The Weather RAIN. RALEIGH, N. C , MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1910. LAST EDITION. tBICE 5 CENTS' Double the Number, of Paid Subscribers in the City of Raleigh' of 'X Other Newspaper. ESTABLISHED 1876 PRESIDENT TAFT IS HOW 111 PANAMA Greeted by Canal and Panama Officials Upon Arrival of Ship SPEND FOUR DAYS Presidential Hhlute Mounded as the Teiiiiesseun Steamed Into l'ort Canal Commission Went Out to Meet Ship and Climbed Aboitrd When She Reached an Anchorage . Arrived at Seven O'clock and Went Aboard at Eight Republic Tuts on Clean Clothes in Honor of the Visit. (By Cable to The Times.) Colon, Panama, Nov. 14 -Presi dent Taft arrived here on the U. S. S, Tennessee today. Twenty-one booming guns sound ed out a salute to the president as he reayhed port after a four day trip The main official greeting was given . the presidential party by hie canal commission and members of the Pan ama government came here troin Panama. The Tennessee was convoyed by the cruiser Montana. These ships wore sighted, shortly after 7 o clock Ab soon as the United States war craft appeared in the offing, tne tug Cristobal with lieutenant Governor Goethals and others on board, steam ed out to meet the president. President Taft acknowledged the warm greeting which was given him Shortly after 8 o'clock all came ashore. President Taft showed keen interest In everything about him and asked many questions. He plans to be here four days. He met tae rep resentatives of the Panama repub lic and acknowledged their official welcome. The isthmian republic has been in a turmoil of preparation tor the presidential visit for a fortnight. 1 he governor of Colon ordered all citizens to repaint their homes and clean the city in honor of the visit. In addition to Inspecting the work already done on the canal, President Taft will confer with President Pablo Arosemena relative to diplomatic ne gotiations between Panama and the United States. As a result of this conference John Barret, director of the bureau of American republics, will probably be delegated to go to Bogota, Colombia, to assist in bring' ing about a renewal of diplomatic frlendshli) between : Colombia and Panama. After his greotiug witli the Panama officials the President took a special train for Culebra, which will be his headquarters during his stay. Pres ident Taft did no actual inspecting today, but went over the canal situa tion with Lieutenant-colonel Goeth als. Tomorrow Mr. Taft will Inspect the Gatun dam and on Wednesday Culebra cut, and the sections of the canal already completed. T)ie president will decide before his return whether or not Guantana- (Continued on Page Six.) ELY TO FLY FROM . SHIP TO SHORE r Wtifim' - - " Li$tJ?:'X'.,, .,,1 fitbt rliovi! ol Locomotive of ,lv.':ne railroads Illinois- ( t'liti ill in Mcir lie rid lur bitter vnr!iin west, Illlllllls COIIlll- Gi-nnd Chief Wnrren S. Stone, ot the I!i ncors, who has been leading the cnni.n cis south and north of Chicago, liicl:id:n the on the companies for an increase nt '.vir. en lions, hollowing the termination I'M'iilh' i t notnitioi'.s between ilu roads and the Brotherhood, winch li:is hern in ro-sr- id ( !-icn;o since September 20th, a strike vote will Ire taken ami ':i;;i::cei-s ol the sixtv one railrouds. IHllcrence in uurc ihci cis' i's ni iipiii'.ivn.iatel.v 7 per h-!:1 and alteratioiiM of certain working runditii'iis siM i hetivci n the negotiators. Grand Chief Stone hiivs lie believes thv.t t!i' v. te wi:! I:e 1n1111111-.1011.sly n favor of suspension of vork mtd that the e::Mie'-.'s vy) have expressed their deblre lv hcce-nlicr 10. Im;ne li:;;i 'v tucrenlter he says, last op-liOf-tunity will be Kiven t!e iai!roa:!" to ireel the workers' ih:i it hey ik- liore that oppoitiimtv within five hou i s even (ic -.-e west ol t hieao on nil branches of the service will lie nto o d. LITTLE GIOORDERED CRISIS JH ENGLAND Shockingly Mistreated by Brute Adjournment of Parliament In New Jersey Two Negroes I ndcr Arrest on Suspic ion While Police Are Scnrcliinu; lor Kvidence. (Hy Ceased Wire to The Times.) Aboard V. S. S. Blrmingliam. Hamp ton Itoads, Va., Nov. 14 W hen the cruiser Birmingham with a dozen nu- val officers und other ofmial.s aboard steamed out of the roads this morn ing carrying Eugene Ely for his tifty- inile Might from the deck of the ship to the shore, it was greeted with a clear warm sun and a wind of less than nine miles velocity. The Indica tions were favorable for this flight. which was to demonstrate to what use an aeroplune can be put In connec tion with iiai;ul warfare. Tho experi ment is also Uncle Sam's initial plunge into nuval aeronautics. The Hfty-horse-power Curllss bi plane for Ely's use was placed aboard tlm Hirmlnghnm Inst night nnd the runway for launching the machine wag made ready on the ship early ' this morning. (liv Leased Wire to. Tim 1 lines.) Asliuiy 1-ai k. N. J., Tsov. 14 I he brutal 'murder of little ll-ycar-olil Muilc Kmlili. whoso . mutilated body was round on the siiore of Deal I.nUe vesterdav, may ultimately cause two deaths. Mrs. Peter ' Smith, tile Kil l s mother Is on the verge of. Insanity and auendlng nlivsiciaiis ileiland to day that fclie may nut survive the shock. n armed guard protected all nliiht the lock-up uhere Ihunias VViIIimmis, colored, und another.. . negro mimed Wynn. with whom Williams lived, lire under arrest. Hie guard was lessened today, but effective precautions are being taken to prevent any outbreak. The crime is the most brutal in the historv of. New Jersey. The little girl had been mistreated and nad been strangled with her ban- ribbon. Her clothing was nearly torn Doni her bodv. Her tinv lists were clinched above her head as though hhe had thrown up her hands to protect heir Kclf. There was a long, deep gash in tho skull. Tho chief of police hopes to get evi dence against Williams today to charge hfm with the crime. The, ne gro, a big. bulking fellow, known as Black Diamond. is somewhat fa mous locally as a prize tighter.' He was employed at the home; of Mrs. Delia Jackson, an aunt of the lit tle girl, and last Wednesday, when Marie disappeared, lie was chopping down trees upon Mrs. Jackson h es tate. The police believe that the gusli on the girl s head was inaile Dy u- liains axe. Both prisoners were put through the third degree today in the hope ot wringing a confession from Ibeni. Williams was stolid and stubborn, but Wynn said that he knew nothing about the crime until the llndlng of the bodv yesterday and told a toler ably straight story, although the lynch 'threats which had been against the pah- hud frightened him until he was scarcely able to aik. The assailant of the girl -had: tried to remove the traces of his crime by setting the woods on fire. Thfi body was covered bv leaves and brush, but had not burned. A stained towel and silk handker chief were found in Wynn's cabin, by the police. These were microscopic ally examined today by medical au thorities. Coroner Robert W. Purdy had a phynlclan examine the romalho of the littl victim today in order to (CoutiuuetJ on Pago Six.) : "., Looked For Itatlicr Than Let the Irish Party Dominate the .Situation Parliament Will be Adioiiriied. ( lii ( able lo l ln.v limes. ) I.imilon. .Nov. I 1- Rather lunu let the Iri.sli parlv (luminal u in Uie pres ent political crisis, parliament will lie ad inu rued ' tomorrow with an order for a general: election. This an nouncement was Hindu today bv a leading member, ot tne 'liberal party. The general election will bring about a bin shift in tne political par lies of Krigiaiul. I lie cliief develop ment .will undoubtedly be tho retire ment of the cx-premler lialtour ol I he unionist party. J 'nere was great, political activity in all parlies today. I lie Irish lend ers claimed the balance ot power in the house ol commons and the con trol ol the .constitutional situation. A care r ui canvass apparently substan tiated their claims. The constii utioiiiil amendments abrogating a portion of tho power ot the house ol peers must be .threshed out again. Bo great has the situation become that a fight will be made to abolisii tne upper house altogether. T- P- O'Connor, one of the Irish leaders, in discussant the situation to.lav. said that it was now or never for the nationalists to stand together. "I deprnate the attitude of the O'Brienites who seem bent on split ting the party when it is now at its sirongest. said he. Never in tne History of bns;lish and Irish, politics iias Ireland hud an opportunity like the present.' The Irish party has suf ficient, strength to control the situa tion. . I Bin going into parliament to morrow! single aim ot doing everything m ni.v power to gain free dom for Ireland, at least.. I will se cure the best terms possible. It the session ends abruptly it will nave to be 'another parliament, which shall listen to inv plea.' John huilniond had similar views and his contention was that tno strug gle for Irish home rule has now aN tallied tho point: where only a short but active fight is necessary. . TOLSTOY IN LIE Aged Count Imposes Seclu sion Upon Himself lliiiiv.hfcr Pleads With U.iii In lietiirn Home Hut He Kt liises Says Me Has Done All He ( an Kor the Wci'ill li'Ml 0:ilv Seeks Pence anil Oriel ow. to. Tin- Times. I t -Count T novelist and p ol' the S. 1 id In a P. oiti'.ijy., . (!.: -'obi, .I.:-.ivjv .Nuv the sr I !-(.' lied pher in tho Sancti eiiinski moiiiif !iir i.ouay nptfrnea i::e ideas ot :ns wi and ruin, ed to ri'U ;i .o his nne. l5;:t.:;iHic a!'peal w:is' -made by- his ilaugiii'T AlrsaaJi-a v.-ho -. rollottcd I'.or father t. !.:' liionnsiarv but the aged coyn' rel nsetl. to .i ield. . ('ou(it.!S i. Tcl.-:!oy. ' who at home at Vasnaja i'olyaim ir in a s-iale of coi lai.'so. - K:e decision today- that T:l stoy 8 msod iiail been wrecked 'bv the machinations of. the ltiitiUaii governt nient a;il that -she v.'ould follow him and make a l'.ist plea io he..' husband. When .U:o. iiey,-.; of i-hi.i .was laken I i the cotliit,: Vtiio is lu'bily eugaged Hi)on hia new book wii , the 'help nl'i tyui.-ilj lie ..;aid ifctu i acre was n:.i use of his v.'it'e'R following him.' . I at. i happy and I cannot see v.nv lien my luiopi- i'i "ith ot hers nil or. Id nioi Hess should giv" liiends. jaiti the M Inc. , 1 Ivir mo :by peruet u isn.s aau.'vifiHoi.: abroad iM;on niy c : by vii1u.",es witlio dioiis In Ieceinjbr. ov.-' 14 The first week .. London; Kov. 14 The first week in December haa been set as tho timo for holding the general elections, ,i a p ponces io my 11 ;4: J i-ecUise. en ma'do -uiiserabie il quests, .perpetual . I v oiiid not 'wall : tale ui-. in the neai- t being annove::! by making , picture . photographers They hove no respect io;- my feelings and it- distressed . me beyond meas ure. . l.iiave lived upon earth for y nin have tried to ;io ni.v dun as a ;-. ):stian and a citizen. I leal it. niiji', iirv t;)ai-ft nivselt to ma l-io x'.f") 1 have made. "It. is true that I havu ' pctused io conuniinicaie' '.with my family 'out 1 do not. 'love tliem I lie loss. My dhiigh.t Alexandria came- to me and went upon in v hands but I gently told her of my coTitiniietl tieterminatlpn lo live uie ascetic lite 1 have taken up. II is right that I should do tins. . I seek peace an-.l timer, but I nave done all I (Oi'.hl lor humanity in the past; It is in justice to myself that I have re t i red. it lias licen reported.''-'lately" that Count Tolstoy even .esiiKSet'af.ed.- his own radical views towards duly lor liiiii'iaui.i.v anil th?.t. he' sought to iiuai" rei with lus who because she ,iad raised renls ntiit oiw!lit: cheaper la bor tor the estate. Fuller details of the tliglil ot I he aged novelist and philosopher were learned todav lollowiyg I he revela tion ol his 'whereabouts. Count Tol stoy rode to Opttiia Piisiina in a third class railroad carriage accompanied by his physician. From then- he walked six anil a halt miles to the inniiastary whicn is a coiiiljined con vent. Taere are i(IO nuns in Hie con vent near the nioiiastarv. iiiiiong I hem Tolhloy'ii favorite sister, Alal ia, who has been tliere lor a number ol a. ears. . The counts daughter Alexandria and his typist, suspecting the where abouts.: of . the missing philosopher, journeyed to Optina Pustina and 'found aim in the inoiinstary. Coming to Canada. ,'iiS: :mMmmmm y-1 3 j. 'Tv. .Misifmimm f, J'J.',-''i.A:r.-'J-''i.Z:-j,L i A tin' 1 1 London, Nov..- stoy Intends to. luski nionasieiy aud seek . refuge J 4 That Omul Tl leave the 'iteinorMf at .Optina Pustina 'with the Doukbohors (Continued on Page bix. ) MEN BACK AT WORK (My -Ceased Wire to The .Times. ) New York. Nov. 14 The striking ex press men anil Helpers returned to work today, "'terminating- a . strike which has cost ulmost $U.r,ti.OtiO-, it was reported mat some ot inc. -companies, .would. not take iiu-ii back in Jersey t'ilv who wore the union hut- tons, but this altitude was cnangen it the last minute.- -The strike cost the llvef ol two men nd a wage loss stimated at $1,17(1,000. The strike cost tin' city $:i7..tH a day for poliee patrol. or a total ol i ;im.i;o. auoui tony men accused of inciting violence were re fused their old Jobs. Cumlidutt- ti.SiU.i in-il Aid. it li, ( By Leased Wire to The Times) Providence, R. I., Nov.. 14 Judge Lebaron P.. Colt today announced his candidacy- In iiureefd N. P. Aldrich Aldrich is suppoi ting Henry P. Li'p- pltt. tctor L. ;. tv to sit in the Cm: U illiRiu I'. !a'i:.-r: n (iei:er has roe' I went v year s n:i! v. '. iii'ouuh the years i has c.ili'd his lolb'Ui epi csent i (' ot ll.e sncinl Di inocTatic iui-" less in tiic I niled sta-.i-s. lieiijer was elected over . !:ei:il)lcan, in blth liisliict at Milwaukee, Wis. Use leader ol the . socml J'emoci atic movement lor cue "! the clnel ti ii'ics in (he party hi this country. ! b"i !. ii!i- -J-.ii he : lias liven a pra licil pollticiaii and bs;Hiteiv. briMikiug no oppo...iiion. I he W inter I'.vaiiiiiialion ,;h be llcbl i" I his il v l.e .'iiin in; lo inoiT iw .loi'iiiii:i at I) Oclocii lanv Applicants lor l)iii-.'.i.,.i.t ce(isc. BOARD OF PHARMACY ATTEMPTED TO ESCAPE -',-"'" '.' ':'.'" There Are About Seventy iNornsan Lewis Tried to Escape Applicants Fcr License From Wake County Jail the be Tne -. Tin' winter ' rs'ii in ina1 ion fi In prac.l ice pliai liiucy . . il! h flie City tomorrow..' and lions are taat; flvereWill to seven ty a;.n.lit J n i t: '. nation will held in t!i house of repivsen I M.t i'.'es gili at '!! O.'i'lock lomnnuw The examiiiiii tSaiiiiuatiuns i lleense llel.l ill inili'-a-lo'ne on exaini- iiilil of (in.' 1.11(1 Will lie-niorniiig, ; lioard conducts t wo icli year, one being held, in this city almuCt he uiidille of Xoieiiiijer. and the (it'ier waerever I .lie -..'slate associatiou inoets . during the summer. The Class for. this exani.tiiniior. is a large one, being about scycnl-y j 1 1 1 f 1 1 i - cants. . J'lie t-xaiiiinins board is "composed ol live inenilif-r.s.. i:i:tl.l I ION IX iC.KACl . More I rouble liit'aks O-ii in i nlral Auiei'ican Kepuhlu. . .San .loan Del Sur, -.Not. I i other revolirtioii ' in-.'.-Nicaragua Ihrciitpnod as a result of tho ( nohading of Uie town of 1, eon yes 3ay by . governiiieiit . tr.Ksj-s. .VI persons were luilod and woiiiided Members of the'' liberal pi inarched tiirougn: 1. 1 1 o streets m inti-governnient denionst ration police: ordered th;.-. marchers to," d.-- perse tint lliey veluseti: Soldiers then 'marched I In liberals. Instead of . ciiarging 'the mob l lie soldiers swung ai'tillery iiil,) position and -swept, do . si reels wilii grape and canist.r. some ot the lib erals, are '.reported to ' have arnieJ themselves and retiinied tiic tiie. v All- in, Tin Is chaixcil With the Killing ot the ( liief oi Police ol Spi iiig Hope Iwoimiit Here to Prevent Lynching Ila'l lirokeii One Lock When Ihsion red csd'i'ilav. Xoi iiui i.i I.e.v t lie,', otiintt-i-er ol' ilie c;)ii f iif pniii.-e of fi ring loie. w hn io:iv d i,i V4i-e i-iiiiuly. jail for sa.le-ii"ei.hig. mad'-' HI) lllisueeessi'lll ii 1 le li i fit In CHi-il1'- yi slirilay.. : Just about "dinner, linn-. Lewis called i ii i In Hie j.iilur ll-uil: -he was siek and didn't v V eiji nny iliiinel-. lb- was ttsU.-'uViJ. lie' -iianle j il - .iliietul-, oild re .1 : .1:1 i !i. il).: !'. :!' he tlunigllt le .wilii: ;i;-''all. riplit . in: a lil tie while. Tbi's- lai nus 'il Jnijor l'ai'ha.m's . sus jiiciuii. :iiel "ill' up tn see al'iund. lulti'd Mn I , ll:e wi ph'il'lilii i.'lg Li" r.-vf. Ken .off linth l.eilk Hie MVrred ,t lot e all.'- two locks i was con- a pii ee of iihhii . hay- liii.U. lUOllli'l- hit. ;i.!' i hi hulls to Tin 1. v-.'is Hi.-IU !l lleri. ia to : with killing the ins Hope several mitre raided bis .lor: selling witis lilli. was ea'ptureil out; was t lie feeN N'ah coiinly that to prevent lynch ! i '.!" i ti oi di;.mo( i: i s. I'liC tii Cl'l I lie i'lst radii govpi-tiiueni reeeniiy issued a manU"s;o prohi'j;tini- iiolit'- cal demonstrations but the outbreak vesterdav was in direct dehance ol tins order. I lie, excitement, its intense, not only in X.eon Inii in elo- ru i i On u.l l u eonit- try. More troops wore sent to Leon today. "" A man cm get maddest tryine lo prove by argument that ho never loses his temper. ml I:e;-iiliic l.oaid id the Na il:!! I.oa' t'l t l.einoeralic i t'y l.eiisod 'Wire ui. The Times , . ind-enc'ioiis.: ' mo.. Nov. I -I A spi' liieei -ing (if tiic general cxecu I'vo of the National League of nemo'-riiiic t.'iulis. to be held at. the Italeiiill . I iott.'l, .Wiisliiiigtoii,,' .lallii-ai-v ii. Ilili: was announeed today by oloni f Wiliiain t-- l.iilcr, of luilian iol;s. o.e;-,nleiti of lite organization . he olijeit of. the meeting' is to-plan :ceniim.ious . systematic . campaign Willi h viijvv- ro rhe en'i lion ot a deui otra'.Je prt'etideut, and (ieinocratic 1.' luted Slates senate Hi .1912. The executive board : includes among, its niemoers Coveruor Harmon. Ohio: (tovernor-eh.'cl oodrovv Wilson, Of New Jersey: Covernor Marshall, In diana; Governor-elect Hoke Smith, Georgia, and others, high in the coun cils of the party. Ail clubs now affiliated with the national organisation will be perpet uated and numerous others formed. ; i FEDERATION OF LABOR IS III SESSION Annual Meeting Now In Ses sion In St. Louis Promises to Be Interesting THE CONTEMPT CASE Ma tier of I lie 'Contempt Case and hat Further Steps the Federation Will Take to be Decided Some of the lelcgntes Favoi Spending Kvcrv Cent to Keep the .Men From tioiiiK' to Jail Hut Others Are Op posed to This Trouble With Car penters, l-.lecti icians and Others. I liv Leased Wire to The Times.) hi. Louis. Alo., Nov. 14 A renewal of the hot battles which have marked a number ot the national labor con ventions in recent years was fore casted todav when the American Fed eration ot Labor convened here. A number ot disputes were promised between various branches of the fed eration. In addition to these, the contempt cases against President Samuel Gom pers. Secretary Frank Morrison and Vice President John Mitchell, grow ing out of the boycott of the Bucks Stove it Ratine Company, will be thrashed out. Some of Lie delegates favor spend ing everv cent in the treasury to pre vent the men from goiug to Jail r .others are opposed to this and are readv to carry the fight against it to the floor of the convention. The carpenter delegates claim that the -glaziers' are preempt ing some of their work, the team sters claim ttiat the brewery workers are exceeding their jurisdiction and the electrical workers are in a tur moil. '1 he electrical dispute has al ready resulted in the revocation ot charters of Iowa labor bodies Presi dent A. L. Crick, of the Iowa state federation of labor, and R. G. Stuart, of the Cedar Rapids Central Labor bodv. will protest against the annull ing of the Iowa charters. .Annul fiOU delegates will take part in Hie deliberations nnd the conven tion miLV be extended beyond the usual two weeks, owing to the many (lispuit's before it. pciirv Al Work. Il'.v Leased Wire to The Tillies.) -Washington. Nov. I i The lion is domesticated. Cominauder Robert K. l'earv. hero of the North Polo and vampiisher of Ur. Cook, has returned to Washington and gone to work as engineer expert for the department of justice In cases before the court of claims involving construction work lor the naval bureau of yards and docks. Commaudejr 'Peary today re fused to talk about', the South Polo or tile lecture platform. Call I or condition of National Ilanks: Washington. Nov. 14 The comp troller of the currency this morning issued a call Tor reports of the con dition ot national banks at the close of business in November 10. ' . - .' GUILTY TO SPYING i liv Cnlilc to Tho Times) Lug., Nov. 14 Lieu tenant Helm, of the German army, pleaded guilty today in the Winches ter Assizes to spying on the British coast fortifications at Portsmouth. Hie original telonv charge of sketch ing the formications was not sub stantnued. The court ordered Lieu . tenant Helm to secure bail In the;' sum ot $t.uu to insure ins appear ance H he Ih called before the tri bunal tor sentence. This action wa looked upon in the light ot acquittal -as punishment will probably be SUB pended Indefinitely, i . ' i Brokerage Firm Fails. i ! j ( By Cable to The Times.) - ! , , London, Nov. J't4.B urge and , Woodall,- a large brokerage firm. Out - the stock 'exchange, failed today J

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