J3T0CXS; COTTON ( A u : '.-'. New Torit Stock Market. -..-', .: ' --, . r (By Charles W. Storm.) C.Ncw York, March 17 The stock mar- ,ket- opened heavy today with the prices .of . Mexico, second preferred, were ex- CtDtlons. the; former ow,ntJi with , an .idrance, pf and the latter up r "nThe following declines were recorded: vuiiBu oiutcg oieei ; Amaigamateu popper Northern Pacific K- Penn- eylvanla Railroad . ; ; Reading . Union Pacific opened at 17514 or un. .changed, from last night's close. ,' , w.'Cvnstant rumors relative to Japan's Uart )n Mexican affairs were, believed SHt- Omo traders, to have had a de pressing effect on -the market. Steel was for sale In considerable quantities Hod a. great deal' of significance was attributed to the resignation of First :Vice President William B. Dickson, as further Indication of disagreement be tveen the Carnegie party and the donf- inant Interest In the management of tlic corporation. ?The curh market opened nioderatcy active, and steady! - Gains were made fty,i "American shares in London, at jtbaugh ' trading . was . narrow, vproiounoed,.. Irregularity'"' ruled .thighowt jtho.late trading this after noon .and. changes were .".confined -Jo factions. 'about ' : . equally divided throughout the list. A few . of. tho Standard railroad stocks and . some of the .higher priced industrials displayed strength and as a result moved up slightly., s. The Hill stocks were exceptionally strong. Great Northern preferred mov thg up from its low to 128. Reading, Union Pacific and New York Central Were strong and fractionally higher at tSe-close. : New York Closing- NKk List. (By. Leased Wire to The Times.) -;..V..v... ........... .......sh Amalgamated Copper .. .. .. .. 63)4 American Ice Securities 23 American Sugar Refinery .. .. . ..118 American Smelting .. : 754 American Locomotive .. .. ... . ,, 38 American Car Foundry G2$i American Cotton OH .. .. ., ., .. 694 American Woolen ., .. ....... ,.3i Anaconda .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. 38 Atchison .. .. ..,.1074 Atlantic Coast Line . ....... . .119 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. .. .. .. 77.14 Baltimore A Ohio .. .. .. .. .. ..103 Canadian 'Pacific .. .. .. .. .. 216 Chesapeake & Ohio '.. .. .'. .. 82 Consolidated Gas . . .. .. . .. ..1424 QentVal Leather .. 28 Colorado Fuel ft Iron .. .. ., 3: Colorado Southern .. . ,. .. .. 53 . Delaware & Hudson .. .. .. .. . .1674 Denver & Rio Grande . 31 Distillers Securities .. .. .. .. ,. 36 Trie . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 284 Ijrle. pref. .; .. . .. .. .. ....47-54 nerai Electric ... .. .. ,.149 Great Western .. .. .. .. .. .. . 21 Great Northern, prof. .... ,. .. ..127 OVoat Northern Ore .. .. .. .. .. ..184 ttocKing coal & iron .. .. .. .. 2 Illinois Central ...... .. .. ..1344 Interboro ' .. .. M 19 Jntorboro, pref. .. .. .w &3bi Ibwa Central .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 Kansas City Southern ... .. .. .. 34 . Itantaa & Texas .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 Kansas Texas, prcf. 67 Louisville & Nashville .. . .. ..144 Iehigh Valley .. .. .. .. .. ..1724 Jtlffiourl Pacific .. .. .. ., .. .. 614 ..New Tork Central .. .. .. ..106T4 KOrthwestern .. .. .. .. .. ....1434 National Lead .. .. 614 Norfolk 4: Western .. .. . ..1084 Northern Pacific .. ..1234 OWtartO Western ....f;. -.. ... 614 Pennsylvania 1284 Pacific' Mall .v ., .. ;. ........ 244 Peoples Gas Co. .. .. ... .. .. .,1054 Pressed Steel- Car .. .. .. .. .. .. 324 Reading .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1564 Rock Island .. .. 2914 Reek Island, pref. .. .. .. .. .. 594 Republic Iron & Steel .. .. .. .. .. 33 Republic Iron & Steel, pref. .. .. . 94 Sloss-Shcftleld .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 Southern Pacific .... .. .. .. ..116 Southern Railwuy .. .. .. .. .. 264 Southern Railway, pref. .. .. .. ..634 L Paul .. .. .. ,. .. .. 12114 Tcnn. Copper .. .. .. '.. ''.,.'. .. .. 38 Texas Pacific .. ,. ....... .. .. 284 Third Avenue .. .. .. 94 Union Pacific .. .. ,. .. .. .. ..1744 U. S. Rubber .. .. .. ...... .. 424 Utah Copper .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 434 V. 8. Steel ........ .. .. .. .... 774 U. S. Steel, pref. .. .. .. .. ... .1184 Virginia-Carolina Chemical .. .:. 65 Western Union .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. 72 V4 Wabash .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .'. .. 164 Wabash, pref... .. '.. .. .. .. .. ,. 374 Westingliouse Electric .. .. .. 664 Wisconsin Centra) .. .. 664 Western Maryland .. .. ... .. .. 49 Corn; Products .. .. .. .. .. ..1374 v New York Money. :- (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Ne wYork, March 17 Money on call, 2 3-8 percentn; time money, easy; 60 days, 24 percent; 90 days, i percent; six months, 3 3 1-4 percent! Posted tates: Sterling exchange, 484 487, with actual business in bankers' bills at 486.15 for demand and 483.90 484 for 60 day bills. Prime mercantile paper unchanged at 4 4 percent. Cotton-seed oil. J (By Leased Wire to The TlmeB) v New York, March 17-rCotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, I ranged as follows: y i Close. March . . . . ,. . Aprjl .... May .. . .. ' June v.r ;:.'. iuly . August . . . '. .' September. ... October '. .r . . , . e.70 . 6.73 ., 6.77 .') 6.82 . (.87 . 6.89 . 6.87 6.73 6.76 6.79 6.85 6.88 6.90 6.90 6.50 8.85 'Spot Oil, 6M 6.73; sales, 5,900 parrels. i A woman's Idea of an entertaining 4uan Is one who Is a poor talker and feyoCNj listener..-. - GRAIN PBOVISIONS :. New York Cotto. (By Leased Wire to Tbe Times) New Tork, March 17 The cotton market opened steady today, prices D0'13? '0,Uon fu'0re8 BtMdJr U'' Orpoql, With Spot active and In good (demand. , . .. I Expectation of bullish weekend ngures, naa : me effect of adding strength to the market. There was also considerable : buying from the commission houses and shorts. Bus lness here farored old crop positions. In the late afternoon the market moved out of Its rut and a more ag gressive demand from bull brokers started a covering movement among local shorts that carried May 'to 14.63 and July to 14.45. Open. High. Low. Close. Mar. April May June 1445 14.60 14.46 14.40 13.80 13.15 12.75 ' 'v.-. J.. .:'; :''8.64 ' 14.47 14.44 14.57 14.45 14.39 13.90 13.15 12.72 12.64 14.4 14.45 14.55 4.63 14.45 14.46 .13.95 13.15 12.77 12.66 14.41 July 14.39 13.87 Aug. sep.;: 13.10 Oct.. No; Dec: 12.70 12.59 Jan.' 12.57 Market" cloijed. barely steady. . ; ,, Raleigh Cotton, Uarkei (Reported Dally by Chas. B. John- ton & Son.) Strict good middling, 14 13-16 Good middling, 14 3-1. Strict middling, 14 5-8. Middling, 14 3-8. Tinges, 13 to 13 3-4. Receipts today, 60 bales. '".-' Cbicago Gratm ;:. .'..': (By Leased Wire to The Time3.) Chicago, March. 17 The wheat mar ket was easier this mornig. Trade was light and almost wholly professional in all the, pits. Liverpool opened steady and He lower. Weaker Ameri can cables were offset there by stead iness In Buenos Ay res at the close, The Influence, here was promised moisture in the northwest, absence of which has been a sustaining feature in - this market. The corn v market opened easier. Trading was very light.- The weather Is favorable, for movement and coun try offerings were somewhat larger, Oats were held on scattered short covering. There was almost nothing doing early. Provisions were again lower, al though hogs were steady. Trade was small. Trading In wheat today was light and' almost entirely of a, professional nature. Fluctuations were small, final prices showing May hi off while the deferred months were un "A to L. Scat- tered lortgffVere'rrbmrliers of May Whtdujlng? the early hours. Crop situation news was very conflicting from the southwest. , The close In corn ranged from 4 off to unchanged. The market showed a strong undertone during most of the session. The contrary was a. very lib eral seller of corn. . '. Oats closed to 4 better. The market was fairly active with elevator concerns . selling September and buying May. There was also considerable selling of May by com- mission houses,- . Provisions were a shade, lower. The market was fairly active but the fcel- Inr was early e nthe heavy run of hogs at the eight leading packing points. There was some recovery late on Im proved cash demands for meats. Local cash rales: Wheat, 60,000 bush els; corn 85,000 bushels; oats 180,000 bushels. Chicago grain quotations as fol lows: Wheat Open. High. Close. May . . .90 .90 .90 July . . .88 .894 .88 Sep. , . .88 Vs .88 .88 Cofn ::''. '.'v May . . ' .49 ? .49 .49 July . .. .50 .50 .50 Sep. ;'; .01 -'".',:.61 .01 0t '''',' May .. . .81 , .31, .31 July . . .31 ,31 .31 Sep. . . 31 .31 .31 Pork :. ' y - ' May . . 17.30 17.42 17.22 ' July . . 16.46 16.60 16.47 Lard , May . . 9.09 9.05 9.00 July . . 8.92 8.95 8.90 Sep. . . 8.90 8.95 ' 8.92 Ribs ,: May . . 9.47 9.48 9.40 July . . 8.97 9.00 8.92 Sep.". . 8.95 8.95 8.92 New York Provisions. (By Leased Wire to' The Times.) New York, March 17 Wheat steady; No. 1 May 96; July 85; No. 2 red 94 In elevator and 95 fob. Corn Dull; 'No. i nominal. Oats Quiet; No. t white 35 to 37. Rye Quiet; ' No. 2 'western 84. Barley Dull; spring patents 4.90 to 525; straights 4.50 to 4-80. Tallow Easier; prime city 64. Lard Active: prime western 9.40. Pork Weak;, mess 22.00. Coffee Steady; No. 7- Rio 12 to 12. Sugar Firm; granulated 4.80. . Baltimore Grain Market. ' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) . Baltimore, Md., March 1 Wheat closed firmer; spot, 91 7-8. bid; March. 9J. ,Tt8; April, 92 7-8; May, 93 7-8. '- ; ::.";.-' ;:.. Corn clo'sed steady r spot -and March, 6 0 7-8 ; April, 5 1 5 1 : t-4 ; May, 52 6-8 Wd..- . :. . Oats Firmer I No: 2 white, 36 1-4 36;' standard white, 86 ; No. 3 white. 35!4ji5.i, : . . . V'ua0 W WCKi - :' v " (By Leased JVIre to The Tl'mf union Stock Yards, Ills., Mar. Hogs receipts, 1&000; MkeJl; steady;, mlied and butchers 6.70 to 7.30;' gSa8 Heavy ti'i if.lfc Sigh heaVy- .80 to ",75; light .9 tol.25 pigs 6.90 to 7.80; bulk 6.85 to 7.05. Cattle-receipts 2,008; market strong. Beeves 5.00 to 6.80: cows and heifers 2.60 to 6.00; stackers arid feeders 4.2K to 6.85; Texans 4.90 to 6.80; calves 6.D0 to 8.00. .,"'.- Sheep Receipts 10,000; market strong. ' ' Native and western 2.50 to 6.85; lambs 4.85 to '6.80.' Friar Land Scandal. (Continued From Pago One.) the Philippine government in Which It was stated in effect (hat there had been no violation of this provision of mo law py owners or tiio various con cerhs. Appearances would seem to In dicate the contrary, however. '. -"'The testimony shows that the prac. tce obtains of selling and leasing pub lie and friar land to officials' or the Philippine government. Practically all ino v executive ' officers and many other government employes, own tracts of land in-Bagulo, the summer cap ital of. the Phlllpplnea. The assistant director of public lands has pending an application for the lease of 2,500 acres of. public lands. A. large number of corporations composed of government officials and employes have acquired public lands or portions of the friar estates., The . solicitor general of the Philippine Islands, who rendered an opinion, holding that' the' limitations contained in section 15. of the act of congress did not apply to the friar lands, Is president of one of these con cerns,; and numerous other officials are at' the. head 'of land companies. T,ne practice?1 is1- permitted -of government officials staking prospectors to: locate lining claims for them; ' Among the lessees of public lands are E. L. Worcester, nephew of Sec. retary of the Interior, Dean C. Wor cester. ; . For criticising the granting of this lease several of the editors and pro prietors or a mupino newspaper, one of whom is a member of the Philip. pine assembly, have been sentenced to the penitentiary and In a civil suit been adjudged to pay to Secretary- Worcester heavy damages." The sugar trust is specifically charg ed in the report with illegally "gob bling up,"' under tho cover of "dummy holders," three of the greatest sugar plantations In the Islands. "It seems to ho perfectly clear says the report, "that the sale of such lands should be confined to citizens of the islands. Our contention is sound that the right to acquire, by purchase, agricultural public lands is confined to citizens of the ' Philippine Islands; Then it must follow -that all sales of such lands to citizens of the United States or other aliens are Illegal. We wish to emphasize what has hereinbefore been said in respect to the policy which has of late obtained In., the Philippine Islands in regard to the other disposition of the vast public domain of those islands. They are the property of the people of the Philippines and should bo administered and disposed of BOlely In their inter est and for their benefit. They are thoroughly united in their opposition to the policy ; of exploitation to which the bureau of public lands . seems to be so resolutely committed to which Is being pursued with utter disregard of the opinions and ' wishes of those most interested. The report is , signed by Representa tives W. A. Jones of Virginia: Robert N. Page, of .North Carolina; Finis J. Garrett, of Tennessee; M. R. Denver, of Ohio, an Harvey Helm, of Ken tucky. .'' The majority report of tho committee submitted to congress on March, last. the day before adjournment, also ack nowledgcd, from the evidence, that the Philippine officials had acquired large tracts of the friar lands, but defended the course of the officials. " Poor Are Pardoned (Continued From Page One.) ceased bad a fence rail and in the difficulty used the rail In an attempt to strike prisoner and prisoner sliot with fatal effect. The trial judge and solicitor expected a, five-year sentence. I therefore pardon prison, er on condition that he remain law. abiding and of good conduct. Dock Headen. Dock Headen, of Lee county, was convicted at the November term. 1910, Lee, superior court, of the crime of selling liquor, and sent enced to serve six months in jail. The reasons for the pardon are: Prisoner was convicted on the evl dence of two negro detectives who were not well-acquainted in the com munity. , Many citizens, including several county officials, think it is a case of mistaken identity. One of the : county officers knows prisoner well, never heard of his selling whis key and believes him innocent. The judge and solicitor state that the evi dence was not satisfactory to them and thought the witnesses might be mistaken. In view of the above facts and the. punishment he has already endured, I pardon prisoner. v Joseph Cooper. Joseph .Cooper, of Craven county, was convicted at tbe October term, 1910, Craven superior court, of the crime of highway robbery and gamb ling and sentenced to serve twelve months, less seventy days, on the roads. ' '- y , . The pardon is conditional and the reasons are: , Prisoner, a darkey of good general character, never having been in the courts before, went to New Bern on the occasion of the bl-centenniul cel ebration and there got in with a ne gro of bad character und others and gambled.--The bad negro lost and drew-his pistol to get his monej' back, when he was disarmed by the others and-bis pistol turned over to the police., Priuouer has served five toon tha i?n tbeoad.,f ft 1 Jtf laj Judgej." two. -attornoya wno prosecuted.- ev- eral. of tb4 jurymen? all the. county.. Officers, several deputy sheriffs, the chief of police, and several police men and many other citizens recom mend pardon. - There is no protest. His punishment, for the part "he played In the matter has now. been sufficient to justify a conditional pardon. Pardoned on condition that he remain law-abiding and of good behavior. Mines In Harbor. (By Leased WIre to The Times.) Washington, March 17 On April 1 .next mines, will bo planted in the t"an -Francisco harbor. Three compa nies of artillery under the command of Captain Johnson will plant the ex plosives. Tbe war department has issued ail the. orders for theiwork. These fat8 bocaem known here today and was learned that plans are under way nialcrlalyl to strengthen al the Pacific coast defenses. to Lend In Wake County Only. ' On Either Real or Personal Security. B. P. MONTAGUE, . Rooms 18.19 Pollen Building, City SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. North Carolina, Wake County, By virtue of a. decree of the Superior. Court of Walio -County made and en tered on the 20th day of February, 1911, in a special proceeding entitled . "Q B. Alford and others, Ex-Parte" being No. 1707 on the-1 Special- Proceedings Docket of ' said Superior Court, I will offer for sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder at the Court House dooi In the City of Raleigh, N. C, on Mon day, the 27th day of March, 1911, at twelve o'clock M. the following de scribed tracts of land, viz: The tract of forty-eight and one- fourth (484) acres of land situated in Wake County, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of Charles W. Suggs, Mrs. K. L. Jones, G. B. Alford and others and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at the southeast corner of Rebecca Alford s dower tract ana i-un. ning north with the said dower line 184 poles to tho northeast corner of said dower, thence N. 42 poles to a stakt and pointers, thence S.: 184 poles to a stake, in Mrs. IS. L. Jones' line, thence W. 42 poles to, the first station, con talnlng forty-eight : and one fourth (4814) acres more-or less. The same being- the tract of land conveyed to Rebecca Alford by Charles W. Sugg and wife. - by deed registered In the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, in Book 105,. page 760. . Lot No. 2 in the division of the lands of G. H. and Rebecca Alford In Middle Creek Township, said County, In said Special Proceedings, and described as follows: Beginning at E. B. Jones' corner on poplar and gum In the Cow Branch, running South SS E. 45 poles to a stake in said Jones' line, corner of I.nt No. 1. thenita &! 3 W. 164 Dole) to- a stake In the dWery line, corner of Lot No. 1, thence. ,N. 89 W 60 poief to the old line of -. Rebecca Alford, corner of dowery tract, thence s. 8 w, 141 poles to a stake, north-east cornel oMot No. 4 in the dowery line, thence N. 87 W. 56 poles to a stake and point ers in tho line of lot No. 4, corner of lot No. 3. thence N. 2 E. with line of lot No. 3, 2il poles to a blackgum no maple pointers in Cow Branch, thence down the meanders of said branch to the beginning, containing one hundred and twculy-elsht (18) acres. Lot No. 4 In tho division of the laBot of G. H. and Rebecca Alford In Middle Creek Township, said County, In said 8peclal Proceedings .and described' as follows: Beginning at a stake and pointers in 12. B. Jones' line, corner of lot--No. 3,-running S.--2 W. 24 and 20 links to a pine, said Jones' corner, thence N. 88 W. 25 poles to C. F. Law rence's corner in said Jones' line, thence 2 W. 136 poles to said Lawrence'! corner in w. M. Ballentine's line, thence S. 87 E. 84 poles to a stake In said Ballentine's line, corner of lot No. 5, thenco N. 2 K. 82 poles, cornet of lot No. 0, thence 8. ,88 E. 97 polei pointers in the Hamilton Branch, thence N. 2 E. 79 poles corner of lot No. 2, thence N. 88 W. 1594 poles to the beginning, containing one hundred and thirty-seven and one-half (137) acres more or less. Lot No. 6 In the division of the landr of O. H. and Rebecca Alford, In Middle Creek Township, said County, In said Special Proceeding and described as follows: Beginning at a post oak southwest corner of the, dowery tract, running 8. 88 E. 86 poles to a stake, corner of lot No. 6, thence 8. 2 W. 12( poles to W. M. Ballentine's line, thence 87 W. 183 poles to the earner of lot No. 4 In said Ballentine's line, thence 3 E. 82 poles to the corner of lot No. 4, thence S. 88 E. 97 poles to the corner of lot No. 4, thence N. 46 poles to the beginning, containing one hun dred and seventeen (117) acres mor r less. ,'; '.' ''' Terms of sale, one-third cash and th balance payable in two equal Install ments at six and twelve months, with Interest from day Of sale at six per cent :.. ARMISTEAD JONES. ;- -Cemmisalnnar ADMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the .estate of J,-E, Walton, late of Wake county, in the- State, of. North Carolina, this is to request all per sons Indebted to the estate to come in and settle the same; and this Is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate to . present the same for payment before the 17th day of March, 1912, or this notice may be pleaded in bar of their ' re covery. MRS. E. O. WALTON, oaw-6w Adnix. of J. E. Walton. WANTKD A young .lady solicitor. Apply torv)U-Cola Co. 15-3t Money You are invited to attend Our Spring Clothes Show. Come, you and your friends. We have prepared a very interesting and instructive exhibition of all the new model garments and fashionable fabrics for this season's wear and it is one that surpasses any previous showing ever attempted in this city. An entire section of our store is given over to this opening display. Here you can critically examine at your leisure tho new styles as expressed in the renowned .' Berwanger Clothing for Men and Young Men. and try on tbe garments of your size without feeling obligated to make a purchase. Don't miss this advance showing of the corree clothes for Bpring. You certainly won't if you wish to post yourself on the authoritative styles and see what is best in tailoring the exclusive custom tailors are especially invited to attend this opening. 4 ' THE BEST, THE FRESHEST, AXI largest' Shad to be had. 0, D. Arthur. , 17-3t THE UMBRELLA HOSPITAL IS again open for business at 205 S. Wilmington St. Porter. 15-17-20 WANTED Lady, local, to represent New York house in Raleigh. . Ad dress G. N., Times Office. io-2t FEW MORE MILK CUSTOMERS wanted. Central and northeastern part of city. E, W. Worth, Oak hurst Dairy, Capital City 'phone 696. Sat. Mon. Wed. Fri. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Six rooms. "Y", care The Times. 13-15-17. ' RUBBER STAMPS SAVE WORK- Best material, cloar cut, artistic Swindell Co., 107 Ys Fayetteville, street. 14-1 2t REMEMBER LASSITEH'S HIGH- grade meal. No putagra and best satisfaction. Handled by moro than 50 dealers. Ask for tho best 10-eod-tf: PIANO BARGAIN In a slightly used Knabe Piano in fine condition. See or writo Darnell & Thomas, Raleigh; N. C. ; 15-3t LARGE ROE AND BUCK SHAD received twice a day. C. D. Ar thur. . 17-3t AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE White Steamer. Modol "O." AH mod ern Improvements. In good run ning order. A bargain for a quick buyer. Koonce Iiroa., 10C and 111 E. Hargctt. l-;;t SOMETHING NEW FOR COUPON Clippers! 26 piece Roger's Silver ware, put up exclusively for The TlmeB, in elegant oak case, satin lined. You have to see It to appre ciate Its beauty. Send In your coupons at once and get your case 11 t. f. FOR RENT Office iu Masonic Tem ple. Apply to John C. Drewry. 13-tf . NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURXI- ture. Cash or credit .' Koonce Bros., 106 and 111 E. Hargett. 16-3t :- COLLARS AND CUFFS LAST LON- ger if laundrled right. We know how. People's Laundry. 6 t. f Open Kettle LEAF LARD. Actually Pure. Nothing tukes the place of PURE LEAP LARD. We sell as gooil as can be made. . Cost little inure than compound, gives better rcMills and goes farther. Tiy it. 31b Pall. 73c. 101b Pail. 111.40. 13c. lb 301b Cujis Cheaper. Either 23 Phone. H. J.JOHNSON Saeeeator to O. T. JOHNSON SOA. SPRANG' THE OXK-PRICE CLOTHIIU5, w a.med Koom and board in pri vate family (preferred) by young man. Address giving terms, loca tion, etc., to "Young Man," care Daily Times. 16-3t . EVERYTHING IN -SEASON IX SEA Food. C. D. Arthur. 17-3t ANNOUNCEMENT Skating Tuesday ' and Friday nights only. Glen wood Skating Rink. 14-5t A FEW SETS OK CHOICE FICTION left over from our great book sale. Bargains. Koonce Bros., 106 and 111 E. Harnett. ; 16-3t WANTED Fox Terrier or Watei Spaniel Pup. Write, stating ': Price. H, care Times. '.'; 2t PATENT OCR IDEAS AND MAKF money. Send for my new book "How to Get Them." Best er vice. Joshua R. H. Potts, Lawyer Washington, D. C, Chicago ant Philadelphia. 10-29-8 SAVE MONEY BY TRADING WITH Koonce Bros., new and second hand Furniture and Stoves. 1 C-3t WANTED Sewing of all kinds. Mrs. L. Harris, 30u S. .Harrington street. 13-Gt EGGS Hill HATCHING Thorough bred It. 1. ,' Red Eggs at 7:n. per setting of lo. High Cicsl Tnu ii Farm, G. L. B. Penny, Prop. 17-cod-if COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE ; All grades hard and soft coal, pint and oak wood. Raleigh Phoni 4392. 17-ti WANTED Clean white rags. Appl Evening Times Press Room. tt LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED Laundry in the city. Office 107 Fayetteville Rlreet. .People' Laundry, the best. 17-t. f COAL If you want the best Coal cal Raleigh Phone 4392. Celebrate. Big Creek Lump.. All sizes An thracite. Summer prices 29 t t FOR SALE Nice -Lady's and family horse. Guaranteed safe anil sound. - Address "Horse.,"'. 1 0-3 1 FOR SALE 28-in. Steel Split Crown "Fountain," tare Times. 11-t. f. Face Pulley v; for !Mn. Shafting : Practically new. Will sell at a bar- ' gain. Apply at Times Office. ' 13-t. t ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. No canvassing.. Be your own boss. Send for free "booklet Tells how. Hcacock, A 6262 Lockport, N. Y. 4-19 t. f. ' . : :: CALL tCiOl- Fesh Fish. FOR WOOD AND N. A. Spenee. 16-5t I'LENTY OF GOOD WOOD We .have good Oak and Pino Wood for sale. D. M. Harris, phone 8 2 OR Canital City. 16-5t FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on New Bern 'Ave. Bath adjoin ing. -Address X Y. 55., care The Times. .: 16-4t WANTED A lady who will take some small collections on com mission basis. Address "Col lector'' caro Dally Times. 16-t. f. and fabrics. Men who patron . , ... i . WANTFD To write your letters. Can call at your office during the day for dictation or can do some booKwork. Address Extra, care Times. 17-?' WANTED All of our gent custcT mers to call and get planting seed from us for this year's crop. The very best selected growing on my farms. On easy terms. W. A. Simpkins. 13-6t FOlfsALE Perfectly gentle horse and phaeton. Rubber tired. R. I. Williams' Drug Store. It YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Levine Clothing Company lilt! South Wilmington Street. Will Sell You CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, BAGS, TRUNKS, GENTS' FURNISH INGS, LADIES' GOODS, ETC., ETC., FOR CASH OR CREDIT. Call and Get Our Terms and Prif. 216 South Wilmington Street. North Carolina -Wake County. B. S. Jerman on behalf of himself and all other shareholders of tha Mechanics and Investors Union vs Mechanics and Investors Union. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The undersigned having been duly uppointed permanent receiver of the Mechanics and Investors Union, a North Carolina corporation, with its primipal office in Raleigh, North Carolina, in accordance with an or der of court, notice is hereby given to any and all parties to whom the Mechanics and Investors Union is In auy way indebted, to file with tho said receiver at Ins office iu the Com mercial and National Bank Building in Raleigh, North Carolina, on or be fore the first day of May, 1911, an itemized sworn statement of such Re counts and debts held against saM Mechanics and Investors Union or this notice will bo pleaded in bar i:f their recovery. Notice is also hereby given to all v.ho owe any amount to the Mechan ics and Investors Union to call at the office of said receiver and pay the same. This notice Is given In accordance with an order of the Superior Court, made at the February term, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1911. ALBERT L. COX, ' Permanent Receiver of the Mechan ics and Investors Union. This 3rd day of March, 1911. o. a. w! 4w. HUBBARD BROS. & CO HANOVER SQUARE, R7BW TOBX. MEMBERS of New Terk Oottos Exchange, New Orleans Oottoa Exchange, Associate Members Liv erpool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED -For Us pnr chase and tale of Oottoa for fntnrt delivery. Correspoadensa Urtted. . Mtraiai nsoeto mtixfj it Ut