TEACHERS 111 UNITE HI. tfnAbciaticn Work With the Teachers Assembly in Organizations Will Become Italy, But With Separate ltules and Offi cers Spirits! Debate Over Text jjj Rook Commission nnd Uniformity J r ' in Text Hooks Superintendent M Judd of WHke Favors Increase School Taxes. ....After a very Interesting meeting ) yesterday morning, the afternoon ses jHjon began by Superintendent H. B. HJraven, of Newbern, moving that the nominating committee be instructed to bring in thre nominations ior vice president, und secretory. Dr. L. il. Wilson, of Chapel Hill, very : 'briefly spoke on the subject of the state library commission. Mr. R. D. W. Connor, secretary the state teachers assembly reviewed the ' work of the assembly and the various associations of teachers, and recom- f mended that the associations of Super intendents and Principals, Primary Teachers, and County Superintendents aU unite In their sessions with the " Teachers' Assembly. He said that at tendance at the summer meetings of these association had greatly decreased on account of their dates conflicting ; nnd other various reasons. He said the Teachers Assembly was now do ing good work and desired that organ izations all unite. His suggestion was .that each organization retain its own i miles and officers and one body hold Us sessions In the morning and the other in the afternoon. The time of the meetings "Was discussed, some I 'wanted Thanksgiving while others 'Easter. Superintendent Craven, of Klnston, wanted the matter postponed until the next session but the associ ation decided to act now, and. upon a vote, decided to unite with the Teach ers Assembly. The executive commit tee Is to be composed of three officers of the Teachers Assembly and six of the other organizations. s ; i Dr. J. Y. Joyner addressed the body concerning some criticisms he heard had been made of his recommendation s to the legislature. The first was that to the state text tiook commission be ' added two primary teachers, and two ; city superintendents, the second was , to uniform text books in country and . city. Superintendent F. M. Harper wanted ' a delay for his report on an outline of opinion as to the text book com mission In order that he may consult .with State Superintendent J. Y. Joyner. Superintendent Bruce Craven i strongly objected to any delay, that a report should be made now. Quite a heated argument followed over it, ! Pfr Craven growing very warm in his argument. ..' Prof. E. C. Brooks, of Trinity, took sides with Prof. Harper, declaring the association had complete confidence in Dr. Joyner's doing the right thing and criticised the position taken by Super intendent Craven. Superitendent Graham, of Charlotte, declared In favor of Dr. Joyner's posi tion and said he was very glad the legislature would accept his recom mendations. He believed that Dr. Joyner could be counted on to stand by the schools and see that justice is done them. Prof. R, E. Futrell, of Lumberton, and Superintendent Carr, discussed the. issues, Prof. Carr finally presenting a bill he had drafted that the state should take steps to provide for the education and training of the feeble-minded, a committee named by the legislature to ; report in 1913 as to grounds, buildings, etc. After this the young women of the high school served a delightful luncheon, consisting of tea and many kinds of sandwiches, made by the : cooking class. " Night Session. - The attendance at the night session was greatly increased. A strong pa per was read by Prof. H. B. Craven, y of Newbern on "Testing Results of School Work." He contrasted the work of the Newbern schools in lx(i6 with the present year. ':, "Retardation of Pupils" was the sub ject of an Interesting paper read bv Superintendent E. D. Pussey, of Laur Inburg. It was one of the best and most instructive of the sespimn. 'i Prof. R. E. Sentelle offered u resolu- ' Hon for the general supervision of the graded schools of the state. He de clared that the State Department , would soon cease the supervision and now Is the time for this body to take action. 5 ' The time arriving for the annual election of officers the following were elected: President, Superintendent W. D. Carmichael, of Durham; vice prcs , ident, Superintendent S. L. Sheep, of V. Elizabeth Cltv; secretary and treas urer, Superintendent A. T. Allen, of 4. Salisbury. t.i The following resolution was adopt ed: -. Returning thanks to the retiring . secretary and treasurer. Prof. C. W. J Wilson, of Oreenvllle. for bis prompt and business like methods in discharg ing the duties of his office; to Superin tendent T. M. Harper, of Raleigh, for his attention and courtesies and the j se of the High School auditorium; to the young ladles of the Domestic Science Department of the High . School for the refreshments served, Substantial proofs of their skill; to the press for .Tull and accurate reports of ' the ' meetings; to the program com mittee for the excellent program; en dorsing the educational policy of State -.- Superintendent Joyner; giving hearty approval to the State Library Asso ciation; endorsing the bill for the case of' the feeble-miinded to be submitted to the legislature. A resolution was Introduced by Prof. John J. Blair of Wilmington com mending; the bills of Senator A. H. ' Boyden . and Representative Ashley Horn for a new state building, which was adopted. - "'' County Superintendent Z. V. Judd then spoke of the wisdom of the recom mendation of Dr. J. T. Joyner that the tax rate for schools be Increased from 18 to 25 cents by a statutory en actment. Several memJbers came m yesterday to swell the number already In at tendance, among them were: Superintendents C. R. Spencer, of Mt Olive; I. C. Griffin, of Cullowhee; U J- Bell, of ftockliiKhnm; J. J. Blair, of Wilmington: J. D. Everett, of Wcl don: D- F. Giles, of Marion; Alex. Graham, of Charlotte: W. 1!. Mills, of Loiiiaburg: J. H. Mclver. of Wades, boro: H. B. Smith, of Greenville; G. R. Strickland, of Grange; S. B. Underwood, of Durham; I.. I W il nftii, of Monroe: V. V. Wonsley, of Axheboro: B- P. Gentry, of Dunn: Hay Tavlor of Biscoe; 11. L. Known, or Avden' J. C. 'Crawford, of Morvcn; S .. Llndsav. of Graham: M. B. Pr ; of Carv J.'X. Hauss. of ThomiisviJle; J. H Aiken, of Scotland Mecfc: uoy Fi.mleih.uk. of Grlfton: Dr. J. H. H'shsniith of Wake Forest and Presi dent It H. Wright, of Greenville. TODAY'S CHANTERS. Ono SiiiTender of a Charier Was .ranted. Along AVitn the '" Ones. The. New South Realty Company, of Durham, is chartered, to take, nr. noire bit v. hold, own, maintain. work, develop, sell, convey, lease. mortgage, exchange, improve, and otherwise deal in real .estate. 1 he authorized capital stick is $1.n,nn(). but mav begin business when $..,00(1 has heen subscribed. Stockholder. are John .1. Hurst, Joseph . F. Mar shall, W. A. Ful ford. The charier of the Western Caro- lin;i Lumber Company, of Swaniui- ona, ltuneombu coiini.v, has been sur rendered. The Crawford-KennerTy Furniture Companv, of Statesville. is chartered to buv, sell, deal in and handle nil kinds of goods, wares, merchandise. nnd furniture of all kinds. 1 he au thorized canital stock is IRO.ono, 1ml may begin business on $2,000. 'I lie stockholders are Charles P. Craw ford. P I) Kennedy, F. B. Bunch. The I. V. West Drug Company, of Mt. Aiiv, Surrv county, is chartered to buv. sell, exchange and deal In drugs, medicines, toilet articles, etc. The authorized capital stock is $10,- 000, but may .begin business when $4,000 has been subscribed. The stockholders are I. V. West, Hay wood Meruit, A. G. Trotter. rxHAi'Pixwss iisi'ki.m:i. Men and Women I numinous About ft. Manv women weep and wail and refuse to be comforted because t.ieir once magnificent tresses have become thin and faded. Many men incline to profanity because the flies bite through the thin thatch on their craniums. It will be good news to the miserable of both sexes to learn that Xewbro's Herpicide has been placed upon the mai-uet. 'I his is the new scalp germicide and antiseptic: that a.ets by destroying the germ or microbe that is tne underlying cause of all hair destruction. Herpicide is a new preparation, made after a new formula on an entirely new principle. Anyone who has tried it will tesnl as to its worth. Try it yourself and be convinced. Sold by loading dnigr gists. Send 10c. in stamps lor sam ple to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. Henry T. Hicks Co. and 1 ucker Building Pharmacy, special agents. TO OCtTPY LOCAL PI UMTS. Y. M. C. A. Delegates Will be Heard Tomorrow in Jtalcigli Churches. Tire following Y. M. C. A. men will occupy local pulpits tomorrow,: Bap tist Tabernacle: Morning, C. K. Ober; evening, C. R. Dreen. Fust Presbyterian: Morning, Hon. H. B. F. Macfarland; evening, C. K. Ober. First Baptist: Evening, Hon. H. B. F. Macfarland. Christian; Morning, S. A. Ackley; evening. C. C. Robin son. Fayetteville Street ; Baptist Morning, C. L. Gates; evening, N. C. Schlicter. Shaw University at 2:!!0 p. m., C. C. Robinson. Fell In Drug Store. Today about 12 o'clock a man named Lee was standing at the coun ter in the Tucker Building Pharmacy purchasing some tickets for the show, "Viola Allen" when in some manner he fell, inflicting a slight scalp wound. He was taken by Dr. Free man out to Rex Hospital, where the wounds were dressed. Several. were standing in the drug store at the time and no one seems to know just how he came to fall. He had handed a bill to the cleric and as he turned to get the change, he fell, cutting his head against something. The wounds are not serious and after having them dressed he remain ed at the hospital only a few min utes. Kill More Than Wild Beaste. The number of people killed yearly hy wfld beasts don't approach the vast number killed by disease germs. No life Is safe from their attacks. They're In air, water, dust, even food! But grand protection is afford ed bry Electric Bitters, which destroy and 'expel these deadly disease germs from the system. That's why chills, tevr and ague, all ' malarial and many blood diseases yield promptly to this) wonderful blood purifier. Try them, .and enjoy the glorious health and mew strength they'll give you. Money back, If not satisfied. Only 50o at King-Crowell Drug Co. i )i.i nil' -iiuO I n:!!' wmiie Mi -V'tw-i I 1 1 i 1 1 ; ! 1 . repieseiuainc . I i.ive M. lier iu and Mis. Alma ..Mis. liiddle. rcmlMicnii and -Mi liuislaft.rs. Mrs. Lnficit H ho Is it llic (;u;i!iel (;' """ ; iiin ill's mid lnlili'i'ii mid 111 1 Ik I also seek liiiy i"l' ' N"i'l 1 ilnniilii l:l-i V':ir, To Provide Fcr Jackscn Re formatory - .( ('(iiitinm'il ''niui I liatitv iiK.'ui iioraiih; One.) I.r-iitifi' Blowing '' 'I'.ui. rrnleet . minie n county.: Allow 'ox-sin.TifYs -an. I lux c( of Iredell coimiy to rolK it i t Conserve caiile K'ii:ii.' of: Soinev.v .illecairf l.intoln and Catawba i oiiiitH-s. , Relative to : i in lit if i'.oads of Cuil- ford county. Amend the rlKiner ot 1'1; nuiiuii. . .. In. refej-eni-e to ii':tit;nif in Yudliin; ' . Ameiid game law of lSertfe county. Preserve records ol Wa.Mie couni, Anieiul road law .of ' "'Bertie count y. '' Provide half .;my .fr u it itP.M's and officers of .Maeon i;ouili; w lien no true bill is found. Relative to primary elections, of Jlooresville. 'Authorize. -commissioners ot Hen derson to build a 'bridge ai i .fcB ill-1 Frenc.i Broad. Prohibit drinking in Moiituoinery. IJeporls ot Cominitices. .. Sixteen reporis . 1'i'oiu . eoiviiiiit tees were received, all favorable oxt-rpyoii t!ie bill for (he t'l'st!.'(finn of .em-' ployees as.ineiniiei's oi laluir organi zations. Alessnge I'rom llie House. A hiessage was "received f rom the house tran'smiuiiisj".'.- twenty-seven bills and resolutions and they were referred to. iippfoiii'iate ; om ni Ltt oos. The house, failed to com-nr in the sen ate amendniem to the I'il! Velutijis to hunting 'game ."in. Alamaiiie count y and' Keprest'iitative : Coi? of .Anson, and Long were appointed as a .."confer ence committee 'oil "fho ll;,'rt of the houae; Senators liaruseli, Barnes and Graham were um'oiim d . on the part, ot i iie house. . : Senator Sikcs' was- added to . . the sub-committee on public roads. .: The courtesies oi the-lloor wi re ex tended to ex-Senator' Geo. U: M-H'ton, of New Hanover. Consideration; of I'ao. bill for the better protection ot me Mat River liaptiKt Association was postponed until Monday. Scale Cliiiinbcr l or Hoard ol Health : Meeting. The senate voted to allow the use of the senate .chamber, bv the stale board of health next Tuesday .night.. Passed Second Keadmg. Allow commissioners of Caswell to levy a special tax. Authorize Concord to. issue bonds. No More Local Sawdust l.ills. There was a prolonged debate over the bill of Senator Pinmx prohibit ing throwing sawdust in the st reams of Yadkin county, Senator Hicks an nouncing that he had prepared a gen eral bill prohibiting tiirowing saw dust in nn v ot llie streams of the state and would introduce it next week. ' Senator Bassett declared tnat he was opposed to all local bills oi this character and would vote against them, saying it i useless to take up the time 6f the senate with such mut ters and cause expense to the state. Senator Martin, of Buncombe, joc ularly remarked that as ho bad al ready secured the passage of bills prohibiting throwing sawdust In Big Ivey Creeu and Swannanoa, he was with Senator Bassett in tue future oh this Btibject. : Passed and Sent to the House. Limit liability of surety companies, Establish recorders' court at Bur lington. (Amended by committee.) Incorporate Sunset Park Railway Company. Authorize trustees of Warsaw Only One "PROMO fiUININE," that is Laxative Bromo Qnimne Carets Cold in One Day, Grip in 2 Days (l;e ( cli-railo Huiise of II- m.i lives "" Ir.iin Atlnuis, vi'iiah.H- aiiil I'-lbcil O.xnifii'M. Next to !:ci-,la:io:iiis. i. Seteil i'. V. Loiii-o r. .l-vs. '-II flni'f aio lioin Den- . l.iill' H.i I s ....i :., ,li.;iill.rills. ileiii - t ;.l i eiurus iVij- her secoml. (ei in. il, :itlv iiitiliued :i :,'vpuiK to )lrim'iti- tH.lloppt lc: hool, Diiiilii;"'1 to i Z I.oinIs to build sciioiil hoi; S. .... ;-: . i;r.n:re the .'regain' il o'' pi, M:i !i.ii-senu'nl3 of u;V ":' iiilil- i I as- I I iv..hist in the iioii nl receipts j! :ul rii:.; public' moneys. tAuc- . mi: ti'.' and also by S-.'ii.i i'.l o.i'i bit t li row i li s;i si rcinns of Yao kin com ni For ii'lk'!' of s-heriris lectors. i Amended ': lee: I " '' ; i'or relief of the e-i:c tax (id-eoniniH- ol :X-Miier- iff .1. M.. Davis; o! Mir I'iismimI j: -ul Liirollcd mii I'roviiic ior gra.nii:; !!;M.I:c.il:n. a.) !ni i'ldin.-' intv to Na- public road in Mvam c thalie Station. . 'Validate the elect ion llie peace in Alleghany Establish recorders 1 1 of justices -of rOiillt.V. ii, ( at ash- iiigion. .N. t. . Ant iiorie coinniis; MOiiei's: of lb n- bonds to pay iivy.' in lir'ins- r of Wilson, liable for dam- de'r'sohville to issu debt. . Allow .special lax wick. ::.-. Amend the chai : make owners ot ! anes in certain cases. : Validate iirobate and registration of deeds and oi.ier conveyances. Prevent dcprCiiMiiuns by domestic fowls in Catawba and Guilford coun ties. : . : ' Apnoint cotton weigher tor Middle sex, Nash cou in. v. Uesolulion liini.ng. lion. II. L. Craves, of I . S. I orestrv Service, lo address the general assembly Friday night, 'Feheniary. ".rd., Senator Bellamy, of Brunswick, was allowed to withdraw his bill pio liibiting notaries public from serving as justices of llin peace in Brunswick and New Hanover counties.. SenatorH;i',r-ei t presented a peii tion from ciIikoiis of Newton Grove. Sanipson county . "'-against the sale of near-beer.: Senator Coxo. ol Jackson, intro duced a bill increasing the pay of the commissioners of Jackson county. '.. The senate, at. 12:35 took a recess for thirt v-iivo inuintos, alter w:nca the bill creating' a special criminal court at Washington, N. C.-was rati fled and the senate adjourned mini 1 2 o'clock Morulav. in;. v i:d irc.i. Died n His Home in Durham County I Ins Morning. l)r .Manb v I'iittcvson VAard died at his borne In Dmlnon county this iiirnn Ing Junuurv jstll. ;il. 6 o cluck. The funeial servic- s w".; be held tomor row. Sunday at' Uobertsun (Srove church. Imrhum coantv, at - o'cloi-K p. in. Or. Ward Mas a prominent phy sician, oT Durhuiii county for a fiiuvrt'-r of a centuiv or mure. He twice mar ried and leaves a .'widow and four chil dren; Xotiee, Christian Kndeavors! There, tvlll be n -meeting' held at the county jail at ;! o'clock Sunday af ternoon hy the Hillsboro street Cnnst-ian-- church Christian Endeavor Society. The eiidenvorers w ill hold their regular meeting at the church, corner HiIip boro and Dawson streets, at 7 to 7.45 p. m. Sundtiv. h missionary . moeung. All delegates interested in C. B. work are most cordially Invited to both these meetings. .MniTle Hall Married. (By Cable to The Times) London. .Ian. 2S Marrie Hall, the famous violinist, who is well known In America through iier tours in that country, was married today to Ed ward Bearing, her manager. Population of Hendcrsonvillp.v (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Jan.. is Henderson ville, N. C, 2, HIS population, oa box. 20 . ' .. . , . (iiis x"ss!i)ii l' iiinleli ti! nuM is lief milkfll:! IIkmc lii-sl iipi'eai-iiice as I's.t t.v lines ivill in( interleie when ;ln- iiih'i'O-ils of limners' I tll.ii li ll sll'd.Wi! lilll'.llllll i '' The Building Bill Sent to Com mittee (tJnntinneit - From I'age One.) jo ihe seiia.te, jriiice. it had , been onssed there w nliout a roll-call voti To iiinend the - drainage law for ClarlCM creek, m Lincoln counly. To amend the act incorporating the (itv ol Crcelisboio. .lamiary 1 7, 1!H1. ; : " : To incorporate Avomble's Chapel. In Ar.stm i ounty. To allow Hertford county to pay $1 mm to complete Con ledenile mon ument. To secure to the people the use of the lakes -.Ii Iiladen, Columbus, and Cumberland conn ties. To rcoilaie lishiiifr in Lunibcr rive' and lis trilinlanes m Coliimous :ind Roiieson count ;cs. To provide general jurtsdiction for the- Fehriinrv and August terms superior court in .Moore county. To regulate the hshuig with of Sill nets in Croalan Sound. To provide an -additional term of court for Macon county. Resolution inviting the Tubercu losis Convetitioii to use the hall of tli 'lions Monday night. (The res olution read "Tuesday night ' but iilion -being notlttod by Chairman Ruck, of the committee on counties, cities and towns, that the Piedmont countv bill had been set tor heating in the hall of the house I uesday nt lonioon and night, the resolution was ih : ,xl to Moiui.iv night A'i Battle, of " Wake, . insisted that. ; the I'iedtnont countv mutter he deterred to another night. Mr. Houghton said however important the meeting (if the doctors was. and it was both important and highly beneficial, the advocates and opponents of Pied moiil. couuty hud vested rights in the use of the hall, which had been set api.rt for thorn I wo weeks ago. 'lo sav that the hundreds of citizens of that portion, who had made arrange ments to be here then, should have in ho m. nip to change those arrange ments ut. this late date, was impos sible.: Ai. tills point it was an nounced that' the physicians appro' ciatcd llie siiiiatiou and did not de sire to inicrfere with the appoint ment heretofore, made ior Piedmont loiintv. Chairman Buck suggested that the S-S-S-senate chamber would accommodate- the phvsicians Tuesday iiiuiil and the Incident closed with a hearty laugh. Bills Iftitified. To allow Charlotte to sell certain real eslate. To llx pay of Montgomery county coniiiiisKioiiers. To change the pay of jurors in Caswell county. To allow Buncombe county to is sue township road bonds. 'Jo amend the charter fit Lenoir and Blowing Hock Turnpike Com pany. To conserve the cattle supply of Lincoln and Catawba counties. To amend the Guilford county road law. To amend the charter of Plym outh. : To amend the Yadkin county game law. , : To preserve the records of Wavne countv. To urn end the Bertie county road law. To amend the Bertie county game law.. '.'," To repeal the Mooresvllie primary election law. For iron bridge across French Broad river. To prevent throwing sawdust -In Montgomery county streams. The house suspended for 15 mln utes, waiting for the enrollment Of a bouse hill that had passed the sen- ate, icstabllshlng a- recorder's court j for Washington, Long Acre; : and J r.lmfiAwtnllv tnwnithlnfl..' In Ttannfnrt w" ' v ' 'r ;n counties. It finully came over andvJj Speaker Dowd ratified It bv affixing his signature. Tho house then, at 1:00 'o'clock, adjourned to meet Monday at 12: (10 o'clock. - - . THK XAVAL Itl lKiKT. - Representative Foss lteports Xavul Budget Carries 81 25,42 1 ,r,-W. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington,. .Inn. 28 Represen tative Fcs3, of Illinois, chairman of the house naval committee, reported the navnl. budget to the house today. It (tarries a total of $12."),421,5;lb, a million less than the estimates, n makes provision for i tie increiises recommended bv Secreturs' Meyer, and authorizes (he coiistriictton ol two dreadnought battles-1:;is, tour subumriiKs, eight destrovers, and two co'.llet s. .... The buroaii or e(tu;p ment is not abolished, as rero'.-.t-monded bv the se; rtai'v. 'I ho lull fives the1 secretary niilliorltv to con tinue,; lii8 -'methods of adiniiiisl rat ive reform. t ill ' imik "I i:d. Chief of ojce of 1'oit aviic Charg ed With liiibeiy. (Bv. Leased AVire to The Times) Fort Wavne, Ind., Jan. 2S Koi't Wavne is tofn wit. i excitement todav is a result of the return oi Indict- ineiits against the chiel of lioliee and 101 others Willi enarges o! grafi. ('bid lOlhol li:is been in, lined on .1 cliiirgo ol accepling bi ibcs and p(-l-jnry.. S, A enty-six women and twenty, prominent, people -who rented .prop erty to t.ie women were also indicted. It was reported todav that more indictments were to bo returned. A confession trom KUiot. whie.i the police claim to have, is said to bo the basis ot tne new indictments. liehcls I lldci Sur iillance. (By f 11 Wire to The Times.) Jan, 2S-- H. noral Soto il of the iclicls defeat a recent' lin tt le near Sail AViisbiiLij-ton. ind iie liundi d vth him :it Antonio. Iloiiilinvis. who took refuge in Salvador, have, been 'summoned to San Salvador, by President Figueroa, to be ; detaiiVe.il . under. . siirvi"ilaiice1 Hhe state department was tutormed today. AIiss (By 1'. Arnold Seen Albany. ,ised Wire to The Times.) Albauv. N. V.. .Ian. 2S Detective Jnlin Beed lodnv tclear:i ohed to Fran cis li. Arnold, the wealthy New - orK inipoi tcr. that his long m i s.s i 1 1 1 1 i u u ) i - ter Iinrotliv Is believed to be in. this vicmitv. A girl answ el 'Higher desenp tuiii was seen on nil Aluanv-biuiod Tlo.v trolley Wednesday afternoon. .Sepaialion ol Church and State. ( -Bv Came to The 1 lines, i . Lisbon, Jan. is --Tne republic of Portugal will publish an o;Ilr!al de cree within thirty riavs, separating enure:) trom the stnte. I his an nouncement was ujade today by l'oi eign Minister.- .ilaihado. However, the republic will not bar a papal nun cio from tne country. T.inM Commission Bill. (l!v I cased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Jan.: -S The. house will vote on (he Longwonh-Dalzell tariif eononisMon bill next - Monuay. This was dctei niMicd tmbiv at a meeting if the house' rules . committee. . it was decided .to '.lit lug the resolution, into the house with a special rule providing for lis -immediate consideration. Joseph lleinhiirt Dead. (I'.v Leased Wire to The Times.) ldinsas Cltv. Mo.. Jan. S Joseph W. itcinbart- former president . ot the Atchison, Topeka & Stint ft Fe Railroad, is flea d at bis home'- here. ; He was fill years old. In 1SS1I While General audi liv of i he- road, he formulated the plan liv wbich the road was rcnrgaulxcrt. Xo Kli'iht Today. (Bv Leased Wire to The Times) ,Kev West, Fla., Jan. 28 Shortly after 10 o'clock It was otflclally an nounced that wcathor conditions made it impossible for Aviator Mc Curdv lo start upon his proposed Rev West-Havana night. Steamer Towed to l'ort. ( By Cable to The Times.) Faval, Azores,; ..-'Jan. 2S The steamer British Sun which broke down at sea was brought into port here today in tow of the steamship Georgian. An Unusual Opportunity for Housekeepers We Intend reducing sieelily our stock of Dccoruled China. In order to do this we are going to aive you a big reduction in prices. Beginning Tuesday, February I, we will mark down our China Dinner Sets. , . I . ' v. . I f $35.00 .... .."101 Piece Sets .. .. $29.00 $22.00 . ..... . . 101 Piece Sets .... . . $19.00 $19.00 v. ...... 101 Piece Sets .': . . ,. . . . $16.50 $16.00 .. .. .. .. 101 Piece Sets .. .. $13.50 Ijook for other secliil weekly sales. ...Crockery of all kinds ami Kltchcifware are our specialties. TOE J. D. RIGGAN COMPANY. CANADA SATISFIED. Likes the Proposed Trenty Willi tho :. I'tiilcd Slates. (llv Leased Wire to The Times.) Winnipeg Ma., Jan. 28 As far .as ... Western.' Canada is concerned tne re ciprocity agreement could not please the masses better. It will put mil lions of dollars into the pockets of the lanners. livery bushel of wheat will be wori;i 5 to 12 coiita more than it has been. Barley will again be come a desirable crop. Livestock all around will be worth more than has been nnd will give a great Impetus to mixed larmins- Tnls means increased values to liu,i land-, in me wt-l. w.ieie lanu liii'do are much l.iwor propoi Llonaifc IV t'-.u;i liiey are m the oust and In U'C i'liiied Slates. Ileal esiaie values in the cities ami towns ll tue west will sliiren uci'ause oi i.nu iiuihui oiittool; lor the agrii olt ire and In deed, this tariff agreement means more for the CaiiaiHaii. west thin ativone ( l::e. I'liOTKKT TO Tl IIKI . Against Ic.dlgnilies to American (on sular AgviKs. I liv Cable to 'I ho l imes) Constantinople.- Jan. 2S The I'iiiled Slates government s protest aeainst assault and iiul'snllles 10 which .American consular represent;!- , tivon hiivo been siibicclcd at Smyiiia and Alex.iiidretle li,d:iv was lodged with the 'l ull: Ish govt'i-niiienl by J. ICid-jeln C ul(i .utm, litad of I ho Ainei n an embassy here. lolin T. Perittaiiv. American con snlnr agent at Aloxaudrotta, was driven off the shin New Jersey, flying the Ameilcnn Hag. when he boarded her to investigate a mutiny, unions Tiyklsli soldiers who. were boiug transported.' The vessel, proceeded to Sinvrna and the trouble aboard continued. American Cousin C.en eral Frnest L Harris then took a hand and he also was roughly hand, led. DUX IKS DOMKSTIC IXI'KLICITV. Between Kins: and Quwn of Spain. Xcwspiiper BepoMs. I Bv Leased Wire to Tho 'limes) Washington, Jan. 2S Tho atten tion of the Spanish legation having been attracted by certain publica tions to the effect thai domestic in felicity has brought about an es trangement between King Alfonso and his roval spouse, Queen .Victoria,. Minister Hinno todav entered an em phatic denial of the story. The min ister's denial, he declares, is based on his personal knowledge, as well as upon flint acquired in his official-, capacity, and ho asserrs uimestllat inejv that the roval pair enjoy the happiest relations. Writ ot Umir In l.ihel Case. (Bv Cable to The Times.) Manila, Jan. 2S A writ of error was today dented in the supreme court to Theodore Kalaw, and Martin Ocanipo, lormerlv editors of a news paper charged with publishing libel ous matter against American Com missioner Dean C. Worcester. An appeal-will. -be 'taken to the supreme court of the I nlted States. The men had been convicted in tue lower courts and sentenced to imprison ment.' ".' '."'. JUST QUE WORD that word Is it refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and REANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with Indigestion? Sick headache? Virtljfo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms and m lay others Indicate inaction of the L1VE1'. "Xrox-x JVoed. lake No Substitute1 Tuttsn lis i