"He iMMgli Paflg Hues ' Vol. LXIX. No, 22. The Weather BAIN. . KALEIOH, N. 0, THURSDAY, JANUARY26, 1911. LAST EDITION. PSICE FIVE CENTO - Double the Number of Paid Subscribers in ilge City of Raleigh of Any Other Newspaper. HEAR BEES BILL UP E Made Special Order for Thurs day Night Feb. 2 and Copies of Bill Ordered Printed THE INCOME TAX BILL Income Tax Amendment ('.-mie lT -it 1 O'clock as Special Order Hut Action Was. Postponed Intil Tucs day Night, January 31 Mill Intro luccil by Gricr to Kstablish a State Highway Commission . Several Bills by Hattle Hill IJWatiiif. to Slate Hunk Many Local Bills. Speaker Dowd convened the house at 11 o-clock. Rev. Milton Harbor, of , (..prist ; church. Raleigh, offered praver. . Petitions. : Woodson: From citizens of Shcl by, asking that nealth laws relating to water be maintained in the pres ent lorm. McNeill: From citizens of Moore bounty in reierenco to pensions- oiiiniiHce Reports. Agriculture: To amend the druin- use law of (Tarkes Creek in Lincoln i-ouiltv. lo allow Jackson county eoninus sinners to consolidate and improve ttie stock 'law of the countv. r Corporations: To incorporate Die . Jlaxtoh 'Alma atid Southbound; Rail road Company. Counties. Cities and Towns: "-To amend the charter of St. Paul s in ltoheson county. To create North Robeson and Row land counties out ol pans ot Robeson ( I nlavorable. )... To promote more efficient inunici pal government. -Unfavorable.)''. lo allow Hertford county to inane appropriation.' to Confederate monu ment. To amend the act relating to char ter ol Greensboro. I o incorporate the town of ood ville. . To amend I he law ol 1:10:1 estab lishing a public board lor Asiieville. lo repeal t.ie police commission law of Ashevillo. Finance: T o allow I avcttcvillo to issue waterworks, bonds and to m .: stall a tiller. To allow Favettevillo to use Hinds 'accruing I rom assessment on paved streets. To amend the rev Ma I increasing the compensation ot Cumberland county. ''.'. . "..'' ... ' To divide I he. commissions, of Les ion c.ouliiv Into t.wu classes and t lix their compensation. To allow Lexington lo lax persons acting as agents of out of town laun dries. ( I niavorable. ) To increase the pay oT l'llt coun ty commissioners. Fish and Fisheries: To regulate fishing in Lumber River and its trio- REBELS CAPTURE CITY OE CEIBA; HONDURAS (Hv Leased' Wire to I lie limes.) Puerto Karrios. tiuatcmala. Jan. 26 The city of Ceiba. Honduras, has 1;il len after a teiTllIc battle between tile revolutionists, bended, by . General Lee Christmas. '-American aide of ex-President Monllla, aceoi'ilins to advices re ceived hero today. A score were killed and at least one hundred Wounded in the buttle. The government forces of I-ri'sient Davilla are in Might and American ii ml British marines are patrolling the streets to prevent attacks on citizens of those two countries. t'hristmas led the -vanguard of the invaders attacking the treueheH cast of the citv. The rebels bad a machine gun which they had planted under the rover of darkness upon a height com manding a large section of the trench es and the defenders were compelled to retreat. Almost simultaneous with th" attack upon the east General Bon llla's detachment attacked the Gabions upon the westward side, the roar of his artillery spreading panic into the hearts o( the regular farces. The battleship" Tatumbla of the Honduran regular navy, which had been In the harbor, hoisted her anchor at the outbreak ol Inutilities una steamed away. , , IN THE IIOIIS utaries In Columbus and Robeson counties. Internal Improvement: Resolu tion regarding the recommendation of the governor and for investigation of the offering of certain railroads mentioned In the report of tae Board of' Internal Improvements. Judiciary. No. 1: To amend the revisal by inserting the word Jelony in place of misdemeanor in certain seel ions. : To provide for the-preservation of certain records. To tax dogs In Caswell county and make them subjects of larceny. For relief of clerk of superior court of Randolph countv. To amend the revisal wit.i reler ence to. what constitutes marriage ( li n favorable report.) Liquor Traffic:' To prohibit the sale of near-beer, beerine and other like drinks. (Minority renort filed by Kelliun of New Hanover.) Hill made special order for Tnursday night. February 2 at .8 o clock. I :iU0 copies ordered printed.) Hills Itrodnced. Grier: To establish a suits lush wav commission. Tavlor of Brunswick: To allow Southnort to subscribe to slock of llrninglon & hout nport Railway Company. Thome: To allow Farmvilie to t sue bonds. McITiaul: lo "incorporate the town ot Dunderac in Robeson county Pace: To amend the revisal so as to allow railroads to give transporta tion lo widows and minors of deceas ed employes and to employes who are out of worn,. Dillard of Cherokee: To amend the laws of 1 9 1 ! relative to Lie seu ure and destruction ol distilleries. Dillard of Cherokee: To allow register of deeds ol ( nerokee county to -correct certain gnuits. Woodson:- To allow Shelby to buy and erect and .operate an electro plant and to issue bonds tlieretor.. Marshall: I o provide good roads in fclkin township. Surrv countv. hjilwards: lo protect lis. l m ci- low GrwU.' Greliam county. . iVlsiiaiigh: . To amend the T'orsylh rounty quail law. Battle: ; To establish liens for licensed livery stable keepers. Battle; ; To amend the law relat ing to statistics of leaf tobacco. Judd: To permit Wendell graded school district to vote $10,000 in bonds. . Judd: To liiconiorate school (lis trict No. 1. Marks Creek. Wake countv. l'ltt: lo amend Lie revisal relal- ing to public holidays. l eague: For reliel ol ex-sherift oi Alexander county. Roberts: To provide foi ..holler enforcement ol liability ol stockhold ers in state baiiiis. loiulin: lo allow Rowan. ( ataw- ba. Burke and Caldwell counties to issue road bonds under certain con ditions. Mitchell: To allow commissioner of agriculture to contract tor print ing required for Us own operation. Markham: To enlarge the pow ers of board of county commission ers. Milernian: . '' apioiiil I lirco ,ii;s- lices of Hie ijeace In Pender county. Kelly: For support ot Mate School for the Blind and Deal.' McY illianis: To protect deed and squirrels in Currituck township in Hvde countv. Carr of Durham: To provide en gineering assistance for construction ot, county roads. Carr of Duniam: To extend slate ud for care of Confederate room at Richmond. Turlington: Resolution ot North Carolina Press Association relative to public roads. (Retorted to commit tee on public roads and turnpikes.) Special order on constitutional intendment providing income tax was taken uf) at 12. and on motion ot Ray. of Macon, was postponed until 1 ues day. January ulst. Special Order On Divorce. I'he special order on the minority report of the 'judiciary committee, tiled by Representative Uevin. arriv ing Mr. Devin explained the bill. The committee reporting tne bill unfavorably, he said, was .about equallv divided, the tie vote being de cided against tho bill by the chairman- The bill provides taat sub-section lfifil ot the revisal be amended, so as to read. "If the husband shall commit adultery. " The purpose, he said- was nol to let down the bars to divorce but to correct a staring in equality which stares one In the face. Xorth Carolina should join tae other stales that have made this change. The marriage vows are mutual, and the statute law of a people ought to get a right Ideal or righteous citizen ship. The law now permits number less infidelities on the part of the (Coutluued o Pag Two.). f 'si :ti'si- war. Jnvob iM-liiii. Iinaiieici- a'.id clie o) the most oioytinicnt iiebreus in (In wi rid. who en: lie: i:itic .l!v sinipoi tci, the reKiilu'.ion adr.pt. 'ii by tin- Nn tioniil Council ot the Hebrew onim1 gntioiis l . mci ! :. in Kfsiion in ni M-fe. ui'gnifj; (he I r.itcd Ktntrs -'(- eriiuici:! to te:.'iiii::ile ail Cvisting trcalics Willi Iit;ssi:i unless uiiaran (ees lie K'vei: (bat Ihe Amcri: an mih port shall iv. lonuec be disi"j!!r.levl ulicit in loe liands ol -Jev.s as h: coiintiv bus done in (he past. Sclnil (lonatcil S:!l?.!00 ( .lewNh schools and kvuuh).'-Hcs ihi'viia loe session ol the council. BRILLIANT EVERT Reception At the Mansion Tor General Assembly (iovcrnor am) Mrs. . . hilcliiii in- reive in lionor ol .Mcmocrs ol t.eii eral Assembly and Jocir Wives (die of the .Most l;eaut:ii:l I'.venis F.vcr Given at the l.xeciitive Man sion Decorations I'.speciallV Lean t i I li 1 Many Handsomely (.owned Women and Disl insjuished ien Present Music and Ilelreshincnls Add lo Success ol the Lveinnn. : Tlieiv nisiitalil'i in. k.. U f J i'lVel lli litchin receiving t.'i-tlio -a ami .Mi ml. those at tile, n Wil run Wuiion. iin- tli.em in a n. -.night. : Given in h nor ot the . miMnbers of the general . issembly, e of 'the r thill, hay tile reeetiliol) easily, oi brilliant st boau't il ill nd traii-ipii'i-d within 1 lie Walls of t lie exceutive man- ion: There was gatriere.d within, the hospitable, doors-of the mansion n vast einblag-e. of '.'!e. re-presen'l'atiye of the stale's liiglK'St etl men shin and mosl li'-auiifiil .AViiriianliiiiid -Fi'iJio. S:aii uiil il l,ll l.'i'ir tie Sll'eillil. of prlvpii: e fil tiiiiiei!. in-ai-1 y , l,r.0r guests cnl I inii i lin ¬ ing tlie evening. The spacious halls' -.and';, rooms of the- mansion are sue li as In . -lihanec the beauty of stieli a .scene: Flags. both tale and national formed: the chief decoration, especially . in the soutli rawing room where the receiving line as formed. Draped , from! all '.the chandeliers were graceful -lestoona "I ray nioss, making a most attractive (feet. Ferns, palms. . miiilax and c ut tlowei-s as well as tlie distinelive Norl'i Carolina pine and cones added to tlie iiuty .of the .decorations. Tlie handrail of the wide stair case leading rroin tlie center ot the .hall was decorated in a tracery ot southern milax against .a. 'background of wliite. Continually passing up aud down theHi' wide stairs was a tluong of handsome ly gowned 'women; and ' 'distinguished men, many in all. the glory of glitter ing uniforms. ':-. The third regiment band added great ly to the, delight ot. tlie evening, the beautiful music being heard above the hum of conversation and laughter. It was certainly a charming picture to . watch the, constantly changing throng, tlie gowns of the 'ladies being peeially handsome. The guests were received in tlie hall by Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gold, Mr. ind Mrs. Julian fimijorlake and Mr. Henry Llteliford. The receiving line was a long one extending In semi clivlo through the tilth drawing room aim inln the music Hint. . Stationed at the door of the drawing pooiii announcing llic guests were ,Ao- Jutatit-Genei al I;. L. Leinster and Major R. T. Daniel, ol Weldon. in full uniform. In tin- receiving line were: Governor William Walton Kitcbin with Mrs. KUchin, in cream marnulselte over charmeusc, trimmed in sable and jewels and carrying pink roses: Mrs. Archi bald McDowell, of eteotlnml Neck, in (Coutiuued From Page Sij,) tl t i m mmm i T YET Sclienck Jnry Not Able to Jury in t lieSr!ii'-vlv !MiMui ( use Still 'Olil and Sceniniely :e. I ar Fisoin Agreements the L'.iiiiiing. (llv Leased Wheeling. V, in:: ileadltK-k". !.. ; tile Jury ail- ; ..f Mrs. I.:ur . was reported 1 1 7 tur convict i-m; ;!ie charge (-i ' :U husliaitii. ?lr:i. Ke!l:terk f (! susene-' i' lihvr.ith.ns v. :fi: hint 1,'M ava. o anxiety as K... cphuned sev.- r ; ! the criminal , ..: 10 The. Tin i.::. :.'' Al rl- he re, la. 'ii '-'! In.urs. i d. ride lie- tale -wc.rlll Srii. -a:-l ernoon to st.-ii !'.: aeipii-tlal n US to poiMin h -1 ea!auie"s iluri t'.e -.fury's ; i ,-. lite'Ijanii. . a r -.-ted the Klrll eitcortie an. I I i s Ini- news ..fit lililai;;. Moll Alioiit 1 14- ( ourl Loom. Wheeling, .. .e.lii. nek jui'; i in (jtleslioil of .1 !u All's. Liiura . .F.-ir'!.-eused. of. t i'i;ii,ii -1 : aire husband. ' .l'"k M'he jury . i'j:;i i. ! I his niorninM-..': h ti arrive at a :-. liv-i I'm: rui'llle-:.(I..!ili. ; 'I'heve was- - nit-iH -among i a.'i.-i ami: 'those' --V-.-'ii j: ! Va..' Jan. Tl a; iir.idloi'k over the lilt or 'iiinueenee' ,'el.' i-- tu lh' Si'llC'llr'U, ar- 'i' .ir--'im ' her -miHinii., Welienek. -i! " v ( .jmlye Ji.iiMiai: i-a-y had raih-'il i.i a-.. id" 'wen.', se'iit'.' v.A... ii. deal . Ihv c. 'j'lUt . .pair: dash, at a . i -ii i: ; Ir. I' exrilv art he eau;-; ! . w.-i'-v't:!. -I li;. li. i' v. n'ir- St.iaMi; ::i!;t.: H Il'Hle win li enmaining t fie court ho; ii'.ck ..before' ! IJi-a-e v.-:;i-ri-w::-a. !'H!'I 'I ! a' Oil.-; i ii ir ii ..;' in, ,iui a. .a' tie ,i ; l little v. 'erti ii a i' Ule I v.: .Ii: it I L .1- li Tic yeaa i ;' d t '.' i hi eu'.lll iii:lt like to ask .a c'Mi "! ." ;t in Ayrfti l'n .lie! '. ' i! rei.'trt'-f': iat-Hlr- , 9. i.i who .its heldiajl 'ou'.t ugniM1 iu-. 'Seheiick.': ,.::;;: . li-'i 111:1:111 whoU' soniethin. 01! a 1 ' e I w f 1 1 1 1 1 I eiaii-i.: ;.' . , .: VI la- qia ri.ii.n asked bv ... Juror pey liiii'aii .' rclaiive: U- the esti.tioiiV e; Fiiu i-iii---i 'lileiiian, coitj'red ' ; T imi--t . The t : .:; inieiiy was iti'Vaiia ii 10 l.iii- J 111 "''. '- -.". -.- .'' Xlrs.. s. h -nek ri i. '-yd ,ia e.iui-' liag. garil. mi ! hale. '.'A-1't.-.r. the .jury 1: port ed taM ' ii - was- uhalile in am- - 111.; il. feaiiam was asked wliai f. i: li-ii(-01 1 to-'1!' if.slie' were fri-.ii. :, "I h . mi plans l'.r-.'le. iW-'.-i !." she ii plied.- "C num. wait I'.n- ih v; iiet. I do i nl know Hhal I shjli d uur 1 1 . 1 ; - '). sliall go," --; ' '-Mrs.:':' S.Cbenc'k: sliuw.-il lie . -Tr i .of il. sle'epl..;y. night', in. iui' ci-.li .l1- h id tossed 1 '.-liesfly -uiioii" hci: h. d atu e:i li ed Ih.- ii : ules 0!' her id did: -i 1 1 ia ; ile liriiini'. She wept hysierica.lly ai limes and IT1, jail pliysiciair iiad I : V lal her iiniil, long, after. -miiliiielif. , Tin- ridors of Ihe .I'hid iiainiy emii r:. li'.nse.; were jarmiic.l ,1'im;' l.oriii'e d.'iy.' la . . '!; Iij- 'an aimy 1 .f 1 1 11 .11 0 11. 1 w 1 -rut. '.if v, 'i-i surged about -ihe. iliuir.- of, (he e i-liiiliii'!'-cM.ul t 1:001 u; lUhl iiiK- li ,i-.ii-h 01 la r .i'i ;:.'t -vfiii'lagc-'piisii iims in nr. ;i)ie 1I1H.11S -iV iliai they iniKh-i I'll-'-r ,as santi av": the .'l'1':!':- were iiulin kcil, '.t;i.ij'ie.';o' Ilia ia"; 'spent the uiuhl. 1 in . lie 'cear-i house 'w'U'inst .-brought hhiukets and ijuilti v .Mi : tlif-111 last ... iiigl.it:. Al Vl-iwn Ihe In: Were -"tilled with -the ., .n i 1 - tlgllle- - :i llUniiin iieillljs, . I ..lli.ll; l;'ill Itliiiik. 1 - and sleeping u".ili Ihe: ' tiled llooi-S .if Hie hallways. Soni. . "'' tliesc slei'pci had been paid (Continued From Page Five.) SIX PASSENGERS 1 llv Cable lo The Times.) . Pari-, . . Ian. 20 A new aeroplane record , was set here today . when Roger Snmmer .carried five -passengers lioui Douzy to Romily and re turned with them successfully. .The total distance Covered wao about lif teen miles;' - .;,' This is the first timo in the. history of aviailon that six iiersons have been cai rii'd 111 1111 aeroplane, I wo ol tliein were compelled- ot stride the skids. The lindane used bv Soniunr cai rii'd a lolal weight of alniul .1 .110(1 pounds, including a supply ol pclrol. 1 ,ie (light was made at an average hclglil ol luO feet troin the ground. Lie. aviator never rising over l.jO feet. -i Aldrich (ictting IScttcr. (l.v Leased Wire to Hie Times.) Brunswick. Ga.. Jan. 0 ihe health of Lnlted Stales .Senator Nel son W. Aldrich has shown marked improvement since he arrived here and today lie stated that he would eoou be able to leavo. ... ;'m4 - W Us. '::' I L j I he -nunt'CX Di Moise. Mbosp en-L'.iin-cnii ni sail to recover .vi.mo Iron! Loudiii insurance companies, was nrniiiaticallv iiioiii'il in die lulled SlaKs dintriet courl in ev ) in U on t t'dncsdu ;' Foe I oiiii.ess claimed lier valiaihle ;:.iti!:'itie:, wi le ilcsiioyed i" the mv liiai. c ni si.ini'ci her heiivc al .". k. V. .1. I lie insurance (Mimpnaics refused to seille on the ground lii.il (lie v::r.li oui:ics - i;oie. woi'toless .iiuialions. lue ( aunless coun-cl eviilenllv .'.line t i tins snic conclusion lor be vain- i!i'c. li 'iii tue -se oik! interred at j the .-.'iiiifi lime I iii?l h:s client u.is n:i tin nr,' t-i-iil iiirui. IFer sun tlien ! t Oil.ti .srd noil hc -in rciKiei cd Ihe I ''"'" NEW FARiFF AGRCFFflENT Rsady For Congress Kci)ioe!(v .',;reetiicnt iie.uh lor ( ongiess I Ins Altci coi n. l. hcu 11 l ill I ust be .;aiic riiini ' (iicat Ileal i.-l il.si'iissioii Auiou'i (on jti cssini'ii a- to HI11K the Asiiei' l:icnt ( ontains. -'.'( My Leased Wire 1 Washington. .Ian. nomiceiii'-nr of t'ac r, mcnt vii h. Canada w Tl Times) 1. i"",'- 11 il ia ri IT agrce lwailed wiih the grei'ile.si :" anxiety lfv legislative leaders t.-i A'ashingion today.-.." The agreement will i.e kuowii siiiiultan eously here and iii )l la wa at 1 o'clock this alii 1110011. is regarded as one of ihe inosi iui nOrtaul tlels in I're.sidcnt -.Tail's ca n T. us iiresiileiit, involving t ho i ni.er nil I ional relations of tlie Vniied SI a les .and oversiiad owed eyeiyihiiig cl.-.e; before the na tional legislature today.. It was. 1111 deistood iiere'vtoilay-: ."liiat: iirohipl tidoplion of li e u.gi ci'lni'iil would lie asked by. I lie iii'er;iii(;lil:i:il -.'lue.isage iie ('(iinpanying. l.ic arei'iiii'iii. hi con gress as he liiisteni'd i'lie iieiol ia Lions for tiiat piii'iiose. : , There was a great: deal of discus sion anion.g coiiuTcssinon as to 'what the ugreeniciH contained. .: It was be lieved that some of the' schedules would arouse a. storm' of protest and call down upon' President Tali 's head tlie anger of some members, of boih the republican and democratic par 1 it's.'- ,'' In each: ca.-c the iigreeiuont' will be accomiiimicd by dot. tiled state ments of the precise ..'I'fecl io1' the changes .recommended in the existing tariff law, with comparisons of the existing and'. -projected rates. Abso lute silence is maintained lij flft' offi cials here as to the mil lire, of these charges', '..but there is reason to be lieve ih.'il. they are sure of a(p'rov:'il in i'lt-lcnst. one -quarter filial, is, by I he American" publishers alid consiiin ers of iiriiil ijaper. Kxcluding Sunday: and one legal holiday,, but thirty-one dins will re main of the present, session of Con gress after, this agreement is iaid he lore it. Hence Ms aeceptanee bv tlie legislative branch ol the government depends .entirely upon the absence of auv serious organized opposition, lor it would be enlirelv within the power ol a lew determined men. acting 111 con uinction 111 Lie senate, to prevent action upon ihe project before March 4. when' the session must terminate. President I alt went over his mes sage on reciprocity with tne caninel last night, but nothing lias been given out about tlie discussion. The secrecy that characterized the negotiations of the reciprocity con ference has been maintained as to the pioviiiious of. the agreement. i i president 'iiSfr red an ex- hausi.ive argument in . ; . sage ex plaining in detail the. liri-Vn... "a tiires oi. the agreement, ' e7s ' A statement .analyzing Ihe effect of larifi' laws on trade wiih Canada in ihe pui.t and 1 he iirobable results thai, woi.ijd be obtained by the: pro lirised ' I'i'cj iH'ocity agi'eenieni .will be Iransiiiilteil tlii'iMlgb the . piisideiii 1' t: Dill 1 :ie. stale di'iiii'tllieiit. w ith the iiK's'sage.: .; , '..'-. .' A Kr by-: Secretary of SlaK 11 g I in' reciprocity" iie- ell go! ia: itiii;: will also la seiit to emi gres; ii Willi ihe message, ' " :'ii-..iposiils to congress are the culiiiinaiiciis-of long-standing nego-iiatioi:.-. In "Canada, Hie western fai'iie-is have been clamoring fol lower duties on niaiiilt'f'.ctiired pro duets; and have petitioned the do minion govern men f to effect such an ai vaiif me;ii 'wjih t Hi i'.nited States. 1 nnufuei urers in Cai:ada have, vig orously opposed the policy.. The far mers also have ashed for free-trade ill acrieiiltiiral implements 'Valid., na la'ral prodiicls. :. Siiiiullaileuiisly w'itii tlie sending of I lie . message, to eongresss at 4 o'clock Kiday, Mi'. l''ieli';ing, Canadian minis ier of iinauce, will snbinii the agree 11 1 en t t p 1 h 0 t ' a n a d i a ii p a 1; 1 i a n 1 e hi f n session. at Ottawa. ,.- ': " ;.. "W-iiile t'hp usual coi,ii--e in such '-case's- is to submit: a draft, treaty to tiic senate for., its approval and ac ( -nisiaiiy 1 his by a project for, iegisiu ti.on to ina'ke til'' iH.'cessay .changes' in li" ta: !ij' M-r.e'iiiles. ii is po.-siiiie that t,,en will lie a dorm i ore from the established., order"' in 'the case of the .Canadian' reciprocity, project. 'I'll is looks to the abandonment of tie treaty-. eni irely in favor of purely legislative action. "No good reason is seen why all purpose ill not be .-erved by tlie passage of a . simple joint resoliiliiin -li.-.' both senate- and house, liiaiiing tlie tariff, schedules correspou.l to .ihe rate proposed by tae commissioners'.-, so far as they' re late to Canadian products, only. ISOMIl KXPLOHLI). jiivii-- w.-ii!is 1 in I ciii-niciii T;i.oivn Tnio runic- ----- Illy Leased Wire to The times) ; New York;: '.'Jan.; '.',2.(5 Scores of persoiis in ilie lene.niont house at No. a I 1 Kast Xad . street: were thrown into n liii nii- today when a bomb, believed to have been loft by blackmailers, Oxploded in li'.e baiaincn:. Alter tne explosion occupants, of tlie house began stampeding to the street, and several of them were cut and bruised in the rush. ' .John Gargiulo, of Xo. S2 Eastend avenue, lias a grocery on the first floor of. tlie tenement, hause. Since November 11' be has been receiving let tors i'.eiiKinding S 1 ,0110 and threat ening him with (h'i h it he lulled to nav the sum. lie ignored the letters, and did not even report, tiiem to the police. : ' . '- One of the liisl loiters received here was a picture of a man in a cof fin, ami 'beneath. It' t he tvords, "you'll get.lhis .if oii don't, jay.". .. IIGI. TKOLM iV ( 'Alt. Masked Landils Hold I p Car and lioh passengers. ' (liy Leased Wire to' The Tillies.) " I," ' Angeles. i'al.. Jan: X- in mask oil liaii.iiits belli up a Heaili snliurbau car an tile outskirts of iSania Monii ;l early tnilay. -robbi-d twenty live pas sengers and. shot one of them. 'oi" ill -the ' bandits; was shot iis l!ie.-two lied ami was cai'lur.-d w lien he ;an:e here fur treatment... He gave the name -of iiuv li'ox ainl saiil lie was only lai vears "Id. lli-riy I.. Miich,-!:! of. S.iiita. jlouicn. was shot in the neck -during the tiisil-leih-.. ' '' ' ,: ' . , 'ih. car was appi 0:1. hing Tokiii sta ll' hi whi 11 ih,. t a liaiulit si veiling Iik li!.i.;aiis ami. eai i ing I'.-vole.is In botii hi-iuis. haiieil before the ear and ord er. -i -.he motoi'hiaii -to stop. When he did- so til.-y . leaped , ilio.n d. l)i-.anou (,nl Mai rieil. . (l :y L. as. ii Wire to The; Tillies. ) V ;l..os;Angelcs. t'al.. Jan, 20 - h be came dolinltely known today .that Ro berta iinist DeJa noli,' lite Pbiladel pliia :.l;ires.i, who ouVe eloped wiih ii waileiv.;liH.il beepnio -the bride of Stephen W. (llazer. Tlie ciuiilo were found in a. -viiie-flnd' cottage, on South liiiiiingion avenue and ad mitted thai taey had been married. They will spend their honeymoon in the coiiage. . Hurl bv tailing Girders. U'.v L.ased Wire lo The Times.) New York. Jan. -II -Two men were imi 1 and Sirri't Cleaning Commissioner William I'.dvards. who saved Mayor liuvnnr s lue last August, had a nar row escape from death today when a thirty ton steel girder crashed from the skeleton structure or the new" muni cipal building at Duane street and Park Row. The t wo who were hurt were injured getting out of the way of luc tailing girder, NO MATCHES OM AN THEJSAFETY Bill Introduced la the Senate By Cotton of Pitt Relating to Matches SENATOR MIX VOTES Was V'l in the Senate Yesterday and Asked I numinous Consent to be Allowed to Have His Vote Record I'd Today on the Governors Salary liill Voted For the Graham Amendment Senator Hobgood y Kvplains 1'. Gilbert Pearson s' Posi tion in Regard to the Quail Matter. 1 mill Hills I he senate spent over an hour of its session today debating Senator Coucn s bill taxing dogs in North Carolina, and finally tabled it. A number ot senators objected to their districts being included and advanced trong arguments in support of their contentions. , -" Senator Bellamy introduced a bill prohibit ing shipping coots and rice in ids out of the state and a bill pro hibiting the manufacture and sale of mutches other than safety matches in the stale was offered bv Senator Cot ton. Senator Long offered a bill rel i'tiv 10 the ' enses of the superior court judges. A do.en or more io&I: measures were introduced by differ ent senators and several bills of this character progressed 111 the legisla tive mill. ", ' 1 i ho hill Incorporating the Lenoir and Blowing Rock Turnpike Com pany came up as a special order and was passed and sent to the housfe with an amendment of Senator Bas ott iiroviding that it after investiga tion bv the governor and his council thev find that there will be no Iobs to the suite thev may hire convicts to work on the turnpike. A resolution was read from (he North Carolina Press Association lavoring legislation for public road improvement, in the state. I in favorable reports were made on the bills establishing North Robeson and Rowland counties out or Robe son. i he same committee sent, in n favorable report on establishing lioKe (-01.1111 v out ol Cumberland and kobeson and it was made special order lor next Tuesday at Is O'clock. A niiuorily report 011 "this bill was submit ted. , hi 1 n 01 nil si n Ihe senate : met. at 11. o clock. President Nowlana 111 the chair, and the invocation being made by Rev. Mr Poe. Senator Pininx of ladkin an nounced that he was not in the sen ate chamber yesterday during the de- ( Continued on Page Two.) FOR INTERFERENCE (Hn Leased Wire to The Times.) , -Albany. N. Y.. Jan. 26 Senator it.inseveli. tlie insurgent leader, issued a. siaiemenr this afternoon in reply to the ciiarge of Bishop Ludilen of tho I'ailnilie diocese ' of : Syracuse, that bigotry rules' at Albany,, in which ho., scored the prelate, for interfering ill the United States senatorial controversy. V- Seiinlor Hoosevelt said: . "L'ishop Ludden's interference is un called tor. unnecessary, and unfortun ate. He iloes not seem to know what he is talking about or some one had deliberately misinformed him." Wiinf). r.xtru Session. I By Leased Wro to The Times.) Washington. Jan. 2b In the houu todav Representative Hausdell. of Texas, a democratic member of the ways and means committee, urged an extra session of congress to revise the tariff. The special committee Investigating the charges of the ship subsidy lobBy continued its hearing1. - "Madame Troubadour"' ha' m&dV such a hit lit Chicago tfiaf (hey , vat trying td vrolong tt Ijngasemeot, "; v.; 5. r ' f :x-,' r "oiDTivTnr

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