m kS raSMffiD STORE '?f;?:" ' ' .'",!:: :::'MV . ; Kke frwcrlyttot 4eprtaMWta 0f fa or to la ckwrg f ihomgfc Ufcrkeacfei 4 wgtotwoi flrnggteta. to arc pucnU lelecttmg -xn ioetor, m yo should be te telecast yqnr 4 raffia. Tboa for nr feeftKRger and let bias call for the next irccriptioa. . , . i ' KIN(5-0E0WELL DRUG COMFA&Y, rka Quality Drug Btor, SOCIETY & GOLDKX WKDMXt.'S. "Dear love." ho said that morning long ago. Where life mav load .tin- wisest can not know. Or through what changing weather. If I could choose, nil cloud should dim the sky."' Sho flmiled. ''What mailer where the :v ' ' road rnav He. So we two walk together-?" V HI)pnr heart." he said when ihe.v had "; .'.Journeyed far,-; 'Ami the calm radiance of the eveuiiiH star Above the shining. 'Tho rood was rough.' and life, the " master tausht lessons with hitter visdnm spinet ones ,. fraught Beyond oar hearts divining. "Yet Rood has sometimes come f rum . seeming 111. And love unchanging led us sarely still & Through storms and sunny weather," fiho smiled. "What matter though the road be rough . The lessons hitter. This was Joy enough, " That we have walked together,". : - .: Mis. Tl. T. Vanii has guile l'i Athc Tiiio. k Mm. W H. Ncwsoin lias gone to PWersbiirg. Mrs. J. M. Ponlafi. of Hoeky Mount, is visltliiK her sister. .Mrs. 1. M. fim-toi. . . Mrs. J. V. Ti uitt and daughter. A 11 -gjnla, are visiting Mrs. rii.-irh-s .1. Virk i . .. ( Miss Anne Unite, of leiehnmnii., has arrived in the city to visit Mis. 1., i . Hillyer. :': - 'Mrs. Virginia Majette, of WaynesvilK". Is visiting her daughter. .Mrs Charles S. Parker. , Mrs. J. JI. Pniilen, of Edentotr.. is .the guest -ot Mrs. F. W. Mironut-h on. Boy Ian .Avenue. ) Gen. and Mrs. William Hut tin ox. of Klchniiind. aiv guests at the lai boruugh J louse. . ' "Mrs. J. M. Pruden. of Kifetiton, is .in the cltv as the: guest of Mrs. F. M. btronaeh. on Iloylan Ave. ' "Mrs. William t. Kiskerville. nf Mon roe, and . Miss Sialic .liiiskervllle.. nf Charlotte, are guests.' of Miss itose . u..ni.n tfl.tglCllll. pa ret- and Josephine. Ijnylnn. have gone to New Ynrk. -.'."' V - :; Miss Louise Wriglii leaves to'i'nrtrrpw for (iiililsl)uni and Wilmington. . - " Marriage l.lecnse. One imirrkiwe license whs issued 'to day in the register of deed's iiflice' li) Mil ""' link l.iiiwonil Shaw and Miss K-t- :i Kirkland. both of this county. Will) Miss Dee lliiiiean. Ai- 1. .. Punc air i ntet ; lined her raid chili ;i t tui: hnine Mli ijlorgan stieet' this nioi ning. the oevasinn jvrov ing to- he most eiijnyalile. '..- . Willi Miss lall:erme Iloylan. Mjss Kntherine noyla.n fharniingly entertained her sorority . linin , St. .Mary's yesterday afteiiioiin. The dre oratio'ns were, in sorority enlnrs. kemiliK'ss liook lull. . Tlie KeHiitness .Bunk fluti lield a delightful meeting yesterday afternoon with the Misses Johnson on XortIV 1'" r son tre1:. ' ..The .iul).i-ct of the. afternoon was India, cpi.-rtaiiiiiig japers .bring read by MTss l.oiiia IJrlg.''ond;M-Ws":K!e.i.liov. Vtss.."'"-- '.' ,. - 'ruevlav Allernooii ( lul. Mrs. , i. II. Hill Was ,,,s;,'ss ;in the. Tuesday, al'tcrnnnn ('lull at . her lrniiie. in 'West Raleigh Vesteriiay 1 afternoon, ( 'enrge Klinl ulTer. il an inli-resiing sub- jee't of si adv. .. The ;iroprvam is as. follows: . Sketch of (leogre Iviiol.. (a) b-r .Do metfc l-ifo lai I1-- l.tera y I. .!''. ((').' Her Keligioiis: .l.ir.i: Miss Mabel Itoysti r. ..''.. Her '"Magazine1 Woi k; , M -s. V'h.irles Kel vin. Seee. j fi-iinr Vlei iea! I.i'e. . Mis. J. SV W-niie.; '. .. He iil-ing- JliMy. liavlovv. -MrsIFriink-lin. Xle-Neill. ; VAI-i:TIK KK 'KI'TK i. I)dishtlnli KvPiiinu Spent With llie I'liilutlieas of llie I alierinulc. . The, r'hj) jib' a fla s of llie T: riaelelJaplS't -tihurrb gave. a ih lie, Tahi-r- htful valentine ,. i.w'lui in the .Miuda.v -.hi ol room List night. . an eiiiieil by about two hundrcil a'r.tl ii;'ty: guests. . Nothing was iimitted to inake the oe easiou an enjoyable ieie. The valen tine ilecoiatioiis of i-..;.l hearts and otln'.r synibnis of the '.day combined y.'itlr ferns and palms v. .re most attiaetive, ; ;l'cciving were .Mr, and 'Mrs..: A.'. J.. Moncrief, Suiiei iiitehdeni ami . Mrs. . It. lirought.e,. Mr. ."., M'-. S. II. Miss Martha Iiavwood . and Mrs. j Morton. Mr. and Mr. , A. : . George Snow, : 'returned this evehing Mr. A. Il.Mnnni.yhaiii, Aliss Maude from Halilaxe where they attended the i Keid. teacher of lire elass and other Ha m ford memorial. '.''.' Keid. teacher; of .theI,.,T.,ss aiid th.' .. ., ' - : ';.' JcImss -otiieers. . Ali.-s Carrie Hrnm;Iit..n. ' Mrs.: V. h. Cunninggini. and : Ms ' jovsideni : Mrs. lv: W. Vates; . '."Miss Bourne are the guests of Mrs. Fletcher Nannie Ilessant. Mrs. i:. T. IIiiiii. i-. fillips for a few days before ;gniug ,M rs. F. 1. Hol.lo;.vi( y.; Airs. V. c. 1;;, a to Nashville. Tenn. . ! nclsioi. ' . I Aliss Hose (iooilwih ,aiid Mis- ICiz:i- rs. J. U. Mnaf, of "Balfininre. . isi ixiii Lovill. "'of MeK;dkl' College cott-at- the home "of her, riitlier.; AliS ; A. li'ibtited liv no smalt degree to t!e; Dllghi, called here by the illness ol : pleasures of the . veiling, Aliss i;o,wmi Iter brother, Mr. i in islian Inigiii. " yvit h a s..o ami .M iss l.nviil ,w ilh ii i-vv . , . '. - .'-" reading. . Mr. and Mrs. John c. brewrV. Alis-- The reception w-as. givei In honor nf Emmie Drewry, and Master John: i '. f Sup'ei'tuti.iulent Hronglitmi, if being his Drcwry,. neenmpanied by Misses Mar- birthday and an interesiing feature of A VERY STUBBORN CASE Mrs. Phillips Describes Her Experience Unable to Sit Up When Deliverance Arrived. Indian Vallev. Va.'My condition wan such." wnlos Airs. II. 1.. Phil lips', of this place "that 1 was under t ho treatment, ol two doctors. 1 liey pronounced mv case u very stubborn one. of womanly weakness. I was not able to sit up when I eotiinienced lo take Cardiii; 1 used it. about one week before 1 discovered much change in mv condil ion "The severe pain that Inul been in my .-"Bide for years litis gone, and I don't suffer at all. .Now I am feel ing better than I have lor years, and therefore 1 cannot sneak loo highly, of the Cnrdni treatment.' . . ' You may he sure of Cari.lni will' re lievo and cure such slilhhorn wises as Mrs. Phillips" -and it is doing, so overt- dav- iliat it will much more quickly and eoriainly help ihos.' wo men who have no serious symptoms, hut are :insi weak and n i 1 i n Card ii i is a medicine of real merit, as a general tome lor woin"ii. lo im prove the appetite, and to Ji.illd up the constitution. Von can always depend Oil ("ai d'li. For every bottle contains I ho ingredi ents necessary to help you. Fifty years of success attest its nf rit.. Cardiii is the ideal woman's tonic. Try it. For sale at your ilruggisl's. N B Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanoosa Medicine Co.. Chattanooga.- Tenu., for Special In ntructunn, and 64-page book. -Home Trpatment for Women. ', sent in plain wrapper, on requesr.. the .-veiling, was .ihe pre- niati ev to him t.f a . beautifiii : .lamp".-. "i e, token ot" Jiis cii-operalhai a a-! - mp,n iiy with the work of The elass,, . ,iij. : ii es eMtaiion speV-eli was grae,-tiiiy id-.do hy tao paslor, dev. A .1 M;'h i ii'f. I ' w is i.ee-ptcd 1 .y Mr. It- .-:-u''- -i: v.i-h i happy response: . i:eii eslnneni.s or' .salad. : s.imlu-e iii's. .enl'fee,- Sees a lid :. 1 1 ei s were. Se!-v-ed during: 1 -the--cveiiiijg. ... ..-',. -. Musie w.is fin uislii'd by ai'i oi-eh-'stra under the dfreetio'n" of Mr. Jo'uu leivU: stamps ill . as :a strong . 'let r -ss. . W ITH MltS. ASHI1V I.AMIIKIl T. lteeeption . 1 exteriluv Alteniooti in Honor of Mrs. It. I.. Wliilaker. ( me iif the most ehaniitng -sneia l vef.ts of ' tiie . w eek, vas-..the '.rycejiti.on yesti-t ilay al'tel'linon give -. by ' l is. Ashby l.ainbei t. 'eoniplliiieiiia ry t o Mrs. Ii. le. Whitaker. wiio has 1. 1 ;.-', . eaie to. this city to i .'side. .Mr . Wiiital-er be ing agent for a Philadelphia cnemc a:i 1'omiiaiiy! '.-Mr. W'hit.ikei. '.: 'v,:a fni-ni.-rly a - resident.,-'' i'f l,,hil,ii.ie!.h::v will be a ehaiining' addition to IVal eigh's snejal eh-eles. ' About two hundred and. i'.liy miests eaill'd: lltll illg the aftellliHiii .. i ! u ,'1 glad to gi e. h. i a coiilial. Vi-H;vi:,ne ;." the . liv. ,:.:. ; '.:,.: ' : SI. ,Va lent nie olTers; eielies e:.;v:r ideas for .: ds:eoi a: ions aiid l ie -e .m-i e made lull Use .-of by tile ' ho. -J, --, and tlio result was among the ino-i i... iiiii fil decorations, of. tlie- ))'; -oi-ial eVenlS.-. Southern' Sluii.lX -, os.' - Used throughout- the house, the nAn: s ; lieiee ti, ing v.iri' d in the dilTeie.it i .-. ns. I'.llds Aee ieeeiveil al 1 If ! o--V ii.V M.i-it.i-. Kihiiuiid ( 'row aim " rtilK' ,i T-f Anna. I !u.nv'ell Crow. : 'i,.;.n.g in I he h.vll wia e , Miss;'Sntlic :fiark '. a.ud M . 1 1- -i ge Itlaeknall. .'" ."' ". 'i'lte . reeeption r-.OUl . W.l.-I Ol-F-t ;it Irae-tiv.' iti yeliow,. juinpiiis : !-d liaf I'.iilils, l.eing used espeei.lP.i Willi tie' lighted' e,:i,ndlos. In Ihe rC'-ehing line Aveie the hostess. Airs. I.aieiieit and her guest Of limior. Airs, I!, Whit- Mew Lot ofi Embroideries and Laces We arc showing some very pretty designs in embroideries from the half inch baby patterns up to the 45 inch flouncings Two special features are the Vals and Torchons, which have been placed on sale at special prices. One Lot 3 cents per yard. One Lot 5 cents per yard. BETTER SEE THEM Tlhios. A. PaFttSe Co., 131 Fayetteville Street : : : Raleigh, N. C. Next to the New Masonic Temple. 11 I " ' I.IIIJ III'l'J I'Ui. .. ' i l,i i ii i aker also Sin. A. E. Kscoll. Mm, ("Srinies Havwmid and Mrs. I hopms Maekuv. ol charlotte.; r the ond ot the Meftltln 1 ne Mih David Kllus ushered the guests into the dining room. wher they were re ceived bv Mrs. James I.licbford i he color scheme iu the dining room was of nink. The rentornlcce of the table was unique and attniciive. sue Kosuve of Valentine. It was a heart of pink sweet peas and nmilax suspend ed from the chandelier- 'Ihe candles mid mints and other valentine novelties were all of pink, the 'same color ap pearing in the lees.';' Itefreshineilts we're served bv Misses Margie Moalagtle, Civ.-.ellc llinton. Jean Tha.i.sioa and Itebeeea -.Norwood. . i , ' , ThA puneli room. was--in red poln settas and red hearts being, used.. A shower of red hearts fell from the chandelier. They were also used on the punch table, where., dispensing puin-li Wi-re Miss Hal Morsun and Mis. Murrev Alien. Tliry . asMsted n- serving bv Mrs. Vrank Siiniisnu. M'sS K'atberine: . Maekay and Miss Sue Tliaekstnn. Mrs. ("1. I.yle .loie-s -. receiv ed the guests at the imneh rooni door. Dm iug Ihe afternoon ;m in-eheslra K-udereil delightful musie ...ad altn-geiliei- tlie reeeption : Was V.ne of the niiist sueeessfiii of the season. ;XTT-iHXii:i:s. W ediliog at hrlsl biiicli I Ins I voninn M Si. .O'clock. - Clizal . The ai.nriage 'of .lis l!og."s. daughter of Mr. lingers, of this city and Jervi V ll.'llltt. Ol f'hai h s: lak.: place at t.inist I'.pis this iyeiitng at il o'cloek i. being -''.performed"; by' Tle'v Kahaiiks. as-istant rector. The In lutilul slmplleiiv :i g.irieo nf the ehuri-h dei-or. llie: ROW tend -IP ti ll! llnWilll i- ililltlrs S t '.. ,il ehurch eereinnny L. l'ercv id. 'ainiles are ehureh. e retidered 1 I b . POIKSOII. : Hart.--elt. Ui.ldick. ol d his ol led In i limit. iiiaa. ", iss Lottie s Min gnwns inessa-swain- Mlss i Mi i'llCil juiet ele is and ol s of the hlid.e--.apd li't at will: make the marriage . ope of ill.- iiiost beautiful ami notable of tile sei'soii. . Palms eraeei u-,'y grouped .'bout th altar 'and ligluo ihe onlv ilei-orations in i . The wedding music will lie Miss Sadie Duncan, ; Tin- groomsmen are Mr ei son'..: 'of. Norfolk; Mr. I of Wiliiungion: Mr.. H, i of A Jiievil'e; tinil Mr. I v : l;aleigh, ' :,-.' . Th e g mm ii. w i i I be ail' W'.'.llier. Mr.. Itoheit; . (!. Chai lesinll. S. C.'as lies The bridesmaids tire: ShoiTiil, of Asheville. ii Hie Moi ing. of lialelgh. :iie ;of wiiit,'' marrpiisette ov.-i ! ne. t he 1 inin piets being ot- vvli it souiti, - : The maul of honor. -Mi-s Kegel s. Sister of the 111 n whii." til iff mi (doth tij-er irtg yellow fivsias,.. The bride will be given father. , Mr. .1. Jtowan I gow n is a handsome eri ,ii meter with old luce and I he wedding veil. Sli show ei: of . brides rose tile- ynll'ey. . ' ;i(;' , Heceplloii This Aliei nooii. Fi lhWing the weihniig there will be i reeeption al ihe home ot the brides lather. Ihe house i tastefully dee oriit"d for the occasion in, smllax and palms end r"il How!-. lirub-s rose are use I in the recep tion mom while tin- mnicta room is in pink, iiuantitles of pmk primroses be ing used. In - the diieng room Ameri can IVnhty roses, male- a gorgeous dee oratinn banked -.on Ihe" inantel 'and used effectively in t :'e - table cenler piee.r. : ", - .;' . - Mrs. L. 15. Newell, or Charlolti-. and Mrs. .1. It. Sherrill. of Asheville. Will reeeive in the: hall,: hi the receiving . line will be' the luide's faliicr, Mr. j.. 1.:. Hogers. ami bis daughii'i-. Miss N il nle llngei s, his oii: Mr. Sum c. lexers and Mis. lingers and the In nle and groom. In Ihe punch rooni will be Miss Kdiih Poll. Miss Minliio Moi nig, Miss Koltie 'Sherrill aiid Miss .Nannie Hay, Mm MhIiv Norris and Miss-Minnie Young will be in Hi" punch room. i ll:' bride ami grnon, ivdl leave on the :l:l" Noi iolk Snuihi i n train for New Yoi k. They will be at home In Charles, to'n,. S. I".; after Man-h f. .". Ethel -will Wear ii . 1 1 i. t'-iirry? a' by her is TI i iion nf crepe pearls, with w ill , carrv a aiid . lilies of v. i, i:tim. k.ixcr. limior f.eiinan ( lull (oive T)elinlitful Unii. e in llauey Hall Last Mftiit. The Junior (ierman club gave a de lighlful valentine dame in the llanev r.ibr iiy hall last nigh.-. There were (pilte a : nuniber : of , eijples dancing. Slniiv attractive and unlquo features were introdueod bv Mr. James MeKlin iiiiiii, Mr. Y. I . Harris and Mr. Clar ence Steadman. of A. & M. Among those- rimming were: Mr. and Mrs. James McKinrnnn. Mr. fi. I.. Jones and Mrs, I limnas Mnr'kav. ot charlotte: Mr. .1. c. Dllnvll. Miss Kdith Pou: Mr, F. S. Molt. Miss Bessie Trapler: Mr. James . Purnell. Miss fjrizelle Hlnton: Mr. Tnoina Koushall. Miss .Susannah Tlusliee: Mr. .Thomas R Slade. Miss ' Marv Pender Glad stone: Mr, J. S. In-own: ' Miss Lena Swindell: Mr. Willis Holding, Aliss Juliet Croft':. Mr. Artlutr - &K'Klinmnn. Miss F.tliel hogers: Mr. Jackson. Miss lleisv John Havwooil: Dr. Ijewis Pegram. Miss Nannie Hay: Mr. Morn son. Afiss Maltie .Move King. of OreenvlHe. N. :.: .Mi. Marshall. Miss Alary Habel: Mr. F. I . Polswm. Miss llettie Uusa: Mr. K. ernon Freeman, Miss Patsy Million: Mr. ; Lwl L. Merrlt. Miss Skinner:- Mr. J. O. Jack son. Miss Mildred lidding: Mr. Joel B. Brown: Aliss Daisy Haywood: Air. Sam Smith. Miss Alice Woolleott:. M r. H. L. Williamson. Aliss Ronallnd Wil liamson: Mr. William Bowe.n. Miss Katherlne Hogers: -Mr. Karl Knight. Miss Minnie Moring: Mr. McIVer Allen. MIm Kmina Swlndidl: PrOf. It. : . Smith. Miss Mary CTrlmca Ctrwperi' Mr: Pete Harris. Miss katherlne Sherwood: Mr. R. L. Lelnster. Miss Mildred Hall: Mr. Jack Bowen. Miss Johnson. Stags: Messrn frantt. of Charleston, S. C : : W.' B. Ayeoek. f, A. Stedman. T. H. "Woodhouae. B. H. Dcwey. of Qoldsboro: Chambers Ennls. J. a. Mc Donald. Dew, of Ooldshoro: cnarleu E. Johnson. Jr.. l.oburn. VV. C. Etheri.lge. TV H. Mackle. Buck Harri. H. ?. Jnek- on. R. V. LKitone. Dr. L- B. LocKtart, Harvev Hill. W. A. Smith, Robert Vf. Strange. Wilmington. N."C! .' W. I Marhalj,: . R, D. . Johaon! ? Baoiom 'i Sander.- 'It. i. W.. Parhum and Mr. tjaslon. ; 'hnperones: Mrs. James o. Lltch fird. Mm. James T. Johnson. Mrs. Ncwull. of Charlotte: Mrs. W. N. Holt. Jolmsoii Pettlnrew ( lniiter. The Johnson Pettlgrew Chapter Daughters of the Confederacv Is meet ing this .afternoon with Mrs. Al. T. Norrls. on North Blount street. Be sides a large number of daughters. Airs. Norrls has as her specially In vited guests. 'Airs. Jnrvls. Mrs. Kltchin. Mrs. -.Cotton.- Mrs. Tvson and Airs, Bllosoly. . ........ Tweiitlelli ( enlurv ( lull. Airs. James Bnggs Ontenamed Ihe 1 wentleth Century- Club yosierdav af ternoon lit n most delightful meeting. There wore a large number of mcin-Ip't-s present. Mis. Henry luiglev presenled n ebariiiing ode lo Valentine, and gave tile hls'orv ol the dav. Airs. Al. t. Norris read a selection fi on! the . "Kentucky .Cardinal." Mrs. Ii. .1. Stnikai'd discussed eur iiait topics. W Ide Awake china was dis insed at some length while the u.-r-aiaii-Ameriean fneiidsliip was loueheil iipiiil, lit her topics of the day , being lll-'esejlil d most iiiterestliigiy. . . .. . Tavlor-W insion. (Special to ihe Times.) . Oxford, N. c Fell.: l.-e-Tlie wedding ol Miss Julia P. Winston to Air. Marion i.'. ,: Taylor . was . solemn iaeri n t: si. Stephens' . ehureh on North College streei. and was witnessed bv a large nunibei- of friends and acquaintances both from oxford unri elsewhere. St. Stephens church, one of the. hainlsoin est. huildiiigs In the state, was dark ened and made mure beautiful with ijany electric candles and tapers, taste, fulli': arranged amidst the adornment of stntelv palms, trailing -smilax and profusion of carnations . and sweetest Mowers eitihrac.e'd by. the rich green of long leaf pine and choicest evergreens, The scene at the altar was strikingly Oeautilul as the bridesmaids and groomsmen grouped giacelullv near ihe illar amid, the sweet strains ;of Hie .redding music. The bride, a .recognized brunette oeautv. never looked hiiiiilsomer ihan when she approached Ihe altar aceoni 'i.iuied bv her father. Air. Thomas . Wins'iim. becomingly atilred in a sin: al' garnctt . chiffon broad cloth with iriiainents of Varhuncle set. iin'helr ooni of her great grandmother, to whom it was a bridal present Ironi Iter great grand fa titer, and has been worn by. brides for four generations in' the family. : . The groom awaited at the altar, hav. ng entered with Ills brother. Air. I.i'e T.ivl.ir." Dr. F. II. T. llorslield pro nounced, the marriage, vows and pelv oninei!. t'.ii' ce::e:uony in a very iin nressive v. a;.'. As the: bridal party drew' J. C, llnriier presided ill while Aliss Aland Parham number of "beautiful and selections, aiiidng tlieul bt rfect I. ove. 7 The bridal Hirty entered : in the following order: Miss l.illle White aiid AIIsk Katherlne Horner who. first approached the altar, followed bv Alessrs. Kerr Taylor and l.eon Marrow. Aliss Jennettc (.regorv inil- Miss Annie crews, followed by dr. .Marshall Pinnix and Mr."-Wul.ter rews. Aliss liert Itueker and Augusta :.anuis, .then .Messrs Eugene and licit lavior. The luiilesmaids w.ne stvltsh v l-nbed in white eolleiine poplins, and MtTieri shower bnutiuet of carnations, mil wore black gloyes and black pic- iure bats. Next, came the liiaiil . of llonor. Aliss l'Jlyzalicth Wiilsiiin,: . of selir.."', who wore wldte broadcloth, ivhile pletnre hal and white gloves and carried brides roses. mar. Airs, the organ, rendered a ippi opi aati illg. "O : 1 11V 1 1 j :v 4 4 -Id GT.S74 4S VOSTOI FICF, Itl POItT. Amount of Itiisiness Transacted Postollicejlliiinif; eiir 11)10. llie following report of the bus;, nesa -.transacted at l.ie Kaleigli post oliiee diirinp; the year ending Decem ber 111. lit 1ii: .sale ol postage stamps. etc. ......... $ hxnenses ol the olhce . . Net profit . . . : . . . . .. ; Postal reiiiiltances from. postolfices. ..... Paul rural carriers bv check on assistant treasurer l. b.. : Kalnniore. Mil. . Number ol money or ders iHsued ..'-.- Ainouiit ol nionev (lei's issued . , Fees of the aliove. Nuniber of money dors paid . . . . Amount, of money ders paid ... . Monev order funds from other post offices. . ... . . . . lolal monev handled in 1910 . . . . Nn in her ol ciieelal delivery packages delivered.-. ... . .10, Shi Number ot spenal delivery packages dispatched. . .. S.fi4 Nuiuher ot registered pack ages delivered . . . . . .31.767 Nuniber of registered packages dispatched. . .... .. ... .12.064 Number of stamps sold . . 4.1 35.4iit Number of postal earns sold 34 9.ic.o Number- of stamped enve lopes and wrappers : sold .... . . 757.750 Population, census of i 9 1 0 . . IS. 218 or- or- or- niT ( "i 1 S 1.17.971.22 21. SIS 1S0')S") 1.300.10 4.120.43 2 1J 014 (J .4.-i.in One t'haiter Toiltif. The Selma Progress Publishing Company, of Scima.MohnsloTi cpuniy, is today chartered to puhhsn a news paper and circulate sanje In Johnston county or elsewhere, eitner-daily or weeKiy; to do Job work, carry profes sional cards; to print books and other periodicals and offer same for sale. The authorized capital stock is $5,000 but may begin business when 3Q0 has been subscribed. TUe stockholders are R. L. Ray. R. M. Nowell, ,E. G. Richardson, C. W. Ric.nari)soa trad M. M. Smith. ' r There is a Great Differenrje in M 0 When you examine carefully the texture of the material and the class of work that is on them, then you get at the real value. The showy kind is not always the best. We have some of the grandest made goods that were ever shown here. The prices are exceeding low, 27 inch flouncing at 49c. Bands, Insertions and Edgings from 15c. to 98c. a yard. They are worth double. Laces Our showing of Baby Edgings and insertions is certainly dainty. We can show you an awfully pretty 1 line at 5c. a yard. New Percales and Ginghams Are selling fast for we have the V best selection we have ever made White Goods Here we are particularly strong. There is nothing that you want , that we cannot show you great values in -Zfli amir ffllrtfii i. r J I J- of HIP J M . i. V - . " i. .-' . .... .JU . V .. - . .W. J. r . l:-i:-,'.: