CITY SCHOO L ifl MEET North Carolina Association of City School Superintendents Meeting Tioums TomTil, n) ... Hitch School Amlilmmm Opening His. cii'slon on "I iiii'iirmit y Hi City Schools", liy . L. ( ram (ienernl I.isciiKKifins l-ollownig .Meetings Mill Continue t ntil NatimlHV. Trinity College The twenty-wxth. nnnifal 'meetlm; of the -North: Carolina Asaorltion of City School 'Superintendents will be gin in this city tonight at ; 8 o'clock. The meetings- will ho hole! in the HiKh Sciiool .Auritoriuni and will contiinifl throtmh Satnrdiiv -iiioriiiii. This ort,'niii!!Uioii liiis hecn ;i potent force in cid'Kr.Uon in our state and this nieel ins is 'looted forward. fo w-it H a great dodol' interest. While the niomliendiip is not iai' is a st i'Oi;S worl; inK ; force, and t lie '.i i linildiiRi of the slaie'H 'educational system lies lioTivily on their 'lie-art fho. .nieetins- hesins ton i'jht the lollottini; '.prouriim: rniforinlty in ilie City J!.- liool.-;: (a). .School Uf-iiorlK. -'Hnpl. CiinrlcK I.. Coon: diHeiiM-iiin. (nl (Vr-i jjji alien ot '1 eacnti M. Snpi. II. H. linim: dif fusion. ' () Other ))eniral)h- 1'ni forniity, S ij.t. X. ('. Xi'iv Ii.'m!. Tl'.e Si lion and the' I'hy; i; ;i! Wel fare of the Child, Snot, A. T. Allen; diiienst'.ioii. . Continnincr I'lid.-iv ninrnrnic a: rt:"0 o'clock the eoninjittoo on . the courses ol suulv will. make a repori. which Wiil he lolldV.eij hv ;i iren""tll disillusion.- hy the ineinliers of the association. '.: i Friday: aflei'iioiin .(1t ;i : 00 0V I0H t ho Y proiil'eiiis of tlie : -eleiuenlary sciiool will, he .'disc in-tied,; At the night- !-. : sions i ln- prohleiii.s of , I lie hisli i choiil will In;, (aki n, hp v.ii.l. iicner.'il dli;cli.-edoii;-e on Ihe (I'Tieil '1'iliH; daily Neliodiilo, the lonelier.;, the. kcIioo.1 and die .Kiiiiiniinily. -Tiie'Biiperilitendents in'oldenis vf he diseU;-;-:e(l S:U unlay' morning . at !) : Mi' n'l l'i -::. w'ih i-cfoivnce, to .the liu'Ser and t.iie . sniiiller "sclioolH, All di: : -r'.'n.- will . he entered into 'e; the nieinhers of the asso.'iiitionv-; - The on v. ijl end .with. -a. Iivsi ness meeting, i .rav.iict .inn - ' he imsi irs of i he .assocfiiikm i-vxl year's os'lir'ers..' ot of t ho associat ion , ele lion of l Officer follows: . ' . . Preesident, ( 'iuu'lcv IV.: (Vhotni, sii periil ten dent city .schools;, yilsbii.-.," . . Vice 1'ref.ident, 13. C. Brooks,: Pro fessor of Education Durham. Socretary-Treasjurer, R, D. W. Coiir nor. Secretary of tiie State Histori ,cal ( om.'iilssion, Halemli. Executive Committee: Charles I,. Coon, K. t'.-B rooks. ). I). V. Connor, ex official Miss Kditli Hovsler, Assist ant Superintendent Pnhllc Schools of Wake County. Iiu'leish: ft L. Moore, President. MaVs lllll College. Mars Hill: A. K. Woltz. Hursar Inlversitv ol jnrlll Carolina. ('impel Hill: II. 1"!. Smith, ;-npeririendont - City S-:cliools, Greenville: V. P. Hall Su perintendent Puhlie Sctiools of nat ion County, Belmont; Miss Mary O. ftraham, State Normal and .Industrial College, Oreenshriro, . . (iC(ll) KOADS i'Olt CHATHAM. l.ditor London, or siler ( j(v, opens Campaign hor . )(! Koads. . . (Special to The Times) . Siler CMy, -With this is siie of The (!r!t Kdiror Isaac S. hou den '.open's a cuu'ipaiKU.'foi'' Knot! roads in this (Matiliews) township.; Since Mr. London. In'caini.' editor he lias in every way lireii ililiKent in ad vocalint; the heeds of the eoinninn- . Ml. ki04z&it fe II ml inm ' - 'i(iiiis iii the ji'eat poison mystery ot ( iiiiilieilnad, id, Missdiaie Klosser, and liii- llanee, (liailes l:divail Iwinti. t" hellnollied co-iple were io:;nl dead side l:y side on a sola in the nartir ot I lie n l s home, from a (lose of cvanide oi pntasnii, which was in a lupud form. The police have not ns vet round any evidence she'.Miis whether tiie ileal h of the ( wii was ai cidenial, siie idul, or the v.u'i nl a nmiilerei . ily . ti nil .eii.'-iiiii.:;eituc ileVeliipinenl. a'.ou every line, and in ein;oiii';i:-;in.!;' ami acitiitin tood ruads for. Mat ihews toivnKhip I'.e Is iiyain nianiresU ing t hroiich the columns of his va 1 11-aiil-e 'palier .''his deep interest in the material development . of Cliat hti m. coatily. . t he. position ot .VI r. .London meets with, general approval. ';ind it is lr.iisi sii re t ha t xis ii ivsn Ii we- sha !1 soon nave oou . roaus in wesu rn Chr:ihani. In the past two years, under the editorship. 'of '-Mr,. London, The ( has lleen ni at erially enlarged and has now grown into ft. .paper of which not only 'Siler City, hut- the eul ire county is j-.isi!;. i.rocd. ,.' " . :: '. . ; -1- m q If m imtmm Mm mm. uick Relief from lnfie Back A TV . V Pain in the back is quickly relieved by. an ''application of Sloan's Liniment. You don't heed to rub just lay i t on -it penetrates.. HERE'S PROOF. Mk.Jaui.s Mlnrv Wynn, of Mnl!)urrv, i'h., writes: 41 1 have been down with ptift .which they culled lumbago so 1 ceuld hardly walk, but after Uiiinj; a u drops ct your I.inimcnt 1 was benefited iiiinu-diately." - Mr.'Ki -('.mciiKST'iirt, 401 Barliey. ti.wt, Brooklyn. N.'. V., writes:; " I have used your 1 -iniuieiif tur rli'jiiMi ittsui and lumlmo, and it did me ukiic j;ood tliuii a.11 the doctdrs 1 "ever hud, and 1 have recommended it to a great niiiuy people.'' ;, Mr. r.roROK '.Stevkns, of Bridijscport, CtHin., ; writes : 1 wa iikk for . three weeks with my batk, but Sluan's Liniment cured me at once." ELOSSER MYSTERY 1 1 'uniiM i :i ail. 'cruiil t"iiay 1'at I leuiid 1:;; !: '!. U'ivv .'i;c.'il link in th ryipial a diiuht 111 Wile to Tim' TioicO Mil., .hia. Jii !; was fr'nm a ''in' ' iifli.'-ial AUiuui'y Kir'efi hili.i-vis av iii his pn'S'-.-isiiiii ihi; the evidence' In ppive I Grace Klfipser 1.HH1 A'lri'M 1 ' Cha rles -T: T ; i.f a.' third- p.-.rsoi i a sm.ili la hirii wes iiii-ited lif is also a quick and sure remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, cough or cold and croup. At all dealers. 25c, 50c, $1.00. i DR. EARLS. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. EVELRY: CX)7in'Ii5.XH CHANGE OP PROGRAM TODAY. THE GOLDEN SUPPER. .Adaptation I im -Allied Lord Tennyson's i'oi-m "Ihe Lover's Tale' (A ItiojiHipli Classic) HANK AND LANK BLIND MEN. s (Cimieilv) THE GREATER CALL. f (l'iiiiiii) A TRIP. THROUGH SCOTLAND. (Scenic) THE SECRET OF THE SELLA R. (I)rnimi) Levin 'a Orchestra Plays Here Tonight From 8:00 to 10:30. OUK HOUSE IS AVAUM AND COZY. AR0NS0N & BROWNE Managers. Ill 1- sWl'I'lll at- till' h:i i . !! lielii'.- ti'.iti il vial WhiHi wes iiii'iiou up. pi the strert alieiit Miitr" fi'i'i fneii 1 In il-iiii' nf tlie L'.TiosiT iinnu.' t-i.i'.taiiii'il tilt eyanidi' nl' p'Htis.-iein 1 Hal '.-.killed- It'e l-;iii.-:ser (;lrl uiul the nian slU' was to lifivi- hei-ii man :r-d. to. 'i'hf. butili- wms net . limud . until ;reeeiitly.- bi!t thl?. is eytiiairicil : by the Wi atlier c'eiililion-1 (in tin' tiiiiili. t the, ti'a.qedy. A iierci ill I'd -with rain and sleet - was sweo.P iii: westt rn . MaiylaiiJ ami while a sej rrli el'. I lie .street was liiaile tiie noxt day. nothiiiK feu), u can-l'til seiuliny nf tlte crenel was pu.ilile. .The stnet i inijia -i-tl ami was ankle ili-ep in stiff nihil 'when till- suirtv melteil tint . tlej search was taki-n lip anin. A di-ti-ctKe eln.liliii'ii- hy tho jiriise cutnr is .aiil tn ha v . found, the hiitl le: uhirh. was ncaiiy full of iuud and w.iti-r.- Tli'c 'ruiircnts were tunird ever tn ii eh . 'mist, id' is. nmv. coiuluetiiijf a .seri'.'S nf tests in tlie' a!teniit to flisr oo.ver a. t v.: i- .-' evaiiale. NOT (;i ll,TV ()!' Mt KlU lt. (iriiiiil Ji:ry I' ails (o Ketnin True liill .;:mist (.enrj;" Smiili Story ol ( rune. ( Sp.-i.-hil fg The Tiinesi (loldshoroi , Jan. . YoiinU Geo. Smith, (if Saulston township, who was itrrested Chrlstmlis Kvo hist, charsed with,.: killing lliirsess Smith, was STiven Ins hhertv. vesterdav niornincr. tl;e result of the grand -jury not find ins a true hill against him. The fol lowing is a skelrh of the crime: . The two oim in on. mctalJlf. John Worrell's store, ' ;neiir llood Swa'nip. and were drinking.. ;Tliey he came in vol veil in a dispute, tied had some warm words and were ahoid lo fight when (he lather ol (ieoree. who was at the store, endeavored to quiet them, hut his nileileience failed to mend niiitters a ml finally. Ihev went together and in the mix-up llurge:.s received -a jah wound in the let l thigh, severing (he large .artery, from which wound he hied to death in a short, while. - Coroner Stanley and Sherill lOd- wards were notilietl hv phone mes sage and left immediately for ihe scene, and young George Smith, who made no attempt to escape, was taken in custody and brought lo this city, where he later gave bond tu the sum of $10,000 for his appearance at the coroner s inquest the Tuesday morning alter. 1 Young George .Smith was given n hearing before Coroner Stanley and upon Ihe jury s verdict that "deceased camo to (lis death as i lie result of a kntle-wound lull (Cod bv George S. Smith, was committed to jail with out ball. There was a large crowd present at the hearing,' and n number of wit nesses examined, and the case thor oughly investigated by the coroner's jury. 'IJie evidence produced was not very damaging to George Smith. hilo it was proven and admitted that ho was engaged in an alterca tion with Burgess Smith at the time he received thy fatal wound, no one swore that George was seen will; a Unii'e at any linn' I., or afii i'. tlie .iiht. v ; . y :: . Oil I lie other hand wii iiesses' swore thai, liurges sSmitli htiil a knife ana was trying to use it on (leorge. I li.o fact caused many: iii ailviinct' the idea that, the wound '..which. Jhirgess Smith ri "eived and .-'.Which caused his death was self-inllieled. and was received ifi some way during the tassel. . A Heliablc Medicine. Is ii. valuable family Heiiey and Tar fultills .-xaetly. Mrs. -f'lia l ies St., Kaston Pa. statvs: hers of my -family lia-vi bad coughs apd f-ehls Fnlcy's Heiiey ami. Tar. friend. Foley's this, coiulitiiin Kline. N. Slh "Several mcin-bi-i'ti cured, of by the use nf Vtiil . j a in ii ever without a bottle soiithes- and reMevi the threat' and Ion have always found cure. ' K i thi? . hiui-e. rt Hi?, irrltatinn in as up the cold. I t a reli;iblo cough Crowcil Drug Company sn; ( ii ni'i;s dilki: mkad. the I: (ircniont Liberal snieii in l.i'Haiii. ! 1 1 o to The Times. ) ,an. L'li Sir. . Charles i the. foivniosf Liberal lOllglalid, (lied suddenly aseethia' .morning at. i lie eight. was a direct result of .the recent Brit ish elec- U.IS () ! Ol M.IK : ? .( By C:: I.Otuhlll. : llilke, one ii statesmen of of heart dira age of .sixi -; llis. deaih the. strain -oi' thill. Folli wing the elect ion ;ie; went to the south of France to recuperaie his failing health and seemed '.to gain in strength, lie retiirnotl to England last Saturday:, telling his friends that he had bora greatly benefitted hy his stay oirtiie continent'. On Sun lay ae suffered an a Mick which .neeessit-aied the niinisti:.:iiinii of a . Sir 'Ohailes ..was one ei t'ae lore l:ost adve .'. . of wn: Id's peiice and wiiH t ho n iipuit or of all Aac'.i-Aia'.'V-Toair .entente with the idea of nrcveiil- B0YLAN-PEARCE CO B0YLAN-PEARCE CO B0YLAN-PARCE'C&.?,f , : , ,r ''"' THB ST Vlilil BOOK, SI'RIVO 1011, NOW 11EADY. , The new white goods Linens, Waistings, Suitings and Colored Wash Fab-, rics, together with the new Laces, Embroideries and Trimmings are coming in. Before you are scarcely aware of it, the warm, balmy days of spring will be . upon us with their fragrant blossoms, sweet-scented flowers, and vari-colored verdure everywhere, and catch you unprepared, Every Wanted Thing, in White F;mev-fiTiivl AVnislinsrs ;ml I'ljiin Sni1in's, Dniiitics, Check Tuslins, Killar ai'iicy liiiicn, ir!;ims, Krciicli jind An it rc-m l;iviis .uiywliciv. : ' 10, 12i2, 15, 20, 25, and 35 Cents. Ifr.'i! liinciis, in lifj;lil', lncdiiiiii :iimI . Iic;i ' wcio'lil s, I r ciiilirii(l('i- , siiifs and v .i isj s 25, 30, 33, 39, 50 Cents Up. New Spring Ginghams and Percales . Best yet shown nt tho price, are the new-style .11-mcli- Zephyr. Ciinyliams, -in ricli sti'ipes, cliecks . 'ind l;im eoltiT.s .... . . .. ...... .. .. ... . .12 4 C. Sirinr I'erciles in SlnrJ an'd aisl I';il1ei ns, and Inr ( luldn ir,s Dresses, in iilil: anil niediiini colors ., ........ .... .. . ......... .. .... 120. Clean Sweep Sale AVeliave placed on sale all women's, misses, ami iiinor Coal Sn ii s and .Child ren V cloaks ai . . . . ... ... . . ...... . . . . , . .... . . . . Half Price. Anv Pattern or Trimmed. Hat, values up lo . . . ... .... . . .... .-. $5.00 Choice of all coloi edt't ll shapes . . 49c. All Down, Wool and Cotton-lilled Condmls Less 25 r" FURS AT FACTORY PRICES BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY in 4 Piles Quickly Cured At Home Instant llclicl, I'ei'iiiaiicnt ( nie Trial 1'ai Ka.i.e Mailed l ice lo All in I lain W raiier. Piles is .-i ' V, arfnl discas;', htit. i-a-j I', if iiii i?o at it imlit. ijii-rati in with the kiiii'i- is dai!' , eiiii !, InimiliatiiiK and iiinii'i- one other sari way in nlysSi safe.atnl in (lie. iiti "vn In mie it is I'y yainiil trial packiiKC five to all ii Mil An i '-i'.ii s'aiy. . -There is jn lie ciit'i-'il -pa n vai-y f'i .viiitt. Pile Cllle.. , We mail Willi w i it It will (;iv-, you instant ri'lirf. shiivV you the haiinles.s, painless nature nf this sroal i-i-:u--ily and start you well on the way t.iward a perfect cure. Then you eau get a full-sizi-il Ijnx front an-y "-iliuttglst - for 50 cents, and often line : b"X .cure3. Insist nil ilviiviiig what you caM for. sonn.'thlnH- ,iui : as good,: it. is because If 'the liriifmist .tries - to si-ll yen he 'makrs nii.ire' money on the suhsii tute. ; The cure hrs ins at once and continues.-rapidly- until It Is complete and permanent. Ii on can i:n ru;ht ahead with ve.ur work and In- easy and cnmtnrtabh1 all the time. - . It is well worth trvhnj. Just send jniir name and address to Pyramid" Drus-'Co;.; 287: Pyramid. Build ing:. Mai shall. Mich., and receive free liy return mail the trial package In a plain wrapper. : Thousands have been cured In. tills easy, painless and Inexpensive way, in the privacy of the home. No knife and Its torture. ,No doctor and his. bills. All druggists, -50 cuis, Write, today for a free package. lug war bet ween the powers. He was , rine of the leading friends of tae suf fragettes' in .-England and in li0G in troduced a billv in iiarlianient. that every nian: and .woman should; he fltialilieil to vote at pai'liatnentary ami other' elections and. that no'-. .".'person .dioiild he disiiualilied by sex or mar rinse, from being amember of either house of parliament, lie .probably would have been liuide jireiuier when Asitnith was chosen had it not been for the scandal of the Crawl'ord-I.lilke divorce case, hi which !:c was in volved. , -.: ;'.--:":. , Some of his parliamentary orations are luaBteriiieces, .He was burn in i s -I r: and vas educated at Cambridge, ;alving iti the- law. Some of the im portant olhces he has held are under secretary of state. '.'president' of the-local government board, chairman of the Itoyal Commission for negotia tions, wtih France.; .eliairniati: of tlie l!.viiV-(li(iuls8'Hi.''fir,v)iii.1tij.Afoj,k''' ing icoile:: chairmati ot the. select coi. l.mittee ' (in. incoaie tax-, He had written extensively oil political topics,. some of his. -works being "The Present . Position of . Knropean Polir tic.-'-," "The Hi it hh Army." 'Itiipev- , in I- Offense", 'and manv others. Look for the liee Ilivo. On the packagiv w hen you buy Foley's Heavy rind Tar. fur coughs tuel .cuivls. X genuine, wiilnml .the .-r Hive lli'iueinbi'r the naini'. Pol'-y's Ilinu-y and Tar and. reject any sulis'tUmes. King-( rnwell Drug ( oinpaiiy. lllipnilt Ke-elei toil. (Hy Leased Wire. to.The. Times) ' Dover, Del ., -' .1 an ,:: "(! I len ry . A . Dtipont, "republican, hits iioen re eh'cted to the I'liili'd Situ es. senate by the legislature.: Ho received iltii'iy one votes. ' Merchants National Bank OF RALEIGH, N. C, Extends every courtesy and accoininclat ion ennKiwtr ent with safe banking. y If it is a loan vow want, we are prepared to make iV, If it is a deposit we will be glad to have you make it with this bank. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK . fc Of Raleigh, N. C. Chaa. E. Johnson, President. P. n. Brlggs, Cashier. A Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. km The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. SUds Von .- RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An IIonoraMe Record For Nearly Half a Century. : ii START NOW and keep it up. MIKE A DEPOSIT of the amount you can save EVERY WEKK. t We do a Savings Bank Business, pay FOUR PER CENT . Compounded Quarterly and keep open SATURDAY NIGHT.' THE MECHANICS' SAVING BANK Statement of Condition THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK ...... .- XI) -'- The Raleigh Savings Bank & Trust Co., Raleifjli, V ('.. .laiimny 7, 1!M1. - i!i;sm ni'is, IT. S. nnd State Bonds at par. . .. .. .. .. 352,500.00 ' Loans and Investments . . ...... . . .... .... 1,4 74,:!;12.1 U Cash and Due from Hanks ... . . . ........ . . 774,148.20 LIAItil.ITIKS. Capital ... .. .. .. Suplus and Profits Circulation . . Deposits . . . . $ 2,600,980.32 .$ 315,000.00" 135,842.88 . 100,000.00 , 2,030,137.01 $ 2,600,980.32 ' C .:. i STRONG PRpTECTION , Our large burglar and lire-proof vault affords ' greatest possible protection for your valuable papers. -' Safe Deposit Boxes for rent at small cost. : Call and see them. The Commercial National Bank. .: A. I. BAVMAX, Asst. Cashier. -C E. B. QllOXt, Caciaer." ' ' n. S. JERMAN, resident, A. A. TUOMTSOX, Vlcu-rrca. r' -.ii

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