THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1910. EULOGY BY IU Delivered at Elks Memorial Service Sunday Afternoon Beautiful Tribute to the Memory qf the Late Ludlow BirdKOjig Deliver ed by Hon. William B. Jones at the Grand Theatre Sunday Afternoon. Ladies and Gentlemen and Brother Elks; Again it becomes our painful duty to meet in this hall after the lapse of but one short year and witii tear-dimmed eyes to note the vacant chairs which the dark and heavy hand of death has ' cast around us . The admonition of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death which has come to the members of our fra ternity have been frequent and im pressive, vbut my limited time will not permit me to speak, if I could express through words the loyal traits v of character of those who have- been called to the mystic Great Beyond prior to our last meeting, those who we loved and who loved us wltU ten derness and who were faithful unto us even unto death. They have left us temporarily but when the great day of rejoicing shall come, when the , hearts of all shall be known, when those who with us were but aspiring, struggling and suffering mortals, those who shared our joy and pain and who have watched us wistfully battling through life, wilf meet with us, we shall understand and there will be no sighing or parting there. Though the light of life may be dimmed and the shadows of twilight falling, the deeds of a good man may be an impress that will pulsate through all eternity. It is with pe culiar admiration and with deep thought that inspires my every prayer that I may but live to attain those splendid traits of character and ideals to uplift my fellow, man to better Christian endeavor in this life that were always and ever pres ent in S. Ludlow Birdsong, of whom it is my privilege to speak. ' Born in- Wake county on the 16th day of August, 1884, he lived with us as one of us, always present and agree nble in his manner, ' accommodating and unselfish in every walk of life. In the very bloom of his young man '. hood he was afflicted with a sickness , -. which proved the forerunner ;of an 'ncurabledlsease. V He , struggled . bravely! against. 'but his friends saw the dark angel hovering 'over him and our Great Creator in His omnipotent power and wisdom sent the angel ' of death and took him from our midst on the 5th day of Marc.i, 1910. As a man soldier he bore his suffering bravely and with the faith of a little child he went to meet his God. He was a man of singular simplicity and purity bfi EEElil: COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM TODAY. "THE BATCHELOR AND THE BABY," A socMy rii-unm full of complications of a very natural but very Htrung character, in which a baby left in a bachelor's apart ment Ijcaris to a .separation from bis succthcui t and a marriage years afterward to the Baby's mother. "THE FUGITIVE," (A Biograph Druiuu) "LOVE'S OLD SWEET SONG," " (Di-ainatic) Levin's Orchestra Plays Here Tonight Prom 8:00 to 10:30. OUR HOUSE IS WARM AND COZY. ARONSON & BROWNE Do You Want a Good School Shoe for Your Children at Medium Price. Wc have just received a nice lot of Children's S hoes, stylish and snappy, strong and durable. Prices suitable to pay for Children's Shoes when service is demanded. A big, full line of these shoes in all leathers and all sizes, consistin gof solid oak soles, which means wear, at the following prices. 52 to 8 . . . . . ; . . $1.25 llio to 2, $1.50 and $1.75 8VL to 11, $1.25 to $1.50 21, to 6, $2.00 to $2.50 These are made on stylish lasts in G miMetal and Kid Button, also Patents in Kid and Cloth Top. ' ' WE FIT THE FEET. 1C5 Fayetteville Street -. - -. - RALEIGH, N. C. The Charm of Fine Candies is in their purity and , freshness. It's best to be sure of both. But there's never any doubt when" you buy Nunnally's the highest grade candies made in the South and fanistus for over 25 years. Almost daily we re ceive express shipments from the Nunnally Candy Kitchens. name on a box assures purity, quality, delicious ncss. -. HENRY T. HICKS CO. and TUCKER BUILDING PHARMACY. character In whose eyes the light of kindness? always shown full of sym pathy for the sorrowful and those afflicted with trouble. To you, brother Elks, I would say, let us emulate his virtues and incul cate his habits and instill into our minds the example of his useful life. Wants to Help Some One. , For thirty years J. F. Boyer, of Fertile, Mo., needed help and couldn't find it. That's why he wants to help some one now. . Suffering so long himself he feels for all distress from Backache, Nervousness, Loss of Ap petite, Lassiture and Kidney" disor ders. He shows that Electric Bitters work wonders for such troubles. "Five bottles," he writes, "wholly cured me and now I am well and hearty." It's also positively guaran teed for Liver Trouble, Dyspepsia, Blood Disorders, Female Complaints and Malaria. Try them. 50c at King-Crowell Drug Co. A woman knows a man loves her ions before he knows it, and then goes to work to prove it to hini. When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy. I will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a buoy a to an adult. Sold by all dealers. Poverty may blunt the senses, but it sharpens the appetite. - - Managers. NEW PUBLIC BUILDING. Washington Gets Nice Buildings Plans and Drawings Completed New Board of County Commission ' era. (Special to The Times.) Washington, N. C., Dec. 7- Hon. John H. Small, of this city, has re cently received a communication from the treasury department', stat ing that the working drawings for Washington's public building were about completed and that if no unfor seen delays occurthe drawings and specifications should be completed in time to permit the department to ad vertise tor bid's in the coming spring. The assistant secrotafy also stated that a tentative copy of the floor plan had been sent to the postmaster here, in order to give him an opportunity to make any clianges tliat he may consider revalent, and waen his re port had been made and floor plan returned, his statement would consider careful consideration in the further development of the drawings. The December term of Beaufort county superior court convened Id the county court house this city yester day morning for a tiiree weeks term. His Honor, Judge Adams, of Ashe ville, is presiding. The first two weeks of term will be taken up in the trial of civil cases and the last week will be devoted to the criminal docket. The new board of county commis sioners, composed of Messrs. Fred Von Eberstein, W. W. Hooker, S. F. Freeman, O. B. Wynn and W. F. Gay lord, were inducted into office at the court house yesterday afternoon. Mr. F. H. Von Eberstein was elected chairman of the board and Major W. C. Rodman county attorney. The newly elected county officers also pre sented their bonds to the commission ers and were sworn into office at the same time. They are George E. Ricks, sheriff; E. R. Mixon, treasurer; Gil bert Rumley, register of deeds; and Geo. A. Paul, clerk of court. The Washington Lodge, No. 823 Benevolent and Protective Order of Klks, held their annual memorial ex ercises in their hall Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. A very delightful musical program was one of tae fea tures of the occasion. Rev. .'Rout. V. Hope, of the Christian church, de liveied the annual address, which was a masterpiece and well received by his audience. The eulogies deliv ered by Major W. C. Rodman as to the life of the late V. G. Paul and Mr A. d: McLean on the life of the late Mr. W. P. Baughin were both ably delivered and marked by their beauty and diction. A large audience w present. Saved From Awful Death. How an appalling calamity in his family was prevented is told by A. D, McDonald, of Fayetteville, N. C. R F, D. No. 8. "My sister had con sumption," he writes, "she was very thin and pale, had no appetite and seemed to grow weaker every day, as all remedies failed, till Dr. King's New Discovery was ' tried, and so completely cured her that she has not been troubled with a cough since Its the best medicine I ever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhage, all bronchial troubles, it has no equal 50c, SI. 00. Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by King-Crowell Drug Co. WADESBORO NEWS. Special Train Carrying Itoad Oflkiuls Pass Death of Mrs. Fannie Steph enson at Atfe of Sixty-five Wife of Late Rev. It. N. T. Stephenson Beloved Methodist Minister. (Special to The Times.) Waiicslioro, N. C, Dec. 7 A spe clal train passed through here, yester day oVer the Southbound carrying President L. E. Johnson, of the Nor folk and Western; Men. Maher, of the N. & W, and A. C. L., respective ly. Mr. O'Neal, of the A. C. L will also be with the party, which will in elude the officials of the Southbound. The special train left here for Flor ence. .,- i - Mrs. Fannie Stephenson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Bricker, of Polkton, Tuesday, morn ing. : She was sixty-five years of age and had been unwell for sometime. Besides Mrs. Bricker, one other daughter, Mrs. C ,B. Covington, ot Chesterfield, survives . her. One brother, Mr. Wilton Conbls, and her brother-in-law were with her when she died. One other brother and sis ter survive her. The deceased was the wife of the late Rev. R. N. T Stephenson,, a beloved Methodist minister of the county. He was for merly pastor of the Morven circuit and lived in the town of Morven. Mrs. Stephenson was an ideal minis ter's wife and in many ways helped her husband In the noble work for which he gave his life. As a friend and neighbor she was true in every respect. The interment will be at Morven, the funeral service conduct ed by Rev. J. J. Barker. Banks on Sure Thing Now. "I'll never bo without Dr. King's New Life PiUs Again," writes A. Schlngeck, 647 Blni St., Buffalo, N. V. "They cured, me of chronic con stipation when - all , other ' failed." Unequaled for Biliousness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Headache. Cbllla, Ma in rift and Debility. Efie at Klnf Crowell Drug Co, . , REGULATES ANY STOMACH. No Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn or 'Dyspepsia Five Minutes After Tak ing a Little Diapepsin. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or you feel bloated after eating, and you believe it Is the food which fills you; If what little you eat lies like a lump of lead on your stomach; if there is difficulty in breathing after eating, 'eructations of sour, undigest ed food and acid, heartburn, brash or a belching of gas,, you can make up Xour mind that yd uneed something to, slop food fermentation and cure Indigestion. . To make every bit of food you eat aid in flie nourishment and strength of your body, you must fid your Stomach of poisons, excessive acid and stomach gas, which sours your entire meal interferes with diges tion and causes so many sufferers of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness,- Constipation, Griping, etc. Your case Is no different you are a sjomach sufferer, though you may call it by some other name; your real and only trouble is that which you eat does not digest, but quickly fer ments and sours, producing almost any unhealthy condition. A case of Pape's Diapepsin will cost fifty cents at any Pharmacy here, and wil convince any stomach sufferer five minutes after taking a single dose that Fermentation and Sour Stomach is causing the misery of In digestion. No matter if you call your trouble Catarrh of the Stomach, Nervousness or Gastritis, or by any other name always remember that a certain cure is waiting at any drug store the mo ment you decide to begin its use. Pape's Diapepsin will regulate any out-of-order Stomach within five min utes, and digest promptly, without any fuss or discomfort, all of any kind of food you eat. NEW COUNTY OFFICERS. Nash County Has New Force Now in Office Superior Court in Session, Judge Peebles Presiding Farmers Union Held Interesting Meeting. (Special to The Times.) Nashville, N. C., Dec. 7 Tiie var ious officers of the county were in ducted into office yesterday. The only change in the officers of N'ash county, the officers who have offices at the county seat, is that of treasurer. Mr. J .DA Winstead is succeeded by : Mr. S. S. Gay. Messrs. A. T. Strickland and R. C, Glover, county conimis sloners, are succeeded by Messrs. J W. Kemp and W .H. Glover. J. H. Short will take charge of the county Tiome January 1. Mr. I. W. Strick land has been in charge of the home for the past eight years . All the of ficers gave tileir bonds yesterday. The new board of county commis sioners held its first meeting yester day. Only routine business was at tended to yesterday. One matter of interest to the public is in regard to the retiring treasurer, Mr. J. D. Win stead. Mr. Winstead has contended that he was entitled to a commission on the money received from the sale of produce on the county home farm The commissioners have contended otherwise. Yesterday on retiring from office Mr, Winstead refused to turn over certain money In his hands until lie was paid the commissions, amounting to something over S200, commissions accumulated in past seven years. The county commis sioners ordered the county attorney to bring suit against retiring treas urer, ."It seems now the differences of the commissioners and the retir ing treasurer will have to be settled by the courts. The superior court for the trial of civil cases convened this morning. Judge R. 11. Peebles is presiding. There arc a number of cases on the docket-and all of the attorneys of the county and others are present at the court. . ,- - . - ' The Nash County Farmers' . Union held an Interesting meeting here Sat urday. All of the local unions were represented,'- and a number of 'ques tions of interest and importance to the farmers were discussed. The follpwing. officers were elected for the coming year: President, Gray King Vice President, J. J. Joyner; Secre tary, C. F, Ellen; Doorkeeper, J. W. Braswell; Conductor, aMtlhew Strickland. Another meeting will be held In January. Ends Winter's Troubles. To many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chil blains, cold sores, rod and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Ec zema and Sprains. Only 25c at King-Crowell Drug Co. People who are ashamed of a good appetite have lots of other things In their lives they could be more asham ed of, but they aren't. The quicker a cold Is gotten rid ot the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious dixeascH. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., says: "T firmly bolieve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to bo absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended It to my friends and. they all agree with me. For sale by ai dealers. "The strl of the period can make an Improsulon bettor than she can make plea, , . r:r BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEAftCE CO. The Christmas Rush is Mow - BOYLAN Merchants National Bank, OF RALEIGH'C We are anxious to have you become a customer of this Bank, Both Commerci al and Savings Account$ solicited. 4 interest comp ounded quarterly paid in Savings Department. ''- : ' . OFFICERS. ; E. C. DUNCAN, President WM. II. WILLIAMSON, 1st VP W. B. DRAKE, Jr., Cashier. W. V. UTLEY, 2nd V.-P. 8. J. HINSDALE, Asst. Cashier 4o Certificates of Deposit Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Raleigh BauJdiig 9t Trust Comp&sj DIRECTORS: (lias. E. Johnson, Jan. A. Briggs, W. A. EJse han, H. E. Nvrris, V. O. Morlng, W. N, Jones, J. R. Chamberlain, T. B. Crowdcr, Alfred WUUams, Thos. 8. Kenan, John W. Harden, Carey K. Durfey. THE RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY . , Ofl'eis its services to the pcoplf of this cnuuniuiity in the capacity of Ciuaid ian, Executor, Fiscal Ajtnt, Receiver, etc. Suviuus Accounts IiuiiiIIihI with the utmost care ami in the strictest confidence. Is Paid on Savings Deposits. JOHN T. IT I-LKN, Pres. ('Il.i;i,i:s ROOT, Cashier. C4 Per Cent. Quarterly. JOSEPH O. BROWN, l'res. H. E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. Write tlio Officers of either institution g Commercial W. Banking YOUR VALUABLE PAPERS Are you running: (hp risk of losing them by keeping them around. your office or home? If so, you had better rent a Safe and Fire Proof Vault. You can got Its Ccncerclc! THIS STORE CLOSES AT 0:00 P. M. UNTIL,-FURTHER NOTICE. STORE TAKING ON APPEARANCE ' OF HOLIDAY -'A'fTfRE. ' WE ARE AMPLY READY MORE SO THAN EVER THIS YEAR. BEAUTIFUL SMART TAILORED SUITS. V- High grade French Serge Cheviot, hand-finished Worsted. Pebble and rough weave Scotch effects and English Novelties in all the new whiter colorings. Skirts fit snuglv'iovernips. and beautifully draped-. V ' -- ' "' Coats GO and 32 inches long .semi-fitted and silk-lined through- o ' . . , $13.00, $18.50 to $37.50 STREET AND EVENING DRESSES, "'-v.;,: 'ijf Then comes the exquisitely dainty evening affairs that charm '; the eye, garments combining supreme elegance and style with conservative good taste. Suits with an air of excluslve ness, refinement, and fit, whose perfect simplicity demands and receives a second look from the passer-by, $15.00 to $35.00 CARACUL CLOTH AND PLUSH COATS. .....-:---, In the Cloak Room are Ladies' Real Caracul,-Russlan Pony. Skin c and Fur Coats and the price run is front $20j00 to '$75,00 ; Heavy Kersey, Caracul, and Plush Coats for" children, juniors and misses at from . . . . $3.00, $4.00, $5.00. to $15.00 ; WARM WINTER FURS. - , As the fur-bearing animals grow scarcer, consequently ;. higher priced the more valuable do your furs become. Pelts that sold for $3.00 in 1904, today command $30.00 and more. Buy what you will, you cannot lose. high-grade furs cheaper than here. We can save you some money. Try us. " " " Muffs, Boas, Scarfs,' and fashionable neck-pieces and in sots for women and children.: . , SAMPLE LINK OF LINENS. :.. . i -AVe buy sample Linens, take the manufacturers' loss for our profit, thereby giving the people the benefit of wholesale prices. Table Cloths, Napkins, Doilies, Art Pieces, Towels, Scarfs,, etc.. t Anywhere .. .. ........ i .......... 25c. to $51.50 Renaissance Center Pieces in square and round.shapes. Drawn' Work, Embroidery, Lace and Hemstitched Prices from, ::. ... 50c. to $5.00. ' AMERICAN WEAVING CHALLENGES THE WORLD; Witness this display of American Rugs on our second floor, most beautiful patterns in Smith and Bigelows, Wilton and Imperial Smyrna ' Rugs that will add artistic beautyta the most palat ial mansion . "... . ."$25.00, $35.00, $40.00 to $65.00 Axminstcr Velvet and Brussels Rugs at more moderate prices, $12.50, $15.00, and $20.00 - PEARCE COMPANY. JOSEPH O. BROWN, Vicc-I'res. A. B. ANDREWS, Vico-Pree. concerning any lino of business 'or call in person. Y- Deposit Box at once in our Burglar f theju at small oost. , ,v . --j Kil!cfziJ CcAi, i..-:. FairlifOn Nowhere can' you buy first-class, 1 'I 3; START NOW -."";" : and keep It up. MAKE A DEPOSIT ' ; of the amount, yon can save . EVERY WEEK. We do a Savings Bank business, pay ;.-1: FOUR PER CENT. Compounded Quarterly, and keep open HATURDAY NIGHT. THE MECHANICS' SAVING BANK TO THE PUBLIC Wo have the time, the place, and the best barbel's in the city, so jfive us a trial. Strictly sanitury and up-to-date. CAPITAL CLUB BARBER SHOP, Louis C. Davis, Proprietor. Money to Lend In Wake County Only. On Either Real or Personal Security. B. F. MONTAGUE Room. J8-1 ft Pnllen Buildine. City. 8ucceed w&n 'ifcfVthiih6- &H fan. In nervous 'prostration1 and lentah weaknesses they are the. supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND 8TOMACH TROUBLE ; it Is the best maiin ever aoid over a druggist counter. We Sell and Recommend HOTEL ATOR COFFEE Tin, $ .35 . v 31b Tin; 1.00 . Give It a Trial ; , RUDY & BUFFALO IX In P1MMi N-""'t I'vi"-,,'"y tV't rrn n n

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