of seven votes in the next state senate and twenty-two in the assem bly, assuring the election of a dem ocrat to the United States senate to succeed Chauncey M. . Depew. In fluential leaders were busy today lis tening to the many names that were mentioned as "potential" possibili ties. . A great surprise came in the con gressional balloting. Herbert Parsons, political chum of Colonel Roosevelt, was defeated by Jefferson M. Levy. William S. Beh nett, republican, who had the fight' (Continued on Page Seven) , if bv-; M m wit - u my ' ; j - ; J - rrriii(iiiit The Democratic (. ( ork iveriior-clert State. of in a Has a fflajorily of Over 50,000 Ohio AW lias a Democratic Legisla ture and Will Licit a Democratic Senator to Succeed Senator Dick. (liv J.ense, Wire. to 'The .Times.) Columbus. ()., Nov. !) Ohio lias rock-clod (iovernon .ind.-ioti Harmon, democrat, by a ma iorn y gauging lrom 50.000 to (10.0(1(1. It is probable that the entire (!f'i;iocrati:st?.te ticket 'has also been elected., '-together" vyiili a majority J. .'in. the state , .legislature, which i:i"ans me selection ot a demo cratic, t'nited States senator. . ... . In addition to tins the democrats have gained at least , tour and per hans five members in the national house of representative!!.. Governor Harmon has, bv reason of his re-election, become a candi date for the democratic presidential nomination in 1912. and will receive the united support ot the delegation from this state. In Ohio it is be lieved that his nomination will come without serious opposition. Biggest ot all surprises is the so cialist vote of nearly 11.000. cast in this ( Franklin ) county for .1. L. Baehman for congress, who ran a close race with Monnett. the demo cratic candidate. The socialists car ried three wards in Columbus. Thomas Clifford, socialist candidate for governor, has received approxi mately 10.000 voies in Franklin count?, as against cast for the socialistic candidate two voars ago. Politicians view with alarm the pros pect of a socialist candidate for mavor next fall. Three Hanged. (liv Leased Wire to The Times.) Nashville, lenii., Nov. ! Moses Cook, white: "Love Bond and .loan son Cassem. colored, wore all three hanged on the same gallows here to dav. Cook paid penalty lor mur dering his wile in Memphis, Bond for the murder of ins wile and Cas sem tor roll I)i li p; and killing Alar tin Christf nsen. a bov. on the streets ol Memnhis. ciisns 1' mures. (l;y Len sed Wire to The Tunes.) Washington. Nov. !l The census bureau toduv made public the follow ing population returns: Alabama- Newville. tisi. Talladega 5.8."4; last census !i,0!6.' Indiana Aurora 4.-1 Id: last .census 5.64."). Iowa Fort Dodge lf.!ii3: last census 12.102. . V iiginia Buckingham county l:,2u4; last census :.2ti(. Cumberland county 9.1!).r: last census S.iWfi. Williamsburg 14: lust census 2.044. Riot in West iiginia. (Bv Leased Wire to The Times) Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 9 Gov ernor trlasscock this alternoon ord ered several companies of militia held in immediate readiness for riot service following reports of election disturbances in which several persons had been injured in the lower end of the state. The situation was said to be serious in the negro "districts. Kxpelled From Honduras. (By Cable to The times) Guatemala City, Guatemala, Nov. 9 Ex-president Bonilla, of Hondu ras, and Lee Christmas, the vankee soldier of fortune, have' been ex pelled from the city on the grounds that they were plotting a revolt in Honduras. . BY THE STATE From End to End of North Carolina People Rise Against Traitor CONGRESS SOLID Democrat.-) Have Carried the Stale 1 About ."O.IIOO Majority, ISrcaUinji All. 1'ievioiis Record With OiK l.vccpt'Oii 1 lici'c Was a ol llnee t tiiiressincii, One Soucitoi ! ire Squalors J, nil Twelve l.eorc si-nlativcN .A ilozen I ounlH-s AM ed to tlie iieiiiocratic l!anl;s i-t House Will Have 10:', MemlKs Out ol i-2H I oHv-Iiiiii .Senators ();it ol l iltv. North Carolina .'ri what will -probably biggest flcinoi ratic l!c fi: ti I. cni' Jho stah? ex'-'i!;: I t inn tlia,! elected.' '.Chas; governor. ..The estima;'il Xii.iiOfi. a gain of from four senators and ten to nvelv ii :.)i't r -v.' M. ' A'y-oc. majority f tr ivi'..ytat i epi'e-ii'nta tivi-H, a solicitor and tli n:cn. .?''' ! ThP.,repuldii"ans were uprising eft ' the citizer which buried wluitevi party had of hecomliig Mate.-'' ' .: iunrniaii KLer's : r1uUrni?& 'Kiler' sta: d l,v. the In tin, tlii statmnent. (ed.'.'tWlay. . tin: three doubtful .'congressional-ti-U't.'i had' Si! gone ilnnii'iT'.tic, tli hy 3.nro. Sth by t.!(W and the by X:0; :' IVi have- galn.-'d.-one t)U that of the JTith iiml voii tlie Kith 11th. wliere bard , fights were made oil Hammer and (Irave. The e state majority, will be around- 5 di Villi it and l tire i.-'on We have gained four or five state si'ie a tors and twelve .repiv-sentatlv.-s,-; eluding- tin'. .cuuiitlL'S of Pamlico Orange; . '.Person; . A lainanee, Davids' in Forsyth. : Stanley. "abarrus, Catawlia Jackson. Caldwell. This will give us r majority ot .103 in the house and tl in the' -senate. - Davidson Jubilant. Lexington, Nov. !) The "democrats' of Davidson are jubilant. ..'Returns havt been slow coming in but at noon tudaj the republicans admitted t.hitt Godwin tlentorrat had .been etected " clei k of court.-, Parham; ri'iireseiilative: lidth rock. OeHsuier: Aloi'k. t roner: Mays. surveyor, and Anderson and Michael coiiiilv. commissioners, democrats: had been' elected. ". Republicans' bave el:cted sheriff anil registi'r of deeds and one county com nns'sioner. all by', greatly reduced majorities. .' ; . I he. democrats, made gams in. every township. : Solicitor Hammer gets a good tnajoi' (Continued on Pago Five.) NO STATEMENT FROM WHITE HOUSE : (l:y I.etised ire to The Tim .) Wasliinglon. Nov. !l Tiie re ' is to lie no statement lrom tne waite house on the deinocrai ic landslide. It was cabinet dav. all of the pres ident s advisers attending, except .secretary ol the Navv Mover. Not one of the cabinet officers would dis cuss the political flareliack. '.'today s cabinet session is to be tan Inst lor the next two weeks. President I alt is to loawe Wash ington at 4 o clock this alternoon on l'ts Patiama trip. Suit I' or Itcpaiation. ( I.;v Leased VA ire to The Times.) Washington. .Nov. !) Suit tor re paration was (tied with tae Interstate C ommerce Commission today against the Southern Railroad by the South Atlantic Waste Company," of Char lotte N. C, in which unreasonable rates are alleged between Charlotte, N. C, and Norfolk, Va. - ; Hoxsey Has Kail. (By Leased Wire to The Times.! Aviation Fjeld, Halethorpe, Mtl.i Nov, 9 Word was received here this afternoon that Arch Hoxsey, the Wright flyer, had dropped from a ligh altitude while three miles from the field. He escaped uninjured. ' if raF mgr., i'i Deinocrai ic cw (ioveritor-clect lei-si'v. of ALL ARE OEfi Democratic Majority In the Next House Will i1 n f Maioinv ol at Least anil Mav More Hem xiats Viadi- l iulil i tricts. lite Stroimcr lbs ( By Leased i'aslito.utnn. itistii-kin of. Tin Times.) : if. Shin n .io.-i.ii oc-ratic- nfltiona oni,) i'.'l ess.iona I' eo:aiui . eiirs liav iieen it- hcadi:ia rti-rs iiXK stsitennmt' i the ti :-1. linn est House of ri iiiei ratir .-''j'he of IT! deroiH ra :, or a ma jori . who. tor sev- in ehai-ge of dein he mad th. this, morniii! j in Sixte-n e:'irs ipr;';.i tilat'ivi ?' v.-Ill yr W,i t .1 it.0.: ire '-.':'.! is and ;I7 renub y of forty-three iii'an J I dxty i least cfjiid ..cone p-ss ; !Jl--ci:nsist of -ill' lea1 Ll'.i.dTiiocfMts ami- -172 r publicans. .The democ! aic leeway I'll' Ml:lM of majority." will be 47 and prolu! hiy inure. In '" other uiords. ih the panics hi ahoni exactl; tatus of evei scif. ' "'When . tiie ciimiuiigii iiiened tli democrats needed '.'2 vot i- lo give them uajm iiy and th- re re 4i) i sional -.districts where tic.1 . average iiKijinity was less tluiii- umii'-wh change of less .than- .VI i votes woulil hange congressmen. 1 he di'nnii'T'al a- ci'im ressional com mal ihittef... relying, on the , weakness of the Payne -tariff uivv '.resolved;, to nttai-k the trohger districis "with a battering ram "hi;y went to Maine wli")v ma,io:itic-j ran hiRh. and not tow and used luio. oi eo Liatimg Kilns. i tie result va: in even divide o!' congressmen tin republican- half just soueezmg into niveii:. When; republiciins; cannot earry Maine tht y cannot be', expected to -carry inytliing and, ilie" . democratic coin-: notice then charged' the whole line, not rlooking a single . congressional dis- ;: !! in . the railed States, . . Tlie t I'puhiicaii campaign committee reserved and (oni'i'iitraieii its force on t'liii'iiii! Clai'li's district in Missouri, To heat liini Was tlie equivalent, of losing conlrol of", the house. . At midnight, Wallace 1. ltareforil, of Missouri, tel- graphei.l "nie '( 'hanip 'Clark elected by lar.edy increasi'd inajoi'ity. No ifues ti.ui :: boat it.' "The commit tec feared thai, some los)' deinoeia t ic districts., inighi fail them but at 11 o'clock last .night. Cov- nglon'-of Maryland .-telegraphed lite, Ani elected liy .mure than l.iiiin niajor- ily.' - : - "A Utile later ' John W, am .hue, vted. Indiana, telegraphed 'I l.ig majority, ' 'When it is remember ed that !.: lit in tlie telegram t told. ehne llrst may laid only SI) lo his orei ice, till': 'effect of this he Imagined ; better: tha I hen Kurlilv. o congress on i gi'aphcd, 'Electi of Indiana, who cann i majoi'ity tf l.s:,. tel d by -L,,." Looks liki andslide . ""('tiilop, of Indiana, followed with. I .am elected bv an increased minor ity.' thou came a telegram from John 1A . Davis, ol W est Virginia. u state whoso delegation has been solidly ' re- uhlicnn for sixteen years: 'Elected ii-'vond oiiesiion liv a large majoriiv. From that on until - o'clock this morning, things happened. Creator iv lurk turned . down ad its con gressmen but (alder and the demo- rats took l'1 out ot New ork f tate instead of the twelve , they laid been red ilcd with before, .sarerio K. Payne, was beaten In his own town but pulled through elsewhere by a narrow major ity. Representative Cocks, in House- cH's district, went down to defeat to be followed by A . S. Bennett and W. .M. Bennett. Fish, Foelker, I,nw, Toting. Parsons. Millington and Fas sett. Rock-ribbed Pennsylvania turned ioWn Foulkrod. Wagner. Ganler, Hoff and others, losing but one man in the tenth district to the democrats.- The levt nth Ohio ' escaped the republican, Doug less,,- for a democrat. Claypool, and Corbel jn Cincinnati for Allen. .M irvlnr.d dropped two rcpubllcnns as Ukt est irgliuu. The early re- turns inoicateil a clean sweep m North Carolina.'.-., mid' Virginia tl gala of Ion:, and a i;.nn ol two in Kentucky. Chicago reversed -herself, while Illinois lost six. if mil eight, her republican sia nd-pa 1 tei-s. This insures a demn crui ic house,'1 SOCIALISTS KKJOICi:. Made dams I licougliout (lie CotuitiT, l-.'leriiiiir One ( oniessnian. ( Hy Incased-Wire to The Times. 1 New uik. Nov. 9 Socialists in New Wirlcand throughout 'the coun try rejoiced lodav over the strong showing made by the socialistic ticket and the l:n t that at least one member of t :ie party,:'. Victor ' Berger,-of Mil waukee. Wis., had been elected to congress; This was one of the sur prises of toe election. Socialists claimed t liny would be represented in con gress hv two members, basing tiiis claim upon the belief that. belat ed returns in Wisconsin would show the election of another congressman in addition to Berger. I'.xtrnonlinarv strength was shown in this, suite hv Charles Ldward Rus sell, the socialist candidate lor gover nor. A t up-state points Russell poll ed a aeavier vote than even he him self anticipated. Columbus. Ohio, gave the soc.ialisis 10.000 votes: thev ilso carried turee wards ot tlie citv. Air .Kussell declared todav taut members of the party could now take heart for the returns showed the par ty on the: eve of playing a strong part in nat tonal affairs. Willi a big city :. Milwaukee in t ie hands ol the socialistic party, and JJ.r.. liotftt'i'. carrying its standard to Washington, people began to inquire today what victory the party would gam next. As for tae socinlisis them selves, tuev claim that even one scat tn congress gives them an opening wedge for future successes. 'I he socialists nominated candi dates tor congress in everv district m Cnlilorniii. Colorado, Illinois. In diana. Kansas. Kentucky. Montana, Nebrasiia. New Hampshire. Okla homa. Oregon and some ot the lis- icts ol Pennsylvania. Rhode Island, sunt;! Dakota. Wvonnng. 1 tali. Washington and other states. .. I he entire olbcial vote ol tae so cialists will not be definitely known for some time. CAPTAIN PF.LOT HI' 1ST. Accident At (Jul! Practice lindlv Hurt. and OHiee,- (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York. Nov. omniander of the !) Captain Pelot. I luted Males ord tt Sandy Hook, was fatally wounded inanee detachment seriously, perhaps shortly after noon today when a grenr tde burst as it was leaving one of the muzzles of the great guns at the Sandy Hook proving grounds, Several enlisted men were struck and bruised by (lying fragments of,, tjie grenade hut' none oi them was seri ously hurl. , ' tesl gas being made' of the Half grenade, a new explosive missile which the government is trying out. When the accident occurred. Captain Pelot was. in charge: of the test and was tanding at one side of the big rifle when (lie shell burst. Several particles struck him and he. fell to the ground. veral officers who were witnessing the test ami the . uninjured men of tile gun clew immediately: rushed to Ins side. 1 he preliminary examination of his injuries gave i'ise to the fear that hs wounds would prove danger- US.. . .- - .' . t.ialt Trials In south Carolina. (By Leased Wire to The Times.1 Chesior. S. C. Nov. ! draft trials low iu progress here have produced uniulative testimony as to whiskey houses paving rebates to the agents ol the state, who are expressly for- idden to receive nionev. The men on trial are John Black, Jodie M. Ravlinson and Lee Solo mons. I hev are accused of conspir acy, .loan T. Larly and C. V. Oar ley, agents of liquor houses, testified today that they paid graft to Kavlin- soir, Black and Joe B. Wiley, who has turned state's evidence. : Steamer Lost. . (Uy Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Nov. 9 The missing steamship Arkadia. with a crew, of 35 on board. 29 days overdue at San Juan, Porto Rico, has been given up as lost by her owners, the Nw York and Porto Rico Steamship Company. Tho steamer left. New Orleai's on Oc tober" 11. BATTLE T TGreat Victory For Wake Demo crats Over Combined Forces of Opposition MAJORITY AfJGES FROM 900 TO 2000 The Democrats of Wake County Win a Great Victory Indications Are That. Sikes, For the Senate, Will Have a Majority of About 900 Over Koth Opponents-Sears for Sher iff, Majority Hovi-rs Around 2.00O. suite Ticket Has Nearly 2,000 Ma. jorily Flection Iioard Will Offic ially Announce Results Tomorrow at Noon Democrats Are Jubilant. Republicans Show a Loss From Two 1 ears Ago Independent Vote Less Than 700. Demolished, overwhelmed, burled, and all the other similar terms will not express the complete defeat the republicans received in this county yesterday, and today the victorious democrats are looking- over the field where stood the foe yesterday morn, snd counting the spoils of war, and It taltes four figures to write the plurali ties of ail the democratic candidates; also the same number ot flgurea $re neceshary to express the majority" of all, with the probable exception of state senator, whose majority over both opponents may possibly fall short ot the thousand mark. Thus Wake couulv takes a seat high up in the great democratic band wagon that swept the state and the union yesterday. - - Four Figure Majorities. : Olhcia! returns are not obtainable lrom all the precincts this mornine. but enough has been received to in sure the election of the whole demo cratic ticket by majorities running lrom mill to 2,000, Dr. Sikes' major ity being estimated around 900, while SheriiT Sears majority will be close to 2,00(1. .-The state ticket's major ity will probably exceed 2,000; also Pou tor congress will pass the 2,000 mark. - Klectiou Iioard Meets Tomorrow. The exact majorities will not be known until the election board meets tomorrow at noon to receive the of ficial returns and declare the success t ul candidates. Hut what does a democrat care ibout exact figures? The majority (Continued on Page Six.) STRIKE SITUATION STILL SERIOUS (My Leased Wire to The Times) New "i ork. Nov. 9 The strike situa tion in New York today was more serious and complicated than at any tune since the trouble with the express drivers and helpers began. Tho Filth Avenue Stage Company asked the police protection this morn ing, it being announced that the driv ers of the automobiles were to go out In sympathy with the striking faxicab cliaiifleurs and the express wagon drivers and helpers. In addition to this several department Stores asked for policemen and their wagons be cause of trouble with their drivers. . I lie Adams Express Company loaded forty .wagons at their station at 48th street and Madison avenue this morn ing and on each wagon Was carried the sign ' This wagon carries inter state commerce goods only." Tho lust two wagons to start were followed by mounted policemen, the guards accompanying thfm becausie of consignment of gold and silver that they were carrying. The other wagons carrying ordinary express were not given police protection. Itank Uoblail. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Marysvllle, Kas., Nov. 8 The State Bank of Beattle, fourteen miles east of here, was robbed of $3,000 by a gang of five men early today. Citizens changed shots with the robbers in" a running fight and It is thought one of the bandits was hit. A posse quickly started on the trail ot the outlaw.