t OHE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: - SATURDAY, FEBRUARYS, 1911. ' .'T'' '-.';''J? Or FOUCE COURT. ;: The- matinee this morningr was a ; perfect "colored minstrel," every single i ' defendant being a member of the "emunrlnfttlnn" rju rtminlc ManrAer. emancipation, race. DrunK, disorder. ly nq jaroeny reaa uie several cnargea on the police blotter and in bheir own peculiar style, the negroes told their tales of woe before the recorder's desk but it failed of nurnose. and all were ; found guilty except one, that the state's : witness placed the whole blame on the , "unoaught" damsel, causing that par ticular case to be dismissed. "William Hicks, colored, was charged with . being drunk on the streets. Of-.- fleer Smith said he was only drunk. Was taxed with the costs J2.75. Willie Drew, colored, submitted to the . charge of being drunk. Said he ord ered his whiskey from Richmond. A v ride in the "Black Maria" made his cost $3.25. John Smith, colored, was up for the charge of the larceny of a banjo and 35 cents In cash. John Birdsong i said, he lost a guitar and 35 cents in cash. Went into a house to spend the' night and as he put his things down, Smith took his guitar and 35 cents to buy some whiskey. A colored girl said she saw Smith take the guitar. Smith declared he did not take the guitar, and this case Is against him for pre judice because he appeared in the case against Will Brooks as a witness. Was bound over to superior court under a $100 bond. ' Delia Robertson and Julia Rarnett, two colored damsels Were charged with disorderly conduct. Pool said Julia grabbed off his hat and ran. and Delia ran after her, turstling for the hat. The case was, dismissed, DR. O'KEIXY'S IXSTAIiLATIOX. Will be Formally Installed as Pastor of First Baptist Church Tomorrow. The new pastor of the First Baptist church, Dr. T. W. O'Keily, will be in- v stalled tomorrow afternoon, beginning at 3:30 at the church. Hon. Wesley N. Jones, chairman of the board of deacons will act as master of ceremonies, and , the program consists of addresses by tne different pastors of the city, as well as laymen. These addresses will be notable, In that Dr. O'Keily is we! ' corned not only as pastor of the church but as a citizen of Raleigh and of INorth Carolina. In the short time he has been here, he has been re celved in to the hearts of the entire city, not regarding the denomination. Of course the Baptists of the city glad ly welcome him In their midst, because he will 'become recognized at once as a leader in his work. The order of the exercises tomorrow afternoon will be as follows:. Program of formal welcome services to Rev. Thomas W. O'Keily, D. D.. . First Bapstist church, Sunday, Febru ary 5, 1911, at 3:30 p. m. Wesley N, Jones, chairman of the board of " deacons, presiding, Voluntary by the choir. I, '- Invocation Rev. I.. E. M. Freeman, Fayetteville street church. Hymn, "Holy, Holy. Holy" Choir and congregation standing. Scripture reading and' prayer Rev. ' H. , M. North, Edentor. street M. E. church. On behalf of the Baptists of the state of North Carolina Hon. James Y. Joyner. Hymn, "America" Choir and con gregation standing. Baptists institutions of the state Rev. R. T. Vann, president Meredith ' College. Baptist clturches of Raleigh Rev. Adlel J. Moncrief, pastor Tabernacle church. ' Other churches of the city Rev. W. ' McC. White, pastor Presbyterian church. .Hymn, "Blest Bo the Tie" All standing. First Baptist church Wesley N. Jones, chairman board of deacons. Response Rev. Thomas W. O'Keily, D. D., pastor. L. M. Doxology. Benediction Rev. L. V F. Johnson, Christian church. SEW CHARTERS. Keitly, Xewsoine, anil Lexington Get Sew Corporations.: The Wiley Xarron and Sons, of Kenly R. F, D Johnston county, is cnartered to do a general merchan dise business of retail and selling fertilizers, wire fencing, and buying cotton . and cotton seed ; wholesale and retail selling of all kinds of wares, goods, etc. The authorized capital is $20,000, but may begin when $9,000 has been subscribed. The stockholders are Wiley Narron Newsom Narron, and Langley Nar- ron.'' The Baggett-Lowe Company, of Newsom, Davidson county, is today chartered to do a general mercantile business, either retail or wholesale, to purchase, hold, sell, and exchange all kinds of merchandise. The au thorized capital stock Is $25,000, but may begin business when $4,000 has been subscribed. The stockholders t- are H. V. Baggett, H. C. Jjyrum, and C. F. Lowe. V The Wennonah Cotton Mills Com pany, of Lexington, is chartered for the purpose of buying and selling, spinning, weaving, and manufactur ing cotton and cotton goods, silk and wool goods, and buying and selling other goods and merchandise. The . authorized capital stock is $125,000, but may begin business when $100,- . 000 has been subscribed. ' The stockholders are William E. Holt, W. E. Holt. Jr., and Joe iV. Moffitt. '- By her work among the poor whites In the south, Miss' Dydla Holm'an has won for herself the title of being the American Florence Nightingale, in one of the wild sections of our country. ;y n-e "EXOMO QUININE.' that it :.-? U44ia Cm I ay, GrifTta 2 Day Years of Suffering Catarrh and Blood Disease - Dootors Failed to Cure. Miss Mabel F. Dawklns, 1214 Lafay ette St., Fort Wayne, Ind.. writes: 'For three years I was troubled with caiarrn ana oiooa aiseuse. i inru k doctors and a dozen different rem catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev- edles but none (f tnt,m did me any g00a. A' friend told me of Hood's Sar- eaparllla. I took two bottles of this medicine and was as well and strong as ever. t leei line a aineiem person and recommend Hood's to any one suf Xeritig from cutaiih. Get it-toduv in usual liquid form or hocolated ublets called Sarsatabs. KeDum for Whiskey. ( (Continued From Page One.) tired of the existence of whiskey in I tlieir midst. He called attention to I the petition of Mr. Kellum containing 1,324 names, and said the Antl-Sa- loon League would like very inuc;i to see It, and see how many were on lt who are nnrter age nd cannot , ,, , i has received and sold 379 barrels of whiskey within a very short period of time, and other "joints" were do ing a like business. The trouble in Wilmington is a very loose enforce. ment of law. Mayor AlcRae is alive to conditions, but makes no effort whatever to stop it, and even wants the bill passed. The condition of af fairs down there are extremely bad and the better class of Wilmington's citizens are simply tired out and preatly desire to be freed qf the whis key trade. They beg that this bill lie killed. . V' The following telegram was read from Mr, P. Pearsall, a very promi nent wholesale merchant of Wilming ton, on the subject: : "Kegreat greatly not being witli you. Not indifference. Say forme 1 voted for Kellum last election, not knowing his stand on the matter now up. If he can prove his proposition represents generally our best people or majority, will pay thousand dol lars to any state charity." KICHARI) B. HARRISON To Give Reading at St. Paul's Church Monday Night. Richard B. Harrison will give a Shakespear-Dunbar reading at St. Paul M. E. church Monday night. February fith. Many favorable criti cisms have been given on his read ings and no doubt but what he will please those who hear him. Funeral of Mrs,' F. C. Scarborough. The funeral - of Mrs. F. C. Scarbor ough was conducted from the residence yesterday'', afternoon at four o'clock. For .several months Mrs. Scarborough has been very low with tuberculosis and her death had been expected for some days.': . She. has lived in Kaleign for fourteen years anil has made many friends, who are grieved to learn: of her death. She leaves' .a husband and two children. Rev. ..A. J, Moncricf conducted the funern) services. The pall-bearers were Messrs. L. W. Alderman, .T. T, Hunter, T. W. Davis, J..M. Wilder, Frank Wat son, and A. H. .Mooneyham, all .mem bers of the J. O. V. A. M. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses were issued todav: Harmon Goodwin and Pearl Mnynurd. both of Carpenter; William 11. Hass. of Middlesex and Foy Honeycutt, of Eagle Rock; 1 AV'lnier Penny, of Kiley No. 1, and Cnrniu Hell Horton, of Wakefield. Killed by Lion. , (By Cable to The Times) Nairobi, British Africa, Feb. 4 George Grey, a brother of Lord Grey, the English foreign minister, died today from injuries inflicted by a wounded lion which he had shot upon a huntings trip earlier in the week. . He was covering part of the ter ritory in which Theodore Roosevelt hunted when he was hurt. Low Rates via Southern Railway to Sew Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Account Mardi Gras Celebration, February 2;?(l-28tli, 1911. Account Mardi Gras Celebration at New Orleans, La,; Mobile, Ala., and Pensacola, Fla., February 23-28 1911, the Southern Railway will sell very cheap round-trip tickets as fol lows: To Sew Orleans From Raleigh . . . . . . Goldsboro . . . . . .-" Durham , To Mobile From Raleigh .. . . Goldsboro . ... . . Durham .... . . , To Pensacola From Raleigh Goldsboro . .' . , Durham . , .... .$26. 7a . 26.75 .26.75 .$23.45 . 24.45 . 23.30 .$23.00 . 23.85 . 22.80 Tickets will also be on sale from all, other stations: Dates of Sale February 21 to 27, inclusive, with final return limit March 11, 1911, with privilege of ex tending final limit until March 27 by depositing ticket with special agent and payment of $1.00. For all information pertaining to rates, schedules, Pullman reserva tions, etc.," see your agent or address W. H. PARNELL, Traveling Passen ger Agent, Raleigh, N. C, on box. To Prohibit Trust, Bill By Baggett . (Continued From Page One.) was deferred on a number of bills of general interest. v The senate disposed of many rou tine matters at today's session which lasted exactly two hours. SEXATK PRWEEDIXflS. , President Newland convened the senate at 11 o'clock, prayer being offered by Senator Davis, of Carteret. ' Petitions Presented. Davis of Carteret : From citizens of Pollocksville, Jones county, against near-beer. ' Gardner of Cleveland: From citi zens of Cleveland county, against near-beer. London of Chatham: From citi zens of Scotland county, against near-beer. Resolutions and Rills Offered. Masliliiirn of Clay: Authorize su perintendent of insane asylum at Moiaanton to receive George Bartlett of McDowell county. , Fisher of Polk: Prohibit sale of wine in Folk county, except for sac ra'uiental imrposes; also authorize conuiiissioners of Polk county to ap- lii'oprinle for Confodenite monument. C'oxe of 'Jackson; Provide .for standard measuring-. cord-wood and tan bark and provide .for its Inspec tion; also (liy request) authorize r! pay tin 'lit of ccMliiitl si'lioiil funds. iiaswolt . of Harnett: ' Prohibit trusts in restraint ol. . trade; ii,Iso punish persons for drunkenness in public places; also place, tueasurer of Harnett on Siil;iry. Hoyden of Rowan: Amend section I :! 7 of the Rcvisal of I .n)T -relafin to the counties of the 7th, Sth, and nth ..'congressional districts. Phiirr of .lei:klen!iurs: ' Retail ve to jurors' tax lees. Hobgood of Guilford: RIatfng. lo taxation of corporal ions, Itills RutiliiNt. Authorize mmimissioners of Chat ham to contract and receive pay for special services. Require sheriff of Anson to pur chase and keep bloodhounds. Provide for docket. ng of owelty charges in partition cases. Allow Durham to issue bonds to improve streets. Enable Sanford to issue bonds and levy special lax. Authorize Monrop to sell certain real estate. Incorporate Lynn, Polk county. Authorize Durham to issuei bonds to pay its debts. Allow Southport to subscribe for stock in Wilmington, Brunswick & Southern Railway. Routine Matters. Senator Ivie was allowed to with draw senate bill No. 69. A message was received from the house transmitting 20 bills and they were appropriately referred. The most notable being bills relating to divorce; relative to investment of capital of insurance companies; pro tect the, public from diseases con tracted in barber shops; relating to fertilizers; repealing law making railroad employee guilty of a misde meanor for working over 6 hours a day. . The bill taxing bachelors, justices of the peace, and dogs, in Henderson was, on motion of Senator Martin, of Brunswick, placed upon the calendar. Leaves of absence were granted to Senators London, Johnson, Hicks. Starbuck. Unfavorable reports were made on the bills to protect defendants in state courts and prevent exposure of evidence taken before coroners, in corporate the North Carolina Detect ive Association. The bill requiring medical and surgical appliances to be kept in fac tories was reported favorably by the committee on public health, but Sen ator Kitchin offered an amendment exempting Halifax county: Senator Hicks offered an amendment that wher5 two factories are in close prox imity they shall keep a community chest. On motion of Senator Long notion was deferred until next Frl day.. . The bill to extend the privilege of free transportation by common car riers of this state to common carri ers of other states passed second reading and on objection of Senator Pharr went over until Monday for third reading. Bill Taxing Bachelors Ro referred. The bill taxing dogs, 'batchelcrs, and justices of the peace In Hender son county passed second reading, but Senator Long opposed the bill and Senator Johnson also spoke against lt, saying that he didn't care for the dogs and justices of the peace, but did object to taxing bach elors and offered an amendment to include old maids of Henderson county. Senator HiclU offered a substitute to apply to DupILn county. . The discussion by Senators John son, Hicks, Ivie, Baggett, Hobgood, Martin of Buncombe, Greene," and Sigmoh elicited hearty laughter. Finally, on motion of Senator Hiatt, further consideration was postponed and , the bill was referred to the committee on propositions and grievances. . , , , .Guardian Bill Goes Over. ... The bill Trelatiji ' to the . appoint ment- 'of guardians : was ' reported without prejudice by the cotn'inittee '.'' ..-.''' ',.. ;. .. :' ' C. " : ' . on Judiciary and Senator Lohdou of fered as a substitute to amend sec. tion 1762 6f the Revlsal of 1905 b inserting after the word "life time in line two the words, "and the writ ton consent and private examination of the mother. If she be living", an also insert "after the word "writing' iu line three, "if the mother be dead". The substitute, was debated by Senators Boyden, Raggett, .'Lem mond, Martin of Buncombe, and passed second reading, going over to Monday for third reudi'iig.v ' Senator, Boyden was added to the committee .on- congressional appor tionment. Action was postponed on the bills raising the age limit for workin the roads from 18 to :l years; also the bill Incorporating 1'nionville also to amend charter of Sulem also regarding speed of automobiles in Wayne county: A conference commit tee was ap pointed on the bill to prohibit throw ing saw-dust in the! streams of Yad kin, '"'. Passed am Sent to House, Amend charter of '.Elizii'botht.bwn ; Relief - of. John ' Lawn.-, rcufstcr. ..of deeds of Orange county.. ... ... C'reale office of .prosecutin?? -attor ney of recorder's con it n'. Reidsville, ' -.'Relative to sidewalk isiving of Sanford.. ; Requiie .different i-!asr of stocl to- he- stated In clerk's VvrUlieate. Rolati-hg'to t rustee ill- sink ing. f uiul of - Hillhlioro township,'-orange' .i4oiin- ty;';.';. .'-.'.' f i ::i : .('tit ry of yti tion juijghii'iils m cross judi-ivs. Passed Kccoiul Kc'idinijc. Improve public ro;ti-: (.f Madison county; I tiij. rove roads of yl i ii lt v (own- ship, Cherokee conn I litH'riive roads of 'l':',rl! c'-onliiy. . liiiiirnve roads .of l'!i; 'ii '.ttiwilslilp Surry county. . Improve road's of I;: ( (iiiiity. :' Improve roads of Jiadison county Allow bond issue lor Fayetteville graded school. .'.' Authorize commissioners of Pol county to levy special tax. Authorize city of Haleith to issue bonds. ; ' Auili'jrizp commissiniieis of Or ange to issue bonds. Amend road law of No. fi town ship. Cleveland county. . Provide for belter roads in Ma con county. ' Incorporate the Ninth Carolina Tn lerurban Railway Conipanv. PtisseO and Ordered lOnrolled. - Amend road law of Poplar town ship, in Jackson countv. The senate at 1:imi o'clock ad journed until 12:00 o'clock Monday Amended Charter. (Continued From Page One.) equalization, etc., and subdivid into all kinds of heads and chair manships of committees. The result is much confusion, as well as con stant friction, and our idea was to some extent simplify by doing away with the various boards and give a definite head to the various depart ments and place upon tbein the responsibility, for the conduct of their department." , He was asked: "Well; don't you aldermen think the people should have a voice in its government?" He replied;. "Why, yes; we feel that as the aldermen are to retire- gjfct the entire city and not boards or divisions, and spending money and making laws for the people of the city, the city at large should have a voice in the selection. We feel that if all have a voice in the selection, and that the good government de pends upon the proper selection as" a whole, we will be more careful in the exercise of our franchise and Will not depend upon some other ward to send a good man to hold in check the indifferent one we helped to. elect, or who got in by neglect." . 'What are some of the provisions in the new charter?" , 'The new charter provides that thee nomination and election of all eight aldermen shall be at large, pro viding, however, that two shall live in each ward. We think that much confusion will bp eliminated in the change made in regard to the tax col lector. He is made the receiving of fleer. In addition to the' taxes he Is to collect all licenses, rents, and all other monies due the city. Hereto fore this has had a wide division, tax collector, city clerk, chief of police, and sanitary officers each doing a part of it." , "How about the abolishing of some of the offices?" . "Tending to a definite responsible head, and to simplify the machinery, both the board of audit and finance knd the police commission were abol ish'ed.'1 ; . .. "Have any of the duties been In creased?" - "The duties of the city clerk were greatly increased by adding the du ties of the clerk of the board of audit and finance and much of the duties fit the board of audit .and finance, and theresponsibiljty of the enforce ment of ordinances Mid: orders are placed directly ou the"chief of police, frith the mayor as chief executive, where in the opinion of many the responsibility should be." ' . When asked . how the policemen were to be selected, Mr. Cooper said that the chief of police would select, wfth the approval ' of the mayor. Thlti makes a police board of two, Instead of three, with the two on the v'. '..'.. ;- -v .;"'',;'' ''---.j;..- ;:'': job all the time and still have the general supervisibn of the aldermen. In regard to the objection raised' to the abolishment of the board of audit and finance, hey being a chock on the exneuditures of the aldermen, can we not Jiave a finance committee just , as competent and In whom we can trust, for, the proper expenditure, or to hold In bounds all expenditures. Why should we question the sincerity or the honesty of the finance com mittee or the aldermen, any more than tho nwmbers of the hoard of audit and finance? ' The power of the police pustice has been enlarged. He Is given ex clusive '-. Jurisdiction., on all state cases of minor character, including larceny up to ?50. This same power is now given the police' ju. ice of both Durham and Charlottt and is found to relieve the superior court, as well as the jail, of scores of cases. We think that the people will be well pleased with the new charters. The salaries of the city officers are increased as follows: Police justice, from $1,200 to $l-,S00';tnx collector, from fl.r.OO to $1.800;-mayor, from $.1,200 to $1,80(1; clerk, from $1,200 to. S 1,510. ' The city. In-a.siirer will receive $300, as '.'heretofore. ., Aecawifiiig to the aniended char ter, a primury will be lield Hie first Monday .in April and the city elec tion the first Monday; In May., This matter will be given to the members of the legislature from VVitie: at once and asked to. present the, same to the general assembly an soon -as possible. .'riic' ri'jiort of thfi chii-i' of police shows the costs. for JatHiriry-'ttnitiunt- i (! hi $i;:iri.."i.", and the fines t i $ i i! im excess of $:0.S5, . Tliirly Years Tosnlicr. . -, Tliirt y years of association -thin k of it. llow liie merit of a' good-'thing stands out in that time - or tin worthlesHiiess of a bad one. So there's no guesswork in this cvideme of Tlios. Ariss, Concord, Mich., who writes: "I have used Dr. King's Xew Discovery for thirty years, and its the best cough and cold cure 1 ever used." Once it finds -entrance in a' home, you can't pry it out Many families have used it forty years. It s the most intalllhle inroat and lung medicine on earth. Cit- equalled for -lagrippe,' asthma, Jiay- fever, croup, quinsy or sore lungs. Price fiOc, S 1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by King-C'rowell Druf Co.'- fooling Hie Trcastivy. (By Leased Wire to .The -Times) New Orleans, Feb. 4 Large boxes declared to contain money from the londuran treasury are steadily ar- rtvin;; here from Tegulcalpa and foes of President Davila assert that he is looting the country in preparation for flight. Several boxes that arrived yesterday .-are said to have contained 5,000 in silver specie. -Hn. II. Connor.-. I.- S. judu will be. la the city on Monday the inst. -'Attorneys : having business . for his 'attention on this date Hie requested to meet at his office In the post of lice building at 10 o'clock a. m. as he will leave for llichiiiond at it :tm o'clock p. German hotolkoepers would rather see an American arrival than one of any other nationality. .They have the reputation of being the bast spenders. Coug'horCold is broken up by using MIMEMT Price, isc, SOc, and St.oo. RAILWAY Scenic Roots to the VVest THREE FAST V'ESTnjTJIiE TRUSS WITH DINING CAK S1CKVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers t Ixni vllle, Cincinnati, Chicago, nd St. Louis. ' P.M.P.M. P. it Leave Norfolk 4:00 1:45 Leave RlcEmond :00 4:20 6:10 U:0 Leave Lynchburg Ar. Charlottesville :17 , A.M. io-M - P. M. A. Ml 7:46 19:00 6:25 :00 6:61 1:10 Ar. Louisville 7:M P.M. 6:00 7:10 7:11 Arrive Cincinnati Arrive Chicago Arrive St. Louis Only one night between Kalelgn Cincinnati, Chicago an,d Bt. Loula. Direct Connections, for All Point West and Sortiiwest, QUICKEST AJiI BEST BOCTB. The Line to the Celebrated Besorts f . .Virginia. ' (f";v? ..; For descriptive matter, schedule and Pullman Reservation, addrew W. O. WARTHEIt; , y, . p. r. A., Illchmond, Va, ISO. . POTTS, Goa'L Pasa, Aeal, LOANS AT GRAND THEATRE ABOSSOS & BROWSE,, MANAGERS. - THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY. VEDA Vs QUINT AERON, Globe Rolling Clown Act. THE CLARKS, , Number One Comedy, Singing, Talking and Danc ing Act. ALWAYS A PERFECT MOTION PICTURES. MATISEK EVKtY DAY S: 30. Dp You Use Pv3 V.lM III!!' mmt m i 'pi p WSriil pose -of ; the one On Display in -' .".-... In Edisinjss, Hands, Allovers, Flouncins, and Frontinns. Also-nice lino of l.incn and Co(ton Torchon A'nls and Baby Iris bin Match Sets. ."O Dozen Our Special Towels. 4.1 in.; $l.,10 jcr dozen, 2 for 2.1 cents, (imul Towels at 10c. in Until anil Muck", Hemmed. A few of the Colored Skirts left at .SS.wC All our Sweaters now selling nt and below cost. We still have some of those Ijulies' and Children's Hose left ;3 pair for 2I5r. Muslin Viiderwcar In. Corset'1 Covers, Drawers, Chemise, ljrht I?l)es, and Skirts, trimmed w ith luce and embroidery. Ladies' and Men's Shoes, $1.08. Hoys' Shoes, $1.48. 210 FAVETTICVILLE STREET. ADD JO YOUR PRESTIGE . The name of MAIIf-ER is synonymous Willi quality well, known in tin- State fir over halt. century. M has a Iicnul y, clini-iirlcr mid quality all its pwn. H. MAHLER'S SONS SILVERSMITHS .IUUMlWlLllWI-JJ.llWWtllBmW IS YOUR DORSE WELL GROOMED ' Tills is n very iuiMrtant pnrt in the boarding of your horse, mid we make it a special feature for the horses we board. - We have competent men that know the "keen" of horses and every special rare is taken of your horse when placed in our liourdlnjr stables. ' PLUMMER'S STABLES. "THE MOVING VAX FOLKS." .....' Both Phones. - ",.': , '"' 115 East Morgan Street RALEIGH, H. O. For All the News From Everywhere, all the time read ' The Kaleigh Daily Times. , J J THE CLEAN SHOW. a Refrigerator? , If so we would like i to show you the celebrated BOHN SYPHON When you have examined it you I 1 i may decide to (lis- BOHN SYPHON Our Window. i . . . isgy -J)