....;') ...,'(l.i'.1v.-,S.';- -- 'v' , ",! :: ':'" ":" " '.? j;-:;:,;:-!-1!;-;,'';?;. '. Thursy, WhZalB. gu!Igt(3ime3; March 16. '1 1 1 OASS BED SALE I'l THE POLICE COURT.; WAKE UP! BUY ONE! SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. $ 8.99 $14.50 S13.73 RGULAR 20 00 $25 21 PRICE $40 00 These Beds are Superb Patterns and are the Highest Grade Made. Limited Quantity at This Price. Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street - Raleigh, N. C. How's this Weather for a Reminder of Easter? It will not be Easter for you without anew "Suit. Make it an unusually pleasant one by having a Suit made to your individual measure. There is nothing so economical as the tailored-to-individual-iueasure Suit. The high price consid eration is eliminated by our custom tailoring serv ice. .-- ' "" Vou get the ..very same fit, the very same goods, and the same high-class workmanship without pay ing the high prices charged by merchant tailors. The newest weaves, 'with a tit xinsurpasscd. 15 and up. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON. FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Fayetteville Street - - - - - - - Raleigh, N. C. CAMERON PARK LOTS FOR SALE This property is'. being put in the very .. best eoiulition from every standpoint to make it the most .desirable 'section for homes of people of culture mid reliiieiuent. .; , The lots Hill foe sold on easy terms and desirable -putties will be givou assistance, if needed, in the constmetion of homes. The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. KAUilGII, X. tV J For All the News From Everywhere, all the time read The Raleigh Daily Times. i. mi 3S m mm I mm m yea' ALCOHOL 3 PER CV.T . AXfcgelablePreparalionforAs-similaimgilieFoodandRegula-ting Hie Siomaclis araiBoweM Promoles DigeslioitfkerfiJ ncss and IlestjContains ncitker Opium.Morptutie norMineraLi NOT ARC OTIC- mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signe IktiftofOldDc&WCELmfflC flnptta Sad" Jtx.Sema jttastStfd hrrmSrrti- " . CloriTirtl Suar . hitttsrfcm flmr. Aperfecl Remedy forConsliaa-j llOtl,3UUl JlUllktt.ll.mauw-" Worn&X;oiwul5ioiis,revtrisii- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signatare of NEW YOBK. ton Ml In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Cory of Wrapper mil TMt CeTWTAUII MMHRT. WW m The court room was crowded to Its capacity thin morning . when the cur tain wa8 rung up for the dally matinee, They had gathered" from all over the county to hear the much discussed Hugh Pace case- but they were disap pointed tts the case was continued un til Saturday. - The remainder of the bill of fare was uninteresting. Kuffln Taylor, colored, was before his honor charged with making an assault upon C. L. Woodall with a deadly weapon. Mr. C. L, Woodall said Saturday a week ago. Kunn claimed a htilf-an-hour more than was coming to him and he promised to give him the time to quiet him up. Last Saturday he called him into the office .uid paid him. He continued to mouth over it and he ordered him out of the office. He v;ent outside, and cursed a great deal, saying that he did not propose to be robbed by any G d- man, iis he was now, and when ha went "to him to slap him for cursing him he cut him In the left .shoulder making a wound about 5 inches long. Ruffin Taylor claimed that he was working at $1.50 per day, but at the pay day ot the second weeK ne saw that he was only getting $1.25 per day When he got to the office he had an argument over the money and he was ordered out of the office and as he got out he said something about Mr, Woodall owing him some money and he came out and beat him in the face several times, finally he pulled out his knife and cut him. John said he heard the argu ment over a lialf-an-hour s time anu as Ruffin was' going out, he said he did not propose to be robbed by any one. Did not see the scrap on the outside. Albert Tilley said he was in the of fice and heard the argument and Ruffin went out of the office muttering and said he did not propose to be robbed. Did not see any tight, except that he saw them mix-up. Immediately air. Woodall came back in the office and said he was cut. Jim Moore said he heard Ruffin and Mr. Woodall argue over the extra time. When Ruffin got on the outside he said that he was d tired of be ing roUd by anyone and Mr. Woodall started out to him. In a few min utes he came back in and he found him cut in the shoulder. Was given three months on the roads.. . !. (. I".' rroiv.. a co'orod denizen.' was charged with statutory vagrancy,' .Patrolmen McO.ee. Wyati, Barrow, ind dipt. Jack fieusloy all testified to the bad reputation of Lucy's house. Sylvia Hinton and Annio Judd told of the bad reputation of the place and of her getting drunk. She was found guilty. An appeal being taken her bond was fixed at 0; . -. ..-"'-' The case against Hugh Pace charged with seduction was continued until Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Eeaiy-Maicite Dresses for lltoe CMMfceii for SpirMg ami SILlnlMeIi,. . ' We did riot overlook the little ones in buying our Spring stock, but', instead, we purchased and have on display one of the handsomest lines of Children's Dresses ever shown in Raleigh. v Dainty little White Dresses in Lawn and Batiste, some made plain while others are 1 embroidered. Every one made by skilled workmen, who take pride in their work. ' I, . i Often in buying, Dresses for Children and Misses it is hard to find one that will have the appearance1 of the individual fit. Not so, however, with our line of dresses, for every one is made from size-models ahtji closely fitted. , 1. We have Children's Dresses from the half year old infant up to the five year, and from the 6th to the 14th year. From here it runs into the Junior and Misses sizes, all of which we have in stock. Ask for our litJe Style Booklet, which we have just issued. A neat little book that will be of great service. .. ,',. MADAM IRENE 203-5 Fayetteville St AND "SAHLIN" CORSETS AM IX SITKKMK COUHT. Cases From Sixth District Heard Yesterday Opinions Handed : ' Down. . : In the supreme, court yesterday the following cases on appeals from the sixth district were heard: M.--'C. Kornegay v. A. C. L. Railroad Co., from Wayne, appeal by defendant, argued by J. D. Langston and W. T. Dorlch for plaintlfT; AV. C. Munroe for defendant. J. H. Miller v. A. C. L. Railroad Co.. appellant, from aym1, argued hy W. t. Monroe and W. A. Townsend, for defendant;; plaintiff not represent-. ed. .. - A . C. L. Railroad v. City of .Holds-- boro appeal by plaiutlft; argued-..by W. f. Munroe. George B, Elliott and George M. Rose, for plaintiff; D. C Humphrey and Aycovk' & AVinstoivfor defendant. .Atlorneyu who were here yesterday In addition to attorneys here previous ly, .were: Messrs. C, W, Tillett. of Cliai lottc; -K. L. Travis, of Halifax, and V. S. JJiyant, of Durham. Decisions Handed Down. The following decisions were handed uowu ycslerifuy: Jenkins vs. Montgomery Lumber Co., rom Gales: no error. Norfolk & Southern Railway Co. vs. Washington county und Chowan county, from Chowan; remanded, and costs divided between Washington and Chowan counties. Brcwn vs. East Carolina Railway, from Greene; affirmed. Lewis Vs. Stancill, from Pitt; af firmed. Deppe vs. A. C. L. Ila'ilroad Co., from Craven: new trial. 'Williams Vs. Elm City Lumber Co., froni Craven; affirmed. Morton vs. Blades Lumber Co. from Craven; defendant's appeal modified and affirmed; costs against, defendant. State vs. Norman Lewis from Nash; no error. -.-: Sherrod vs. Battle from Edgecombe ; new trial. Walters vs. Rocky Mount Sash and Blind ... Co., from Edgecombe; reversed. Roberson vs. Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Co., from Martin; no error. Sherrod vs. Dawson, from Edge- combo; reversed.: Kearney vs. Arringtwn. from Frank lin; no error. t Kerr va. Hicks, from Sampson, af firmed. S. A. L. Railway vs. City of. Wil mington: affirmed. Baggett vs. Grady, from Sampson; affirmed. .: : .. Uzzell vs. N. & S. Railway, from Wayne; docketed and dismissed under Rule 11, on motion of plaintiff ap. pel lee. Truelove vs. Xorrls. from Harnett; dismissed for failure to file brief. 26-piece Rogers Sliver Set in fine Oak Cam for only $8.50 and 80 coupons.'." ". '-,; "' Mr. Thos. A. Partln returned last night ' from the north where he spent about ten days In the interest of his firm. Mr. Fartiu reports a successful trip. - ..-... Oct Mission Clock with jrour 80 I fonpons and f2.55. (N'ote-Crlticlsms of plays render ed are written by a member of The Daily Times staff. AH other matter, particularly advance notices, is fur nished by representatives of the theatre. ) A Play Most Kit An Actress As Well as Does Her Gown. Knowing that a- actress., to be suc cpssful, must be -..given a play that tits her just as well as does her gown, Cohan -and '...l-lairls.,.. -begaa . lonkiner ui'oiiiul for a liiciavy, dress-maker to lit their new star as; soon as Adelaide Thurston had ailixt d her signature to a contract that, rave this enterpris ing fii in of manaiters charge of her prof eusi'inul affairs lor a term of years. Catherine ChisholnV- Cushlng was the one selected, not because she was well known among Aimilc.ni dramatists, but because' George M. Cohan, the gifted r.r.d far-seeing .. actor-authoir manager,-' madi up his mind after reading the manuscript . of "Miss An anias" that this, end would be at taliud -for flK silted but unknown young writer whi n the merits of this. her first pliry. were judged across a row. of footlights. Mr. Cohan's opinion has proved to' be so well founded and accurate that already another of Mrs. Cushlng's plays,. "The Peacock and the Goose" has. been, accepted by Maxine Elliott and will be produced before the . end of the present season. ()ur theatregoers will have an .opportunity to see Miss Thurston in her latent and best play wli. n she appears iis Nancy I.yle, the charming "fibber , at the Grand tonight. Concrete Paving Concrete Floors, Concrete Steps built as they should be and guaranteed. Prices the lowest considering the quality of work. Let me figure your heavy construction; can save money for you. W. J. GRANTHAM, Phone 301. California Canned Fruits Del Monte Brand (extVa quality) Peaches, 30c. Gondola Brand (L. C.) Peaches, 26c. Melrose Brand (L. C.) Peaches, 25c. Gondola Brand Apricots,' 25c. Mountain Rose (Pitted Cherries) 25 cents. Herald Brand Pears, 30c. Cheaper by the dozen or case. Both Phones. RUDY & BUFF ALOE, 108 E. Ilurgett St (WPTWli'r '.'I . - T3i li'?' rf':1lF ' - ''; lfJMm:: 'JOK 11AXXKR rARIMKMOD. Convicted of Crime of Assault With Deadly Weapon in Surry County. Governor ''William W. Kitchin to day issued a pardon to Joe Banner, of Surry county, convicted at the November term 1910 superior court o ft ho crime; of assault wita n dead ly weapon. Ho was sentenced to servo six liiont lis on the roads. Tac reasons for tlie purdon are: Prisoner had the diiliculty ahout seven years ago. His ccneral caar aclor wan pood, peaceable and indus trious, and the other parly was of notoriously' bad character. His lungs are m serious condition, in tnc opinion of a reputable physician, who states thai imprisonment, ho thinks, very detrimental to his health. Many citizeiis request . his pardon and theer is no protest. Pardoned on condition that he remain law abiding and of good behavior and pay the costs. HEALTH INSURANCE The man who insures hie life Is wise for bis family. The man who Insures his health is wise both for his family and -. ' himself. You may Insure health by guard - Ingit. It Is worth guarding. At tho first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests itself In innumerable ways TAKE. Miis And save your health. NOTICE ' In the effort to assist in im proving the health conditions-of Raleigh and vicinity I will care fully and cheerfully examine the tooth of any vhlto public school child or any other white person's free of any charge. . DR. ERNEST H. BROrOHTON, Member' Raleigh Heflltb liOaguc' CARONOCA The Alfalfa and Rice Feed, For horses, mules, cows, and hogs. Dairymen, stablemen, and stock raisers request your merchant to put this in stork. For further information merch ants will write C. O. BALL, Local Representative, RALEIGH, X. C. ROELOFS Smile" HATS Supreme! Roelofs "Smile" Hats. Top-notchers in quality and style. Tho 'finest hats made for men. Models new and true for Spring. One for you Let -us fit your features, at the same time we fit your head. Most important. If you need a hat, come in. Come anyway. See Our .'..''':. Window Display of Gilette Razors Mail Orders Filled and Delivered, Express Paid. Thos. H. Brings & Soos ' RALEIGH, N. O. The Big Hardware Men Fffr all the News from Everywhere 11 the time, read The Raleigh flu 11 v Timm Whitman's Candy "FOR THE FOLKS WHO KNOW." The Candy that is pure, made from tho best in gredients and stands the highest test. When you think "her. - fr man jL thinl think of of Whit- J.C. BRANTLEY, - MASONIC TEMPLE. Phones IB. 4 Coo iilS WITH jlanges Sold at Cost and Connected Free on our line of mains. STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. Phone 22& Representative Will Call. Temporary Office 107 S. Wilmington St. SEE WINDOW SEE WINDOW CROSS & LINEMAN CO " THE QUALITY SHOP The Superiority of Manhattan Sliiri Is So Generally Conceded That it Requires No Comment. It is The Standard by Which all Others are Judged They set the styles and provide Shirts which give the longest andtoost satisfactory service We invite your attention of our new Spring Line f $1.50, $2.50, $3.00 ,.i!SSf&4,S: i i.