January 17, 1911. Tells About the Crime Tuesday, ... 14 72c. RUGBY FOOT BALLS BOYS, hurry and get one .iQjSjj! of -these great footballs, only a limited number at this half price. Let us talk to you about your wants in the furniture line. Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street. Raleigh, N. C. 1 . : I Nolo 'riiici.-ms of plays render ed nro written by a member of The llaily Times staff. All oilier mailer, particularly advance notices, is fur nished . by representatives Ml' . the theatre.) The (ieorno Kvans' Honey l!u !instrels Uoep close' to the old time llavor of this time Honored style oL entertainment..- Toe semicircle in whleii "Bones" and Tambo" reign supreme, is retained and the middle man" still : has his troubles witli these favorite lesters. James .1. Cor bet t. is tho interlocutor of the min strels this year. 'and will tell his own story of the Jeffries-Johnson fiuht at Reno-, when the: Honey Hoy's -.appear uL T.io (Jinnd Tnoatrc, matinee and night, .Saturday. . "THK OLD SCK.T( II." How the lOvil One nine to lie l'opii liirlv Know n its '"Hie Old Scratch." . ' liiit ' j't the maiiv familiar 'nanies or his - s:iia:iic iiKijcsty Is ."Tli- lid Stn'nteh." It i-i iindoulil. ;d!y due to the fact t:h:is-s-rr;!teliinsr is so disa'srcoabli ili.il Im-'C'Ii' ihoiiKlu it no. worse than Hi'-, evil line, . sr.ilji full o'f dandruff kw-'ps , en s.iat '-hint? iiH. the time; net i.niy liy:mT'-ahle but eon-id. -red very ifi-'fi4!i.ni in polite society if shoiil.l bc-)tO'-aus.' one outjht to kei p the snip 'so Wean thai--it unil.t not iu-h. Tii' cure: .the " sculp of-d.mdriiil' effective. !y use N', -t 'hrn'.j Herpieldi-. It kills. -the Kevin thai ctvan s the ilanilrtilT.: which is pivii miliary, to I'aliiiiK iialr, . and finally, haldtiess.; .'.!' oi!i-r hair prep aration kills tip-jhuidnilT BPl'ni. Ilerpi rlde also is a very t1 1 ieli tf n 1 and ef fective liair-drcsslng. , Sold Ity li adins drusglsts-.. . .Send. : lite, in "-stamps for simple t'i Th. II. i pi. Co., IVtroU. Ml.-li. me dollar bottles ci iram i. Henry T. -I licks- Co., and Taekei' building Pharmacy. Atlantic hire Election..- The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Atlantic Fire Insur ance Company was hold in the .office of the comminv yesterday and the reports of tne. officers were satisfactory- The following' board ot di rectors was elected: Cnas. B. John son, A. B. Andrews. Jr., Alt. A. Thompson, E. C. Hillyer. T. T. Hicks. -'Joseph 0. Brown; Ivan Proctor, V A- Dunn, C. 13. Ru'rbee. J. S. Wynne. C. B. Edward.;, all of Raleish : Ash lev llorne, Clayton. X. (".; Joe Hos- cntlial. (Joldsuoro. N.-C: George Howard, Tarhoi o. N. C. : John Rlue, Aberdeen. N. C: Win. M SmlthfieUI. X. C.;.R A. Wilson. N. C: VYescott High. Point, X. 0. .Rocky Mount,. X. C S. B. Shepherd, C. W. N. Jones, D. 11 The new board of directors met immediately- thereafter: hud elected ! the following o!hce:-s: C harles E. Johnson, president-.;'.. Jon. (!. Brown, vice president; G. II. Dortch, secre tary; All'. A. Tjompsbn.. treasurer; It. S.f Rusbee, manager; A. I!. An drews. Jr.. attorney Vor LaOrippe C ourIis and Stufly Colds Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It gives 'quick relief and expels the cold from your sysu-m. It contains no opiates, is safe nnd sure. Kins-i.'rowell ir.iK Company. ' .Animal Meeting ot the Itiotheiliood ol the Good shepherd. The annual nicotine of .ihe ISroih erhood ot Ihe Cood Kliepherd was held last nipht in the parish rooms. T.iere was a larsie attendance and much interest ..was manifested ''in. the work. The election ot officers was held. Mr. Graham Andrews was elected president and Mr. Oeorse T. Nor wood. 1 -secretary and treasurer. . . Saunders, oodard, . ltohertson. Til. II. Kicks, W: H., Barrow. E: Johnson. Jr., Hill.- aUo oi : Ral- Parson's I'orm a Gem. Prom Rev. IT. Stnhenvoll, Allison, la., in praise of Dr. King's New Life Pills: ,; "They're such a health necessity. In every home these pills should be. If other kinds you've tried in vain, USE DIt. KING'S. And be well again. Only 25c at King-Crowell Drue Co. : There i'j nlu ay-; ' side of the ruadv li oom nn .the .sunny I us walk there. Frank Powell Pardoned. Frank' . I'oweil,. 'of. "Yadkin ' county, convicted of iareeny -at -.the: fair term lldO and sciiteneed to i! months In jail, lias been pjidnnevl conditionally by (Jovernor Kitehin op the ground that lonser iiiipiiumm-nt wuiilil seiinusly Impair with his health, The . pardon yas granted on ihe cerlilieiilc of two f hysieians ;ind tin? lvconimemlation .ol' the tri.il judffe and . soHc itor. flood hehuyior is the condifi'in ,,f his par don. , . ; - - For either acute or chronic kidney disorders, for annoying' : atid painful urinarv irrcKiilai ities take Foiev's Kid ney Pills. An holiest and effective medicine for kidney and Madder dis orders. King-Ci owell Drug: i 'ompany. Strong- mitaii tiiingr than ii are niucli .able.. any- 2-CAPITAL CITY TELEPHONE 23 Just F ive Days More Our (Jivnt ( h-aiauce Sale lias Ix'cn m tor ten days. The liij; gest bargain event that lias ever occurred in llaleili lias Ikm'h shown. by tlu lare purchases of every caller. Don't ait till the last minute to call, but come at once, will always be flad that you did. JI ST KKCKIVKI) A HHII'MKXT OP CLOAKS XSU CAPKS. SPECIAL FOR THK SALE. Long Black llroadcloth Cloaks, Satin Lined tliroiiijliout, worth from $1(l.."0 to $12.."(). To lie sold as lon us they Jast at sale price of only $g 93 and $7 93 Extra lonjf Caies, all colors, Many fancy, also plain, neat de. siKiis. Worth $8.n0; to be put on sale today at only $4,93. 1'nless you see these two special vnln"s you will not know what n real, great bargain is. Many siiocial barsains on sale. Do not miss attending this sale. ALL LOOK FOK THE ONLY REGI LAR CLEARANCE SALE IN . RALEIGH. Ladies' Furnishing Co. 113 East Hargett Street. & OLASS. Proprietor. (Continued FromPage One.) hair was foun4 which was identified by witnesses as being that of Miss Mattie Saunders. Sheriff Wheeler was at once noti fied of the horrible situation and hur ried from his home in Oxford to the scene of the crime. Reaching there late in the night he was advised of the situation and of the evidence pointing to the guilt of the negro Nathan Montague. Deputizing three assistants he went to the home of Montague and made a search of the house. He found ncro the skirt of the girl and found Montague's clothes to be in a bloody condition. A. wash-pan was found in the room in which bloodv water stood and from this evidence he arrested the negro mil rushed him off to Durham, later bringing him to Raleigh to the peni tentiary for safe-keeping. Enroute to Oxford yesterday morn. ing, where he was being conveyed on special train for trial, Montague was verv quiet and did not seem to care to discuss the affair. However, such was not the case coming back. he talked freely and gave the fol lowing signed statement of the crime to a representative ot I lie .unity finies: "When I lei t .Mr. Overtoils bouse that evening it-was getting dusk. I met Allien l ook on tne rauroact track wailing for l,onnie Bridget's. who had gone to Mr. Sounders'. Al bert said. .'Come down here and lets wait for I.onnie, as he is on behind . Ii was getting right smart dark when I.onnie came-" along. We went on down the railroad to niv house and wht-'n we got there Ihev said d,.ei"s go down to Allies' ' ( referring to some colored woman whose last name he could 1101 recall i. She lived below Mr. Saunders' and we went on down that wav. Just before we got to Mr. Saunders i.onnie said, 'Let s go yon der and rob hnn and gei his iunne'. I told him I was not. uomg in (here. Albert pulled out a hot Up and said. Let s all fake a drink.' Then I said, I 11 go with von all down there, but 1 11 not go in. 'ihe house had three doors. I.onnie went to the back door and called tins man (Mr. Saunders) and I was at the other. When the man came to i ho door i heard a lick. Vfter that Albert and I.onnie both went in the house. I was at the door to the east, the door that Lonnio called the man to was towards thje south. Alter thov slaved in Ihciic scouring around a little while the irirl came to the door where 1 was. Al bert told me to catch-her and not let her gel away and I caught her. She said, Don't do nothing lo me; I won't go off.' And 1 said, 'Well, vou are not going oft then. I am not going to do nothing to vou.' She came buck, in the house and went out the south door and some one ol them, i don t know which one. went out and got her. Ihev staved in the house 10 or 13 minutes and then called me and told mo to come in and see what we can find. I went in there and iound some clothes. Saw Mr. Saunders laving on the floor id. Did not take spec ial notice of him, but noticed blood all over tne floor. Saw the little child laving near Mr. Saunders. She, too, was dead. Largest girl was on the bed. Don t know about her being dead, but sup pose she was, as she did not sav anv thing. 1 got some clothes. Lonnie and Albert got .Mr. Saunders' clothes. 1 lieu Lonnie broke the lamp on the floor and set the house afire and we ft. ..' v.; ' I went home and thov went to wards Tve River station. (Signed) "NATHAN" MON TAGt'E." hen asked about his knife being found in the back yard Montague said he had traded knives with Al bert t ool; bclore thov went to the house. Asked why he would not give the ilarm and .summons help when the other negroes were in the house Mon- tacriio said he was atraid to do so, as he would implicate himself in the crime. He did not seem to know it was a death penalty to rob n house. Montague stud he was willing to suffer his penalty for the part of the crime lie committed, but he wanted the other negroes to suffer for their share. Maetfs audi CM$Feif Ready Ho Wear Dresses aimil Caps. - We always take special interest in buying for the little ones and we have a handsome display of Dresses and Caps. ; In the dresses" we have them in all sizes for the infants and children, and dainty little dresses are to be seen in the display. We are offering the Caps at 25 per cut off the regular price. , 205-5 "75 7 RALEIGH, FavPttPvillP st Y-fflf North Carolina. C. C. Phciid 799. y C. C. Phone 799. mmm OVERCOAT SALE After the largest overcoat season in the history ot our business, we find that we still have several of the newest and best sellers on hand? We do not want to carry over a single over coat. So we have placed the entire stock on sale at exact cost. BsSSiSSBiB. ClfiLhSi JVM iv.7,Ui. (r 1 ENJOY A CROSS-COUNTRY HIDE. Nothing makes u fellow foci more energetic than a ride dur ing these cool, brisk days. To thoroughly enjoy your rule though you should have your livery to come from our stables. Always the best of everything in the livery business. PLUMMER'S STABLES lloth Plumes. "THE HOME OF THK MOVING VAN." IIS Kant Morgan Street - . . RALEIGH. N. O. The Whole Family Reads The Raleigh Daily Times. ROYAL COLLARS "Sllp-easy Brand" The wonv, fif-, mid eomfoi't of a Royal Collar has boon clearly demons! rated for tlm past half century. ..Royal Collars aw easy to button and unbutton, and ' the button-holes don't tear out. Royal Collars don't bind the necktie the tie can be put on and taken off easily without removing the collar that is if vou wear Royal "Slip-easy Brand" Collars. 15c. Each Two for 25c. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON FURNISHINGS FOR MEN FayetteviUe Street ' . Eileigh, V. C. NOTICE -TO ALL CUSTOMERS We find that it takes more thn half the time of our drivers to collect their bills after delivering! which interferes seriously. On and after January 1.1, 1911, we will have to collect for all, packages when delivered, and in no Instance can we make an exception to this. We advise the uso of coupon books, which will eliminate the least inconvenience to you. Assuring you of our highest appreciation, and our eagerness to serve you satisfactorily, we are, Most cordially, OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 28, 1910. CIIANfiKS IX IWCI ITY. Mrs. Marquis and Miss Cluiel Now Teachers at Italelgli High School. There were several changes in the faculty of the Jttileinh high school at the reopennur of school, after ihe Christinas holidays, for the sprmi? term, Miss II hi pa ret Marquis, of t'licsier. S. C, came to take the classes taiifiht bv Miss Carrie Tirown. Miss Marquis was educated at Wilson s Col lege. ChamlxTsbuiR. Pa., and toilt her A. M. degree at Khzaheth Colcpe, Charlotte. ' Miss Clara Chapel is teaching vocal in the city school during the absence of Mr. Snow, who Is in Florida for his health. Mls4 Chnpel is from Dodge ville. Ohio. Theodore N. Bamsdall, of Pittsburg, and formerly of Titusville. Pa., ac credited the largest individual oil and gas operator in the world, is on his way to Paris, Franco, to close nego tiations for the sale of immense hold ings) to French bankers. He sailed on the steamship St., Paul from New York prepared to close the deal for the sale of properties In CaHfornla, Oklahoma, Illinois and other -West ern ajjtl. tjnth, western HMtKHSSX-.X "QUICK" and "EASY" To Phone or Write I's For Anything in the HARDWARE uxr. :--.. TOOLS, ( OOKINti ITF.XSILS, TAINTS, OILS, VAKXISHES, FLOOR STAINS, ami IHICSHES. Nicest l.iiu of Itl'ILDERS HARDWARE IN THE STATE. Thos. B. Briggs S Sons R.UJ3IGH, N. O. The Big Hardware Men. MM mm Gas Stoves heat quickly and are cheap clean and always ready for use. STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, PhmiA VA llQTtrAftAntftt.iv Will fiall Tonronrarv OffiriA 107 R WilminXTton S. r Some News of Special Interest Whatch This Space. Weathers & Perry, RAIiEIOH, W. O.' 3C See Our Window Cross &. Linehan Co. THE QUALITY SHOP See Our Prices SHIRTS REDUCED A splendid opportunity to stock up in Shirts at a material sav ing all plaid, pleated and stiff bosoms, fancy patterns shirts at the following prices THE MANHATTEN MAKE $1. 15 instead of $1.50 $1.50 instead of $2.00 $1.25 instead of $1.75 ( $1.90 instead of $2.50 THE ED W. MAKE $1.50 instead of $2.00 and $2.50 THE CLUET and EMERY MAKE 75c iristead of $1.00 .$1.00 instead of $1.50 i ft' i:

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