THE RALEIGE DAILY TIMES : SATURDAY,' DECEMBER 3, 1910. a.;J3 fedioi. r We can make many suitable suggestions , for a.. Christmas' ift,' either for a lady or a man, and it would be well for you to talk to us before making a " final decision. ; - KIUG-CROWELL DRUG Co- We have the registry of graduate nurses. ... ... -- - - - . . . i 1 ' i ,1- ... . : . .: !-! ' .rt y. .' 5ogrTll" PSYCH A VR A. ';v. . ; k ;The wind of an auturffn midnight ri - Is moaning around my door The curtains wave at the, window, The carpet lifts on the floor. There are sounds like startled foot falls In the distant chamber now. And the .touching of airy fingers - Ik busy on hand ami brow. 'Tis thus in the soul's dark dwelling i By the moody host unsought' .'j Through tho chambers of memory wander "" The invisible airs of. thought. For it bloweth where It listoth, '.. With a murmur loud or low: - Whence It cometh whither It soeth None tell us. and none may know. Xow wearying round the portals Of the vacant, desolate mind As the doors of a ruined mansion. That creak in tho cold night wind. And anon an awful memory " Sweeps over it fierce and high Like the roar of a mountain forest : When the midnight gale goes by. ..Then its voice subsides in wailing. And, ere. the dawning day, Murmuring fainter and fainter. In the distance dies away. By Henry Howard Brnwnell, who died October 31. 1872. East Hart ford, Conn. Miss Jlollie Kepark has gone to 4as tonia, where she will spend the winter. iriss Willie Foster has gone to Dur ham where she will visit tor some lime. - - Miss Frances Newbold, of Hertford, is in the city as the guest of Miss Alice Wilson. . . Rev. and Mrs. Sam Hanff, accompan led by Mr. Hanfl's sister, Mrs. W. H. 4l THE WOMAN'S STORE! WE ARB AGENTS F6R THE Too Many Coat Suits For This Time of Year This is the way we find our stock, so we are going to make a quick get away by slashing prices. Our stock must be re duced, as we do not carry over any uht from one season to the other. They must go at some price, and we have marked them way down. An exceptional offer for the late Coat Suit buyers, and to appreciate just what we are doing you will have to visit our store and see for yourself. M A 13 La m MASONIC TEMPLE ..... RALEIGH, N. C. ' ' CAPITAL CITY PHONE 292. , Paylor, have returned to their home In Duke. Miss Mary Barber, of Cary, Is In the city visiting Mrs. J. W. Cooper. Mrs. 0. W. Sanderlln. of Washing ton. D ('.. is visiting Mrs. Willis (J. Kriggs. . Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Stmson have as their guests, ("apt. J. It. Hyrd, and family of Hamlet. . Miss Alma Cunningham, of High Point, returned home yesterday alter visiting In the city. Dr. and Mrs. N. A. Culbreth return ed to their home in Wilmington niter visiting in Raleigh for some umo. fr Miss Jennie Proctor has returned to the eitv from Santord where she was the guest of Miss .Mildred Williams. . ' Mrs. M. E. Ball and Mrs. M. I. Mason returned to their home in Now Bern yesterday after visiting at tho home of I!ev. J. M. ('airawav. . .- . ' ' Rev. II. H. Kellogg and wife, of I.akevtlle. N. V., arc visiting their son. Sir. J. W. Kellogg, in this city, and are with Mrs. J. ft. Buckley. . AX INFORMAL DAXCK. fiiveii to the iimt' Ladle ot the City by the iiug Men. One of the most delightful dances oi tlie season was an Inloinial one given bv the young men ot the city last . Thurwlnv night in the Henry building.'"'. .-Vmong those participating in the dance, were: W. C. Harris with Miss Juliett Crews; J. M. I'uriiell with Miss Cils. ll Hinton: J. (). Jackson with Miss Margaret Rogers; H. (.'. Jackson with Miss Daisy Havwood; Leliinil Harris with Miss Kathcrine slicrwood: Hergel Linton with .Miss: Jane Thackstun: FAMOUS WARNER CORSETS. 0)0) 0)1 4 MOW! WE ARE BEADV why not begin your Christmas Buying Tomorrow? OIR STOCK IS COMPLETE AXI THE A I) V A XT AG KS AUK WITH TirE KAIU.Y ItlYKlt 1 H. MAHLER'S SONS, JEWELERS. Stanley Brown with Miss Lena Swind ell: Will Simpson with Miss Emma Swindell: Hubert Holding with Miss Patsye Hinton; James Sherman with Miss .Margaret MeKlmmon: Earl Knight with Miss Nell Jordan: Chanorones: Mrs. I.atta and Sirs. V. H. Holt. Stags: F. l Hilke.r, W. A. Holding, I. G. Rlddick. Wm. B. Aycock . and .Melver Allen. Music was furnished by Prof. Fnlte's Orchestra. . - . ' '. Sonices in Christ Cliurch. ri,n vnTiiliir services nt Christ church will be resumed in ' the church to- ... The repairs to the furnace have been completed and the chinch will be. com- tommy- heated. . Piano ltecitul At Meredith Colics- Miss Oertrude Sonslcy. ofthe faculty r.r l,ralirli i-nlli-oe S( hool of music, irave a -very artistic piano recital In the college auditorium Thursday af ternoon from five to six oclock. The program was made up of com positions varying In style from the music -of Crluck, Scarlett!' and Handel to 'that of Chopin, Schurann, ltuliin steln. and tin:, more modern numbers by Miss Souseley's Paris teaeher. I. Phillip. li is of interest tti note that the second- number. Handel's A legro, arrang ed by Phillip is dedicated to Miss ; Souslcy. "''-.. The recital was intercning through out and Miss S.aisley's jilaylng was characterized bv technical tiimh and musH-ianlv understanding. In the! Phillip number'-for two pianos, ifiss I I PIXEHl'lSST SOCIALS. Many Families IlcUu-n to Famous Resort for the Winter Many Pleasures Ahead for 1 lie Season. Piiiehurst, N. C, Dec. 3 Since early October, the cottagers have been gath ering and the first of December finds M... n.,l..,t.. nnv.lniol nun mailt 1111 very la.'gelv of retui nin'g friends, Among the private owners are Mr. and Mrs. Tvler L. Uedfield t New York..- Mr. and .Mrs. George'. F. lllake, of Worcester. Mr. and Mrs. . W. U Hurd. nf Plitshiirtr Mr. nnd Mis. John Unvinn- nf Mnsinn Mr Frederick Brace and Miss Bruce, of New York. Mrs. W. C. Peet. of Warwick, N'. Y., and Mrs. Emma J. Sinclair, of, Boston. Others who return include Mr. H. i . Fownes and tamny nj ""sourg ai Lenox, Mr. Fownes' mother at the Arbutus.'. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Metciill", of Providence at the Hawthorne: Mr. Sjind Mrs. Hobert Hunter, of N'oroton Weights at the Plymouth: Mr. and air.. J. D, C. Rumsey. , of Brooklyn, at the Yuccaa: Mr. and... -Mrs. John Sniithers, of Huntington, at the Dog wood; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barnett and the Misses Barnett, of New Haven, after an absence of several years, to the'' Walnut: Mr. and Mrs. Ienna'rd Tufts and family of Boston, are again at the Mystic; Mrs. A. F. Sise, Mrs. F. ('. McNeill and Mr. Horace F. Sise. of Medford. return to the Crad dock; Mrs. James W. Tufts, of Boston, to the Cypress; Mr. nnd Mrs. S. A. D. Sheppard, of Amesbury to the Honeysuckle, and Sir." and..' Mrs." H. W. Orinshee, of Fitchburg, to the Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Woleott Tuckerman, of Washington will occupy the ; Maple; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shannon 2nd, Col. R. (.'. Shannon and Master Robert Cleaves, of Broekpoi t,. N, Y., are at Dartmouth. The week has bten devoted to open air receptions, golf, riding, tennis and quail hunting, with 'numerous inform al social pleasures in the form or din ners, dancing and bridge parties. CANVASSING ROAM) AT WOItK. Will Huve the Ofliciat Vote Will le Announced hate This Afternoon. The canvassing board will finish the work of canvassing the vote cast for the state officers late this after noon..; - The vote for state auditor showed the democratic majority for that of fice to. be 46.51 4. Mr. Kerry Back From Trip. Mr. John D. Berry, assistant secre tary. T. O. O. F. returned this morn ing from Rocky Mount, where he of ficially visited Golden Belt Lodge, No. 1(13, last night. Ifc reports the Order prosperous in Rocky Mount. Five eaiir tlidates were initiated last night, and applications are being received at every meeting. He nlso .visited Cen tennial Lodge. No. 96, at Elm City, on Thursday night. Koot on Hugrac Tribunal. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, . Dec. 3 President Taft today announced the appoint ment of Senator Elihu Root, of New York, its the United States member of The Hague tribunal. Senator Root succeeds the late Chief Justice Fuller I on the tribunal. BY AMERICAN TARS (By Cable to The Times.) Lnndan. Dee. 3 London was captured without ;t shot by Si::) I'liitcd States sailovs today. H was the most en thu.-iaftie and most peaceful invasion " ifcoru. i ae mt jaehie. m-wa oj i British grenadiers and Cnited States tii.u iiie band, mareh d through the ".-ts to the Cuild Hail. They were cheered by thousands all along the V " , " T- , iiiui ineic wen1 mntT iiiiiiivS ii irieim- Ship.: ' ..'.''"'. one enthusiaftlc Fnglisli woman rushed up to the parading line, threw her arms about the neck of the" Am erican tars and kissed him three times TACT HOLDS OPI'.X HOI SK. Champ Clnrk the First Caller on the- Prositlent. (By I.nased W'iro to Tlio Times) Washington, Dec. :! President Taft today held oiien house for mem hers of congress, cohferrinz with them over the administration moas. ares whica will come up in congress during the next session. Itepresenta i-umu'P v-iuriv .is int. nisi cauei, "I just called to pay my respects: would have been here sooner, but it Clark. I "You will have an automobile when you are speaker." said one of tje white house attaches. r "Oh, no 1 won't. There will 'not ' be any automobiles lor i he speaker 0f the house or the vice president when the democrats -take hold . We stand for real economy. Walking is healthy," ,re)lied the Missonrian. The California congressional dele eat ton presented the San Francisco panama Canal exposition boomers to ,he prefiiueut. iIe made it clear that he did not endorse San Francisco as against New Orleans. Republican Governor-elect Hiram v. Johnspn, of California, who won on an anti-Taft ticket and who wtjs . .... niffor( pim-hot. and who heads the San Francisco boom- ers. did not accompany the deiega- tiotl. Other callers were Senators Martin and Swanson, of Virginia, Kean of New Jersey: Burton of Ohio: Smoot of Utah: Nixon of Nebraska, and Representatives Payne and Olcott of New York; Roberts of Massachusetts and Parker of Xew Jersey. Priest Killed Himself by Going to Church Sick. By Leased Wire to The Times.) Aurura. Ills., Dec. 3 'Father William Dunne, pastor of the Catholic church at Piano is dead today, a martyr to his faith. He got . up out ; of bed, where he was uttering with pneumonia, to say mass and as a result, died a few hours later. He drove eight miles over icy country roads rather than disappoint his parishioners. When You're Candy Hungry no other candies taste so good as Nunnally's. ; Pure, cleanly made, and delicious to the utmost degree, hese candies are famous throughout the South. v Candies are the very high est grade money can luy. They're shipped to us almost daily by fast express. Hemv. nlwav" -octi. ;; HK.VRY T. HICK8 CO. ".-' .'.V ' Mid '.'. . . j. ' ' TUCKEB Ct'tLDING PHAJl JIACV, IViLL ASK Dm'.h'uES - 'fc V ' -'' '" '"''." Has the Market House Com mittee Gotten In a Hole? Lawyers to he Consulted Relative to the Loss Incurred to Property-own-' ers by the Wishy-washy Market House . Committee Deeds Hart llcen Kxecutel. It seems that the mind-changing market house, committee Is likely to get itself and the city into a hole, If rumors heard today are carried out, which will - cost somebody some money, and.- as is usual iu such cases, the "dear peepuP, will have to foot, the hill. .- AVhen the market house committee, after months of usoless wrangling, finally voted for the site at the cor ner of Blount and Morgan streets, it .was generally believed that it was all over. The owners of the property were notified of the decision of the committee, and, acting in good faith, executed deeds for the property. Berry O'Kelly, who owns a portion of that block', had his deed executed nnd placed in the hands of Mr. Joseph Brown, ready to be delivered when ever the aldermen carried out the legislative Instructions to sell the old market. Further, the tenants . of O'Kelly's property looked about for other places, surrendered possession Now O'Kelly is out of the sale of his property, for which he .'was. receiv ing only a reasonable price, also he has lost his tenants. - -.-.'.': When asked about it Berry said ho had not decided jtist what action he would take, hut was going to consult with his attorneys and act upon their advice. He said he mad.e his deed in good faith, and thought that, nt least, he should bo paid for the loss sustained by the loss of his tenants. . . It is understood that other property-owners will probably take some action. First Real Test In tire Elections .'"'..: (Continued From Page One.) unionists, 12 liberals, and three nn ti'inalisls returned unopposed. Sir Robert' Filmer, unionist candidate for' parliament nnd Mr. Churchill were mobbed when a Hying wedge b"re down upon the platform -'.upon which the home' was tandlng, .-'.-Policemen who tried to fight their way. into the crowd to res; ue the statesman, were beaten buck and several of them felled with clubs. The 'home secretary bravely stood his ground. He shouted at tin- top of his voice, imploring the warring fac tions to disperse or keep quiet,; but his voice was lost in the tumult. Finally reinforcements of police open up up a lane through the crowd and Mr. Churchill was begged to take refuge in the club house. "I intend to finish this speech," de clared he firmly. He found he was unable to do so, however, and re tired. . Returns from 53 of the election districts showed the following totals: Unionists, 3.3: Liberals, 15; Nation alists, a. Riot at Meeting. Lincoln, Eng., Dec, 3 A riot in which many persons were badly wounded and Homo Secretary Winston Churchill was begged to seek a hiding place." for fear of being wounded and perhaps killed, took place outside the liberal club dur ing a political speech by the homo sec retary today.. '.'' The Teachers Abjoorn (Continued From Page One.) eigh, took for his subject "The Hu man Brain at Birth and in Matur ity," which he handled in a master ful manner, receiving the closest at tention from the interested aud ience. This was followed by an address by Miss Naomi Norsworthy, Ph. D., of Columbia University, who spoke on the subject of "Child Study and the Culture Epoch Theory.".- Dr.-Norsworthy Is a most entertaining speaker and her address last night was heard with a great deal of in terest and pleasure. WAKK ( Ol STY TBACHKItS. Over One Hundred Attended the .Monthly Meeting; Today. , The Wake County Teachers' As sociation met in the auditorium of Hie Raleigh High School this 'after noon' with more than one hundred In attendance, r Speeches were made by Supt. Judd, Prof. Allen Barwick, of the State De partment or Education; Dr. Albert Anderson, member of County Board of Education, and others. : : The meeting was a most Interest ing one. Dr. Anderson, who, a new man on the Board of Education, pledged himself to use his efforts to forward all progressive movements In the Wake county schools. These teachers - meetings will be held the first Saturday In each month during the school year, t - - Former Justice Moody 111. (By Leased Wire to, The Times.) Washington, Dec. J Former Asso ciate Justice of the United States Supreme Court William 1L Moody, Is seriously ill, and his friends are ularin ed. He in suffering with .severe- hic coughs, which cannot be controlled. r Shoe Is Now Going On Every pair of Shoes in the store to be closed out at once Here are some prices that will interest you Infant's 60 and 65c. Shoes at . . . . . ; . .$ .49 Children's 75 and 85c. Shoes at 59 Children's $1.00 and $1.25 Shoes at , . 79c. to .89 Children's $1.50 Shoes are ....... 1.19 $2.00 Boy's Shoes are . .... . . .... . . . . 1.59 $2.25 Boy's Shoes are . . . ; . . . . . ; . . ; . : 1.69 $1.50 Boy's Shoes are ... . .... . . .. . . .. 1.19 $3.50 Shoes for Ladies are . . . -, .-; 2.69 A $3.00 Shoes for Ladies are . . . .... ; 2.39 , $2.50 Shoes for Ladies are 1.98 $2.00 Shoes for Ladies are . , , . . . . . 1.69 $1.75 Shoes for Ladies are . . . .V . . . . . . . . 1.39 $1.50 Shoes for Ladies are . . ... 1.19 A big lot of Everyday Shoes for Ladies and Children at . . . . . . . . '. . , ; ... . . . . . . .98 50c. Overgaiters are only . . . . , ... . ; . ... 370. 25c. Overgaiters are only . . . . , . 19 c. $1.50 Bedroom Slippers are ,.98 c. 75c. Bedroom Slippers are . .49 c. Goriie Every pair of closed out make Si '. ' - ... . .. - ." - - ': ' Big, Sale Quick Shoes to be at once to room

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