THE RALEIGH DAILY tVmE$: MONDAY, ApL'lL 17, 1911. NEW TRACTION LINE Change In Roote From East to West Durham School Authorities and Traction Company Were u Long Time About Getting Together Great Interest In Outcome of Rig Suit. ! (Special to The Times) Durham, April 17 The work on the new projection of the Durham Traction Company's line, Its change of route and loop, has begun and . within three or four weeks the old route from- East .Durham to West Durham through Main street, will be changed so as to parallel the main line of the Southern Railway. This involves an expenditure of several , thousand dollars, all bor rowed by the traction company. As the road now runs it splits the Trin ity College campus in two, not as the campus has been for years, but as it is to be in the future'. I The school authorities ami the traction company have been long trying to get together on this project. The traction company is largely owned by R. H. Wright and the gift of Benjamjn N., Duke to the college of 50 ormore acres lying between the car line and the railway, caused the desire to have a solid campus and to change the line. Mr. Wright, who isn't; .Mr. Duke's best friend. held that, moving the line would hurt traffic, would cost him much money and inconvenience and help the col lege none, so far as convenience is who.. removing me line .undertook so rnr us nrtnn v tn in.. u n I patronage. It took them long to agree because in business they have not always harmonized.. Moreover the Southern Power Company is coming here, and that does not help Mr. Wright. But he decided to let the college have the benefit f? the scheme, and 3,000 ex tra feet of track are being laid. The new route will diverge at a point-, near the new Duke academic building and travel with the railway. It conies into the old track again short his fourth year, will go to Bal timore this summer with Dr. M. T. Adliins and will be given a try-out with Baltimore, though there is no contract signed. Coach Adliins will also have Bob Gantt with him. The greatest interest in the out come of the supreme court's decision in the Standard Oil's case-has been caused here, partly by reason of the interest in the American Tobacco Company's Interest in a kindred matter. The best efforts to. find out what the oil trust is doing have failed, but telegrams have literally poured in on the officials- here. Instructions are being given the employees, but whether these are the result of a trip or noti cannot be found "out. It is learned that there will be very radi cal "changes. The men would love to tell it, but they won t. of course. From what can be learned ns having been dropped by "accident, the oil company is preparing for the worst and will be ready when It comes. Mr. B. N Duke has been here the pasti month. He has let out no fear. His 'argument has always been that they call his company a monopoly be cause It gives what the people want and sells the most 'goods. A few weeks aeo the. covernmeiit shipped by express a car of five-cent THE SANDERS MATTEH. Why Frank Sanders Fled the Federal Court at Xew Bern Last October. To the Editor of The Times: : , The fact that Frank Sanders fled the federal court last October at New Bern has been news that has been broadcasted oVer the state, his flee ing deeply regretted by his family, and most mercilessly condemned by his interested enemies. Why he fled no paper has hud the facta to state. If all the facts were known, and the public eye could penetrate the scenes enacted behind the curtain of the conspirators the honest public senti ment would be changed to a sense, not approval, to at least one of pardonable act. Dating back to Oct ober, 1909, when , Z. Newberr mayor if Newport, was murdered, conspiracy was formed, its membe ship not wholly confined to Newpor its object being to implicate and de stroy both. lack and Frank Sand ers.- The Ingenuity of the consiprator was crafty and deceitful. The publi mind must be poisoned against these men, and the first act was a com municatioii published in the Nev. and Observer, pretended to hav been written at Newport by one 'MINERAL LADY WRITES ABOUT packages of smoking tobacco. Tlie ' fts' cM.l:m 88 Bje''ia.' cor'-esiondon jackies use no other, it seems, thus making the government an. abettor of the trust by purchasing Its prod uct only. The pulpit commigee of the First Baptist church met yesterday and discussed the calling of a pastor to succeed Rev. Dr. J. W. Lynch, who resigned three weeks ago to tale the First Baptist pulpit in Athens. Ga. There arc 25 on the committee and the selection of a minister is one of the greatest jobs the church ever The pulpit has been made a prominent one In spite of the fact that it never had been before and Dr. Lynch has been preaching to tre mendous crowds. He will remain here until the middle of June and will either go abroad or take a big fishing trip in Canada. The minister will go to Athens the first Sunday in May and will preach while there. II. will not take the pastorate until September. The big Easter event will be a dance tomorrow nignt in which there will be more than ::o couples, ro-en- ets it hack on - the college. new baseball park will be exactly on 11111 P ( in Until . I 1.11 -.-. uu&euuu urn linns i e j i... -.. ... There's where the traction company ! . ? "'"J .. 1 0I" T lvc rm. 1 ' -yniuiiim uiiu uaviuson l oi- 1 ut-1 leffe " .1.0 car iine and fans won't have to 1 ' "J"' they have h i, wi , .i , . .!..,.- lu nit; utuii:?. . mere are many girls, visiting now, among them being Miss Marguerite -Jordan, whik half a mile after reached the place. The work will re quire several weeks. A loop at the terminus will throw the cars into the old .line. fjiiptuin Sidney C. Chambers, city attorney and captain of the light in fantry of Durham, has been ordered to Mexico, alqng with three captains and two majors. He expects to leave tomorrow or next day for a trip of several weeks, at least. Mr. Chambers' leaves the prosecu tion of the city docket in the hands it V. L. Foushee. The detail to Mex Ico did not indicate what was wanted and the message said orders would tollow. The .Durham captain isn't reiinui that he is going to need his company, in which are some tX the best shots in the entire regiment to winch it belongs. ine appearance here Saturday of Walter H. West, former first and third baseman of Trinity's team -.xiiiriuu me story, which appears to nave all of authenticity, tllat he will play this year with the Wlnaton-Su- leni; team. When Waller West stood on .third Claude West, his brother, on short torn huiter at second' and Enislie Armficld at first, with Bob Gantt or li lid Lane in the box and Flowers be hind the but,, there was an Infield that no -Kouthoi-n team could dupli cate., Arniheld was ruled off in 1 (WWI f I r. i . ii'ie ion college, Suiter cap tained The team and Waller 'West re mained on third. A prettier throw across the diamond was never seen. In 191.0 Hob Gantt was disqualified and the team so demoralized that West had to go to first. He was captain and put up a good game any where. He hits hard and runs bases well. He -graduated at Trinity in J!)l() and keeps in trim during the summer by playing at home. There isn't much fear here that he won't land if Coach Clancey gives him a trial. His brother, Claude, now playing oi unnvnie, the guest of Mrs. J. S. Biiggs; 'Miss Blanche Bradshaw. of High Point, Misses Annie Louise and l.ida Carr Vanghau's guest: Miss Bessie Erwin, of St. Mary's, Miss Alice i.izer. of Salisbury, who is with her sister. .Mrs. Tom Bost, an others, who will come in today 1 he Bobbins Dry Goods Companv one of the prominent business houses of the city, has closed its doors for nuuiuauon . ana the receivership i appointed at the instance of one of its stockholders, A. C. Beck. i iic .uuinpiiuy- carrieu neavy ac counts and many of them were bad Their liabilities are not known' now but: are thought to be about $16,000 wan assets near $ 1 2,000. There i auoui ?i,uuo on the books. The' re ceivership Was asked for Friday. The holiday has been marked by uiHcucui suspension of work today ami ptc-nic parties and . basobal games have claimed flic attention of everybody The Franklin .'training ship team came here today and this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock plays Trinity the game that was scheduled with Wnke I' orest tror this date. . Tomorrow the ton in goes to Georgia and Soulh Car- olina for the annual southern t rij: Constipation brings many ailments in its train and is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowels regular maaam, and you will escape many of the ailments to which women are subject. Constipation is a very simple thing, but like many simple iiiiiikk. it may -lead to serious conse iiuentvs. future often needs a little assistance and-, 'when-' '-Chamberinln'a iauicis are fciven at the first- lmlli-:i tion, much distress and suffering may ue uvuiueu. sold bv a 1 flpalnrn ' "T" -rr ' ' The Whole Family Reads Tlio ISuIclgli Daily Times. :MEV E LRY : RALEIGH'S EXCLUSIVE MOTION PICTIKEaTsLOTI? IIIOGKAPH TODAY. . . : WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR OLD. (A Itiograph Drama) IN HER FATHER'S ABSENCE. - (A (Jood Comedy) JULIAN ? (Driiina) FOR HIS PAL. A fStnry of True Friendship) ; " '; Prof. Levin and His Orchestra Tonight, 8 to 10:30. ARONS0N BROWNE "T' Managers The Best Tonic She Ever Used in Her Family Cardui, the Woman's Tonic. .Mineral, Tex, "I have a few words to say," writes Mrs. A. J. Hale, of this place, "on the merits of Cardui as a tonic. "I have used' It in my Camily and have found it to he jiist" as repre sented. "It Is certainlv the best tonic I have ever used, and 1 hope tliat my words will Jead some suffering lady to' try it." -.'; .; . If one lady, out of the thousands who read this letter of Mrs. Hale's will try Cardui, her letter will not have been wriiten in vain. Will you be that lady? Remember you wMl really be tryin no experiment. Cardui is a standard part of the siock of every up-to-date drug store. It is not a new, untried,.' untested, laboratory chemical, manufactured alkaloid, 'or' by-product of coal tar or other new inilusiry. It has been in use fpr half a cen tury.- ..'. Time has tested it and proved its real true, --'genuine merit in the light, not of a 'laboratory test tube ex periment, but of actual experience and fact. Cardui is 11 jji'pven success. It will pay .voir to test it for your self. Get it at the nearest drug store. If..' B. Write, to: Ladlnsi' Advipory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for .Special In structions, ami 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," tent in plain wrapper, on rcuicst. but this communication was concoct ed and dictated by at least two of the conspiratorsone not . a '-resident of Newport This communication bold ly charged that Jack Sanders did th shooting and was arrested on th spotwlth the gun in his hand, hot and smoking. On trial it was proven by the oath of the sheriff of the county that it was fully 17 hours after the murder that the arrest of Jack Sanders and his gun was made. But the purpose of the false article had been ac complished and public sentiment ran high against the Sanders boys They were arraigned and tried at once and no mightier effort was ever made to convict. Yet with public sentiment poisoned and red hot against them the evidence was so conclusive In their favor that the 12 jurors, strangers and wholly un known to the prisoners, took but short deliberation to return their verdict Cli "Not Guilty". The same conspirators who plot ted and labored to destroy Jack and Frank Sanders October, 1909, are actively at work against Frank Sand ers today and are resorting to the same vile means of attempting to poison the public mind, hoping their vengeance may be crowned with sue cess and Frank Sanders sent to the penitentiary and going- further in their hopes to destroy every Influ ence' that might bar their maWcious efforts, they have enlarged and broadened their charges and dentin ciations to include the entire Sand era family. Both in the News and Observer and Raleigh Daily Times communications have been sent from New Bern with s'ahderous articles against the entire Sanders family. Subtle, crafty, mid unscrupulous, these conspirators fed with venom the pons of these' correspondents through their special agency residing in New; Bern. It affords the writer and his families much gratification to receive assurances from the edi tors of the News and Observer and the Raleigh Daily Times that they do not share in the sentiment of the objected-to communications and will announce this in their respective pa pers. . Yes, Frank Sanders fled the federal court, but ho will be nt its next term in New Bern to meet the malicious indictments of his prose cutors. His bondsmen shall not. lose uul his honor. Judge Connor, shall not have cause to share the base opinions his malicious prosecutors would have him do. Tim historv of the case is this: The culmunation nf the eonsi.iraev uia come lo uiu UMUC Md lUrli heinous' offenve his malicious' 'prose cutors had alleged against him, and with his mind dazed from drink and drugs and his nervous system shat tered and prostrated, it is not a won der that he was excited Into an ab normal fear and under these condi tions imprudently fled the court, greatly to the regret of his family and friends.' None cif the familv have ever been convicted of crime and two of us were volunteers and served four -years in the Confederate army, at the Trout. The writer is a strong 'temperance man, who never smoked, '-chewed, nor drank, and has ever alleged himself on the: moral ide of every (liiestioii. The public can see the importance of this '-defence';1 to whom it is most espect f ully sulim'i tied. .1. W. SANDERS, M.D. Ocean, N. C, April ID, 1911,; Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? ; No. Never. Its foolish to hear a fancied evil, when there are real and eadly perils to guard . against . in swamps and marshes, bayous, and low lands.. These .are'. "the' malaria germs that cause ague, .chills and fever, weakness, aches In the bones and muscles and may Induce deadly typhoid. But Electric Bitters destroys and casts out these vicious germs from the blood. "Three bottles drove all the malaria from the system,". -wrote Wm. FretwpH, of Lucuma, X. C, "and I've had fine health ever since." Use this safe, sure remedy only. 50c. at King Crowell Drug Company. "Little and Often is What Fills the Purse. '' nvv with tho Inrllnation to avf B0YLAN-PEARCE CO, B0YLAN-PEARCE CO BOYLAN-PEARCE CO THE tiTVLE BOOK, SUMMER QUARTERLY, NOW READY. Fabrics .- " '- ' 7-1 .:M,'v:;..' Easter is over. -Wo now turn our attention to tlio Si'iii!' and Suimnor sewing. Colored Dress (ioods under tho Mercer Process are hardly di's linnuishabk' from genuine Silk. People with inca gci; iursf s, do nieasuro well up with persons of fat wallets in the mad raee of fashion and with as much show and style as if they were donned in -the real product of the Silk worm. WHAT 25c. WILL DO. .You can buy Cob-web Voiles, Egyptian Tis sues. Irish Poplins, Soiseite, .Foulard Mirage, Tioi'dure Lingeries, Cotton Voiles by the yard at a (juai'ter of a dollar. FOR 15c. YOU CAN BUY Sampson's (Jalatea, Ivanhoe Ginghams, Dublin Dimities,. Poplins and Seersuckers. . All stylish, ' strong and serviceable. 1 10 AND 12i2c. BUYS Lawns, Ginghams, Percals, Linonette, Linene, ( liambrays, Datistes and Cambrics in jrctty pat terns and showv stvles. ' : A WORLD OF WHITE GOODS. French Lawns, Chiffon Cloth, Mull Lustre, ,, Dimities,' Percals, Long Cloth, Nainsook, Swisses,-; Piques and Flaxons. Right Goods in ample" quantities at Right Prices. OYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY "PRINCE ALBERT" MAKES! HEADQUARTERS HERE. Realizing the value of a "good keeper" Prince Albert, the refflst4red pony of Tlie Daily Tunes, is making his headquarters with us. We care for all alike and take pride and Interest in the grooming and feeding of all horses lctt in our charge. PLUMMER'S STABLES. TlfB MOVING VAN FOLKS." Both Phone lift Rut Morgan Street . . . . . . RALEIGH, N. O. resulted in ii report that Frank Sand ers on a certain day in October. 1910 in the town of Newport, sold some one a drink of liquor this was the only charge. He was arrested handcuffed, and taken to New Bern directly before the court, as the case would not he called before the next week his lawyer asked his release under bond. : ' Now comes the part that, filled Frank Sanders' mind with 'astonish ment and fear. He knew several cases for trial at that term of the court for illicit dis- tiling, the distills having been cap tured and the defendants had 'been bonded, some for $200 and others not over $250. For the charge of the minor of fense of retailing (one Offense only) he had a right to suppose his bond would be a small one and especially as this was the first case he ever had n this court. TJie bond required was $1,000. He went back home, his mind filled with forebodings, rest less and unable to solve the course 'f the excessive, bond. He began to drink heavily and on Sunday night he attempted suicide by taking laud anum. His wife Bent for me hur- iedly, saying Frank was at death's door and to come quickly. I went, but before I got to his home he awoke enough to stagger to his buggy, his wife begging him not to start as he would never reach New port, but he said he was under a 1,000 bond and must be in New Bern before court was called. He got there, heard of some of the falBe charges that had "been made to the district attorney denouncing him as a desperado and lawless brigand and a murderer, and knowing the unscrup ulous charactefof bis persecutors he pictured in- his Imagination, that the pxroflslvo bond and rough manner of his arrest must be beoause of some We Teach You to Save. We Make it Easy to Save. We Lend Encouragement. We Pay You to Save. We allow 4 Interest on saving and compute the Interest four times a year. .: . Money deposited on or before the 3rd day of the Month Is entitled to tlie full month's Interest. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK Concrete Paving Concrete Floors, Concrete Steps built as the? should be and guaranteed. Prices the lowest considering the quality of work. Let me figure your heavy construction; can save money for you. , W.J. GRANTHAM, Phone 050R. E8eftir3D 8ucceed when everything else tails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE . it fa the best medicine ever sold over druggist' counter. - a parted Deposit your morioy within the first three days of tho month to. get interest from first of April.-" THE RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. John T. Pullen, Pres. Jos. G. Brown, Vice-Pres. Charles Root, Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANKING. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Deposits . ............. .$2,136,952 Assets .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,713,216 Popular Songs Humorous Sayings, Modern Music Are all combined in the Rec ords of the Victor and Edison Machines, and you can select the best of the land and bring It in your home for small cost. VICTOR MACHINES and EDISON MACHINES , embrace all in the Talking Machine business, and you can supply your wants by consult ing n. A. GASKINS, ., Jllli West Mnin St., ,i ftear Vivo 1'oints, 1HKHAM, N. V. L Chas. E. Johnson, President. F. H. Briggs, Cashier. Raleigli Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1S5J. . Stands For : RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. A Honorable Record For Nearly Half Oeatti?, California Canned Fruits Del Monte Brand (extra Quality) Peaches, 30c. : Gondola Brand (L. C.) Peaches, 25c. Melrope Brand (L. C.) Peaches, 26o. Gondola Brand Apricots, 26c. Mountain Rose (Pitted Cherries) 25 cents. Herald Brand Pears, SOe. Cheaper by the dozen or case1. Both Phones. " RUDY & BUFF ALOE, ' 108 E. Hargett St. ' - Merchants National Bank ' OF RALEIGH, Jf. O., Pays 4y Compounded Quartorly, in Saving's De partment. April 1st beings new quarter. Make your deposits on or before April 3d, and get your interest July, 1st, 1911. " , '; , .MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Of Raleigh, X. O. , i Sickness When you are- ill why rail the doctor, and after he luis prescribed . for 'you tlen mil us. Let us All your prescriptions, for we give all prescription work our personal attention and you are assured of accuracy. J. C. BRANTLEY, MASONIC TEMPLE, , mm I (