'f ':. '. Ml iffif P if - "' i Vrk L2OTIT No.'l53. The Weather FAIR. RALEIGH, N. C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1910. LAST EDITION. PRICE FIVE CENT3 ') ; -. . ; : ; : . , : : , .. . . - - .,.,. ... ; q Double the Number - of Paid Subscribers in the City of Raleigh of MOther Newspaper: W fir- V Fate of Missionaries Unknown and There Is Grave An xiety About Them DEATH S PLAGUE rprising in Some Sections of the Province and Plague mid Famine . In. Others Makes Serious Situation in Chinese Knipiro Kfforts to Oh tain News of " American Mission nries Futile Famine and Bubonic Plague Sweeping Cot tain Sections Entire Districts Depopulated ly the- Ravages of Disease. ; (Ry Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Dec, 27 Cables re ceived from China have caused grave fears for the army of American men and women missionaries in tUe prov ince of Kwang Tung on account of an uprising in wiiiclj missions, hospitals and school houses were burned at Lien Chow. The Presbyterian board of foreign missions with, headquarters in this city, has cabled to the bureaus in both Canton and Pekin to ascertain if all the Americans are safe, but so far no reply, lias been received and their fate is in doubt. - The following cable was sent by the Rev. Dr. Arthur .1. Brown, of the Presbyterian board: "Wire full details and if our mis sionarles safe." "I have expected an answer before this,, but presume it was held up on account of holidays," said Dr. Brown today. "We are anxious to get word . from Lien Chow for the early condi tions pictured there were not reas suring." There are a number of American missionaries in and about Lien Chow who are not ministers. T'aey are un der the control of the foreign board and have charge of hospitals and teach the classes in the industrial schools. ' "... r The Chinese government promised I the United States protection for these as adequate as the Chinese army could give. The latest report from the southern part of Kwang, Tung province was that several thousand bandits and Boxers had seized ves sels on the Gulf of Tokin, upon which Lien Chow is located and were prac tically in possession of the city. In Famine District. Shanghai, Dec. 27 Famine is stalking hand-in-hand with the bu bonic plague " through China. T:ie province of Kiang Su is being depop ulated by plague starvation . and a dreadful wave of plague death is sweeping into the province Of Pechili, in which Pekin is located. Accord ing to reports received here today a number of foreign missionaries are dead or dying : from the epidemic, Hundreds of natives are dying daily, It will be months before an effeo ual effort can be made to check the spread of death. 'Despite the govern ment's efforts, the zone of human de struction is widening continuously. While refuges from the death, belt L (By Leased Wire to The Times.) , Newt York, , Dec. 27 Because she had boent rebuked by her father for keep ing late hours, 'Dora. Barlow,. 2 year old, attempted suicide In her home, 1S33 Amsterdam avenue, today by" tak ing some mysterious poison. 'Physlclans at the Washington Heights Hospital, after a lengthy ex amination declared that they were un able to determine the nature of the poison. ' ' Dora returned home" at an early hour today from' a dance and was scoldPd by her father. As was his custom he went to the girl's room to awaken her today. The g!rl ' refused to get up. After much persuasion she Jumped from her bed and ran Into the kitchen. . Before her father, who had followed ' her. could Intervene, the girl placed a white capsule In her mouth and swal ' lofred a little, water. Almost instantly she toppled over unconscious. Lady Clieylesinore, the American wile of ii'i Knglish ieer, who is a I'nionist, and believes most of her countrywomen in Kuglund have the same leaning. Lady CheylesinoreyrtVhohefore hermarriai-e wus.MissMlizahelh French, of New York, believes that a majority of I he American peeresses feel exactly as she does in politics. Lady Clieylesinore says: "It is tiiito absurd for people- to sny tiiat the radical party is in any sense the represen tative of American ideals. I have never yet heard that the American prin ciples included government by a single chamber which is practically what the Liberal or Radical programme amounts to. I suppose that women naturally' take on the political views of their husbands and as most ot the peers are, of course,. Unionists, it follows that the women of Iheir inmilics believe the-same way." ''" are barred from the cities reports, of the most harrowing conditions have been received from as far west as Nankin. . -- ' Along J he Grand Canal entire Til lages have been wiped out and bands of-men and women, insane from hunger, roam the country. No food can be taken into the heart of the plague devastated region. '.-' .- The entire grain and rice supply has been exhausted in the middle of the province and rioting is frequent in remote districts where stored tip food has been found. Men and wo men have been known to fiirht to the death for a hantiful of rice. The gaunt, naked children have been seen gnawing thongs of leather to gather a little nounsnnient. tne nteciicai missionaries are striving valiantly to give aid and how many have perish ed is not known. Braying the panic of famine and disease they have pen etrated the remote districts where word cannot be had of them. In the old Yellow River district thousands of dead bodies lie exposed to the weather. In many communi ties the need of graves is gone be cause everyone Is dead. Chinese soldiers who have been or dered into the heart of the affected territory have rebelled and refused to brave the dangers of the scourge. CHTKCH ROOF FF.LL IX. One Man Dead From Accident. Scv . crnl Injured. ( (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Barberton, O., Dec, 27 J. II Meyers, a real estate man, died to day as the result of injuries he re ceived last night when the roof of a new Christian Tabernacle which was being erected by volunteer workers collapsed, injuring two ministers and five layman, among the . latter Mr. Meyers. The ministers who were in jured are the Revs, U. G. Roby and William J. Thompson, both of whom were badly bruised. Fifty men were on the roof when it fell and the last board was being nailed down when the supporting rafters gave way. Mr. Meyers had both his legs broken and his head crushed. PLAYED WITH AVIRE. :; Wrapped Live Wire Around His Nock, Formed Circuit and' Died. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Lynn, Mass., Dec. 27 One man was electrocuted and five others, af ter barely escaping death, were, in jured early today when William J. McGrady, 23 years old, of No. 26 Abbott street, seized an electric wire v in the cellar of a friend's house, wound it about his nock in play and formed a circuit with the dump floor that killed him. His panic-stricken lriends, seeking to .disentangle him trom the deadly wire, were each in turn knocked un conscions, and one of them having recovered was again knocked to the floor when he attempted to turn off the switch controlling the current Two physicians were called, hut although they worked over McGrady for two hours were unable to restore life. Olympic (juntos Hero Arrested. New York, Dec. 27 Matthew Me- GraTh, champion of the United States in- throwing the 16-pound hammer, Olympic, games hero and member of the New York police force was arraigned before Magistrate Hv lan and held without bail upon the charge of shooting George Walker whom he found being entertained by his wife at the McGrath home at o'clock Sunday morning. Although McGrath was behind the bars today his police shield had not been taken from him and he has not been sus pended. Walker is dying. Ex-congressman Montgomery Dead Elizabethtown, Kv., Dec. 27 Ex congressman A. B. Montgomery, formerly a member of the Dawes In dlan commission under President Cleveland, died at his home today after a long illness. ' FIVE IN KILLED IN FREIGHT WRECK (i:.v Leased Wire to The Times.) Galllpolls, O., Dec. 27-Five men were killed In a wreck between two fast freight trains on the Bultimqie & Ohio railroad near here earlv today. The disaster occurred at .Saltlick and Is believed to have been caused by a failure of one of the crews to ob serve orders. All of the dead men were members of l!he train crews and lived at Pnrkersburg, W. Vi.. Heavyweight Contest. - Memphis, Tenn., Dec . 27 In the first heavyweight contest pulled off in nearly twenty years in Tennessee Jimmy Barry and Tony Ross fought eight rather tame rounds to a draw before the Nntional A. C. last night. There were no knockdowns. Carl Morris, the 250 pound so-called "white man's hope from Oklahoma," issued a challenge at the ringside. BIG BANK FAILURE Angry Depositors Start Riot In Streets Northern Rank of New A ork Fails Wholesale Irregularities ( barged Hank Has Deposits u! Over S(i . 000,000, (l;v I.e.'iRfil Wire to 'I'm; Times.) New York. IX.-e. 27 - )1 w i ntr u t mil which led back to the enilaps ff..the lleinze cupper pool 'and. the exciting days of the, !9tlT Mtnir. New.. -.York. M.it.' hunk 'authorities sinned an in vestigation -which, lias ivv'Mcil nlmle Irregularities, with il.-jm.- Hs of (H it $';,0nu,('ii0 and nine braui-he's, was close i! tmlay . by (.StiHe itu;i.Tiuti-iident ul Hanks -Cheney, The hian;-iics .w.-ic sin rounilM by weepin- and rioioui" men. and Women ail day. 'The investi gation : also disclosed xtreiueiy clu.-e i-elatlon-s between the hank and tine nsara:iee ami iiidciniiity 'companies tun of which wore 'formerly owned by the llciniic family.; The haul;, which, was capitalized at $700,63.1.. iff nrdeml to ex pecleil. rtv be i lie ecu t -r of -amazing liiiaiiclal rcvela'lioie: Us Hit- ii-iTiil..i ri- lic; arc declared tf. have I'ontiiinc.l iiiidrr -the. 'very no.-se of .the. hank ex aminers after, they. 1 ;;-;; 1 1 - work. The failui was tin- nio-ii s nsit inn -a! since the day's ;oi' . tin-. !!iii7 ii'i""'. Kioi.lng .broke tnif aliont ilu- I'.irt lor.- ris hranch in One Ilnnd I- lnhi h fi reel this i-v -.1 an. I Thirty- I. 1 1 m .-n I tin lili- Jllol police reserves had to' of iiieii 'and women wit a.hont the bank damn -sti'-fi To" their .money. Hut the Per s bra t was not the only one.wh scenes, and police', actio practically all the . bran were tinder -nolice guard Hie excited and un-jry d hulk of business had In small retail men many icli saw lively o. . IJy.. noon !i institutions ; o, hold h ,, I - l.-isitors. The i-ii done-, wit; of whom .dc- posited all their '-Christmas r.ceipt last week. The .-mspensidn of '..the hank .ma; involve tlie manaeement of the Aetna Indemnity Company, ot Hartford Conn.: the' Title, & Guarantee Com pany of Rochester, X. Y-; the Fidelity Development Com.pany of this -city.- 'and the Bankers Realty & Security Com puny. ' .. '' -,"'. otto H. Kii-v. formerly state sup erlntendent bf.-'Insurjtnce,' is president of the Aetna Indemnity Company and four of tlie insurance and ideni- plly '.concerns mentloed are said to l.d controlled "by Joseph' (1. liidiin, 'ehair man of the executive connniitci Xorihern Hank. of the f'rior: to.-the .1907 panic the -to'.vd was deeply interested Hemze in ' tin .Vetna IiHlemuity. and 'the Title .& (iuarantee Company. Attluir Ihinzc being -prcKident of both concerns. The illapsc. of the copper pool enabled Joseph O. Itobin to step in. , Robin took over the control of the two companies from tlie lionize tam- iiy to utilize them "in his consolidatloi of three crippled banks. - Mr. Rohm owns M per cent of th etna Indemnity Company and l lint 'oncern 'owns .outright all the stock of the Rochester, N. Y. Title & -Guarunfee impany of which Sir. Kelsey is pres ident. ' . Superintendent of Insurance llotch- kiss started an investigation or tnn Rochester' concern which is, innclive. This -Investigation led first In the Aetna Indemnity Company and thence to the ! ndoltlv Development Company and finally to the Bankers Really & In- nrance Comnanv. The intimate relations between the concerns ami the Northern Hank were disclosed by exM'rts of the state -in-Kiiranco department. It was tlie in- durance investigation which led Sup nintendent Cheney to iiKiuire into llu mans ot the Northern Bank and tins ed to tlie closing of that institution Chief of Kirc Dopartment. (Kv Leased Wire to The Times) OhieagQ. Dee. 27 -Assistant Fire Marshal Charles 15. Sevferltch was todav appointed chief of the Chicago fire department, to succeed the late Chief .lames Horan. who was killed while fighting fire at the Morris plant in the slock yards. JAPS SEARCHED FOR EXPLOSIVES (liv Cable to The Times.) Manila. Dec. ST The Japanese col ony h '.'re was excited todav over raids made bv I tilted States military author ities in a search of -Severn! of their esidenees for explosives. The bouse, occupied bv tlie local agent of the great Japanese .irmv and navy eontraeting firm, the Mitsui l!us- san Kaisha. known througlioiit Aineri- i and Kurope lis Mitsui it Company. was one of those (searched. No ex plosives were found, it Is reported, but the occurrence has (riven rise to the umors of the discovery of a Japan ese plot against tlie American govern ment and has caused intense excite ment in all quarters. The Japanese probably will protest to their govern ment. Spy Arrested. London fl Dec. 27 A dispatch from Manila savs that a Japanese spv was arrested by the United States military ill b ' MviY--: Slay o!ie, prominently known is tbinkiiig ol e.riliii" her auloliioaiapiiy, rlii'oiiicliuu.' (be happenings of hev eventtul Inc. In spcakim; of her woman who once owned the famous eiirlli('.inkes all over tin' v.oi-M v iili lliii'S li-oin (lie time ol (be big tire '.Since May oiie wrote her book.' libel suits ll I were to tint in -tin- authorities, us Corrigirdoi- Island to day. Tlie island is being strongly for ttlied by the 'American authorities to defi. r,d Manila from tittack bv sea.. TIIHKAT OK I.VCillt;. Danger ol Mob 1 lolcnce in West irgiina lin Troops Asked I or. ( Hy Leased YA iro to the Ti n h l t'haileslon, V. Va., Dee. 27 Gow ernor Glascock was today notiiieil t hat a critical situation prevails at Weston, where William Fiirljy, a ne gro, charged with criiuinal assault, is lioing guarded from lynching, in the county jail. .The .'governor, was .asked to hold troops in readiness to rnsli to the town. Flora Anulin. aged ;1. was ilir victim of . Fnrhy, and it. is believed that there is little chance tor her re covery. " Justice -Hughes told Gov ernor Glasscock iliac it - would prob- bly be impossiido to control the towns-people if the girl died, . and that an attempt would bo made to spirit Furby to the Clarksburg jail. HAYTIUX lIOItDKi; I)ISI1 TF. Assurance of Settlement: Discounted by I'riparation lor tlistilittes. l By. Cable to Tlie Times) Port an Prince. Dec. 27 -- Despite the assurances given thai the Iron tier warlnve between Stint. i Domingo and Havti over tlie 'border dispute mid confessions to Americans, would WHOLESALE VOTE (Hy Leased Wire to The limes) Columbus, u., Dec. 27- tiovernor Harmon will ask Die legislature as soon as it. convenes for -an investigation.' of buying ot votes in Adams i-oiiiiiv. The .yholesale buying of votes as developed by. the special grand jury of West l. nion has stirred up the governor. Ho lias assured Judge ISInir that he would cooperate with him in 'every way to unearth the illegal voting. Seven hundred . and ill'ty-ei(jlK are now under indictment and bv the end f the weak it Is expected that at least 1M10 will be In the net. Killed Hold-up Man. ( Hy Leased Wire to The Times. 1 Kankakee, Ills., Dec. 27---John Walton stabbed a hold-up man to dealli early today and routed, two others with a kmle when he was held up near his no me. both in this eoimlrv and Europe, who plan recently in San I'raucisco, the Hope diamond saidi "1 should cause r.iv book, instead ol !ating every here, as they do now, people would say, lint I'm alrnul I slmaM have too manv names." result in no further hostilities, but.4 talions of. soldiers were moved to ward t he buttle zone from both side; today toiiowmg tin engagement in wbc.;r two score tire said to have per sued, aiiiong tiieni at least- one American, Marion K. lleall. The bat't le was' 'fought near Comen- d-idor. and both Hides retired with Dttf either winning a clear-cut vic tory- The Mtiytien '..government some time ao granted a number ot con cession, to Americans .and this '.aroused tin ire of the Dominicans ' who' .charged that, the territory given to tlie Americans did. not rettlly. be long to Ha i i. . . Mr., lit nil was ii cijHionis ' o'ttlcer iinil had been ii Santo, Domingo for about two and a half years.' Ill TTKR DKOTIIFIIS DltOWXF.D. I.iowned in hamtwhit River in Vest ivmnia t I'.y Leased Wire 10 The Times) 1-yiu h'b'urg. I) -c. , 27- Worn Avas received today of the, drowning of Ceorae and Risiine Htitter, at '0 a it ley Uvidge,: . W. - Va., in tlie Kana wha river late ves terdiiv.. lloth men were cniiii god in m inihg o)erations in West, Virginia. :.. , The brothers were prominently conueci..,! in 'Virg'nia and New York society.-"'-They ' were related closely to i he l.ai'.uinv nis of Albemarle connl.v and to .'vs. ' Charles Dunn (libson itnd .Y!r.-;..!acob Astor. . Revolt in Caroline Islands. .( t!y ('aide to Tiie Tiniesl Herlin. Dee. : 27 'Although the iidonial ot lice received a cablegram todav I rout the Herman governor ot I he. Caroline islands, report ing that the German soldiers upon the islands could handle t he .situation the Ger man, cruiser was ordered to Ponape, where the iinmos. are in revolt and are reported to lie killing whites. . The Caroline Islands are m the Pacific ocean, due east trom the Philippines. I hev were -purchased by' Germany froiii: Spain in ..1899. I here are about fiSll islands in the group, the two most important being Yap and Pontipe. Familiar Figure at Capitol Dead. ( Hy Leased ire to The Times.) Washington, Dec. 27 J. Hancock Kohinson, Conlederate veteran and secretary to three of Mississippi's senators, died while sleeping on a conch tu the senate office building to day. Heart failure was the cause ot death. He was 02 years old and for more than twentv years had been a familiar figure at tae capitol. KIDNAPPERS GIVEN III III SENTENCE Not Less Than 25 Years Fcr Man and Woman Kidnappers JUDGE WAS" SEVERE rushing Wow Struck at "Black band" Kidnapping Gangs When 'I wo Leaders, a Man and Woman, Were Given Xot Less Than Tweit- : ty-live, lenrs by Judge Fawcetfc ludgo Was Severe in Passing Sen tence und Said He Would Like to Have the Privilege of Passing Death Sentence Upon the Prison ers Woman Screamed Hysterical Iv When She Heard Sentence. tr.v Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Dec.. 27- A -crushing1 Mow was struck. 'jit "blaekhand" kidnaping tngs today when Marin Itappa and Manislao Pattenza. heads ot the ab- luction gang which stole Giuseppe I jingo and Michael Hizzo. two Brook lyn children, were sentenced to not less than 25 years and not more than III years and ten months, the woman Auburn and the. man in Sing' Slug prison. ' . ; Mrs. Kappa broke down in court when she heard ; the sentence, and, screaming hysterically, was dragged from the room. '"Pat tenza was indif ferent and walked, out stolidly. In sentencing the prisoners, Judge Fawcctl delivered the most scaffilng" tlenuneiation In the history of the ourts. declaring the pair menaces to society and expressing his regret that. he could not impose death penalties. ' The court was particularly severe In imposing sentence upon Maria Rappa. It is almost unbelievable," said the bulge, .-."that. -you could have held the broken-hearted children 20 days, knowing the terrible suffering of their distracted .parents. Y'ou have given birth to children your- own children lived m the very room where little iliuseppe Loiiqo was held captive. You have neither the spirit nor instinct of i ' mother. "The Ood-made mother love is bet ter shown in beasts than In vou. A good mother is the holiest thing alive but you give no qualities ot knowing -inything of goodness." : The .bulge declared that if there, had been an atom of mother love in- the breast of the prisoner she would have turned the little prisoners loose. The court declared that the cruel, unnat ural part played by the Rappa woman branded her as an undesirable mem ber of society. "The limit ot punishment is not too severe for vou,'' said Judge Fawcett. Vour children will be treated kindly." In sentencing Pattenza, Judge Faw cett scored the. black hand and its crimes. Your home housed the worst band of law less brigands in this country," ml the court, "and this case has proven that the notorious black hand is net a mvth. You and the other bad men of tlie society lived from tjhe fruits ot vour dastard'v crimes. You" onviction is the worst blow that .ias been dealt the black hand yet in the Cnited States.". .."'-.'; There was a grasp of astonishment in the court room as the judge ,ir0 nounced the woman's fate. If .ho liyts to serve ihe extreme penalty, she will be 71 when it expires, attcnm-wlll.be 7!).-' " " - '.''' IN CHICAGO STRIKE fliv Liiised Wire to The Times.) Chicago. Dec. 27 Rioting was re sumed in the garment, workers strike todav. A dozen Tickets attacked strike breakers at the Hart, Sc.haffner Marx plant and after a brief battle with special detectives were dispersed by the police, -several were injured. Passenger Train Ditched. Corry, Pti., Dec. 27 Passenger train No. 6;!, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, which left here for Buffalo ' at 4: SO this morning, was ditched at. SunNnerdalo, N. Y while running 50 miles an hour. The engine jumped the track and landed in the dep snow. ; It was reported that Engi neer John Miles was killed, and the fireman hurt, but this was afterwards denied. No passengers were hurt, but all received a severe shaking up,

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