r 7 TIIE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: WEDNESDAY, MAIJCH 29, 1911. fZrtc In 4ftA Ctnmanli comes from food which has fermented. vjus m me oiomacn Get rid of thi3 badlv ae-sted matte,. as quickly as possible if you would avoid a bilious attack. simmons;c&::-.':'-,.-.: RED Z . LIVER REGULATOR (THE FOWDER FORM) Is a cleansing and strengthening medicine. It is a liver tonic first of all and the liver i3 always effected when the stomach goes wrong. It puts life in a torpid liver, helps digestion, sweetens the breath, clears, the complexion of sallowr.ess, relaxes the bowels and puts the body in fine vigorous condition. , Sold by Dealers. Price, Large Package. SX.OO. Ask for the reiiuine with Uie Rol Z on die label. If yon cannot get it. remit to us, we will send . if by null ponpald. Simmons Liver Rcnihror is rat up also in liquid form for those uo prcicr it. Pure (1.00 per buttle. Look for the Red Z label. i 4 . J. II. "EILIN & CO.. Proprietors, SC. Louis, Missouri DINNER SETS A Few Very Attractive 100 piece Dinner Sets. Prices Worth Considering. THE SALE OF Easter Silks Confinues Our idea of n bargain is not an unwarranted tiling at a cutch jileo, but u thing in demand at a l'v price. New lots are ready for this week's selling. 22 mid 25 inch Foulards .... .. .......... ...... , . 5(le. SS int'li Shantung Silks .... . . -.. . . . . . . . . . . . .',-', itl) and 35c. French I!i(Hiultl Foiilurds . . .. . . . . . . . . . . :!." and 10c. Cotton Mercerized Foulards ....... '. . . . . .'. '20' and 25c. 30 inch Piii-strlpert TafVots. ..... ;'..'.. vv-v 7.77.7.''. '. ' $1.00 27 Inch Plain and Fancy Waistings . . . . $1.00 Yard-wide Mescalines, black and all colors . . . . '.:...''. . .... $1.00 Yawl-wide Satin .... ... . . $1.00 Yiutl-wide Itluck Talleta; $1.00 value lor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8!)c. These arc Silk values too u'Hid to inis. HUNTER-RAND COMP'Y NEW PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. ASK YOUR GROCER Bread Ilia! Makes the Mouth Wafer ff Bretsch's 100 P. C. Pure Malt Bread - the Bread that has the satisfying taste. Not Hi,; usual old "soggy" bread, but light, and iiiifiiitis,""ca:',y to digest and touches the palate. Our Quick Delivery Service is at your command if your Grocer can't 1111 your order. Call us over the 'phone and vt) will have the wagon make a "hurried" call with your package. . BRETSCH'S fV BAKERY - HI: 100 pure 'pojr'r Forget stustvs. COIUIRS JUfD CVfT OOOJt A GENTLE REMINDER is often necessary to the forgetful. Hence we want to -remind -you that we have a reputation for doing the best and most careful Laundry work, thate are prompt in our service, call for and deliver goods, and charge very reasonable. Ask your neigh bor about, our work and service. We give universal satisfaction to our patrons. . ; ( PEOPLES LAINDRY (Inc.) Doth Phone, 74. GOT BLOCKADE BOOZE Durham Officers Captures Ten Gallons and Team Drove Up to Xear-beer Saloon and Driver Went in When Oilicer filed Him Ho Ran, Leaving llooze and Horse and Huggy Roost for Civic Association. (Special to The Timse. ) Durham,' N. C, March 29 Deputy Loiinie Morgan last night about ten o'clock captured a horse aud buggy and ten gallons of booze in East Dur ham at a place near the Peudergrast near-beer stand. : Mr." Morgan watched the owner of the booze drive up and go into the place of business. He called to the owucr of tuo buggy and horso nnd booze and it furnished the excuse for a sprint. The fellow ran and has not reported for his horse. The officer; who Was accompanied by George Minor, of East Durham, brought Uie horse, a splendid animal about live years old, the buggy and the booze up town and put Major, the brag bull pup, in wutcn over it. snouiu uie owner ever turn up and want his team, he will have to do business with the dog, and that's somcthinK else. The last liquor captured from blockaders was brought to town and the team -was put up in a livery stable here. One morning somebody went there and stole it. It has not been heard from since. The officers are determined to find out who the blocker isT by retaining the horse. The outfit wJll be turnd over to the government, horse and all, and de velopments will be awaited. The value of the horse will doubtless brin gthe owner to the surface soon -The Durham Civic Association re ceived a great bobSt yesterday morn ing when voluntary contributions of $350 were made it for the carrying on its work of beautifying Durham. The past week has been spent in a war upon the street signs on Main. A committee of ladies practically re moved all objectionable business in dicators during the several days'that they worked. They found small dif ficulties iu many places and ran against obdurate ones. It is even said that General Carr's great snake charmer that makes several thous and revolutions every evening, will bo changed so as not to protrude over the sidewalk or to take any advant age of those who have taken in their signs.. : - 7 Inability to interest everybody in the propagandist's work has militat ed against idealism in the matter of street signs but the ladies have done well. The men, almost irrespective of race or condition of servitude to the eternally feminine, have yielded. Some of them told the ladies not for a moment taink they feared boycot ting. The women have continnedto rule the men by allowing them to think there was nothing compulsory about it. The contributors to the Dind were the American Tobacco Company, Slut); the Fidelity Bank, $50; Uie Citizens National Bank, $50; the First National Bank, $50; the Dur- As Quick As Water Dissolves Sugar About the Time it Takes Fur a Stu. urt's Dyspepsia Tablet to Work on the Food and Bring Relief. Trial Package Sent Free. There is no long wait between the time you take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet and the feeling of relief it will bring to an overlolded stomach. It gets busy in a jiffy and quickly sets things to rigtits in that tired and dis ordered stomach. It goes right at the work of digesting the food it fluds lodged there and In no time at all has tilings on the movo-the gases feasc forming, the breath is sweetened, the coating on the tongue disappears and you are no longer conscious that you even have a stom ach. That is one of the chief recommen dations for Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets -that they don't take forever to accomplish the purpose for which you need them'. It is just as if you put an extra stomach or two to work wheu yours needed help. You can't continually overload your stomach and expect It to always smile. It is going to get rebellious and sulriy af ter awhile and refuse to go on being driven to do double work. . You must rest it occasionally not by starving and thereby weakening yourself physically but by using a Stuart's Dyspepsia . Tablet to do the work of digesting your food. These tablets contain all the act ive elements of the natural stomach juices and will alone and unaided di gest food just the same as the gastric juices. And nothing could be more harmless than these tablets. They do not effect the system iu any way do not cure any ailment except as they digest food. Use them freely. Stuart's Dyspepsia ' Tablets are sold by all daiggists everywhere. Price, 50 cents per box. A trial package will bo sent if you will write V. A. Stuart Co., 160 Stuart Bldj.,'llar!iliall. Mich. STOMACHS PfT IN ORDER. ' Xo Indigestion, tins, Heartburn or Dyspepsia Five Minutes After Tafc lug a Little Diapepsiu. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch Gas and Eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of Dizziness, Heartburn, Fullness, Nausea, Bad taste in mouth and stomach head ache. this is Indigestion. A full case of Pape's Dlapepsln costs only 50 cents and will thorough ly cure your out-of-order stomach, and leave, sufficient about the house in case some one else in the family may suffer from stomach trouble or Indigestion. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula plainly primed on these 50-ceut. cases, then you will under stand why Dyspeptic trouble of all kinds must go, and why they usually relieve sour, out-of-order stomachs or Indigestion iu five minutes. Diapep- sin is harmless and tastes like candy, though each dose contains power suf ficient to digest and prepare for as similation into the blood all the food you oat; besides, it makes you go to the table with a hearty appetite; but, what will please you most, is that you will feel that your stomach and intestines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laxa tives or liver pills for Billiousuess or Constipation. This city will hiivo many Dlapep- sin cranks, as some people will call them, but ym 'will be cranky about this splendid stomach preparation, too, if you ever try a little for Indi. gestion or Gastritis Or any other Stomach misery. Get some now, this minute, and forever rid yourself of Stomach Trou ble amf Indigestion. : ham and Southern Kail road, $50; B. X. Duke, $25 and . W. Vatts,$25. The campaign thus begun is ex pected to end with a completely beau tified city. The work was started re cently by the, league and it is doing as well as this body of lady dream ers could well expect. Yesterday's court was taken up in part trial of the Grecnberg vs. Green berg case, wherein .Mrs. M. Green berg is a defendant in an appealed ca.;e in which she had been plaintiff against her son, Arthur Green berg. The case" was one of the most dis agreeable that a court can hear. Wheu it was tried in July of last year, Mrs. Greenberg Was suing her son for $200 which she claimed that he had gotten from her by transfer ring her bank book.--' to his personal account. It came about in a peculiar way. During the financial troubles of Benjamin Lbvensiein, Mrs. Green berg went- to a large-hearted man, whose name was a carefully called yesterday as possible, and borrowed $250 from him. She told him that she wanted to help her son-in-law out, according to the story of the first trial. After depositing $200 in the bank, she kept $50. Her son, she claimed, persuaded her to let hini have the money and he applied it to the personal account between himself and his brother-in-law, At torney Lovenstein. About this time, Mr. Greenberg served notice upon his mother- that, her services in his store weren't longer necessary. SJie sued, after having declined to leavte the premises without ejection papers. She brought suit for $tio, al leged to have been due oil notes that she held with her son, but they were old and Mr. Greenberg pleaded the statute of limitation, He lost the other case, the justice gave a judg ment and he appealed. Yesterday's court was agonizing. Mrs. Greenberg wept uncontrollably at every stage of the proceedings and Attorney Percy Keade's cross-exami nation was in relays. He was as ten der as he could be and said nothing that .could, have personally affronted her. One of the best things over got ten off on the lawyers came from her when she was being pressed so bard for what actually had taken place. Siie speaks English with the greatest difficulty, and ho fun . is uieant wheu one records her brogue. 'Didn't you tell Mr. So and So when you borrowed that money that it was for Mr. Lovenstein?" Mr. Readc asked. ' ,. "What I done, I dells you I done, and what 1 didn't do you makes me tink 1 done," she said by way of -tri bute to tlic lawyers. As the examination grew more trying to her, she broke down time after time and then it proceeded. Finally she asked Mr. Reade please not to ask her any questions and said how much sac regretted the niattor. The attorney agreed that it should not have been taken to court. The attorney was trying to force the admission from her that she bor rowed the money for another man yesterday, but she declared that she had gotten it for herself and that the bank accouut had somehow been got ten away from her. She testified in a wnj to reflect seriously upon her son, but the evidence was at var iance and she has the story badly mixed from last year. ( Judge Daniels was patient through it all and has more of it yet this morning. It is a rare case. Itrowning Bound Over. Tom Browning, who is in trouble over the alleged theft of three cows, was yesterday given a bearing in the court of -JusUc D- C- Guuter aud bound over In three bonds 'of $100 each. The magistrate had nothing but comitting jurisdiction and not a great deal of the evidence was brought out. The charge was made that iie had sold two of the cows and for one of them he had received $24. The first one was butchered but could be identified by the aide. Browning is one of the unfortu nates always in trouble. Ho. has re cently returned from the roads, where he had done a year and a halt' for the aggravated assault upon a colored man. His offense was naviug stabbed his victim with a pitchlork and put out his eye. He made no de fense in that case and went to the roads on a plea of guilty. THE COLORED A. & M. Much Good Done by the Farmers' Conference Slimmer School. (Special to The Timse. ) Greensboro, N. C., March 29 Much good was derived from the re cent uegro fanners' conference re cently at the A. & M. College lor ne groes in this city. President Dud ley is the recipient of many letters from farmers over the state, telling how they have been benefitted by the beuificence of the state by having such annual meetings for them. The 12th annual session of the State Summer School for negroes will be held at this college from June 5 to ISO. in addition to the-regular work in the class aud lecture rooms there will be a series of lectures on educational and cognate subjects. Specialists will give special talks on various phases of agriculture and public education. Since the state had made such an opportunity for negro teacaers, the buildings aud accommodations arc equal to the best afforded them in any section of the country, teachers from various sections of the state are sending in their applications. Lectures will be given that will help to reach the masses of negroes. Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor aufterers, whose lungs are soro and racked with coughs, are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured me of hnig trouble," writes W. K. Nelson,-of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. Its surely the king of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Coitls,, LaOrippe, Asthma, Croup t'll Throat and Lung troubles, aflc anil SI. 00. Trial bottle free at King Crowell Drug Company. TherW; are '53-' sugar factories in oper ation in Queensland, -employing .over 4,"30O hands. "and - 'representing tin In vestment of about Sll.OOO.UOO. - The. cost of production .varies from ' to $10 per ton of raw sugar. 7 Do you know that of all the minor ailments colds, are by far the most dangerous? It is not the cold itself that you need to fear, but the serious diseases thai it often leads to. Most of these are known lis .germ diseases. Pneumonia and consumption are among them. Why not take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and cure your : cold while you can? For sale by all deal ers. Consul Holder i of the -opinion that nieiiean coal 'mine owners oup-ht to fill much'.-coal to France, .distributing it . in ; that., country., by canal -from Hollel.. - . CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought of Bears the Signature I'VE sold some alarm clocks in my life but I've never seen any thing quite so well built, quite so well finished and quite so good looking as Big Ben. , He is absolutely the fin est sleepmeter made, the first one I've felt , like dis playing in my window alongside of cut glass and silverware. $2.50 This it the dock you have iceo V "snjic4 to tlic bitf biftuuci MAHLEE'S SONS. POSLAM CURES ECZEMA AND ALL SKIN DISEASES Nothing Equals the Rapid Work of this MARVELOUS IIEALIXG AfiHXT PIMPLES DISAPPEAR THE CO.MPLUXIOX IS CLEARED OVER XIGHT. "If there is nnythiiiK on eai th I hat w ill cure a skin trouble quicklv, ilioi-ougiily mid perm! nlly, it is POSLAM." IMISLA.M will move a revelation to any one suffering and needlessly, enduring -imy 'surface' skin affection. It is daily giving evidence of Its remarkable healing properties in permanently curing the worst cases of Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Barber's and all other forms of Itch, including itehfng feet, and eradicating facial and other disfigurements of years' standing. 7 STOPS ITCHING AT ONCE. In minor troubles, such as Pimples, Blotches, Hives, Dandruff, Red Noses and the like, results show after a single application, the complex ion being cleared overnight. POSLAM is a perfect antiseptic, kills germ life and contains nothing to injure the most delicate skin. Its success is greater than that of any thing used tor similar purposes and it is probably the most widely recom mended reniedv known. There is no skin trouble for which POSLAM should not unhositui inglv lie used and which it will not benefit. Two sizes, ,-() Cents and $11.00. POSLAM IS SOLD III THE KING-eROWEL'L DRUG CO. AX1) ALL DRUGGISTS. YOU CAN TRY POSLAM FREE ! No one is asked to purchase Poslam without first obtain ing a sample. By special arrangement this will be sent tree by mail, in plain wrapper, to any reader of the Raleigh Tunes who will (ill out this coupon and send it to 1IIE KAIEUGEXCY LABORATORIES, 32 West Twenty-fifth St., New Votk Citv. Write Plainly. Please send me a Iree sample of Poslam with full direc tions for use. Name .... .... . . . . . . .... . . . . .... . . . . .... Address ... . ........ .. .... .. ........ .. At The Grafts! Theatre RALEIGH'S THEATRE BEAUTIFUL. You will have to admit we have the best Vaudeville bill ever presented in Raleigh. Four acts and each a feature. Come around, you'll enjoy the show. PRICES AS USUAL PRICES - - 5c, 10c, and 15c. Attention Cotton Farmers YVc will ;ij)prci'ialc it it' . our j'in 'iistoin.'i.'s will call ;iiid ..iie! 7 planting seed JVom us at (hut, as wo will only buy seed grown from seed 7i'uni!!-lic(l I ,iy us next season. For these we will pay ;i Taney price, so please call at one;' and got them. W. A. SIMPKINS. THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES MARCH 2t), 1. NO. 173 HOUSEHOLD PREMIUM OOCPOS This coupon, signed wltk the name and addrcii of a reader of TUB Tili'-iB, will b houorbd o any of our HouMhcld Pram torn. Name '.- . ... .. . ' ,. AAittW ... , i m . m mm mm ml . . WUm . . , City ,. .. .. .. .. .. '.,..'. NOTICE A complete set consists of thirty (SO) coupons of enuiecutlTe dates only one coupon of each date will be accepted ill each set. Hold Your Coupons Until Ton Have the Full Set. Remember, the 'thirty (30) coupons must be eouecutlrelr dated. Too cm start with any date. - 9