7 U iY..f TIIE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1911. '7 FREE RHEUMATISM CURE. GET READY For the Legislature? Haven't you a room to Furnish" and Rent? An extra bed to "go in a room you already have furnished? CALL AND SEE US. Proud Satisfaction It is a dnriiift' ovpcriiiH'iK wlu'n yon (rifle willi yjuir lienllli. Don't I'l-orl'iiHtiimto. Consult your Doctor ulHnt your ills. : Re on the wilV side. Ki-Iiik your Prescriptions to us. You tlion have till Hint modern sricnro run give to. assist nuliirc in your recovery. BOBBITT -WYNNE DRUG COMPANY. . BOTH PHONES 109 Our inventory begins today (Tuesday) but the store is open for business and our competitive prices is still the feature and shall always be our motto. 1 Hunter Bros. & HALF THE HOUSE PAUL REVERE TABLEWARE STRONG and SIMPLE yet ORNATE and AR TISTIC. An exclusive pattern made only in STER LING SILVER. H. MAHLER'S SONS JEWELERS. 2p life urns. mmmmmm. 11 . nil Mi : 0. J BreverCompany. DEVOTED TO SHOES. We are Of fering Ex ceptional Values in Suits and Overcoats. Every Suit and Over coat in the house has been greatly reduced in price. Drop in today and let us show you real bargains. I Durham Merchant Charged With Burning Store A, S. Greeubnrx Arrested I5crnu.se of Suspicious Condition!) About, the Fire Durham Wants Part of Wake County Sermons by Dr. Kilgo. ; (Special to The Times.) Durham, N. C, Jan. 2 The ease against Arthur S. Greenberg, the merchant who is under arrest in this city, charged with setting fire to his Btore, was continued by the recor der until tomorrow morning, this be ing asked for by Attorney Percy Reade, who is appearing for Green berg. . There is much interest in the case here, and the announcement that the case would be tried this morning brought out a number of people, who wanted to hear the evi dence in the case. The arrest of the merchant, whose store was recently destroyed by fire, late Saturday afteronon, was not. a surprise to many Durhamites, who witnessed the -fire. The fact that the (Ire was one of those that, just would not be put out, the recent increase In the Insurance carried by the merchant, the actions of the man during the fire, and the reported bad financial condition of the business, created a chain of" cir cumstanced that the insurance men thought sufficient evidence for the ar rest of the man. In addition to this, some of the firemen report that when they went, to the rear of the building to fight the fire from that side, they saw a man leaving the building, : Deputy Fire Insurance Commis sioner W. D. Scott spent sometime in the city, making the investigations for the state and insurance people. After some difficulty Mr. Greenberg golf his father, M. Greenberg, and his brother-in-law, H. Brady, to go on his bond-. The difficulty lay in the fact that the son has recently had trouble with his people. He fired his mother, who was clerking in his store, and had a .'tight, with Brady over a loan that was made. Midst the recent clamoring In a number of parts of the state for the cutting up of old counties and the for mation of new ones, the proposition of enlarging Durham county, by cut ting off a part of Wake, conies as a novel proposition. The matter of an nexing Oak Grove township of Wake county to Durham will be presetned to the county commissioners, who meet in regular monthly session here today. There is also talk that a part of Chatham county wants to come In to this county. Sentiment here is divided as to the taking1 In of any more new terri tory. The county is a small one, and this has enabled the income to cover the county and build good roads in all parts, to put a good school in every district of the county and .to do other things that would not be possible did the county cover very much more territory. The coming in of the new year in this city was celebrated,, but the usual blowing of whistles and ring ing of bells was omitted. A number of these parties watched the new year in and the old one out. . The past year has been a notable one in the history of the city and county.: In the city about $200,000 has been spent for new buildings, took a fall put of about everything from the small cottage to the big building at Trinity College. The prospects for building next year is even better, for at least $150,000 will be spent at the college alone. This will be spent for I he new administra tion building, which is now being constructed, and a number of other dormitories and department build ings. " Following out a resolution passed at the repent meeting' of the college of bishops of the Southern Methodist church, Bishop 'Kilgo preached two new year sermons in this city yes terday. The morning sermon was preached at Memorial church and at night the Methodist of the city united i a service at Trinity College, which was conducted by Bishop Kilgo. Both were sermons of power, and in teresting as well as instructive. At the evening service the bishop took a fall out ta about everything going on in the world today. He de clared that what the church needed In these times was a genuine revival, that the writings of Tennyson, Wordsworth, Ruskin, Emerson and Carlyle, would avail naught in the final Judgment, that their writings were only for amusement, such as he received when he added a new pair of cult buttons to his wardrobe. He said that the majority of 'peo ple secured their religion from the gossip of the street corners and from the newspapers that printed the church notices in one column aud whiskey advertisements in another, and this stench from the laboratory of the street was offered to God without anything from the Bible With it,;:. The flax crop of Canada In 19(9 amounted to 2,213.000 bushels, vulued at 12,761,000.' the greater part of which "WnB usod to the manufacture of linseed oil. The condition of flax In Onrrada on August 31 was 67.85, as compared with 87.40 on the eome date in 1900. ' n num.- n Kddie Lennox, who tor two years has been the leading third baseman .f the National League, and who will play with the Louisville Hub of the American Association nel season. He bus (Missed the waiver gauntlet of the two major leagues, which will ho a big surprise to many, President Charles H. Kbbett, of the Brooklyn Nationals has turned him over to the Colonels. Three years ago, when with Rochester of the Eastern 'League, Lennox created a sensation and several chilis were after Jthe clever third sncker, but President Khliets was able to set. the prize inflelder at that time .MRS. SILKH li:.l. Mrs. J. Wade Siler, of Siler City, Died at Greenslmro Hospital. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Siler City, N. C, Jan. 2. After an illness of several montns, Mrs. J. Wade Siler succumbed to death in St. Leo's Hospital, Greensboro,';, onj Thursday last. Her remains were i brought to her home and interred in ' Oak Hill Cemetery on Friday.' evfti-j ing, funeral services being conducted ! by Rev, J. R. Edwards, assisted by Rev, E. VV. Cox. , . ' ' Although her death was not unex pected, as site had been critically ill for some time, the dfat li of Airs, Siler is a shock to her many friends. A young lady with a lovely disposition full of siins.iitic and synijiatiiy, her friends were numerous not only here, in her native town but throughout the state. Mrs. Siler, who; was'Mi.s. Berta! Jordan, was educated at. Meredith College, and soon after 'graduation was married to Mr. ,1. Wade Siler, some six years ago. . To them two children were born, a sweet little girl now some three years old and a baby boy only a few' months old. To be called from her faithful husband and two infant children makes her death peculiarly sad. Mrs. Siler was prominently con nected throughout the state, and is survived by1 her mother, Mrs. Cattiej M. Jordan, three sisters, a brother,; her husband and two little children.' t She was a faithful and consistent! member of the Baptist church of this' place, a young woman of talent, and of highest Christian character,: and the entire community grieves over her untimely death. FIVE CHILDREN M'RXKI). rurents Could Not Speak English and Kireemn Didn't Kno wllangcr. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Wilkesbarre, Pa., Jan. 2 Because they could not speak English, John Marsavage and wile lost their five children this morning, the. little ones being burned to death at their home at Minersvjlle, near here, when It was destroyed by fire. The mother and father, overtaken b smoke which filled their bedroom, dashed down stairs and got out . safely. At the time the lower floor was ablaze and firemen had ' reached the scene. Frightened and excited the father tried to explain that the five children were asleep in a room on the sec ond floor but the firemen could not understand. Then the father dashed into the house. By this time the stairs was on fire and He was driven back, badly burned by the flames: The charred bodies of the children were recovered later. Two adjoin ing houses were destroyed by the fire. Cl'RTISS HOLDS (TP. Won Cup for Longest Cross-country Flight Three Years in Succession. (By Leased Wire to The Tiems.) Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 2 -With the expiration of the year .1910, Glenn H. Curtiss becomes the per petual holder of the Scientific Ameri can cup for the aviator making the longest cross-coitntry flight, during the year. This trophy Is the first ever offered in this country for flights by any typo of heavler-than- uir machine. Curtiss has won the cup ; three, years in succession and the old year expired it became his person prop erty. ". ' ' - -. 1 B MARCHING OS CAPITAL. Rebel Force Expected to Attack Cap ital of Handuras Shortly. (Dy Leased Wire to The Times.) New Orleans, La., Jan. 2 With 'a de tachment of the revolutionary army in Honduras attacking the coast city of Puerto Cortez, the advance guard and main body of the rebel force is marching oij the capital, Teguicalpa, headed' by Lee Christmas, the Ameri can adventurer and General Bnnilla, for Former, .'president- of the republic, according-'to cables received from Hon duras today. ..'" Ti'guicalpa is expected to be u tucked hefoivjiifi-btfii.il,- according to these ad .vicos. Mercantile houses here received word that Puerto' "oyte had fallen although Hi-!-.- was. no cotiin mation of the re port'.; ,:". ':, ' ... : ' . ,' Thoi-iv are said to be: at : least. 2,6o6 well tli llled and well equipped soldiers in tin- force which moved upon Tog uiculpa. In the ranks are many Ameri can soldiers. There are also a number of .Niearaguans fishting under the rebel Standard, .-':' 'v.;. . . : . The forces are well provisioned, al though plantation owners arc com plaining that the revolutionists are seizing; cattle and horses. According to reports of the rebels, promises are made to the plantation owners of re compense when the Bonillaites get into poweiv Christmas and Bonllla seized tele graph wires so that information as to the whereabouts of the rebel forces could nof be obtained by the Davilla supporters.- It: the Davilla regime falls, as it is generally - predicted- that it will, the United States, it is declared will take charge of the financial affairs of the government. Advices received here led to the be lief today that the proposed tl2,000,(100 loan of the Honduran government will be pushed through The barst of Am erican capital wilt be brushed aside and concessions secured by American enterprises. Plans of new railroads are rumored In the cyent of Vnvilla's dowiifall iiriil .these, will be constructed by Americans With capital secured in the United States.: . Davilla will, probably follow' his patron, Zelaya,.' of '.Nicaragua, into ex ile, although he Will not go a poor man. ... For nearly ii . year he Is ac credited with periodic deposits of large stuns in foreign banks. , . .. FRANZ JOSEF ILL. Relieved. That. He. Is Planning to Ab dicate In Favor of His Heir, (By Cable to The Times.) Vienna, Jan. 2-The report that ln Hungarian empire is planning to ab dicate in favor of Archduke Ferdinand was revived otday by news of the seri ous Illness of the emperor and the con sequent cancellation of all official en gagements. While it was announced this morning that the emperor is suf fering only from a sever cold, It is known that he is unable to leave Ills bed and a court pbysieian is constant ly in attendance. Owing to the mon arch's advanced age, grave fears are entertained and it is believed that at the best he will never be able to bear the burdens of the crown again. Recently during the conclave of the Austro-Hungarian delegates at. Buda pest, Archduke Ferdinand was dele gated to receive them. This was the Bust time In the reign of Franz Josef that the monarch did not welcome the delegates In person and was the soure of the original rumor that Fran?! Josef Is quietly preparing to step down and give the relnR of government into the hands of his heir. The state reception which was to have fcecn held today hu been In definitely postponed. A chauffeur holding a license granted by any--forHgn- nation is permitted to drive an automobile in Spain, but mieh license should always be canled and shown on demand. SPIES HAVE HEEN Rl'SV. Jupanese Know AH Aliout What is Going on in Manila. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Jan. 2.- Japanese spies have been busy in the Philippine Is lands, and particularly In Manila, tor several months. They have Se cured maps of the islands and of the harbor and fortifications at Manila. This information was given today by lgnacio Villamor, attorney-general for the Philippine Islands, and by Ponciano Reyes, prosecuting attorney of the bureau of justice at Manila, who have arrived here to tsetify in the congressional inquiry into the sale of friar lands in the Philippines. "Under the Spanish regime there was a law which provided that civi lians could be held if suspected of being spies, but when the United Slates acquired the islands this law became obsolete. There is no doubt that the Japanese government is fa miliar with the' Philippines and the i ort iiiiat ions in the harbor of Ma nila, and those at Corregidor," said M. Villamor. "Several months ago nearly all the stationery stores in Manila obtained a stock of maps of the islands and Manila, and within a week or two all of them haU been sold to Japanese, so there is no-doubt that there has been a concerted effort by the Jap anese to obtain all the information possible." - Mr, Villamor said he had little knowledge of the strength of the fortifications- in the." Philippines, but it is the impression among military men in Manila, 1e said, that the har bor is well fortified. SCHOONER IN STORM. Weathered Hurrican Saturday . Night Towed to Port Today. " (Ry '.'Leased Wire to The Times.) Boston, Mass., Jan, 2. With her sails ' fluttering in ribbons, her rig ging swept away and her hatchways and decks battered, the four-masted schooner Nortnland, Captain Charles H. Saunders, is iii port after weath ering a hurricane off Cape Cod Fri day night and Saturday. , When the storm was at its height and the heavy tow-inch oak ddor of the after cabin had been battered down, flooding the : quarters, Mrs. Josephine Saunders, wife of the cap tain, was forced to wade waist deep through the torrent and flood in its fury to safety. She refused to leave the wrecked vessel,' even after the life-saving crews of Orleans' and Nau set volunteered to take her ashore and remained on board until the ar rival of the United States revenue cutter Gresham, which towed the Northland into port THE SCHENCK TRIAL. Will Probably be Postponed Again on Account of Woman's Health. Wheeling, W. Va.. Jan. 2 That the trial of Mrs. Laura Fa ms worth Schenck, charged with administer ing poison to her millionaire hus band,. John O. Schenck, will be post poned again, was indicated today fol lowing a complete collapse suffered by the woman. Physicians are in constant attendance upon her in the Ohio county jail, where she is con fined. ' - Mrs. Schenck became : hysterical when she learned, today that a few little. Christmas presents which she had sent to her children had' been intercepted by her husband, who has now practically recovered. Mrs. Schenck has traces of fever and at times suffers hallucinations. Visitors are barred from her. Her trial is set for one week from today, -.v. ROBIN IMPROVING. New. Yorlf, Jan., 2 Improvement In the condition of Joseph (1. liobiii. the young bank Juggler, whose manipula tions are responsible for the closing, of; the ''.Washington. Havings Bank and the Northern Bank of New York, and the colapse of the.' $2,000,000 South Shore Trolley Boad, has been so rapid that it was' reported today that he will lie arraigned tomorrow to plead to the in dictment charging him-With the theft of $SO,000 from. .'the. funds of the sav ings institution of which he was pres ident. - Kobin lias recovered sufficiently to enable his removal from Bellevuc Hos ptial to the Tombs. At the same time it was learned to day that William T. Jerome, counsel for Robin,- has decided to droy the in sanity .plea as a defense, this action resulting ifrnin Robin's nttempt at suicide. The nature of the new de fense ha not been revealed. THE RALEIGH iJAXl'AHY 2. 1011. NO. 101 HOUSEHOLD PREMIUM COUPON. ' This coupon, signed with the name and addresi of a reader of THE TIMES, will be honored on any of our Houaehold Prem- turns. Name aty NOTICE A complete set consists of thirty (SO) coupons of consecutive dates only one coupon of each date will be accepted In each set. . . , ' Hold Tour Coupons Until Von Have the Fall Ret. Remember, the thirty (30) coupons must be consecutively . )- dated. You can start with any date. The Worst Old Cases Solicited Cures Thru the Rlood Where All Else Fails Remedy Tester. For Past 30 V'curs Thousands Sing Its Praises. Aching bones, swolen joints perma nently cured thru the blood by taking Internally, Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It has made more people who suffer from rheumatism . happy by curing them than any other remedy. If you have bone pains-solatia r shooting pains up and down the leg, aching back or shouldr glades, swollen joints or swollen muscles, dif ficulty In moving around so you1 have to use crutches; blood tliin or skin pale: skin itches and burns; shifting pains; bad breath; lumbago, gout, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) which will remove every symptom, because B. B. B. sends a rich tingling flood of warm, rich pure blood direct to the paralyzed nerves, bones and joints, giving warmth and strength just where it is needed, and in this way making a perfect lasting cure of Rheumatism in all its forms. B. B. B. has made thousands of cures of rheumatism after all other medi cines, liniments and doctors have fail ed to help or cure, DRUGGISTS', or by express, $1 PKR LARGE BOTTLE, with directions for home cure. SAM PLES SENT FREE by writing BLOOD BALM CO., ATLANTA, OA. Describe your trouble and free medical advice given, . GOWANS King of Externals introduced5 Imitators have tried to imitate, i ana 'SUDSucunon nas been attempted. But once GO WANS always Gowans for inflammation and congestion.; It gives 00 pleasure to recom mend Gowaus Preparation for Inflammation, especially of the throat and chest. We hare sold Qowaos Preparation for many years and never had a complaint. - BURLINGTON DRUG CO.. Burlington, A. C. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOKE AUDnMUi. 1. SO. 25a. 0WAN MEDICAL C0m DURHAM, N. C. Iwrnli, ui wmintnttt tr n Imjltt POPULAR iVIECHANICS MAGAZINE "Wrillen So Von Caa Understand II" 300 Pictures 400 Articles 250 Pages Every Month A wonderful story of the Progress of this Mechan ical Age. Instructive, but more fascinating than any fiction. A magazine for Bankers, Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Farmers. Business Men, Man ufacturers. Mechanics. Has 1,200,000 readers every month. Interests everybody. When you see one you understand why. Ask the man who reads it. Your newsdealer will show you one; or write the publishers (or a free sample copy. The "Shop Notes" Dept. of mm, teiu t r easy ways to do things-How to make repairs, and articles for home and shop, etc. "Amatenr Mechanics" jo pas", ten? how ; : . to make mission rumiture. wireless, boats, engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves. $1. SO per year, sirwte copies IS cents ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER Or Addrwa POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE 223 Washington St., Chicago HOTEL STV DENIS' I BROADWAY and 11th ST. NEW YORK CITY Within y access of every point of in. tereat. Half , block from Wanamsker's. Five minutes' wsik of Shopping District, NOTED FOR: Excellence of cuisine. fl comfortable appointments, eourteoua service ana nomciiKe wnwiirainn. Rnomt SI. 00 ier div and urn t With privilege ol Bath i.rw per aay ana up v EUROPEAN PLAN Table Hole arcekfast . 6(r A asfas -r vi ne a. enn Associatod Practice. 4) IR. H. W. GASCOCK. ' ' nr.. Ij. o. mohris. OSTKOI'ATHS. ) Masonic Temple. 0 "Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation," and Nearly Everyliody Head The Kalelgh Daily Timet. - t DAILY TIMES .. .. a 4 ) ' ;";-;W',fifc H.iiiiii-.:i-lZMA. U- i '. id r