. ft yJfrv HE RALEIGn BAlLY TTME: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1911, . , - -,''i-l-1 Special Today .vi;'? f.K. ' .U 50c. Candy 29c. KING-CKOWELL SI Quality - i . BON'? FEEL BLUE. '.i! I like to hear a feller who will whistle at his work, I like .to hear a feller, who will hum a little tune; a feller's got some music, why, he ain't so apt to shirk; Ho kin change a bleak December into mild and merry June. " "What's the use o" feeling blue; There Is sunshine here fur you. L.le is mostly what you make it, make it meller-llke an' true; ,are will often run away 'St he .finds you're feelin' gay, Open up' your muslo, brother, an', by thunder, let us play! There's enough uv gloom an' sorror uv the kind that hez to be, Lots uv It's imaginery; you kin whistle it away; when you see or trouble skulkin' in the lots behind a tree Let him see you're merry -hearted; put your record on an': play. . .What's the use o'. feelin' blue; Nature's happy-like an' true. ; felp the world to be more cheerful an twill do the same for you; Itlue is all right in the sky. All rUjht.il) a maiden's eye. But "floift "git it in your system; it will kill you by an' by. -Joe Cone, in New York Sun. v r.-.v. XIrs. E. Of" Brown has returned from Durham., , Mrs. R-, J. Thompson lias gone to '.lencer. . - Rev. and Mrs. Sam Hanff have re-iii-ned to their home at Duke. Mitss Mondy .and Miss Parish are ..siting Miss Saliie Beckham on. North . k-Dowell Street. .;-r.,r .. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. L. Williams, of 'nirham, are the guests of Mr. and -Mrs. Franklin McNeill. . Miss Katherlne Diggs, of Lynchburg, Ya., Is the guest of Mrs. James F. jVrrall on Hllsboro street. "'' Miss Effie Sinclair, of Fayetteville, " ho has been visiting Mrs. R. S. Mc leaehy, has returned home. Miss Miriam Shaw, of Henderson, vho has been visiting friends at St. Mary's, has gone to Sanford. Deputy Insurance Commissioner W; . Scott .has gone to Greensboro to .pend Sunday with his family. . Miss Blanche Hanes, of Mocksville, vho has been visiting her sister, Mrs. i. D. W. Connor, has returned home. Miss Amelia M. Abrahamson, of Denver, Col., field secretary of the National Jewish Hospital for Con fumptlves, is1 in tho city in the inter est of her work. Magazine Clubbing Rates FOR TIMES " "We have just closed a very line clubbing proposition with Mime of the leading magazines and c are going to give t'.io subscribers of The Times the full advantage of this offer. The following offer is for Times subscribers only. If you are not a subscriber send in year's subscrip tion today, together with the amount for either of the fol lowing clubbing offers. Everybody's Magazine $1.50 The Delineator 1.00 $2.50 Everybody's Magazine $1.50 Woman's Home Companion 1.50 $3.00 Everybody's Magazine $1.50 World's Work " . 3.00 The Delineator , 1.00 $&50 i ,,: If you are a yearly, paid subscriber to The Times Just send the amount for either of these clubbing offers and the ihaxliic8 will be sent to you for one year. If you are H-itat subscriber to Tlie Times ' then you must add one ; year's subscription to the clubbing offers made aboye. All , orders must be sent to . . v 1 : ICS RALEEGD rALEion : - - and Sunday DRUG COMPANY, Drag Store, Mrs. Joseph A. Brown, of Chadbourn, who has been In the city with her hus band. Senator Brown, has gone to Greensboro. ': "'" Mrs. W. S, Stevens and Mrs. T. R, Hood, of Smlthfleld, who have been visiting Mi's. R. S. Stevens, have re turned home. :':,'" '. '' Mrs. J. S. Price, of Washington, D. C, who have been visiting her parents, Capt. and Mrs, B. P. Williamson, has returned home. . - -"' Miss Margaret Boylan is entertain ing Over The Tea Cups Club at her home on Hlllsboro street this after noon at four o'clock. Mrs. Frank P. Hobgood, of Greens boro, who has been in the city with her husband has gone to Oxford t o visit her husband's relatives. Mrs. Lycursrus Hotter. - of Gates, is In the city with her husband, repre sentative Hotter, stopping at the home of Maj. and Mrs. R. H. Bradley. Mr T-T V. W:iitf nffpY- snipndlner a few days in the city on her return fvnm T ji fnvtxMp T.n.. where slip visited her son, Mr. Paul Waitt, has gone to Marion to Imn . nor fmuErhter. Miss Ethel Waitt. She was accompanied by Mips Janle Reese, who will spend sov oral weeks at Marlon.:. :.. Reception to General Assembly. The faculty and students of the agrl cultural ' department at the A. & M. College will give a reception Monday night In honor of the general assembly. The biological classes from the girls' schools and friends in the city have also been invited. -: : '' .' With Mrs. i M. Harper. : Mrs, F. M. Harptr is entertainim a few friends at an afternoon tea in honor of Mrs. Rouse, of Klnston ami Miss Morgan, of Suffolk. n., guests of Mrs. J. Y, Joyner. : With Mrs. J)avid Klias. Mrs. David Ellas charmingly enter tained last night in honor of her guest, Miss Rennie, of Norfolk. . and Miss Goode. of Buffaloe Lithia' Springs, Va.', the guest of Miss Annie Jones. ' Saleni Day Observed. Members of the Raleigh Chapter of the Alumnae of Salem College enjoyed a delightful 'Informal reception at th home of Miss Jane Ward yesterday af ternoon celebrating Salem Day, the 109th anniversary. Greetings were sent to the alumnae at Walom. On account of other social affairs in the city the meeting was held at 3:30 o'clock. Reminsclences of old times were in dulged .in and the old days at Salem were talked of over a cup of tea and wafers., ' ... Art Exhibit At Woman's Club. During next week there will be on display at the Woman's Club a hand- SUBSCRIBERS 41.90 for the two one year. -$2.20 for the two one year. 43.75 for the three one year. DAILY TOES, iiorth Carolina. some exhibit of oil and water color paintings costing about $60,00 to $75,000. There are about a dosen -or' fifteen paintings in oil and fifty or Blxty water colors, the work of noted living artists. The exhibit Is In charge of Mr. I. S. Levvy, of New York and was brought to Raleigh by the art department of the club, of which Mrs. Wm. J. An drews is chairman. The exhibit is open to the members of the club and all should avail themselves of, the op portunity of seeing these noted pictures. ' BIOLOGICAL RECEPTIOX. To be Given Monday Evening at 8 O'clock in Agricultural Building. The following invitations have been issued: : ' The agricultural faculty and students of the Agricultural and Mechanical College request your presence at the Biological reception Monday evening, February sixth nineteen Hundred and eleven, eight o'clock, in the , Agricultural Building. ' THK WOMAN'S CM B. Mrs. Frederick Shoff to Address the Club Monday Afternoon. ltuli.ich will have the honor of hav ing as a guest for a few days a niost celebrated woman. Mrs. Frederick Schoff. of Philadelphia, who has been for nine years president of the National PnnirreBK of Mothers. Next to Judge Lindsay,. of Denver, Col., Mrs. Schoff probably knows more about Juvenile (inni.ts than anvbodv In the country. She has addressed the Canadian Parlia ment 'anci was instrumental in getting the juvenile court established. Mrs. Schoff is on a return trip from Mississippi. Alabama a,!id Tennessee In the Interest of the mother's con gress and good work for children. She will be a guest at the home of Mrs. Julian Timberlake. 425 North Blount street for a few days. Mrs. .TimberiaKO w 11 be. clad to have the lames ot me ritv call and meet Mrs. Schoff. On TWondav afternoon at live 0 ciock Mi-h. Srhoff will address the Woman's Club in the club room at five o clock. All members of the club are invited to be present and hear the lecture and meet Mrs. fchoff. KOI1 MISSKS SIMMONS. Mrs. V. A. Mahler Entertained Yes tenlay Afternoon From Five Till .'. Six.' In honor of her sisters. Misses Ella ami Isabelle Simmons., of New Bern Mrs. Ludwie A. .Mahler charmingly en tertained yesterday afternoon from five till six at her beautiful home .on North Person street. The decorations were simple ' and beautiful of pink cut tiowers. Many eue.-ts Calle1 during (tic afteiiioon and greatly enjoyed the event. Mrs. Thnmas M. Ashe and Mis, M. Stronach met the guests in the hall. Thev were ushered by Mrs. Joseph E. Poirue to the receiving line In which were Mrs. Mahler and the guests of honor. Misses Ella .and Isabelle Sim nibns, also her sister, Mrs. (jrahani Andrew's. Miss Emmie Drewry and Mrs. R. D W. Connor ushered the guests into the dining room. Mrs. Julian Timberlake .Miss Mary. Gibbs and Mrs. Howard Thomas received the guests here. Tea was ixiured bv Mrs. John Andrews. As sisting in serving were: Miss Louise Bruce Wright, Miss Katherine "...Boy lan. Miss '.Josephine 'Boylan' and ..Miss Alice Avcock. Receiving in the punch room Were Mrs. A. B. Andrews. Jr., and Mrs. Ben Baker. : Punch was served by Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs. James McKimmon. '.'' MOKXIXG BKII)(E PABTY. Mrs. M. T. orris and Miss Norris Entertain Large Party of Guests Mrs. M. T. -'.Norris and Miss Norris, entertained at bridge this morning, complimentary to Miss Vivian Strong. of Georgia; Mrs. Lindsay Hopkins, of Greensboro: Mfcs. James McKimmon and Mrs. Grimes Haywood. Others present were: Mrs. Sherill, Mrs. Gannon, Miss Morson, Mrs. Mur ray Allen, Mrs. P. D. Gold, Mrs. C. W. Gold, Mrs. Dale and Miss Moyo, of Greenville, N. C: Mrs. Bryan Grimes Mrs. Julian Timberlake, Mrs. W, B, Snow, Mrs. James Pou, Mrs. Crowell Miss Mary Armistead Jones, Miss Margaiit Boylan. Miss Duncan, Miss Perry, Mrs. Rnbt. Strong, Miss Ixiuli Briggs, Mrs. Kufus McAdcn. of Louis burg; Miss Belle Heart, Miss Kinmle Drewry, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. McPher son, Mrs. Wooten, of Greenville, N. C. Mrs. Latta. Miss Latta, Mrs. Graham Andrews, Mrs. Ludwig Mahler, Miss Root, Mrs. E. C. Hillyer, Mis. A. H Ball, Mrs. Connor, Mrs. Folke, Miss Diggs, of Lynchburg, Va.; Mrs. Frank Stronach, Mrs. Drewry, Mrs. Hubert Kovster, Mrs. James Litchford, Mrs John Cross, Mrs. Baldy Arrington, Mrs, Alfred Wjlllams, Mrs. Grimes Hay wood, -Mrs. Howard Thomas, Miss Mar garet Lee, Miss Marshall and Miss Thomas. ,'"..- . A SEVEN SOCIAL. Christian Endeavor Society Will Give Unique Entertainment Tuesday Evening. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Hillsboro street Christian church has issued invitations to a unique, social to b held Tuesday Vvening at the home of the pastor. Rev. L. F. John son. The Invitations are In the form of a big red seven which bears this invitation: '..r.:, ' "The Christian' Endeavor Society of the Hillsboro' street Christian church will give a 7 social February 7, at the pastor's residence 310 "JVest Bdenton street. Doors open at 7:07. A program of 7 numbers will ibe given at 7:77 after which a 7 cent supper con sisting of 7 good things to eat and drink will be surved by i ladies at tables. Admission: 7 cents, every 7th person admitted free. Exit fee 7 cents. Come and bring your fflcnds ana re- colve a 7-fold welcome. Alcoholic liquors for the use of na tives are not permitted to be import CONCERT t1C ST. MABV'S. Event lu Honor of (ieih-ral Assembly TlnirMlay N'ighf. Tha concert In honor of theSKneral ssembly . and state officers giyen Thursday night at St. Mary's was a oNi llghtful tieato a large and intelligent audience. Miss Sherwln. violinist, was a. true rtlst as always and charmed the audi ence in the numbers of the program and in the. encore. , Miss Wilson, In the vocal numbers outdid herself by the pleasing dramat ic, vocalisation, and was enthusiasti cally encored. The final number.' the concerto played by Miss Lum v with the able assist ance of Miss Dowd at the second piano was executed with firmness and Skill and technical brilliancy. The program follows: Hejel Kati, Hubay. Miss Sherwln. Spanish Romance, .Sawyer, Miss Wil son. (a) The Swan, Salnt-Sa'ens; (b) Horn pipe a I'lnglesc.'. flaillard (1S61-1749); (c) Ellin Dance, liazzinl. Miss Sherwln. (a) At' Parting. lt"gers; (b) A Love Note. Rogers, Miss Wilson. Concerto in F minor, op. 69, Hiller, Miss Lunev. (Second piano.: Miss Dowd.) Miss Luney ami Mr. Owen, panists. . . ' After the concerl there was a most delltUtful recent Inn in the school parlor, which was attended byii num ber of the 'members of the general as nbly and other invited guests. Re freshments were served and the pres ence of jnembcrs of the faculty and students "added to the pleasure of the evening. FACTLTY t OXCEBT FRIDAY.-' At Meredith College Complimentary to the Meniliei-s of the liejfislatnre. Program. The music faculty of Meredith Col lege will give ii concert complimentary of the legislatuie at the .auditorium of Meredith college,- Friday, February Will at 8:30 n. m. Owing to the limited seating capacity of the auditorium, admission will be bv card only. Friends desiring these cards can get them by applying to Mr. Hacedorn at the dean's office. Meredith College. , . Mr. Hagedoin has arranged the fol lowing program: Toccata..- -Rogers. Miss Shearin. , Trio: Mavtime. ; Riccl, Misses Day and Miss Hayncs. Caprice. Heller On Mid Summer Night's Dream. Miss Futrell. Concerto Gwinor, Bauch, Gustav Hagedorn. Aria! Alia s:. 11a Confidante. Robaudl, Miss Helen. U-.y. (a) .RomrtTirr . cle , Counte . d'Avrll, Wldor: ' (bV .C.inrice. . Phillips, two pianos': -.'Misses . Sousley and Futrell. The Deiugi-: Prelude.' Saint Saens, violin, piano .and' organ. Etude in f,-"in of a Valse, Saint Saens. Mrs. Hagedorn. ' WITH M KS. ,1. S. WY..E." Clianiiiiig "At Rome" Yesterday Af teienoon for Mrs. Powell. . Mrs. .1 S. Wynne gave a. dellshtfiil "at hoini " yesterday aft'eriioon, from four -.till six complimeniary to Mrs. James i'rmell, of Oxford. About three hundred guests called during the . afternoon. Music was furnl-lioil by Levin's orchestra,:. Cards . were' received at. the -.door by littli' Misses 'Elizabeth . Harden and Gladys II: own,' of Charbourn.: The giit sts .Were received In the' hull by Mrs. W. F. Wilson and Miss Kate Badger. " " - Assisting Mrs. Wynne, In the receiv ing line were, the guest of honor. Mrs. Powell, Mrs.. Grimes-Haywood, Mrs. J. A. Brown, of Chadbourn: Mrs. W. C, Dowd. of Charlotte: Mrs. T. C, Cox, of Wa.i.-lMiro; Mrs. K. E. Moffitt, Mrs. Densoii and .Mrs. Brookshire. ' Mrs. James Pou and Mrs. Franklin McNeill ushered the guests into the dining room, where 'they were received by Mrs.' V. M, Harper. A salad Course A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH Serious Question, of Interest to All Women, Discussed in Letter From Mrs. . Hanes. .:--;:-v:';'..'.:.';-.;-.; Griffith vllie, - Ark. Mrs. Alta Hanes, in a' letter from this place, says: "I had been sick for a long time,' as I was a sufferer for seven years, and never found relief until about six months ago, when I began to take Cardul. ; Before I took the medicine I suf fered death a thousand times. I had fits and nervous spells, till some times I didn't want to live another minutes. I tried everything I ever heard of, but nothing did me any good till I read of Cardul helping so many women, and I concluded to give it a trial.,. From the first bottle I began get ting better, and, by the hdlp of Car dui I am a well woman today. I never will get through praising that wonderful medicine." ' Are you weak, tired,, worn-out? Do you Huffer from any of the pains peciiliar to weak women? If so, take Cardui. ' : . - ' As a , remedy lor woman's ills, Cardui has fio etluil. It is purely vegetable,;, composed of ingrdlents which liave .'been found td build up the vitality tind'4st!;engthen the wo manly constitution, as 'well ns pre vent or relieve those terrible pains from which weak women suffer. : Ask your druggist about it. N. B. -Write tor Ladles Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine - Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In tructltna, and -pai book, "Home Treatment for. Women,'' sonKki plain wrapper, on request. . A.-, . was served bv Misses Sue Kttehln. Essie Baker. Sue Thackston, Albertlne Moore, Lillian Rlddlck and Agnes McLean.':"'-' ':;'-,'..-.":''':'--;'''' Mra. Ivey ushered the guests into the ice cream room, .where they were met by Mrs. R.: M. Albright' nd Miss Daisy Deison, . , Pelicious Ices were served' by Misses Jans Williams, Mary Chamberlain, Mary i'''nies Cowper, Hannah Ashe, Katherme Mackay, and Mary White," Mlsn Mill P.itra nnndnrted the fruestS to the punch"Vomi Mrs, Charles BelVin! and Mrs. P. ESeagle assited by Mi: Coltoi- and Miss 'cy Moore servea punch. v - : The decorations throughout the house were smilajc. palms and potj.ed plants. The reception room and dining room were in green anu' watte, auu ruunfllinn9 hAlnir 1ii.il ln the Ice cream room yellow daffiJ dlls made a charming decoration, while the punch room was in red, carnations being used for the decorations. :''' '''. -FOVXDER'S DAY EXERCISES At Meredith College Next Thursday, February Oth, ; 1 1 O'clock A. M. The following Is the order of exer cises for the observance of Founder's Day at Meredith College next Thursday at 11 o'clock: Processional: "Sfi, "Brightly gleams Our Banner." Haydn. Invocation Rev. Adiel Jarrett Mon crief. - . Anthem: 'Slng, O Heavens," Tours. Scripture Lesson Dr. Richard ( Til man Vann. Hymn: 636, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God," Luther. :l Pra.ver Rev." Thomas Washington O'Kelly.'-' Anthem. "Jerusalem, O Turn Thee to the Lord," Gounod. Address, "The Gospel of Wealth," President Edwin M. Poteat, Furmnn University. College Hymn: 935. "Alma Mater,' Vann. Recessional : G98. "Fling Out the Ban nor," Calkin. V,.i : -' ;: In the afternoon from, four-thirty to six. the faculty will be at home to all their friends both ladies - and gentle men. ' They will be assisted iir receiving by Mr. Wesley N. Jones, president of the board of trustees, and Mrs. Jones Prcsldcl.it Edwin M. Poteat, of Furman I'nivcisity: President and Mrs. William Louis Poteat. of Wake Forest College and Mr., William Cary Dowd. speaker of the house of representatives, and Mrs, Dowd. BASKET BALL GAME. lUleigli High Scliool tiirls lU'at Cen Icnnial tiirls 21 to 11. Tlie opening game of basket ball be tween the Raleigh High .School girls and the 'Centennial girls on the Cen tennial grounds yesterday afternoon resulted In a victory for the Higl School girls tn the tune of 11 to 11. Athletics among the girls this season is meeting with much enthusiasm. A basket ball ground has been lilted up for the High Scliool girls .on the corne across from the Presbyterian .church while the Centennial girls have "a good court on their' school grounds. The irame yesterday afternoon was wit nessed by a large crowd of students, While there were no special features or star plays all did good .work and played a good game. Prof. W. P. Jackson coaclied the Centennial team while Miss Rosalliw' Williamson was coach- for tlie High School. ..-.''.:' "''-' '.: ' . The line-up was as v.ollows: Centennial: Spann, f. capt.; Johnson, f.: Holloway, g.f Harp, g,: Johnson, c. Pace,- c High School: Riddlck. e..'. 'capt. Wynne, c.; Walters, g.; Ball, g. Hunter, f.; Robertson, f. MARRIAfiE TODAY. Romantic Affair Ended in House This Morning. Coui' This morning about eleven o'clock Mr. William B. Bass, of Middlesex and Mifs"Foy Honeycutt, of Kagle Rock were united in marriage by Mr. u lium H. Sawyer, J. P., in tlie oftlce the register of deeds. Mr. Bass was a widower, ago 39, and had several children. His bride is jus 19. tlie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Honeycutt, of Eagle Rock. Besides the. of flee employes, tlie mar' riage was witnessed by L. H. Smith of Fuquay Springs: A. T. Mial. of Ral eigh, anil E, B. Martin, of Raleigh route No. 1. MEN AM) WOMEX. , A flagstaff made in several sections that telescope for convenience in handling has been patented. In general nnd electrical engineer ing factories in the United Kingdom over 16,000:. women are employed. The, Lake Superior Corporation of Sauk Ste," Marie announces its inten tion of building, a modern paper mill at a cost of about $ 1,000,000, also of remodeling and starting its idle sdl phite pulp mill. England hus 250 young Chinese attending 'universities, .medical schools and engineering works China Is becoming westernized, and railways are building throughout the land. - Newspapers and schools ar to be found in -every important city At Brightlinsea sprats are as high as the water ' In . London. ' Sprats have heretofore sold at 10 to 1 cents a bushel, but now they an flopping up to 74 cents and a dollar, Hundreds of hands are daily picking tens of tons'for fish ensers on the continent. , ; : '' A Birmingham firm nas discov ered and patented a new allow of aluminum, which is called c;avus. It is claimed that this alloy Is at least 60 per. cent, stronger than ordinary aluminum and that-its wetgnt Is one third that of brass of an equivalent volume; that it will take a'rery high polish, equal to that which can be obtained with Bilver, It's time for think about Spring, and naturr ally you think about, what you; ,J r ,'.-'. ,-:,,-' .' ' -. 'r'"..-; . .. - -. '. - '.-;-. are going to wear. White . - We have never attempted to show as extensive a Hne goods with the variety to them as we are showing this year. Sheer Lawns 10, 15. 20, 25 and 35. .;. Persian Lawns, 45 and 25. Plain Flaxons 20, 25 35 a yard. Dimities 10, 12 12, 15, 20 and 25c. Nainsook and Long Cloth 10, 12 1-2 and 15c. Linen Suiting, in 12 1-2, 15, 25, Renfrew Madras Sun Proof and Tub Proof 31 inches wide in the very prettiest pat terns imaginable. Better than any Ginghams ever made. Special at 12 1-2 a yard. Percals and Ginghams The best makes of both goods in a great variety of styles 12 l-2c a yard. Royal Worcester Corsets For this week $2 Royal Worcester Corsets, all sizes, at $1.00. Embroideries and Laces Here is our strongest line. We give no prices for lack of room, but values are exceptional. See them, Hi W W&r you to begin to Goods . or a line of white inches, wide, 15, 20, different finish, 10, 50 and 75c. (iririiij: ed lntp SovalUand. -i -W! ! 'V H1 u!l f""' "?:,',"..uli WiMlKB H.H?-''1 :7- M-i-s,t'.wSfc":i.w tffe&Ki.mitrr