THE RALEICIH t) AILY TIMES:' SATURDAY, "FEBRUARY 4, Mil'.' - ''-. r, V a i aaaai Published Every Afternoon ' ' ' (Except Sunday) THE TIMES BUILDING. 12-14 East Hargett Street, Raleigh, N. C. J. V. SIMMS, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. (By Mail) One Year ................. 2.50 Six Month 1.SO Three Montha ....... . .75 Strictly Cash in Advance. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (By Carrier) One Year ..... ... ........ $3.00 SlxMonthB S-5 Three Months 1-25 One Month .......... .... -45 One Week ................. .40 Strictly Cash in Advance. ' It is imperative that all communi cations be signed by the writer, oth erwise they will not be published. If you have any trouble In getting The Times, telephone or write to the Circulation Department and have it promptly remedied. In, ordering a change of address, give both old and new addresses. Entered at the postoffice at Ral eigh, N. C, as second class matter. Senator Brown, of Columbus, talk ed out in meeting yesterday. Tiie senator's remarks may not be pleas ing but they needed to; be Slide;--The senator from Coltinibi-o U s'.iowing the wisdom of his peoi'Ie iu sending him here. , Captain Baldwin, arctic explorer, says Cook discovered the North Pole. The Charlotte News and the Greens boro News said the same thing a long time ago, and blamed if we don't hope their faitli will be rewarded at last..' . Fame takes a tumble again. The Charlotte News spoke of "Lewis T. Mnnm weather chief." etc. Tne News is at least due the Wilmington newspaper man an apology for the way It spells Louis. As for Dr. Wil lis L. Moore, the groundhog has him In the background just now and he probably won't mind anyway. We can see the esteemed Manufac turers Record getting red-headed over the preparations for the great meeting of the Southern Commercial Congress, at Atlanta,- March ...8-10, That it is going to be a big meeting and an important meeting is evident The Record has fought the Southern Commerecial Congress from tae be ginning, has tried to belittle its ef forts. But the men at the head of it are well known business men of the south and the Record's efforts have proved harmless, perhaps helpful i in advertising the congress. The con gress has gone ahead, steadily grow ing in Influence. The meeting to be held In Atlanta is one of the biggest and most Important meetings ever at- temnted in this country. It has al ready done much to advertise the south. i Just the preparation for It is being talked about and written about all over this country. Hundreds of business men will be in attendance and there will be leading men from all AVPr t h r.ountrv to make ad dresses, including President T&ft Governor Kltchin will attend and has appointed a delegation of able busi- ; ness men to represent the state. Be sides the governor's appointees many others will attend from the state But speaking of the Southern Com- ' mereclal Congress, these meetings, important as they are, are the least important part of the work it is' do ing. It is keeping the country con itantly supplied with information about the south and is doing more to advertise its resources than any other agency. One of the most interesting hear Ings before a committee during this legislative session was that before one of the Judiciary committees yes terday afternoon on the bill to change the name of the Croatan Indians to Cherokee; . The Cherokee strongly object to the change. They are proud of their ancestry and history and name. ' They say the name belongs to them and that the Croatans have no part nor lot In their Cherokee an cestry or history r.nd are not entitled hear the dvou-J name.' And who can blame them, for thus resenting this appropriation of their name by another people. Whoever the Croa tans are it is certain they are not Cherokees. The Cherokee have the pride of a pure blooded race. The Croatans can claim no such distinc tion. The old theory that the Croa tans have a strain of 'white blood, coming from Raleigh's lost colony must be the correct one. It is the only theory that will account for the Croatans. Just why the Croatans want to change their name we do not know. Cherokee, while a proud name, could mean nothing to them. If they could lose their identity by thus arbitrarily changing their name, they would lose the mystery and the omance which now attaches to them. As a race they have not made much advancement or done anything to be oud of. Still, it seems that the name they have always borne would mean more to them than any other could possibly mean and there Is some distinction for them in being re garded as the descendants of the lost colony of English. THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. We are not opposed per se to the rovision of adequate, fire-proof ad ministration buildings for the state at Raleigh, but we do insist that the present condition of the treasury, tae resent unsatisfactory methods oi .. n. ...11 J V taxation in .North uarouna aim ic general tendency toward rank extrav agance in such matters as public buildings should admonish the gen eral assembly to have a care in vot ing million dollar bond issues and rushing matters of the kino -inrougu the legislature with the hurra-i and the huzzah that somehow seem to ac company the bill. Million dollar bills should not be allowed to pass with out tae most serious consideration, from the viewpoint of tae present as well as the future, and ideas of tne strictest economy should prevail in such legislation. The tendency toward voting bond issues, without counting the eost, is becoming entire ly alarming. Better have a care!- Wilmington Star. That anyone should talk about un ite haste and hurry in this matter is astounding. The very reverse is uie Procrastination, that bane of many good things, has been invoked to the limit. The matter has been discussed pro and con in. every cou- rPlvaliL. fashion for the last six or eight years, peraaps longer. It was iiei-nre t;ie last legislature, in differ ent '": form two years ago n,i hpi'fliise of lack of buildings here it was even threatened to move the capitol to Greensboro. No matter in North Carolina has been more discussed in the papers than this necessity for adequate build- ngs in which to transact the bus! ness of the state. The people all over the state know of the need for such building as that proposed. Thou after all this discussion in the papers and by the people, the recommcn dation of state officials, historical and patriotic societies, there has been no disposition to rush the bill through Hib letrlslature. It is taking its course with other important bills, The need for new buildings is press ing and the matter, after thorough discussion and deliberation, is simply up to the legislature. Here it will again be thoroughly discussed when it comes up for passage, and we be lieve the members of the general as sembly are so impressed with the wisdom of the measure that they will pass it. Polev Kidney Pills are a reliable remedy, for backache, rheumatism and urinary irregularities. They are tonic in action, riuick in results ana afford a prompt relief from all kidney disorders. Kiinr-Crowell Drug t'om- pany. ; 9 That TTndf" Sam alwavs pays bis debts, although sometimes he is slow, was Droved to James M. rainier. veteran of the Civil War. Recently Mr. Palmer received J13.40 for clothing, Ue in the balance due him which he fiad failed to get In 1862. Palmer is- 72 vears old and was a member Of the Eighth Missouri Cavalry. There is more Catarrh In this sec Hon of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incur able. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease ana pre scribed local remedies, and by con atantlv failln to eure with local treat raent, pronounced it Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease and therefore requires Htutinnal treatment. Hall' Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, Is the only constitutional' cure on tne murnw. In taken Internally In dosee irom drons U a teaspoonful. It acts dt retly on the blood and mucous sur face of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls tn MML Send lor, circular uu mATllAlM. V' - " F. J. CHENET CO., Toledo, Ohio. : Sni hv Drurtlflts. 75e. - Take Hall's Family Pills for constl pation. - .;.-....;. .,.,. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? I-. BriggH Asks Some Pertfueut Questions About Proposed Chan ges in Charter. To The Editor of The Times: Do our citizens know what they ill get in the proposed new city charter, a synopsis of wnicn was printed in the morning; paper? My understanding is that the .board of audit and finance, which cost the city 1.800 ner annum, and the board or police commissioners, which cost the city $700 per annum, will be abol ished, new duties put uponx the mayor, clerk, tax-collector and police ustices, and their salaries .mcreasea 1 r00. The new charter places tne annointine of chief of Tiolice and all officers in the police department in the hands of the mayor and elects the board of aldermen trom tne wards, by the people at large, I do not wish anyone to think that because my little ornceoi ponce commissioner will be abolished that prompts me to write this article. Those who know me know that when was persuaded upon to become a candidate for this office i aw it throuch patriotic motives, and at a sacrifice of some of my business in terests, and accepted the office wltn desire to try to build up a city de partment that had practically run wild for 45 years. when The police commissioners, , a . h. in I tJlfV LOOK U lul Kc. luunv. - - a7par in very bad. conditions, went to .the Gypsy camp .near Liles low far we have succeeded thejacts ville, with the papers and aires ed a a ,.oa in m v uossession will " : -. . Miow. . ... . -... tn th mnvrl of audit ana . r - .. ... finance: 1 state empnaticauy uuui h.rH i one of the very best in- di..i... Hi. riiv has ever estab- iihoH Refore it was appointed the city almost every year came out in ,ioi',t- ...., it was in debt $25,000 and V think the boards have issued bonds for this amount, and the board, which is now composed of a. Hinsdale, J. P. Wyatt, and Ed-1 car K. Broiignton, nae v'vu. i , . nr..ll.- I guarded the city's interests and so managed Us finances that the city I lives within its income, aim sump ears has a balance in the treasury. Now. as to the mayor: The pro- nosed new charter gives him power to appoint the chief of police,. captain, desk sergeants, and all the patrol- men, a total of 19 men. The depart-1 menf has been taken out of politics, but if the new cnarier is giauwu places it in pontics, speu win a uib P, A mayor with 19 men appoinieu . i.! i.,.nrl ,,, a liio- tinliticni I y.ium.cau uuu k - . u:.. v..frt Via 1Q mpn wnrkine I day and night to further his political interests, and remain in office as hi. desires. Lltizens, aiu yuu oci mi ,,;., : j .. ........ ,,- te hai I If so vou know now hard h is to beat it. Do the people want this charter? Do the tax-payers want this char- ten Does the chamber of commerce want this charter? Does the merchants' association want this charter? no we want our city thrown back vears' '-'.; I I make no reflection on anyone, I hnl am nromntcd to write this .for what I see to be for the best interests of our city. Yours truly, JAMES Raleigh, Feb. 4. A. BKIGGS. NEWS FROM NASHVILLE. Mi's. George (Jay Dead School House Burned Other News. (Special to The Times.) Nashville, N. C, Feb. 4 Mrs, George Gay, mother of County Treas urer S. S. Gay, died last night at the home of Mr. T. A. Boone, some four miles from Nashville and will be buried at the old family burial rounds this afternoon. Mrs. Gay lived some seven or eight miles from Nashville, but last week while on a visit at .the home of Mr. Boone sui- fered a stroke of paralysis Every - thing possible was done for her, but death came late yesterday evening Mrs. Gay was about seventy years of age. and her health had not been o-nnd for several years. she is sur vived by three children: Mrs. Baker High and Mrs. Tom Coley, oi Dortches. and Mr. S. S. Gay. of this olace. She lived lh the Dortches sec Hon of Nash county and had many friends. The Avent school house In Griffins township was burned this weeK. ine fire caught In the flue about midday. An absence of water made it impos sible to save the bulldirig. The house was insured ror aau. iu "uoo " be about $550. The desks and other .r.A . - lurniture were bu. - Snrine Hone was visited by a fire this week, two dwelling houses were consumed. Damage to both houses about 12.000. partially covered by Insurance. The committee to arrange a road law for Nash will meet at Nashville Monday. It thought a suitame roaa law will be submitted to the county's representatives in the legislature fori TC.ahvllln Tiaa seen much activity in nnari.i eiroiAs thin week. Plum mer Richardson, who has run a shop i,. f. vAm-K nnri lust this nast v...i. ..j.n,a knilHinr summer ount i...udiuiv u...u-..., h.. .aaa n,in-it fiTtnres. . G. F. r,iv .n TnHrinc.d barber, has bnetfed - a ' hew shop eiiUipped with marfern kboliances. - ----- - - A WTf aaA w .w . ----- of Bass & Weatherly. E. T. Bass hav ing purchased an interest in the bus iness formerly conducted by C. O Weatliersby. The firm will do a gen eral mercantile1' business. Contract will be let at Nashville the coming Monday for sewerage for the county jail and county court house. The county commissioners will be in session that day; ,The road force of Nashville town ship is now at work on the Castalia road. It will be remembered that this township voted $20,000 in bonds last year. Splendid sand clay roads are being built. ARRESTED WRONU .MAX, Sheriff of Anson Gels the M rong Ciyitsy Other Man 'Gels .Away, '(Special 4o. Tae 'Times.) Wadesboro, N. C, Feb. 4 Yester day brought another chapter in the Gypsy troubles and it seems that An son county is to be afflicted with tae tribal battle for still another season. WhPii the sheriff failed to locate either "King" Emil Mitcaell or his assistant, Elfro Mitchell, in order to arrest them in the proceedings brought by the two Joans, another suit was brought, This time Stephen Joan and Greg ory Joan, charged William Mitchell with having injured them and orougnt arrest and bail proceedings and ask for ' S5.000 damages.'- hlienlt Lowery man wnoui ue um' , .......u-ll I lVllLUIlCli. ... . i. ... tl.o sheriff 1 ney ail iuur mine ......... ..w ... v., id it' -and then ne orau6ui,ii. --- the fun began. The pnsonei sem iu. his attorneys and they recognized the man as .McMiller and not William Mitchell. Arrangement were made to get papers. in a habeas corpus proceedings but the sheriff stopped that by releasing tae pus- oner. William Mitchell made a get away . i. - n-ill 10 vvnat ine ubai inc problematical. Witf five of the best of Anson county's attorneys, and tor that matter, as gooa as ran uc in the state, representing tne iwo -.w.tinu almost, anv move may be exuected. -. - In the meantime the people ot tae town and county'are becoming weary f the 8trangers and wish that some nejghuorlng county migiit enjoy '.their goclety-.fdr a season. - Accused of Stealing, . - mWla, rtf riinton. Me.. c. v,omo' - , boldly accuses tiuciva-.. a ot stealing u.e s, wuu. . scalds the pain from SbTes of all k-innH 1 iiiLircci i.ui.i : , . . piles. ' It robs cuts, corns, bruises sprains and injuries of their terror," ha anvs. "as a healing reineay n equal dont' exist. Only 2ac at King Ctowell Drug Co. The Sheriff Sued. (SDecial to The Tillies.) Wadesboro, X C. Feb. 4 As a se ouel to the Gypsy troubles, auor- neys for McMillan', mucibii tooay brought 'suit' against' Sheriff R. -I Lowery and his bondsmen for false I arrest and 'imprisonment.- The com plaint in the case bus not been filed but the rumor is that Mitchell will hkU- S10. 000 damages. auovhujs James A. Lockliart, Fred J. Coxe and Frand Dunlap represent Mitchell Six-edy Belief From Kidney Trouble, T had an acute attack of Bright' disease with inllainatlon or me am- n.v and bladder, and dizziness, says Mrs. Cora Thorp. Jackson, Mich. bottle of. Foley's Kidney Kemedy over the attack, reduced the inllam mation, took away the pain ana maae th. hiudflpr action normal, .i wiau everyone could know or tins wonuei- (u, remeay King-Crowell urug pany Basketball Teaman Trip, ,: (Special to The Times.) w-ke Fo,.est. v. c: Feb. 4 The I . .. f . ... t.ils morning for Chape, HiU where tney .will play the University of North Carolina. game was scheduled with Trinity in Durham for tomorrow but the faculty decided that it was inexpedient to let the team go there on account of tae epidemic of smallpox that prevails in that place. If the smallpox Improves In that place before basketball sea son Is over it is probable they will be played. The men that went on th trlu are Beam and '1 urner, "ITT9' . , a 3ava-n uuiuyurvys ,rov3M-.- Breaks up olds and SHORTEN THE ATTACK Don't wait till your bones begin to ache, take "Seventy-seven" at the first reeling oi urip, or oiium I shorten the attack. - I If you delay until tne oevwiop- ment of Influenza. Catarrh, Pains and I Soreness In the Head . ana v.ubbi, I C.-ino-h . General Prostration , and . a I Fever, the cure may take longer I At Drug Stores 26c. or mailed. ' I , ' Humphreys' Homeo Medicine Co-, Cor. William and Ann Streets, New .. 1 I ,.1 , , . . . , , : k.. Ik HAS M SUBSTITUTE 7An On " UaJ ' ''" Absolutely Pure The only baking powda mam from Royal tsrapo Cream of Tartar K3 ALUM.K3 LIME PHOSPHATE forwards; W. R. Holding and Dowd, guards; B. L. Holding, centre, witn Utley, McCutchen and Bute, substi tutes.'-'' l'lit'uiiioiiiu Follows A Cold Riit never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. which checks the cough md exoels the. cold. M. Stockwell, Hannibal. Mo.; says. "It beats all tqe medics I ever used. I contracted a bad ci'UKh and was threatened wun pneumonia. One bottle or 'oiey s Honey and Tar completely cureu me. No opiates, just a reliable household medicine. King-Crowell Drug Company.'- Garment Strikers Return to Work (By Leased 'Wire to The Times.) ChicaKO. Feb. 4 Monday will see -the beginning of the return of the gamient H ikers in Chicago to their worK. j ne strike Is ended by unanimous consent f the leaders and of the Workers, wno. fearful' lest their places In the shops oe tilled and the union destroyed have agreed to return to work. The strike lasted 133 aays ana cost the workers something HKe j.uuo,wu in wages and cost the employers $4,000,000. The strike cost ."four lives and so members of the garment workers union have been arrested for rioting. Malaria Makes Pale Blood. ' The Old Standard Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic drives out malaria and builds up the system. For grown people and children, 50c. Mutiny In Prison. RV Cable to The Times.) Moscow. Feb. 4 Convicts -In the cen Hi ''forwarding prison mutined today and killed four officials ot tne ; peni tentiary. Thev were . sumiuetnoniy .m-i i.inodv battle. It is sam tnat se rul of the convicts were shot to death. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c.;: '.'. Tliuiidei-stonii In New York. (Bv Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Feb. 4 A terrillc thunder storm unlono in me annais ji i"- wea.ther bureau for tuis season or tne year, struck New York this moniluK It was accompanied by vivid liBhttilng and a '.torrential downpour of rain.. .:- 'La Grippe Coughs 'Strain and weaken the 'system and if not checked may develop Into pneu monia. No danger of this when Foley's Honey and Tar is taken promptly. It is a reliable medicine for all coughs and colds,, and acts quickly and ef fectively in cases of croup. Refuse sub stitutes. King-Crowell Drug Company. U. S. V 1 fl UHM.PM1 Uman poiit w Hi 1 llBakMthrawmafMul tJ IiTHliMl.rnhii.wthrMcklSS Mrtturai Uw wUl b.drwn at57totKjtmimt.ftai VO. i tkoui UdtcM muo) wthn (J fm VV ' ifcMdn O) atasaii 93) mat aa Qoport mtmL. ala4 rtlaclu at W mlm Mr kou at msn , c II ooari ; Moona, ai-noar raiB.mii. u . taai. lVIinarv. 4. Forecast -For For North Carolina: Fair tonight and Sunday .moderate, west winds. ,: .1. ' ,ii.iT,o hioh. "anil lows continue to move rapidly, ..' . .. : northern nd comparatively mua weamor u iuc V""1""'" k--: -- Bfrt.:-aate.:,'teo- ta.;ArJio t-d "aUfornta: Early morning tWtean,''io' ttrtbir e'rol TkIeMO6"-wlUi'th0 freoslng to. lit Mttttura aaa.a-aa-aaaajaaaaaaaaam-aaaja-aaaa-aa Stiiudpat Ilicy Decided Ven and Rules Will bo the Same as laist Yew. New York. Feb. 4-Thc football re visionists who1 gathered here to msip out the brand of gridiron sport for 1911 havo decided upon a standpat policy. The game this year will be the same as last. The members of the 'National Football rules committee which have gathered .t the Hotel Cumberland, de clared today that the game as play ed In 1S10 seemed to give satisfaction so that they have decided to continue it .for" another year. . However, every Indication pointed to revision ut the next annual meeting of the committee when the demand of the westerners are to be discouraged. The westerner are asking, for rules that Will equalize the chances of teams. Unexpectedly the bulk of the work was completed yesterday although the meeting as originally planned was not to end until this afternoon. Archbishop Ryan Shows Improve provemcnt. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 4 The re markable vitality shown by Archbish op Ryan Is a continual surprise to his physicians. Though on the verge of death for several days, he showed considerable improvement this morn ing. Thte fact, however, caused no hope of his ultimate recovery. The physicians said he was likely to die at" any moment, Oxygen Is still beipg administered. Remember the Name. Foley's Honey and Tar for all coughs and colds, for croup, bronchitis, poi-su ness and for rucking lagiippe cougns. No ophites. Refuse substitutes. King- Crowell Drug Company. Mrs. Washington Miner has given the Connecticut! woman unragv .awwi- ntlon n new headfiuarters. These re the first public.rooms to ie used by the Connecticut suffragist? as head quarters. The rooms were iorman opened January 14. REST MADE EASY. There- Will Be Less MeepicsMiess -When Raleigh 'People Learn Tills. Can't rest at night with a bad back. A lame, a tfeuk or an aching one. Doan's Kidney Pills are for bad backs. They are for every form of kid ney ills. ' They are endorsed by Raleigh peo ple. Mrs. W. C. Jones, 121 N. Blood? worth St., Raleigh, N. C, says: ' "Mv buck ached constantly and of ten 1 had pains across my loins. Sometimes I was in such bad shape that I could hardly get up after sit ting for awhile. I did not get my proper rest at night and I suffered intensely from headaches. Ihe doc tor's medicine brought me no relief and when I heard of the good work Doan's Kidney Pills were doing in cases like mine I got a box 'from the Bobbitt-Wynne Drug 'Company,--This remedy drove away roy-. action and nains and restored mo to belter health than 1 had enjoyed for years. (Statement given January 30, 190S.) Ilc-eiMlorseiiient. On December 2, 1810, Mrs. Jones added to tho above: "I have not been troubled to any extent by my back or kidneys since I used Doan's Kidney Pills some years ago. I Btill take pleasure in recommending this prep aration." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. 1 1 Department of Agriculture; WEATHER UUtlHiAU WILUS L. MOORE. Chief. ima Fair tonight Raleigh and Vicinity: nnriinn hf CLIMAX. CONCRETE COMPANY 100 E. Morgan St. Estimates and bids Riven, on all concrete work. Sidewalks, foundations, sewerage, road word, etc. The bet work Ms."Hlc for the least expense. Ixst us talk it over with you. ; ' '' '' - ' ..'.;' C. C. riioni! No. 5. CO. FADER. C. L. WOODALL. We sell and recommend HOTEL ASTOE COFFEE. ' lib Tins, $ .35 ' 3IbTins, 1.00 108 East Hargett Street. RUDY & BUFF ALOE. Both Phones. CREAM OF PURITY. Is the wuy we cluss our Ice Creani, because it is made of the purest in gredients by the latest Improved sanitary nieth- .. ' ods. ' THE HICKS DRVG COMPANY BOTH PHONES. FOR REST IX BREAD USE PEERLESS FLOUR and up-to-date Meal Manufactured by DURHAM MILLS. , Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified; FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It is the best medicine ever told over a druggist's counter. and Sunday, somewhat colder tonight. resulting in sharp cbauges in the tha country. Rainr prevails in the --- temperature. range4from 66 at New UiMourL , , -V , gingers "