MEMBERS TIRE UNDER STRAIN OF THEIR WORK Many Representatives Get Leave to Go Home For Week End Committers and House Clearing Files of Loral Hills Kirst Large Number Passed on Third Heading -Judge Knurt Protests Against lleiiiR Crowded hy Justices of Peace Also Want Chenor Sleep ing Car Htes State Fair Charter Amended Kiiphl Kire Passage of Kills in Housc .Idjonrns I'ntil Regular Hour Tomorrow. The week-end of tiie second week found many members of the legisla ture' affected with nostalgia- In tiie house tuore were a dozen applica tions for leaves of absence over Sun day, all of which were granted with out objection. It was an expressed opinion of some members tiiat a thin ning out of t ho house -membership might he conducive to expedition ol business lnasniucii as there will still be a good -working, quorum left Among those excused were: Dixon of Jones, Gay ot Northampton, Swain of Was.ilnglon, -Williams of Bun combe, Pillard of Guilford, Sikes of I tilou, i'tfrham of Dav'dson.Thorne of Pitt, Klrkman of Guilford, Wood son of Cleveland, Warren ot Person and Latham of Beaufort. Wnen the nouse took up. the. reg ular. order of reptirts of coiunnriees the measures reported, it was found were mostly of a local character. It seems to bo tne purpose of both the committees and t;ie house to clear the Hies of all local bills as fast as thev come in, leaving the wav open later for tiie consideration of. more important legislation ot a state-wide character. Among tile more import ant measures reported was the-new cnarter lor ureensboro, granting it a commission torm of government which came m witu a tavorable re port. 1 he . general, lull to raise tut: limit ol the rate ol legal interest in the state did not appeal to the judic iary committee and it -was reported unfavorably. Svw P.iil.s Ollcrcd. Among the ntw. measures 'iflcieJ was a bill to permit tno Nort.n Caro lina Agricultural Society to hold property to value of Jl.'iO.OOU This' was offered ov Mr. Halt to at tin instance of the. '-late tair authurilie: and provides for lac additional build ing and improvements to be made at the fair grounds. Judge liwart, ol Henderson, who has furnished the most ..original measures offered in I lie house so far, came to tne Iront again with two propositions one novel In that It was a protest against overrunning AT HANDS GF BROTHER (Special to The Times.) Dunn. N. C, Jan. 13 The accidental killing of Carson Jli-Laml). a nlnc- year-old boy bv his brother, Arthur McLamb, aged eleven, at the home of their father. Ira Mcitimb. a prominent farmer, who lives near. Kaynor Hills, 4lbout three miles north- of Dunn, a few days ago. Is another sad story of the ' unloaded gun." It seems that an "unloaded gun" was left ill the. house by Hen MoUiiul. a brother of the stepmother of the young i bows, who worked with the lamily. The father, Ira McLamb, had gone to Giles' Mills, in Sampson county, anil their mother being dead, there wus no one at home except the young boys and their stepmother. After Ben Mc Lamb had left the -home for his work, Arthur thinking the guji was unloaded, took It down, examined it. and taking aim at his brother, said: ' Carson, I m going to kill you." Carson turning to look at his brother just as the gun went off. received the entire load In his head, which entered at the corner of the left eve and completely took oft th back of the head. Death resulted almost Instantly. tt Is said that Arthur Is prostrated over Urn sad affair and has attempted ills own life., , . -iff iJlp iiglnia and Robert Scbenck, Scl enck. In testimony given by a stated thai the little liny li:nl :isi sumo poison that Ins lathi r hail been his county with justices of wie pence and the other popular hue improbable of passage, providing -for: a : redaction in sleeping car rates in the--.-slate The latter bill provides that the max mm in charge for lower berths in state shall be $.1.2C.. ru.l for nppc Jl.OO. Tim makes' consider able reduction from the newischeduli recently fixed by tne Interstate Com merce Commission, but .'.-Judge Kwart s bill is designed to affect onlv intra state traffic- In explaining his resolution ot pro- test against more justices in his county, he stated that Henderson county now has about 100 magis trates, who are - costing the.: county about $700 per year, all told. As this is a republican county Judge Hwarl is doubtless pained to lie sur rounded by so nianv democratic ot-hee-holders. fiiere wore two score or more bills on the third reading tile and while thev were being passed .Speaker- Dowd called .Mr. Turlington, ol Iredell, to . the chair. lie presided with dignity and dispatca and suc- ceedej in running tnrough the cal endar lor the day on record time, as sisted by '..Journal Clerk . .Hoffman;. Wiio relieved Reading (Turk. Poole at the desk. Mr. Iloltiiian can prob ably skip more ot a bill and call low er real iiiiiues on a roll call ami got i way Willi li. lliau any employe, of liouse. J lie nore-;nitv lor ncv ci al roll calls over money bills delay ed .inn, but a (rifle. 100 votes being cast in the iillirniallve and none in the negative: lor all.: House limit me Proceedings. i he house was called to order by Speaker Dowd, who called upon Rev Mr. Barber to offer prayer. Reports ol Committees. T lie following bills were reported tavorablv, except as noted: To change time ot "holding court in Sampson county. To provide additional term ot court for Scotland. To Increase pay of court stenogra pher of Pitt, county. To repeal drainage law relating to Indian Creek. To promote live stock growing in Beaufort county. To amend fence law of Perquim ans county. To authorize Issue of bonds for roads in Itpwan county with amend ment. , To amend law relating to servlco of summons. To change jury fees of justice court. To provide for pay .ot witnesses in Macon county when no true bill Is found. To establish a school tax district in Beaufort county. To regulate interest. Reported un favorable. To prohibit disorderly conduct on New Hanover county roads. To regulate practice of veterinary surgery in Robeson county. For relief of Miss Maude Berry, court stenographer of Macon. To protect quail In Gaston county. Continued on Page Two,), - aritMvoi to witness lor tin- prosccutinii H Wi ll vi:r n v. :i rvidc-co ol limiiiy rcrci-,! given. TRAIN SIlMlf! SNOW Fifty Passengers Facing Death In Mountain Pass 'Hssen Mai! lief ;er I rain I liable lo Train .Also "Stock" I in i as ( an't Ucach Move iml lie ! Iicin- I'ood aiid l iiel Scarce, (By Leased Wire to Tiie Times. I ' Spokane, WUsli., Jan. .13 Faein starvation or (leain nv freezing uu less aid reaches them soon, fil. v pas sengers irom Chicago and ot-.ier east orn points are. held,, prisoners iir i Great Aort hern train that, is henim ed in by giant snow drills in one ot the highest passes ot lac itorkv .Mountains in Montana. ....tHiprwuoncu wn.n . tne passengers bur unable, to do inuc:i to relievi plight, are nearly twenty train hands ind railway postal clerks, the latter being on a mail train 'which is xtall ed a short ' 'distance . from tiie ".Or cgoutun i, muted, . as the passenger Is known on the train schedules. tour huge .snow plows have been scut lo the aid of the stalled train ivvo i iimi cacti ol tiie ;;t-!lion;Miearcsr. ! lelding. Mont., to I lie east and wcsl I he trains are near 1' ieliling. None ol rolanes have been able to make any impression on the huge drifts. ' One 'westbound .rotary sue reeded in gelling about thirty miles lroin Havre. .Mont-., on Us relief mis sum. . II. could get no turlhcr, and when an a' tempt was mudc'lo return it was I on lid that the. track also was blocked.- Tins rotary still is stuck in thi' snow. I lie two trains have been held in the drifts since Monday and I he last word Irom either was received on luesdav. when one of the crew ol the limited succeeded in reaching a telegraph box and established a con nection wit lr. Havre. He reported that their food supply was running out as there was no dining car on the train and that there was onlv a small .quantity, of liiel. I he mail train litis not been heard lroin since Monday and the men on board are believed to be in a more desperate plight than their fellow' prisoners on the passenger train. President ml Appointments. W nshington. Jan. 1;t President Tail today sent the. following nominations to the senate: . '; , flitted States judge eastern ijislriel ol New ork Van eehstein Veeder: l-nited States eastern district of New York llliani ,7. Voting: Surveyor ot customs. Atlanta. Ga.. Marcellus (). Markhain: collector of eustcmtH.. port- land, Ore.. P. S. Malcolm. Itoy Killed by Mother. -Albany, N. Y., Jan. litThe fi-year-o!d boy Hlaln with poison and left on the turnpike road In a swamp was to day Identified by his relatives as Georgia Molber. of Soheneetnrtv. A tilate-wldo search was immediately ordered for ids mother, , children ol Mr--. I -nun IS. SUM GETTI PALE Showing Effect of the Heavy Nevous Strain She Is Undergoing n Male's use is .Almost Impicgii ilde lie Court Koniii I .nwvci s Say ( ri.-wd Outliers lo Hear Sens it I estiiiiony hy Nurse Juliette Mine Dr. Kurdiils; Dentist, I'iisi ait iievs Kvauiiucd StliencU's Tc th end ( nine to the luiclitdnM II- , U us Siiflerilig i r itii ',rii- Slutc's ;!e About onseleie- . ( By Leased Wire heeling, ;. Va and agitated,' jlrs.. l. heoencki on trml t-livini.-iteilng pp).si.i: loll!! 6. Schene!;. . o.The . .!,-tn. lima V liirgt-d- 1 lines,') i.: i'. trnsv.oi wiiii ti he, ric tin; - ' pa- S..IO-. ed in court ,t tllili Ihet: of i lo. iriwl ha t; ilil t- 1- II ,, "f ii-ps ipiiv "lantl-y ;:.veii" Valid still cti I .'notebook.-' . !'rs Kigns of. v '.utor.seje.rfi . a ..uiorney 11..! hr, building A,s - Kov ro- i her ;!ie. smiled, .. ever, :s!ie .-. 'i i wit '.I her (. law- hooks ;-.el. Scheuck'. liilhiw a l'rnsecutii sk I'lli: v hi in is niaiiiiie. upon u ii I:, i t hi ci tt comjisssioij Jsvhat ltiwyc-i-H r.irt'rs'Sif'flai't ternre.l tin Iiiire.;nable: cvo, ' -. ''T.I-i i Tiarsiliility that Xuise .lulielte Klioe, ilje detect n e-;i;:v.-, -woul.l give siartling and sensaiiotial ei- deiioe-.. -hrtiiigt out an army, of nien iiik! wonien. who fought aleiul Ohio) ciiiiniy court limiMi'.-'sm'kiiig d-'.::is;-ion lo .Itidge -fordan'.-i coiirt: The first n'tniess of the .day, cull ed by; the. prosecution',, v.,:-:- ii;-. V. (I. Burduts, a dentist,- who was culled testify that the black lines-.found on Schenck's guilts tincl declare. I by !): I.. Hupp to be tae re.sulL .of. ar ser.ic lioi.Ss'niiig, could not iiave ' re suited ' -from-.defective- tectli.. . Before Dr. litirdats look Hie if ..began to look as though flu would ...he ie;yed through the appearance of the ilefeuilaiil sinnd "'. trit nor Wild (iuiilly hustled in, iice-iitipanieil To her lawyers and it was explaine-l lu tae court tnat the lateness of t tieii ari'i al wax tliic to an import nut con ference which had been held in .Mrs .Schenck's eejl, . While. await ing the of Mis Sichonel; and her -lawyers. I'roi.ecn tor. Haudlaii tieelared that, he-could produce t.,ii- niore w it i.-,. i ., if tie cessury. to ' .labiitn liie; guilt ol in woman. 'Tt. will not lie necei, In call that 'number',..", however,", said - -Mi'-. Handbill; "I intend to call Dr. .1. Mnlletl. til the l inversitv ol Virginia. who made a chemical analysis ol the water given to Mr. Schenck mid (Continued on Pago lour) A M TRAIN FROM The (orpiHiition coniiiiissioiiers had before them today Mr. II. W. Miller. assistant to president ot the Southern Railway, and after conlerenco and agreement, 'Mr. Miller speaking tor ho Southern Railway, agreed to pill in .operation witnin about, two weeks new additional passenger train be tween Raleigh and Greensboro. I his train is to leave Greensboro at !0 a. in., and to arrive at Raleigh al :l:;;il a. in. Returning leave Ral- igh at 7:ioi p. m. and arriving at Greensboro al 10:00 p. in. T here will he a Pullman ailaelied to this. 'train. This will enable a passenger to take ptillman at T p. in. and reach ashlngton at'!: a. m. next. 'morning, connection being made it Greensboro. Trunk ol Mrs. Mcllicr f ound. (U.V Leased SVIro h The Times.) Itoehestef. N. Y., Jan. 13 The trunk of Mrs. Edith Melber, the mother of Georgia Melber, the bov poisoned to death at Albany, wus found here to day. The police are waiting at the tatlon to itrrcHt Mrs. Melber when she calls for It, ' , U NERVOUS ; ' - -.' :'.. -' . -..-v:-:- - ' .,- 3- :4S'' r ' ' . ' ... -. ' ." .J. '.-: -A;-,'-' ' ;':: - " ' v - ; y ' . " - ' - i "-'H. VtVriW-'vfi- i::-:vH'.;.v, -f K tl "I I i li ing. .!-.( FO CENTRAL WMM Cali Issued lo Keel Here Feb.! 1 "14 to Finish Project Proposed , i'.uili! t.ri'at Male Hi-.iii-:iv lroin I'eaiiiiiit -ailor to leu ires sei l.ine-( omit ies Along Itotito Asked lo ( c-operiit". ' Good day ; : great a-.uu-,'iieg 'of l lie W'a 1: e ( 'op til, v iiomls A. vo'r-iati.on held ..y;-sti'r-fiernoon ihe :ino enieiit for a trans-siate l:ig.liv.ay froni: BetiU- tort haroor to. the Tentiehsee line ,vas given a rtoeuhni impetus I. was decided to. :?eml . o;;! ri-q nests. ,:to nil the cotini ies ttirou-.rh vliich ilie pro- lio.sed h ing them ghwav to HSI is to pas-s, ask tuiii t lie sen I intent of their pt The road pi ns - ( einral through t Tic i-ile- on ilie priiposil ioii. proposed is t'ti 'lie ' now n Hidlnviiy'".. --and- is to run following cniiiii Ph. ci) ies and towns: " Carteret . ; Craven, . w iioir. Kiiiston; W'a: ne. Rein; l-e- ,. Gtildsbtti'o; ' Wai.e. . liat. i)n ; t' c;i h a rii : Cii il t'oini :- lia.i.l. in. ; i : i .lolinslon, S 1 1 1 Ii lilii Itl : eigh ;: lini'liaui,. . iiorh Ifil.l.iboro; Alaiuanee.. i I'ord, (Ireeiiiilioro, I i sou,. T'ltomasville, . l,e '.van. Salisbury ; (redt;!!, : Staic-svillv.; Caiawba. IIi"kory, Newton: litirl-e. MorSiinton'.:' .McDovveli, .Marion ; combe, Asbeville it ml .Miidisoii, Mar shall, It is iroposed thai the slate high way commission locate, i it-,- road, and .Hint. each county be aul liorized Jiy.' the legislature to itpiiropriale $,".0 ; per mile of road in its borders. Tile building i.s to be done by ' cotiiir.fs or by voluntary work ol ciii;:en;-. For I bo in ) pose (if reach ing. ;in un- derstiinding and securing co-opera Hon among 'the .counties n general convention of the counties interested is called to meet at. Raleigh. Tues day, -'.February II. and each eoitnty. city and town is reuueslet) to send delegates, as are also all civic bodies ilong the proposed route. ilie call tor tiie convention is signed by Or. -1. .M. Tetniiliton, prosi- dent, ot IIkv ala: Omnlv -Roads .As sociation: Edward K. Unit on and .1 V. foimnis. si'civl aries: Muvor .1 s; Wynne, Maj. . A. (irahani. pivsi- dent of the SI ale Good lionds Asso elation, and the officers of the -"local civic orgnnizal ions. KM OVS UV.t III IT'V. ( iiiiadlan I'isliery l.nvovs "ilad lie- cause ot Interview hecretiiry Knox. Atli ilmti i (By Leased Wire lo The Time .1 ushlugton, Jan. 1;! W ith sir hdward Morris, premier of New foundland, threatening lo depart Irom Wasuinglon in a rage and the otner Canadian hfehery envovs in censed at the statu department, the situation regarding the settlement of the Newfoundland fisheries dispute, in 'accordance wlili. the findings' of st hem I: ill tl ial in hel nivc biisbaiKi, i ri lliil M-ei', d a new iriiing'. or stittetiieni- i.-sued a brief to the ' point is . by erday ',1. iate ;;.eia!tment late tot-noon.; In the., infer- Ki-'OUjliy-!, made, that - the 'iv-.- v.on ti- i.-.-.Ttiilete vlctb? .'gotiatHins.. . It is said that i l.lileti ;: :ti the i Si. -.t r ;: ;heii ister of sliowu i or Mate. Knox dictated it lion. I.. V. liroilerick, mill fiiarine a I'd ('sheiies, was .copy lie plainly . indicated ills disapproval and could scarcely be rosU'aim.'il from repiniiatiiig it; Sir led ward .Morris abruptly declared- he would lea ve Washington as srion he heard of it. ; The L'ii n;i diuh delegates.-' declare only one point in Hie fisheries dis e He l:a been elea rlv . sett ied. and this was a victory for. the Doiuinion This 1 point was iisiiing on Sunday, wiich tile Gloucester lisliernien de- ;-ire, and which surrendered by tluV I'nlied States 'yesterday. Tiie right' to issue lieenses in treaty, wa ters,, and, I lie ; ii'(ilitliiiion 'it -purse seines in I'lshing are;' points to lie set tled, between th" I "hi ted Stales and Xew louniilaiid. STANDAIM) Oil, ( ASK. Attorney Milbui i) om-ludeil His '-iniieiit tor M iudai il ( )il. 'I-:;' 1 v:i..:'-: AV'Tr--' ' I 'i'l r'l ': fiMn': A i .' H ,-'in :.t.oii, -fin i;;-T!:.: Si.iiidai-d lilt 1 -ntUiy: l'!:iv III V I" 111" S.c"lld 'le'v's. halll'-. r"r its vsj I ) I . - biTiU'e the I :i.i !.;! ' .Slet. s s-i n -- 1 1 - : "A It; ri n.-.s . .Milliiii'ii. f.i'r I .lie Standard i HI.- i ,iie-i 1 1 1 ii :t t ' Iris ai'giiiiwnt ' in behiilf if tie -lipped trust. It an eliii'- ol-i'ie hi;:o y of .t It- -es;.'i.liisbinelll of lire ;ij .iie liih' : sy:'ein. - I ! said til" .Ste-cd-rrd '.Ml; .ow n'-d 'tlieiiv- pil"- lines, ahd- tliey ' w:c-re u-iy:V:e'' ii ni,-rly, hand- ting-' ll'i "Itiei oil ex. e;i ".that . Ii-'ini St. unlaid (PI i-eMio-i-M . ' ' T1- - a- iiuiiiliei :.,,r i : i- t let- n! pipe, .lines," .. In-';said. .' yaf-ry' oil fur.- iiiiyluHly.-. I;, deny the ciiarge that iadepincit -n't oil lines in ei'.y si-etion of t!:e ciiiirili-y liav-- in . r ai-ipiired by the Stalid.n',1 l'ii I'-eiiiMiiv;. . 'I'lii-re is no foundation for these .assertions-.'.' -; . lie luferved; .to" Ilie I'aet that- Ihe in tustat" eoiiinieive ro,viuiissioii had for two years oiilr.!:it pipe lines and that no one. so far .is le- Un-.-w . tr.i.t made con, plaint againsi 'the. Standard OH in (IlisK'Olv. ,-. He' l : l'ei-:,.;l ; o the od-v'-Uliee; ..'in llli- pi ie"s of con I llloi 1 i t ies in ilie l;i.--l titu-o .is: sjing tliat in I-'.'", less til l!) iTn'.i ti. id the jmreh isiiig liow.-r of $1 .."'in now hut ihat during Ibis in i Pel tin- eoin.:-iiy had steadily i-eiii'iced ihe prleii of iis products. "I-U'vi?) iliing thai li,is: l-ia'.icni-d; in ih' uii lii'i,.', eo niatier of what etiai a. l.-r. is i-liaigi d to the Siandard nil i'oiii..'inj ." he decl.u ed. "Sixty-t bice percent of i-eliie il oil Kshipflcd aliro id, and tin New York pi ice is the export price'.". . ' lie r.-ieiied to the fact that, the in- the business of inHany is largely i In due staml to bv- ird "it '' roduel-i. Miin.igcr tor 't.vncliburg. (My, Leased Wire In Tiie Tunes.) LynehbitrK. "a., Stoekdalcs, a vol .lan. ' IS Otis eran pitcher in II. tho Southern Association, has been releas ed by Birmingham. Ala., to tho Lynoh burR Club of the Virginia State League ami today slijned a contract to man ago tliu .oval team this year. II SENATE SY WIN MAN BEES Bill Endorsing New Orleans for Panama Exposition City Passed Third Reading TRINITY COLLEGE BILL Senate Iteceives a -NuihImt of lillls I rom the House aud Kefers Tlieiu to Proper (Vnmiittpre Bill Litn n ing Liability ot l idelity and -4s-siirnnee Coiiipaines Hill Author izing Clerk of Court to Pay Out .sums of Money to Indigent Chil dren Kevoral floral Hills Intro, diirotf Bill KetiuestiiiK North Car olina .senators and Congressmen to Vote Kor New Orleans For Ex position City Passed Third Iteatl uu;. I tie lull ol Representative Ra.v, which passed the house a few days o. prohibiting the sale ot near-beer, beermc, or other drinks containing ilcohol in Macon county, c.aino up. for consideration in the -senate touay . with a favorable reimrt lroin the com mit lee on propositions and grievances which added an amendment provid- i".- imit the bill shall, not interfere willi the sale of soda fountain drinks. dozen or more senators joined in the dtseussiou, w hich lasted nearly an hoi'r. tiie different speakers express- met tiieuiselves In no uncertain terms, Senator linssett s motion to iost- poiie action was lost and nuaily tne bill passed its readings and was sent to the house lor concurrence in tho amendment. " senat or Ilarham s bill changing Un law relative lo the speed limit of au tomobiles and penaltv tor violation also precipitated a lively discussion. It was re-reterred to the committee on propositions and grievances. Several bills ot a local nature were introduced and action was taken on a number of local matters. T he senate was rapped to order at 1 1 o clock by President Newland.' praver beinn tillered bv Rev. J. S. Massev. editor ol the Christian Ad vocate. -.- - '; lite lull appointing C. II. Harris and -I. , Hobbins justices of the peace, in Hockv Mount, township, .Nash county was rnlihod. House I tills, ' The .following'! bills, were, reported an having nassed the house and Pres ident Newland relerred tliera to proper (-"hiinillees; : lieialive to I browing . tiitwclusl, ill . Hi:;. Ivy creoU. Huncoinbo county.. iilidiil ing the election of justices ol the peace in Allcghnnv county. Uogulaling -pay. of jurors and ve nireiiien in Stanley cotinfy. . lielating to dogs in Granville county. . ' - . -' . , ' hnipowcring Trinity College lo do .(Continued on Page Vive.) ., FATAL COLLISION ON N. Y. CENTRAL Illy l.onseU wire lo The Times.) lata via. -V Y., Jan. 1,1 Four persons were UHleil and nearly a score in- jiii-i-it in i ear-end collision on the .New York central here shortly after 7 o elock today. A westbound train crashed into tin- Buffalo Special,, train .No. while it was standitiif on a sid es- wailing to pull out. The IJufTalo -I'Ooiitl, which runs from- 'Xew York In Chicago, lell New Yolk ut ti o'clock last evening. - After the crush (ho ears caught lire. Ilie tram which crashed Into the liiillalo .Special was Ilie Western K- press, iinolber fast tram running: be tween laiston and liuflalo. Three cars were coniplelely telescoped and. the locomotive drawing the Buffelo Special was buried Into a ditch. The fii in the rums hindered tho rescuers In thlr work. . , A heavy fog prevailed which ob scured the signalH and this In believed lo have been the direct cause of the accident. . .. The trains wore runnlntr about 10 minutes apart. The Buffalo Express was Just getting ready to depart whea the Western Kxpruss trH-vClllng at ter rlllQ speed, crashed Into the rear end,