, THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: SATURDAY, JANTLAIfY 28. 1011. ' " '7 W rry a w ; - 7 iff Prices from $2.50 to $35.00 Proud Satisfaction It is a dni'in experiment, when you trifle .with your health. Don't Procrastinate. Consult your Doctor about your ills. lit- on the safe side. Brim; your Prescriptions to us. You. then luive (ill (lint modern science din, give to assist nature in your recovery. B0B3ITT-WYNNE BOTH PHONES 10 M esh MACHINE MADE MESH RINGS SMOOTHER, STRONGER AND MORE DURABLE THAN ANY OTHERS H. MAHLER'S SONS SILVERSMITHS scocrcssoits to :, ,;. . HUNTER BROS. AND BREWER COMPANY Announce Their First Sale and Will Make it One to he Hemem hercd hy Low Prices. One ease, (io'dozen Ladips' and Children's , Hoso, best on the mar- kel, ; pairs for 2.1c. 900 Yards Unbleached Domestic, 7c. value for 5c. One lot of Men's and Ladies' Shoes, $3.00 Sellers for $1.08. Children's Union Stills, 10 and :(! . 1!) Ladies' Tailor-marte Skirts $:l.4H. 18- Silk Petticoats, black and cojors, $2.08. 1(5 Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters' below 'cost. !) Ladies' All-wool Sweaters, sold for $4.00. Our price for this sale, ' S2.S7. ' P .1 5 dozen Ladles' r'iose, black Embroidered, :57 c. Ladies'. Muslin Underwear.- new styles, best quality; ' prioes will r;: !.( from 25c, to $ I M. Low. prices on some odd Corsets, to close out. In i;(!!'1hiii to these cut prices we have a Ix-autiful line of new Spriiiv, fiiijli:tiu.s. Percales, Calicos, and in While (Joods tve have White l 'ancy Madras, Klaxons, Suitings and Fancy Waislings of the most p pillar styles. HUWTe.R-RAND COMPANY, 210 iui:tti:villk stiikkt. WE SELL PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. nk la Ledgers, Journals, 'Cash and Day Books. Loose Leaf Ledgers. - Everything For the Office. - Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMES E. THIKM, Manager. The Daily Times ISnilding:, 12 Et Haruett Street . - .... . ..... Raleigh. N. O. OLIVER ICE, COAL AND MILL CO 'RALEIGH PHONE 4392 Large Slock ... OF , Go-Carts and Biby Carriages DRUG CbMP ANY. m Bags Books 1 We are in the fight for your Coal and Wood business. OUR AMMUNITION the best quality and all grades. Our Shot-summer prices Church Services CHH1ST CHflM'H-Hev. Milton A. Barber, rector. Hew It. IVrcy liubatiks, asslslanl. J-'ourtli Sunday after Eiplphany, Holy ('onuniininn At 7:30; Sunday school, 9:45. Itector' Bible class for men, 1(1:00. Divine set vh-e. and fcrmon, 11' o'clock, St. Luke'; Home, 3:"0. (Brotherhood Or St. An drewl Evening prayer , 4:?.0 ; o'clock, Services during the week: Thursday (Feast Purification Blessed Virgin Mary) Holy Communion 10:00 a. Friday 4:30 r. m. F'rce seat. Strangers cordially iiivtcd. ST. SAVIOtTlf- CHAI'r:i. ltev. .11 Percy Kuliank.i, priest' in charge Fourth Sumla;' after Epiphany, Sun day school 9:tfi a; m.; Mornihsr service and sermon 11 ') ni; Kyening praye und sermon 8 -o'clock.. Seats nil tree Every one invited. CIirrtCH OF THK 'MOD Slil'P H IM;D l!ev. I. McK. PiUcniror, D. I). rector. . Fourth Sunday ' after, the Kplphaiiy.-.'- Sunday school at 0:t-"i a in. Fiancis A. (tux. superintendent f'.ible class for men at 10 o'cloc k, 1, VI. flattie, teacher. Service and set nion at U a. ni. and H p. in. .Thursday- Presentation of .Christ In the '.Temple- Holy Communion at 10 o'clock. Service on Wednesday at 10 a. in. and on Friday at 5 p. ill. The seats are nil free and strangers and visitors are cordially invited. PltKKHYTF.IMA N C'lIITlP'H flev W. Met'. White; -D. D. The pulpit will he filled by the visiting ministers of the Y. .1. C. A.; -' ': Services .11 :i. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school !l::til a. in. Dr. Thos. P. Harrison Superintendent. Westminster League 7 p. m. Wednesday services 7:30 p. m. TIILLSr.OKO STREET CHRISTIAN Sunday school 9 MIS a. in. Service T. M. C. A. speaker 11 a. m. Services at the county Jail 3 p. m. Service at Soldier's Home 3 p. rn. Oliristlan En ileavOr 7 p. m. Service Y. M. (',. A. sneaker 7:45 p. hi. Entertainment Fii day evening S o'clock. Rev. L. F, Johnson, pastor, ('has H. Stephenson, superintendent. .. EDEN'TO.V STREET METHODTST. Rev. II. M. North, ptistor. Services tomorrow - nt 11 a. m. and 7;30 p. in Sermon at both hours by the pastor. Sunday school at. 9:30 n. m. Joseph O, Brown, superintendent:. Epwnrth Lpague Monday night and prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:30. Visitors in the city cordially invited to ail ser vices.- ..' . CWNTRAL M, E. CHURCH Corner Person an A Morgan streets. Rev. A. D. Vilcox. pastor. Services at 11 a. m (Subject; "Life." Services at 7:30 ij. m. "Sin: Its Place in a Beheiiclent ('ret tlon." Sunday school nt 9:30. R. E. Prince. superintendent. Kpwoith League, Monday-, night, and prayer meeting Wednesday night A cordial invitation to visitors. . KPWOTtTH ' .METHODIST C. J. Harrell pastor. . Services 11 a. m, and :30 p. m, Sunday school 9:4j a. m. Joseph Whitfield, superintendent. The men of. the community, are urged to attend the Bible class. BAPTIST",- TABERNACLE Corner Person and Ilargett streets. Rev, Adlel J. Moiicrlef, pastor. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Theme Tor the even ing service "A Husband's Part." A sermon to married men. Sunday school 9:13- a; m. X. B. Brouehton. super intendent.! Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:30. FAYETTEV1LLB . STREET BAP TIST Corner Fayettevllle and South tieets. Services 11:00 a. m, and 7:80 p. m.. Sunday school 9:30 a., m. J. T. Pnllen, sunerlntendent. EVANGEL BAPTIST Rev. P. G. Elsom, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Kev. ('. J. Woodson, of the house of representatives. Sun day school at 9:30 a. m. Ouy L. Bunch, -superintendent. - All invited. Be.ld heads act as If maybe It wasn't so after all, William Gillette's revival of his war play, "Secret Service," has becu very successful. THEY ALL DEMAND IT. Raleigh, Like Kvei-y City and Town in the In ion, Receives It. People with kidney ills want to be cured. When one suffers the tortures of an aching back, relief is eagerly sought for.N There are many reme dies today that relieve but do not cure. Here is evidence to prove that Doan's Kidney Pills are reliable. Mrs. J. A. Bashford, 603 Polk St., Raleigh, N. C. says: "You may continue to publish the testimonial I gave in January, 1908, in which I told about Doan's Kidney Pills. Since that time I have been free from kidney complaint and back ache and during the past year I have had no need of a kidney medicine whatever. The secretions from my kidneys caused me great annoyance and I suffered from dull backaches and pains through my loins. I could not sleep' soundly and in the morning when I got up my back was very lame and sore, I read about Doan's Kidney Pills and as I knew several parties who had used them with benefit, I finally got a box from the BobbitUVVynne Drug Company. This remedy was far more effective than any other I have used for my kidneys, and it was not long before I felt like a different person." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents, Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Utterly Wretched nervous Prostration Long Endured Before Remedy was Found. Miss Minerva Reminger, Upper Bern, Pa., writes: "For several years 1 had nervous prostration, and was utterly wretched. I lived on bread and beef tea because my stomach would not re tain anything else. 1 took many rem edies, but obtained no relief until I took Hood's Sarsaparillu. when I began to gain at once. Am now cured." Pure, rich blood makes good, strong nerves, and this Is why Hood's Sarsa parllla, which purifies and enriches the blood, cures so many nervous diseases. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. ' MACK TO T.KK A ll.M. Senatorial Situation no Tliri-aleiiiiiK That He Will L.tci tcre. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Albany, X. Y Jaii. 2- The sena torial situation hns become so threat ening to the democratic party. in N'ew York state that.'Chafriiwn Norman E. Mack, chairman o.f the national com mittee, is going to take a nand. lie will be. in New York tomorrow with Charles F. Murphy and William F. Sheehau. It would fti.tise no' surprise here if Sueehan -were to announce his withdrawal from the contest on Mon day or Tuesday. Murphy will never desert Sheelian as long as he is in the race, but it is believed that he is perfectly willing io see Sheehan 'Withdraw and then have a compromise candidal (' elected. Mack understands I he sit mil ion I hoi' oughly and is goiiiK to use his in I'.i ence. with Sheehan to set him out of the contest, . Only time can tell how successful he will be, though this tip was circu lated today: "Wait for Tuesday; something do ing." :.'- If SheeVim does withdraw, whom will Murphy support? was the ques tion being asked generally today, ll was all guess work.. VOTKI) M'XATICS AND INVALIDS, .More Revelations Regarding Corriip- t ion in Cannon's District. ( By Leased, Wire to The; Times.') .'' Danville, Ills.. Jan. 2S In a 'statement to the National News Association to day D. A. Inger-snll, a cousin of the late Bob Ingersoll conrirnied the charge made in the Investigation of. IhiV vote selling scandal here that lunatics and invalids were rounded up and herded into -the', polling places pi the last elee- t ion. . ' - They were, wheeled In in chairs," lie asserted; "from the soldiers home, Yhcv were 'ill from the Insane wards and none of ihem knew what they were do. ing. The men who-wheeled them in cot S1'l a piece for their work. I guess the republican. Camion organization paid them." - . - - ,; It was freely emiceded today that the demrH'i'atlc party huit won i victory over he Cannon faction "i:i the light to see which of the parties would be the "goal", of the hupiiry. Judge Kimhrough announced today that he would have the grand jury in session every time an election was held hereafter to prevent, fraud. Knrthquakes In Luzmi. (By Cable to The Times.) Manila, Jan. 2S Eai-lfiquake shocks rocked the island of Luzon today, do ing heavy damage but causing no known loss of-life. The physical dis turbance is accompanied by an eiu)j tion of the volcano of Taal, the first time since 1S73. .Lake Batangas hius fallen three Inches since the shocks began and it is believed (hint the bot tom of the. lake has settled. Natives are fleeing by the hundreds. . .More than 100 shocks have been recorded since yesterday morning. Escaped With His Life. "Twenty-one years ago I faced an awful death," writes H, B. Martin, Port Harrelson, S, C. "Doctors said I had consumption and the dreadful cough I had looked like it, sure enough. I tried everything, I could hear of, for my cough, and was under the treatment of the best doctor in Georgetown, S. C, for a year, but could get no relief. A friend advised me to try Dr. King's New Discovery. I did so, and was completely cured. I feel that I owe my life to this great throat and lung cure." Its positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all bronchial affections. 50c and $1.00 trial bottle free at Klng-Crowell Drug Co. Mexican Soldiers Beseiged. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) El Paso, Tex., Jan. 2S Three hundred Mexican regular soldiers under the command of Colonel Itabago the rem nant of his former army of 1,000 to day are besieged in an adobe house, near Galnnea, by a party of revolution ists and federal cavalry Is being rushed to their relief. This Information was received here, from Chihuahua. The beleagurered force has two machine Ttuns bul lacks both food and am munition. The last sland of the troop Is being made against desperate odds and the succoring force Is marching at double quick to their relief. Ends Winter's Troubles. To many, winter la a season of trouble. The frost-bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chil blains, cold-sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils; Piles, Cuts, Sores, Brui ses, Ecaema and Spraina. . Only 25c at Klng-Crowell Drug Co. : Art effort is beins made nenr Boston to raise a rubber tree which has been Imported from Central Africa. ' . ON SI 0,000 BAIL (By Leased Win- to Tile Times.) '-' Wheeling. V. Va.. Jan. -2K Mrs. Laura Farnswortli Srhenck was re leased from custody in fl:o sum ot $10,000 bail. Just a lew-moments before she stepped in from the doors of the Ohio county court house,., vir tually . a free woman, her' husband, John O. Schenck, whose life she was accused of trying to take with piosoii, had filed a suit for divorce and had secured an injunction restraining Mrs. Schenck from entering the Srhenck mansion and from Interfer ing will) Mr. Schenck in any way. Mrs. Schenck wept with joy as she stepped out into the sunshine after her long confinement in jail. The Spartan firmness which marked her demeanor during the Ling trial gave way. ' "I dont' know .what I ahull, do," said . she. ; "Lilt 1 have' friends Who believe in me and trust me. Most of all I want to see my children." Prosecutor Handlan opposed a re duction of Mrs. .Schenck "s bail from $10,000 and was sustained by the court. The general belief prevailed that Mrs. Schenck-would never asain face the bar of justice. One report staled' that her -'husband 'and offered her a large sum of money if she would no! contest the divorce case and would leave Wheeling forever. Released Without llond. Ppoii the plea of Mrs, Schenck that she could not furnish $10,000 bail Judge Jordan released her upon her own recognizance. SCHF.XCK BRIV(iS Sl'IT. Asks for Divorce from Mrs. Scjienck and the Custody of the Children. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 2S -John O. Schenck, the millionaire packer, filed suit for divorce today against his wife, Laura. Farnsworth Schenck, whose trial, when she was charged with trying id- poison her husband has just 'ended in a disagreement of the jury. The suit was filed with the clerk of coui t while the attorneys in the same building were wrangling over the ques tion of bail Tor Mrs. Schenck. ' "Criminal action may he taken against the residents of Wheeling who publicly insulted Juroi- Haymann, the side niem b"C of Hie. jury who stond out for the conviction of Mrs. Kchrpek, When I'l-im-iiial court convened this nioi ninSi Pros ecutor Hanillan appealed and asked the court to take cognizance, of the matter. "Mr. Heymann vns instilled by a nliiliher of entire strangers Jo him upon the, streets yesterday," declared the iv.osecutor. "He was order,'d out of a. store when he attempted to inake a p'iirchase. and his life was threatened. He: came to nie for protection," He . iinnoiniced tha t he would' prob ably take some action in the matter himself next week and In the mean time he wanted Judge Jordan to know i lie circumstances. . Judge Jordan stated, that ho would Instruct the next grand jury to impure into the insulting of Herma-ni. The prosecutor next appealed to the court to Investigate certain newspaper i f ports , alleging bribery . In 'cmnieetinn -.villi (he case. He asked the t the pa pers either be held in '.contempt of court or else that the grand jury be insiiucted to probe the matter. 'The: bill filed in the divorce proeerd Ingi. asks divorce upon.- statutory grounds, fan Phillips being named the correspondent. It is unlikely that Mrs. Schenck '.Will offer a defense In view of the testimony, relative to. her re lations with Phillips given in the poison c;iso. - The information thai Schenck had filed divorce proceedings was borne to Mrs, Schenck' as she sat in court whore' her a: torneys -.were trying to have her hail reduced. She seemed stunned for a minute then tossed her head and said: "I want niv children but I must talk with my lawyers before I say. anything .ihoiii mv future plans." ..; Jiihn O. Schenck will make a desper ate effort to retain his boy and girl and will 'make .a struggle against pay ing alimony although it is believed that he-' will allow her to. retain the pal atial Schenck mansion. One feature which enters into the divorce proceedings is the payment of Mrs. Schenck' s attorneys. I nder the state laws Mr, Schenck Is, still legally responsible, for. Ills wife's debts and he Will be until they are divorced. Foley's Kidney Remedy An Appre ciation. L. McConnell, Catherine St.; Elmlra, v writes: "I wish to exoress my appreciation of the gr.eat good derived from Foley's Kidney Kemeoy, wnicn i nseii for a bad case of kidney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effec tively and proved to me beyond doubt it l th- most reliable kldnev medi cine I have ever taken." Klng-Crowell Drug Company. . Colonel Roosevelt has broken his long silence in regard to his turndown in New York with an article in the Out look on coal miners. Louisville Post. Toothache stops immediately if you use SIQAMS fftEE TO YCtl-MY SISTER t" ' -r x : ': ' -- A Jt yW,! ' V )VW X'"t -it reatment ft complete trial : an! 5? ywi should with l. intiaiio, it wi I cost yoj o..iy j a w,. k, or less tiiae two wiits a da;-. I t will not interfcro van your wyri: or o.:c.il,u ." ie j'our nttdie Ml dddrws, t'll mo hew yju aulTer if y" wnii. iwil.l will "'"Vi . ,?i t n or your eas. cntlMv f re. in p!i- wiwonr, bv return nm:l.- will Rlso.aend yo ' f""' J ook -"WOMAN'S OWN MHIMCAL aDVIKI'R" with ex-woory ihuntra w ..""'"f, J mm n suiter, and lwrl'iey euncui:- cor tn. nilvcs ut h,.,i,t. hvny woitan iM ' f. iilf, to-vourse'i.- ii'i l: avid o. w-ine-n l:av U at vji.r.;. , 'i i jV.o.h.:r j i.ii effect':.tiO' Mirr; 1 ,Ut -'iUlt'i7Tie::';.li(J ti"j i WIlRTfJVH.- VOJ I'V,; 1 C'l' 'tr.-rj-T. i-lU'.-i v " T- CRS. It:, t. t' l l:riuht'T. 1 ifj.': , ( I'tij , :iil':;n Arid Kai'.-'J O. i. fl' rt ie.tH,in inun r.. u.sn. r '' yi i t t:.d -I Jt' you. 'i .j v".lr " ' ini.pcru icidiv c;rf.i all v.' rr-i j--; '.,Tml tiir yur ni'irs'.s, urn! l. ! u.rf ;.ii.L,.' 4ivV 1'ii U uw ' agezine Clubbing Rates FOR TIMES SUBSCRIBERS We have iuM closed n very line dubbin;-' proposil.Um wild simie ol the lending ni:i."incs and ic are joiner o ive Hie subscribers of The Times lln? full advantage of this oll'cr. The follow ins' offer is for l imes subscribers only. If you are not a subscriber send in a year's subscrip tion today, together with the amount (or cither of the fol low Hi"; clubbing oilers. Everybody's Magazine $1.50 The Delineator 1.00 $2.50 Everybody's Magazine $1.50 Woman's Home Companion 1.50 $3.00 Everybody's Magazine $1.50 World's Work 3.00 The Delineator If yon are a yearly, pa ill subscriber to The Times just send the amount for either of these clubbing offers and the magazines will lie sent to you for one year. If you are not. it subscriber to The Times then you must add one year's subscription to the dubbins oners made n trove. All -orders must lie sent, to THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, RALEIGH - - - NORTH CAROLINA. Guide to Shoe Buying rm MF.X. Lilie 1 includes all of our S5.00 Men's Shoes and about 100 pairs of mr !5. r0 to- SUII, in all leathers. 'Ibis line, o, 1, S;!.9.") per pair. Line 2 includes 1,"0 pairs of lour of the sooil styles of our famous $1.00 o. I I iiKMi-iiiade Shoe in ail leathers. This line, No. ii, !i'J.!r per pair. T,ine :l incliulcs about' HIO nairs of Shoe, value from S2.50 to !j:t.."0. This line, No. ;5, $1.K pel- piiir. CASH ONLY. HERBERT ROSENTHAL'S, "THE SHOE FITTER" 129 Fayetteville Street . NOTICK. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the present General Assembly of North Carolina, now in session, to amend, revise, en large, and consolidate the charter of the town of Apex, In Wake County, North Carolina. This January 4, 1910. J. C. BURNS, Mayor. THE RALEIGH DAILY TEUES J j.Axr.VKY as, ion. jt- ins aoinKHOLD rRKMiriw corpow, " This coupon, Hlsned with the natue and addreM ot a reader of THE TIMES, will be honored on any oi our Household Prem- lumt. Name w H ,.a . m 99 ai . .. 0 Addreae . . .m . . mm . . t 0 City ,i , NOTICE A complete set constats of thirty (SO) coupons of consecutive da tee only one coupon ot each date will be accepted - In each set. : Hold Year Coupon Cntll Ton ITave the Full Bet. Remember, the thirty (30) coupons must be consecutively ,0 dated. You can start with any dale. - ' rra 1 3 You and Kuary SiaHr Cci forino from Woman' AitnuinW. lamawun. lkr-.tiw vcmrm'i fljffcriEs. I have found tliocura, I v.ill ninil, fice 01 mtr eVr.-?e, borne trim nc'it- with fu.l ssuiiik'uuus 'o tu laror iror, itbirnl, T ivnt. tit tfll ittl WOSien DOU thiuiu you.myrcfckr, :oryourcli,yoi.rduuithto ....... . l da,, fiill hah n mat mitrer, or your .:,tur. i ...,,, to ura vournflvra nt hmm without tlie help oi docUj . Uon cnnot undeiktusl wommi unerir.(r. What wo mir.vn know iroin experience, wo ki httr than any doctor, l Knew vmi -my mcnt is i safa and sure cure for l.cucorrnoeo Whitlsl' discbirees. Ulceration, Dlr-Dlacement Faliiae of the Womb, Profuse, Scanty or Pilnfi Perioda, Uterine or Ovarian 1 wrnora or Orowthn rim pnlna la the head, back ont fciwcle. beartR down feel.n.T, ncrvoi:nn, crtcpttig feel Ins u the iplne, mrluncholy, desire lo ety. hot Ill.e LMnn and bladder troubles whel caused by weaknessea peculiar to our sex. 1 want to send you a complete ten day tr mcnt entirely free to prove to you that you ran cu yoarmlf ot Iwmt'. easily, aicly w;d "''r.- memlr. that It will cost you iiotliing to give t. orcd Iheiviftfivt v.i.h mv iiome rtn., iLtutut) m will extMm a. iu:tjt.. ; AicriUi Li.tiua in ioui L -U.Tlill W $1.90 $2.20. for the two one year. for the two one year. M 7. $5.50 "vOliO 1.00 for the three one year. Economical SICK WINDOW. , . .... . Raleigh, N. C. Money to Lead In Wake County Only. Ob Either Real or Personal Security. B. P. MONTAGUE Rnom ttt.t Pnllen ItuJlaln. City. In Raleigh Nearly Everybody Reada The Kadeiith Daily Timaau

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