r -St - V m 2 Victor, Baseball Goods - Cut Prices We save you money on these high class Supplies. weathers 121 East Martin Street - How's this Weather for a Reminder of Easter? Tt will not he K:istov for you wiiliout a new Suit. Mako it an unusually pleasant one by having a Suit-made, to your individual measure. There is nolhing so eeonomieal as the tailored-; to-individiiiil-nieasure Suit. The high priee oonsid- oration is eliminated by onr eustom tailoring service..-. . V ' You get the very same fit, the very same goods, and the same high-class workmanship without pay ing the high prices charged by merchant tailors. ' The newest weaves, with a fit unsurpassed, $15 and up. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON. FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Fayetteville Street - - - OUR 1911 CATALOGUE is free, write for It, nil you will he astonished at what w will save yon on the price of a MONCMKN'T. If you fail to do this we botfc lose money. You get the work and see it set up on your lot before jroii are asked to accept it. This is better titan a guarantee. Yours for moderate charges on Monumental work, T. 0. SHARP MARBLE & GRANITE CO., DCKHAM, X. C. MONIMKXT9 OP QUALITY. For All the News From Everywhere, all the time read The Raleigh Daily Times. Suits and infill t Copniikt 1910 i JM Heine of KuppenhartA v ... CUof lil 1 r J. ROSENGARTEN CO. FAYETTEYIIXE STREET Capital City Phone. IUXEIOH, K. C. v fi'Tf exrv . as z s Furniture Co. -' - Raleigh, N. C. - - - - Raleigh, N. C. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcmmmm Overcoats 25 01 These are garments that were made .for this winter. : They are worthy of the very i best company, and you -v would not feel the least bit r out of harmony with one on j at most any occasion. The product of the world 's acknowledged best tailors I B. Kuppenheimer and Hart Shaffner & Marx. You will have plenty of i time in which to use these garments. Some medium weights, too. ; The hftnnor was very Ptlncy in poifr Ing out cases at- the daily erlnd In th police matinee this mornhis. Only thren cases were called, and ?ne man was' a defendant In two cases. How ever in each ease a flfle and the costs Were. imoosed. , ." ;I,e flllliam.colored. faced the court under the charge of .belnfr drunk on the tttroets and Was fined i5M and taxed with the cost fs.ro. Rob Delhi, colored, was ohartffid With being- drunk and. disorderly. ; Mo sub mil tftd to the charge and was fined $i.W and taxed with -fhe cost-12.75. Bob Delhi and aeoree Taylor, both colored, rfwere chareed with an affray Oorga Taylor said that Bob and IMummcr Debnam got -into an artru- mont over a-suit of plothes in his yard nd when '.Bob began to curse, lie told him not. to curse that way In bis yard and he cursed him, when he struck him and some two or three licks were passad. - ilob .was lined tf.OO and taxed with -the cost 3. !5. Several more , of the dop warrants were returned to his honor's desk, hut verv few of the defendants answered. ,kv corporations. Five Charters .Are Oranted to Cor porations Today. The Bennett-Lilcs Company, of Wadesboro, is chartered to make, alter, buy, sell, excuange, export, Im port, let, sublet, rent, hire, and gen erally deal in all kinds of modern and antique furniture, russ, carpets, curtains, laces, stamps, coins, metals, draftings, etc. The total. authorized capital stock is J1 00,000 but may be gin when $5,000 has been snbscrib ed.: Tlie. stockholders are W. Henry. .ties, Frank Bnnett. W. T. Rose, .'J. GHthings. - i The Nort'h Carolina Farming and Realty Company, of Southport Brunswick county, is chartered for the purchase, sale and exchange of real, and personal .-property; the lm provemetit, development and coloniz ing of farming lands. The total au horized capital stock is $200,000, to begin when $1SO.OOO has been sub scribed. The stockholders are It. C. Cool, E. C. Atwood, Robert Ruark. The Spence aod Hotlow'ell Com pany, of Klizabeta City, i3 charter ed to engage In and carry on the gen eral brokerage, commission, mer chandise and -warehouse business, The total authorized capital stock is $10,000 bnt fnay begin when $6,000 has been subscribed. The stock holders are J. C. Snonce. C. W. Hol- lowell, L. S. Blades. The Foy and Shemwell, Inc., of Lexington, is chartered to do a gen eral insurance agency and real es tate business. The total authorized capital stock is $123,000 but may begin when $50,000 has been sub scribed. Stockholders are J. E. Foy, Dermot Shemwell, Wade Phillips. The French Broad Manufacturing Company, of Craggy, Buncombe eonhty, is chartered' to manufacture yarns, cloth and all kinds of textile fahrics from cotton, : wool, silk, etc. The total authorized capital stock is $0,000 but may begin when $300 has .been subscribed. Stockholders arc F. h. Fuller, John F. Wiley, 8. W. Minor, C. B. Tinckel, I. U. Stew- art.'-- I'TXEBAK OF MllS. I'CRXKIiL. To be Held Saturday Morning from Residence of Her Brother, Mr. Jno. W. Womble. The funeral of Mrs. John W. I'er ncll, wUo passed away Wednesday night at 11:30 at her home in Knox vlllc, Tenn., will be held Saturday morniQg at 11 o'clock from the home of ho brother, Air. John M. Womble, 814. .'.West. Ilargett street., conduct ed by Bt. T. V. O'Kelly, pastor of the .'-First Baptist church. The remains will arrive in Raleigh this afternoon at 6:80 from Knox- ville, accompanied by her hnstiand and lier son, Mr. Julian I'ernell, of Knoxville. Her niece, Miss Amy Blackwell, of Durham, .will arrive this afternoon, and her brother, Mr. Joseph .Womble and Mrs. Womble will arrive tomor row morning from Dunn to attend the funeral. ' The pall-bearers will be: Messrs.: T. H. Briggs, W. N. Jones, T. . W. Dobbin, T. W. Blake. J. T. PuJlen, S. W, Brewer, K. W. W'cathers and T. A. PArtin. The interment will be in Oakwood eemetery. If you have trouble In jrettlng rM of your cold you may- know that you are not treating It -properly. ; There Is no reason why a cold should, liang for weeks and It will not Jf . you lake Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by all dealers. IS THE SITBEME CO CRT. tThe Clrl From Reetors" Case Be- .fore the Court Upon ;Iemiiwr of Defendants. Among the cases before the su preme court yesterday -was "The Gfrl From Hectors" coming up on demurrer .of defendants. The case is a demurrer of Messrs. J. P. Stell and J. 8. Wynne to the bills of com plaint in the suits for 25,000 dam ages Instituted by Messrs. J. S. Up church -and W. H. Brewer, and for 110,000 damages Instituted by El bert Andrews, The cases are mat-' ters grorwlng out tif the auppression . of 'Tae iGlrl -Kronj Bectofa" ;bUow last year. ' The eases heard yesterday were: P. C. Norris v. Bolt Morgan Mills,- mm Our buyer,' who was recently New 3fork,mJid one of tho best "buys'? in Muslin Underwear that has ever been offered. Visiting one of the very best manufacturers of this class of goods he picked tip a lot of "secfiinds". Each garment has just some slight defect, - perhaps just-a titch did not drop, or perhaps just slightl ysoiled. Jlowever, the inspector would not pass, them, although the defects 1 are so small - they are scarcelv noticeable to the naked eye. - - - - , DRAWERS 25 and 35 cent vahies . . . . . . . ... . . . ' j ...... . . . 17c. l lot of strictly 50c. Umlwella Drawers, at .... ......... ... .. .. . .. ..19c. 1 lot of strictly 50c. values, trimmed in lace and embroidery .. .. . . .... .. .. ..23c. Fancy Umbrella Drawers, trimmed in lace and embroidery, 75c. and $1.00 values. 35c. Umbrella Drawers, trimmed in pure Vale Lace. Values $1.25 and $1.50 .... . . . . . . 49c. GOWNS Fancy Gowns, worth 75e. and $1.00 t 39c Nice Quality Nainsook $1.00 and $1.25 values . . : 59c. Nice Quality Nainsook, trimmed with lace and embroidery. $1.50 values 69c. SKIRTS A Skirt with four rows of insertion. $1.25 value . . . . 69c. A $1.50 and $1.75 Skirt value : .' , 79c. A ra1 bich niia.lit.v.Rkirt.mflelv tririimed: " worth $2.00 and $2.50 .V .... .. .. ... ...98fi. This Sale for One Day Only SATURDAY appellant, from Harnett. Manning & Everett: J. C. Clifford, Bryant & Hro:idci for apnellee: J. W. Hins dale, H. i:. Not-rid nnd Tt. I.. Godwin. The tliroi" casrs of .1. Sherwood Upchiii c-'i. W. II. Brewer 'and Klberi Andrews, of Rnlelsh vs. J. S. Wynne and .1. I'. HloII. tippellani, from Wake were heiird as ,me case. Armistead Jones A.- Son: Douglass, Kyon and Pouglnss; Holding and Svcw, for np nellem:; Walter Clark, Jr.: Jones & Bailey, for appellants. John W. Slnkelsmlth, (Jrfrnslioro, Pa., has tlirei- elnldivn,. ami like most chil dren th-y frequently take cold. "We have iri.' l several kinils of cough medi cine," ho says, "but have never found any t that did them as much good at Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." For sale by all dealers. . ' Get a Mission Clock with yonr 30 coupons anil $2.35. . When a man remembers ho didn't par von hack money you lent him and comes to apologize for forget ting It, it's a sign he's got nothing else lor y.iu. TOhn vimi Tiiivo rhnmillm In vnur foot or mstep apply Chamberlain's Lin iment and you will get quick relief. It costs but a Quarter. Why suffer? For siile by all dealers. Where Facts , Are Clinched f few years ago when we first, start ed, 'we had to make claims that were not oiislly' proven as our claims are I id:iv, simply for the reason that our friends were limited. Only an oc casional man or w-ijuan had usd nuft-Ah's Preparation, and when we boasted that it -would do certain things the scoffer and doubter had 0s at n disadvantage. The Man from Missouri Iris nlwnys been In evlenro. "Show Me." has ever been the watchword of the f uspectiiie- All we could do in those other years was to send a sample bottle and let the doubter prove to himself the truth of our claims. That day has passed. Our phenomenal success, the fact that wo have placed hundreds of 'thousands of bottles ii as many homes relieves us of even" sending a. sample. The man who never irsed It simply asks a friend about and nine to one the friend h is heard of it, has used it and he s;iys t is a wonderful Preparation we would not think of keeping house with out a bottle always ready. In cases of croup, of colds, of cbnghs It does magical work and Pnenmonia, the King of Terrors is absolutely subdued and conquered ' by Its use." . That is what a friend would say. That Is why wo have succeded beyond our most sanguine dreams. Tlowan's Prepara- . lion is- destined 'to be a -Ciroat World Itomedy. , There Is no doubt of it. U- always make -Bood. It is external. , It an bo bought In any size package. It is guaranteed but beyond all and above all the Mothers of America hnve given their seal Of approval ind that means that nothing short of the world's end can stop its growth. and popularity. All druggists. Ask your neighbor. . NOTICE . In the .effort to assist in im proving the health conditions of HnlcfgU' and vicinity ,1 will caro fully and .cheerfully examine the teeth of any white public school child or any other white persons free of any charge. ' ,v ,.' IHl. ERXEKT H. BBOVGHTOX,' Member Irtftleigh Health Ijcagne. - ATMnXISTR-ATOB'S KOTICE. Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of the late Bryant Todd, deceased, this is to give notice to all creditors having claims against the estate to present them to tne for -payment on or before the 10th day -of March, 1912, or this no tice will l iplead in bar of recovery. Persons indebted to the estate will please settle without further . de mand. s - -M. V. tfODD, Administrator , BRTANT TODD, Deceased. .-a. w6wks. Concrete Paving Concrete Floors, Concrete Stops built as they should be and gunrantned Prices tho lowest considering the quality of work. Let me figure your heavy construction; can save money for ynn. ' W. .f. GIUNTnAM, Phone .101. California Canned Fruits Del Monte Brand (extra quality) Peaches, 30c. Gondola Brand (L. C.) Peaches, 25c. Melrose Brand (L. C.) Peaches, 25c. Gondola Brand Apricots, 25c. Mountain Rose (Pitted Cherries) 25 cents. Herald Brand Pears, 30e. Cheaper liy the dozen or ense. Both Phones. RUDY & BUPFALOE, JOS E. Hargett St. CARONOCA The Alfalfa and Rice Feed. For horses, mules, cows, and Uogs. Dairymen, stal)iemen, and stock raisers request your merchant to put this in stock. For 'further Information mcrcli auta will write . C. O. BAIjli, Local Repreflentatlve, ' RALEIGH, N. O. Por all (be' News from Everywhere U tlie tttne, read The Balelgn nailr Timm. Ranges Sold at Cost and Connected Free on our line of mains. STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY.. Phone 22S Representative Will Call. Temporary : Office 107 S. Wilmington St. SEE WINDOW CROSS & LIN EH AW CO ' j THE QUALITY SHOP lEie Superiority 61 Manhattan Sbirt The Standard by Which all Others are Judged They set the styles and provide Shirts Kch ; n give the longest and most satisfactory tOTice Wo Invite your attention of our ncT Gprtn!i tlno- i f 52.C0, so; : ri:3 HATS Supreme! Roelofs "Smile" flats. Top-notehors in quality and style. The finest hats made for men. Models new and true for Spring;. One for you Let us fit your features, at the same time we fit yoiu- head. Most important. If you need a hat, come in. Come anvwav. J WITH Is So Generally Conceded That it Requires No ' Comment. It is 4 ' . -. See Our Window Displail Gilette Razors ? Mail Orders Filled and I Delivered, Express f Paid. , Thus. H. Briggs & Sons RuVLEIGTI, N. C, The Big Hardware Men Whitman's Candy "FOIl THE FOLKS WHO KNOW." - The Candy that is pure, made from the best in gredients and stands the highest test. When you think of "her" think of Whit man's. J. C BRANTLEY, MASONIC TEMPLE, ' ' Phones IB. ... SEE WINDOW if. J I 1 M '. V : '''i'-'j : A- ' ' f x, "if- ,v' ;--n i; : 1 : ' . . .. r. "f...,'"-',v,, - , 1 ' 1