7 1 I (r Trrrrr mm SIM SS Do .riot, put off buying your Spring Shoes. ' Buy early and you will saver time and money. . .These area few of our excellent values. ladies' SuVde Strap Pumps at $3'.0O. Infants' .Soft Shoes at 25 cents. - Children's Slippers at 60 cents and up. Can you beat these? C. E. UPDHURCH & SON. 110 E. Hargett St. ' YourJMoney Back if You Want It. QL1SIC COT (By Leased Wire to The. Ttms. Los Angeles, Cal., March JT Interest cronifnuos to jrrow in the outcome of today's meeting or TColgaRt and Mem sic at the Vernon lirena of th Pacific athletic clob. While the "r-emtest' . is scheduled to go twenty round.", diver slty of opinion existij abuuthow Ipngr It will go. Wolgasfs sponsors look for him to win inside nf l, rounds while .fanciers of Mfinslc's chances are not Inclined to .xpecify any number of rounds, . -.-, Much will depend bn their condition.. Among tho wiseacres ,lt Is generally hinted that Wolgurt iunnot : possibly ho in "tlitt' best of fettle after a six rtnys training TullowlnR a (Ivo ilny car tiavjl. -'I'lK'jf ulso think that Wol past's right srm will slvc him troiibl.i imnln uflep a few round of strenuous yotk. Nlnawd boxniR- lullowers are loud In their praise of Mcylstc's condition- - The odds still remain to 1 on Wol Kut WMh very little ' Memslc money lo he -found. . Banivy Oltlfleld Is one, man who. thinks enough of the Bohe mian s chances to back him financially. The speed king wngared 2(K) ngalnst t'.C-O put up by Tom Jones. - This la the largest bet registered. '' ': ."f .it'-' Wolgast Matched Aftuiust Moran. Lrts Angeles. Cal., March JT-4ro motor James W. Coftroth nf Saiv Fran caaco has matched up Ad Wolgast to "MIL. -TT.' W leceptlr disease; TT? ATTTIT T thousands havo Itahdj IIUJVUUIU tdon't now.U.. If you, if want ; goyi, resuits jou f!(ia.tm)Ui(ytpo mistake try .using IriiKlmer'i SWdint. Root, the great kidney remedy. At drugglBis . In' fiftv-eentiyAd' 'dollar sizes. Sample bottle by mall free, also .pamph let telltnir'yoir how to And out If you have kldnev trouble.. . v Address. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham. tOn N Yr ' -r- Barry -then attempted to put a little life In his - work. SCOTLAND .NECK NEAVH. LATEST MAP OF NORTH CARO Una and the United States. Time readers send 30 cents for postage and get one of these One wall map. '''' tt-tf m?t .Owen -Mntun. In a battle for the las large a Scotland Neck has no nm- woi-urs -lightweight chainpionKhlpt Hectlon vwhatever' from fH-e. A few M-heduled to go twenty rounds In the I years ago;;the town purchased an up northern city on next July 4. I to-date fire engine, but Boon after Its For this match Wolgast is to receive I arrival here . It was destroyed by fire, i-',uuv. ; l nis is tne sum that Manuger I the building. In : which , It was kept rom. Jones has-been holding out for I having burned, the fire originating so for several months and Is one which I near the engine that It was Impossible many cnues nave declared he would, t save it. : Since that time the peo- nover receive tor meeting the English- I pie- have seemed to take things easj ninn , land have prepared absolutely .nothing t.offroth put a double yoke on Wol-I with -which to fight a Are, not even a past signing him up to meet FraiikleJ bucket or ladder does the town, possess Burns in ban ! ranciscoon a twenty No Protection J'Voiu l'ire -Mitri-lago ; of Intcri-st hooping Cough. (Special to Tho -Times.) Scotland Ncok, Mui-ch 17 Some even Inns rho' Miss :Amiie Josev, the as sistant teacher In the primary-department of thft Baptist Sunday school Very' delightfully Uliteitained -the .Stin .bctinrfi, o ehiidren's ovzuTilaHttm.-of the Haptlst church. : From four to five the little bunbeatns imioyed Mihm JoNtws; hospitality; and from seven to leu the lurffcr hunbeaaii- were entertain' ,. Iho children ' engaged in different games ana were ferveu-caKO, cream ana other refreshments. Air. William: v.' Ferry, who is con nected with tho United States Win-less Telegraph Company, and Jllss Olpha vearl Uissilter were married in Nor rom some days ago. Mr. Perry is n fclin nf --.-Mrs XV P, .ntiir,.iti rf tiiit niaM'.MH. h.. m. I,. ere. .-The Wow that ullccted the veil who wJsli him and his bride much l-ualro sint't-.. . oeenrretl during happiness. r It is somewhat strange that a town ?Yr I V't ui"- i J tf - , 1 l-v iN-rf I 3 f V, ' j ! I . A.. 4. Di-ex'el Jliddlc, tlio lullilon- aire clubman and amateur piiKUist whose fonJnesK for the manly art has nearly cost liliu Ho siubt of his riuht l boat with I'hUiMlelphia Jock O'llrlen The mlUionaire was hurried home, specialist was called, who, after work- l-hrs over the-iiijured eye for hours was able to -relieve: the partial blindness Beside tlve injury to Itis eye the mil lionaire- clubman also lost three of his teeth. Forced to Leave Homo. Every year, a largo number of poor- suflerers, whose lungs are sore , an racked with coughs, ate urged to go to It seems : that ( Bio business men and Jam climate.. But this is costly an round bout the. last week in Mav. Fori property .owners Vwould Bti'pply a neces- not always sure. There, a better tl-o Burns battle Wolgxat receives a sary fire fighting1 apparatus; not to do way. Let Dr.. Klns'y New Discovery 0niatantee of $7,irt Iso they, are -taking desperate chances I cmo you at home. "It cured mo of These two matches were made VimoiI I on losing what thev havo. besides nav- I ,un trouble,', writes W.. It. ,-Nolpon, of condition -that Wolsritat hems rleniir liner a hlirh rate nf inanrnnee . Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed The whooning couch has been rac- an1 t gainea pouiuis in wcignt., in ing here among the children for some surely the king of all cough and lung time, -'nearly everv chhrl in tmvn hav. I cures-." Thousands owe their lives and ing an attack. So far there have heen health to it. It's positively guarantee: no serious results from it. but we jin- I for Coughs, Colds,, Lalli ippe, Asthma, derstand there are a few exeeedinelv I Croup all Throat and Lung troubles bad cases. Almost every dav we hear Momslc this afternoon Another "Wlnto Hoiks" Eliminated. New York, March 17 Jim Barry another "white hope" is eliminated from ehumplnnship possibilities today as a insult oi ins defeat by. Joe Jean nette, the colored heavyweight, before I of some child who had not had it be. tne National sporting Club last night. I ing attacked with the maladv jeannette had the better of every I The horse -dealers have nhont. fln. round. Barry's showing was . so poor ished their season,; and are preparing in tne inst tour rounds that Manager to fold their tents and- await -another m ivuurKu iiii-eiiieneu 10 stop tne ngiit; I season, we heard a. gentleman say a few duys-ago that thei-e had been more 1 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at King Crowell Drug , Company. - E E L RY : COMPLETE, CHANGE OF rOGUAI TODAY IN, THE WILDEENESS. .'---,-7liAjcat-.-Veiitecni I'ioture of the ear. - . ( AN INTRIGUE. A JJennttfully CoIoihmI IlisKirlcal I'luy by I'attie Frercs. a motJKArii. EFFECTING A CURE. (CtHlHtlj ) a urooiLirii, Levin's Orchestra Plays, Here Tonight From 8:00 to 10:30 ARONSON & BROWNE - Managers stock sold here this season than ever before In the history of the towm There were four concerns dealing in stock, and It-is said they -have- all i done a good business. This seems to I be a most excellent etock market,-and I '""n he tulked -Interestingly of certai IJELASCO AT ASHEV1LLE. Noted Playwrisrlit SK-nUiiiK Momr Time in That City. (Special to The Times.) Ashovllle, N- C, March 17 David Belasco the great playwright la now re siding at Witchwood In Woolsey, suburb of Ashevlllft To a newspapt- I where so many teams go is a problem. .: No: Need to Stonework. When your doctor orders you. to stop worn, it staggers you. : "I can't" you say. You. know ypu , are .weak, run- sown and falling in health, .day by day. I but you must work as long as yoa cad stand. What, you need Is Electric Bit ters to give tonf , strength, and vigor to your system,: to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don't . be weak. theatrical conditions in New York. H says that his n$t'play to be given n New York In the spring will be "The Iteturn of Peter Grim" in which David Warfleld is to take the leading role, In thi3 play- is presented the theory Is It possible for the dead to return It was originally ..''produced In Boston and is finishing the season at the Blackstone theatre In Chicago. In regard to the theatre wluci wa started in New- York' this season -for the purpose ol , rotoi'inlng the stage I will, benefit "you from the first doso I Thousands- bless them., for their glori oug ncaiin anu wrentrtli. , Try theui, b very bottle; Is guaranteed to satisfy Only uOe at Klng-Crowell Drug Com- M CHAPEL HILL NEWS. Much. Interest in Coming Lectures- Baseball Season Ojtens Today. (Special to The Times.) Chapel Hill, March 17 Much 'interest had .taken too largo and too expensive :U.plaeo:. ami .i -smaller theatre may . be built' further. down-town. He 'remark ed that- thev madi.-a mistake when declared too budlv that they were Kuiug ti. reform the stage that successliil . reformers do nut a! ways accomplish their ends I. v cast ing reflections upon existing condi tions. ' Do you know that of all tho minor ailments colds are by far the most dangerous? It is not the cold itself EASTER : HINTS from HINTON Eveirv Man i : jQ i- '1 pii&f v Should Have at least one tallofcerjto-r measure Suit, no matter ' how mahv ordinary reafiy-mades.- His .ward- J loue iImyoMIr w ay not order ond how For Edstet Sunday the fashion, day all 4he , year, auu.ue uiesseti as,weu-- as any nuui- . in oe umiea States? You know the: vir tues of . '.'HintbnV -tailpr-made clothes and you can af ford our pric&s.' Place your order todayf or present or future delivery. . A. C niNTON, ' -f.t ;-.!' . ----r,. :-(--,- V 'iyi''-,,-.-' "North Carolina's Foremost Tailor." ItooniH 7, 8, 0, 1 1 Alci chiinU Nullonul Is being manifested In the coming 'ha' , you "eefd lft0 ar'. ,but, th McNalMectures to be delivered. March d'sses that It often leads to. Most ?4th, 25th -and 28th, by Dr. Henry Van " u,eBe " 1 W , u,s.-ai,e. Dvko. lately of rince.m, TTniv,.Siiv Pneumonia and consumption aro among Dyke, Dr. Van Dyke : has achieved world farhe as i lecturer, author and phil osopher and Jiis visit to Chapel Hill will be an event long to-be remem bered. - He will deliver three lectures on the following subjects: "The Poetry of Nature," "The Poetry of Patriotism and Humanity," and "The Poetry, of the unseen World." These addresses W ill mark the fourth -series of the Mc- Nalr lectures-the first being delivered hi- 1908 by Dr.,. Francis .Hi Smith of tho University af Vlrglnht, the second ln',190D by President- Francis Laudley Patto,-.-of:.;:the Princeton Theological Seminary and the. .thitd -.last' spring by President , David : Starr Jordan of naira-rearaidra. universniyy them. Why not take - Chainberlals Cough Remedy and cure your -.cold while you can? For sale by all deal, era. FIRE 1 SHIPHOLI). Vessel Loaded With, Creosote. Seethed Doomed Mm Taken oil. '4y Cable to -The Times.) Uravosand,- -bmr-.- March 17 With a fire raging in her' hull, the steamer North .Point, bntuul. for: Plulndelphui. put In here today. . Tho fire which had originated': in the engine room swept through, the entire after part of the jsel. ' despite the efforts-of the crew to quench it. Distress . signals took A ' rui'mml htA 1 1. . f . M. IK. ... " HM1M.MUCB VI IUB 11 1 K.'!! lu or'rir. rL.' "?rU . - The ..e. of the tugs helped Dey and .Dr.C. H. Herty, have drawn u-p resolutions Tto exbress their loss and I bereavement, In tthe sad. death, of Dr,- I Palmer-eobbv. Though Dr. Cqbb was M ounested wlth-.thc: TJnlversilyn. short time, his lul Hence was viy-i-at-aiid-l - v ' - .. ,- ' , . 7?r, . .' I (he nitn lound it liupossib v wery. bpe t feersrvthut-' the University 1 1V,,, .., , - ... i-i lias sumered a groat Joss.. The baseball; seawmopeHs up on to day when itho Carolina nine will meet Ulio! Oak Hidge nine,-,. .Oak Hldgo al ways hks a. good team and they arc lxpeeted to. give. the Carolina boys a lively time today. . However Coach Chahcey.?'doy 'not- feel worried., The eoach .has -not fully decided on hi? llrie-up, though it is thought that it fight the fire while' the smaller ves selsi.stood by t" take-off the men.-ln the event t-hat it should be necessary to eve them. Owing: to the fact-that-.a large part of.. the cargo was uuniposcd of creosote to chock thb spread of the llames. .Finally when It appeared that the vessel was doom ed the crew was taken-off although the tugs standing by. kept streams uf water playing on the ship: A Clear Uraiu and healthy body are essential for success. ..Business. men,' teachers, students, housewives, and . 9ther workers say Hood's Sar- w ill be something like this: Wither-jsaparilla gives them appetltle and strength, and-makes their work seem Bank Building becond Floor. ..BALEIOHv . C. ....... -- ....,-r - .-...t.v7ttc.M.J u4 . Ihgton or Page, catcher; Calmes, first; Hasty, ; sex-8ndriL1flflsay,--short'; ; Ed, wards,-, third;. : H,aeknejv center. -Mc. Ijean,' Wkht Pernber ori- Hanes, , Jeft j ' be(' '-Chambers, "Duls and Winston, -Ai: good' gamel ls expected though .the cold- weather will " tend, to make' It , a ilittle...slowK. Every -one is .In flue-con. dltlon and Jfeellng- Jlne over' the pros pects of a sure 'nough game, ' Only" OnHVRAOIJUUKUV easy.- Ing. It over'comes that tired feel- Every tlme a woman looks at tho photograph of an actress she is in clined to teel discouraged. , The most common cause of insomnia its diaordorKf of the stomachs , Chamber lain's btomuch aad LLvor'Tahlols cor- 'That Is LAXATIVE R0MO QVEK-Jaiefcp. For jtala bKa41 , dealers. .w: QIjvb. - ysed tne world over tol ,;?IahoitaBT Ight-day Walls SO j BbYUlt-PEARCE CO, j BOYLAW-PdgCElCg BOYLANlPEA TUB STTLK BOOK, SPUING 1911, N6W BEADT. a AND A SWELL SHOW 0E PATTERMATS -'.';.' We Franklv Admit Our Inabilitv to Pronerlv Convey An' I Adequate . Idea of if .. v -. , . . . Their Smart Stylishness. The New Tailored Suits ; , White Serge, plain and with pin stripes and heavy .wi'de , wale, diagonal Suits are quite stunning. The coats are short, "plain-tailored; skirts are made in straight line effects. . , . - Plenty of Costume Suits and Street Dresses in Spring Colorings. Spring Suits and Lingerie Dresses. This show of .Wash Dresses for smartness and utility is unequaled. Voiles, Marquisetes, Batistes, Linens, and French Lawns. Black and White Combinations. Some with a startling touch of color, adding tone and character these to be seen in the Coat Suit Section in liberal quantities. New Things in Millinery. If it's new in New York you may expect to find it in our Millinery Sa lon. New Pattern Hats put out since the opening began will add zest to the occasion. White and. black is much the vogue in Millinery, with slight touch . of color in bold contrast. For Young Lady Students. Monday will be designated as "School Girl's Day", and the most charming and bewitchingly becoming Hats to youth and beauty will be out on special display. OYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY Raleigh, North Carolina Y A little of the "Green" buy "a heap of Brass It's a nitty., tihowlng ot tho beautiful in this line. Most 'anything that .yyu could or would vaut in lirus-s tiootls is uOw- on diHi'lay; Come in and ' lootc. You "dotft have to-buy.' ' ' 'While yOtt are hero 'bt sure to sec our nun- eo ot Cut Glass. . ..... Weathers & Perry, Interior iK-torators, - A1J1?H. 5. fi. IS YOUR HORSE WELL GROOMED " Ttjfa m lfPirr:- Imnnrtant nnrt It. thn KonrillAc nf vntii. l,rw.. and we make it a special feature for the horses we boardt ( We have competent men that know the "keep" of horses and every special care Is taken of your horse when placed in our boarding stables. ' PLUMMER'S STABLES. THE MOVING VAN FOLKS." Both- Phones. lift Bast Morgan Street . KALEIQH, H. C "Little and Often is What Fills the Purse. Anyone with the inclination to save should come to this llank and stmt an account. We Teach You to Save. We Make it Easy to Save. We Lend Encouragement. We Pay You to Save. We allow 4 interest on savings and compute the interest four times a year. Money dciKisitcd on or before tlio trd day . of tim rh.ohtb-.iN usUtlt.'d to ..11 In, ,.-.,., liiw tun uiuuu. m mKtvni. .... riCHANICS SAVINGS BANK Merchants National Bank; OP RALEIGH, N. C, Condition at Close of Business March 7, 1911: Capital Stock; . . .... . . . : . . ... . . . !$ .100,000.00 ' Surplus and Undivided Profits. . . . . .. . . , 2l,ZG2i7 Deposits . . . ...... $1,376,319.19 : Began Business March 29, 1909. ,Paid Dividends, $9,000 . OFFICERS: E. C. Duncan, President; Wm. H. Williamson, Vice President; W. F. Utley, Second Vice-President; W. B. ' Drake, Jr., Cashier; S. J. Hinsdale, Assistant Cashier. iters Succteil whta - e-wrythlnff lse fclto. JaiiMrvpus prostratkui.:. and, female WKknesiks they ate . hs supreme remedy,. a tboiwands hava testified. FOR KIDNEY.L1VER AND STOMACH TROUBLE , ft it Jfhj Jbtstjjnediclneever sold . : ever a iWggwti coonicr Stnteiuitnt of CoudUiou pt the , CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK . and THE RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. Raleigh, X. C, March 7, 1911. , ItKSOUltCES. U. S. and State Bonds at par . . .. .. ........ 462,900.00.; Loans and Investments. . ...... ...... .. ........ 1, 3S6, 361. 77- Cush and Due from Banks ., 727.2S9.16 $2,576,550.93 LIABILITIES. CHliital . . . .. ..... . . . . . . 315,000.00 Surplus and Profits ... . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 144,533.70 Circulation . . .. ... 100,000.00 Deposits .. .. .. ...i.. '.-..;. .. .. .. .. .. 2,017,017.23 : ; $2,576,550.93 Chas. E. Johnson, President. H. Briggs, Cashier. flaleigti Biking id Trust ed; Th "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. :',' Standa iitt I : m RELipLEOUND--BANKmG. '4 ' 1 -Jt. il n ; u si M - J'i. ill -.1 ti h ii r -At. . li '1 . 0 jv-mu a vviu iy vuv Van- uv. coupons imd f S.80