'I I ... THE RALEIGItDAILY.TBlES; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1910. eiillD TIGER: CAUGHT Skipped Bond But Was ' Caught Again Went to Ilaltlmore to Escape Triel but ltomlHinon Brought Him Back ' -F-Big Cotton Market. (Special to The Times.) ; ' Scotland Neck, N. C, Nov. 15 ' William Taylor, colored, was charg ed some months ago with operating a blind tiger and was arrested and placed under a bond for his appear ance at court. As the time for court to convene drew nigh, William de cided that perhaps it would be the wise thine for him to skiddo. Con sequently, when court convened Wil liam was absent. Nothing was heard of him until a few days ago, when it was learned that he was in Baltimore. The bondtiinen of the said William learning of his whereabouts, pro ceeded to have him arrested and Mr. J. D. Stewart went to Baltimore af ter him, returning Saturday night. William was placed in the town lock up, where he has remained since in the hope that his bondsmen would not send him to jail, but thus far they have not become his bondsmen the second time, and it is probable that they will not. i This correspondentn heard one of the biggest merchants in Scotland Neck say that there would be more cotton shipped from this point this year than in any year during the last decade. This lead him to say that from his own knowledge the farmers in this community were in better shape now than they had been in ten years. With a big cotton crop and a fair yield of peanuts, together with the lilgh price of farm produce, he staled that there was nothing to pre vent every line of business from be ing exceedingly prosperous. Now that the election is over and ou rpeople are happy over the results and the prevailing good times, more interest being aroused in good ro:ids, we have heard it suggested that the people como together and contribute the necessary funds to build a good load from Scotland Neck to the river either a sand clay road, or, better still, macadam. This would be an ideal project, as some of the biggest farms in the country are along the route of the proposed road, and be sides; there being some of the largest land-owners on this route, it: would mil ue a iiuiu iiiiiurt iu inmc v cessary money to construct the road. The distance is only about six or seven miles, and, as it has been sug gested, the cost would be only about fifty or seventy-five dolars per mile, it would, therefore not be necessary to raise more than a thousand dol lars to make this a most excellent piece of road, bt-sides being of untold value to those who own the property along'the route. This would also be an impetus to widening the work and would lead to making all roads lead ing to Scotland: iscck gooa roaus. Leik build the macadam road to Itoa- noke river. DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION FAIL- C tU--IUt liKtAl HlUNtY t MEDY PROVES ITS MERIT. It gives me great pleasure to say a good word for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-I Root because it has cured me of a severe case of Kidney Trouble. I had suffered for some five years with this trouble, and more especially for the first three months of 1909, " Physicians prescribed for me, but without much success, and any relief obtained was only temporary. I had severe pains in my back and at no time was I free of pain. When I stooped down it was with some diffi culty that 1 could straighten my body agwin. I could not lift any weight of consequence without great pain. 1 would be compelled to arise and giv the bladder relief. A friend of mine advised me to take Swamp-Root whereupon I wrote to Dr. Kilmer for a sample bottle which so benefitted me that J was led to believe it would be a great help to me. Accordingly purchased two boctles of Swamp Hoot from Mr. A. P. Perry, my drug' gist, and the, effect has been trul marvelous. I feel like a new man and have every season to believe that r am cured, and that no other medicine could have accomplished so much Now i can raise a heavy load, can bend my back over my desk all day and feel none the worse for it. view of the foregoing facts, I sincere' ly trust that this testimonial may reach some of those: who are sufferin after the manner before described and that it may convince them that the merit of this great medicine should be given a fair trial' in the! case. very truly yours. B. A. WILSON, Agt.. Pac, & Wells Fargo Ex. Co., Rockdale, Texas, You may publish this if you., wish I I if Ms'- 1 Letter to Dr. Kilmi-i- & Co. ISinghamton, X. Y. Trove What Swamp-Knot Will Do ' For You. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y for a sample, bottii It will convince anyone. You wil also receive a booklet of valuable infor ination, telling all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and . mention the Raleigh Daily Times. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. '. ' - ' DKMOt'HATS. IX XAiSH. AlMut 1,000 Majority IW That Count One Township Vies With I'rovitlence. (Special tu The Times.) Nashville, Nov. .13 lie election lyul all the excitement that attended that Important event ate over w ith, and Nasi! county people -are busy about, other tilings.' It is not too late to say that Nash county is stronger democratic than it lias been in years. The low est man on . the ticket was elected by a majority of '.VS. It lias been a glor ious, good year for the party In Nush -r-tlie party that lias given good econ omical government to the county. This cori'oh'poniient is a former Meck lenburg man. and he thinks Meck lenburg a mighty tine place, and Prov idence in that county second only to Stump town in Hunteisville township, Mecklenburg, but he is unwilling for Providence to curry all the glory, when some is due Nash. The Oiarlotte Ob server states Unit out of 62 registered voters in Providence precinct 2.61 were democratic, and the other fellow was a democrat, but too sick to come to the election. Well, in South Whit aKers townsmp. wiilcn Includes one half of the city of Battleboto. wlier live Dr.-H. E. Marriott and ..Mr. . W f. Davis, sterling democrats, there are 103 registered voters, and M were cas for the democratic candidates. The republican candidates for commission ers the republican candidate for con gress; and a Nash county , man. too didn't get a single vote. Two candi dates on the county ticket of the op position got two votes eueli. ami the republican state iticket didn't get vote. It is true that two fellows voted a little Irregular for two men, but i must be remembered that Providence (.. altogether the wide open country and South Whitakers, in Nash, in eluded' both rural and urban voter." County Chairman I. T. Vaugban, wlio waged u good fight, thinks that South Whitakers ought to . be considered when the banner is awarded, and this correspondent' agrees with him;.- There were only 62 fellows at Providence, and in the country, where all tlie folks are expected to 'be good. It is like the little boy who stood at the liend the class, and it was learned 'that he was the only fellow in the class. Those Providenee folks have been democrats all along, and then Keel Buck has moved to Montana to help run a re publican paper. At a I'deent tneetltig (if the, boa hi of county commissioners special tax flee t ions' for schools were ordered in three districts. Edwards, '..' Mannings, High Cross Itoada, Bailey, and Oak Level Stoney Creek township. The .elections will 'be held Saturday. Dec. IT. The advocates for good schools feel that the tax will be voted in all the districts. In the three districts there are more than 400 white children. There are now 22 local tax districts In the coun ty. and the elections Dec, 17 are only the first in the campaign this year for better schools. Nash county is willing to be second to no county in the state for better schools. Democrats, repub licans, independents, 1 and stay at homes, are all in favor of education and Nash will be heard from during tills year. ..-..:-. : R EVELIY:II COMPLETE CHANGE OP PROGRAM TODAY. "The Bearded Bandit," (A Umit Western Stury Tuken From the Plains) "Big Elk's Turn Down," (A Powerful Indian Drama) "Under Western Skies," ( Diurnal ic) Levin's Orchestra Plays Here Tonight, From 8:00 to 10t30. ? Mrs. (ieorge W. Fackler, a widow of a millionaire machinery niiinufac turer of Xew York, who proposes to start a movement nmoni' the women of the country to stop exhibitions -of wild animals and birds and to elijni Date zoological parks. Last winter Mrs. Fuckler conducted a campaign along t ho Jersey coast for better treatment of horses, offering prizes to drivers v. Im were the must kind. She snys that zoological packs stamp us as a iieople who need ?. little more civ ilizing', and that they are a Mot on our splendid civilization. PAIOIKRS' IMOX. California Division in Nession in Los Angeles. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) San .lose, Cal., Nov. 1 5 The sec ond annual convention of the Califor nia division of the Farmers' Educa tional and Cooperative Union of American convened in this city this mprning and will remain in session for three days. : ' Two of "the important features of the convention will lie the address by National President Charles S. Bar rett and Senator T. G. Brooks, of Tennessee. These men will speak on the' development 'of the organizalion tbroughout the country and plans for the 'furthering' of -the interests of the American farmer. It is the purpose of the Fanners' Association to: protect their interests and see that prices are not manipu lated by those having no interest in the raising of fruits. ISoth Speedy anil Kfl'ectivc. This 'indicates' t lie ' action of . Foley Kidney Pills as S. ! Parsons, Battle ('reek, Mich., illustrates; "I have been afiiicted with a severe ease of kidney and bladder trouble for which I- found no relief until I used lfoley Kidney Pills. These cured me entirely of all my ailments.! I was troubled with backaches and severe shooting pains with annoying urinary.. -'Irregularities. The steady use of Foley Kidney Pills rid me entirely of all my former troubles. . Tlw.'y have my highest re commendation." King-Crowell Drug Company. ' motiuck ix.it i;i;d. Hotli' Legs liroken- (Javc Jlirth to Child Shortly After. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Nov. 15 Teij minutes after reaching St. Catherine's Hos' pital in Brook iyu, suffering with two broken legs she had received jump ing from the third story of her home, while it was on fire today, Mrs. Ray Schuitermann, of 204 Moore street, gave birth to a baby boy. The child is a healthy youngster but the mother will probably die. Four (ires, all of supposed incen diary origin, kept the police of Brooklyn busy early today. Six per sons were injured and at one of the fires Policeman Walldeck, of the Stagg street station, became so excit ed he lost the power of speech. He is in St. Catherine's Hospital. ' ' A Regular Tom Boy was Susie climbing trees and fen ces, jumping ditches, whitling, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruis es, bumps, burns, or scalds. But lavs!: Her mother just applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve and cured her quick. Heals everything healable Bolls, Ulcers, Eczema," Old Sores, Corns or Piles. Try it. 25c. at all druggists. "Well, I mortgaged nify home) yos- erday.": . 'What niake of anto are you going to get?": Houston Post. , SEE HOW QUICKLY POSLAM ACTS Bare Power to Heal Affected Skin Explains Success of New Skin : Remedy. : . "No one is asked to purchase pos lam without first obtaining a sample package, which, will be sent by mail free of charge, by the Emergency Laboratories, H2 West Twentyrflfth street, New York City." Even this free sample, when ttsed to quickly clear the complexion or spread on the face, hands or limbs to eura ' pimples, rashes, eruptions, to cover a small eczema surface, will prove poslam's real ad unusual merit, its users have found that pos lam not only fulfills but exceeds the claims made for it. Take any case of eczema, acne, itch, salt rheum piles, scalp, scale, etc., however stub born, and noslam will stop any itch ing as soon as applied, healing the skin rapidly and readily. ("All othe treatments for skin I roubles on man or animals made 'into nothingness compared with poslam," says Mr, M T. Grattan. Preston, Minn.) Write direct to liie Laboratories for the sample, but I .he trial package of poslam at 5ll cents and the jai at ?2 may be purchased at all 'drug gists, particularly King-Crwell Drug Co.. Premium Department. The following premiums' will be given by The Evening Times for 30 consecutive coupons clipped from the paper and the payment of the small amount of cash on each. . Silverware Rogers. Knives and Forks; 12 pieces. 30 Coupons and $2.55 Spoons; 14 pieces; Sugar and Butter, 30 Coupons and $2.55 Clocks 8-day. No. 172. Large Mahogany Wall :.- Clock. 30 Coupons and $2.85 No. 54. Large Mission Wall Clock. N 30 Coupons and $2.55 Book Rack Clock, Mission. 30 Coupons and $3.10 No. 13, Mantel 8-day Mission. 30 Coupons and $2.55 No. 501. Mission Alarm. 30 Coupons and $1.28 No. 500. Gothic, Alarm. 30 Coupons and $1.28 Green Art Nourean Alarm. , 30 Coupons and $1.28 Ebony, Art Mourean Alarm. 30 Coupons and $1.28 Dutch Percolator Sets; 3 pieces. '30 Coupons and $2.55 Rozone Tea Sets; 3 pieces. 30 Coupons and $1.75 National 2-hole Fireless Cooker. 30 Coupons and $2.95 24-plece Crown Derby Tea Sets. 30 Coupons and $2.45 27-pIece Crown Derby Tea Sets. 30 Coupons and $2.45 National Cassierole. 30 Coupons and $1.29 Lamps. Gas, Art. Oil, Art. Electricity, Art. 30 Coupons and $2.85 Gas, Green. Oil, Green. Electricity, Green. 30 Coupons and $2.95 We do not pay delivery or express charges on any premium. Ad dress or call rremimu Department THE EVENING, TIMES, Phefce 178. Raleigh, N. C. No. 11. No. 11. No. 11. No. in. No. 1.5. No. 15. Note: DISAl'I'EAKKD F1UI VKSSKL Huston Man Kiirnulo Home From Sa. vaniiali Lost. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Nov. 15 J. W'. Mason formerly a manager of hotels in Bos ton, was reported missing from the steamer City ot Columbus when it ar rived here today from Savannah. Mason had been on a pleasure trip to Savannah to attend the automobile races. He boarded the vessel last Saturday night and was seen at breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Sunday evening he asked to have his dinner sent, to his stateroom. When the steward got there Mason had dis- ipiiearcd and lias not been seen since. A Man Wants to Die only when a lazy liver and sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency. But Dr. King's New Life Pills expel poisons from the system ; bring hope and courage: cure all Liver, Stomach and Kidney troubles; impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous and ailing. 25c. at all druggists. . Malaria JJukeg Pale Blood. The Old Standard Grove's Taste- loss Chill Tonlu, driven out. malaria nod builds up the system. For groTrn people and children. 60c. Spent Four Cents on Campaign. (By Leased Wire to The Times) North Attleboro, Mass., Nov. 15 Selectman John Devlin, a democrat. who was beaten by. 73 votes for rep resentative, .expended just four cents to make his wonderful run in a re publican district. The money was expended in sending out two political letters. He filed his account todav. A Household Medicine, To ' be really valuable must show equally good results from each mem ber of the family using It. Foley's Honey and Tar does just this. Whother for children or grown persons Foley's Honey and Tar In bent and safcr.t for ail coughs and colds. Klng-Crowc'u Drug Company, BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. I STORE CLOSES AT 6:00 P. M. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. nxonon Wnitar if tir Mies. Misses, unnroa The warm, cozy comfort of good quality Furs, to say nothing of adietj i style to your dress, lends that air of oa.se and gracefulness to the .wearer 1 tJjjjjrT at once attracts and is often the envy of the less fortunate, but this year the I harrier on- high prices are all removed, and this first choosing is fine.. W- V cannot duplicate these prices later on. JJuy now, or for a reasonable, advance j we will hold your purchases' until Christinas. Ladies' High Grade Coats, Russian Pony Skin, Coney Fur and River Mink ,; Coats, Cloth Coats fur lined throughout, Beaver Coats Fur Trimmed. 'i YOU CAN BUY J ja dies 'Muffs. Shawls, .Scarfs, and Neck Pieces, either separately or niatch j in conii)le1e sels. " P. Shoulder Pieces of Coney, 1 ink, and Squirrel ...... $2.00, $3.00, and $5.00, IsaFox aiid Opossiun . . ........ ... ... $4.00, $6.00, and $8j00 Marmot, Persian, Ha re and Marten ... . . $7.50, $10.00,v$12.50,:$15.f)0 J Wolverine, Martin, Fox . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . $22.50, $27.50, $33.50, $42.50$ FLAT, ROUND, OR PILLOW MUFFS. Black or Brown Martin, Isa ,Fox, Russian Sable, Dark Eastern Mink, and Wolverine Aluifs . . . . $13.75, $15.00, $18.00 $22.50, $27.50, $30.00, $37.50 MISSES AND CHILDREN'S FURS. The Complete Christmas Stock is In. .. !; '.'-Children's Furs have always been a great draw card to the Fur Stock, be-s cause of the variety and completeness in which every detail is carefully looked? after.' '. '-.. M Persian Lanib Sets ... ...... .. ...... $1.00, $2.00, and $2.50- Mountain Angora .... . .... . . $1.50, $2.50, and $3:50 ' French Coney ... . .... $2.50, $4.00, and $&50! Besides are shown Stpiirrel, Ermine, White Fox, Thibets, and River Mink. The Collars and Muffs are finished and trimmed in most excellent stvle. ' " 1 - .: . - ': . H ..'. ' 3 BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. - in r- , r ater lis See our line of Water Heaters. Estimates for installation free. tatitf ' ';"''.: :'. - irvT .."''V":;. . ' , . :;:"- ' i 8 "'" will m i5 Gas StoYss heat quickly and are cheap, clean and always ready fcriuse STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY; Phone 223 -Representative Will Call. Temporary Office,107v. Wilmington St. People Who Work Indoors With Their Hands Seamstresses, watch-makers, art ists, draughtsmen, and many others, cannot properly handle their tools with cold, stiff hands. Many a lost hour or two on cold winter morn ings results from the delayed heat of furnace or stove. The Perfection Oil Heater in a few minutes gives the tempera ture that assures the worker warm hands and pliable muscles. The "PERFECTION Smokeless Absolutely smokeless and odorless quickly gives heat, and with one filling of the font burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. Has automatic-locking flame spreader which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so the wick can be quickly cleaned. It has a damper top and a cool handle. Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler-cap does not need to be screwed down ; it is put In like a oork in a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain, and cannot et lost. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new device in construction, and consequently, it can always be easily .unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection is finished in iaDan or nickel, is stronp. durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dtaltrs Bvtrywhtrt. If not at yours, write for deseriptwt circular to tut ntarttt cgttKy of the Standard Oil Company ?2 SOl'THKKX ItAILWAV Sq,U,KriiK. Now Trains Iletwoeiv New ?Vork, Washington, Augusta and Jackson ville. Effective November 2 Jtl; 1 til 0, the .Southern Railway will jjuit' in ef fect new train service het"((i New York, Washington, AiiKtiHla, and Jacksonville, schedule of v'Ch will be as follows: AO. ill. Leave New York Arrive Washington ....6:10,. P. M. Ar. A'B'sta via Bl'ck'v'Ie 1 1 : 35 A M. Lv. A'g'sta via Trenton. . 11: 4!, A. M. Arrive Jacksonville 3:45 P. M. NO. 3U Leave Jacksonville. .latss'i'. M. At; A'g'sta via'TreniifiL.' Lv. A'g'sta via Bl'ck'vle. Arriya-Wiashiigton . .jjm f Leave ivashirigton. . .... Arrive New York ...... i 9:00jA. M. P. M. 3:iKP. M. P. M. SA. M. 2:4E P. M. The above trains will be knawn as the Southern's Southeastern L nil tod and will consist of elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars; also Dining Car Ser vice. This train, as well as all other Southern Railway grains, .win arrive, and depart from the fIew Pennsylf vania Station, Seventh A ve-raie and Thirty-second street New Yorli City. For all tpformution pertaining to name, address thejUndersigned'. W.'ll. PARNBLL, f ' Travelling Passenger Agent, k- P. OARY, : Raleigh, N;i C. Ueneral Pass. .Agt. Waslfingtori, D. C In R&ielgti ''iffearlj- rEverj'body .Kwifi

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