UJlbi;hibiIg Hints Fn'hlUhed Xvery AfterneOaV (.Except Sunday). t H TIM SB BUILDING 1 " 11-14 Cast Hajrfett Street, Kalclcn. N. O. S, T. BIMM Kdltor ad Pubttsher. ICBSCRIPTIOlf RAXES. (By Mail) , one Tear f2.S0 Biz Month , , ... f rjM,s 1,50 TTBW MOMns ....... ,75 wncuy Uth to Advance. StTBSCRIFTIOlf BATES. (By Carrier). One Tear ..,,. bjj.oo Si Months ..... ... .an. 8.50 Tare Month! ............. 125 OM Month , ... .... ,45 Oa Week -.-.. ...... M .10 Strictly Caah la Advance. Th Times print no unclean or Objectionable advertising. Neither oes It print whiskey or any liquor value, consisting largely of letters of fact, however, that the insurance de-lare proud of the - hank's" of thfs state il01.?,6" .Nth 5roluaans J partmene' has suggested a plan to and the splendid Rowing' they are have been' classified so as to: be a I erec a. nme for Itself, not costing I making and our advice to every man, cessibler to Investigators interested In j the state on cent, except indirectly. I woman, and child in this state Is to i msiwy or ue state. me coiiec- wwh,. thit. . 1 ..... . . 1 will tion constitutes an asset which Is simply priceless," as in it are to, be found the source of -any adequate view of the state's record. In the light of their value, it would seem strange that necessity shonld . exiBt for Mr. Connor's appeal that a re proof building be erected In Raleigh for the preservation of these docu ments. The present generation has no moral right to risk the destruc tion of the time-worn letters which you Uv evident. that the, state must take J you have surplus money some steps to provide for its depart-1 show your wisdom by buying a few ments and for the protectiou pt Its I shares of "bank stock and thus lend- I Ing your influence and support to the I building up of your town and com munity. records.' ? DANUEKOl'S METHODS. we regret to know that there Is some pne so mean in this state thnt I snouid be the possession of posterity he would make an underhanded attack on the banks of the state In i the, form of an unsigned circular. EARTHQUAKES IX SALVADOR. as well, in the short 24 months covered by the report no less than six fires have resulted in the loss of a greater or less amount of histori cal material which should serve as an amply sufficient hint to care for .What still remains." Surface in Great , Commotion and Dead Bodies' Waslicd Ashore. -(By. Cable to The Times.) , San Salvaor, Dec' 19 Further However, such is the truth, and that I earthauake 8Uocks were fe't today It. yon have any trouble In getting The Times, telephone or write to the Circulation Department and have it promptly remedied. In ordering a Change of address, give both old and w aaaresses. It la Imperative that all communi cations be signed by the writer, other ;tte they will not be published. circular is being distributed for some vile purpose. In '-'Saturday's issue But that isn't all, great as is the we prlntcd on this page a ; strong need for suitable protection for these comniunication in regard to this mat records. The report of Secretary of ter and wish to add our hearty State Bryan Grimes throws further endorsement of that article. The cir- light on the congested condition of cular m Question tries to appeal to the state offices. We have printed I tne armliS clasB on the question of . 1 what he had to say regarding , the taxtln. charging that the banks do way to the mainland, leaving need of an administration building, not Pv s much tax as they Bhould, their possessions behind them, but It will bear repeating here, in this or as much In proportion to value as tl connection. He says: the farmer or business man. The ed away and wrecked and wharves "In the report of the secretary of statements are so worded as to leave carried off of sunk. ' '- state two years ago I said: the insinuation in the minds of th Although the sunken island arose rur more man a quarter of a throughout Salvador and (he Islands in the llopango' lagoon,, about the ill fated volcanic strip which sank into the water Saturday, bringing death to 170 persons are being deserted. ' The surface of the lagoon was iu great commotion today and . many dead bodies were washed ashpfe. Residents of the neighboring Isles, fearing that the earth tremors her alded another disaster, made their all ntered at the postofflce at Ral eigh, N. C, as second class matter. Don't put night. it off until Siltirday No resignations have beau handed In yet. . reader that there is discrimination In favor of the baHks when it comes to taxation and to put the responsibil ity and blame for this. Injustice on the last legislature and the state su preme court.' The man who wrote the circular 'was-no fool, if he did lack nerve to sign his name to it. But the article was written and is being distributed for a two-fold pur pose, in our opinion. First, to re- nually Increasing, and the state flect on the last legislature and the I more the laenon and it is fni that buouia maKe provisions for properly supreme court for uuholdinc the law other Inhabited islands have sunk century each secretary of state has called attention to the need of - a proper place for the storage of the many thousands of dollars worth of books belonging to the state. The books have been corded in piles in various rooms about the city and subject to damage and dangers of many kinds. The laws and supreme court reports are now stored on the fourth floor of the Uzzell building. In a hall COxlOO feet, for which the ' paying a rental or 240 a year. The number of books is an. fro mthe waters as mysteriously as It disappeared, the natives were panic-stricken with fear today, declaring that the phenomenon pressages some greater disaster. The island was just thirty years old, having emerg ed strangely from the face of the la goon In 1880. It was' of volcanic origin, scientists say. Native boatmen who braved the wrath of the waters today declared tltat another small island was sink ing although all the residents of this piece of la.nd had fled to shore. rtowever, tney am not iuny ex- ' Ofttt f Ro3r1 -v"1' ' ' tnuneduitelr V Mm t Cook Book .3 Cv on receipt of 1 fltJjS ' mailed free. your address. Vfc V Wf Tells How to Make 178 Kinds of Cake , j Cakes of all grinds for all people J are best made with Royal m " 7 SPECIALLY FINE : ;f ft M ran later GAiCE '' V GT.DtZniSi BROADWAY ene 1 1 tb ST NEW TOM TT - Witha mtftcctm of w swat ol iff huUI MpcK mm wuitmalur . Fhr. minoM.' walk of SiMppiaa Duiriet. 140TEO FOR i Excalknca of euiaioa. confoclabU aopointannlt. coartaoaa looms J1.C3 per iiy isJ ta With privilege el Bath 1 1 1 . SO per day and npy,-. i lUMKAMPUN . TaM alM aWaktasi 4 IU WM.TAVLOR BOHt UM. Now is the time you wish you did not have so' many, kinsfolk. We respectfully invito Charlotte up to look at our hew lights. The only reason we hate to see Christmas come the legislature will j be next. ' . ' " . .:.'' ' caring for the same. " 'The board of public buildings added the large room on the third floor of the northeast side of the capitol, formerly occupied by the in surance commissioner, to the rooms or the state department, but this is now more than full of old manu script journals, laws and valuable documents of many kinds. The, sec retary of state now shares that room with the historical commission. , "'The large room on the south west side of the third floor of the The power of your hohie news paper is fully Illustrated in the way the people are responding to the idea to "shop early". it passed, and second, to create dis trust in the minds of the people In the banks and bank stock. Every true North' Carolinian has many reasons to be proud of our banking Institutions. Thes- are con ducted on a high plane, they are safe and above all they are patriotic, which is probably more than the writer of that circular can claim. North Carolina's banks form the all We do not believe in going back to the legislature with our market house troubles, but if it has to go back we believe the legislature should be' put wise to the facts. capitoi was some years ago made a part of the offices allotted to the de- corner-stone of the success of yannient or state. This room is filled with official records, maps, manuscripts, priceless documents, old bills and acts of the general as sembly etc. During sessions of the general assembly it is used as an en rolling office.' In the old closets of which may bring the death total above 200. Upon the surface of the lagoon to day, many strange sea creatures were picked up. It seemed- as though the commotion at the botom of the la goon had -brought death to the strange underworld creatures which never see the" light of day and are seldom ,if ever, seen by the eyes of men. .;. 'r'.' Queer reptiles blind and variously colored floated upon the water and sightless fish of enormous size and fantastically shaped were picked up. me exploration party brought a building an iron structure. The work on this structure will be push cd and the company will be able In a very short time to resume its foun dry business.. The machine shops will be rebuilt in brick at a latter date and the most Improved machinery will be installed The loss of this company's plant is a great loss to Elizabeth City. It op erated the only iron foundry in this section of the state and much woi' was brought here to be done. Ends Winter's Troubles. To many, winter Is a season of trouble. The frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and Hps, chil blains, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Ec zema and Sprains. Only 25c at King-Crowell Drug Co. ,i I.., . i ... mo imiui mere are many thousands and in the future we can look for " 'There is no space in the capitol "r pe0pre ,n propor to arrange for the books and doeu-1 tlonate with the success f our banks institutions in the. state, and in Just I great many of the strange specimens! that measure that our financial insti tutions succeed just so will our other, enterprises succeed. The banks have stood by our state In time of need NEW THEORY-. to the shore. : The llopango lagoon is southeast of this city. It is five and a half miles in length. The la goon is about twenty-five miles from the Pacific coast In' mountainous country. Saved From Awfltd Death. How an appalling calamity in his familv was nrevrniteri la inM Viv A n ments that are now overflowing everv I The banks bib now i.nviiwr o fi, ,.. I Mcnnnaiii r r.vrtiii, m n d department, and a flre-nroof hall of L- . ." v r xr ..;, ,..' ' As a matter of curiosity the pub- records should be built to cre for " " ' Cro. i- ' umpiio he wrUes."",T. l verv He would like to know i,,t h. tne W perishable property that l smau towns and naturally the thin .mi Mi "h..i Many panKS in tlicse towns are weak, de- seemed to wow weaker everv dnv. ua the idea originated to get up that petition to let the old market house stay where it is; Who engineered the thing so that the petition ap peared Just at the right time? Come the state has now on hand. manuscripts, papers, books and his torical relics would bo donated to the state if a proper repository was pro vided ror their safe-keeping.' "Conditions are now worse than then. In addition to th Uzzell hniM.. to think about it that last meeting '"S I have rented the second floor of did happen quite suddenly and was Kh .Commercial Printing Company's an awful surprise and the petition was all .ready. pending entirely for their business on the farmers and business men of their community. They are now pay ing tax on the full value of their stock and property, which is all they can possibly stand. No business man To the members of the next legis. lature: ;The people of Raleigh voted almost . unanimously to approve your law for the sale of the old market and the erection of a new one. Your committee refuses to carry out the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box. Will you stand by the people or will you listen to the whims of a dissatisfied committee or will you give the people a NEW com niittee to carry out the law? NEED FOB NEW BUILDING. The need for a new office or ad ministration building for the state is so great and so apparent that it should not take any urging to con vince the legislature-' of the neces sity for action. The present build ings are not only unsatisfactory be cause of their lack of room, but be cause they are not fire-proof and the valuable records stored are in con stant danger of destruction. On this 1 Hase of the matter the Charlotte Observer ,says:V-;V;' V;vV:"':' ';': . "two features calling for special attention appear in the bi-ennial re port of Secretary R, D. W. Connor, of the. North Carolina historical com mission one of a distinctly gratify lag nature, the other conveying a warning which should be heeded. During- the past two years the com mission has acquired nearly 9,000 raouscrlpts f ver, great historical i Klll11fnv tri-m fk .1 .-vu.6 i. luc Biuiage purposes at or rarmer pays more and verv few as a cost to the state of $25 a month . - In the cramped surroundings of the ' Jet we fin1 schemers who will various offices the state cannot se- trJr to -force the banks into paying all remedies failed, till Dr. King's New Discovery was tried, and so completely cured her that she has not been troubled with a cough since. Its the best medicine I ever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds, la- grippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhage, all bronchial troubles, it has no equal. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by King-Crowell Drug Co. cure as satisfactory and efficient service as would be possible with better facilities and more room and more up-to-date conveniences. In my opinion it would be to the advant age of our people and an economy for our state to acquire the two blocks bounded by Edenton and Jones, Wilmington and Salisbury ttt roof a and ama U - i UD-to-date. nrnr -ir---:. "' DBn"..'are Protected, managed, and building that would meet the needslrun on safe business principles. of the state for 50 years. These two The North Carolina farmer or busi oiocks conjoined would then form a : t . nuhlin n.M-itriii .u ".." "otuiug to iear or - w mvawxv icci, mo same I wiotn as union Square on which the u,ma "um our DanKs. ., xney are capitol stands." I safe, they are sound, and evprv man .... f . j - ' Here is a condition that calls for in the state who has any business remedy. Aside from the necessity sense wishes to see them make for a fire-proof building the demand j money. To be successful and con tor more room in which to do the tinue that success our banks must taxes which citizens would not be re quired to pay. In the banks of North Carolina we have a home market for our bonds and we have sound banks whose stock is considered by everybody as a good investment 'because these Dr.! Harvey Wiley Says in a Million Years Men Wijl Freeze on Equa. - tor. -- (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Ucc. 19 in a story without germs, Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, soon-to-be-bonedlct, all around food prognosticator and poison squad in ventor, last night made the predic tion before a Secular League aud ience in Masonic Temple that a mil lion years hence men will freeze to death on the equator. He lectured on the subject: "is Man to Ultimately Starve or Freeze?'' He told his "hearers that the earth is slowly cooling, intimating that the people of some far distant future must freeze. .- "There is danger that the race will ultimately starve or freeze," he asserted, "because of a lack of food or fuel. This may be a million years away." ! Dr. Wiley declared the problems of food and fuel ' to be two of the, most important with which man is concerned and that three-fourths of all human endeavor Is devoted to ob taining these primul necessities. A FULL LINE OF HUDNUT'S PREPARATIONS for the Christmas shop- a''"' pers. Any selctlons. of Hudnut's will be a desir- i able gift. IiAND FOB SALE, '' Under and pursuant to itho, terms of an order the Superior, -Court of Wake County, North Caoolina,.made in the sieclal proceeding entitled1 "In the Matter of Nannie Liles Johnson et al. ex parte", the undersigned ' Commissioner will on .-. - Saturday, December 81, 1910, , at 12:00 o'clock, m., at the Court House door in the City of Baleigh, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land in Wake County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands 1 of Jerry Liles and Wright Liles and oth ers, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, corner of No. 4; thence south 88 degrees east 84 poles to a stake; corner of No. 4; thence south 2 degrees west 39 poles to a stake, Jerry Liles' 1 corner; thence north 88 degrees west 84 Doles with said Liles' line to a stake. corner of No. 1; thence north 2 de grees east 39 poles with No. 1 to a stake, corner of No. 4; -containing 27 acres, more or less, and being the same land which was conveyed to said Joseph Liles by Mrs. P. J. Ed wards and her husband by deed dated October 15, 1897. and recorded in Book 250, page 8, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County. This 18th day of November, 1910. W. E. CRITCHER. Commissioner. : 11 N. SIMMS, Attorney. XOTICE"OF SALE. THE HICKS DRUG COMPANY BOTH PHONES. work or the state must be met. The state is renting inadequate offices. at high prices, all over town, scatter ing the Work everywhere, when it should all be done in the state's own buildings. The Insurance depart ment which brings over $260,000 into the state treasury yearly has no home of its own. Instead it is quartered in an unsightly and Hi-suited for the purpose, old building that should hare been torn down 25 years ago. Whether a building should be erect ed large enough to house all these departments, or whether the Insur ance department should have a home of its own, is a matter for the law makers to determine. - We may call Attention here to the 'rru'f'i-' " ; X'--y have the fullest confidence of the people and that, confidence will only be had In a bank that is making money and prosperous. It has taken many years to educate our people lip to a full appreciation of our banks and when some schemer comes along sending out unsigned statements cal culated to poison the minds of the people and especially the farmers against our banks it is the duty of the public to put Its foot down flat on such methods. The banks are doing their duty by the state. They are paying all the tax that sound busi ness will allow and they are doing more to develop and encourage the business interests of the state than all other things put together".'; We! The quicker, a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious -diseases. Mr. B. W. L. HaJI, of Wavcrly, Va., says: firmly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to bo absolutely the best preparation on the markut for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me. For sale by all dealers. Butting in has Its bad features, but some people's friends ought to butt in oftener than they do. BIRTH IX PAMLICO SOUND. Child Born on Vessel Enrvute to Elizabeth City- Foundry Destroy. , ed by Fire to be Rebuilt. (Special to The' Time's. Elizabeth City, N. C, Dec. 19 A visit from the "stork" in the middle of Pamlico Sound in a small vessel, is the unique experience ofx- Mrs. Erastus Scarboro, of Hatteras, N. C. Mrs. Scarboro, being In Tery poor health, her physician. Dr. C. A. Sut ton, of Hatteras, deemed it necessary that an operation should be perform ed and be took his patient on the schooner M. W. Walstein, and start ed for Elizabeth City, enroute to Sarah Leigh Hospital in . Norfolk. Long before he arrived In Elizabeth City, this experience had befell him and Mrs. Scarboro was ; doing very nicely. He remained in the city last night attending to his patient, who spent her time in the cabin of the vessel and left this morning, to take her back to her home in Hatteras! Everything this morning indicated that she. was doing finely; that she will. make a rapid recovery. The ladies' auxiliary of the Black- well Memorial church is conducting a sale of home-made holiday goods In the old Brown Pharmacy in Poin dextar btreet.- Tho hnllrtlncr h tr. EEL? 'SS'jir'i GUSTAVE DAGEDORN apparel and home-made candles. This sale is being largely attended NOTICE- Now 18 4,16 tlme to place your order for Xnias Flowers. Carnations, Roses, Violets, and other Cut Flowers in profusion. -Write or phone me your orders early so as to reserve the best. Prices the lowest. J. II. MARTIN, Florist; FIFTH SEASON CONCERT FUSSY A box of selected Ckocolatet that touches top notch, in . euxiy maLu. FUSSY PACKAGE For Fattidwua Folk . J. C. BRANTLEY, MASONIC TEMPLE, . Phones 15. tinder and by virtue of the" power given In a decree of Uke superior court of Wake county In a special preced ing entitled Beulali E. King: Admrs. of J. L. King, deceased vs. Macy Lee King et al, we will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door iiv Kuieigh, N. C, on Monday, Jan uary 16th. at 12 m. o'clock the follow ing described lands lying in one body originally in three tracts, of parcels and known as the Locklear lands, now belonging to the, estate of Joel L. King', deceased, bounded and described as follows: , 1 Firts Tract. Adjoins the lands of William House. . William Holmes and others, being the same .tract bought of William Holmes by Martha Price, containing' one Jvuixjred acres more or less as appears on record In tne otllce of the Register of Deeds for . Wake county In Book 13 at page S68. Begins at a maple in Crabtree creek thence north to'" William House's line, thence' parallel with his line east, to hickory In Polly Hugrhes' line, thence south to a pine tree on Crabtrce creek, thence up said creek to beginning. Second Tract. Bought of Mary King by John Locklear, Begins- at a Spanish oak in tht Great Branch, thence west 32 poles to a stake in William House's Vine, thence south 100 poles to a red oak and sassafras thence east 34 poles to the -Groat BrancDi. thence up the various courses of said branch to tho beginning, containing by measurement 20 acrus. ;"f- Third Tract. , Conveyed to Ueo. W. Savage and wife to John Locklear, Begins at a Hickory in Wiley House's old line, thence north 83 poles to a Hickory, thence west :' 85 poles to a Beech, Pink Warrens ..corner-on Steep Hill Branch, thenco down the various courses of said Branch to a Beeoh or Birch, William Nichols corner, thence to the 'bitginnlntf. ' Said tracts contain in all about one hundred and fifty acres. ' . BART M. OATUNO, WILUAM B. JONES. Dec. t.d.s. ; Commissioners. CERTIFICATE RE-EXTENDING : CHARTER, LET US Stock Your' Pantry with Seasonable Goodies. x Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, Dates, Nuts, Fruit Cake, Plain Pounc Cake. Everything to make Christmas enjoyable. Both Phones. . RUDY & BUPFALOE. AJfXl'AIi SHO-WINTER ':' of the Raleigh Chora! Society, making much I . . v Conductor. ADOM FERUM , Baritone Soloist. and the ladies are money out of it. The Elisabeth City Iron Works and Supply Company has been granted a ing last by Are of Wednesday nlehtl Mereditfi College Auditorium, 'and work will begin' nest Monday tojMonday, Dec. J9, 1910, 88 P. M. lay a1 concrete floor preparatory to' ' '' Reserved Seats, fl.00. '' Treasury Department. Ofiico of Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D. C, November 30, 1910, Whereas by satisfactory evidence presented' to the undersigned, St has been made to appear that "The Citi zens National Bank of Raleigh", lo cated in the city of Raleigh, In the County of Wake and State of North Carolina has complied with all the provisions of the Act of Congress "to enable National Banking Associations to extend their corporate existence and for other purposes", approved I July 12, 188 2,, as amended by the Act, approved April 12, 1902. 1 Now, Therefore, f, Lawrence O. Murray, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Citizens National Bank of Raleigh",' located In the City of Raleigh', tt the' Couhty i of Wake, and State' of North Caro lina, is authorized to have succession for the period specified t in . its amended articles of association: namely, until close of business on No- REMINGTON POP AND vember 30 1930- in testimony wnereoi witness my hand, seal of office this thirtieth day of November, 1910. (Seal) LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, Comptroller of the Currency. Charter No. 1766. Extension No. 1004 AIR RIFLES, 75c. AIR RIFLES, 50c. POP GUNS, 25c. HAMILTON RIFLES. REMINGTON RIFLES. BOYS SINGLE GUNS. AUTOMATIC GUNS. Thos. De Briggs . v& 5ons RALEIGH, Jf. C , T)ie Big Hardware Men, WAKE OOUNTr MAP The latest and best ever issued. Times read ers get these maps while they last for 10 cents. zt-tf In Baleigh Nearly Everybody Reads . The Raleigh paty tlaam, '