THE RALEIGH DAILY TIJUES: SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1911. 7 n ., The prescription depvtmat of onr tor la la charge of thorough experienced aad registered druggist, torn are particular la selecting fonr doctor, bo yon should be in electing your draggM. 'Pbox for oar enger and let Mat call for the next prescriptioa. . KINQ-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY, The Quality Drug Store B$ociety& Idea JAMS. Fair morns that have been In the silent years, v: Glad days and lonjr with friends who've gone away, Lone love-lock d castles moated round with tears. Rise up "before, me with this rising day. Sweet sun that through . my humble lattice smiles. Whose golden magic makes the world anew; Shall I yield up my sadness to your wiles, Let go the past and take the opening view? . Yes, and farewell, ye. dear seductive woes! This soul knows nought of doubting or despair: Lead on, bright vision, till the last ilav close; ;. ; The past was well the future shall be . fair! O God, thou Wonder-Worker! what high dreams Hast thou safe garner d in the vast To Be! Thou keepest well the secret of thy schemes: I guess the meaning of mortality. Fling open wide, ye golden gates of morn! New friends, new .hopes shall crown this virgin day; All the dead (lays are with this day new born; Death, now Is dead the shadows tlec away! J. Lewis Milllgan. Mrs.. George Mogford, of Norfolk, is Visiting ills. James Mogford.. , Miss I.uclle Moore, of Klin City, Is I visiting Miss Lillian Fountain. Mrs. Henry Thorpe, of Kockv Alount. ; Is visiting Mrs. Jolm Andrews. Mrs. William K. shipp has gone to , Oh a pel Hill to visit Mrs. George Mc i Ghee. Mrs. Frank Willingham, of Houston Vb is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph F. Ferrall. Mrs. A. E. Tate, of High Point, who has been visiting Mrs. Willis G. Urlggs has returned home. Mrs. W. H. Tant. of Hamlet, who has been visiting Mrs. E. S. check has returned home. Mrs. ernon Liies. of Maxtnn. who has been visiting Mrs. J. B. Timber- lake, has returned home. . Mrs. A. C. Metiee. who has been vis Itlng Mrs. Wm, E. Shlpp. has returned to her home at Llncolnton. Mrs. F. M. Klmbark. of Tor onto Canada, has returned home alter vis iting her parents, Col. and Mrs. Charles B. Johnson. . '. Mrs. W. C. Dowd. of Charlotte, wife of Speaker Dowd. will teach the B. B. B. Class at the Tabernacle Sunday school tomorrow. . Miss Katherine Wharton, rif :I?al- eigh, arrived in the city .yesterday to spend several davs as the attractive guest of Miss Naniv Brown at her home on. East avenue. Charlnue Chronicle. Over Teacups Club. Over T he Tea Cups will meet Monday afternoon at tour . o'clock with .Miss Margaret Bovlan. Kntertaiiied Bruise ( lub. : Miss. Josephine ... Boy Ian .entertained her bridge club yesterday : afternoon at her home on South IJoylah. Avenue, complimentary to her guest. Miss Air. gima Jenkins, ot Suffolk. a. .. Five Hundred ( lub. The Five ; Hundred club was enter tained, yesterday afternoon . by M rs. M. T. Morris at her home on Blount street. A denghtful game was eifioved; there were four tables. Itefreshments were served after the game. THE WOMAN'S STORE! WE AKE AGENTS FOB THE FAMOUS WARNER CORSETS. Cam Yon Be Well, you are going to be, for we are husy arranging one of the biggest surprises of the New Year. Look Out Don't get caught now, for what we are preparing to tell you will be great news. A Bng Mofise Will be sounded from this store within the next few days that will be very startling. 7AIQ) ft Ml 15)15) tlASONIC TEMPLE EALEIGH, If. G. T .... .ciprrAii crrrHONEsa, is1 , MISS JONES "AT HOME." Delightful Afternoon Retention 'for Mrs. F. P. Holtgootl, Jr., 'Mrs. E. H. Jordan and Miss Fainter. Miss Florence P. .lone H o-n ra n ile. lightiul alternoon reception yesterdnv In honor of Mrs. F. P. llnlmimi .1 of Greensboro; Mrs. E. H. Jordan and Miss Painter, of the faculty of Peace Institute. Palms and cut flowers mml n nvi II v decoration for the afternoon. Alumt ne hundred and twenty-live guests caneu during me receiving hours from lour t I six.... The, guests were reclved In tin- hnll by Mrs. Thomas M. Ashe. Mrs C. B Crowd! and Mrs. Z. P. Smith and were served punch by Mrs. H. A. Rovstei and Mrs. Alfred Williams. In the receiving line were: Miss Jones, Mrs. Hobgood. Mrs. Jordan. Miss Painter and Mrs. Albert Baumann. In the dining room a delicious salad course was served bv Misses Marv Johnson. Susan MePheeters. Laura King and. Susan Johnson. In the tea room were Mrs. Alex Webb. Miss lluth Wells. Miss Harrison. Miss Marion Smith and Miss Lucv Page. - ".At Home" Wednesday. The following ..'Invitations have been received by friends: .Mrs. James Y. Joyner Miss House "at home" . AVednesdav. February (list : four to six o'clock. ''.'..'. M rs. N. J. Rouse.,, ... ,' . Miss Morgan, . A GREAT KICCKSS. Scenes in I 111011 l)eiHl Played Packed House Last (jlit. It Is .seldom that ll local tajeiit i I i 1 V has attested such a large audience as witnessed the ."Scenes in I'ninn Hepnt." presented, at the Academy , of Music last night. Thi theatre was packed to the doors. It w"as'u-.;m'ost'. appreci ative and good nature audience . that greeted the performance with beany applause and a continual ro'ar or laugh ter. The cast appreciated the kindly uppoit of the auilience and put lorlh their best efforts to the end Hint the show was a great success The ..'performance' ."was' 'preceded by a short program : of specialties that pleased, the audience Immensely.. M is-s Emily Rose Knox rendered a violin lo. there was a vocal solo by Mr. Will Heller and Mrs. Pei'ev, Fleming and a reading by Miss Frances l.lenfiow. Mr. P. D. Gold. ..Jr., gave some amusing dialect stories of southern darkies pleased the audience so much that he had to answer to an cn.oie. Miss Flora Creech: Miss Ellen Dur- H'lrton presented a suc seene . at the .beginning 1 depot scene that fitted tlif rest of the playl s were practically itll would be. hard to say X K v v ' jf i y . M) X f 111 1 1 ti;''4r-v; S; r-,-,. -m'imimim ixw?ym Two icus of Hie latest eieatioii ;n wear tor wonieu worn bj a I'erisian actress. On .the left is a rrupt icy, o .the new pantaloon skirt imil on the i'ili a side ic. ham and Pr. .-fill little of the play. . well with The charuCte comical and it who were the stars of the perlormance all plaved their parts so well;., the most ridiculous scenes of course licct. Ing with ..the most favor, . The cast was composed of: Ticket agent. Will Hcilcr, trnin- niaster. t". . Albright: Wmnan at luucli-stand. Mrs. Gilbert ('ral)tree: Itootblaik. (J. M. Burton: Mrs. Brown. Mrs. A. T. Horton: Johnnv Brown. FrankMn Sherman; Mrs. LaiiUii, Miss I'iittie i.'ai roll; . Mrs. Snyder,. Miss Irene Lacy; Miranda. , Snyder. Miss Fannie Brooks: I'ncle John. Dr. ('. O. Abcrnathv: Mr. Jones. T. K. Petty: Mrs. White. Miss Marv Itav: Miss I'iper. Miss Loula Riddle: Josiah Pot ter. Dr. ('. (I. Abcrnathv: Nauev Pot ter, Miss . Bell , Fleming; Mr. Arm strong. J. C. Allison: Peter: Mr. Hardee Murphy Rav: Thomas Jefferson. Ken neth Parkir: Sarah. Jennie Smith; Sarah. Mav Ghirkin: Bess. Miss Jane Kay: Dot. Miss Annie Willson: Tnx. Miss Helen. Brown: Dude. C. F. Klrk- patriek: .Mr. Martuulale: G. L. Jones; Mrs. Martmdale. Miss surah Burke- liead: Mrs. Hummer, Mrs. M. C. Brin son: Groom. Mr. Norton: Bride. Miss Belva Huntington: Rosy. Miss Jennie Proctor: Molly, Miss Mildred Hall: Dick. Ben Tongue: Rob.. Ivy Riddlck; Cassinpeu. Mrs. E. V. Barlx-e; Jupi ter, Kenneth Smith. College Quartette. Perry, McGee. Pritchett. Messrs. Joslvn. Mr. White. J. W. Burin: Lily. Miss Alice Willson: George. Ttim King; Eliza. Miss Lnlla Betls: Mabel, Miss Lalla Wills: Jack. C. F. KIrkpa trick: Mrs. Linton. Miss Susan Iden; Mr. Linton, A. T. Horton. Henderson News. . (Spec'ial to The Tunes.) Henderson. Jan. 2S Miss Laura Wed deil. the 'bcautilul and gifted young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wed dell, of Tarboro, North Carolina, has been honored with the assar College scholarship. We are proud of our North Caro lina girls, few equal them in any walk of life, and we hope this fair young girl will continue to reap honors while there. ' The Daughters of the Confederacy In general convention assembled, at Little flock, refused to endorse the monument design selected by the vet erans to be erected at the capllnl of each southern state, to the women of the Confederacy. They claimed the de sign was not worthy the women of those times, our mothers and grand mothers. A New Orleans woman led the movement. Henderson Social News. :. Henilerson. Jan. 28 The Alma Club, ooihprlslt1ffrt, literature, music and amusement was beautifully entertained yesterday by Mrs. Andrew Harris at her hospitable home on William street. The president. Miss Leona Currln In thri chair. 1 Most of the members were present. Program s follows: Paper Rural ' Italy Miss Jessie Harris . . Women : and Home Life or Italy MlHS" Florence Currin, . i,Th "Madopas in Italian Art u. D. T. OBopeiwJrj Poem Mi8 Rebecca Watltlns. . . Tt nrnvprj an InterAHt.infir and ln- jsUVCtlvf atcrno?nVi After M Jueel- ing.'.adjournen .Mrs. lij'i. ms -refreshment'"-. The next meeting . nd Miss Agnes ll. ss The Woman's Tu litelary 0rgani7.Vui1.1f! its last nicctirig wit . !iam. on t'liiiilcs I. uliticr discussion. !' ( 'orneille, the i-'.it; drama '. The "Thriller ,F,.:: t'ooju-r,-. Sr. . ... Snliie. of tllfi' ''AA.;'' Mii'ic C: a DiaA .' Mis. Sidney' t Pc-i" dent, of this orgs rv.l. lie- Utey.' W;'." H. Royal: toe n.s pastor of I the I IV-r .MethoiIlM Cll'.JI-.'l'.. ri!,..lleiv:el - ;muT it. (vr.-ipfislii'd; .vlf. and F -In nary I ill bo. host i"ub. -another, -mi; .city; licUl Hroolis Par- nif Titif i-ubject 1 .1 i:a ma. !' tile - French 1 ' n. Thc-e geplii -mi 11 by. iiieaiiins ff tlici hul I'iivc hi- 00 "ni; Mi 1). Y. Mrs. Ai('h';::,;;m; Mis. '-Wiilidi'M.'' --. ,i "ueicr is il i'.nii and .'though s. sli,. u'-n':.!,. and almost a girl in :vt rs, .-he i.s a'.i! energetic and alay lntiVvlv-d.rl.:i'i:i ' tiling i : tiic gonil .f Hender son. '.- ;'. . ; -'-: Tills literafjv -1' iety . was :: orymdMCii by Mis. " i t i 1 k a forin. i rcsid --: I -of our town, in ls:l. and fedi rated iti Mr. Gilmer ai t':,n time li ol 1 !my'e-of the mali scl'.ou; here. : M:s.. i.iiiinci freqtii'ntly visit;- n ieiids lc r.i ii joys attending.- the ',Yoi'ii';-Vi:.'s,''..-l'iiesdiiy' Club. -'.":;. 'Mr. i.inl M. S, . J. ; K-il p:; lid -1; ,v of Wyanock. iX. .-' '.. ' and tin ailili-'h. Mr. Preston .1 1. more li'ttie -Mis Ethel t'rivkiii.-'i.'. !i:ive'anivv:il iir Hen derson to iiia',., . it then- ,one. . Ml:. Kilpati'ii-k is able niiiiister .of ; the second and tiiii 'l Methorlist . ohurchi here.:. They w:!: ; reside 0:1 . Wiljia pi street. Mr. Kiipa trick .h'ts livin itvi-e sometime ' aiai i popular-:' with' liis churches, Mis-. Kilpatrh-k'; f a ei:iii vated, , refun d, ly-ly-.and ' lias .1 ircaily made niany frauds hn:.; Iter son formerly a, i t li(j Bin-jhani school at . Asheville. .bin will, remain here for the present, as' II- ndersnie hiis a good school systcio. ;:iiil Avili alii rid colli ge later. Our town has also recently welcomed e dot only li'.-ed ov, n coiirega lion 'r t'l icrids iin'iiiiig (leiiomiiiati'nvs. - Mrs. ii. Vi;n.i.-.-.-:-r Waaingloji, il. ' I'., aidi Mrs. : Walt. - i'o.M H, of New' York, iiit- musts of .Mrs. John D. .: ' 1 ;.-:; ai f s: .' ..Mm, .( 'hiiJce.-.o:' 'Ni'.:..-Yi'rk: 1 s : visit in;; ln.r cuisii!. .jiirsi- j-.r.llri'iok.-i; ral-hain. nil i 'liiirU-s' si r.'-el, .,.'., -., Miss .VI iil.Me Diihn feft. : today to visit hi r friencli ,'Mrs. L. ,'is Struni; of Si. 1 :o! -tr.' Via. .''.".'.' ' Mr. ''.Thud Ii. Maiiiiiii'-r our ' pnpu'ar c.liior jif the li-ild i.'-ar, i-- Mil! at the Yri-irinia Hospital.- liU lin'ond, -Va.. but his Veoiidllioii is' soiiii-w lr:i,t inijii oved and: Rafter; l'hr"i''.'wcek-s. si, ' tiiei-c. he h ,vh(iir' iuix-.ious; ti- t fn.iae. :IIe. liai 1 Ii - ii-.Vp i:i a .' M' ' i'xfi tile iii-s . a ml Ivili: .":-!. Mrs; Mont grooni. : w ill cnl ' i 'aniiady ' toiooi- HER FRIEND IN NEED After Mrs. Graham Was Re lieved, She Told the Good News to Ker Neighbor. Willanl. Kv." In n letter from this place. Mis. Eflie Graham suvs: ' I was so weal; I eould Iiardlv go. I suffpred nearly every month, for three years, mid often 1 woinil nave to lie In bed. I had pains in 111 v skle, and would swell iii, mill niv back hurt awfully. When 1 bcnati to take Cardni I weighed only :p pounds. Soon I 1)e gau to fuel a meat , deal stronger. Not long ufl or I weighed 115 pounds. Now I am doing my work, and am lit good health. C'ardul has don wonderml things for nie. 1 feet-like a new ikmsoh. I wiH always pralKK Curd ill to niv friends. I rc oinniended it to n neighbor, and she Is now looking fine." . Filtv years of jiroof has convinced us and those who have tested it of the value of Cardul, 1" yoniunly weakness and niKoaso. 1 The only war vou can get trie ben efit of the geiiiiinf C'ardui herbs Is bv getting a I1011I0 of Cjirdtii or vopr driipglst. Mo doe.M not. keep the crude dnm. as it. Is especially lm porfed by the manufacturer. Try Jt. Your druggist sella It.' . N. B. Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine . Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.,; for Special In- rtructkns, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent In plajn r r - j t .vwvvti ... -, i-tiair twice. 1 .C'.inn,!,! arc 1:1 ;"li er c. . sistei: . of v'l ain in: honor.: of 1 iv i vi'iiiti'. .,' . . - . I'lcrect aniphcll. T!tc follow t::ij invitittiuns have been Hsuc-i : '.i.iv... and Mrs. Pasil . ri.'i'iti. st' the ijlotsniv' t:t ' yoiir-company 7 ''" ... ':.- ' at the "'? - inarriiiKc 'iif ili-;ir; si' ler. -. :' .-'. Nina l'e.irl. "',- -to - ' : . -'..'' -: Mi-.. Fon;a!o. Jael. -on Pierce' -.-' ' Thursday ;.i: l'h ! noon. Fe'irur ry ' ninth nineteen fiuniii-Hi a lid ' le;v-n a t ' three; 'o'clock. ; - ' Tel West .loiies street:, i . Itab-lKh,: T. 0." ';, ' " Mr. I'ieri e.; has been for a ii'imbcr of -ears a noiii'lar clerk a t liriiri:'-' Hard ware y,tie and has many fricnils who ill coiigratuf:tt tunc;-' him on li is good for- OF AUISTOCK.XTIC I .XMILV. I I'cilci ick Manning Mi Stntilietf Man llcl'iiscil to Give His Identity, i ( IVv Leased Wire to I lie I imcs) j Kalamazoo. Mich., .lull- 2S -Tlta aristocratic faiuMy ' conneclions of Frederick Maiiiiiiie., who was sent enced to Jackson prison two davsi RO for Klabhiiii; a man. Were re vealed today for Iho first time by the lirisoner's mis ( - 1. who came here lioni New (iiK. DirliiR the trial Malinina; persistently rcluscd to speak ol his lainilv. Hr- 13 the son of a. prominent. Methodist minister in Georgia, and a nephew ol one or I He firm of, I.ovvnian Hro'Ur.'rs, iho blg nest Klovo : iiiiiiinlai-tiircrs in the south. Miinninc: is heir to a vast tortune, but ran awnv from home. A sister who came here from New York Is said to have offered 11 sum tp the family of the slahnod mail ir the prosecution were dropped. HOOSKVIXTS IT1XKKAHV. I'liices While lie Will Stop on Trip rlhi(iiKli n,e South. (By Leased Wire lo 1 he Times) Atlanta Jan -'S Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt, wnj will shortly visit the routhern states, lias announced his itinerary as follows: Arriving in Atlanta Marca 9 he will remain from id::lO a. m. to 11 :i!t) p. in., when lie will depnrt for UinniiiKhuiii,. arriving tberfi ut 5:20 a. 111. March 10. LeaviiiK Birniinn ham at 10:13 p. m. the colonel will arrive at Jtickaon, Mjss , at B:40 ft. 111., March 11, and. stop over until 1:00 p. 111. The Roosevelt train will arrive in New Orleans at 6:00 p. m., March 11, and remain im tha Crett- nent Gity. until noon of. tbe followlrie day, when the return to the east-will be tuafle, We are Showing New Spring Ginghams and Percals And we have never shown quite as good an assortment. We have some beautiful new patterns in both goods, and you will be delighted with them. The price is 12 l-2c a yard. New White Goods Our lines are too numerous to go into detail, but we can give you exceptional values, from the lower priced Lawns to the dainty Batistes. We are also showing a splendid assortment of Muslin Underwear and it will pay you to look at it. Coat Suits We are determined not to carry over a single suit, so while they last, the price is $9.98 a suit. Don't Forget That we are showing the greatest values in ','. ;,.,:'. . - . :':-' j,: : : ' . .' ''.. Embroideries Ever shown m Raleigh 1 ' i'.; f 1 1 .