'J THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1911. NEW BOWLING LEADERS. TODAY'S MARKETS BY WIRE Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions. ' New Tork Stock Market. (By Charles W. Btorm.V New York. Jan. 28 Although the stock market ruled uellve and strong today prices of most stocks were ir regular, sains, which were confined to fractions, being about equally divided. The railroad stocks were practically unchanged from last night's close with the exception of Union Pacific which dropped in the ilrst half hour. Read ing, Lehigh and New York Central were inactive and unchanged, ' Canadian Pacific moved lip to 210, a gain of overnight. Steel was weak, falling off in the early trading. Purt of this loss was recovered later, however. licthlcliem Steel continued strong, the common moving up fractionally. The copter stocks were extremely dull, Amalgamated declining about Vfc from Its closing or . yesterday: Utah and Smelting also declined, fractionally. Americans closed heavy in London, losses of from to being scored throughout the. list. Extreme dullness prevailed ill the copper stocks. Trading on the New York curb was moderately active with prices Irregular. Dullness which prevailed throughout the entire market, under the Influence of the copper stocks gave way to a spurt of activity during the last few minute, with the result that at the close of tradingprices of most stocks moved up slightly. New York Closing Stock List. (Ry Leased Wire to The Times.) Amalgamated Copper .... . . ,. 02'i American Ice Securities .. American Suger Refinery :. . American Smelting .. ..'.-.-. American Locomotive .. .. American Car Foundry ....... American Woolen .... .. Anaconda ......,.. Atchison .. .. ., ., Atlantic Coast Line .. Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. . Baltimore & Ohio .. .. .. . Canadian Pacific .. .. .. '.. Chesapeake & Ohio . . .. 'Consolidated 5a ... .. ... Central Leather ........ Colorado Fuel & Iron Colorado Southern .. .. , .,: Delaware & Hudson .. .. V, Denver & Rio Grande Distillers Securities ...... Kite -..' .. .. v.. .. .. .. Erie. pref. .. .. .. .. .. .. General Electric .. - Oreat Western ".. .. .. .. .. Orcat Northern, pref. ... ,.- .Great Northern pre .. .. .. Hocking Coat & Iron -., .., Illinois Central .. .. .. Interboro ..- .. .. .. .. .. .. Interboro. pref. .. .. .. .'.-... Iowa Central .. ... ... .. Kansas City Southern Kansas & Texas ..." .. .. Kansas & Texas. prcf.; . . . . Louisville & Nashville ., .. Lehigh Valley .. .,' .... Missouri Pacific ....... .. .. New York Central . . ... .. . Northwestern '..-. .. .,'- ., .. National Lead ... - Norfolk & Western ..- Northern Pacific ., ... .. .. Ontario & Western ....... ... Pennsylvania .. .. .. .. .. . Pacific Mail .. .. .. Peoples Gas Co. .. .. .. .. Pressed Steel Car .. .. .. Reading .. .. .. .. ..' Rock Island .. .. .. Rock Island, pref. -'..' .. Republic Iron & Steel 'Republic Iron & Steel,, pref. Slops-Sheffield Sou I hern Pacific .. .. .. .. '. Southern Railway .. .. Southern Railway, pref. .. St. Paul .. .. ... .. : Tcnn. Copper " Texas Pacific . . . ... .. .. -.. . Third .Avenue ...... ... -.. ... ' Union Pacific .. .. .. .. .. U. S. Rubber .. .. Utah Copper ..' .. . U. S. Steel .. U. S. Steel, pref. ., ' Virginia-Carolina Chemical Western Nnion .. .. Wabash ...... .. .. .. .. Wabash, pref. .. .. .. Westlnghouse F.leetrie .. .. . '.Wisconsin Central Western Maryland .. .. .'.Cum Products .. .. .. .. ..11.-.V4 . . 8Mi "... 4(1 .. r44 .'..' S114 ... iHVi ..w "-.119 .'.-. 7754 ..108 ..210 ... 84 ..142 '.'.- 31 ..34 ..- 38V4 ;.l7tt . . 30 . . 34 ,. 2S ''.'.' 46 'a ..132 23 ..126 '',.- 59VI .-.' 3 . ,.136'i : 184 ..'53 '..' 18V4 ... 33 .,3.'. ... 65 ..143 ..177V. . . r.o ..m ..146',i .'-.' 5U ..107 ..12014 ..41 ..127 26 ..107 33'4 : . .136 .. 32 ,.62 .. 34 . . 96 .. 50 ..118 .. 27 .. 64 ; . .128 . . 35.14 .. 26 .. 10 . ..176' ..39 ., 4!! .. 78 ..119 ... r, .. 74 .. 16 ..34 . . 66 '.. r.0 .. T0 ..14 ' lluhk Statement. (Hy Leased Wire to The Times) , New York Jan. 28 Average cash reserve, 28.05 per cent; reserve, in crease, $3,266,750; less U. S. In crease, $3,260,175 ; loans, increase, $28,163,600; specie, increase, ; $11 254,900; legsA tenders, increase, $2, 208,200; deposits, increase, $40, '785,400; circulation, decrease, $188,800. -.Actual statement cash reserve, 27.83 per cent. ; Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Jan. 28 Nothing said In money today. '.. ' Posted Rates: Sterling exchange, 483 to 487, with actual business In bankers bills at 486 to 486.05 for demand and 483 for 60 day bills. Chicago Live S(ock. (By Leased Wire tp The Times.) Union Stock Yards, Ills., Jan. 28 Hogs receipts 9.000; steady to 5c higher; mixed and butchers 7.60 to 7.90; good heavy 7.75 to 7.85; rough heavy 7.60 to 7.70: light 7.65 to 7.95; pigs 7.50 to 8.05; bulk 7.70 to 7.85. Cuttle receipts 300; market steady; beeves '4.75 to 7.80;' cows and heifers 2.50 to 6.10; stockers and feeder, 3-85 to 5.75; Texans 4.50 to 6.40; calves 7.50 to .0. Sheep receipts 1,500; market steady. Native and western SM to 4.35; .Inmhs '4.25 a&- i ' New York Cotton Letter. (By W. B. Hlbbs & Company.) New York Jan. 28 Today's market was quiet and devoid of any new fea tures of importance. : B'luetuations were confined within 2 to 4 poiiUs from yesterday. This' was the -.maximum Improvement on an attempt to bull the market at the opening. There was however lip outside business and later this small advance was lost In mod erate reselling. Conditions remain about the same as outlined In our previous letters. There is nothing In the present situation and outlook to cause active trading either way at the moment. The spot situation- In the south continues too strong but the demand for actual cot ton from trade Interests still too good even at present prices for the inaugur ation of a bear campaign. On the other hand there Is little encourage ment for aggressive bullishness 'under existing conditions. It Is therefore a waiting .market. Pending developments, -calculated-, to induce activity for a wider range of fluctuations, nothing 'better than ir regular comparatively narrow traders market 'can be reasonably expected. : Purchasers of May and July on fur ther declines from the present level shoiiid only be advised in the ..mean time on further recessions and then only with the view of selling out promptly on any rally. ew York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Jan, 2S Cotton was quiet and steady at the opening to day, prices being from 3 to 5 points higher. There was buying from trade sources, although business was very quiet, only four or five sales be ing reported.1 Cables were about as due. Open. High. Low, Close. Jan .. 14.68 14.70 1-1.65 14.65 Feb.'--... 14.65 . ... . . ... . 14.65 Mar. .. 14.80 14.81 1 1.76 11,75 April ; . ... . -. . . . ... . . ... . May .. 14.96 1 l.!)7 14.93 14.93 June .'-..''.'. ... : ' 14.93 July .14.9S 1 4.99 1 1.94 14.95 Aug. . . . . r - 14-63 Sep: . ..... ..... Oct. . 13.41 13.42 13. 40 13.40 Market closed quiet. ; Xew Orleans Colton. - Open. High. Low. Close. Jan. .. 14.90 14,93 14.86 14.83 Feb. .. . . . . v.. . 14.89 Mar. ,.15.02 15.02 14.98 14.98 April . . ... . . ;....;-.' ..... . ... . May .. 15.20 J5. 21 15.19 15.18 June . .............. i 15.22 July.. 15.31 15.31 15.28 15.28 Aug 1 1.66 Sep ,'.'...'.,-.".....-.''."....; Oct. .. 13.37 . ... : 13.37 .Market closed steady; v Hjlvei-fiool Cotton (By Cable to The Times .)". Liverpool, Jan. 28 Cotton steady; American middling, Spots, 8.02; sales, 8,000; American, 7,70 0; re- ceipts, 2,000. - Futures opened quiet and steady and closed steady. Open. Close. January . ; .. .. 7.81 7.8J Jan.-Keb. . . '.-'. . . . 7.8014 7.81 Feb.-Mar. . . . 7. SI 7.81 Mar.-April . . . . . . 7.82 7.83 Ai.ril-May. . .... : 7.83 7.83 May-June.. .... 7.84 7.84 June-July ..... . 7.82 7.82 July-Aug. ....... 7.80 7.80 Aug.-Sep. .. .. .. 7.60 7.60 Sop.-Oct. . . , . . . 7.26 7.26 Oct.-Nov. . . . . . . 7.09 7.09 Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by C. E. Johnson ft Son.) Good middling, 14 15-16. Strict middling, 14 13-16. . Middling, 14 5-8. Tinges, 13 3-4 to 14 1-2. Receipts today, 130 bales. Port Receipts. ; New York, Jan. 28 Cotton port eceipts were as follows: New Orleans, 7,602 against 2.156; Galveston, 6,863 against 2, 410J Mo bile, 1,572 ugainst 401; Savannah,, 5,197 against 074; Charleston. 514 against 39; Wilmington, 1,319 againBt 71; Norfolk, 1,183 against 78; Boston, 177 against 50; Port Ar thur, 0 against 994; Pacific coast, 0 against "2,125; various, 237 against 1,000. Total, 23,354 against 9,958. Interior Movement: Houston, 6, 841 against 2,257; Augusta, 887 against 111: Memphis, 1,175 against 887; St. Louis, t-,878 against 1,55; Cincinhatl, 0. against 1,037; Little Rock, 0 against 645, Total, 10,681 against 6,909. Cotton Seetl OH. New York, Jan. 28 Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Closing. Feberttary . . . . .. . . 7.22 7.24 March .. . . ... . . . 7.21 7.23 April. .. .... .. .. 7.22 7.24 May . . .... ...... 7.257.26 Jnne-.. .... .. ...... 7.28 7.29 July .. ....... .. .i 7.2907.30 August . t . . ..,...... 7.30 7.35 September ..A .. .. 7.327.35 Spot cottonV207.26 i Sales rwli- Chlcago Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' Chicago, Jan. 28 The comparatively steady tone in Liverpool and the lack of moisture in Kansas caused a little higher market In wheat at the opening today with prices to c higher.' The market however, reacted a little on scattered selling. There was iTot much pressure. Liverpool closed to c hnvcr against the decline here, yester day. Broomhall's cable fails to ex plain the comparative tone in the Liv erpool market, except on the ground of short profit-taking. Argentine, Rus sian and Australian offers continue free. Corn opened a shade easier on the better weather, but local traders un loaded, filling up the resting orders Tor May; at 50. ..Orders at c lower how ever, are much more numerous and are yet unfilled. The oats market was slow but first, rasing a shade -In the first few min utes. The trade was very small, with commission houses on both sides, of the market. , Trade in provisions was light, with tin'., market firmer under lighter offer ings and the higher hogs at the yards. There was some bidding by Cudahy. Chicago grain quotations ranged as follows: WlH'Ht- May July Sep, Jan. Corn May . July Sep. Jan. Oats May July: Se;i. Dec; Polk . Jan. May July liard Jan, May July Sep. Ribs Jan. May July Sep. Open. High. . Close. V .97 ..97 ,97 .91 ,94 !) ! .92 .93 .93 .93 .. . . ; .93 ', .'D -.. .50 "; .49 .51 ., ,51 : .50 .51 .51 .51 .45 .. .. . .45 .31 .34 .34 .34 .34 .34 .:i:: .:.3J! ...... .. :.33 22.25 23.00 23.00 IS. 27 18.37 18.37 17.80 17.90 17.90 9.S0 9. SO .9,80 9. SO 9,77 9.70 9.70 .70 9.72 9.75 9.75 10X0 10.75 10.75 9.80 9.82 9.82 9.65 9.65 9.65 9.72 9.72 9.-6S Xeiv York Provision .Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Jan. 28 Wheat Steady ; No! . 1 May, 1 01 ; July 100 5-8; No. 2 red, 98 1-4 in eleva tor and 98 f. o. b. Corn Quiet; No. 2, nominal. Oats Quiet; No. 2 white, 38 40. Rye Steady; No. 2 western. 83. Barley Firm; malting, 94(&;100. Flour Dull; spring patents, 5,35 5.55; straights, 4.80 5. 10. Tallow Quiet; prime city, 7.00 7.43. ' V:'' Lard- Active; prime western, 10.80. Pork Steady ; mess, 22.50 23.00. . '-: - '.". -.'::" Coffee Firm; No. 7 Rio, 13. Sugar Dull; granulated, 4.70. Baltimore (iraiii. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Baltimore, Jan. 28 Wheat: Closed firmer: spot, 95 bid; Jan., 95 : Feb., 95 ; Mar.,: 96 ; May, 9914. - : Corn: Closed firm; spot and Jan., 51; Feb., 51; Mar., 52; April, 53. Oats: Closed dull: No. 2 white, 3J to 37 ; standard wnlte, 3714 to 37 ; . No. 3 white, 37; No. 4 white, 36 to 36. Naval Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah, Jan. 28 Spirits Tur pentine: Firm; 84c; sales, 25; re ceipts, 259. Rosins: Firm; sales, 1,075;: re ceipts, 1,576. Quite: WW, 8.05; WG, 8.00; N, 7.85; M, 7.60; K. 7.10; 1, 6.80; H, 6.72; G. 6.65; F, 6.62; E, D, C, B, A 6.60. St. Louis Produce. (By Leaded Wire to The Times.) . .St. Louis, Jan. 28 Eggs Steady; current receipts, new cases, 20; sec ond hand, 20 1-4; returned, 20. Butter Steady; extras creamery, 25; firsts, 23; seconds, 21; packing stock, 14. St. Louis Grain. (Ky Leased Wire to The Times.) St. i. Louis, : Mo., Jan. ' 28 Cash Wheat No. 2 red, 99103; No. 2 corn, 44; No. 2 oats, 33. Futures: Wheat May, 98; July, 92 5-8. Corn May, 49 7-8; July, 49 7-8. , Oats May, 33 5-8. ' Kansas City Produce. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. 28 Eggs Extras, 22; firsts, 22; seconds, 14. Butter -Creamery, .extra; ,-24; firsts, 21; seconds, 19; pa-skiDg stgek,, 13. Poultry Hens, 11; turkeys, 16; ducks, 12; geese, 9. -:- ,y '-.''. ; r ;'. Wisconsin RoMmmI Ohio by Putting Oscar Lang In First Place. (B Leased Wire )p The Times.) St. Louis, -Mo;, Jan. 28 New lead ers in both the singles and doubles are holding down tue laurels in the American Bowling Congress Tourna ment today. Wisconsin has robbed Ohio in tae individual lead by install ing Oscar Lang, of Watertown, in first place, with a score of 656, five pins ahead of Charles Schneider, of Dayton. Jimmy Smith and Eddie Gebhard, of Buffalo, In the doubles, took the lead over Riehle and GarJell, of Cin cinnati, rolling a score . of 1,224. Smith made 673 as his individual contributions. Smith has made high marks in the fives and the singles. R. H. Bryson, of Indianapolis, has been elected president of the con gress, and A. L. Langtry, of Milwau kee, secretary.: The other officers elected, were: F. W. Gosewisc'n, St. Paul, first vice president ;M, A, Phillips, St. Louis, second vice president: Louis Wehner, Dayton, O., third vice, president;' F. L, Pasdeloup,. Chicago, treasurer. THE NELSON RILL. I'or Leasing Coal Lands in Alaska . Favorably Rcportel. ( By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Jan. 28 The senate committee on public lands today au thorized a favorable report on the Nelson bill providing I'or leasing of coal lands in Alaska. The measure stipulates that any citizen of the United States may ob tain from the secretary of the in terior a license to prospect upon 256 acres of coal land, lor a , period not exceeding two years, at a fee of 25 cents an acre for the first year and 50 cents the second year. Within that time he may obtain a lease to mine coal on a royalty of five cents a ton, if the lease is executed within 10 years of the passage of the act. ,.fter that the royalty is graduated from 6 to 10 cents a ton. The lessor must also pay a renlal to the gov ernment of 50 cents an acre for the first year, $1 for the second, $2 for the third, and $4 for subsequent years; , The interstate commerce commis sion is empowered to fix the price of coal mined on the leases and the rate of transportation. SEARCH FOli WHEELING. Ilattlesliip Delaware Will be Dis patched to Look for Missing" Ves. ' 'eLv-V' -;-':,: (By Leased Wire to The, Times.) Norfolk, Va., Jan. 28 That the battleship Delaware will be dispatch ed to search for the missing United States gunboat Wheeling, now due at Guantanamo, Cuba, was a report which became current in navy circles today. Although the Wheeling's course never should have been out of range of wireless communication since her departure from New York last Sunday, efforts of wireless oper ators along the coast from Newport to Key West and also those in Cuba to get in communication with the vessel have been futile; Although the navy yard here has not been offi cially apprised of an accident to the Wheeling the belief is growing that something has happened to the ship. She carried a complement of 144 men.- . Memphis Man n Suicide. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Jan. 28 Jefferson D. Levy, of Memphis, Teun., died at the New York Hospital today from what the police say is a self-inflicted bullet wound. . .''-. "j , His reported attempt at suicide took place in his room at the Hotel Navarre yesterday afternoon. He had come here to buy goods for the firm of B. Lowensteln Brothers, of Memphis, of which he was a member. Went To Prison Without Guard. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Atlanta, Ga Jan. 28 Without a guard and by himself, W. S. Harlan, nephew of Associate Justice Harlan, of the supreme court Of the United States, presented himself at the fed eral prison here today to enter into his sentence after being convicted of peonage at Pensacola, Fla. Wireless On Airship. (By Cable to The Times.) Aldei Bhot, Eng., Jan. 28 T:ie mil itary airship Beta while in flight to day maintained wireless communica cation with headquarters at a dis tance of twenty miles. This is the first time this feat has been accom plished. , Lost His "Sobriquet." San Francisco. Cal., Jan. 28 "One Round" Hogan lacks his sobriquet to day us a result of his defeat last night at the hands of Frankie Burns. Hogan lost on a foul in the twelfth round. ' - . ; , 4) FOR BEST IN 4 4 , BREAD USE - PEERLESS FLOUR 0 - i . anil up-to-date 4)1: M-al Manufactured . . IMRHAM MILLS. - A Want Ad. in The Raleigh Dally Times goes on that buyer-seeking errand for you, goes Into the little houses and big, among the rich anu the poor talks the language of "self Interest" to the thrifty ( and finds your markets for you. Get the Servant Sell' tfte' Lot Rent the House Find loot. '.'.'-.-:." Times Ada. Can Do Most Anythnig. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS. THAN 10c. ICE CREAM 25c. quart; all flavors. Betts' Ice Cream. It BIG REDICTJOX SALE IX SHOES January 30 lasting ten days. Ral eigh Shoe Co., 15 IS. Hargett St, 27-2t 20 PIECE ROGERS SILVERWARE Sets in beautiful oak case, satin lined, now ready for coupon clip pers. Thirty coupons and $5.50. ' '11. t. f. A SHERBET. THAT WILL .MAKE your mouth water; 25c. quart. Belts' Ice Cream. It TAKE YOl It SHOES TO .MOORE'S Electric Shoe -Shop. Best work to quickest service. Work called for and delivered. C. C, Phone- 719. . Fri,, Sat., Mon,, Wed., Fri. COAL AND WOOD FOB SA LE AH grades hard and soft coal, pine and oak wood. Raleigh Phone 4392. 17-tf FOR RENT One (i-rooiu liouse, 305 S. Person St., and part of siore rooni, 1J5 W. Martin St., under Academy of Music. Apply .1. M. Norwood. . 1 1 BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOM.MO dated with modern improvements, 219 East Morgan. 21-5t LOST Night of January 25th, small Pendant of Coral Leaves belonging to old Coral Pin, Reward it found and returned to this office. 2 7-2t WANTED Blacksmith tor lighl repairing and shoeing. Wages, $1.75 per day. Address "Good Roads", Frankliiuon, N. C, care : Box 91. 2S-2t WANTED Clean white rags. Apply Evening Times Press Room. tf SOMETHING NEW FOR COUPON Clippers! 26 piece Roger's Silver ware, put up exclusively for The Times, in elegant oak case, satin lined; You have to see it to appre ciate its beauty. Send in your coupons at once and .get your case. , 'll t.f.. , ''.-- $100 .MONTH LY AND EAPEXSKS to travel and distribute samples for big manufacturer: steady work. S. Scheffer, Treasurer, .1212, Chi cago. . ' t TRY. OCR SHAD. THEY ARE FINE. " Pearce's Market. 27-2t COAL If you want the best Coal call Raleigh Phone 4392. Cele brated Big Creek Lump, All sizes Anthracite. Summer Prices. 29-tf $25 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES TO trustworthy people to travel and distribute samples for wholesale house. C. H. Emery, P312, Chi cago.. - . .. It ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home No canvassing. Be your own dobs. Bend for free booklet. Tells how Heacock, A 6262 Lockport, N. T. 4-19 t. t OCR SHAD ARE LARGE AND FAT. Pearce's Market. 27-2t WANTED Ladies to learn-the.. new permanent hair wave. The sea son's sensation. We have the ex clusive right to teach it here. No other work pays as well. Possible for operators to earn $50 per day. Short term completes; Work wait ing our graduates. Our regular work is teaching hair dressing, manicuring, facia! massage, chi ropody, and 'electrolysis. ' Also want a few apprentice girls.' Small pay to start. Catalogue mailed free. Moler College, Atlanta, Go. 28-31-2 ' . J. R. MATTHEWS Contractor. Su perintend: on Percentage. C. C. 'phono 809-F. 21-1 Ot. LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED Laundry In the city. Office 107 Fayettevllle Street. Peoples' Laundry, the best. 17-tf FRESH LOT WHITE SHAD AND other assorted fish. Brltton Pearce's Market. 27-2t WANTED Men to learu barber trade. Commission , paid for bringing students. WagesA(n fin ishing department;.! lExparlence in shops Saturdays. Flint, work on free customers. All practical. In struments with charts and dia- ; grams saves years. Our gradu ates always send for m our help. Positions waiting. Catajosue Tree. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ua. 2S-6t LOST Pencil part o( silver pencil. Finder will retilrn to The Daily Times. 7-tf YOU ARE WANTED FOR GOVERN ment position. $80.00 month. Write for list of positions ' open. Franklin Institute, Dep't. ,270 C, Rochester, N. Y. 1418-21-25-28. Feb. 1-4-8.11 ' FOR FRESH LETTUCE, ' SPRING : Chickens, and pure Buff Rock eggs, phone Mrs; George Flint. ' 2-26-28. OneCent a Word CMh With Order IF IT'S LAUNDRY WORK YOU want, we excel. We know how. That's all. People's Laundry (the best.) 17-tf WANTED Architectural- draftsman, $125; manager lumber yard, 100; ! band sawyer, $150; checker, $75; abstracter, $100; full surveying crew, $50, $125. Business Men's Clearing-house, Houston, Tex. It WANTED-Second hand Bags and Burlaps;' Write for prices. Rich mond Bag Company. 20-10t COLLARS AND CUFFS LAST 1ON ger if laundered right. We know how. People's Laundry. , 5-tf FOR SALE Horse and buggy. Ap ply to Eugene Armhrustcr, second floor Masonic Temple. 1 it MAX WANTED To milk and drive dairy wagon. Steady employment, ' Apply to W. R. Roberts, 825 W. Morgan Si. 24-5t PATENT YOUR IDEAS AND MAKE money. '. Send for my new book, "How to Get Them." Best ser vice, Joshua R. H, Potts, Lawyer, Washington, D. C, Chicago and Philadelphia. 10-29-8t WOOD SAWED ANYWHERE IN the city. Phone Charlie Cotten, phone 433, 8CS-F. 2S-6t FOR SALE 28-in. Steel Split Crown Face Pulley; for 2-in, Shafting. Practically new. Will Sell at a bargain. Apply at Times Office. 13-tf . A Want Ad. in The Raleigh Daily Times Will Work Wonders for Your Business. : FRESH EGGS. 2.c. Dozen. . Phone 28 ''"or GROCERIES OF QUALITY. Goods and Service Guaranteed Satisfactory, H. J JOHINSSON Successor to : D. T. JOHNSON & SON. 1A E. Harcett St.. RALEIGH. N. 1av Rates via Southern Railway to New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Account Murdi Gra.s, Celebration, February 23d-28tli, 1911. Account Mardi Gras Celebration at New Orleans, La.; Mobile, Ala., and Pensacola, Fla., February 23-28, 1911, the Southern Railway will sell very cheap round-trip ticket's, as fol lows: To New Orleans From : : Raleigh ,'..; . .$26.75 Goldsboro . . . . .... .20.75 Durham . . . . .'. . . 20.75 To Mobile From Raleigh . . . . . v . : . .$23.45 Goldsboro .-. ....... , . . 21.45 Durham , . .... . . 23.30 To Pensacola From Raleigh .; .$23 HU Goldsiioro . . , . . . . . 23.85 : : Durham . . ;.:. .. .. 22. So Tickets will also be on sale from ail ot her stations. , Dates of Sale February 2 i to 27, inclusive, with final return linifl March 11, 1911, wit h privilege, or .ox tending final limit until March 27 by depositing-', ticket with .special agent and payment of $1.00. : For all informal ion perlaining to rales, sclieduli'ri, I'ullniaii reserva tions, etc., see your agent, or address W. H. PARN1CLL. Traveling Passen ger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. We sell and recommend HOTEL ASTOR COFFEE, lib Tins, $ .35 Sib Tins, 1.00 108 East Hargett Street. EITDY & BUFF ALOE. Both Phones. Succeed when everything else falls. In nervous prostration and female weakness they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It?lr thes' ewdfcirie ever told i pret a druggist's connteta . ;--.' . We can please you at all times in Ci gars, Tobacco and Pipes. THE HICKS DRUG COMPANY BOTH PHONES. MUCH DEPENDS UPON THE DRUGGIST. Had you ever stopped to tbinb of the responsibility a druggist has in filling prescriptions? We can shoulder this resKJnsibility, as our Prescription Department is in charge of capable Regis, tered Druggists, und you have the assurance oireceiving their 'careful attention. J. C. BRANTLEY, MASONIC TEMPLE, Phones 15. RKCKIVKR'S SALE. Under and by virtue of an ord -r, made in the case of Hunter-Drew j' "o. v. Grand Tlieatre Co.. now. pendns n the Superior Court of Wake County, N. C:, the undersigned, Receiver of the Grand Tlieatre Co.;, will expose for ' sale at public auction for cash to th,v highest bidder, on the premises rorm erly occupied by the Grand Theatre Co.. on the 1st day of February. 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, the following per-. sonal property: 1 desk chair, 20 chairs, 6 tables, 1 sora,.z stools. 8, electric fans, 1 ticket taker's box, 4 step ladders, 1 glass adv. case, 2 adv. boards, 1 vanity case, 3 peanut machines, 1 stair case carpet, 1 desk, 1 balcony aisle carpet, 1 linollum mat, 1 parouet carpet, 1 pair heavy curtains, 2 rugs. 2 ticket cases, 1 malting, 3 ushers' uniforms, 3 music racks, ' I1 . piano attachment. 1 piano and stool, 1 hat rack, 1 screen, 1 couch, 1 rocker, 1 conversation chair, 1 grate shield, 3 vases, 1 water cooler. 4 curtain poles, I cot and campstool, 5 mirrors, 1 lawn suite; 1 stage rug, 1 parasol, 1 pair curtains. The above property will be sold, first. piece-meal, (i. e. each article separate- ly), 'and then as a whole, and it be sold for the highest price offered, whether said price be that bid wm.u it is sold piece-meal, or when sold as a whole. The sale of the above described prop- : erty Is also - made subject to confirm ation by the Wako County Court ux its February term. This 2th day of January, 1911. FltAXCIS A. COX. Receiver. JOS. B. CHESHIRE. JR., Dally 1 days. Attorney. RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West THRKK FAST VliSTIRULB TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. v Through Pullman Sleepers Xm Louis ville, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis. :-'' e. M. P.M. p. u. . Leave Norfolk 4:00 Leave Richmond J:00 (:4fi 11:N -Leave LynchbuiB 4:2(1 Ar. Charlottesville 6:10 :17 A.M. " Ar. Loulsvlll 10:00 7:30 P. M.A. M. P.M. Arrive Cincinnati 7:45 10:00 6:00 Arrive ChlcaKO 6:25 8:00 7:10 - Arrive St touls S:61 :10 7:17 Only one night between Raleigh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. ... Iiret Connections for All Points West and Northwest. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTB. The Line to the Celebrated Resorts af ... . Virgin. . -For descriptive matter, schedule siid PuHnum Reservation, address . W. O. WARTHEN, D. P. A Btcbmoad, Ta. " , 4XO. it. POTTS, , ; j Geml. Paaa. Aseal. IIUDBARD ltR0S.fi CO HANOVER SQUARE, NEW TORK. MEMBERS of Naw Tork Oottoa Exchange, New Orleans Cottoa Exchange, Associate Member lite ' erpool Cotton Assoclatloa. ORDERS SOLICITED For tm pop ehase and Bale of Cotton tor futor delivery. - CorrespoBdeBM larltal, Uornifj reaortt r:;r:J ti r ) !'l

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