THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1011. SGUTI.1II BESS Ccmercfcl Ccsgress to be Held la Atlanta In March Mr. O. N. Evans, Secretary of Nort Carolina Delegation Here Mftking Preparation Wants State IVele. g&tlons to Hett In Hamlet Pro- to Atlanta In Pullmans Greatly Interested Over Prospects. . Mr. C. N. Evans, of Wilmington, who )b secretary of the North Caro Una delegation appointed by Gover nor Kltchin to represent the State at the Southern Commercial Con gress, Is in the city making arrange ments to have the delegates from the entire State meet at Hamlet on the 7th of March, from wnich point they will go in a private Pullman. .Mr. Evans Is very enthusiastic over the prospects of a big delegation from North Carolina. He is very anxious to have every city in the State rep resented by members of its business organizations. He is very anxious to have a large delegation of the business men of Raleigh go as dele gates and he is greatly encouraged at the Interest there is aroused in the meeting of this great Southern Com mercial Congress, not only among the business men of Raleigh, hut throughout the entire State. The State Committee as appointed by Governor Kltchin is as follows: Ashley Horne, Clayton: A. H. Hoy den, Salisbury; W. A. Erwin, Dur ham; John P. Schenk, Lawndale: D. Y. Cooper, Henderson; J. El wood Cox, High Point; B. Frank Mebane, Spray; W. E. White, Mebane, Chas. E. Johnson, Raleigh; Alf A. Thomp son, Raleigh; Robert L. Holt, Bur lington; Stuart W. Cramer, Char lotte; James W. Cannon, Concord; Samuel Patterson, Roanoke Rapids; J. V. Simms, Raleigh; J. A. Long, Roxbofo; Pi S. Lambeth, Thomas ville; J. S. Efird, Albemarle; T. L. Craig, Gastonia; C. N. Evans, Wil mington. A like committee has been ap pointed by the Governor - of every other Southern State, and to these will be added the delegates appoint ed by the mayors, chamber of com merce and other business organiza tions of the State. Mr. Evans asks that the names of all such delegates be forwarded to him at once. Those who wish Pullman reservation from Hamlet should notify him at once as it is necessary for him to know as soon as possible how many expect to go. ,., Farm life School Bill In the Senate (Continued From Page One.) Johnson: Correct fee simple deeds executed' by life tenants. Barham: Authorize any county to levy special tax to supplement the school fund. Wagoner (by request): Allow jury trials in mayors' and other courts. Hlatt: Frevent depredations by turkeys in Bakersville township, Mitchell county. StarbucU: Incorporate the Win ston Loan & Trust Company. Pinnix: Authorize treasurer of Wilkes county to pay school claim. ' Brown: Prohibit drunkenness on grounds of Hodges Institute; also in. corporate Hodges Institute, Bluden county. Bellamy: For relief of the clerk of Brunswick county. Hawkins: Enable Warrenton to establish water and sewerage systems and issue bonds therefor; also regu late the control of fraternal societies, Hobgood: Prohibit use of word "doctor" for the purpose of procuring patients; also provide for primary : elections In state and preventing cop rupt practices in election contests, (TiOO copies ordered printed.) Ivie: Amend law of Ruffln school district. : Sigmon: Protect squirrels in cap Itol square. Haymore: Prohibit throwing saw. dust in streams of Surry county; pro hibit hunting and selling quail in Surry county. Carpenter: Re-charter i Stanly, Gaston eounty. v Martin of Buncombe: Make it un lawful to keep intoxicating liquor for sale in Buncombe county. Bills Ratified. ' Establish Higdinsville high school district and levy a special tax. Regulate the election of officers of Madison county. Amend c'aarter of St. Paul's, Robe son county. J ' Provide township meeting houses. For relief of ex-Sheriff J. M. Davis, Surry county. Relative to bond Issue by Ala mance county. VV. Appoint J. L. Green Justice of the peace North Whitakers township, Nash county. Prohibit sale or giving away near . beer or other malt drinks within one tallo; of. Knight's Chapel, Wake county. Amend the act creatine a record er's court la Nash county Establish, Kobe county, out of por tions of Cumberland and Robeson counties. Amend the road law of Robeson county. Incorporate the Westminster School. Authorize Williamston to levy a special tax. Joint resolut ion regarding the death of Col. N. A. McLean. Authorize commissioners of Macon county to appropriate ? 1,000 for Confederate monument at Franklin. Routine Business. Senator Gardner's joint resolution relative to revising report of the state treasurer was reported favorably by the committee on propositions and grievances. Unfavorable reports were made on the biljs to protect peanut growers in North Carolina; change township boundaries between Newton and i Caldwell townships, Catawba county to amend the charter of Carolina & Tennessee Railroad Company. Senator Brown's bill providing .for a general drainage law was reported favorably by the committee and re ferred to the committee on judiciary The joint conference committee on the state-wide near-beer bill reported that the house had receded from its' refusal to concur and the conference report was adopted and the bill or dered enrolled for ratification. Passed and Sent to the House Create road commissioners of Hose Hill township, Duplin county. Incorporate the trustees ol the Albemarle Normal Institute. Provide commission form of gv ernment. tor Asheville. Allow Castalia township, Nash county, to issue bonds. Allow street, improvement, in Mt Airy. Issue bonds by Oranc;e county lor court house and jail. Passed and Ordered Knrolled. Improve roads of Richland town ship, Beaufort county. Improve roads of Washington county. Improve roads of Greenville town ship, Pitt county. Highway lull SKolal (h'der. The Boyden-Sikes state highway commission bill was taken up as a special order at 12 o'cIock. It was reported favorably by the commit- tees on public roads and on appro priations. The machinery of the bill explain ed at length by one of its patrons Senator Sikes, of Wake, who argued for state aid to counties-in road building, which his bill is designed to secure. .. Senator Pliarr announced his op position to state . aid and declared that the only way to secure good roads is for the counties benefitted to levy taxes. The scheme, he de clared, is impractical and should not be adopted. He thought that all counties could get good roads if they would issue county bonds and spend the money judiciously. Senator Coxe made an earnest, ap peal in behalf of the bill, believing good roads to be the best means for enhancing the value of property in the state. He couldn't see where the state's credit could be impaired when it takes county bonds for full value of the money paid by the state to the counties. He was confident that there is merit in the bill and asked the senators to read the print ed copies of it on their desks and give it their support. Senator Barnes opposed the bill oh the ground that the counties and even townships are better able to pro vide good roads than could be secur ed under this act. His county and section, he said, does not need nor de mand permanent road improvement by this method. He believed a coun ty bond could be floated as easy as a state bond. Senator Graham said that at first he was not in favor of this bill, but that after studying its provisions, he had decided to give it hiB support. He then made argument for the pro posed road legislation and stated that he considered it to be a wise measure. : Senator Haymore liked the bill and said he would vote for it. On one point he was with Senator Pharr and opposed centralization of power. He discussed the bill and told of the im portance of good roads and endorsed the plan of the bill' for raising funds for carrying on this great work. Senator Hicks moved to postpone further consideration of the special order until Tuesday at 10 o'clock. Tiie motion carried. Leaves of absence were granted to a number of senators for the week end., v-'. Senator Hobgood moved to adjourn until S o'clock tonight and to pass only local bills. Carried. Senator Hartsell introduced out of order a bill authorizing the commis sioners of Cabarrus county to issue bonds. The senate at 1:45 adjourned until 8 o'clock tonight. ' Mrs. Amanda Reid, of Portland, Ore., gave the largest amount of any woman philanthropist in the past 12 months. Mrs. Reid gave $2,000,000 to Portland to establish Reid Insti tute. The benefactions of Mrs. Rus sell Sage last year amounted to 11,- 170,000. Mrs. Mary Hunt Loomls, of Chicago, left her estate valued at 11,250,000 to establish the Loomls Institute at Windsor, CU .' KILLED IN COM (Flv LniKPd Wire to The Times.) Washington,. Fob. 17 The houso for eiKn a fro it's committee toitnv in exe cutive session turned down thp Rcnneit resolution - illrcctinK the piosidont to enter into negotiations with -Great Britain looking to the annexation ol Canada. Representative Bennett was the only member to 'vote to make a favorable report to the house on the resolution. All the other members voted to squash the resolution.- This ends the matter. Kepieseiitatlve Bennett said after the miffing- ol the committee that he would niiil;i some effort later to brinfr the mailer up in another way in the house. .Mr. Benuelt said: "This will not be the end of my ef fort totfkin'j; jorwarii to the annexa tion of Canada bv the I'nited Mates. I will make another effort. Canada ought to -become a pa W .of the .United State,'' When ch;,n'.; Clark Was Informed of the vote mi Hie l.emiett resolution he smiled but refused to diseuss the matter. In the tee meeting Repre sentative Leiraro of South Carolina. al;ed lit inesentative Bennett if ho had submitted his resolution in good faith. Bennett replied heatedly that, he re-sentv-d the ciuestion. ' . .... :-. : Uepresentative Lesrnre then, ridiculed the resolution in a manner, which rous ed Xhv Bennett to a leiiRthv defense his- attitude. . iuvori:i I'oit ixsrn;EXTs. Club f. of New Aork Cily l Give I 'ei re Dinner. ( llv Leased Wire to the Times.) Atbanv, X Y., Fell. 17.- All the insurgent legislators have been invit ed to a peace dinner to bo given -bv Club C, of New York city on Friday evening, March :!, at the Astor Hotel 1 lie significance ol this occasion is obvious and it. will have a vital bear ing on the senatorial deadlock with out. a doubt. This mornings mail - brought to each of the insurgents a typewritten letter from lloudinot Keith, secreta ry of Club C, requesting the honor of the presence ot everybody who has voted against Mr. Slieehan from Senator George B. Btird, whose name puts him first on the roll, to Clayton H. Wheeler, who is the last man to be called. The letter savs that upon accept ance of the invitation a railroad tick et from Albany to New York anfl return will he furnished free, for, says the letter, "we should be sorry to have you put to any expense by reason of our invitation." The letter also says that the names of any constituents of the insurgents who might be glad "of an opportuni ty, to attend the ; dinner-' will be "gratefully received." Before accepting the invitation the insurgents will confer upon the prop. osition. Assemblyman shortt, - one of the insurgents, said today that Club C had been formed a' number of years ago in the days of the "good government" movement, anc that it was made up- of representative men. .' Mr. Shortt added that he did not" know whether or not he would at tend the dinner: but that the free transportation clause would be en tirely ignored. It is a frequent occurrence to of fer free transportation to guests coming from some distance, but such a provision is unusual for legislators. WAKE FOREST 1EFEATS. A. & M. Farmers Determined! to Make Better Showing at Basketball Game .Mon day Nisjht, Thursday night the A. & M. basket ball team was defeated by the Wake Forest team by a rather overwhelming score which shows the relative, training the teams have had. However the Farmer boys are in no way discouraged and are determined to make-a better showing at the return game with Wake Forest which will be played at A. &. M. College in Pullen Hall next Monday night. It will be remembered that the team has had little encouragement from any source up till about ten days ago when through the kindness of Mr. Joseph R Pogue the state fair association granted them permission to use one of the fair buildings as a practice floor. About the same time the college granted the squad exemption from drill which put the squad on the same basis as the other college teams, except for the fact that thy have no coach, Buck" Freeman a basket ball en thusiast has since taken charge of the squad and under his direction much headway has been made. The boys feel sure that next Monday night, the score will "be quite different and they have been hard at work to assure this. The contest Monday night will prove interesting in the extreme as It will be the first "mens' basket ball" game ever played in this city. DR. C. F. BAHXSOX DEAD. Grand Lecturer of North Carolina A. F. & A. M. Funeral at Familngton Tomorrow. Dr. C. F. Bahnson, Grand Lecturer of North Carolina A. P. & A. M., died last night. A special communication of the Grand Lodge has been called by Grand Master Hackett, to conduct the funeral ceremonies. .Mr. Bahn son was stricken with paralysiB while in performance of his duties In John ston county last Decetnber. r He "lias long been one of the most prominent MaBons of the state. He will be bur ied at Farmington, N. C.; tomorrow at 13 o'clock, '-.v.' .'...,-"- Anti-Trust Bill In the House Today (Continued From Page One.) ratified by the signal are of Speaker Dowd. Hills Introduced Thomas: To amend- the road law for Richmond county. Thomas: To allow Richmond county to issue road bonds. : Thomas: To allow Hamlet to is sue street improvement bonds. Thomas: To establish a police court for Hamlet. Turlington: To repeal the law of 190SI regarding. corporations; Bartlelt: To lew special school tax in South Mills township, Camden countv. Kwart: To iinuose a Irancliise tax on corporations doing business in this Suite. Kwart: To amend tiie law relative to salary of Superior Conn clerk for Henderson count v, . Kwarl'; To pimort forest s: from fire in Henderson county. Herbert: To require- the equip ment ol stock cats. Dillard, ot ClieniKee: To amend the compulsory school law ot An drews school district. Connor: To require ollicers and managers. - ot.- corporations doing.-a commission business to ho responsi ble when the eoi i, oration has become insolvent, to the shipper or seller ior i he proceeds ot i roduce and other property handled In the said corpora tion or agent. I'arr, of Oiirluiiii : 'I o provide for the transfer of the I'lekUyd SlinKo-i-hi m of 'Southern Pines to the State. Spnmhour: To amend the revisal relating to 'demurrer to evidence. Spalnliour: 'I o amend the revisal relating to actions for wrongful death. . Hampton: acts of K, 1) 'I o validate certain llo.vilen. a notary pub- lie. Battle: To regulate the election of aldermen in the citv of -Raleigh. (Substitute of former lull to amend the charier ol Hie city of Raleigh, winch by request ol .Mr. Battle was withdrawn.) Battlej To establish a free school district in Swat Creek township. Kirkman: To divide the Hoard of Commissioners ot Guilford countv into two classes. Koonce: To amend the anti-trust laws of l!)07-l!i"!. Connor: 'lo permit compulsory school attendance- in graded schools at Wilson. Connor: .To amend the law of 1909 relating to graded school district..,-'. Majette: To amend the law relat ing to State Corporation .-Commission. Richardson: To establish a special court for Hut herford county. Taylor, of Vance: To allow a spe cial tax for Vance county. Taylor, of Vance: To amend the Vance county game law. Taylor, of Vance: To incorporate the town Yonder. MoGill : To allow Cumberland county to issue bridge bonds. Kennedy: To allow Sampson coun ty to sell the county home track. Teague: chicken law for Alexan der; for relief of J. F. McLean. Thome: To provide for the East Carolina Teachers' Training school. Pace: To improve the roads of Wake-county. . Pace: To protect street car con ductors and motormen in Raleigh. Dillard, of Cherokee: To extend time of grants issued in 1910. Kelly: To regulate nomination of candidates in Wayne county. Kent: To amend the food law of 1907. Mease: To protect sheep in Hay wood county and tax dogs. Marshall: To appoint three jus tices of the Peace in Surry county. Rawis: To amend the laws of 1907 relative to fishing in Oyster Creek. - : Rawls: To protect fish In Dawson Creek, Pamlico county. Shipman: To provide for primary elections throughout the State. Woodson: To prohibit the sale of merchandise in any State building or grounds on t heSabbath. Buck: To incorporate Burnsville. Tucker: To repeal the law of 1909 and re-enact Ashe county road law of 1901. Thompson: To amend the char ter of Washington. Thompson: To allow Washington to issue wharf and dock bonds. Ross: To require commissioners to build a fence between Moore and Harnett counties.. Special Order Postponed. Mr. Spainhour called up his bill to establish a system of State high ways In North Carolina, which had been made a special order for Friday. Mr. Turlington, chairman of the Appropriations ' Committee, , raised the point that the bill had not been referred to the Appropriations Com mittee as provided for in Rule 57. Mr. Connor and Mr. Spainhour contested this point, saying such a construction as that made by Mr. Turlington, virtually placed that committee as guardian of the House. They said they were both members of that committee and thought that the wrong construction had been placed on rnle 57. , Speaker Dowd ruled that the bill had to go before the Appropriations I Committee before it was taken up I for action. That an adverse report from the Approrrintions Committee' "f mm 'iiiiiniiininniiluT would be treated with as great dig nity as that from any dther commlt- Ltee, and the bill was re-referred to the Appropriations Committee.. The bill to place Wilkes county officers on a salary coming up Mr. Caviness, of Wilkes offered an amendment, that the law do not go Into effect until the present term of office expires. Mr. Caviness made an earnest speech in support of his amendment. Messrs. Dough ton, Spambour, and Woodson offered the amendment ex plaining that before the committee it was shown that hit the last cam paign in Wilkos every candidate agreed that thev would accept a sal ary instead of fees. There was no politics in the bill, it being asked for bv manv leading Republicans in Wilkes countv. Mr. Long, of Alamance, advocated the amendment on the ground that Wilkes representatives asked for it, and thev should be allowed to rep resent Wilkes countv and outsiders from Caldwell and Allegheny and llnrke should not lie allowed to rep resent the county. JudgPs Kwarl spoke, briefly and suohrIv endorsing the stand taken by Mr. Long, thai represental lves of a county should be allower; to repre sent n . .Mr Spainhour, of Itnrke, closed lite -debate m a-. complete .and able review' of all the evidence before tl'f coiumil too, Mo callen attention to numbers ol similar hills that had paused I lie Democrat ic (ienoral As senihlv, uftecting Democratic county oflli ers, who worn elected on fees, (nil wero put on salaries before then terms -expired. He appealed to the Mouse to vole down llie amendment,. Mi- Caviness, -of Wilkes called for a roll cal! vote. It was granted. The amendment was adopied by a vole ol aves -Is. noes, 1.1.. Mr. Hay. of Macon, lodged a mo tion to reconsider the vote by which I he amendment, was adopted. Mr.. Loin;, ol Alamance, moved to table tins .mouon. The mot ion to table, wax. lum bv a vote of l;l ayes to 4i noes. Passed Final Rent'ln:!. To revise the charter ol Klizabeth Citv. : Introduced Out or Order. Gav: To provide for working and improving' the roads ol Rich Square township. .Northampton county. At 2:15 o elo 1; l lie House ad journed lo meet Saturday at .10 o'clock. . PLYI.KII'S COMMI TATIOX. Reason for Change of Sentence Given Out by the Governor. Governor. Kitch.iii bus given out the! following reasons tor commuting the sentence of Charles B. Plyler. who was in Iwvc t'ii electrocuted, today, to life imprisonment : Prisoner was properly convicted. He and deceased were enemies and threats hud been made by both. Prisoner is blind in one eye and claims that he was afraid that in n difficulty, he would probably be killed owing to his .blind ness. After the prisoner was convicted he. told the story of the homicide im plicating three others, mid these three were convicted of murder in the sec ond degree. Without his aid t he state could not have convinced the other criminals. The trial judge, the solici tor; the twelve jurors who tried him, and' the Judge who tried his accom plices all recommend clemency, as do a. ''great, 'many .other- citizens. I, com mute his sentence t 'O Imprisonment for life at hard labor in State's prison. In DISPLAY OF SPRING CLOTHING FOR TBE WBOLE FAMILY : EVERYTHING IN READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS AT SLIP-EASY PRICES The Fine, the Fancy and the Fashionable in Clothing and Furnishings for ,. .'. inan, AVolrian, Oirl,' Boy. : '!";":"' v"v .- WE SELL ON 50c. to $1.00 PER WEEK Come in and make your selection,- take' the goods payment the following you. - - - V Iviasters & Agee The Special Coupon. Nearly everybody has been saving the 30 coupons clipped from The Times, and when the "Consolation Coupon" appeared yesterday, goo.l for the full series of 30, those who had been clipping but missed a coupon, 'realized that this. was their chance to get the whole -!0 coupons at once. Now Is the time to get your premium. We have the fine silver ware sets in 12 nieces, 14 pieces and 20 pieces. Beautiful Misslou Wall Cloclyj, Manogany Wall Clocks and Gas Lamps in various designs. Don't hold your coupon until all o! this shipment is gone, but call at The Times' office or mail your coupon with the money today. Saturday (tomorrow) will be spe cial coupon day for clocks, lamps and silverware. ' Receipts For Red Cross. ' Receints for Chinese sufferers1 (hroimh Joseph (!. Brown, treasurer of Red Cross: Previously reported . . . $2!. I 2 Mrs. G. W: Mac.Vlillnn, New Hern. ... . . ........ .Mrs. A. D. Ward . . ...... 15. G. Davis, Henderson . ... . . Rev. H. M. Nfcrth, Raleigh . . 1.(1(1 I o.OO j ;..oo i n.on Mr. Hemphill oiiiinn. Mr, been White . Kdwln II llled to be pastor of ilu uiplllll. .who a-Nl!in, . to has Dr. First 1'ivsbvtenan SNOWDRIFT HOGLESS LARD is always U. S. Inspected and Passed. It is unsur passed in healllilulncss, and should never be passed by when you want BEST shortening results. 1-1 LESS EXPENSE l-S MORE VALUE Snowdrift Boaless Lard s made from choice oleo slcarine and the famous Wesson Snowdrift Oil. rclincd C..ll rVltA-. C. Pa , TUarolnro llliG ie itiP nnlv Ilnitpd States In- uuuiiiciii ituuuii vu w. imwvwim "'J. ,:, , At ..J .L.-i.-:- ..... L.... P.mnArl nl ihM nnr anil Hm thlul Dfoocrtiei. Al- way. ull lir hfriginal GENUINE article. Snowdrift Hogless lard, the Sl.ndirJ A II t..,nra- J..l.r r.nnnl fttinnlv vml. If nd 1U MS Dime. MO W6 Will lorwrJ you inlfresling miller, and anangc u.j. mmi i-iATTtiunrrinkT rnrrnv AIT f A HrwTerk Highest Degree of Workmanship Our facilities enable us to give yon the very bet service on flat work, and the prices are as lov as yoa could expect. Upon application vte will be Rind to send you price list on flat -work.- OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY; RALEIGH, NORTH CAROIJXA. THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN ESBBESSaV THE BANKER INSTALLMENT STORE IN RALEIGH. Saturday We don't have 114 PAVKTTKVILU3 STRliET, ItALKIGII, church, will preach on Sunday next at Mt. Pleasant church in the afternoon, and at MgCuller's at night. Mr. Hemphill expects to enter upon his duties regularly as soon as thn sem inary closes, about the first of May. lou bless many will want to see and hear this devoted man who is to live and labor in their midst. GLASS ATTRACTION Colonial Ice Tea Tumblers 91.25 Values at 5llr. per do. Long Stem Sweet Meat, $5 per dozen Glasses at $2.50. Short Stem, Glasses, moderately $2. .10 per dozen; J 1.00. Sherbert priced at now only Value has not been consid ered in tins reduction sale. :"W0 stock are going to close our ol Glassware .1 list remember China at half price all Fancy Weathers & Perry, RALEIGH, N. O. ff-''iW, bv a process exclusively known to wltli him to Kr you to your betl interests in lulurt. Hirniua Mew Orleant CaJcaga CS $2.00 to $4.00 PER MONTH home and make your first to know you to credit t ... . '.' Gomp'y X. C.