r The Big Christmas Store ejery member of the family. at CUT PRICES. INDIAN SUITS $1.25 . Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street. THE WEATHER, For Ualeigli and Vicinity: Fair tonight and Tuesday; slightly colder tonight. For North Carolina: Oncrally fair pxcnpt rain or snow in the moun tains tonight, or Tuesday; slightly polder tonight; brisk southwest and west winds. Weather Conditions. Light rain has oerurred in the southeastern, states and rain and snow from the lakq region to the At lantic coast in connection with a large disturbance that now overlies the northeastern portion of the conn, try. Snow prevails in the Lake re gion this morning, accompanied by high winds. This disturbance is be ing followed by an extensive high pressure area, with fair weather, but temperature is comparatively moder ate except in the central north, where it is falling. Conditions are favorable for fair weather in this vicinity during the next, two or three days. It will be slightly colder tonight. L. A. DEXSON, Section Director. TODAY'S CHAUTKKS. .litn-Cola Company of Asheville and Motrdpolitan Club of Salisbui-y Chartered. The Jita-Cola Company, of Asheville, was chartered today to manufacture and deal In soft drinks, live author ized capital stock is fc.T.,000 and begins bushifev with $6.(100 subscribed. J. M. Chiles, 1. It. Millard and E. V. Ray are the incorporators. The Metropolitan Club, of Salisbury, r.-a chartered to conduct a social and ll'erary club. The auti.iorized capital tock Is $3,000 and commences business with $300 subscribed. S. O. Kabas, Cius Manthas and J. J. C'udthy are the im'orporators. - AVhen your feet, are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose ot Chamberlain's (rough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed, and yon are almost cer tain to ward off a severe cold. For. sale bv all dealers. ' e Our Christmas Show Things to be Appreciated by Those Who Care. Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Mufflers, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Headwear, Footwear, Nobby Jewelry. We have well cared for the wants of the mascu lin family this year in the selection of the biggest and best stock of furnishings of every description V that has ever come this way. You cannot think of "'anything in this line that we haven't right here in the store. , . If it's a Suit or Overcoat we carry the product of the biggest and best manufacturers, and they are , the cream of style, fit and quality. f.f- . , : .-.'" ,'.-' ,. - .: ("'t-'' '.- '" ''. ' ": J. ROSENGARTEN CO. FAYETTEVILLE STREET Capital City PboM is brilliant with Gifts .for Great Line CUT GLASS Raleigh, N. C. .MRS. WILLIAMS' FTXERAL. Conducted From the Catholic Church Yesterday Afternoon. The funeral of Mrs. J. R. Williams, who died in Wilmington Friday night, wns conducted from the Catholic church, in this citv. vestcrdav after noon bv Father Griffin, and the In terment was in the city cemetery. Mrs. Williams had a. large number of friends and the manv floral offer ings placed on her grave yesterday fihowed the liiR1 ewtcom in which she waH held. Deceased is survived by her hus band, Mr. .1. 15. Williams, and two mil?,, Mr. Ernest Williams, of Augnstta, Oa.. and Mr. Murk Williams, of Hirminglmm, Ala all of whom were here nt the funeral. The pall-hearers were: John R. Fcr rall, John A. Duncan, John D. Bnsrgs, Joseph F. Ferrall, K, M. Uzsell, and T. W. Dobbin. Fl'XERAL OF MHS. GILL. Mrs. J. H. Gill Died Here Saturday Afternoon and Was Buried Today. The funeral of Mrs. J. H. Gill, who died at her home in this citv Sat urday afternoon was conducted from the residence this morning at 10:30 o'clock. The interment was tn the family graveyard about six or. seven miles below Unleigh. Mrs. Gill was Miss Hannah Whitaker before her marriage, and is survived bv two brothers and two sisters, Mr. Fabius A. Whitaker, Mr. Marcellus WVtaker, Mrs. Alex Spelling and Mrs. Jume Smith. Mis. Gill was about 65, years- of age and was a most estimable woman, en joying the friendship of those with whom she came in contact. Banks on Sure Thing Now. "I'll never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills Again," writes A. Schingeck, 647 Elm St., Buffalo, N. Y. "They cured me of chronic con stipation when all others failed." Unequaled for Biliousness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Headache, Chills, Ma laria and Debility. 25c at Klng Crowell Drug Co. Never ask a girl to name the pret tiest of her sex present at.any given place. It is awfully embarrassing for a modest maid. BJXEIGH.ir.Cl , Monday's program in lh poHce coyrt was an exceedingly long, h-a.wn-rut affair. The court room was crowdl-J and the criminal row loaded with oc cupants. Ilaere were no "vacant chairs" when. Cfolel Ste-li called for order. . -. , J. W. Adcock, white, was charged with being drunk and got out with the cost, 12.75. ;.-. : s-... ; Henry Dunlap, colored, had the pleasure, of dealing out 16.25 for toeljif oruhK. '.. . Hubert Edwards-, white, through his attorney Mr. C U. Harris, plea4 guilty to being drunk and paid a, fine of J5.00 ana w.rs cost. . - Henry Sorrell, colored; wa found dj-unk with his Jiors ,uphltched. He said e was'-dV,unk Alright, but could not remember anything about i& horse being "unhitched. He '. was let off with cOf t. $2.75. Will Furnell. Vi-Jilte. inmate of the Cojinty Jfome, who has given, the cou rt no li t tie rouble about coming to ,town and getting drunk, came up again under the same charge, and was given a term of 15 days in jail. Aiken Emmanuel, colored, was charged with bring drunk and upon Oi';?stloning nJiout his whiskey, told that he got it from Hamlin's Drug Store upon a supposed order over o phone from Dr. Thornton, a colored physician- In the city. He was given the cost $2.75, and the police ordered to investigate the matter of Hamlin's letting him have the whiskey upon an order over a phone, supposed to be fi-ofn Dr. Thornton. Henry Thomas, white, was billed "drunk" through his attorney, Mr. C. W. Watson, he plead not ffiillty. Patrolman Smith said he first saw him near the .Seaboard offices and told htm to move on, later found him down. He , wn. told by Thomas' companion that he was drunk and he was trying to get him home. Thomas claimed he was not drunk, and was sitting down waiting to see one of the "car knock ers" of the Seaboard yard when the officer arrested him. He was - fined J.YOO and taxed with the cost $5.25. William Dixon, a small colored boy, about fourteen years of age, was: charged with the larceny not a watch. Christopher Jones, a small colored lad about eleven years of age, said he lias at fillers, where paper Is carried, when Dixon came up and- told him If he would drop his watch on a paper bag it would stop working. When he dropped it down, Dixon grabbed It up and ran off with it. Louis Brown said he Hard Dixon tell ChrLsiopher to drop the wa'.ch and saw him take it and run on" with it. William Dixon claimed that he did not take It at all, that Christopher lost it in the paper. He was sent to jail under a $2,r..00 bond to await January term of uperior court. Daniel Debnam, a very small col ored boy was charged with shooting an ox belonging to Maggie McSwaln. Maggie said that she had the steer, tlej out iu Watson's field to a stake, back of her house and Daniel came along with a shot gun and fired into his neck. She had asked him away before and after shooting the ox, she carried the Injured animal to Daniel's mother and told her about it, then brought him up to find Dr. Mc- Mackin for treatment, but could not find the doctor and started back. On her return the animal ran away with her. She told the judge her ox was getting along nicely today, however. Daniel claimed he was shooting at a bird and did not know he hit the, beast in the neck. Quite a dls-cussion arose over the gun, so it was sent for. Upon return, it was discovered that it was a crude old shot gun. Daniel got out with the cost $3.23. Fred Roth, white, was tip for vagrancy, but as he said he was only here Just half -an hour when arrested and that he had a job offered him, lie was released. The two charges of assault upon Sadie Thayer, and F. and A. against lohrv LVen, were continued until 4 o'clock this afternoon, after much dickering of the several lawyers mixed in . the case. It has developed into a three cornered fight, each corner be ing well fortified with lawyers. Deen Is defended by Watson- and Denson; Sadie Thayer -by Snow and C. V. Harris; Wilson by W. B. Jones. Frank Penn, colored, was charged with larceny, bait no evidence was produced to convict, so he was- dis missed. George I.attimore, Clarence Latti- more. and John Bturdivant. H colored were charged with an assault upon Yirdmaster Smith, Friday night on the Seaboard yards. Evidence produced cleared Sturdivant and George Lattl- more. to .they were dismissed, but Clarence Lattimore was convicted, and fined $10.00 and cost. MRS. A. B. HAWKINS. Pied Early This Morning at. Her Home on North Blount Street. Early' this morning Mrs. A. B. Hawkins, after a short illness, th'e serious character of which only de veloped on yesterday, entered Into rest. iMartha L. Bailey, daughter of Gen eral William Bailey and Klizabeth, his wife, or Jefferson county, Florida, was born In that county April 5th, 1838. On- April 6th, 18D8 she was married to Div A. B. Hawkins, of Warren county, this rtate. After their mar riage l-Jiey redded1 on a plantation near Tallahassee and In that city un til 1884. when they built their hand some house on North Blount street and made their home with us. In t'he pawing away of tbl dear lady our community has suffered a grievous loss. While her delicate henMii fni-hndo her takliw an active part in the social life of the city she nevertheless , exerted from her lovely home a quiet Influence all for its good-. Mrs. Hawkins was a lady of the "Old South,'' than whom no finer type of Womanhood has yet been developed. Cultured and refln-ed, with iher soft voice, her gentla manners, her cordial welcome, her gracious hospitality, she was a beautiful example of the old regime. It la easy to to understand how ehe drew to herself and held in the chains of affection so many friends wbo now sorrow tliat -they shall see About, the last .call for shopping, as old Kris Kringle makes his appearance Saturday night. -Have you completed your shopping, or have you overlooked mother, sister, wife or daughtetf; , The Christmas rush is on now, and you should finish your buying before the last, 'moment don't put it off any longer, but let us help you make your selection. ' . , . v ' See the doll in our window, to be given awa'y by the Grand and Revelry Theatres. 203-5 Fayetteville St. G. C. Phone 799. and generous, and to give happiness to others Was the chief joy of her life. Her warm heart and bountiful hand will be sadly massed by many in- need, but it is n comfort in this hour of bereavement to j-em?mber the words of our Saviour: ' Inasmuch as ye have done It unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ve h i ve done it unto me." The funeral services will be held to morrow ot 12 o'clock, Ohuroh f if the Good Shepherd. When you have a cold get. a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will ward oft any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold by all dealers. COMMISSIOXKIJ VOUXG BACK. Attended a "Round-up" Meeting of Committors i" Xew York Last Week. Insurance Commissioner James K. Young has returned from New York where ho attended a "round-up" meet ing of the romnvli tees of the Nation al Insurance Ccmmissinners' Associa tion. - Mr. Young was chairman of the com mittee on the examination of all in- urunce companies throughout, the United Ftates which looks after the financial standms and the practices and mctliods used by the verions com panies. Mr. Young is also a member of the committee on fraternal insurance. A bill has been u greed upon by the commissioners and officers which will no doubt be passed by the legislatures of nearly all the states. This hill will make u decided forward step In the -.regulation of fraternal orders Commissioner Young was elected a member of the executive committee to ucceeih Hon. Jas. U. Barry, of Michigan wi'.io resigned. The Inward Effects of humors are worse than the outward. They en danger the whole system. Hood's Snrsaparilla eradicates all humors. cures all their inward and outward effects. It is the great alterativo and tonic, whose merit hits been every where, established. Christinas Holiday Bates Via South ern Itailwny. On account of the Christinas Holi days the Southern Railway will sell very low round trip lickew to ull points east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac Riv ers. Tickets on sale , December 16th, 16th., 17th., 21st., &2nd., 23rd., 24t(j., 25th., and 31st., 1910, January 1st., 1911. '.' Final return limit: To reach orig inal starting point not later than midnight. January 8th, 1911. Ask for a round trip ticket. For further Information ask your agent or write W. II. PARXELL, T. P. A., Raleigh, X. C. fr Clwti. A. TlAiip-lnoM nf the TTnl- versity Iaw School, is In tho city for t ne cm-tttmas holidays. it King of Externals Is tie one Stanford prep arvlioa universally' and cntansiactically endorsed by Dofctor, Druggist, Lay man.rG0WANS Care Pnnmoiua (troop CoJds Cocgbs, Pleorisy and all ailments cansed from In namntation or Congestion. : ' Oowaiw PnptrmtloB hut oo of thtlmrmkt. ana mmtt MntlaAtMr nku of nr prtpmntlon naHetL I ht oar tAnck. W oacji ft a 1 .. e WbobMlt Dmrgkt ColamBlA,8. C, July It, lulti I'll T3 CAYl RAVEltlij IKE ECI ' AM SMtUb,' 01. BO If Miom asoioii co- wiima, a, . Qffa A Superb Showing of Sterling and , German Silver Cernian Silver Jewelry Boxos, $1.00 to .117.50. German Silver DcNk Sts, $7.RO to $I2.R0. Tho select iu Sterling Silvrr Mnniriwo Srts, Toilet Sots, Work Sets, Brush and Comb Sets, etc. The Indies' Xew Hand Bags in (Jrmiine Leather and thous ands 'of other useful and nifty presrnts may be selert ed from our immense stork. Weathers & Perry, Fnpry China Department. RALEIGH, N. C. COLES DOT BLAST HEATING STOVES. GHt more heat, eular to manag, keep fire longer) costa leii to operate than any heating ttove made Is the verdict ot more than a hundred eat tailed purchaser in Raleigh. CAROLINA HARDWARE COMPANY. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOB RALEIGH, 225 South Wilmington Street, c. t. Mcdonald, 120 Fayetteville Street, 'NOTARY PUBLIC. Calls Answered Any Hour of the Day or Night. i rr- - -w ? ; : i M mm mm r 1 1 " "l SUITS REDUCED 75 SUITS EACH ONE GUARANTEED All Sizes from 33 to, 44 Stout Sensible Gift from Cross ftlfehan's ! These Suits were taken from our regular stock of HIGII-GJIADE SUITS, in which we have broken lots and include the finest Cassimere, Worsted and Scotch Fabrics that we cany. Our regular guarantee goes with' this suit the same as if you bought one at the former price, .v ji j i . $22.50, $23.50, $25.00 and $30.00 920.00 Full Line of Overcoats, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 Cross k Linehan Company, The House of Better Values. . ' . N OT I C E We hnve several good homes for rent. Also two splendid brick stores on East Martin Street. AVe are sell in j( the CA3IERON PARK PROPERTY. The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. RALEIGH, N. a All Flat Work Receive Our Best Attention. Wc care for the home's pride; good looking sheets, spreads, covers, napkins, handkerchiefs. Have us to eall for vour bundle, and vou'H make no mistake. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, 117 West Hargett St. - - - - Ealeigh, N. C. JUST THE PRESENT FOR HIM. Can be' found here, and the selection will not be hard as wc have so many desirable gifts that-any one se lected will be very appropriate. AVe have turned our whole store over to the hoi- " iday shoppers, and have more good selections than we have ever shown before. Many new, nobby ideas., Ihat will please the "man" and make a useful as well "as an appropriate gifu EDGAR E. BROUGHTON FUBNI$HINGS FOR MEN Fayetteville Street RALEIGH, North Carolina. 0. 0. Phone 799. Raleigh, a. 0. ' j Best ot Ut she waa tender -hearted A.- -'a -

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