THE ItALEICiTI PATLY TIMES: 2JOXDA Y, XO VEM BET? 1J, 1010. V 7 WHEN YOUR FOOD GOES HOT DIGEST well mid you feel ''blue" and tired and discouraged, you should use SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE FOWDEK FORM) It opens the bowels, sweetens the stomach and strengthens the digestive organs. A dose taken at bed time restores a fine feeling of health and energy. OL BV DIALSflS. miCB, LA HQS MOHAOB. 1.00. Aak for trir, ffflnuloe with thn Red X nn thr, liihel. If yno mntint rtr-t It romlt tn ni. w wltl rtifl liy null fHtitpalri. Himmoiis Ijivi'r Ki'fMlHr in put up rtllu iu liquid (uno fut.tuuti wfav prefer K. I'rlr., tCW pvr bottle. Lrfwk fur tbu ixtj . Isltul. J. H. ZCILIN & CO.. PROPS.. ST. LOUIS. MO. Th Elaotlc" Bookcase a rows with yaur library, fits any space, Is artfotlo, and la f ittod with tho only perfect dust proof roller-bearing non-blndlng door that positively cannot get out of order. Call, write or phone ond ask for catalog Big Stock cn Hani a1 K3msrAKifaaras3iiya VANITY SETS AT MAHLER'S a, iMiTI rtflrnii.y,i MrAllM3BIWair rr mm ii i in m i iiiiiiiiiitrwrirriiTiirimw,gtrifTCfwtim.MaiB CONSIDER SERVICE. Can-fill preparation iinioiiii(s you Hunt, when you want it. ThaP.s why we 1 1: ink that service, is one of the points worth considering. I!nvc you forgotten something? ro you in a hurry? Did you overlook niiy item? Then rail n on tho 'Phone. We stand ready to serve yon iu (In; most prompt, ami flhiciit manner. BOBBITTWYNNE DRUG COMPANY. ROTH PHOMvS I0t Bargain 1 -li I his siiicc IVomi now mili! Xiins I'or t lie Ijai'f.'iiins wc nw ;(.: i i 1,1a: to nive in these bulletins. BEGINNING NEXT TUESDAY, NOV. 15. .Hi-in. Woolen (Jood; rip;ul;u' 50c. sellers, :) cents. One vard with Satins lish IiOin- ( : One vara wide H! -iiis. Fancv Silks: for Shi it stripes: Toe. i'or f)!Jc. Cotton Poplins and Suitings, 27-in. wide, 2ov values, l!)c. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Company. HALF THE HOUSE DEVOTED TO SHOES. The Shirtwaist Shine. Wc give them the ''finished" touch. Fancy waists are well cared 1W by us. and no pains are spared to get the lace or other trimmings right smooth aiiJ clean. OAK CITY STEAM , LAUNDRY, 117 West Hargett St. - - - - - - - Raleigh N. C. 1 to little- unless rim act what 1 iln'-k mipI colors, S!)c. spina ha; I) JMT holt, !)Sr. and colors. waists; riinimi and J) WITH THE CONDUCTORS . " Annual Meeting of Raleigh Division No. 264 Yesterday Mye Tlimi Sixty Conductors anil Guests Enjoyed tin Elaborate JSiiii- ". "quct nt Gicrsch's Several Excel lent rilwirt Speeches Nnile Oliiceis Klcctcd at tl-e IJasir.css Meeting. i Raleigh division No. 20 1 of t!;e Or der of Railway Conductors held its annual banquet yesterday in the u:in- il net lut 1 1 nt Gic.'sch's, there beins- more than sixty. ((iiHluclors ami KUiHtil jircticnl.' It was undoubtedly the must Bticcibslul event the. divis ion hat; evi.r held,, was greatly en joyed by members and invited guests. The division held a business meet ing yesterday morning; and elected officers for the ensuing year as fol lows: - M. G. Jones, C. C. 11. L. Snyder, A. C. t W..W. ;'evvman, secretary treasurer. ( Mr. Xew.nan lias and licld that jiosition for sixteen years.! ( T. E. Riciiiirdson, S. and C, .1. U. Stephens, J. and C. 1". .1. CaruUicrs, I. S. . Jno. W. Keyes, O. S. J. Ft. Stenhens was elected delexdte and R. I,. Snyder, ajternate, t.j the next tneetiiu; of the Grand Division, which will be, held in JacUsonville, F!a. After the election of ofHcevs the meeting; . was .opened to the. JnvhU quests. The o;en meeting was ;)'.e Kidod over by Mr. James Geion, 'lie retiriim; C. ('.. wiio extended a corJn'I greeting to the visitors. He referred to the death of Capt. .loe llogau, a member of the division. Hon. Yi. K. :lacy, treasurer of the Sate of Noitli Carolina, was li rat speaker. Hd made a beautiful tall relative to the death of Capt. Hagan saying that, all conductors who daili lake their lives in their hands, sliouM be like Joe llogan, always ready to meet his God. lion. M. L. Shipinau, commissioner of the bureau of labor and 'printing was the next speaker, dwelling upon the benelits to be derived from unions. M ayor Wynne, in speaiiing of at- filiations with unions, said ho was not a member of any organization, though many thought iie was because of the many friends he had in them. lie made a short but happy 'speech. ''-Co!.'' Chas.' E. Johnson was called r.nd bean ii is brief response by say inir that Mayor - Wynne .had said ;ie belonged to no organisation, but ac cording to recent reports, he seemed lo be a member of lite market iionst committee. ' . Mr. .Josephus Daniels resionded in i short speech of well chosen words. Mr.'. E. M. rzzell ."'expressed his plcaxnrc at being with the cnn.luc tors. . Cnpt. W. W. Newman, rapt.' T. E. Riciiardsoii and Capl. R. I.. Snyder made short talks . . The l!aniti-t. The condiictors and their 'guests vpaiivd lo the .Iminiuet ball at NUersch's where a nioiit elaborate din ner., was served. I ne tables were ar ranged' V shaped, the guests 'occu pying the short ; (able at Ue end, Handsome menu cards were- al e:ic;i of the plates, these -cards being in the colors of the order, red. green md white. On thn last page was an excellent picture of Capt.' W. W. New- ruan, under which were the words, "Ouf .Secretary' and Tre'isir.vr for sixteen years. . . . Tlie banijuetwas prepared under "jo direction 'of a. ( coiiipos (1 of W. ". .Newman. T. E. Richard son, G. .M. lHsriter and R. h. Snyder. A paper was attached to each menu ml for names, and each one was asked to write his name at the top of his card and pass it to his right. for his neighbor's signature, and so KKKE r.I.OOl) POISON dill Worst Old Cases Solicited Cures Where nil Else Kails, Ulcers, Kc zeuia. Pimples, Roue Pains, Eat Ins Sores. For twenty-five yours Botanic-Blood Dalm (B. B. B.I. has been ciiriiiK year ly thousands of suffoVers from i'l Imnry or Tertiary Blood Poison, ,-ind ali foiins of Blood and Skin Discuses, '-Rheuma tism and Eczema. Wc solicit the must obstinate cases, because it, B, B. euros where all else fails. If you have aches and pains in Bones, Hack or Joints. Vinous Patches in mouth, Soio Throat, Pimples Copper-Colored Spots, rkcrs on any part of the body. Hair or Eye brows' falling out, Itching, watery blist ers or open humors. Risings or pimples of Eczema, Boils, swellings.. Eating Sores, take B. B. SI. It kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich, com pletely changing tho entire body into i cleun, healthy condition, healing every sore or pimple and stopping all aches, pains and Itching, curing the worst cases of Blood Poison, Rheuma tism or Eczema, Uotanic Blood Halm It. K. It.), is pleasant and sate to take; conipnsed of pure Botanic ingredients. IH-U'O- 1KTS. $1 PER LARGE BOTTLE, with directions lor home cure. I Free Blood Cure Coupon. This coupon from Raleigh. Times In good for one sample of Botanic Blood Balm mailed In free plain package. Simply mail to BLOOD BALM COMPANY. Atlanta. Ga. I,tSTEX, TIMES RK.lDr.R8. iiidigcMiou, Gas Souijicmn, llcaitliuru tt Dyspepsia Go Five Minutes Af ter Taking little IMapcpsin. If you liad sonie J)iaicpsin ha inly and would lalx a little now slomacli disO'ei-s or Indigestion would vaiihh in live ui'uutes and you wotil.l feel iue. , T lis I'aruiless preparatinn will di gest unyliiiiu; you eat. and overcome a sour, out-of-ordor stoiiiach before you realize it. . If your meals don't tempt you, or what little you do cat seems to fill jot:, or lays lilie a' lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart burn, that is a sign of indigestion. Ask your pharmacist for a 50-cent case of Rape's Diupcpsiu and take a little just as soon as you can. There will lie. no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, Nau sea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizzi ness or Intestinal griping. This will all fo,,.und, besides, there will be no undigested food left over in the stom ach to poison your breath with nause ous odors. Rape's Diapepsin is certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it pre vents fcrmentnation and takes hold ot your food and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes-, from all stomach misery is at any drug store wailing for you. These large HO-cent cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure almost any case of Dyspepsia, Indigestion or any other stomach dis turbance. . - on around the table. In this way every one secured a f'lll list of ali present. .. "T;ie -menu was as follows:-' Celery Blue Points Mock Turtle Queen 'Olives . ' Plue.'isJ, broiled, ; Parsley Butter Slrassbu rg Potaloes Patties a La Reine " , Tenderloin of Beef, larded. Dauphin Potatoes .Macedoin Roast 'Young Turkey. Cranbury sauce Candied Yams Shrimp Salad, Mayonnaise ..." Neapolitan Ice Cream. Layer C,;ke Edam , 'Coffee Bonis After tlie banquet 'the members 're turned to their hall in tlie iioine building and the oflicers whj had been elected at the morning session were duly installed. Yesterday's meeting was the most enjoyable of the annual meetings iield by the Raleigh division. . The following were present at -the banquet: W. W. Newman, T. E. Richardson, G. M. Lasatcr, R. I. . Sny der, .lames Gerow, M. G. Jones. .1. R. Ktepliens, John W. Keyes, Goodwin, W. D. Hhiill). M. J. Lynch, J. W. Uiillooi,. A. W: Hawkins. 1!. ) Ryan. W. P. Clements, A L. Pritcb ett, A. F. Yates, E. J. Re'.aiine, Lee Williaiiis. .1. L. Sin.-'leUm, it. P. Jour dan, (.'. S. Iliwell. .1. W. Drake, M. Al'.' Giccn, W. K. Lewis, T. J. Mnrri lier. C. E. Matthews, W, H. Alills. T. K. Willsoii, V. E. Bright. V. H. Gil ger. W. R. Simpson-, I. T. Kirkiiat ritdi, L. N. Massey,. W. S. V, it her spoon. A. E.. Gooilmaii, II. W. Ila - gi:, S. IV Kirkpatriul-,,1''. J. Carullieis, W. E. Maynard, P: V. lli ii.lrici,. A. A. p.irrisb. W. IS. Carson, E. V. McNeill, W.'" P.. Carson. V. E. i'ur , C. . M. Ilaucom , E. Al. u. Walters Diuiiam, .loiin R. Fciiall. ('. E. Joiinson A. 11. Arriugton, W, E. Moody, W. J. Martin,; ML. Shipiuan. Josephus Daniels. E. E. Brit ton, al ter .Clark; ; .1. S. Wynne, W. N. Keeuei , It. S. Jernian, C. E., .1 C Gannon and W. A.. Gore. STI DYING VIKt;l.! SCHOOLS. Professor Brogden lietiirns From a Mouth's Visit in irginia. Prof. I.. C. Brogden, of the state department of education, has re turned from a month's trip in Vir ginia, Professor Brogden spent his time in studying typical schools in which consolidation and public trans portation is employed. There a num ber of one-teacher schools have been consolidated. 'forming a rural graded school, and the pupils are carried to ir.d from these schools in public wagons, tlie cost oi iius iranspona tion coming out. of. the school fund. in one rural graded school there Were 111 students and 91 of 'these 'wore using tlie puniic transportation method of going and coming from the school. The system is proving a siuvcess wherever tried, and the county su perintendents of this stale will be urged to adopt it wherever practi cable. This method will enable the children, of -the, rural districts to have al! the advantages of a city graded school. - WINNING PRIZES. North Carolina Exhibit ut Council IViill's. la., Cariying Off Honors. .Major Graham has received the' fol low ng telegram from Mr. Hutt, w ho is in ( barge of the fruit exhibit at tho National Horticnltrra! . Exhibit, at Council Bluffs, Iowa: "Judging not yet over: have won already fllver trophy valued at SI30 for first fruit from gulf and eastern states; silver lov ng cup for first vegetables from the same: four gold nieials and merchandise prizes; am looking for more to follow. "W. N. HVTT." A REAL WRESTLING MATCH WED." RIGHT The llaicl-Ji "spelts" lire-, to. have a leal tr.-i'.t - mi WedncKiloy ni.'.rlit. Vi.'Ui!??-.- ll.lcUeiiMliinill and aiiotb'T :i! nt vrnsllor from Now or- ;a;is will a lioul, at the druml Ibe.iter. - It was by iiiiel( of AlniU!K'i' Lynch I)ook'd for llalei sebmidt Is now in i.oiy anxious to action on tile iarl that Ibii bout vv.-i'i Ii. Young Haokoo t.harlolte r.n.l was arrange tills meet with his rival wrestler and Manager Lynch of the Grand was jiroinjit in taking bold. The contract was closed this afternoon about 3 o'clock, all communications being by wiio. TODAY'S CHARTERS. The Mieavillo Southern IC-nilvtay Chartered This Mui'iiing;. Tho Mieaville Southern Railway, with ' principal office at Rurnsville, was chartered today. Its purpose is to build and operate a railway from a point on the Black Mountain Rail way, near Ayler's (or Brown's Creek, near Mieaville postoffioe, and run along said creek to South Toe River, then along said river ' to a point near the mouth of Stepiock Creek, all in - Yancey county,, a dist ance of about 10 miles. Tlie authorized capiial stock is $.",0,000 and begins business with $10, 000 subscribed. Chas. L. Ruf-liu.- of Johnson City.' Tenn., is the principal stockholder. The Bennett Supply Company, of Bennett, was chartered to conduct a general mercantile business. The authorized capital stock is $!!", 000 and begins business with $4,000 sub scribed. J. II. Scoit and others in corporators.. KICHMOXI) OVEKWHELMEI). . & M. li!ed l') a Score of I'iiij I'oints Against None for the Vii giniaus. Saturday afternoon, A. &' M. defeat ed Richmond College by the decisive score of 5 to 0. The visitors were unable to do anything against tlie heavy farmers. The game, tieeaosc. of its ono-.sulodness, was not as imer- csling as.' some games that have beep played here, yet .at times there were spots that caused the -spectator to sit up ami take notice.. . Richmond '-'niio'e Iwo I'oi v.iiril passi'.s - and and. M. eieb li) made no altempts. The locals scored ten pniiils liie. tir.-l Mild secor.,1 i-,i u i -i -i-eii in lie Uiird and :; twelve, lourlli, .making a t i t! ot' fifty I'', niilii! !- of play. . The whole A. and .'I. team aii cxceileiit aiticle of ball. eiglil- ii li" for Oe ;mt eo lliougii ( 'ole whs I Ii making five star for individual work, of. -the ..nine, .louchdow m. PORTRAIT PRESENTATION. Suns of tlie Revolution to .Make iilil to the Slate Tonmi row .'Afternoon. Tomorrow being tile da, e of ihe annual meeting of the North Carolina Society of the Sons of t:ie 'Revolution, that organization will follow; .-its. usrutl custom of formally - presenting' to the state an oil portrait of a revolution' ary patriot, who. la I er tilled t be olliee 'of govcrntr. The., port rait liiis -jcar is one tit, iiliam" Dav ie a cavalry ' nilicrr'. in . lac rcvoleiioii and later governor, "l-'al he,-of 't'lte I'liiv'ersity. "..Special Envoy i o Fritne, etc. The . .ceremoiiicK of. prcsi'i'lultoii will occur in the senate-chamber, at i H'clock p, in., and the public 'll be welcomed by the '-society. The vice president of the society, Hon. .1. Bryan Grimes, will preside, in the ab sence, on account: oT sickness, of Pres ident Thomas S. Kenan. The address on Genera! Davie will be delivered by James O. Carr, Esq.. of Yv'ilmiug t oil, a inenilicr of the society. The CATARRH A SPECTRC BL00B IMPURITY Catarrh is a deep-seated blood dis ease, one which no amount of local treatment will ever permanently cure. The " beneficial effects of -washes, sprays, inhalations, etc., are only temporary, and when left off the old condition returns, because the blood is infected with catarrhal matter and impurities. This impure condition of the circulation irritates and in flames the delicate mucous mem branes and tissues and produces the well known symptoms of ringing noises in the head and ears, mucus hi the throat, headaches, watery eyes, partial deafness, sore throat, general impairment of health, etc. This con dition will remain, growing1 worse as long as the catarrhal matter is al lowed to remain in the Mood. Being aspecific blood impurity, there is only one'way to cure Catarrh, and that is to purify the blood. Nothing equals S. S. S. for this purpose. It attacks the disease at its head in the circu lation and by thoroughly renovating the bkod and cleansing it of all i' c matte! , makes a perma nent and lasting cure of the dis ease. For forty years S. S. S. has been recognized as the best blood purifier, and the thousands of cases of i Catarrh it has cured is proof that it is ; the very medicine needed by those j who suffer with this trouble. Book on Catarrrb. and any medical advice free. ' XHK SWOT! SPEOITIO CO., AtlBt, Ga. 1 portrait, which has just been, finished aii d bro.ignf to Raleigh, Is Ihe worn ol i native artist. .Mr. .iccnucs Bus bce, wiio copied Hie ,oirit at the I liivoisip. bv s;,c: ial ieriuiKK)-u of it jo DiiKctc in ie(v. 'iv Ii owns ihe cng-iiia!. A lull orc.ies: .-a :ias been to liirnidi -. i.;nol:e music lor toriniiv,- ,; i s"r:-'- '".. and the oc casion protni: f. lie ra-'Bi e-ijiyabla to i tii.i c v. ho ai ie ;d. The bcsiiuss meetiitf; of the Sor.s el' the Itevol iIioli v. ill oc-er at .' :") o'i lock, -half an Uaitr befov.-i-tiie- ;ub Hc excii ii eii. (i-ood ! r i.ii'-e. VI i 'I 'I .fti c- ('.,' 0 pe. ecu; of the tor-il -vo'.o crsl in Vance (O'.ui.iy v.-i;s for- t:i--' di-iuei ratie tic'.;ei, tli-j republicans caly ':.; -uring. 20 per ceni. Two jo tv, nets gave (Mil one republican vote each. I Unique Holiday Gifi Suggestions Tito kind that takes but a few minutes of. yoiir- titue to nrakP and -ei the.- bear the impression and- rightly' so that. it. tool: hours. - 'I nese pat terns (onie with all materials and full Working insl ructions, with readv-niado articles lor you to see I Mow pieely 'they make up. .From 2." cents to $1.."').. These same - articles rea;,' -mane v.ouid cost live and six times 'this amount.;.." 'faille Covers. . Pillow 'I ops. Library Scarfs, Fancy Scarfs, Fancy Work Bags, Center Pieces. Shirtwaists. Corset Cov ers. Bureau hearts, etc. Good beavv Linen and Roval Society Kmbroulerv Floss. Weathers & Perry, China Department. 117 Favctteville Street. a'wMfjtw w-JiprpiaiwM NORTH CAROLIN A'S FOREMOST TAILOR, IUioius yox, U't, ait) . - . Mrrrhnar Nsliotil Rnnk Huilding. 1?' THE HOME OF THE MOVING VANS. . The teams and wagons that are used ; for heavy hauling. We can move anything and have experienced men to look alter this class ol work. Our general line of liverv business can not. be beat. Phone us what you want a:id we'll do the rest. PLUMBER'S Roth I 'bones. Il'i East Morgan Street .... THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES NOYLMRER I I, IIMII. JTp rjfj HOISKIIOLI) PHEMILM COUPON. This coupon, signod with the. iio-nit and adilrosii of a rftailor of THE TIMES, will be honored uu any of our Housnhold 1'iem . iurns. . Name . . , , . . . , . . . , . , , 9 O 0 o Address City . . NOTICE A complete set consists of thirty ("0) coupons of consecutive dates only one coupon of each uate will be accepted In each set. .1 .-Hold. Your Coupons Until Tou Have the Full Si. Remember, the thirty (3U) coupons 'must be coasecuUrely dated. You can start with any date. ' . .- ?. r " -1 IHE OLD RELIABLE The publishers announce that TURNER'S N. C. AL MANAC for 1911 is now in press. The 74th year of pub lication. BXN'ISS rUCMSHINO CO., rinck C. Eiiniss, Mr., Raleigh. X. C. Send in Orders at Once. BROADWAY ntid Itlh ST. HEW VOOK CITY Within ey eccem ot evm y point ' f in-tn-eat. rU'.f bloc from Wanameker l-ivc mintll wii'.Kof lioprinff L:st,M.t. NOI KO l-'OKi Eisel'cnca ot cuimno, comfortable itointtneat, courtcou lemce and homelike surroundings. Rooms SI .00 rcnta and w With privilege ol I3atr 31.50 per fi-iy and Tabid rl'Hoto CrvnMlH C ' W!il. TAt.or A SON, loo. i WAKE COUNTY MAP The latest and best ever issued. Times read ers get these maps while they last for 30 cents. 26-tf atisfaction IT IS to havo clotlics rruvde for yon, to fit your own shape and personal' especial ly if they embody tlie true metropolitan cut and style, Ki'.t-li as we put into our cU'tbes. OUR PRICES ARE MODERATE, but the value we deliver is nirely equaled jsliort of a much higher liure Ihan wc c,liari(e. iSelect your !ind leave your or der today. TON, STABLES. RALEIOII. X. C. o i ' 4 -