' , . ," .' ' V 1,""" ' .'"-'i V!; J-'"'- S -V" ,,,'". ;."".-' "i ' 5 .V ;'.7,.tV-. :'..;' '' -",'' -' ' -'' .' 1 '"'-I -- ' ''n J..'- ',' !j . ;' . , , 1 t He ISaMgi n - v ti Vol. LXIX. No. 31. The Weather RAIN. RALEIGH, N. ft, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1911. LAST EDITION. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Double the Number of Paid Subscribers in the Cityof Raleigh ot4 .Qther Newspaper. WO SPEED BILL UP IN THESEMATE After Considerable Discussion Action on Biil Was Post poned Until Tomorrow , NEW SENATE BILL Petition Krom Citizens of Wake Against the Formation of Hansom County Hill by Martin of Bun I'ombe to Authorize Telephone, Telegraph, Gas, and Electric Light Companies to Make Changes in Public Roads When Necessary. Substitute For Auto Bill. Today's session of the senate was uneventful and un interest ins from a layman's viewpoint. Six or eight bills were introduced and several passed their readings, while a message from the house transmitted less than a dozen bills, all of them being purtlyTocal except the Kent bill to prevent the sale of near-beer, bc.erlne. nnd other like, drinks, and a hill to establish' a state board or accountancy. The nenr-beor biil was referred to the committee on propositions and griev ances. The somite considered the bills regulating the speed of automobiles and relative to the appointment of guardians, and other measures, but deferred action. 8KXATK PllCHKniXS, The senate was convened by Presi dent Norland at 12 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Poo offering-prayer. Petitions Offered, Slkes of Wake: From citizens of Little River, Wake Forest town ship, against the formation of Ransom county. Kills Introduced. Martin of Buncombe: Authorizs telephone, telegraph, gas and elec tric light companies to make chtu ges in public highways when neces sary; also authorize state librarian to employ another assistant. McDonald of Moore: Relative to hunting foxes In Mooro and Lee counties. ,j ... Graham of Orange: Authorize commissioners of Orange to issue bonds to build court house and jail. Hlatt of Yancey: Regulate hunt ing and fishing in Yancey; also validate certain acts of commission ers of Yancey; also regulate carry ing concealed weapons in Yancey. Auto Bill Postponed. The bill to regulate the speed of automobiles and prescribing penalty for violation was reported by the committee on propositions and griev ances with a substitute authorizing commissioners or aldermen In in corporated towns or cities to roguUtte the speed limit. '"",! Senator Barham of Wayne ex .(Continuod on Page Two.) i ' ' ' '""" MISSOURI STATE (By Leased Wire to Tim Times.) Jefferson City, Mo., Fob. 6 To the heroism of the convicts of the state penitentiary who helped '-; light . Are which destroyed the Missouri capltol last night was attributed today the saving of 'ii large portion of the city from the flames. Governor Hadley, who led the Are fighters In person, was one of the heroes of the town today al though the greatest amount of praise was bestowed upon, the convicts. Par dons will be granted several of the convicts as a rctvard for their work. The convict fire fighting team has been congratulated by tho citizens for their daring and because not one made an effort to escape, r The loss will be over $1,000,000 and many, valuable documents that cun nvor be replaced were destroyed. . Kuow in liallimore. ) (By Leased Wire to Tho Times.) Baltimore, Md., Feb. 6. -A snow storm, whic'j " started Just before dawn this morning. Is raging, over j Baltimore this morning. Snow coy-1 ers the streets to a depth of several . . . . . , . X . llicnes ana Fireei car service uuu. irm-i flc aro b(dly delayed, - .' J PARDON GRANTED TWO Jasper Green and Tinner Hol ly Get Executive Clemency dloveVuor Kifchin (Jives Liberty tt Two Men AVho Huvo Served l'urt of Sentence One Convicted of Lurccny, Other For Murdci' in fsco ' ond Dcjrroe Reusons For Par dons. Governor Kitchlu lias Issued pardons to Tinner Holly, of Guilford county, and Jasper Greene, of Granviue county. Tinner Holly was convicted In Guilford court at the June term 1909 of the crime of larceny, and sentenced to five years on the roads. Reasons for .pardon: Prisoner's general record has been bad. He served on the road over one year with a good record as a prisoner. Last July he wast taken sick -mid -has since been confined in jail. The county physician thinks he will not be able to work on the roads again, and tint further Imprisonment will permanently Impair his health. The sheriff, the chairman of the board of county com missioners ,and other "Officials recom mend hi3 pardon. I am Informed that his father is able to take care of him. I therefore pardon him on condition that he remain law abiding ami of good behavior and that for the next four years 'he appear' at the first fail term of the.. superior court of Guilford county of each year at which crim inal cases are triable , a ltd' satisfy the court that ho has been, law . abiding' and of good conduct. . Jasper Greene was convicted In Granville county court at the January term 11101 qC -the crime of murder In the. second degree anil sentenced to CO years In state's prison. Hansons for pardon: Jasper Green has now served over ten years, and Is over seventy, years of age. His prison record is good. Many citizens, including county officials, ask for his pardon. The attorney who acted us solicitor In his . prosecution strongly recommends pardon "on ; the grounds Inf ' the great provocation un der which prisoner was suffering at the time or the homicide. There Is no protest. The . provocation as disclosed in the papers was such; as to'strOngly appeal to me in his behalf. I -there fore, pardon prisoner on condition that he remain law abiding and of good behavior, "' PROTEST AfiAIXST BILL. Citizens of Greenville Township Don't Like Proposed Road Law. (Special The Times.) Greenville, N. C., Feb. 6, At masa meeting of citizens of Greenville township tiiis afternoon, held in the city hall, crowded to Its full capaci ty, resolutions wore unanimously adopted and speeches loudly cheered, denouncing the bill to amend the township road law and providing bond Issue for Eand clay .roads.'-Representatives in the Legislature are asked to kill the bill' and a commit tee named to fight the ir.suo. This seeins too great opposition both to the bond Issue and other provisions en tho bill. Opponents to-tho bill say a majority of t ie vo , i .ni. "iiiii s'llp have alrM:;- -jigued a moi i ! against the bill. LORIMKR MAY RKSIGX. Ho Denies Ituinor, However, That He Will Get Out. (By Leased Wire to "The Times) .. Washington, Feb. 6 Senator Lor-, inier today denied a report that he intended to resign his seat in the senate. According to this report.the Illinois senator, convinced that the majority of the senate would vote to declare his seat vacant has decided to act upon the suggestion of some of his friends and get out. The probability of Mr. Lorimer's resignation was discussed by several senators today, and some of them believe it will be announced .within a few days. On the other band Mr. Lorimer said todaythat a resigna tion would be a confession of guilt and that ho would not resign under any circumstances. KIRK AXI) EXPLOSION. More Than 30 Persons Rescued From Heath. (By Leased Wire to The Times.). New York, Feb. 6. More than fif ty persons were rescued from death and hundreds were thrown into a panic today during a fire, accompa-N l ied by two explosions, in the five story tenement house at 3'.!4 East 77th street. Two firemen were injured in the second explosion. The flames spread to the fourth ami fifth floors of 332 and' 336 East 77th street. Huge sparks were carried by a strong wind over to Second avenue. They start-1 cd two or three small fires along that thoroughfare and hundreds of nor-Jat dr. '-j'.v.-. .'w mm Www- Am: LT ii.''..-..-" SW,$tnAVvl w mmmm Hi i 1 I John Mitchell, who became famous as the president of thes I i::tcd Mine Workers of America at fie' time ol the .treat cnr.l strike ot .19tM mid was recently voted out of tliiM orsani.a tion because ol Ins ccuiiection Avith the Xalio'Mil t'tvie I'Cdcrntlon. Friends of Mitchell In the Civic Fed eration say that the attack was n socialistic stampede and have request ed the former chieftain ut the miners to nsk lor a referendum. sono began .flocking from their homes some iirayingv liotho '.screaming,-' So frantic wore , those w ho had been driven m .scant attire out into tho bitter cold that the reserves from three police siatKiiiii had to be ail ed out to er.iec t.ieni. The firemen were creatlv haniia'r ed In tneir work Ik the cold weath er. The section in which t.ic llauie.s started is out of tne high pressure district and r.earlv all ot tae lire plugs were frozen... Those in the rear of tne tenement got out easily., but the other famiT lies, unable to reac.i the street by means or the stairway,' had to get out. on the lire escapes where lacy stood shivering and'- screaming Po liceman lierger assisted b.v Seigeani O'Sullivan and Policeman Streoiton lowered the drop ladders of the es capes and then carried many women and c'.nldren to safety. W h..e the rescue work was on t.ie boiler in the basement exploded, lm meC:i:sly a report was circulated that uceral bodies were in.tne build ing. Captain Tiernan aud his men took a large acetvline gas lamp from the trucii and started in to soarca for the supposed dead. When they got into the structure- tae lamp ex ploded, and Fireman MeCaukty. who yras holding it was terrily burned. The loss was ?40,0t)tt. Ryan May Recover. (By Leased Wire to J he Times.) .'.'.Philadelphia, l'a., Feb. 0. Hope for the ultimate .recovery- for Arch bishop Ryan was expressed by. his physicians today tor the first time in over a wee,i. The toiiowtnp uuiietin was issued this nioining. "Archbishop -Ryan's condition shows marked Improvement. 1:ie patient s heart action is stronger and his respiration easier. Need tor stimulation of tho heart Is decreas ing."' Archbishop Ryan's mind was clear and alert and he greeted his attend ants cheerfully when they came into tae sick room this morning. Physicians and attendants as well as the aged prelate s personal entour age expressed themselves as greatly satisfied with the situation. Snow For ext Twelve Hours. (By Leased Wire to The Tunes.) Washington. Feb. 6. A heavy tail of . snow, which began early this morning in the eastern portion of the country, will prevail for tho next twelve hours, according to the Lmted States weather bureau. The forecast Is for a temperature of about 31 de grees tonight which probably will re main stationery for some time. Heavy Snw in Washington. (By Leased Wire to Tho Times.) Washington, Feb. 6. A' heavy snow storm has Washington in it3 grip this morning, increasing in in tensity every hour. The fjnow came with the dawn and street car traffic is already greatly hampered. Remains of a. Maxtadon. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) San Francisco, Cal.. Feb. C The remains of an Inimenso mastadon have been unearthed 'on Tolnt Bon- ca during tae construction of a shaft rrhlch the government is digging Just north of Fort Barry. The bones of tho pre-uistorio monster wore fonnd a depth of 75 feet, I1 wMwP - n Most Vital Since Granting of Magna Charla ".. All the Traditional Rites' Observed in ; Ihe Ojienlii i-vlraordinarv Pre. r cautions iAganttt Annrcliists -Streets Crowded With i'coplc. ..:.' (Ily C:U1- : London, Feb. '; k;"h of p-irl.ami-n T f the Ma-gna. '.'! K ins; Goorge s r.-i r.usaratcd by Kin ' : ary ir. per-viji .v::c'1'-vil po'iji. .'. ' It- of tli'c' tvi(i; s ;'yed. t:"ef -(..;'. vaults ..of. .ills'" pa: r-viih ::oes: of "t!:e : the Wng and qui s! iv:s in the f.. -o!cl and iilass. The prQcessloiia' end -military' was -K.viraoi dinnrv any attacks .by . : t 'V .- n by. ihe polic of Homo Sccretuf: 1 he i eu'.c of the p i'nvham Palace to v.iis guarded by p l:csl detectives t could furnish. v of nobility. mi' of iingnlficcrvcP. V'i cautious against n i ivaisftc had . been ivHiii' the direction Winston Churchill.-. !'e!,en from Buck-' parliament building lied i roups and the Heot nd -Yard 1 eaad l: iim.-is. 1" SUfti iiiuS ti f f::VO, pai'Iiaineut d to .prevent VJtettes. ivi.io ..'kins If 'he o'f -votes ...fii'r biiiUiing police, wen -nv ntiaek from ti h:id tliretitened to did not come, out n woinen. '..;.;.!.. Though; t-hf '-f''8R jtio'it'-' favorable f'"i' eid. lit : to the op'e.i I've; VtrePlit W.ei'l:' 1 f ?'). .'. iivn on. vn Sl':In, of - the i" ..v.'e'a-ther wa: lie;;ri vehionie .not in- ,f v "lt(-ll ! in-i' l A nit I and queen an K the . sicei !t .'.ns. some i .nrlces in -oi d ssirin, . iinniense tli!'1 nany paid i;i-e;it iviil T! eifd inlght i and youn 1 Si--")M.Ml i had g'r.'t l. d nv foi the but ; tin kini? a i the en n t!i at d inci Mcs lie Wllil-il- .-iiiiilnr .'prograi Ut i: initioiii, o'l I'.:. Kill? I' .The j session and J': '.''iiidys - i rd:; on rimient paMvini eiismiis for this of line pee. f. vast TI- in- I -l i :i clltngf IcgishUion- :.VetO for Ti 1 ill al slate sfi;l!' Ulieiv T!V ant bill "' ll.'VJS ih uvanre, home rule Inv.iiiility .pension -'.'iiy."- ot bill, 'land', a: the first-' I. tin ill pr ol' e, is bv far proposed tlie.i vl- legislation, ; . This iliably. be presented in the minions next Monday-.a's il ed . that the .ministers will i-d the deltaic up.'n .the es by that time. I ins bill the following result : m of nhe veto pnwer of i peers upon nionev bills: is anticipa have finisa kins s aiiili would hav Uet.tnietii the house limit the vet'i on general legisiiitiiui: that is to s:.y that a conininns bill which lias b -en rejected by tin', upper chamber- ill three sueeessive sessions of the upper hoiise shatl then bicoine lave on tlie royal assent. ': providing I 'hat two years ''.shall have elapsed .before its introduetiou and the third reading of it in the .-house of commons ; reduc tion, of the: duration of iiarliameiits from seven wars to five years. The government intends to' press-. the. bill with all possible haste and hope to pet it through the house of '.commons bv Kastcr. Its reception in the house ol peers is . problematical. The question ol home rule will be used as an instru ment in eoininons to swing 'sentiment, it being Ine intention of John Itedniond. it is declar .l. to ' secure. : if pos.- ilile Irish home rule, by holding up tlie ve.to bill, ". Su hope to! see tioii day. The Hiif't'ra.a posed attack ing and Kiiiy. ute, . Crlstoba iporters of the -veto bill t a law before coroiia- tte's gave up Iheir pro upon pai'Iiaineut build George at the last mln Pankhurt. one ol tne TIE Kl WOULD HOT INTERFERE IN FISilT (B.v Cable to The Times.) London, Feb. 6 Commoners and peers will have to fight out their quar rel . Without, any .interference by tho throne. This Is the construction placed upon King George's speech opening parliament today. In his speech.-the only reference that tne king made to the veto question was a statement that proposals would be placed before parli ament on which the two bodies may reach a inuiiial understanding. Further than nerving as u peacemaker, thus far the king is not expected to net. Tho politicians are all at sea as a result- as a strong declaration on the veto-Issued had been expected. Iiiidge Against Popular Meotions. Washington, cb. 6 Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts spoko, on popular elec tion ot senators in the senate -today. He made a vigorous argument, against changing the method ot electing sena tors. Deadlock I ubiokcn. (By Leased lyiro to Tho Times.) Albanv, N. Y.. Feb. The deadlock was unbroken on the seventeenth Joint ballot for United (Alton senator today. The : Times.), ' . i'i!"- ntet vit:-il sc- t ne" the granting'.. B irl .. tile second "1 1 a :i d the first in- ii -era? and Quoin I "iiM'f .l .to-la.y with. j$ .- :'i: -eh.ed Ihe lower i '! i'c.!i:i:t 'tit'tild'n? for I lj ifi Tii.u'ft.-.v nlnf" mid VV. ii -"lie .inroii;sa ii'.e jl'ius old ctiacli of : .''. ':. .--''.'. :;:. -i .distil: ; Miii&; r i .Mm 'Anna 11. iMiiiuu, daugMc r ol iiir.uci' i'T:nec::s lvi:::v!iiiil. ol !ia ' a.i. .-.!. ove c;:."r:;pr.i !'i !.".'.' (.i'.il:l the vonap v f (rei:';.';c Gnu1;!, the .'.civ :ik iirlii.'ui.'.irc. it ln--In-vrrt will sunn lie aniio-.iced. -ii-thotij-1- lic.iii f.-ur. lics vigerotisiv deny the rcu'Tt I! in Cioueht t!ie plan is to announce tin- cn.:a .'.ciiu'lit at the vei:djn'; of ivicn Gould, .lay Gould's scitrr on I-("'nirai'v 7 to i.inil Decies. I.v 111:11 i via'A Miss .Gf.'thuni. J.iy Go.ild V-ces livsn-.icr one lienor b.v nuirr.v iiuv into a tnjal laiinfv in.'itcui! (u mere iKd iiil v. i:-s. os, .Miss . vi llain's nioihcc. w.'i-:. Iielore she married- Oiiuuln'; (iraliain, the I rluccss I. ail :)::i!(. In aiulitton to lien::: tho m;iii o c: e ol the wealthiest men in .'merit a. Jav G'fCllil lias tame ot Ii own. lie is the amalcur icuiiis chum Joan l Ihe world. i. iilers lii" iniiiliint sun'r:oii;tlcs. fs: -ir.d a stiiteni'-ni 'l"; !:i)'in!r that no" e.tT ::.:ii- i .vviieU be iienie to sl.iriii'pai'li:'! l.H'n.t or in iK 111 1. ill'.'.. llnWeVer. lie- lievi'n'g'ih.is. 'might ;'e a rase, -th" police k, pi. in. '.ThLd , pi-:li :iih-.i. CilAvarit their-strjet iiavd. '"King : Oi'O' tte's :iyco the- I'inierai: i . nlK-'-vdwIleittWrt- first ap rif ". King frohi the rtmrgo .of biyamy ;ffl:,i:p;:ii.'the I conviction of .Taiwan!' ' F; My :tril! on a o-litii.-gc ef c'riniinai lili'el.; The greet -ing th it met hjiii as. he iiassed t'lirmiKh tile ranks of the spcetatoi's was an en tlui.iastie one: but ipieeu Mary reeeiv i'd th". greater, ovation. ' The royal procession left Buckingham Palace at p. in, T!ie coach containing tile royal fiiin ily was drawn by -eight, mainiifieetit charters of pure wliite bearing luirn is'hed harness of gilt ainl bronze.. A yocman of t!i" uii.nil nceonipaiiie I by eor.erries tnarch.til oil each side of the ( oach. In front of the eoneh rode the s-.v-'i-eigii's life guards anil the Van was madeup of members of I he. royal, house hold lh five carriages.' The route, was alone; the. Mall and aotiW lucso guards '-: a, le into Whitehall. . . ...:'.'; Arriving at tier house . of parliiinient 'here was. another . r'eglil procession from , the robiirr.. room, to lite two tin ones. T'lvn i!;;u the royal couple were three high state dignitaries bear ing the Sword . of State, Mie cap of maiatair.anee. and tin' i riovn. The royalties Were vvarbiil in royal robes . of : crimson velvet - ' lined v, ith erinlne. :' The king anil queen then t i"lf their seats upon tire two iliroir wliich.are two massive chairs of oak einbclHsU ed by minl-tture 'cro-ns and ornaiiient.' ed with gilt. The feet rest upon, lions and more lions are I'liiijroidei'ed; upon the backs of the chairs, , The king and queen took their seati a: - p. ni. Tlie scene was at iniee inipoiiig atnl pli'tures'iiue and-. looking .soniewhat. out or 'place 111 considering the. Twentieth ("intiiry nature of the ta.ks which pe!ianient is scon to lake op, In front of the loyalties sat. the -peers clad ill scarlet and ermine and. In-hind them the peeresses.- The diplomat representatives, attirad In their uni form of gold and lace occupied: places behind 1 lie peeresses. , U::e feature of the day's ceremonies Mutt. was a matter of remark .was tlie abseirre Of ; Chancellor of the '-exchequer David "Lloyd (leorge, who . Is at present in .'Naples owing to ill health and .who will remain there for shiiuc timo. Blizzard in Ohio. (Ily Leased "Wire to The Times.) Tolcda. O.. Feb. 6. Northwestern Ohio is todav being swept by the worst blizzard in. voars. Railroad trams are hours behind sehoilulc, while telegraph and telephone ser vice is practically paralv.od. One deal a has also been mused by t he blizzard. 1 1 ra I He Hinnpci'cd. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 0. Snow, rain and sleet, driven by high winds, alternated throughout central and northern Indiana and Ohio today, se riously Hampering traffic. 'Wire com munication was also badly crippled. The snow will prove beneficial to tho growing wheat. J ml iE 1 N STAL L AT 1 0 N Of Dr. T. W. OKelly Held Yesterdav Afternoon j llciiutiliil .Service at l ii'Nt flnpfist Churelv Where (I her Heiioiiiuia tions Helped to Welcome tin- New l aslor i lioir of I hirty A oicon, Led liv Miss Helen liny Hon. . . .!( ms Master of ( erenionics. V. uh bcauiitul services. Dr. Thos. i y. O KcIIv was ionnallv lnslnlled as - j Hie iias'or of tho First Baptist j ehiirclj yesterday afternoon. The services : took place 'before, a. crowded ho;ii'.e. Christian people of T.'iiiiiiglj,' regardiess.; of '.denomination, ttvre' glad ' of the ojiportunity to .cat her tlu'i-o. in ,u solemn hour and '.velcoiiio : into .. . the Rra:e, city, and Itear.tK.'.'a iiuin of the type : of Dr. (''K.'i'.y. eo-liii.orer tn :-c cause of ihtsl IV. ' Tho -4 111" Co 1 I saiored. -speakers were pehtimcnts .. and ;e congregation A well-trained el; cvnvers of :i;:it: 'had ' o i ( " under tne h IV.y, led the Promptly ting of about ;!0 voices, ndersliip ol.Miss He'en sinaiing. . at :l::!d the speakers tool; nioi I'la.cos on the -'platform. and the oritati, at the touch of Miss Ada S'l; iiroii, i)c;rati to peal forth its welcoming; notes. Everything , had the aii" of a heartfelt .-welcome, to it. Followln;;. n y.iilijntary by tile iarse choir, Mr., Henry. Brigfrs invoked the Ilivine. hlcssingri -upon -the' meeting, i:v tho tibsence of Rev. L. . K. M. Freeman. ; .' -Immediately following which the vast congregation, stand ing, sang. "Holv. Holy, llolv . From the sound it appeared that every soul in the groat church joined voices in ill" glad Rons;. Ucv. Harrv .M, North, pastor of Kdenton street. .-..Methodist church, ihen came forward and read a pas sage of Scripture1 from ', the . 12th chapter of First Corinthians, Which was ; followed , by prayer by Mr. North. .'.'.: .: , ''"' ';.' - " 1 Ion J. V. .lo.uier wolconlod Dr. O'kolly :;Oii '.-Behalf of' the Baptists Ol'-' the Stale of North Carolina '. He said that he was glad of the oppop tnnitv to welcome- the new pastor into the great .Baptist fanulv that crowded every nook and corner of this great state. 'On account ot your great work for the Master voti are thrice welcomed mio our midst. I ndcr vour leadership the Baptists will see more glorious victories over the lorccs ol a common eneiiiv. In -the. name of the Hantists of North Carolina I : give, you this thrice wel come and tlicir lirayers, their cause, and this church may grow' iii grace. Take, and build and it will bloom as a rose. Hymn "H.!, "America '. was then sung by. the choir and congregation, standing. .The l'exl ud.divfs was liv Dr. It. T. Viin'i. "On lienall ol the Baptist In stitutions ol ihehtnlo'. Ho reviewed the rise ol Wake Forosl, Oxiord Seminary. Mcrodtlh College. Mars Ih'I. mid fin' great number of acad emies in I lie state ..under Baptist control. lie said the valuation ot tho property' of these schools exceed ed one million dollar.--, with more than Kind students. "1 hav? known you before, and of your, work, nnd those Baptist institutions gladly wel come you here in their midst, to help them in their struggle for existence. Tho chinch todav stands tor the Cliristianization of the world through these colloccs and schools, and 'Ihe belter training of their workmen. 1 hcv wish vour service in the greater proficiency in their work, in the education of the state. Hiev need every new energy, to fuel your in our midst to aid in their in terests;"' ' " : '.-'''Behalf of tho Baptist Churches of nalelgh" Vvtis the "subject of Dr. A. J. Monciief's tali;. lie said in this city of nearly 29,00(1 "people, a mem bcrship. ol 2.400 were enrolled in the eight- Baptist churclics in Hal cigli, an avoragu membership of S00. Itiverv lourth person in Raleigh is a Baptist. Now what we want is a joining of hands ol the Baptist churches and work as co-laborers in the Masters cause, lor the uplitf. of the unsaved. Again we want a closer communion with God.' AVe want to walk and talk with Him in sweet communion every hour. To got, into a closer touch is the one great desire. "On Behalf of the Oilier Churches ol the tin ' In Di V JUC 'White pastor of the Presbyterian church, was one of tho best talks of the serv ice. Dr. White said the entire city welcomes vou, all the churches, re gardless of denomination, gladly joiu together In welcoming you. He de clared tho spirit between the denom inations was better In Raleigh than (Continued on Tags Eight) : SEVERAL HEW DM IP III T(J DILLO 111 IflL Resolution Recommending the Establishment of a State -Board of Trade NUMBER OF LOCAL BILLS i - refltion Asking- f or Torrcn's Lad Title System Spnlnhour to Amend the Law of 11)09 Defining the Duties of Sheriffs in Regard to nil cit Distilleries Mr. Connor Makes Statement in Behalf of Wilson Negroes Some Important Matters Scheduled. . Speaker pro tem Doughton, called the House to order at twelve o'clock. Braver being offered by Representa tive Latham, of Beaufort county. Petitions. Battle: From citizens, of House Creek school district. -'' Hodwell: From citizens asking, for the Torren s svstem of land titles.' Stroup: From Lowell Cotton mills' asking taat no legislation be had in regard to hours of labor in cotton mills. - i Committees Reports. Corporations: To incorporate the Social Aid Society of Siler City; to incorporate the Davidson Interurbon Railway Company. Counties, Cities and Towns: To change the township Hne3 In Cfttttw ha county:, to create Matthew's town, ship Vance county; to amend the charter of Black Mountain: to amend the charter of EliJiabet.i City; to re peal the charter of Shore, Yadkin couutv;. to incorporate the town of Locust: to incorporate the town of Mauphin. Bills Introduced. The following hills were introduc ed and referred to the appropriate committee: Stlmson: Resolution of Winston Board ot Trade recommending the es tablishment of a State Board of I ratio. ' Stimson: Resolution of Winston Board of Trade favoring the orection of uu administration building at Ra leig'i. Battle: To amend the Revisal re lating to theatrical shows at Chapel Hill. " Pace:.' To have union label used on public printing. Quiekel: To amend tho Lincoln ton graded school law. Spainho'tir: To amend the law of 1909 defining the duties of sheriffs in regard to illicit distilleries. Spalnhour: 1 o regulate fires on trains.,-; -. :; , Anders: To .protect the roads and highways ot tne State.. : Kennedy: To amenJ the charter of Roseboro. i -i: (Continued on Page Two.) OFF CAPE HATTERAS LOWER HOUSE Portsmouth. Va., Feb. C-LyinK four and a half miles out on the south western, side of the Diamond: ShodUV off Cnoe Hntteriis. the three masted schooner Harriet P. Kerlln is a hope less wreck. The i l ew of seven men escaped death' when the vessel stranded this morning onlv by tlie heroic efforts of the Ufa saving crews of Cape Hutterraa and Creeds Hill stations who went to their assistance in the life boats as soon as the beach patrol discovered tho plight or the wrecked vessel in the "graVi yinril of 'Ships."- '";. "'' The Kerlln was bound from Norfolk to Charleston, with a cargo of coal. During the night the gale increased to a serious storm and the heavy liden vessel was tossed about helplessly, great seas breaking over her. When II whs thought she was safely p.isfthi dangers of Cape Hatteras, the wind In creased in velocity and tho ship wtl driven on tho shoals. , Rockets were sent up and th lit saving itw were iulcK to respond. It was 4i long, dangerous pall pvtt thoy made it by pluck and endurance a.ud the well night exhausted ,ind half frozen crow Of the schooner 'eri1 takon off. Tho. vnfcsed Is , complete Jois, i ) ':V;-'f