7" THE.BALEI6H MIT TIMES: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 19i0. THE NEW JVATERWAY Pamilico Sound and Beaufort Inlet Connected Dredges Opening Waterway Between -". tamUoo and Iieaufort Kxpeeted to Meet Tomorrow Successful Pair Smnll Goes to Waterway. (Special to The Times. Washington, Nov. 13 Hon. J. H. Small has recently heen informed by Capt. Earl . I. Brown, officer of this district in the U. S. Corps of Kngi- neera, located at Wilmington, N. C, that the two dredges which have heen engaged for almost a year in making excavations on the inland waterway are expected to meet on next Tuesday, November 15. This will mark the completion of that sec lion of the Norfolk-Beaufort division of the waterway extending from l'anilic.i Sound to Beaufort Inlet and will afford a minimum depth of ten feet. When this soetioii of the wa terway is open vessels can ro from New Rem, ashington, or from any of the ports and streams in North Carolina, by protected route, south wardly through Beaufort Inlet. The completion of this work is also made . notable because it is the first work undertaken by the United States gov ernment, in the construction of a con tinuous free waterway from Boston to Beaufort. It. is understood that the completion nf this waterwny-will be celebrated sometime in December. The citizens of Beaufort, Morehead City and Otmntal expect to combine and carry out a program worthy of the occasion.. . :..." One of the largest and most suc cessful agricultural fairs that have ever taken place in Beaufort county was held in l lie town of Aurora yes terday. Quite a number of excur sions were run from this city and there were about three thousand' vis itors present. The visitors on arrival were met by a large delegation of citizens and the Aurora band and given a rovnl and enthusiastic wel come. A line picnic dinner was serv ed the visitors free and everything done by the citizens of Aurora in (heir power to give them a rousing good time. .TU,e .agricultural exhibits, consisting of corn, cotton, ; oats, ..wheat, potatoes, livev stock, hogs, poultry, tobacco and other staple l iojia were exceptionally fine and some of the prize winners could not be surpassed in the state. : Among the hogs were five Durocst three months old and weighing on an aver age of M) pounds each, belonging to Mr. Chas. Selby. These took first prize. Another prize winner was-a twelve montas old Berkshire boar belonging .to Capt. Lent Iiawson and weighing 400' pounds. The horticultural and culinary ex hibits In the, ladies department were also given special attention and greatly admired by the visitors. This fair was the second one of, its kind. given under the auspices of the 'Au rora Retail Merchants Association for the purpose of encouraging and pro moting better farming industries and agricultural productions. Hon. John H. Small, M. C, of this city, left Saturday evening to attend the annual meeting of the Mississippi-Atlantic Inland Waterway Asso ciation, which convenes at Pensacpla, Fla.,'on the 14, 15, 16.. This associa tion .was organized to promote the construction of the waterway across Florida and by an inside route' to the Mississippi river. Mr. Small will at tend the meetiflg of the association as its guest and will make an address on the. unity of the Intra-Costal Wa terway along the Atlantic Seaboard with the waterway from the Atlantic to the gulf and the Mississippi. '-At V Jr r x ' 4. .Sr Ms.;..-., fit Hj . i V -A " T v TA A 4 f Oil '1 4 mi lilon Fondles n Child. In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled the hand that a child thrust, into his cage. Danger to a child is 'some times great when least, regarded. Of ten it comes through Colds, Croup, and Whooping Cough. They slay thousands that Dr. King's New Dis covery could have saved. "A few- doses cured our baby of a very bad case of Croup," writes Mrs. George B. Davis, of Flat Rock, N. C. "We al ways give it to him when he takes cold. It's a wonderful medicine for babies." Best for Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Asthma, Hemorrhages, Weak Ungs. DOc. $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists, l.cc ,( ii i. rim i.e, acquitted of l;i i::ciy in the IjoKmer elect inn scan ilal, .!: bus 1 ec n rc-elertcd to the ftnfe !(;::; are fi'.in OKiiWit, II l:ri.wnc's iIccti-'M wbile not as lame is t!:e i.si.liepiil lic:i:i ph;n:ii(,vshi d lie: isivrly that he stands vindlcat k'fl in l!i eyes unfile people. MR. fOHOOV HAS .APPENDICITIS. Prominent Traveling Man of F.toin ('iiivtlinu Stiicheii The C'prwy Monument. I Slice!;..! to The Times ! , Kliz.'iheth City, Nov. 1 i Mr. A. .1. Colir.on. one of, the most prominent traveling salesmen that travels in eastern North Carolina went to Nor tolK yesterday atternoon to enter a hospital to undergo an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Cohoon. who trav-. els for Flora & Co., of this c ity, was In East Lake Jast week when he was stricken 'with' an attack of appendi citis and the physician advised him to go to a hospital. Mr. Cohoon went. from Fast Lake to Gum, Neck in a boat and then rode about '2(1 miles to Columbia to take a train for Norfolk. 1 Mr. T. C. Woodhoitse, of Curri tuck county, and Miss Sarah 15. Ward, of this city, were united in marriage Saturday afternoon at one o'clock at the home of the bride, No. 5 Burgess street, in the presence of a number of friends of the families. : Rev. J. H, Buffalo performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse left on Die--afternoon train for an extended eib'.i.n.c trip. i Mrs. Wood house is, I lie . cult ured :aur;.iii'r o! . f'aptnin and Mus. .1. 15. Ward, of. thin city. Sao'; is very popn lar in a large eh-cle of friends. J.ir. Woodhouse is engaged In the life-saving service, and is very popu !ar. They will reside in Sontli Car olina. I lie representatives ot several mar ble works, and sculptors have been in tlie city (his week,: consulting .with the officers of the K. I) Crnecv Me morial Association in regard fo the selection of n .d'erirm for the Cropcy iiK.numr-ul . A riuiribe)' of designs iinve been fin luuilleil to Ike commit tee, . bill in) selection has yet heen made. The. Creecy Memorial Association was effected several weeks ago under I he. supervision of Hon. John II. .Small, for tlie purpose of erecting a suitable . monument : to honor , the memory -of tlie late Colonel Creecy. The various officers were elected and the work Was taken up ait once. The officers will make the selection in the near future, when the work of secur- ng the funds will be pushed. I.KPKH IX.XKW YOHK. E Et El: COMPLETE CHANGE OF PKOGRAM Tt)I)AV. 4 The Heart of Edna Leslie," (A Dramatic Production Extraordinary) ''My Friend, the Doctor," - (Comedy) "Hako's Sacrifice," (A Hemarkable Japmiese Drama) A Cold Strange Romance," (Dramatic) V Levin's Orchestra Plays Here Tonight, From 8:00 to 10:30. South American Legation Attache '.Thought to Have Leprosy, (By Lcnscd Wire to Tile Tinvs.) Washington; Nov. 1 I- - It was iearned today that tlie suspected leper formerly employed as a valet at a South American legation here. has been sunt to New York and is now being treated at tlie Skin and Cancer Hospital, according to men prominently connected with the case. He was taken to tlie hospital by an attache of his legation. A great deal of mystery surrounds the case be cause of the unwillingness of physl cians who attended the man to make any commeiits. Attaches of the lega tloii 'refuse to talk, except to coniirm the report that the suspect is in hospital in New York. B ABACA ttXTTCBTAIITVtENT. Bnmras and Phllaf Iic.ih of Scotland Nerk. fiive Enjoyable Social Af fair. : , ' , (SpwiaJ to The Times) Scotland Nck, Nov. 14 On Fri day; evening st the Baptist church the Soung rnetr of thp paraca. Bible crass, assisted by f.be young- ladles of the PhJldthen class, gave a most enjoyable stjclnl, consisring . of music, instru. 1p(M)tU alid-'voaal. recitations, nd. an address by the Barara teaclwef. Mr. Claude Jackson, the presidenfe'of tne ciasB, presiaea over tne meeting The exercises were opened by; beautiful selection upon the pipe or-- gan by Mrs. James Allen Pittman followed by a song by ,: the choir. Mies' Lydia Josey delighted the audi ence with a well-rendered recitation and then .Miss SaKie Spruill Baker, of Palmyra, saug a most beautiful solo Then followed three features: duet by -Miss Emily Sawyer Biggs and Owen .1. Moore, a recitation fa story of Parsifal V, iind the address by Mr. E. E. Hilliard, lonelier of the naraca class. " Mr. Milliard siioke but a short time, but in the few minutes of the time he occupied lie said many good things, and gave I lie - yon tig people present suggestions, Hial if followed wKI make them more useful and bet ter men and women, lie appealed to those present that whatever else they undertook, and whatever studies they pursued, to remember to give a part of each day to the study of the Bible anil in preparing themselves for a future and better land. Mr. Hilliard, though advanced somewhat in years and afflicted with a. partial loss of vision, has lost, none of his old-lime power as a public sneaker, and those present were more than compensated for their attend anco by . the short address by this good man, and the other good things enjoyed. The idea of this entertainment was conceived by two or three of the young men of the Baraca class, and as the speaker said, it was a most happy conception. Mr. Edwin B. .lose.v was the mov ing spirit in the affair, and to him is duo the praise for the most happy event. Some weeks ago he suggest ed that the class give such an enter tainment,' and assisted by others, car- ried the suggestion fo a most happv finale. : ... At the close of the address the president announced that as a close to the exercises he" wanted everybody in the. house to shake hands with everybody else, and requested that not a person' leave, without first giv ing thosje. others present a most cor dial handshake and a happy welcome. Thus one of the most pleasant occas ions In. a long time come to a cloic P. A Kegular Tom Boy. was Susie climbing trees and fen ces, .lumping ditches, whitling, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruis es, bumps, burns, or scalds. . But laws,' Her mother just applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve and cured her quick. Heals everything healable noils, Ulcers, Eczema, Old Sores, Corns or Piles. Try it. 25c. at all druggists. SOITHEKN RAILWAY SCHKDrLE A Genuine Patent Colt Shoe With Black Cravanette Cloth Tops. 2.50 V have just received a shipinent of these fihopshav-rs m been made espeeiallyfor our trade desiring a shoo at this ; price For style and quality it will compare with any fv,0() shoe on ttio mar ket. , :: - We also have a complete line of Gun etals and Kids, 'at the same price, n Sec our window. CROCKER, , WE FIT THE FEET. 105 Fayetteville Street- - - - - RALEIGH, N. pooti yew Trains lietween New York. Washington, Augusta and Jackson ville. . Effective November 27th, 1!)10, the Southern Iiailway will put in ef feet new train service between New York, Washington, Augusta and Jacksonville, schedule, of 'Which will he as follows:; '. : : :; . - No. ,.; ; .; Leave New York 1 2 : 3 S P. M Arrive Washington . . . , 6:10 P. M. Ar. A'g'sta via ltl'ck'v'le 1.1:85 A. M Lv. A'g'sla via TrAnton. ,1 1 : 4.H A. M Arrive Jacksonville .... ',3':4'B P. M lieave Jacksonville. . . . . 9:00 A. M. Ar. A'g'sta via Trenton . . 3": 80 P. M, Lv. A'g'sta via Bl'ck'vle. S:fr P. M. Arrive Washington . . . .; tr;53 P. M. Leave Washington . . . ... 9:05 A. M. Arrive New York ".'. . . . i 2: 45 P. M. The above trains will be known as the Southern's Southeastern Limited and will consist of elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars; also Dining'Qar Ser vice. This train, as well as all other Southern Railway trains, will arrive and depart from the New Pennsyl vania Station, Seventh Avenue . and. Thirty-second street New York City, For all information pertaining to same, address the undersigned. W. H. PARNELL, Travelling Passenger Agent, H. F. CARY, Raleigh, N. C. General Pass, Agt. Washington. D. C. "Everybody makes mistakes," said Uncle Eben, .'.'but. yo.u's got -to look out foh a 'man when some' special mistake gits to be a habit." Wil- mTngto'n"Stai".:'' ' ' ' . An Ideal Husband is patient, even with a nagging wife, for he knows she needs help. She may be so nervous and run-down in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleep lessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bit tersthe most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of suffer ers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used them and become healthy and happy. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed ly all drug gists. ' SEINE () KAMI'AGK.. Troops Ordered Out to Fight the vance of the Waters. Ad- (Ry Cable to The Times.) Paris, Nov. H A terrllie rain storm that struck Paris and its environs early .'today upset all the calculations el" the weuthcr experts and caused fear of a recurrence, of the Hood of ai .lanuary. Troops were bnniediatcly owlrrwl. out to tight' the ravages .of the water and : within a short lime n.000 were at, Avork iiiuler. the 'direction of M. Faure, minister of. public "work-. Cavities' in the Quays are . 'bchiK blocked with cement. Ten thousand more .men are ready to aid in the work if eeeded. ": . ' t , The overllow of tlie Heine; was i-'o suilileii as to take many ivsid -uts in lie low-tying, districts of. the city 'liy surprise. At the pout Hoyal tbo ' Seiiie today was .appi'oximately 10 feet.. above normal. ll of the tributaries ai'o falling, al- thoiish the Seine continued ri.lnir raii- lly loilav. : The subways loading Into the A uw- ti'rlitz station are Hooded and all that legion near the Jardine ties- .pinnies' uiider". water-. The .basement of tho alais de Justice, the donieeries and (lie iiuai'ters of the police debaiteient lie iuundaied,. The worst suffering -is in tlie sub urbs where many of tlie residents re taken unawares and had to l.lec from their homes, leaving practically everything bi liiiul. I'he police have taken steps to pro vide temporary quarters for the refu- Rees. Food will also be provided 1or the sufferers. 1 lie flanger zone broadened grad ually today. BOYtAN-PEARCE CO. I BO YLAN-PEARCE fid. . . , STORES CliOSJES AT 6:00 P. M. UNTIL FUBTHER NOTICE. ; ' - J tilfe,Iics, CMIiirf Tho, waniL1 coky. comfort of good quality Furs; to say nothing of the addedjj style to your dress, leiids,.that air of ease and gracefulness to the wearer thhjtjl at once' attracts and is ol'lcn the envy of the less fortunate, but thisyear tnek! harrier on high prices are all removed, and. this first, el loosing is fine. Wen cannot "duplicate these prices Inter on. Jiuy now, or for a rejisona bl eTd VaiffeU we will hold your urcliases until (Christmas. ' "' ' 1 Ladies' High Grade Coats, Russian Pony Skin, Coney Fur and River Mink? Coats, Cloth Coats fur lined throughout, Beaver Coats Fur Trimmed. YOU CAN BUY Ladies' 'M tift'. Shawls, Scarfs, and Neck Pieces, in complete sets. Shoulder' Pieces '.of (Sney, Mink, and . Squirrel . Isa Fox and Opossum ...... . . . . . . Marmot, Persian, Hare and Marten . . . . .. .. Wolverine, Martin, Fox . . '. . ...... ... . . . FLAT, ROUND, OR PILLOW MUFFS in, Isa 2 either separately or niatclmtlj . . .... $2.00, $3.00, and $5.00 .. . . , . $4.00, $6.00, and $8,00 . $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15)(j; , . $22.50, $27.50, $33.50, $42.50; Til tck tir I'rown .Mart Wolverine -.'Muffs ox. Russian Sable, Dark Fa stern Mink, ;uV $13.75, $15.00, $18.00 $22.50, $27.50, $3'0.b0, $37.50(; MISSES AND CHILDREN'S FURS. . , -."'.' ' -;- ' - i r if , .The Complete Christmas Stock is In. ... v '.J' ... - -. J,, ( 'hildi'en's Furs' have always heen a great dra w card ,to the Fur Stock, be cause of the aricty a ml coiii)leteness in which every detail is carefully looked after. "' ' - .' Jt'i l'ersian Lamh Sets ........ .', ... .... .. ..... ..$1.00, $2.00, and $( Momitain Angora . :'.. ... . . . . . . $1.50, $2.50, and $3.50 French Coney . ........ . . . .... . . . . $2.50, $4.00, and $6.50 ;-'-lesi(ies are shown -Squirrel, Ermine, White Fox; ' Thibet s, and l?iver Miilk: The Collars and .Muffs are finished and trimmed in most excellent stvle. ji BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPLY,, P till i.isl' I'ATIlKIt OI THK AIHSHIIV .Mr. eiinmite, First Aviator, Dying at His Home in Cliiens". ; (liy .l.easi'd Wire to The Times.) Cliieaso. Nov., 4-:-' Tlie t.itlier of the ii'sliip," Oetave.-'t'liaimte, is dying at his luene. - - , a naesfieti nf tine'.", said s sen, I'liarles "t'haiuit"1, 'f.Veeoi-lliUK to tlie jihysi i.iet survive tlie day and for a wi-i'k," anute.. is. pi'elialil.v due It is nulv 111', l.'hamil. ai'Iy today. ians w ina te nuiv li e To ;. M v. i mio'e ei'edit I lian . any" -otiu'r individual for the -siteeess of. Ihe :'uirshi.p. .Mr. 'luiniite; who 'was hern in I'avh- ill IS.:-.', made iilOTe th;n -.i"a llii.;hls !- fine the preveiir ri. iatei s Imi-an thi'ir xiierinu nts, lie eame ,n this, euun ry in ;.ts3s. F'nr iiains in tlie side of eliest dam pen a piec e or llaani'l w ith Chainher- lain'a Liniinent nmi' hind it on fiver the seat of pain. Thoro is nothing better. Kor sale by nil dealers. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not. sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or tho youngest child; The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and for regulating the bowels. For sale by nil dealers. i How it does ar a man when lie calls another man's bluff ant It tui na cut to be the real thing! King of Externals Accepted by the Mothers of Amenca as the one and only external preparation thai positively and quickly CURES all forms of In flammation or Congestion such as Pneiimonia.Croup, Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy. Since Cowans Preparation has been introtiucnl lipre it has gained a strong foot-hold in rnany'ot ovr best families whom knowire giv ing yon advertisement right along without solicitation. It always mukesgood. ..Weidling Jt Son, Tiffin, Ohio. Druggists. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Drataa. $1." SOo. 23e. GOWftN MEDICUC0.. DURHAM, N. C. luaraoltU. ml momj ttUtUi Vf rour Onulil PETERS PETER SHELLS! SHELLS! . , . : . : rl 1 Eiders Succeed when everything else fella. In nervous prostration and female weakness they ate tlie supreme remedy, aa thousands bav testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE I la the best medlcih ttvet . told !t,.'. over druggist' counter. On every Wednesday, beginning Vtyd- nesday, November 16th, we will r4ell Peters Shot Gun Shells at the unheard of price of 35c. per box, one box to a customer. it P You m en who love the noble sport; of huntint,ret next, tuniiy. Prove that you are up to the minut&by taking advantage of the greatest offer ever made on a - - - This is your oppor- Standard lylakeof Shells Remember the day, Wednesday, Novem ber 16th, and then every ensuing Wednesday ) . . HART-WARD HARDWARE CQ., The Sporting GpcdOUPf Raleigh.

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