TIIE 1ULEIGH DAILY TIMES: THURSDAY, ilARCII 16, 1911. Published Every Afternoon . (Except Sunday! By ran VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY J. V. SIMMS. - President and Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (By Mail) Daily lYr. H. 8 Mo. " $2.50 ttM B .73 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (By Car.ler) I Tr. Mo. 8 Mo. 1 Mo. 1 Wk. 5.00 82.50 91.211 $ .40 8 .10 All snbscriptioiu most be paid in dvaace. : ' Mo attention will be paid to anony mous contributions, and no communi cations to the editor will be printed except over the name of the writer. Manuscripts offered for publication will be returned if unavailable, but tamps should be sent with the manu script for that purpose. All communications Intended for this newspaper, should be addressed to THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES. Publication Office: THE. TIMES. BUILDING 12-14 East H -gett Street, Raleigh, N. C. Entered at the poatofflce at RaY elgh, N. C., as second class matter. Have'you registered? After the election comes t ho Pony Contest. The Y. M ('. A. iiiii,.Kk-n iicsiiis next wcou. Italcrl! v.: .4 1 i;.- put-, to the test, in this miiner i.ml she must not fall. Read the Commission Charter. It Is, in itself, an answer to most of the charges that have , been 'brought against it. The workingman, the taxpayer, and the business man are the ones to reap the greatest benefit frpm the Commission Form of Government.. Our text for tomorrow will be "Three .Men", and may be found in Section 3 of the Commission Form ot Government charter for the city of Raleigh. If you are a taxpayer you should vote for the Commission Form of Government. It has benefitted the taxpayers of other cities and it will benefit you. , If the thing keeps up as it is going there will not be much .need of counting the votes. They will just move to make it unanimous for the Commission Form of Government. The man who is going around talking against the Commission Form of Government has to go into his hole and pull the hole in after him when he is faced with the facts We all want the best city govern nient possible. Experience has proven the old way inadequate and subject to great abuses. Experience shows that the commission form of government meets all requirements and reduces the possibility of abuse and misgovernment to a minimum. No, it is true, as some opponent of the new charter pointed out in The Times the other day, that no admin istration of the city . of Raleigh has ever been guilty of grafting. But while that Is true the most of them have died of dry rot. Each succeed ing administration moved along in the same old rut and this continued so long that it seemed that all civic - pride had been lost. That was not the case, however, and the people finally in desperation arose in their wrath and threw off the old order of things and elected a mayor and board of aldermen : determined to place Raleigh in the forefront of the progressive cities of the state. And while we have such a city adminis tration now, progressive and patriotic,- they recognize " the limitations of the system under which they are working and favor the . new system. It Is one of the .strongest arguments .in favor of thr srw.charter that this progressive board of aldermen favors K rKADESlcbUNC)L) it. No, no graft can be Charged to Raleigh officials. They have aR been honest and thought they were doing the best they could for the city, and that is another argument in favor of the new charter. They let the city die of stagnation and yet were doing the best they could. Let's change the system and make the "bout'' something far ahead of anything Raleigh has ever known. AVhen the campaign in Charleston for $150,000 for a Y. M. C. A. building was completed and the can vassers were going over their last reports some one brought out the fact tlint (he sisters of St. Xavier In firmary had voluntarily called oft a campaign they were conducting for funds for their institution so as not to in any wav hinder the Y. SI. jt". A. campaign.. It seems that this insti tution was in need of $20,00i. The sisters had been trving to raise it tor some time and- had about ".$3, mi . pledged.-. When the Y. M. C. A. cam paign was started thev saul "Well wait, as to have our canvassers in l!.e field at the same time might hurt tin' Y. M. C. A. campaign'. When the matter was brought to the alt em him or the Y. XI. C. A. workers lhovde cided to raise that $ 15,000 . for tne sisters in 24 hours, and all then canvassers gladlv and enthusiasti cally elected to stav in the field one day. longer and raise it. Tins is the Y- M. C A. spirit. Kalemh -needs the Y. M. C. A. because it is good in itself and because the. spirit n in fuses ih its members helps all char itable and religious institutions. TIIK TAX KATK. So many misstatements' are being made about the tax rate as fixed by the proposed charter that it would be well for the citizens to inform them selves and not take the word of some who are fighting this charter for a purpose. Our present charter, which was ratified in 1905, says ill section 74: Sec 74. Thatin order to raise a 'ffind 'for the expenses me dent to the proper government "of the city, the Aldermen may annually levy and col lect the following taxes, namely: (1 ) On all veal and personal prop erty witlfin the corporation limits, in cluding monev on hand, solvent cred its, investments in bonds, stocks and all other subjects taxed by the Gen eral Assembly, ad valorem, except in comes, a tax not exceeding one dollar on everv hundred dollars value. (2) On all taxable polls resident in the city on the first day of June of each year, or so resident within sixty days preceding that day, a tux not exceeding three dollars a poll. The proposed Commission charter says, in section t9: Sec. 69. That lu order to raise a fund for the expenses incident to the proper government of the cty, the Board of Commissioners may aiinii- ally levy and collect tho iollov.ins taxes, namely: (1) On all real and personal property within the corporation lim its, including money on hand, solvent credits, investments in bonds, stocks, and all other subjects taxed by the General Assembly ad valorem, except incomes, a tax not exceeding one dol lar on everv hundred dollars value. (2) Said Board may also levy, and collect for general purposes, a poll tax not exceeding one dollar and eighty cents, and for the purpose of paying interest on the municipal bonds of said Citv a poll tax not ex ceeding one dollar and twentv cents, said poll tax to be levied on the tax able polls of all male persons who may be residents of the City on the first day of June of each year. The tax rate is not increased. Any man who can read can compare the new charter with the old one and see that in the revenues of the city there is practically no difference. All of the talk about the Commission char ter bringing on exorbitant taxes is gross ignorance or a wilful Intention to distort the facts to deceive the people. ANOTHER POLITICAL FIZZLE. - ... 4 One of the most pitiful and sad ex periences yet encountered by the folks who are walking all over the city to defeat the Commission Form of Government was that of a promi nent man who mixes in politics on certain occasions, in one of our lead ing business houses yesterday. Like many citizens he had probably never read the old charter, under which we are, now living, and when he was furnished a copy of the new proposed charter he read it with his month wide open. When be had finished Makes Home Baking Easy lM Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar koalum.no lime phosphate the revenue section he came to the following art icle: i 11) I ! idii everv oilier occupation,' profession or .business,, not herein svei'iHlv named, a license lax not ex ceeding one il!n:sanil dollars ,t year. . That .w on pane ifi, seriion S.',, nr t. !. 1.!. . He bi'i amc. all "excitement, and aftc-." uariiinit liie section' ami art ii le cr.rei , lh . so he would not lose ii, he started up l'avotleville sireot. rushing into .no office ot every busi ness man and .banker,'- exe's'iimlng "Kerena' . ho had lonnd thcthing that would beat the charier. He had not gone very far u; , the si reel l ue cntiso tne business people-are-dunking for themselves) bi iore a business man reached -into his desk and took out the i haiter ol lfiuft. and, tiirnitisi to pap.' 4!. section flfi, article 11, lie read for the information, ol Ins new guest: ', '' ' -'. ( 1 1 l I pon everv other occupation, profession or business, not herein specially named, a license tax not ex ceedins; one thousand dollars a year Ye Gods of War! Could it be that he had made suclrnn Ass of himself before tho business people, whom he had been Irving" to influence. He suddenly remembered that the city did have a' charter adopted in 1 905, although, lie. hud never read it in all his liie. Such thint's are happening here everv ilnv. and every tune a man op poses the li'w charter and shows such .cross- ignorance it makes not onlv one vote, but nuinv. for the Commission Form of Government. What the people want is the truth and the facts, and not a lot of politi cal bosh. 'Thev have been ted on that Ions '..enough. . . The section releired to above was in the old charter as a precautionary measure iiiratiist something, which mk-ht develop not covered by .law in the citv and the board would need some powers in the matter. It was a wise provision and was simply car ried forward ituo the new charter as a precaution. We mav run the city government mi hundred years nnd not need it, and vet a condition might arise inside ot a year when we would have to have n to protect the city against .some 'infringement 'Of its rights. Has anvof Italeich's citizens been harmed under this clause dur ing 'tho past five years It has been on our books? Thev did not even know it. was there, yet it was for their pro tection that it was placed there. It will never harm them in the future. either. MKRCHAXT8 -NOTICE. Tho Times is printing In today's is sue, Section 95 of the now Commis sion Government charter.- This Is the revenue section about which so much fuss has been raised by tho politicians, some of them even going into a spasm over the section about a tax of $1,200 to sell whiskey, this be- IS YOUR SKIN ON FIRE? Does It seem to you that you can't stand another minute of that awful burning Itch? That It MUST be cooled? That you MUST have relief? Get a mixture of Oil of Wlntergreen, Thymol, and other soothing Ingredients as compounded only In D. D. D. Pres cription. The very first drops STOP that awful burning Instantly! The first drops soothe and heal! D. D. D. gives you comforts-cleanses the skin of all impurities and washes away pimples and blotches ever nlgh,t! Take our word on It as your local druggjst. . , ... .;. uel a il.w or a zd ceni doius iwiay. Henry T. Hicks do., and Tucker pro-Is Building Pharmacy. xi .; ;. I Ing carried over from the old charter as a precaution. If we ever have sa loons again. we will need that section to -protect the citv. Rut all the polit ical thunder drops' out of their state ments when yon read In a parallel '.oluiiiii-lho sr.me ilimg, word fur word, from the charter which we 1'uve had in operation since 190n. i : Read both sections carefully and. then think whether it isrfiot tune mat yon , as a citizen inform.- yourself, ' 1 about tho conditions here in Kulcigh, i nnd not take the worn ol the "politic-- lans who are trving to deceive you ... .,, and dcreat this new runner mat win civo otir peoplo.it business govern-.. t niriit. f . MKIICHAXTS OK UAI.KKIH IT IS L'l' TO YOU. IT YOi; WANT A BUSINESS AD.MINISTIIATIO.N OF AFFAIRS YOU CAN OKT IT. E.X-PliUHS- YOUK V.'IS!IKs' MONDAY AT TIIK BALLOT '!OX. A fact im:ov!:x. Should Convince I. von the .Most hkep tical ol Its Truth. If there is' the slif;iitei: d'm'it in the. mlncl.i oC nnv- him n nu'vuff germ do net ext.'-t. 1heir belief ; Is eo:'ijieiled by the fact that a r.ilibit iii.i'ii.'Uiated with" the germs iune liaid in -Nk weeks' t."ie. It must be ariparent to any per.--on therefiiro that Hie . mily ' -liroye-ritiiin .of' baldness is the iletruetiin of. the germ which act is sue. essi ally aernniplish ed in one humit'"d per cent. , nf cases by. Hie apr-lioiurua of Xewbro's Korpi- eide. ' 1 'iv the si me germ Uundruft is cause vfhloh causes buidiiess and ran be -pro vented with the .same -remedy Xewr. hro's Herpiclde. Accept no suhstilute. ' Destrny the cause, vou re move liie eflert." Sold by leading druggi-sis. Send 10c. in sftiinps for fitmple to: T)ie Ilerpieide i n Drlioit Mich. One lollar bottle Kiiarnnteed. lftniy T. 1 licks Co. and Tucker . 'Building Pharmacy; special agents. - . I Patten Against Reciprocity. my: Leased Win to The Times.) U, t,. ,1 V1in t!irpli .1 ll 1,' , (' I - Kirncitv dneti not -appeal t James A. fatten ofu Cliuau'i. -.-according to J. Adam F.ebe fm im-r congressman, .from Minnesota. Mr. Patten is againrt- tho trade agreements Mr. Hebe says, because it would ''prevent a corner in wheal." J. Adam .argues tins Is suflk ient rea son to Induce any one to faVor its ratlficjttlgi), "A few days iiKo.i' he declared. "1 talked' with' Mr. 1-ti it Mi 'and lie lrecly admitted "he is opposed .to -the reei iiroiitv arfeenient. He saul Us enact ment would result in tile importation ! !(() Reward, SStOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one drcadVd disease that science has been able to cure in' all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly .upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. ' Sold bv Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. U. S. -1-0. r? tflnna i.iwtuwf II III !, IIW WIIIIBMlim H I ' flTMMHnlnilliMlaala.MT miIim i M l fm r m M Vaio 0 A -t iX' sv X W ; y . -. "-1. 1 ' : ' ft Wo 5 KW 10 ' J-oV' uoiT,.i1tT.(lfrtiililltlB. -j, . Nf' Tin " - - H'l ' AnilmA Hmbl llMitkmwh anlMaf ttonalte aloadri (g)mai (fJUMni npwtntalac. w.wwa u, .lui iMim ,im usw Buniiiw pnspnnira tor put a hoara: Mwonit, M.hoar niuUII, If It tquta M iaelu ttut mix niacU? Wli Dt hmlr car met. , '. . :. March" 16. Forecast For Raleigh and Vicinity: Fair, continued c6l with rising temperature. For North extreme western portion tonight, freezing temperature tonight; moderate Weather Conditions With increased strength the northeastern, stor high nreBsAire area behind it. With morning the freezing line reached ture was-close to aero In northern New York, being 4 aboe at Buffalo, Rocky Mountains to the MlaSlsslSpi River.' ' v. ;" never" before" seen so man, "hr'lls .... r. a t ih, Krltf arvinn of 360 SeC- onds bp Sq.rt)tful if they will for .many . vf Jtolftpme re. T1 lli;lljS.i two inr,.nntind Pa .f r,lnlrr. tn r! 1st InCtiOll rests orrW-rffas an operator of the. I tiny Dcmoisalle monoplane, wont up oi ' 3'i5 o'clock In an exhibition flight. Mo I rose to a height of nearly i;.0D feet an 1 ! i . ...a , v. n aiihiifhnii enuntrv fori listano of nearly two milej no- . 1 I i hnl. A Aarth rinrrOR. AS ,p t Jcas ofjjis predecessors in the tawSiainment, operated a J'J 1 tl Cl , , to nofiii'P rivjiiH. "V "ft jKiiL-k-.j,..,., t -yfirVt stages of his attempt of Lirsday, when the crowd laughed It self noarse. 'xne yenow-pianeu ieinwi ii..t.nnifl anA nnrpenfri and rocked and Jumped and then did it all over . , . hAfAIO it,' M aHin. UlUllCIIIOia EJIU.. hviuivu..,. Jils post; for It did take a hero to op erate the dangf-rous invention of AT. gantos Pumont, and all .flying men know it )Around he course bounced thft Siyiss mm back to the point I Btactlo .Hew.' on cci3i;nt ovcrt:v0.1t ef flee "'.'Canadian- wheat., which y.iiuM make ai wheat .cii ner (mposslble." : A Drendfu! Siiht. to IT. J. Ii.irnum, of FreeviBe. N- 7:. was the. fever-sure that Had jilapuYd his life for years , in ppiti; cf . many remedies he tried. At last lie SfieM'Mr- l'-C ' " J OUiVlIC HI.WK. TEE TIMES FOuiY COKTEST. -Tills Coupon When Properly Filled Out futilities Master or Miss . . .-. .. .. . . ................. .. .. .. Address .. .. .. ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. to 1,000 otos, and places b:;n or her in noniiiiol ion to .win the lonv OullK. No more than OM. will l.e ivdi(c;l each caiidulatc. FIVE-VOIE COUPON. Good For live otos in The limes Pony Contest, for c.!;;:.s. lor Miss AtI.Ii ess Tlris Coupon Must be FIVE-VOTE COUPON. Good For l .ie Votes in The 1 inies ,i'on;r Contest. ' FOR ROYS. t . 1 .'-.:,'... For Master v .... . .... Address ''. '; ' . , . . . ', . . . ... . This Coujmn Mnwt lip Votfd by March 2;nl. Department of Agriculture, WEATHER BUREAU. WILUS L. MOORE. Clucf. Carolina: Fair tonight and Friday; r accompanying cold wave, has spread ra Bputhward toward central GPeorgla and to tie" mafurllHstixv onsweroa baelc "Tes, and he's going to land that 6(M , simolcons that the Chamber Com- io..iLi'i Incr uri for his auccessfu fllfh?" fcJront, around the uranc fland were hopins Jus- he- "dirigible-' wouit 'itaout miaiiuii. oce jo sure that tnej Sling at hl3 leveri ii among me mo Tiings. Some over 'er must ve tr lt that his ma- ffiiia at Jnlor- ais. arj . rom mai tainnf'.r r, Anttnso- rom main- soni 'ai of the In- :ol in sure his self- H. R n the presoi-Ji. and whos. Ie8 as far n-t''.illdit matters escnt mef J . - ,-ernca. toor hrouch ' v x 'tasses ant. ed theVJ?y al to b( ht)D?S &HIdi Seu th okiift Jlt!u-.fiKfc 1 mln igerf 3 ottj )lon t,SobJec I to-J side i"1 fell 5 Tterint ItJ y V v$ Ahorifrf . uct iiJVJld. bBiJhvas ii(Lr.ipi( f WVlnce tfl crowdhat r a pon the long-looked-for alrigibb r.tjjonff. t, i,ra tuWh Vit ImnrACcfnn thnt !?i- mon, who had been out of the runnini for an hour or more-f"I"all3 long Interim for the Ij'.?iifo' flyer" by he wav Jisl5?V5j hl: trnstv Blerlot and head SSs Fi thi stock exhibit building 0fl'' ff"l rescue. Simon wont fo3,n.,jie o two miles out, but could tec noiiiir.g o tfia curiOUB vWcct which had held tht Iiuckloiva Arnica ?.ilve nnd wrote: "it has entirely healed with scarcely a sca-r" lei't." He -.ls, . Burns,-.' Uoits, ISc-ssemX'-rutS; Bruises, Swelling, Corns .visd . Piles like- rnapic. Only 25c at ,Ciiig-OroweH Drue company. Sure 'coupons and get one ol our , tine pieiniuins. Voted by -March 23rd. . i , " '" ' -I -.'" .s. d. freezing tonlghtt Friday, fair ismg teniperature Friday and in northwest winds, becoming variable. m has moved to -the coast and the pldly southeastward. Early this central Alabuma and -the tempera- The -Weather is"m0dBfUngr from the ntt) distress. ,'1 F T ' V and forty cllmtK) . ,,lv Je-f f . V. , : . his f4,V - - , 1 t " began to airjtft, , " C: I B- 1 ! .. .: 1. XOTICE OF. J2LF.CTIOX. In pursuance to an net of the gen eral assembly of North Carolina of .1911 and by order- of the. Board or j Aldermen of the City of Raleigh, a special election 'will bo hold in said city on Monday, M,arch 20, 1911, for the purpose of voting on a coramis- . slon form of city government for Kaleigh, X. C. Notice-is hereby further given that the registration books will be open bv registrars hereinafter named from Thursday, March 9th, 1911, un til sunset Saturday, March IS, 1911, inclusive, for the purpose of register ing qualified-voters who were, not regfu'ernd' in the regular municipal election of 1909 or who having reg i'jfered for that election have chang ed their voting precincts. Tnat dur lfl'; the nericd of registration herein provided lor, the registrars will at tend with their registration books at each of the polling places herein named on each Saturday lor tUe reg istrnlio'.i of voters. There may be registration on other days by seeing tiie registrars personally. On the said 20th day of March, 1911, the polls shall bo open from sunrise until sunset and no longer. The respective polling places for said election shall bo as follows: l First Ward, First Division B. N. Wa'.tci'i' S-tore. First Ward, Second Division U. W. White's Store. ' Second Ward, First Division Games' Store. . Second Ward, Second Division Pace s Store. Third Ward, First Division Vic tor Fire Mouse. Third Ward, Second Rovall Knights Hall. Fourth Ward, First Division Division Capital Fire House. Fourth Ward, Second Division City Lot. The following named persons have been appointed registrars and Judges of elections for their respective pre cincts: First Ward, First Division Reg istrar, lien Walters; Judges, M. G. Jones, H. M. Farnsworth. First Ward, Second Division Registrar, Mclviii Andrews; Judges, I,. S. -BlUnon. H. K. King. Second Ward, First Division Registrar, N. A. Barnes; R. Carroll, L. D. Spears. Judges, E. Second Ward, Second Division Registrar, Donaldson Stronach; Judges, Henry Little, J. A. Bashford. Third Ward, First Division Reg istrar, Jno. E. Evans; Judges, W. L. Dowel!, C. II. Beine. Third WaTd. Second Division Registrar, A. E, Olmstead; Judges, Homer I pchnroh, J.. C. King. 1 Fourth Ward, First. Division Registrar, A. H. Green; Judges, C. D. Arthur, J. 1. Champion. Fourth Ward, Second Division Registrar, L. M. Waring; Judges, Robt. R. Yates,- W. L. Collins. That at sauV eltction the question of a commission form of municipal government will be submitted to a vote of the qualflied electors of said citv. All qualified electors who shall favor the commission form of munic ipal governmelh for Raleigh shall vote a ballot on which shall be writ ten or printed tho Words, "For Com mission Charier,", and all electors who are opposed to said communion form of municipal government for Raleigh, shall vote a ballot on which, shall be written or printed the words, "'Against Commission Charter," and tho Eaid election shall be conducted m the same manner and under the fame rules and regulations as near as may be that are provided for reg ular municipal elections. WIIA.IAM W. WII.LSON. City Clerk. March' 10, 13, 16. : MORTGAGK BALK. Bv virtue of authority conferred In a certain mortgage executed by James It. Lynch and wife, recorded In Book No. 239, at Page 283 in Register of Deeds office of Wake County, N. C, I will on Monday, tho :!rd day of April, 1911, at the court house door in the City of Raleigh, Wake County, at 12 o'clock, M., expose for sale and Bell to tlie highest bidder, for cash, that tract of land lying and situated on tne waters-of Little Creek and on or near the road leading from Apex to Holly Springs, about four miles from Apex and two miles from Holly Springs, and better described and bounded by a line as follows: Begin ning at a pine stump and pointers, Isaac Hunter's, deceased, corner and runs south 206. , polos 'to a pine, said Isaac Hunter's corner; thence cast 24 poles to a Spanish oak; thence north to an oak 138 poles to a stake and pointers; - thence east (H'!i poles to a dogwood, L. B.e grnve's -corner; thence north 68 poles to a stake, Isaac Hunter's cor ner; thence west 88 poles to the first station, containing 68 acres, more or less, being the land conveyed to James H. Lynch, June 21, 1909, by his father and mother by deed re corded In Book No. 245, at Page 94 in Register of Deeds office of Wake County, N. C and to W. W. Lynch by B. Passmore and wife, Book 147, Page 220 and to said Passmore by J. C. Hunter, Book 29, Page 320 in said register's office. - This 2nd day o;March, A..D., 1911 ERNEST P. MAYNARD, ' . . - Mortgagee, , Vf Rftleigh, N. C. i peele; " ' , -r Attorney for Mortgagee, ' 3-0. a. w.-4t - .

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