THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: lM0X17AY; ATlULntjaDJW- .HI Mecklenburg Ginger Ale Delicious, healthful, refreshing, nourishing. Prepared from a stand ird formula with pure Ginger root extract and the celebrated MECKLEXBCRQ FAMOUS WATEB i For Sale In Raleigh by : KJNG-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY, THE QUALITY DRUG STORE. f society"! & WHY LIXGKK HERE RKLOW? You may talk about your golf links, The hazards where you ve lain: But for unsurpassed excitement Go seek the aeroplane. You may rave about your motors, The speed with which thev "mole But no law can now arrest you As in the air. you float. You may diagnose this morning. The Bridge hands held last night: But grand slams or all five ' honors Look pale beside a -.light. . You may shoot with gun or ri:. At 'targets in the air, : The aerp-bird above vou.- for A twelve gauge feels no eare. " You may love the. horseback- vwlmsr. . "The pursuit of: the quail: But if. you w-ant some real, live spurt Go up and haw a sail. Take my advice, tins planet leave . Why linger here below: The most exciting thing on :'.' Up in the air seems slow! . . Miss E. Marie Sinclair. -ot.Xew York, for some years a writer, of v'sse and best known through her book "Random Shots," has written. foithe local society paper this snappy . pbeni as the re sult of her recent flight with Mr. Lin coln Beaehey in the c'lii'tis biplane. T-Pinehurst. N. .',:. , . . .-- 4 . - Miss Sue Thackston speni Easti r at Durham. Miss Mildred Mclntyre has! goiu; to - Lumberton. Mrs. F. C. Smith is: spending Kastor . with relatives at Durham. . ' Miss Emma Ptirnell. . of Vcidon.. is visiting Miss Lena wimlell, :. Miss Kmtnie Drewrv is visiting .Mis. Alex. Hanes at .Winston-Salem. , Miss Mamie Bradshcr : and Miss Oor trude Horne have gone, to itoxboio. Miss Kula Cromartie. of KUtiVIl, spent Toaster with Mis. W. J'. Wrotni. Miss, Mary Timberlake. . of Youngs ville, is the guest, of Miss-Amur Iiu-tivv Jones. ' Misses Lossio and. : 'LI la . ijtone. of Meredith College.- spent -'.Easier at. tfkii home ut Apex. ...... Miss Irene . STlrnyor, .if llai risi..dra:;r. Va., is; visiting Alisses Belle and Vivian Moncure on North Blount street. . Miss Annie Lee 'Wynne who is spend ing Easter at -home has- as Am. giic.-t . Miss Lily Belle Sutton, of LaClrange. - Mrs. Daisy Lewis and Miss Jlaiy Shepard Bryan are spending K.isb r with their aunt, ..Mrs. . Henry lii y.-iii. at New H"iu. " Miss Irene Mogford, of Detroit. Mich igan, .who has been visiting Mi'., and Mrs. James L. Mogford, has gone "lo Southern 1'iin.s. Mrs. A. P. O. Bryan, of Washington, D. C., is visiting Mrs; Charles M, Bus bee. . Mr. Pay ton H. Ennls. :of Norfolk, is visiting Iris -parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. ('. Kmiis. ' '". . Miss E!l:i jlial spent East-er' with her sister. Miss I'oriima Mial at. tile State Normal. . ..: 'Mr.-, and Mrs. J. H. Xewsom, of iletoti. were in the city today to witness. the ball same-. Mr. ar..l Mi-'. lYrcy ijawson and Miss Rcba Johnson, of: Lit ileton. were Ha!-. eiu:, i-'itoiS t il.l. . : Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Heck are In the city. : guests of 'Mr. Heck's mother, 'Mrs. .1. M. 1 1 -. k. Judge and Mrs. Myers, of Indian apolis... are spending Easter with their daughter, Mrs. .loci WJiitaker. , '..:' -''' Mrs. James TV Shepherd ami niece. Miss Sparrow, spent' Easter With Irs.' Oeo. E, Crabtrce. a! Goidsboro. ' Miss Leniayer llrown, of Greenville, is in .'the. city as the. guest of Miss Mildred Ooodwia, on . Hillsboro street, Mrs. X. M. Cuitireth.who has been at Petersburg-, with her '''daughter- for several . ecks. . lias relumed to the city. . ; :'':.; ; Miss Aim Tilrickwell. of Durham, v h i spent E-istei- in the city. Willi her uncle. Mr. John M. Weill bie. will i etui'u hniiir '.his evening. . , Mis. Y. H, llaiigum is very HI at her home No. .1 EiKhteeotli Avenue. Hev son. Mr.: '(.'iiti Mtiugtiin. of Aiiianv. Is here at. hf-r' bcilside. . .l issMai ga H A. . :l-:oi;i-rs. a Sutdyfl't in t'ne (ixVcird Feiriaie-Seaiinary, at '')-' f"id, is spehdini; Easter witli her luotiu1!-. is, Vile.v Br.g.'ls. . ' Mi s. J. 'I", : M'tTrt'.' -i'f . Laiirinburg: J!r. V. I:. Ninth, of Jjcks.m. and Miss Eva, Noiiii, of-'Lake' fity, S. -'i are, spending Easier with llev. H. M. North.- . Mrs. 11, C a'.' riryaut, ;g-f WaShiiig ton. D. -t' is a guest at the lionve of Judge Hoke, Nlis: Bryant will be lileasaiiliy- vemeiitl eri d in this "city ;is Miss -Eva Stnniuer. as she often yi.-lte 1 here.:': :---.'.. Friends ..f Mr. Saniuei ..H. Farrabec :uid .VI is. Fa i;ra Ik.i.', who was fnrnieri Mis. Jennie I'lnyeit. daughter of :Mrs. A. M. I'l.inil of ih.-s i-:: . will be ''pleas-, ed to know that they ha ve: l eturni'd to this city to reside., .li:. Farraber conies as. dty editor of 'I'iie. Times and it is inderd gitud , to have them both back again.. ' . ;: , , yis llcartt Entertaiirs. Mi-s Il.-iie Hear'.t will enteriaiii lu r card club tomorrow : aftei iio"n. ,- : . lunior (icrnian Dance. The, Junior Cicrmnn : t'lub. will give iheir Ea ster (hinre. a I tie- lia neyUa II tomorrow, night. This is expreh'rl' to SOMETHING NEW IN FdDULAHSB HLM We are showing new Foulard Silks in the season's latest novelties, from twenty-one to thirty-six inches wide Price from 50 cents to $1.00 per yard. All the trimming accessories for such material in prices from 15 cents to $5.00 per yard. . Silk Hose In our hosiery department you will find one of the great est displays of hosiery ever made. The very best in silk hosiery at 50 cents, 75 cents and $1.00. TM& A. PAMTM C. Ladies Furnishings and Novelties. - -, 131 Fayetteville St. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. r i , i : :'K ftl;.,i:.i . ' d'Hi! h r'l be one of the largest attended dances of the week. The dance "will bcgln promptly at 9 o clock. Fortnightly Review (Info. This Fortnightly P,evlew club' will meet with Dr. 'Delia-Dlxon toninrrow atternoon at 3:4j. .- , Olln I'oilritla ("Info. The Oilu Podrlda t'lub . w III meet Tuesday afternoon ut four o'clock with Mrs. VV. S. Wilson. ... Miss Dalian Enteitniiied. Miss Alston Dargan entertained Sat urday . afternoon in honor . of Miss Candler, of Savannah and Miss Moore, of Paris. Texas, guests of .Miss Marsh ail Ci.le. . ';' Devotional Meet iiu; ol l.cuttuo. Prof. 7.. V. Judd will conduct the devotieiial ni"eting oi' the,' Edenton S:reet Epworth League in the league reoin this I'veiiing at 7:4.". ...AH mein bei's and friends of the league invited. onlii'ination ( St. Saviours. An intcn-st ing class coni)i,)se'l most ly of adults and numbering sixteen Wits condritieti a: St. Saviour's t'liaK'i hist- ' ' ' " lUshup I'lieshire preaclied an Easter yrnioii and spoke with approving winds of the good work being don at St. Saviour's by .ltev. Mr, Eulianli the zealous ininis'er in chaise. ' - 1 1'iiK'rnil v Dance lomeht. A fraternity dance will be held In 1'uileM auditorium at A. '.& -M. ('nlleg' this evening and will be one ; of. the en joyable r-cnts of the eek. Thei'i are a numhi r of visiting girls in tin city and a, number of lialeigil girl home from school for the holidays who will make tile .dances this Week, d tight ful affairs. " ' M.Xt-Tiapu r. Tile .'marriage of Mi- Elizabeth Trapier and Mr; . S'.ep'ien F! n-d Molt will be, c : hi .,:'. I -t onion ow e ven ins at- 7:"li o'cl.icli. . .' .'.' fiss - Trtiidcr . is one of : Ka'a-igh'.'-most ' i-h'armhig and .popular girls, while Mr. Mott is enU.rllv popular being con nected wl: h the. N-i t ional i'as!i lieL--tei I'luiipauy here. E.'STEIl Sl DV IN IIAI.KMJI. ilr Mciitbcr IVi-lret ami tin ImisUt Sei-i icos Atlcmlcil bv l.nigv ( oii- jtri'U'atioiis. . The: weather . man releiiled all and gave us as perfeei an Easter day as any. one could desire yesterday: He im,ist: have know n the de-pni: i.ig -sighs with . which the . Ih(l.eit!:v . iiiaidens wa.clK-l the di.v'.:upiiiir all da S.uur d iv 'and' ihe remetful glances t'.Vat vcc;'e c'a many t!:nis: at ihe n"vv'-r luinnei ami dress. .When Easter inn in:. dawiicl h'ov ever it was in n biirsl of sunsbiiH that did the: Easier maidens tiwi(, 'hat mat tered it if Ihe w ind w as. keen dining the .inorning .it Ire.-ahie deligiu warm later in -tin' il-iy and tin streets . were gay wtMi the :ni vv spring Ivovks . ii.nd- honiiels . and ..the new Easier si'ifs.. , If the " t C n i .'ho oiorn iiig service was ,o,:i- at thM cli'arclirs ilie fashion parade was .on lii full swing.; But . Easier as observed in another and a truer seiise, in tile city clutrciw:!. beautiful service's . being, held in all i f them. -Pulpi-ts and aitars erPi i'"agrant willi ,sir.iug. Ilowers wiiile the deep rones of organs, the app -a ling notes of iidins and the sonnvl ef many voices, li.uited in - .making glad the day. Tin' Ha-uer story Was tohl. froui . Ilie varietis pulpits in sermons of eli'iiueiice and :J:oWe.r, . , fVihaps the most.', heautil'ai of the Easter services we're those of the rhil dren held hi tlie . Sunday Schools. . The little, folks, euteivil hcarijly info the oeeasimi Iningiiig their utiles; t ' v add to til", leister, offering:-.. T'hc (iffcring, taken fur various phases of church work we:-..- large in ail the churches for tar :beaiiiil'ul weather brought out large., congregations, SEVERAL KIADE HAPPY Waive, County Mao Among Four Granted Pardons Ijfe udloitl (onviii(eil ot Stealing 10 (ilvcii Another Chain' Dui- hum Man, J. W. Cailton (iven Ills I.ilieily. Governor Kitchin today granted four conditidnal pardons and com muted the sentence ol two other prisoners. Those pardoned wero lout Simmons of -Buncombe county, ,lesse Harlow;' J. H. Mvman and J. H. (.arlton. The two men recoiviiig coin iiiutatitoiis -were Lee Wadlonl. ol Wake comity, and Henry Logan, ot htanlv county. '1 lie governor gives reasons lor lila actions as follows1'-' Those (ilvcii Pardons. l orn Simmons, ' .November lerni, l0!i, nuncouibe count v: crime, nian- s.aiighier: sentence, seven years on roads. Iliree reputable linysicians. incliuling t:ie cotnuv physician,. -state-that prisoner Is in the last singe ol t tiherculosls. county physician siates that his condition hub ferottjfc sli'adilv worse Hince Ins Imprison-; liieiit and that the indications are that -he cannot live a greal wnlle In conhneiiieiit, and he strongly .-recommended pardon. He is in j a 1 1 . The grand jury has 'recommended that he he removed from jail. The trial judge a judge holding a subsequent court, the solicitor, the attorney general Die count v commissioners and many others recommended Ins pardon. 1 pardon him on condition that ue re mam law abiding and ot eo.Kl be havior. Jetse Barlow and .1. K. My man Martin county, March I ernv 1!)H) crime, burning storehouse; ; sentence two and four -years stales prison Prisoners have served twelve months, I ;io evidence was circunistanctal. The oilense was an nitempt to burn a barber shop. The judge in recom nieiidin!! the jiardou slates (mil there was only more than a scintilla ol evidence against one ot prisoners. Ihe onlv witness lo snow con spiracy was ft twelve year old negro bov who swore -hcai heard prisoners making their plot on ihe Monday morning before the tiro. Since the trull it has been conclusively .shown; as I dunk. that at. that tune one ot t he prisoners was not in the county,' am.-. davits ol several nion. whose ciiar acters are slrown to lie good, being filed showing -this prisoner was else where at that tune, one of die alnants show such prisoner was witty him and was paid on lor certain won:. I lie attorney employed by tae state nioi'i- aiioe coniiui-sioner. who prosecuted in die absence of the solicitor, also stronglv ..recommends a conditional pardon. Pardoned on condition that thev remain law abiding and ol good behavior. .1. W. Carlion, August tserin. 1 fin. Diirnam cinintv: crime, larceny: sen tence, twelve, months on roads. Prisoner bought stolen goods, knowing 'l hem- to have been stolen. He lias now served about two-tlurtls ot ,us sentence. Prisoner sutlers Iroin scialica. His physical condi tion is bad. A reputable pnvsiciiin savs that his sfialica and luuibago lender linn unfit for work, and fur ther states that longer confinement will seriously and permanently, im pair his health, it being doubtful whether ho can survive the service ol Ins lull sentence. 1 no .county physician, die-members .of ihe coun ty board of commissioners, and mauv other citizens renuest Ins pardon. Ihe judge and the solicitor also re commend pardon on account ol his physical condition. Pardoned on condition that lie remain law abiding and of good behavior. ommiitntioiis, Wadlord. nko counlv, Sep tember term. 1010; crime, forcible trespass: sentence, one to three years on count v roads: commuted to eight monliis. Prisoner a boy tnen under sixteen years of ago pleaded guilty ol forcible trespass in taking $10.00 of his sisters money. He uas serv ed seven inontns. Many citizen ask for his pardon. Ihe solicitor thinks the sentence should bercom muted on condition oi good behavior. The cit izens think he would not have taken anybody else s money, and his sister und her uusbaml ask for clemency in his behalf. He is described as small for his ago and week bodily and men tally. The court had no power to enter a conditional Judgment to re strain him afterwards, I nder the circumstances..-!., commute hia . sen tence to eight' months on condition that he remain law abiding and of good behavior. Henry Logan Stanly county, March tu, lflll, recorders court: crime, carrying concealed weapon; sen tence, three months on roads; com muted to $10.00 line and costs. Prisoner nas served a 'portion of his senteuce. The chief of police, and the attorney representing the town of Albemarle who prosecuted the case, both recommend commutation. The attorney writes that'after finding out more about this darkey and his Character, and considering the assist ance lie rendered the prosecution in breaking up nom blind' ; tigers, lie fhltiks the remainder of his Bentence, should be change to a ft no, I mere- THE AFTER EASTER SOCIAL FESTIVITIES BEGIN Ull society will be busy from now on. Many social duties to perform in the afternoons and evenings. Are you pre pared for such occasions? Have you seen the Evening Dresses we are showing? Every one full of style; made from the very latest models and each dress containing an individual ap penrsnce that is not obtainable elsewhere. Why not stop that habit of running to the busy dress maker. Rid yourself of .that uneasy feeling of not being pre-, pared to go to these social functions. Just let us tell you how easy it is to "get what you want when you want it." T If it is anything in ready-to-wear apparel we have it. 203-205 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. B lore commute the remainder, of pris oner s sentence to a fine of $10.00 ami all costs. ' , , ' ,,: . lUMtSOMI-: dll'T OP ST. TI'AHY. The (riiangoLir Iddiale and Other HijjIi Si liool News ol Imerest. The Italeigli High . Scliool has b( en presented with, a vn y Jiund-oine oiecc of siatutory and pedestal Ihe; gift, of those tw'.o public spirited , nu.n,, !.::. ti.'o. AV. Lay. rector of S;. Mary '-s and Dr. Albert Anderson. '. Tile statue, t!ie gift .' I r. Lay. l-eprrs, :ts, David just after he lias i-laia adiiitli with his fool on the giants head. 'The sliglit gracctul .ligiire if the you ill in Hie I'uli .ilpsh- t his viclory niald.s a . handsome statue three feel in lit-ight. The .-pedestal, the gil ; of t)r. Vlberi Andersim is Su. feet higli. Super intendent- ''Harper -hopes, to add I'i'-e. s of good statuary from lime tn tiiiie and there W ill no ;diu!it be' -l 1 1 citizens as . liberal hearted as, these who -were tlie ;h-'K' '' place their gift in t'le . school. : TriHiigular Delmlc, Next P'riday night will, be one. of the most important ' occasi. ins. of the year in' the high school, It is then lhat Ihe triangular deflate between IMleigli, ?! censliot'O and -Charlotte, takes, Tlie one: y is rtesoivedi That liarriiig ci'insiitiitional. .uhjevtbiri :w liaierar SoveTiinU'iit should, levy a gradiiated tax en l'roni vhate er source .te'riveii,-- ' Me'ssi-s. 1'hilip Wool:.' c.t and (.'liitoii' lleckwiih go lo Charlotte to support ihe negative. .'Two representatives from '.Ireensbiiro will .oonio to I-t.ileigh to .in et .Messrs.. Carey J- Hunter and Hirer Sniitli, v, hn w ill uidiold the a ftiviiiative. " ir the ranie. uielit ("liarlnttc y-ili de bate' t'u lireensburo with ilie Urecnsb oro lni s.- ' , ' -. ''.':.-,. The italeigii lligb School has an en- iabli' reputati'Ci to sustain, having lost only iw deljaio, that ilat -year y.'lth iii-e'eii.vboio, This 'will inake Ihe: de bate ; here of .special imerest for ilv bovs .will no doubt be well matched as Creensboro is said to be sending iier t'.vo strongest' debaters here. . The Raleigh boys have been well trained especially :, lii presenting their aigiimeius in logical order and have one 'mulu thought tunning (.hrougii the win ile; debate. It is insisted nil. that their debates be simple and direct with no . UUiits . of oi.stos'y. This training will bi invaluable to the boy?- In after life.' ::' '". ' . : - ' ' ', The faster '-holidays have bee'n spent by. the ,1anitor. jit ,.u4l ihta . schools' in general spring cleahing. The Schools have been: seiabbed .'nut lia-teil ti:iii gem rully overhauled. Tfuilloors. have, been oiled so us to keep down tlie dust the greatest disease spreader in the schools. This Is what Mr.' Harper..' Is inaiiiug uch ii tight- against .ryul; tiiwls wie oiiea iiniiid neipiui. ror an use Am trwin l-Jveryu lijre till tin" finie, ivml The liali'jVli Daily 'l imes. -- vi Kveryw liore The hiSi'fch Pll . L II i.lJUll.JJW'M With all its Spring Like Loveliness is upon us. KS6BW- We are well prepared to furnish you even now with anything you want in Military. We received this morning a large shipment of Un trimmed shapes in white and burnt straws, including Hemp, Hairs, Milans, , Chips, etc. These are all the very newest things out and you are yet in time to have your Easter Hat trimmed. No orders taken for triming after twelve o'clock. Saturday. .'..:,"' "..:.,.... I ' . . I , ' . '. ' We are also showing a big lot of PATTERN HATS These are direct copies of the latest New York styles and it will pay you to see them. tJoollc I i'o-'.k :.'.(' .JI'll' ':','tl).';i ''; Y' -;.' H j '.ill lo .'' u.l'iH v" 3 I '.'-'.' " ,' CIT: ' ,'J -I . OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. : SMB& I -II of fa r iooda Oi :: ' '9 -V