THE IfcALEIGlI DAILY TIMES: THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1911. 8 E2 Do not put off buying your Spring Shoes. Buy early , and you will save timet and money. These are a few of our excellent values. . Ladies' Suede Strap Pumps at $3.00. Infants' Soft Shoes at 25 cents.- , Children's Slippers at 60 cents and up. Can you beat these? C. E. UPCHUHCH & SON. 110 E. Hargett St. Your Money Back if You Want It. IiATEST MAP OK NORTH CARO Una and the United States. Time readerB Bend 30 cents tor postage and jet one of these fine vail , miDi -tl TRUTH TRIM. Raleigh Testify For Citizens Public Bencflt, A truthful statement of a Raleigh citizen, given : in -his own words, should convince the-' most skeptical about! tho merits of Doan'B Kidney Pills. If you-suffer from backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney Ills, relief Is at hand. Read this: ' J. A. Bragassa, 412 S. McDowell St, Raleigh, N; C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have" my hearty recominendatlon ;I have test ed them thoroughly and know that they act Jufil , as represented. In 1903 I first tried, loan's Kidney Pills and I was. so pleased with the benefit they brought t that time that I publicly, endorsed-, them.:: It gives me pleasure to confirm all I then said: i During the years that have since passed I have obtained Doan'B Kidney Pills from -the Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Company whenever I have been In need of a kidney medicine, and they have never failed to 'act promptly and just as represented. They are simply fine and I know of many other instances where they have been of benefit." J v- For sale by all dealers. . Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agent for the United States. Kemomhrr the nntne-Ponn's anil take no' other. PROPOSED CHARTER. .(Continued, Frotti Page 2, Column 3.) tax not exceeding- two hundrod dol lars a year. "' , ;.'; t (12) Upon every lawyer, physician dentist, cotton broker, bill ' poster. street huckster, photographer, 'mer chandise or produce broker, 1ce dealer, dealer. In wood and coal or either, Insurance, and every "eon pnny or insurance agency for evfy company represented, and every skat ing rink or shooting gallery, a license tax not exceeding fifty dollar a year", (13) Upon every surface nvy provided In this charter, r, license tax not exceeding one dollar 'a year for each of said licenses. ; 'i (14. Upon every other occupation profession, or business, not . herein specially named, a license ta.! no exceeding one thousand dollars , a year. ; f- - ' 6 inches of asphalt-cement -welded joint makes this roof strong est where others are weakest. No Coal-Tar I WIDE-WELO ASP n ALT SOLD BY ' OLDHAM & .MOX1K, Drain's in Iuniher and Ruilillng Material Generally. ST MEV EL MY: COMPLETE CHANGE DFPROGRAM TODAY THE GREATER LOVE. Witlv Mlliv I'llur Morin. WOOD CARVING AT BRIENZ. (Switzerland) WASHED ASHORE. ( Drama ) THE LITTLE PROSPECTOR. (Western Drama) THE ELEVENTH-HOUR REDEMPTION. ( Drama) Levin's Orchestra Plays Here Tonight From 8:00 to 10:30 ARONSON & BROWNE Managers : EASTER : HINTS f56 HI NfON Every Man Should Have ". at least one tailored-to-measure Suit, no matter how many ordinary ready-mades his ward robe may contain. Why hot order one now For Easter Sunday the fashion day of all the year, and be dressed' as well as any man in the' United States? You know the vitv tues of "Hinton'sV tailor made clothes and you caff af ford our prices. ' Place your order today for present or future delivery.. j A. C DINTON, "North Carolina's Foremost Tailor." Itooms 7, 8, , 11 Merchants Xational Honk Building Second Floor. RALEIGH, X. C. " ITCHIXO IURITATIO.V. Vbrst Form of Skin Trouble Quickly Cured by Inexpensive Treatment When . you suffer with .any" ski: trouble, even though thfc itching seems unbearable, do "not think that it Is necessary to use some disgusting, greasy ointment. Try HoUara, a pur and simple skin food, that la guaran tmirt to contain no grease or aolds and which'ls eo cleanly it, does not soil the linen. ,:. ..' , , , ' .. : -. lis power to instantly relieve an; Irritation of the . skin and make it sofji whiter and beautiful Is almost mlracu Not only nro' minor skin , tronblew Hk pimple, hlackliOiids, nond, barber's Itch, etc., quickly' ,cure1, but tho worst ulcers or cases of salt 'rheum or eezem .lie cleansed anil-healod by. this won deiful skin food. : y In order that any one , may try Hokara at small expense Ilcnrv T Hicks Company are- selllnsr a liberal stand Jar at- 25c and in addition guar antee to refund tho money if thi treatment does not do all that Is claim ed, for It. Larger size 60.' nts,- .; ' More Denunciation of I.orlmer. (By Leased XVlri to The Times.) Chicago, March IS Theodore- House- veil's' attaelf on W. B. Lnrinier, -as!un flt :to occupy a, seat in tho United States senate, Which he- made In speech at Albuquerque, .V. inspired new denunciations of Lorlmerlsm and Senator Shelby. M. Cullom, by Indig nan t citizens in. five Illinois tovtna. The ministerial association rft Urbaria, and C'!mmpnii4n In a resolution ' demanded tho resigatlons of Lorlmer and Cullom and mass-meetlngs at Mahomet, Gen cseo and Aledo did likewise. Students of Knox College were lectured on. the Lorlmer case, but no resolutions were adopted. '. , . . . No Xecd to Stop Work. ' When your doctor orders you to stop work, it staggers you. "I can't"' you say, Tou know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as you i can stand. "What; you need is Blactrltr. Bit: ters to give tone, strength, and . vigor to your system, toprevent breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glori ous health and strength. Try them Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at Ktng-Crowell Drug Com. pany. . Big lrop In Temperature. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Syracuse, N. Y., March 16 With a drop in temperature in twelve hours from D4 to 4 above zero, sev eral inches of snow and a gale of wind, this city is this morning in the grip of the most severe blizzard of the winter. Street car and other traf tic Is badly Interrupted. " : A Mother's Safeguard. Foley's Honey and Tar fr the chil dren. Is best and safest for all coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and bronchitis. No opiates. King. Crowell Drug Co. AVolfjast a Good Sldestcpper. ; ...' (By TAD.) "'';''' New York, March 10 We're cer tain of It now. Kind of had the hunch for a year or more, but after that showing Tuesday night there's no doubt about It. Oh, that Packey McFarland is the best boy of his weight on the map, . We're not alone in that opinion, either Packey thinks so himself and Isn't a bit backward about it. I told Packey last night that a wire from Los Angeles arrived here saying that Wolgast Intended' retir ing after boxing Menislc and Hogan "Well, just say for mo,"- chirped ih Cnlcago caramel .-child, "that when he does I'll jump hp and let out a whoop for the title. If there's anyone loft that I can't beat ,trot him out," he said.; "I have been trying to get on with. Wolgast for a :year past,, but he's tt;-better sidestepper than I thought. Makes tae bluff about boxfug, S but never does. I've' won from all the rest 'Of them Murphy, Welsh, Moran, Britt, Cross, H j land and a bunch of-others and It I cant get a whack at the champion, what am I going to do? If I'm not the best lightweight la the' world, Mr. Wolgast will have to prove It to me." ' " ' Owen Moran says that Packey Mc Farland Is hy far the best man he ever met. "He was too big for me, though," chirped the little Briton. , ' A company of American capitalists have sunt an agricultural expert to Investigate certain public lands south of Lake Maracalbo, with the intention of ettabllshlag extensive fruttvplanta tions should ,eoll and cllinatie condi tions prove javovaDie, . - (Continued Prow. Page, 2, Column 4.) Ject to the HmttaJlonH provided In Chapter six of tBe Revlsal of one thousand nine hundred and fire, license tax not exceeding one hun dred dollars a year. (11) TTpon every stock and bond broker, junk-dealer and pawn-broker. sewing-machine or bicycle com pany or agent for such company, dealer In or manufacturer's agent of musical Instruments,' keeper of the sales stables or stock-yards doing business In the city, a license tax not exceed. ing two hundred dollars a year. (12);tTpon every lawyer, physi clan, dentist, cotton broker, - bill posterT street huckster, photographer merchandise or produce broker, ice- dealer, dealer In wood and coal either, insurance company or insur ance agency for every company rep. resented, and every skating rink or shooting gallery, a license tax not exceeding fifty dollars- a year. ; (13) Upon every surface privy, as provided in this charter, a license tax not -exceeding one dollar a year for each of said licenses, same to be col lected by the sanitary inspector. .(14). :lipon every ot!ier occupa. lion, profession or business, not here in specially named, a license tax not exceeding one thousand dollars year. Kot Word of Scandal . marred the call of a neighbor on Mrs. w. P. Spaiigh, of Mnnvllle, Wya., who said: "She told me Dr. King's New- Life 1'llls had cured her of obntalnate kidney trouble, and made hor feel like a new woman." Easy, but sure remedy ror stomach, liver and kidney troubles, Only 25c. at Klng-Crowell Itrug Com pany. rlaz Administration Denounced, (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Syracuse, N. Y., Marc 16 Dclegatf representing - eight thousand unionist arniiated with the American Fedcra tlon of Labor last night unanimously passed a resolution denouncing''-.. the Diaz -administration In -.-.Mexico as "military despotism" and -calling upon President Tafc to keep "hands . off in the present contest between Mexi- ca.l federals and Insuri-eetos. The resolutions charge that the send mg of American troops to the ilex lean border -"was inspired by Wall street" and that to' take the part of the Diaz administration ' "would be anlaopteed. to the traditions of A men tan liberty and free institutions," .. I : i. : . ' Why Is Sugar Sweet? If sugar did not dissolve in the tnouth you could not taste the- sweet GROVE'S . TASTELESS CHILL TONIC Is as strbng as the, strongest bitter tonic, but you do not.taste the bitter because the ingredients do not dissolve in the mouth, but do dis solve readily in the acids of the stom ach. Is just as good for Grown peo ple-as for Children. The First and Original Tasteless Chill Tonic. The standard for 30 years. COc. , Cold Wave In Washington. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) . -. ; . '- aaliington, March,-, 16 A cold wave struck Washington last night, with heavy winds from the northwest sweeping over tae city. The mer cury fell more than 20 degrees over night and is now hovering about 15 above zero. The weather bureau pre dicts a continuance of cold tempera ture for the next twenty-four hours. Cold in Baltimore. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Baltimore, March 16 -Today Is one of the coldest days Baltimore has had this winter. At 7:30 this morning the temperature stood at 1 degrees above zero. t It isn't difficult for a maii to get a woman to agree with him if she isn't his .wife.-- ... Piles Driven Away FREE Cases of Kxtremc Torture Cured So Quick as to Amaze All Who Know the Terrors' of 'Piles. Kven a 'smiilt and recent case ot piles is had !ehongh, but. .thousands are in abject misery. ' (Ireat protrus ions render life a torture in every community and 'yet, right -within' el bow room Is certainly a drng store that has the Wonderful Pyramid rile Chre. If not, it will be mailed free npoij receipt of the regular' price . 50c-' '.::...- '- . ';.:.' It works- like a hundred swift streams of water on a sudden blaze, puts.-tlu flrtj -out, saves -lives, -save the Serves,' prevents gangrene,' stops all pain, :all itching, all bleeding"; re duces. all swellings, Internal or ex ternal,-cures quick aud complete, to stay cured: Many-sovero- cases think they are hopeless, must be operated on, have part of their anatomy , cut and carved,. ' Don't lot it happen : Remember, anything cnt oft is gone forever.' '", Pyramid Pile Cure saves all 'this, cures rationally, restores the parts to normal healthy conditions. You can. 'easily and quickly prove this by sending your name and ad dress to Pyramid Drug , Co., - 278 Pyramid Bids., Marshal, Mich.' A free - trial will at once ; be '' mailed sealed in plain wrapper and you -will nevpr afterwards be at a loss to know what lo advlfie when yon hear-of a case of matter bow severe It may be. t ' BXJsaJe at all drug stores at 50c. paclihge and be sure you' get what ( ' "- '"" ' " "' ' V -Rf boylan-peArce cot BOYLAN-PEARCE CO 60YLAN-PEARCE CO. THE STYliE BOOK, SPRING 111, NOW READY. Annual pring lisp The Millinery Opening Takes place today and tomorrow. Thursday and Friday Paris, London, Vienna, New York and Chicago. What more could you ask. New and Authentic Models in Women's Fine Garments, Costumes, Dresses, Goat Suits, Coats, Waists and Skirts. Spring Silks and Dress Goods Foulards, Messalines, Louisines, Chiffons, Voiles, Margui settes. An elaboration of Trimmings to match, reaching the top-pin acle of novelty and variety. All these and a thousand other things are on display, changes made every day. BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY Raleigh, North Carolina A little of the "Green" buy a heap of Brass It's a nifty -.showing of (ho beautiful in this line. Most -anvthing that you could or would want in Brass Coeds Is . now on display. Come in and loos. Yon don't have to buy. - ' r. While yon are-here be "sure -tp see our new show of Cut Oliiss. Weathers & Perry, I Interior Decorators, . KAIiEIGH, M, V "Little and Often is What Fills the Purse. Anyone with the inclination to save should come to this Rank and start n account. ; . We Teach You to Save. We Make it Easy to Save.; We Lend Encouragement; We Pay You to Save. We allow 4 Interest on Having hild compute the Interest four timet) year. -.- " 7.. . - .-. Money deposited on or before the 3rd day of the. .month Is entitled to tho full mdntli'ijnterest. MECHANICS SAVINGS bank ; . ; IS YOUR HORSE WELL GROOMED This la a very important part in the boarding of your horse, and we make it a special feature for the horses we board. We have competent men that know the "keep" of horses and every special, care is taken of your horse when placed in our boarding stables. PLUMMER'S STABLES. THE MOVING VAX FOUKS." . Both Phones. . ' ti Rant Morgan Street . : - RAIiEIQH, R. t M er c h a nts National Bank OF RALEIGH,. N. C Condition at Close of Business March 7, 1911: Capital Stock ' 100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Pmfits. . . . . . . . . 21,162.37 Deposits .. $1,376,319.19 Began Business March 29, 1909, Paid Dividends, $9,000 OFFICERS: E. C. Duncan, President; Wm. H. Williamson, Vice President; W. F.Utley, Second "Vice-President; W. B. Drake, Jr., Cashier; S. J. Hinsdale, Assistant Cashier. Succeed when everything else faDa. In nervous prostration and female weaknessM they are the supreme remedy, aa thousands hava testified. FOR KION EY, LIVER AND ' -: STOMACH TROUBLE It k the est -mediciM vttt sold 6 draggtert matst, Statement of Condition of tho CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK '."'-. and-- . . THE RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. Raleigh, X. C, 'March 7. 1911. RKSOl'IK'KS. and State Honda at par . . .... .... .... . . . .Loans and Investments. Cash and Due from Banks Capital Surplus and Troflts Circulation , , ... . Deposits . iiAniijiTiF.s, .$ 4C.2. . J,SS,3fii.77. . 7U7.2Sn.Ki $2,r7C,rr(o,fl:t .$ . sjn.non.on . 144'.!j3S.70::" , ioo,ooo!oo . 2,017,017.33. ;-vl) r. . $2,B7.650.9J Chas. E.- Johnson, President. F. H. Brlggs, Cashier. . Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK' ' Since 1865. ( .- . Stands Foj :' ' ' RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. - .s.-j -iW ' '. ('-'-'" '- -. ''.-'""'''..'' Ax Roborable HpcotcI PeNettfl HaU a Centnry. ' T, i i 1 hi. if ' iiiin.ilL'il 1 u J ou- Mk for, ' 1 " -f- -a' 1 . J - - -