THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1911. ii i " " " ij Today's Markets fay Wire Kew York Btock Market. (By Charlea W. Storm.) New York, Feb. 4 Opening trading In Wall street today was dull with but few exceptions, tho general list quoting prices unchanged over yesterday. Some of the rallroud stocks displayed ae tlvfty, however, notably Reading and Lehigh Valley. Reading moved up frac tionally, crossing 159 while Lehigh Val ley rose over, its initial quotation to :i80K. Union Pacific and Southern Pacific were quoting fractional gains while St. Paul was unchanged and ap pareutly neglected. Steel was heavy with a fractional gain, The preferred moved up W to J20W. American Beet Sugar was exceedingly strong, gaining over one point. Mis souri Pacific quoted an early fain of Consolidated Gas was irregular, while me copper stocks, lea uy Amaigamaiea which moved across 65, ruled strong. The curb was dull and featureless. Americans closed fractionally, higtier In London. ew York Closing Stock List. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Amalgamated Copper American Ice Securities American Sugfir Refinery American Smelting . . American Locomotive .. American Car Foundry American Cotton Oil .. ..: American Woolen i. .. .. Anaconda .. .. .. .. . Atchison .. .. .. ... Atlantic Const, Line .. .'.'." Brooklyn Rapid Transit ., Baltimore & Ohio .. .. ..'' Canadian Pacific ....... . Chesapeake & Ohio .. .. Consolidated Gas .. ., .. . 21 .,119 ... 41 .... w 60 ...33 ... 40 ..106 ..122 .'. 7Vs ..105 .. 208 .. 84 -.14414 ... 33 ..36 ..59 ..170 ..34 ... S0 .. 48 .154 '-.'. 23 ..129 .. 62 ..135 19 : .. tA .. 19 ..34 .. 35 Vi ..66 ..146 ,.180 . . 55 ..114 ..149 ..58 . . 106 ..127 .. 43 ..128 .. 28: . .107 ..35 ..160 j'entrai earner ... .. .. Colorado Fuel & Iron ... Colorado Southern .. .. .. Delaware & Hudson .. .. Denver & Rio Grande .. Erie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Brief, pref. ...... .. ... General Electric .... .. .. Great .Western .. .. fireat Northern, pref. .. .. Great Northern-Ore .. .. Illinois Central .. .. .. '..' Interboro ... .. .. ... .. ... Interboro, pref. .. ...... Iowa Central .. Kansas City Southern .. . Kansas & Texas .. .. .. Kansas & Texas, pref. .. Louisville Nashville... .., Lehigh Valley .... . . Missouri Pacific .. .. .. .. New York Central .. Northwestern .. .. .. .. National Lead .. .. .. ..' Norfolk & Western .. .. .. Northern Pacific .. .. .Ontario & Western .. Pennsylvania .. .'. .. .. . Pacific .Mail .. ... .. .. Peoples Gas Co. .. .. .. .. Pressed Steel J!ur .. .. v.- Reading .. .. .. .:. Roclt Island .. .. .. 33 Rock Island, pref. .. .. .. .. ,. .. 64 Republic Iron & Steel,.. .. .. ..34 Republic Iron & Steel, pref. ,. ..98 'Slogs-Sheffield ... .. ...... .. .. 55 Southern Pacific .. .. Southern Railway .. Southern Railway, pref. St. Paul .. .. .. .. .. .. ..120 .. .. 28 . .. .. 65 .. ..132 Tenn. Copper .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 Texas Pacific . Third Avenue .. .. .. .. . ITiiUm Pacific ,, .. .. .. .. . U. S. Rubber .. ., .. .. . Utah Copper .. .. .. .. .. . II. S. .Steel .. .. .. .. .. . IT. S. Str. 'pref. .. .. .. . V'irginla-Curolina Chemical Western Union ., .. .. Wabash .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Wabash, pref. .. .. .. ... . Westlnghouse Electric . Wisconsin Central .. .. '. . i Western Maryland .. ... .. , Corn Products .'. , ! . - . ' .28 . 10 .180 . 41 . 46 . 81 .120 .66 . 74 . 16 . 37 .68 . 62 . 50 - 14 Money Market, (By Leased Wire to 'The Times.) New York, Feb. 4 Nothing said in money today. . Posted rates: Sterling exchange 484 with actual business in bankers bills, at 486.30 to 486.35 for de mand and 482 to 482 for sixty day bills. Prime mercantile paper . Bank Statement. , (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Now York, Feb. 4 Bank statement; Average statement caih reserve 27.68 percent. Reserve. : decrease $3,740,575; less IT. S. decrease, $3.f38,350; loans, in crease $34,618,000; specie, Increase $9,663, 800:, legal tenders decrease $3,344,200; de posits, increase $40,240,700; circulation, decrease $112,000. Actual statement cash reserve 27.81 percent. , r Cotton Seed Oil. (By; Leased Wire to The Times.) few York,- Feb. 4 Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yellow ranged as follows:. .v ; February .. .. .. 7.04ft7.08 March .. .. ' ,." .. '.. .. 7.0ttf7.10 Apufl .. .. .V .. .. .. .. .. 7.09'ii 7.11 May 7.127.13 June .. 7.147.16 July .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7.17(S'7.18 August .. .I .. .. .. .. 7.20ffii7.24 September .. .. .. .. .. :. 7.207.25 Spot oil 7.00fi7.30; Sales 1.500 barrels. i v Chicago Live Stock. -' Union Stock. Yards Ills., Feb. : 4 Hogs receipts 10,000; steady; mixed and. butchers 7.25 to 7.70; "good heavy 7.30' to 7.55;" rough heavy 7.10 to 7.25; light 7.45 to 7.85; pigs. 7.50 to 7.90; bulk 7.45 to 7.65. : Cattle-'-recelpts 200; steady; beeves 4.70. to 6.75; Cows and heifer 8.00 to S.90: - stockerB and feeders 35 to 5.90; Texan .4.50 to 8.40:' calves 6.50 to 8.50. Sheep receipts 1500; steady; native and western 2.50 to 3.45; lambs' 4-26 to 6.0O. :-.,, ; .,,' Edward Henry' Collins; believed to be one of the last surviving sons of the Revolution, died at hi home In Monrovia, Cat., 86 year old. His father, Henry Collin, A a mere boy. The father was 63 years old when theflve mIlel n hoXlr fQr th maln 1,nes bob wa born. ' ' . '.' and twen'y miles oA the branches. Chicago Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chicago, Feb. 4 The grain trade showed a lack of snap at the opening this morning 'but prices were 'better all around. Firmness in Liverpool fol lowing -the cables here was the prin eiple-reason for the bulge in wheat, Commission houses generally were buy ing and after the opening, selling by the pit crowd, the market suffered slight reaction. Liverpool closed He higher, due, according to Broomball's cable, to firmness in cargo offered, pre diction of smaller Hussion 'offerings lighter shipments and improved con tinental demand. ' Corn ruled stronger at the opening with shorts leading In the early buy ing. Commission houses were on both sides of ue market. There was some pit selling and a scattered buying from commission nouses ,-Oats were firmer with the other grains and active. Pit speculators were on the buying side and the selling w scattered. Trade was very slow. Provisions were about steady with me. unchanged nogs. The trade was dull at the start and eased up prices a hit Inter. Chicago grain quotations ranged as follows: ,. ' Wheat Open. High. Close. , . May . . '. . .95 ". .96 .96 July . . .' , .93 ; .94 -.'.93 Sep. . . . '.-;. i. .93 . ' .92 .92 Corn May . .; .: .50 ;: '.50 .5.114 July . . . . .51 V.5l .51 Sep. . . .52 ..52".:, .52 Oats . . : May . . . . .33 .33 ,33 July . . . :''.. . .32 .33 .33 Sep. . . . V .52 .32 .32 Pork . May . . . . 1S.25 1 8.30 lx.22 . July .... 17.71) 17.72 17.62 Lard May ... . 9.S5 9.S5 9.77 July . ,."''; . 9.70 9.7H ' 9.65 Rib May ... . 9.80 9.80 9.77. ' July . . . . .'..:- 9.60 9.60 9.55 Xew York Provisions, ' (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Feb. 4 Wheat: Steady; No. 1, May, 101: July, 100 ; No. 2 red, IIS in elevator, and 99 f.o.b. Corn: Quiet; No. 2 nominal. Oats: Weak; No. 2 white, :)G'A to Rye: Finn; No. 2 western: 83. Barley: Steady; malting, 91 to 100. . Flour: Quiet: spring patents, 5.25 to 5.45: straights, 4.80 to 5.10. Tallow: Dull: prime city, 7.37. Lard: Dull; prime city, 7. S7. Lard: Dull; prime western, 10.30. Pork: Easy; mess, 22.00 to 22.50. Coffee: Steady; No. 7 Rio, 13. Sugar: Steady; granulated, 4.60. lialtiinore Grain. (Tiy Leased Wire to Thi'i Times.) Baltimore, Md., Feb. 4 -Wheat closed firmer; spot and February 95 bjd; March 96; May 98. (?orn closed lirrn; spot nod February 51; March 52:- April 53; May 51: Xew York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Feb. 4; Tne .collon market opened steady today and prices were from C to 8 points higher, influenced by big spot sales at Liver pool and a steadier market there than that center has had for some timo. Although sliorts ijeemed to be the chief buyers there wa3 sufficient demand to absorb all offering here. At tile call the old crop positions gradually moved up to a range of from 10 to 12 points above Friday's close. Open. High. Low. Close. 14.35 14.45 14.59 14.65 14.65 14-66 14.37 Feb. Mar. April May. June July Aug. Sep. Oct. . Nov. Dec. 14.36 14.36 14.36 14.45 14.47 14.43 14.60 14.60 14.60 11.60 14.67'.. .14.60 14.64 14.33 14.68 14.37 14.63 14.33 13.44 13.45 13.42 13.42 13.27 13.27 13.27 , 13.28 Market closed steady. Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by C. E. Johnson "& Son.) Good middling, 14 15-16. , Strict middling, 14 T-8. Middling, 14 3-4. Tinges, 13 3-4 to 14 1-2. Receipts today, 30 bales. They are telling the story in Wash ington that when Mr. Roosevelt was vice president he solemnly called Just Ice White into conference over - the question whether it would be beneath the dignity of the office for him td employ the over-abundance of idle time in "studying law. The Justice decidedly thought not; nevertheless Mr. Roosevelt did not choose -to subject the vice pres idential dignity to that test. Miss Eliza Orne Ropes and Miss Mary Pirham Ropes have given $1C0,- 0CO 4o the University of Cincinnati, the income of which is to be ufcd for the establishment of a halr of compara tive literature. While the lectures are primarlaly intended for' the ' student body, W)ey are offered to the citizens of Cincinnati as a part of the univer sity's contribution to the general cul ture .of the city. . The cost of traveling by jail in Russia is much leas' than lo tie United States, and the dange"f acci dents is reduced to a mlnimuV ,J;r the fact that the trains do not V-d at great speed, averaging about twenty- Postmaster Missing. (Continued From Page One.) employes of his hotel, arrived tliepe on Sunday with two of his sonsy He was ill and from appearance was closely watched. Monday evening he escaped the custody of. -his boys and left the hostelry by .a' side entrance. A porter stationed at the door re members him coining to the door and asking for a rolling chair about 8:30 The porter carried out his request and secured a single chair, pushed by-- Stephen Lacy, a negro who was probably the last person tt hold con versation with tho missing postmas ter. , Lacy declared today that the old gentleman seemed in excellent spirits and sprang several jokes while being conveyed to the million dollar pier. . .. ' . '. Reaching the main entrance of this structure, Postmaster Ashurst, ac cording .to Lacy, declared his inten tion of remaining in the dance hall until late In the evening and told the pusher he need not wait. Other push ers about the entrance heard this re mark and remained at their station close to the gates until long after the crowds had left the pier. All assert that the missing official did not come to the boardwalk. Pier attaches questioned this morning, could not recall seeing Mjv A3hurst, explaining that Monday night was a special event of the week, bringing hundreds to the pier and the aged Philadel phian was hot noticed among the crowds of their patrons. He was not seen to leave the pier. Dealer In Murder. (Continued From Page One. ) who is alleged by Pantclienko to .have hypnotized him and compelled him 'to murder Count Vasilll Bourtoulin Is said' to have spent years in the Orient tudying the occulmit sciences of the Far West. : According to the doctor, DeLacey is also a denier in death al though he hud count Vasilll Bourtoulin killed to acquire an estate. Crowds beseiged the court room here tmlay. Among them were fashionably dressed women, who clamored for ad mission. Pantclienko wore an air of apparent indifference when he was nought in with DeLacey but when the lunt glared' 'at the doctor, the latter shrunk hack seemingly in fear. TRINITY COLLKKM X'HWS, Xew Books by Professor llrmvn 3 If. North tu Conduct Meeting. (Special to iThe Times. ) Trinity College,. Durham, N. C, r'eb. 4 Dr. Frank C. Brown, protes- sor of Knglliih in Trinity College, has lately published a volume on the life and work of Settle, a poet of the seventeenth century. In his two years' service here Dr, Brown has identified himself with many college interests undergraduate and administrative and has become a recognized mem her of the. working force of the col lego. In this volume he snows him self to be a productive scholar of first rate ability. The last volume put out by the Trinity law faculty, "Remedies by Se lected Cases," has been approved by high legal authorities in many parts of 1 he country. This law school, under the bril liant leadership of Dean Mordecai, is preparing a number of case boosts for use of its own students and others. The school is noteworthy as : being the first in the fourteen states to pre pare its own text books, as it has been first to adopt the case system and to enforce an adequate entrance requirement. .- Rev, H. M. North, pastor of Eden- ton Street Methodist Church, Raleigh, has been invited by the Young Men's Christian Association to conduct a series of religious services at Trinity. These services will begin next Mon day night. Mr. North is a most force ful and interesting preacher, and will receive a warm welcome at the col lege. He is a graduate of Trinity and before going to . Raleigh was headmaster of Trinity Park School. Dr. Frank C, Brown, professor of Onglish, received a telegram last night that his father died yesterday pfternoon at his home in Harrison burg, Va. Dr. Brown had returned from his father's bedside yesterday tnotning. He thought his father was better, and he had returned, leaving Mrs. Brown in Harrisonburg. The sympathy of the whole community goes out to Dr. Brown in his bereave ment.. ' Population of l'mssiu. (By Cable to The Times.) Berlin, Feb. 4 Prussia now has a population of 40,157.573 a gain of 5,6H5,064 in the past ten years, according to the official census Issued today. - , It Is stated that Pekin authorities are to make'a special effort to ser cure special talent for,work in Chi nese arsenals, and will establish a special corps If workmen with spe cial skill in such work. The under standing is that foreign experts will be engaged where possible. , . . HUBBARD BROS. SCO HANOVER SQUARE, WECW YORK MEMBERS of New York Cottoa Exchange; New Orleant Cottoi Exchange, Associate Member LI' erpool Cotton Association ORDERS SOLICITED For the par chase and, sale of Cotton for futnrt delirery, OorreapoadenM lnTlted HLoralttg reporti rtccirM at MCDONALD'S SPECIALS Did you say Dixie? I only have 21 shares left. Stockholders aw advisw j . II . 4 not to mi. Advice is cheap.' I want to sel mine. It is a biirmain. 110 a share was paid for it. You can !j;et it troiii mo at $70 a share. The book-value. Jan i, UUU, was l.x tor everv 1100. 1 have not seen Janu ary 1, 1911, statement. It may be worth more now. I have a fractional share of 17-100 and 1 will buv frac tional shares. .Mi ht buv whole shares. Trv me. c. o. Mcdonald. Stocks & Bonds, Kaleigh, N. C. HOW ABOUT IT? I La vo von an y North State Mutual Life Insurance Com pany Stock, of Kinston, X VI Stockholders are ad vised not to sell this stock. Why ? It is said to he yet tin".' towards a dividend paving basis. 1'art y who wrote me thi.5 said he would not take par ($100.) a share for his. So, I have a bargain -3 shares at $70. a share (cost $300. : for tho. three.) Von can get mv '.) shares for $210.00. c. c. McDonald. Stocks & Bonds, Ral eigh, N. C. EIGrGEST STRONGEST COMPANY In the south, doing a safe sane insurance life business. I have 3, 10 or. 23 shares for sale at a bartra-in. Do yon want it ? Have von anv? What will vo.u take? What will von give me.' Will "buy or sell" tor a dii'terence. Don't write nut from mere enriositv to know what 1 ask. If you ftave any for sale put a prioe on it and IH i 1 , 11 s t j oner to Hie. i win net vou know if 1 want if. I have a price on mine and get that price 'or keep it. C. C. M( DONALD, Stocks & Bbnds.Kalcigh, N. C. OLD STAND BYS. Safe Sure and Secure. North .Carolina fours and sixes. You can't lose. Tax Savers, Money Getters. If you have them you can use as collateral and borrow on them when you can't get money on anything else. Better than a good note with three good names on it. No fee out of you when you want to borrow money on North Carolina bonds. I have any part of : $50,000 State of North Carolina 6's cheaper than in their life time. Think of it. Only 114 and interest, registered or coupon. You get $30 each April and October on everv $1,000. N taxes. Eight years to run. I have North Carolina 4's, 40-year bonds at par and interest. No tax. Bet ter than () loan on Real es tate to people living in cities where the tax rate is 2' for county, city and state. Equal to 6i.' inyestinent in Raleigh, Charlotte, Ashe ville or Greensboro. c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh,N. C. DON'T PAY ENOUGH! Listen! I was - trying to sell a friend of mine some North Carolina Bonds some tiny; ago, that pay 4'i net. clear of taxes. He said, " 'Mac,' they do not pay enough". What did this man do? lie put $1,100 in godd thing, he thought. About one year after this he said, " 'Mac,' let me sell you my $1,100 worth of stock." I bit, and told nun. J would give $175 for it., He took it. The thing was closed out. He lost $1,100. I lost $175 and the directors had to pay a note in bank for $3,000. "Don't pay enough" lins is a sample. He con not ha ve lost a cent on his N. C. Bonds and would hav been getting A'v on hi nionev. Moral: "Put your money m something in which you are sure of getting your principal as well as the in terest." Can you find an v thing as safe as State of North Carolina 4fi or 6r bonds. c. c. Mcdonald, St ocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N. C. FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE. 1 have 5 shares Commer cial National Bank Stock for -which $.130 a share was paid that " I will exchange even for 5 shares Merchants National Bank Stock for which $100 was paid. ul sell the o shares Com mercial National or Avill buv 5 shares Merchants National at 125. ;:v; . c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N. C, House Has Important Bills 'Today (Continued From Page One.) Margaret uaiton, . wiuow ot an ex- Confederate soldier. Committee ltciKii ts. Corporations: To amend the charter of Bladensboro. To amend the charter of Sunset Park Railroad Company. Finance: For relief of Clerk of Ashe county superior court. For the relief of superior court clerk of Davidson county. To allow Thomasville to .'operate waterworks and issue bonds for same For relief of Dr. J. 1-1. Reynolds. (Unfavorable.) To provide an election in Topsail district to say whether surplus funds shall be expended for schools. To amend the road law of 1905 for Cumberland county. To enable the Hertford school dis trict to issue bonds. To allow Rutherford county lo levy a special tax. Insurance: To safeguard the rev enues of insurance companies and protect the citizens of the stale. Judiciary No. 1: To prohibit the issue of bonds in Tyrell county with out vote of the people. To amend the charter of Columbia. To incorporate the town of Dun- durac, Robeson county. To amend the rcvisal relating, to work on Sunday. To cure the defective probate and registration of certain deeds. To regulate t4 summoning of talis jurors. To allow clerks to pay out sums of less than ?100 t indigent children. Roads and Turnpikes: To provide for making public roads' in Cherokee outside of certain districts. To improve the roads of Marble township, Cherokee county. To allow Catawba, Burke, Iredell and Caldwell counties to issue road bonds on certain conditions. To amend the valleytown township road law. To amend tfie Henderson county :oad working law. I'd make justices of the peace of Henderson County subject to road duty. Hills Passed Klmtl Heading. To allow Hendersonyille to issue school bonds. To allow Biltniore to levy a special tax... .'' To allow voters of "W'aynesville to confirm contract with Southern As sembly. To provide the levy of a special tax in Alamance. To amend the Alamance road law of 1903. To provide 'special tax levy for Rutherford county. To amend the charter of Elizabeth City. . To allow city of Concord to issue bonds. To allow Pitt county to issue bonds for court house and jail and levy a special tax. ' To appropriate balance of $1,000 to Appalachian Training School. (To amend the revisal relative the venue of actions. This bill was op posed in an extended argument from Mr. Quickel and failed to pass by a ote of 19 to 30.) . t To pay expenses of senate commit tee of visiting state hospital at Mor ganton, $64.85. ' In tue midst of a lively discussion 6f a bill to place tile town of Saluda wholly in Polk county, a motion to adjourn 12 o'clock Monday was carried by a Vote of 39 to 33,, and the aoufe at 12:15 adjourned, ' Ml A Want Ad. In The Raleigh Dally Times goes on that buyer-seeking errand for you, goes Into the little houses and big, among the rich anu the poor talks the language of "self interest" to the thrifty and finds your markets for you, Get the Servant Sell the Lot Rent the House Find 4 loa. Times Ada. Can Do Most Anythnig. y; -. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 10c STRAY FOl'M) Owner can get tile same at John Mororty, Cara leigh Hill by tailing and describ ing and paying for ad. -. . It LOST Two Gold- Rings, Ruby Set. Finder return to office of Jno. C. Drewry and get reward. 3-2t NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH or without board. 313 West Jones " 2-3t ' ' L(MKI LOOK:! Kresh Country Eggs, 20c. per dozen. C. C. Jones & Son, 329 S. Wilmington Street Raleigh. X. C. C. C. Phone 425. 4-1 1 L. (. HjLTailoring, Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, and Repairing, 122 E. Martin St., Capital City Phone 716, Clothes called for and delivered, l-6t FIFTY ACRE FARM FOR SALE near city limits. Box 474 Raleigh ' X. C. ;- 3-2t C'HK.'KEN SALAD MONDAY. AT WO- : man's Exchange. Fresh Beaten Biscuit, Mayonnaise, Cheese Straws and Cabses. 4-lt WANTED Position as bookkeeper and, stenographer by a young laay attending college to help pay ex penses. Can work rrom noon and Saturdays. Have completed book keeping course. Address "Anx ious", care Times. 2-3t WANTED Second hand Bags and Burlaps. Write for prices. Rich mond Bag Company, Richmond, Va. 1-itit $23 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES TO trustworthy people to travel and distribute samples for big whole sale house. C. H. Emery, Q 312, Chicago, i 1 1 SOMETHING NEW FOR COUPON Clippers! 26 piece Roger's Silver ware, put up exclusively for The Times, in elegant oak case, satin lined. You have to see it to appre ciate its beauty. Send in your coupons at once and get your case. 11 t. f. - CLIMAX" CONCRETE COMPANY 109 li. Morgan St. C. U. Phone No. 5. . ". I-4t $100 MONTHLY AND FXPENSFS to travel and distribute samples for big manufacturer; steady work. S. Scheffer, Treasurer, K 212, Chi cago. 4-1 1 CLIMAX CONCRETE COMPANY 109 E. Morgan St. C. C. Phone No. 5. l-4t IF IT'S LAUNDRY WORK YOU want, we excel. We know how. That's all. People's Laundry (the best.) v: 17-tf REAL ESTATE 155 acres at. $50 per acre laid out in lots 50x140 feet on railroad, quarter to street car line and gulf. Half cash, bal ance on time. Box 747, Gulfport, Miss. 4-lt . PATENT YOUR IDEAS AJVD MAKE money. Send for my new book, "How to Get Them." Best ser vice. Joshua R. H. Potts, Lawyer, Washington, D. C, Chicago and Philadelphia. 10-29-8t WANTEI Women and girls to make mens underwear. Work light and clean. Wages paid while learning. Smart hands make good wages. A. W. Chapin, Supt., Ral eigh, N. C. 30-t. f. FOR SALE 28-in. Steel Split Crown Face Pulley; tor 2-fn, Shafting. Practically new. ' Will Sell at a bargain. Apply at Times Offlcs. 13-tf :, YOU ARE WANTED FOR GOYERN- meut position. $80.00 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dep't. 270 C, Rochester, N. Y. 14-1S-21-25-2S., Feb. 1-4-S-U LOST Black muff Sunday after noon between the Yarborough House and Glenwood. Reward for return to Times office. ' 3-2t KOI! RENT 1 9-room house, all modern conveniences, Hillsboro street: 1 9-room house, all modern conveniences, W. Morgan street; 1 9-room house, all modern conven iences, west Jones street; 1 8-rooin house, all modern conveniences,, Morgan and Harrington streets; 1 7-room house, all modern conven iences, Morgan and Boylan Ave.; 1 7-room house, all modern con veniences, N. Boylan Ave. r 1 6-room cottage, all modern conven iences. Lane and Elm streets; 1 C-room house, all modern conven iences, X. Bloodworth; several three and four-room cottages. Good homes and tenement proper ty for sale. ' Apply to Raleigh Real Estate & Trust Co. 4-2t ' 1 . 8 PIECE ROGERS SILVERWARE Unfed, now ready for coupon clip pert. Thirty coupons and $5.60. U . f, , ' '- ' ' ' One Cent a Word Cssh With Order WANTED Furnished room imme diately. Address with price. Walker A. Williams, care Club. 3-2t . ' :.: ."'.' COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE AH grades hard and soft coal, pine and oak wood. Raleigh Phone 4392. ' ' - 17-tf WANTED Agents immediately for every county in North Carolina. Write at once. C. G. C, Box 313, Burlington, N. C. 4-6-8-11 COLLARS AND CUFFS' LA8TLON ger if laundered right W know how. People's Laundry. , B-tf VALUABLE PIECE OF HILLSIiORO street residence property, close in, . for sale. Price and terms reason able.. Excellent opportunity. Ad dress M, care this paper. 3-2t PLENTY PINE AND OAK AT STAR- ling's Wood Yard. C, C. Phone 959 Y. . 3-4t WOOD SAWED ANYWHERE J the city. Phone Charlie Cotten, phone 433, S6X-F,. . .. 28-6r. WANTED Couple for ...nice large room with best table, board. , Up-to-date. V. Address B.32;N. Wilming ton St. -.' .. . ... 2-tf FOR RENT bern Ave. -7-room house on New- ROOMS FOR RENT SUITABLE FOR housekeeping. 70S W. North Su 4-lt hl SALE F'ive , full bred Buff Rock Roosters. For quick sale will sell cheap. W, care this pa per. 3-2t BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS for sale. I. M, Proctor. 4-6-8. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business Ll. at home No canvassing. Be your own boss. Send for free booklet. Tells how Heacock, A 6262 Lockport, N. Y. ; 4-19 1. 1. COAL If you want the best Coal. call Raleigh Phone 4392. Celo- brated Big Creek Lump. All slzi-t Anthracite. Summer Prices. 29-tf J. R. MATTHEWS Contractor. Su perintend on Percentage. C. C. 'phone 809-F. 21-10t. LARGEST AMD BEST, EQUIPPED Laundry In the city. Office 107 Fayetteville Street. Peoples' Laundry, the best 17-tf WANTED Clean white rags. Apply Evening Times Press Room. tf OK liliNT t 9-room bouse, all .modern conveniences, Hillsboro street; 1 9-room house, all modern conveniences, W. Morgan street; 1 9-room house, all modern conven iences, west Jones street; 1 8-room house, all modern conveniences,, Morgan and Harrington streets; 1 7-room house, all modern conven iences, Morgan and Boylan Ave.; 1 7-room house, all modern con veniences, N. Boylan Ave.; X 6-room cot tage, all modern conven iences, Lane and Elm streets; 1 6-room house, all modern conven iences, N. Bloodworth; several three and four-room cottages. Good homes and tenement proper ty for sale. Apply to Raieigh Real Estate & Trust Co. 4-2t EGGS FOR SETTING Barred Ply mouth Rocks, 10c. each; Single Comb White Orphington, 20c each, from my fine breeding pens. For table chickens, try some eggs from my cross on Orphington and1 Barred Rocks three pounds at teni weeks, nine pounds at. six months, 50c, dozen. .My surplus table eggs may be had at 30c, dozen. No good to hatch. Just think of eat ing eggs from a hen that ruakej her living in a barn yard or street. Dont' do it. My heus ar strii'tivj hand-fed and you are invited t(t call and see how they are kept and look. Win. T. Harding, 116 West. Jones, City. 4 e. o. d. t. f. A Want Ad. in The Raleigh Daily Times Will Work Wonders for Your Business. EXTRA NJCE LARGE PAT HENS. 65c. to 75c. Each. FRESH. EGGS. 25c. Doz. ; 2 Doz. for 45c. Phone 28 Your Wants. Goods and Service Guaran teed Satisfactory. H.J.JOHNSON, Bncoeseor to ; T v..v ' D. T. JOHNSON E02f.r