THE RALEIGH DAILY, TIKES; '.TlflSDAY, MAItCH 1(5, 1011, ' ' Caw tall 25c; box of Velat to M Viol fekbi Soap, with on BOc '-,;-. 0ljf limited number of these offers. Oome early If yon want one. - : .KCKG-CEOtoL DRUG COMPANY, ', ' . THE QUALITY DRUQ STOR& ! ( . societyH & s 1 DISTANCES. Oh, the blue aistanc.cs. Beckoning, lurking. In the slow twilights Of whisper and dream Calling; me, calling, So that I follow Into the silence. Into the dusk. Here, while , the winter Falter and: lingers Cometh the promise The Impulse, the vision. Irawlng my footsteps Down the old roadway To the dear haunts Where the violets are walling.- AH the bewitchments Of paBt and of future Blend in the bluonoss That draws and consoles mo;- So that I pass In a dream from the city, Down -the . eld roadway Into the- nightfall, Forth to the mystical Hope that allures me. To the blue' distances Beckoning, calling. . -I'aul Mall . Gazette. Mrs. Sterling from Hillsboro. Ruffln has : returnee Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Andrews, have gone to Philadelphia..' Jr.. Miss Bessie Petty 'leaves todav to accept a position as milliner at Wen dell. . Miss Nell Hlnsd.ire lias gone to Nor folk to visit her sister. Mrs. Harold Joslin. Mrs. W. O. Pniter and daughter, of Oreensboro, are visiting Mrs. C. O. Whiting. Mrs. James f!rdon Haekett. "1 North Wilkesboro, is visiting Mrs. Al fred Wlliams. . . .. Miss . Bessie -Payne, of Norlolk. a.. was In the city today enrouie to Puv ham to. visit her sister. ' . .: ' ' Mrs. L. G. Young, of Washington, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. Thomas Padger, has gone t.o Sal isbury. , . Mrs. Frank B. Simpson and little daughter, Frances Humes Simpson have returned, from a visit to relatives m El in City. . . )rs. Mike P. Cliumblee and son, Travis, of Oxford, N. ('.. are -here on a visit to her parents on West Martin street. Misses Mattio and Gertrude .sattt-r-fleld have gone to Itoxboro. to .attend the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Samuel B. Wlnstead, who died Tuesdav, Mrs. Kltchln has been in P.oxbnro since Monday. Iiantern Slides Touight. This evening at g o'clock in the High school auditorium the Daughters of the Revolution will, give a lantern elide exhibition. Admission 10 cents. " '.'". - Mrs. McDonald Doing Well. News received today from Greens boro brings very encouraging accounts of Mrs. C. C. McDonalds condition. Her friends will be glad to know that she Is recovering nicely from her re cent operation. '' Fortnightly Review Club. "Scott, the Wizard of . the North," was the subject of the meeting of the Fortnightly Kevlew Club with Mrs. J.-Bryan-Grimes this week. A sketch of tile life of Scott was read by Mrs. James H. Pou. "Kusk in's Criticism of Scot i n Heroes and These are the Reasons why p Should Buy. Because our rump's are made by manufacturers of world-wide reputation of making STRAPLESS PUMPS that do not slip at tiie heel or bulge at the sides. Another important fact is that we buy all size) and widths and. with our knowledge of fitting shoes we ore thus able to give you the size best suited for your foot; A well-fitted shoe not only looks better, but wears longer, and is far more comfortable than one - bought of concerns that pay no attention' to fit. . -. . i ..... - f , You avoid all shoe troubles when you wear our Strapless rumps which are shown In all leathers and many fabrics. ' ' ' Prices $2.00 to $5.00. POOL & CROCKER- - "WE FIT THE FEET" " 10 Fayctteville Street. - - - : .- RALEIGH,' K. C. REE- Fa Powder and one full size 23c Jar Viola Cream. All FOR 50c. Heroines' James It. icis read Scott." was a miner road by Mrs. Young. Mrs. Josephus fnn a paper on. "'The Poetry of The meeting was well attended and was a most delightful one. St. Luke's Circle. St. Iaikcs Circle ot Kings Dough ters will meet tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock with Mrs. U. F. Dixon ' - Meeting of Circle No. 1. Circle No. 1 of the Edenton street church will meet Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. It. U Godwin on Favettevllle street. Was From Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Br'an. of Brand ford, Conn., spent last night at the Selwyn and left for thoii- New Eng land home this morning Mrs. Bryan was Mis. Annie Williams, of . Raleigh a verv tn iirlit. cnurming woman. J ne Charlotte News, . Special Evensong Music. The choir of Christ church, a large body- of selected singers under Mr. Owen's direction, will give a second evensong service with special music next Sunday afternoon. These services attract large congre gations and cultivate a perception for a lush order of church music. The public is Invited. Scott-Pugh. ',' Morrisvllle. March; 16 One -of. the most brilliant social events of the sea son was solemnized at this place in the Christian church on Wednesday afternoon at ;!::Su o clock when Mr. I!. T. Scott, ol Tanvtown. N. Y. led to the hvmenral altar. Miss Nora Lillian Punh- the accomplished daughter of Mrs. M. K. Pugli. The church was artistically decor ated with palms, ferns and cut flowers, the lesioouini? being of southern siniliix and the aisles being covered in white. The color scheme was beau tifully carried out in rainbow effect both In the decorations and the cos tumes. The scene was verv effective as the church was darkened and the nranv colored candles east their sot t slow upon the bridal party. Muss .tyyiel Cleintnts, nt Elon Co'. Tege'cnifTmingTy sang- "Keen use Uod Made Thee Mine.." Prof. Brawlev ol Peace Institute, Raleigh, the former musical director of the bride, tiresided at the organ. Ar tie- lii't. strains of Lohengrin's -, Wed ding March, the gate girls, little Ellen Sione of tliveiisboro, the unco of tne hi me and little Junnie. Mav smith, of Norfolk, -V a., came down opposite aisles each carrying a basket ot cut flowers and opened the Uoral Kates for the bridal party, to pass through..-. Then came the groomsmen. Or. b.-G. Barbee, of u Kellevs: Prof. Win. M. rpehurch, ot Durham, and Prof H, i". Barbee. ot Durham, in single file down the right aisle with the bridesmaids coming down the opposite aise these were: Miss Mary Ray, of Raleigh;- Miss Mary Pritohett. of Chapel Hill; and Miss Annie Bagwellj of Durham. They were followed bv the dame ot honor, Mrs. ii. L. Ray, ot -Raleigh, coining down left aisle and little Norman Stone, of Greensboro, a nephew of the bride, came down the right aisle carry ing the ring in a lovely cala lily. The bride wearing a blue broadcloth suit, ha; and gloves to match and carrying a magnificent bouquet of brides roses, entered with her sister. Miss Mabel Pugh. as maid of honor they were met at the altar bv the groom with his biother. Mr. F. Y.- Scott as best man. '1 he ring ceremony was used very impressively by Rev. J, W. Patton, of Klnu College, music was softly rend ered during the ceremony and the bridal party retired from the churcn with Mendelssohn s Wedding March, as the recessional. the church was filled to overflowing with friends of HER TRIP ALL IN VAIN Ontario Lady Journeys to Kicnmond, in Search oi Relief, But Without Sue cess. Ontario, Va. "I went to Rich mond, says Mrs. 11. L. Anderson "and consulted a specialist; I tried almost everything in the medicine line, but nothing proved a cure until I tried Cardui. I had IndigesCton very bad, and n complication of . dis eases. -..'' Althoueth I had no faith In it, I bought a bottle of Cardui, bnt soon there was such a change, t was cer tainly benefited. I felt so different Then, I began to take the medicine In earnest Now I can do my work, aud I eat and sleep like a young person Cardui also cured my daughter of womanly troubles. : I keep cardui lq the house all tho lime. It Is a great blessing to all women who need it." If you suffer from any form of wo manly weakness, try Cardui, tho wo man's tonic. Cardui helps nature to perform a cure, in a natural, easy way. It is made from mild herbs, hav ing a gentle tonic effect on the wo manly constitution. It improves the appr!o tones -up the weak, nervous system, and helps to make pale cheeks look fresh and rosy. - . Cardui Is successful. Try it. N. B.-Wrlto to: Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn., for Special Instruc tions, and 61 -page book. "Home Treat ment for Women." aent In plain wrap- er. on request. ; ; i this well known cotfple, many out-of town guests being present. The bride is a most charming and cultured young woman, a former honor graduate of Peace Institute. Mr, Scott, a native Carolinian spent several years at the Cniver.iity men completed the course at Eastman Col lege, Poughkecpsie, and is now with the Armour Co.J at Tftrytown, N. Y, The popularity of this counle was attested by the many beaullfiil and useful gifts of silver, cut glass', - hand painted china, brie-a-hrao, etc. Mr. and . Mrs. Scott left on the west bound train for northern points and will be. at home after April 1st at the Irvine.-House, Tarrytown, , New York. MRS. .JOH X W. PKRN KI.L. Passed Away Wednesday Nicht at ll:.'iO at Knoxville -Funeral to he in Raleigh. A telegram ; received this morning by Mr. John M. Woinbie brought tin news of the death of his sister. Mis; John W. Pernell, : who passed away last night, Wednesday, February 10 at 11:30 o'clock at her home in Knnx- lie. Tenn. Her death occurred after o;;".y ,-i brief illness so that the news came as a shock to her many friends in this city. . .. Before her marriage to Mr. John W. Pernell, of this county, she was Miss Virgilia W'omble, the daughter of the late Jordan Womblo, Jr., of this city. For a number of years past s-he lias resided in Knoxville where she has made a great number of friends, i.ov- ng and kind hearted and of tin es- lecially hospitable nature she made friends with all who knew her. Be fore going to Knoxville she had resid ed in both Shelby and Nashville, N. C, where the news pf her death wii: be received with deep regret by many friends there. She is survived by a husband and one son, Mr. Julian K. Pernell, of Knoxville, also two brothers, Mr. John M. Wombie, of the firm, of Dobbin Ferrall Co., and Mr. Joseph F. Womble, with the Durham & Southern Railway at Dunn, N. C. ' The remains are expected to arrive n Raleigh tomorrow afternoon at 6:30 o'clock. The funeral will be held some ime Saturday. Announcement of the hour will be made later. . THREE CHARTERS TODAY. Windsor, Hobbsville, Marion, Get To. day's Charters. The Windsor Manufacturing Com pany ,of Windsor, is today chartered to acquire, hold, improve, lease and sell, timber, farming and other lands and products thereof; to build, con struct, maintain and operate plants and works for development of such lands and handling the products thereof. The total authorized capi tal stock Is $25,000. The stockhold ers are James H. White, R..W. John son, W. J. Francis. : V The Farmers Bank of Gates, ' of Hobbsville, Gates county, is charter ed to conduct a commercial and sav ings bank.- The total authorized capital stock is $10,000. but'may be-! gin when $5,200 has been subscrib- ed. The stockhqlaers are C.JB. Hath away, E. A. Roiintree and Others:' Marion Enterprise Manufacturing Company, 6f Marion, MeDowell coun- . , - j. . . ty, is chartered to purchase, buy, sell, timber lands; to build and op-, erate saw mills, planing mills, tram 1 erate saw mills, planing mills, tram roads, etc. The total authorized cap- ltal stock is $50,000 but may be- -h .... v u' ,u' gin when $2,000 has been subscrib- ed. The stockholders" are James I. Blackburn, Gerard Sail. D. L. Carl ton, J. N. Yelton. Death of Mrs. Collins. Mrs. O. J. Collins passed away this morning at 7:05 o'clock at her homo 411 North Boy Ian Avertue. The fun eral services will be held at. the fam ily burying ground near Apex tomor row afternoon at two o'clock; '; A husband and six children ' sur- MISS MORSE GETS A FORTPN'E, Left 9100,000' From Mkrse Estate Didn't Expect It. l,os Angeles, Cal., Maroh 16 Miss May Morse, a telephone operator- nt the Hotel Lankersaim.' Is today $100,000 richer than the ever expect ed to be. The air of mystery . wliich, sur rounded Miss Morse since she secur ed employment at the Sunset Phone of the Lnnkershim Hotel four weeks ago was cleared up yesterday when it was stated by the management, of the hotel, that &b. was the cousin of diaries W, Morse, the convicted Ice king.. : : ' On Monday evening Miss Morse re ceived several telegrams from the firm of Henderson & Dineen, of Bath Me., informing her that the estate of Mrs. Benjamin iorse, mother of the financier, had been settled after years of litigation, leaving $100,000 to her credit. Miss- Morse arrived in Los Angeles from New York city a month ago. Red Cross Receipts. The following additional receipts for contributions made to Joseph G. Brown,.-'. treasurer, : for the relief of Chinese sufferers: Amount previously reported. $659.76 W. H. Rufflri. Louisburg . . 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mftchener Friinklinton ... . ; . .'.'.', 0.00 Antiorh S. S through M. L. Fowler. Riley . . ., ... 7.06 Mrs. I. F. Hill, treasurer of the W. F. M. Societies of Memorial Methodist , Church, First Presbyterian church, St. Phillip's Eiiis- : copnl church and First Baptist church of Durham 56.. 15 John A. McLeod, Carthage . 2.00 Geo. M. Manning, Alert , . . 2.00 Military Commissions. Adjutant General R. L. I,einster today issued a commission to Fran els J. Clemenger, ; of Asheville, as captain of medical department North Carolina National Guards and to E. M. Edwards, of Franklinton, as Sec ond Lieutenant, Company F, Third Regiment, Infantry, florth Carolina National Guards. Judge Connor In. Ruleigh. Judge H. G. Conner will be in Ral eigh Monday, MarcU 20th, for the purpose of hearin'.'any motions in ae circuit court.' u; Portrait of Rriglmni Young. ., ( By Leased Wire to The Times. ) Washington, March 16 The navy department will nol' take any steps to prevent the stat of Ctah from presenting a silver service to the bat tleship, which bears' fhe name of taat state, on the ground that the service bears a portrait of Brigham Young. This statement was officially made by the department --today.,.', which draws attention to the fact -that 'the same question arose some time ago when the state ot Mississippi be stowed a silver service bearing the portrait of Jefferson Davis upon, the battleship Mississippi. The depart ment holds that it cannot control the acUor.8 of a state in such matters. : Fire At Pensacola. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Birmingham, Ala., March 16 A iccial despatch here at Jtialf past w,lve this afternoon from Pensacola, Fla., says a big fire is raging the,. Ten blocks ; had then been destroyed by th? flames which were spreading rapidly. A heavy northwest wind is fanning the flames. The fire brlginated at the 'nion depot and, is travelling , toward arden street. A number of buildings on West Romaine street are now -burn- ng. The lrc 1st entirely beyound the conti'oj of the repartmehf. i iiu jure laii-r naa contTonea. j uc oss is- about $J,ir0.f''d. Kteamsliip Ashore. fBy Leased Wire to The Times) Norfolk, Va , Marrtl 16 An uni dentified steamship went ashore in n heavy i gale on Chlncoteague Shoals today and is being battered by ter rific seas. -The shoals are located off Chlncoteague Island, Acconiniae county, Va. The vessel will prob ably be a total .loss. Life- savers are preparing to take off the crew and passengers. : Household Economy Bow to Rava the Beat Coagh ''Hjtmp mud SV '""- Makta It at Ho-aa. .ough'in take one-pint of granulated sugar add & pint oc warm water, ana vtir aoom. 2 minutes, yon hv aa good ayrup as money could buy. . ' JWtJ wSrt?n?nTb!,tue II. you win- men put zft .ounces .ot and fill it up with the Sugar Syrup, you w4U hava aa much cough syrup, aa you Couid buy ready made for $5.50. It Tnrt "i. ' w ,,!! OI otner traln earninK. tbfs si '?oTveru2d-i;v?S wh tSping ! fra,n would be l.ort. When asked syrup you aver used even in whooping hours.. It fa just laxatlvs enough, has good - tonte effect and taata I pleaaant. ;?ake h. hnnrs. " . It is isplenaid remdy, too, for 1 PSHS.W''SfwRK.. tratedf compound of Norway white pine extract, rich in gulalcol iamt all tba beallng pine elements. No other prepa ration will work In thla formula. - Thla redp for making cough remedy with Pinex and Sugar Syrup la now used ami prised In ttimi-anrte of homes In the United State and Canada.. The plan bbs often been Imitated but never successfully. A guarantee of absnlute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded goa with thla reciDe. Your druairlst has Plnex. or will get it for you. If -not, send Th PuM) CoH ru. Waytee, Ind, -: u-., Pimples Off In 5 Days The New Calcium-. Sulphide Treat, ment Does Wonders to Every Kind of Skin Eruption. Trial Package Sent Free to Prove It, You don't want to wait forever and a day to get rid of your pim ples or other skin eruptions. You want to get rid of them right now Next week you may -want to go somewhere where you wouldn't like to have to take the pimples along, Yon can get rid of them just in time by taking Stuart's Calcium Wafers. ' These wonderful little workers have cured bad boils in three days and some of the worst cases of skin disease in a week. TliQ$' contain as their main ingred ient the most thorough, quick and ef fective blood cleanser known, cal cium sulphide. Remember this, too, that most pimple treatments reek with poison, And they are miserably slow besides Stuart's Calcium Wafers have not a particle of poison in them.. They are free from mercury, biting drugs or venomous opintes. This is abso lutely guaranteed. They cannot do any harm, but they always do good -good that, you can son in the mil' ror before your own eyes a few days ufier. Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy face. Don't have strangers stare at you, or allow your friends to be ashamed of you because of your face. Your blood makes you what you are. The men and women who forge ahead are those with pure blood and pure face. ., Stuart's Calcium Wafers will make you happy because your face will be a welcome 'sight, not only to yourself when you look into the glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks with you, ; W e want to prove to you that Stu art s Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best and quickest blood aim sum punnor in tne world so we will send you a free sample as soon as we got your name and ad dress. Send for it today, and then when you have tried the sample you win not rest contented until you have Doug4l a-oOc. box at your drug gists. Send us your name and address to day and we will at once send you by man a sample package, free. Ad dress F. A. Stuart Co.. 175 Stnnrt Bldg., Marshall, Mich. The Railroads Object. (Continued from Page One.) ot business at Pittsboro and San- fOrd. This new train, In his opinion wouiu ue patronized very Well and would increase the travel alone- thp road from Sanford to Raleigh. When asked about the'-county roads from Merry Oaks to Plttsboro, he said t ney a re very bad. The people would like to have the new train that they may come to Raleigh X. M. Bryan. Mr. N. M. Bryan,, of , Pino Bluff. said he lived between Sanford and Hamlet and there is a great deal of anxiety to have, the new train go on to Hamlet. They now have only one local train each way from Hamlet to Raleign in the day. About 15 or 20 years ago there was just the same service, today the population along the road is doubled and the service certainly should be doubled. Every year about 5,000 northern visitors come to .Southern Pines and other points. Now they 'cannot travel up and down the road, only on one local train each way. Should they want to see the country with a view of buying and locating they are given no convenience of travel. It is short-sightedness in the road officials to oppose this train. Certainly the road gets the lion's share of the money Invested along the road. Ho raced the building of the several mall towns along the road and de clared that the railroad holds the key to thp situation in that investors cannot get free access along the line at present. Mr. Hlx asked Mr. Bryan if he knew what built South ern Pines, and he replied that he understood that the railroads built It, but he might also add that thn jtown was built in spite of the Sea board schedule. Mr. Bryan then ex- . plained the development of the sandy lands of Moore and Chatham counties. - Mr. Hlit. Mr. Hlx,' who is" vice-president and general lijanager '6( itbe Seaboard Air Line, said it may be platisable to run this train to Sanford, but the question revolves itself to one fact, that of how bad the Sanford people want the new train. Figuring on the iw e uasea nis ngures ne gave the following cost per mile: Cost of tu nerintendnnt fini79- i.iinmii ..j .,,, uu , niaLLuu . service. .003815; yard service, .001850: train .014745: engine house ex- pense. .001497; fuel for locomotives, .015057; water for locomotives, .001155; "lubrity for cars, .0003701; supplies, .004931; ' miscellaneous, .006605; maintenance way, .045449; maintenance equipment, .027832; general expenses, .006247; rental equipment, .047980. Grand total of cost per mile .693444. He declared .tthal the additional service charges would depend upon the hours of the schedule. : y .- . , The commissioners announced that they would take the matter under consideration Norlin to Weldon. Before the hearing as to the Ral eigh to Hamlet train there was a conference between the commission- Iavu and ftt T41v 'ai fha KnflhnniH nt which it was agreed to extend the Ralelgh-Norllna train to Weldon. This agreement takes effect April 21. H.H. Powell Shot at' Men, - Kills Himself. (Continued From Page One.) shots and a woman rushed in yelling, "My God, a man is shot." He said he ran out into the waiting room but too late to save anyone, as Powell had shot himself and at tne other men, and was lying upon the lloor. He said he heard none of the conver sation and did not know any of the cause. THE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEES. Report That Fitzgerald Will Get Ways aud Means Chairmanship Denied. ' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, March 15 Represen tations that the position of chairman of the house committee on appro priations is as good as. won by Rep resentative Fitzgerald and that, the opponents of the Tammany member have been worsted, are vigorously de nied here. It is assorted that, the question of who will fie cnaiiinan of the committee is unsettled. As the situation stands, the ways and means democrats have for the time being passed over tie matter of shaping up the-committees- and are working on the tariff program. The ways and means democrats are about evenly divided on the question ol giving Flizgerald . the honor ho covets. THE HOFFSTOT CASE Pittshurg Grafter Denied n Change of Venue, (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Philadelphia, Pa., Starch -Hi Frank H. Hoffffstot, millionaire president of the Pressed Steel Car Company, who Is under Indictment in connection with the Pittsburg graft cases, was today denied a change o venue of his (rial by the supreme court. Mr. Hoffstot set forth in his pe tition that he is a resident and citi zen of tho rtty of New York .and pres ident of several large Industri-il plants. He stated that because of bis connec tion with labor troubles at bis plants in Allegheny rounty and becauso of newspaper publications concerning the grrft exposure he feared he would be unable to get a lair and impartial trial In the county ot Allegheny. The petition also made an unsuccess ful attempt to have the indictments against him squashed. As a result of the supreme court's action, the de fendant will now have to stand trial in Pittsburg. 5c- ASK YOUR GROCER BREAD Is the motto of our Bakery Shop. We have devoted our entire lifo to the Bakery busi nessand it seems as If we should know how to make "the best breads." Bretsch's 100 P. C. Pure Malt Bread Has been a winner. Served from our ovens piping hot to your grocer twice dally, It has won a home with the house keepers. If your grocer can't serve you with "Bretsch's Bread" phone us and our wagon will make a hurried call. f BRETSCH'S H- BAKERY 100 A BANK FOR ALL PEOPLE . This liank is not for the rich alone, it is sincerely interested In tho ' welfare of every man, woman, boy and Rlrl in Raleigh and, vicinity, and for that reason accepts small as well as large deposits. If you OiUyMiavft.. $1.00 with wiiich to open nn account you will be aa cordially welcomed By this bank, wliich is under the suerviNiou of the United -States Govern-', ment, as though you had thousands. . . ' ', . ' .. !; The Commercial National Bank. RALEIGH, K. C. . 4, on Savings Compounded Quarterly. . t ' OUR 1911 CATALOGUE Is free, write for It, and you will be astonished at what we will save yon on the price of a MONUMENT. If yon fail to do this we both -lose money. . Yon get the work and see it set np on your lot before you are asked to accept it. This Is better than guarantee. Yours for moderate charges on Monumental work, T. O. SHARP MARBLE & GRANITE CO.. , DURHAM, N. C. , . MONUMENTS OF QUALITY. ' FRECKLES Xcw Drug Thnt Quickly Removes These Homely Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as a new drug, othine double strength has been discovered that is a positive cure for these homely spots. Simply get one ouce of othine double strength, from Henry T. Hicks Co., and apply a little of it at night, and In the morning you will see that even tho worst have begun to disap pear, while the light freckles have vanished entirely. It Js seldom that more than an ounce Is needed to com.t plclely clear the skin and gain a beau-r tlful clear complexion. i Be sure to ask for the double strength othine, as this is sold under guarantee of money back If it fails to remove the freckles. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. We use nothing but the purest and liest Drugs obtainable NIGHT. CLERK IN REAR OP STORE HENRY T. HICKS CO. Roth Phones, 107. (r Spring Improvements Opening Up What improvements are you going to make to beautify your home and lot. Why not Jet us give you ail estimate for a concrete hedge around the yard, or to fix up those steps. We make a specialty of Concrete and Cement work, excepting no job as too large or too small. Climax Concrefa Co. 100 E. Morgan St, , WHOLESOME NUTRITIOUS PURE 1