TIIE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES: MOXDAY, APRIL 17, 1911. REMOVES BLOOD HUMORS The intimate relation of the skin to the blood is shown by the fact that impurities or poisons of any character are usually manifested in some form on the outer cuticle. Humors in tne blood produce what we term in general Skin Diseases. These are divided into several classes known as Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Pimples, Rashes, etc., and ea,ch of these troubles indicate the presence of Imniors cr acids in the circulation The humors and acida by their irritating nature, cause the delicate flesh just lieneath the outeriskin to ulcerate end discharge, and soon the body id dis figured with eruptions which ofleii &re torturing to the sufferer because of soreness or intense itching. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., can have no curative effect on skin diseases. Such treatment can perhaps soothe the irritated flesh, but the real cure must be accomplished by purifying the blood. S.S.S. cures Skin Diseases of ever 1 ind by purifying the blood and removing the humors from the circulation. It neutralizes all impure acids, cools the over-heated blood, and builds it up to normal strength. Then the skin instead of being irritated by acrid impurities and humors, is nourished, soothed and softened by pure, rich mood. Book on Skin Diseases and medical advice free. S S. S. is for sale at drug stores. Tfl SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. COLONIAL DINING B OOM FURNITU We have on exhibition in our WINDOW a Berkey and Gay Colonial Dining Room Suit in solid Mahogany. It is worth the look of any lover of FINE FURNITURE I joli M We are showing many very beau tiful anil exclusive designs in Plain and Enameled Silver anil Gold HAT PIXS. Enameled in HI lies, Green, and Mines.' .: H. MAHLER'S SONS Jewelers and Silversmiths LACES, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS Xew arrivals in Vnl, Ruby Irish, Cotton and Linen Torelinn in Iluby Sets gives us a splendid assortment to make your selection. 18 in. Embroidery Edge and Hands to match, 25c. per yard. 18 and 27 in. Flouncing, .10e Hands S.V. Xlce assortment Edge and Ins 'to match, from 10 fo 2.V. 27 In. Dot Swiss, 1254c, I.V., and 20c. s. iJ2 and Sil In. Plain and Cheeked Flaxons, 15c. and 20c. 27 in. Fancy .Waistlines, fwin 10c. to 30c. 27 ii). India I.inoiis and Mcicciiwd Batiste, 10e., 12t6c 15c., and .. 20 cent. .NEW .PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. HUNTER-RAND COMP'Y Agents Pictorial Review Patterns. Half the House Devoted to Shoes Iff II 1 SPORTS j ' " -x 1 l- 1 I v have ; - fin, . . . - 1-"' . . - If V atlilcups ever raised In Raleigh is also n. member of the Wake Forest team, It is conceded to be the fastest team ever turned, out by that college, and from Hie record already made by the A. & M. team, one may expect one of the greatest games ever witnessed in Ral eigh. Both ale. eager to win and will fltrht to a finish. With Ideal jweather prevailing a tre rni'ndous crowd Is expected. The root, ers will be on hand to furnish the noise and with each team having their star slubsmr-n at work one may rightly expect a close score. "Ding Dong" Hell, the nuiln re liance of Hill lalilen'8 lirooklyn pitching staff. Hell is working, In great shape this year, and, with Itueker laid up with a badly twisted ankle, will boar the brunt of the early stages of the 11)11 conflict. SATURDAY'S GAMES. . XntioiiHl Loaue. York: lirooklyn, 3; New Boston. 5 2: iMticiiv Chicago, 3. Phil- Lace Curtains Carefully Laundred The Reason for Spring Cleaning Is present Kvery Cnrtain mast come down and be cleaned right here is where we come In. We are well prepared to take care of the most delicate Curtains with the highest degree of satisfaction. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, RALEIGH, ' NORTH CAROLINA. A deposit made during the first three days of April in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will receive 4, Compounded Quarterly. , We Welcome Small as Well as Large Deposits. ...... . , . i ' - The Commercial National Bank. 1 B, S. JERMAN, President. ' E. 11. CHOW, Cashier. ' At New York. 6 At Boston: F'hiladelphia, 4; At Cincinnati: Pittsburg, nati, 3. At Chicago: St. l.ouls, 3; Tied in the 9th; darkness. American League. At Washington: Boston, C: Washing. ton,: 2. . At .Philadelphia .- New York, ndclpliia, 4. (Ten innings.) At Detroit: Chicago, 0; Detroit, 2. (Called in Sth inning: snow.) ; At St. Louis: Cleveland, 7; St. Loins. Southern Lea no. At Atlanta: Atlanta. 3; Chattanooga. At New Orleans: New Orleans. 1; Mobile. 0. At Birmingham: Birmingham, 7; Montgomery, a. At Memphis: Memphis, 2; Nashville, South Atlantic League.. At Savannah: First game, Savnnmin, 2; Augusta, 1. Second game, SavaMiia.i, 6: Augusta, 4. '. At Jacksonville: Jacksonville,. 3; A! biiny,. 4."-;-A' Columbia: Columbia,, (1; v'harK'S- ton,;. t.. . '.':: At Macon: Macon,- 3; Columbus, o. Other Games. At Annapolis, Md.: Navy, 2: Bu.ik nell, 0. . At Baltimore, Md.: Harvard, Johns Hopkins. 3. At Nashville, Term.: Vanderbllt. : Michigan. B. At West Point, N. Y. : West Point. 3: Tufts, 0. At Spartanburg. S. C: Woffor.l. P; Citadel, (Charleston) 6. failed on ac count of darkness; tenih inning. At Clcmson: Clemson College, 3; Newberry College, 2. . , A. M. VS. WAKE FOREST. HASEI1ALL IX RALEIGH. Meeting Called hy President n Whit uker Kr Thursday Xilit. It seems now to ho u ccrt'iln ty I .nit 'a four club league wil be lornied. After diekering lor some time with ; .Wilson, and Durham, with each proposition a failure, it may now be said with certainty that Raleigh Rocky .Mount, Goldshoro, and Wilmington will join together and give the fans what they been demanding baseball...- A meeting wast called to bo held Wed nesday In Wilson, but that town fell down and declared emphatically t.iat there was "nothing doing" with I hem. However, Dr. 'Whitaker has received word from Mr, Bacon at Wilmington that the Sailors would come in again, so tfie league prest dent has called a meeting' to be held Thursday night in Goldshoro to com pleto the necessary details. Wila tins announcement the fans may begin gathering their spare quarters: to hand the gatekeeper this summer to entitle them to witness the game that set the nation wild Raleigh is ready, her manager Is on the job, been here for some .'time and is already getting his club to: gether. lake It from one w.io knows, his team will be the fastest independent elub ever seen around here. Indeed, its a scorcjer. .Mr O'Brian believes in giving tin fans the best article ball, a game en tirely free from continued Kicking and in keeping a club that does not spend the nights out in drinking and revelry. He keeps his men under the strictest rules and thereby gives the fans a clean game. With the coming of Wilmington into the four club proposition, it is an assured fact, there is no longer doubt. ' At the meeting Taursdny night everything will be put in read iness that the ball may begin to roll at any date. Full announcements will be made to the public Friday after the direo tors' meeting has been held. To AVie Out Old Score. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York , Anril 17 When Tommy Murphy, of New York and Packev Mc Farland, the Chicago lightweight meet tomorrow night in a ten round bout before the Fairmont A. C. each will try to wipe out an old score. Murphy in many ways is McFarland's closest rival in the lightweight division having to his credit a decision over Owen Moran who hail decisively whipped Etattling Nelson. Mcfarland has a shade the best weight, tipping the beam at 155 while Murphy weighs 1.'!: Battle Royal This Afternoon Between Two fiinnt Teams Ideal Weather. According to custom every Easter Monday afternoon A. &- 'M. meets Wake Forest in baseball, and today there will be one of the greatest bat tles ever fought on the A. & M. ath letic field.- This morning the Seaboard Air Line brought great crowds .into the city from Norllna and Intermediate points, special rat3 having been given. The other roads had offered reduced rates, and the city is full of people decked In their Faster togs. The streets are full of people and they fire anxious for the gong to sound when the big game will begin. At four o'clock Umpire Upchurch will call 'play ball" and the tight Is on for supremacy on the baseball diamond. Both teams will be there with the "goods on," each being In the very pink of condition. A. & M. will lino up with their strongest men, for they realize Its "Greek against Greek." Either Stafford or Robertson will be oivthx mound for the farmers with Setfert behind the bat and all Ral eigh knows what that battery is. The Baptist team will present for the first time to a Raleigh grandstand tlietr crack battery Smith 1 and Turner. Judging from their Work this season, It Is one of the strongest batteries In the state. Turner la a member of that famous Turner family that has given to college and league ball two of the best players ever produced In the state. Little". Turner, as he 1b called, la a worthy, successor to ill big brothers. I Phil Utleyv one of the best .all-round The Olympic Gaines. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) t New York, April 17 Protest against the early closing of. entries for the Olympic games at Stockholm next yea,r will be Hied this week by the American Olympic commission. The foreign com mittee which is arranging the details announced that the entries will close early in June while the games will not begin until late the following month. The Americnn team will be made up from men selected in trios to be held in Boston. New York, Chicago, San Francisco and other cities. v Failed to Complete Flight, (By Cable to The Times.) London, April 17 Claude Graham White, the Knglish aviator, was balked in his ambition to make a non-stop llight from London to Birmingham to day. The uviator ascended at Hendiff, north of London but after covering 48 miles was compelled to descend at Fenny-Stratford on account of thick fog. The air line distance to Birming ham is 100 miles. Big Race Meeting. . By Leased Wire to The Times) Toronto, Can., April 17 Preparations for one of the biggest spring race meet ings ever held at Woodbine Park are being made by the Ontario Jockey Club. The work of installing the parl mutuel machines for betting will be well junder way totav. THE UNIVERSITY WINS In State Intercollegiate Track Meet Held A. & M. Was Second and Wake Fm et Third -The Score Was Carolina 57, A. & M. 41, Wake Forest 1. Carolina Team Showed Superior Training Slow Field and Stiff . Wind. Xew Club-House. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Pittsburg, Pa., April 17 The new $1,000,000 club house of the Pittsburg Athletic Association will bo formally dedicated this evenig. Representatives of athletic clubs from various parts of the country are Here to take part in the ceremonies. Marathon Race. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, April 17 Hans Holmer. the American Marathon runner and In the state Intercollegiate track meet held at A. & M. athletic field this morning the University of North Carolina won with comparative ease over her two opponents, Wake For est and A. & M. The score was Car olina, 57; A. & 11., 41, while Wake Forest made but 19. The meet clearly showed the superior training of the Carolina team, they having as coach Nat Cartmell, who was a mom bev of the University of Pennsylvania'- track team as well ns ropre senlated the United States in the last Olympic games. Ho holds t he world record on the furlong. The other teams are coached by their respect ive captains. Carolina won six firsts, seven seconds, five thirds and divided a second and third on the high jump with A. & M. A. & M. won live firsts, four seconds, two thirds, and look two points on the high jump. Wake Forest made. 'two -Arsis), two seconds, and two thirds. There were no particular slars ol the meet, though Hoffman of Caro lina; Floyd, of A. & SI. ; Robeson, of A. & M., and Slurchison, of Wake Forest, deserve mention. The only record that was broken was the two mile run. Patterson, cif Carolina made this in 10 minutes, 42 2-5. sec onds. Besides winning the meet Carolina won the relay by a good margin, with Wake Forest second. This was the first time that the Wake Forest relay team has ever been defeated. The chief reason for the slow time made was the slow field and a stiff wind was blowing throughout the meet. The events and winners were as follows: Track Events. 100-yard Dash Winston, of Caro lina, first; Slurchison, of Wake For est, second; Tyner, of Wake Forest, third. Time, 10 2-5. Half-mile -Run Hoffman, of Caro lina, first: Small, of A. & SI., sec ond; l.lorens, of Carolina, third. Time, 2; 10 2-5. Two-mile Run Patterson, of Car olina, first: Cobb, C, of Carolina, second: Smith, of A. & M., third. Time. 1-1:42 2-. 5 220-yard low hurdles Raker, of Carolina, first; Sherman, cX A. & St. second; ".Hutching,- of Wake Forest third. Time, 28 2-5. Quarter-mile Run Hoffman, of Carolina, first; Murchison, of Wake Forest, second; Wakely of Carolina third. Time 53 3-5; High Hurdles Robertson, of A. & ST., first; Ruffln, of Carolina, second; Parsley, of Carolina, third. Time. 17. 220-yard Dash Mnrcliison, of Wake Forest, first; Winston, of Car olina, second; Tyner, of Wake For est, third. Time, 23 2-5. One Mile Run Kephart, of A. & At., tlrst; spence, ot Carolina, sec ond; Cobb, W., of Carolina, third. Time, 5:3 2-5. Field Events. High Jump Hutchins, Forest, first; Graham, erf and Robertson, -of A. & jumped the same height and divided second and third. Height, 5 ieet, inches. Pole Vault Parsley, of Carolin first; Hurt, of A. & SI.. Strong, of, Carolina, third. 1(1 feet. Shot Put Floyd, of .A & SI., first; Glenn, of A. & SI., second; Atkinson, of Carolina, third. Distance, 35 feet. 4 inches. Broad Jump Robertson, of A. & SI., first; Belk. of Carolina, Rocond; Blalock, of Carolina, third. Dist ance, 20 feet, 3 inches. Hammer Throw Floyd, of A. & St., first; Atkinson, t!f Carolina, sec ond;. Hurtt, . of A.- & M., third. Dist ance, 120 feet, 2 inches. The Carolina relay team which ran the four-fifths of a. mile, were Wakely, Solomon, Venuble, and Hoffman. Time, 2:5G 1-5. The officials were: Starter,' Mr.. Nat. Cartmell, of Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Referee, Dr. Ray. Clerk of Course, Mr. New man. Track Judges, Prof. WY P. Jackson, Dr.. H. A. Royster, Mr. Frank Thompson, Mr. J. B. Pearce. Field Judges, Dr. Joel Whltaker, Sir. Dick Crozier, Mr. P. E. Seagle, Ml'. R. H. Slerritt. Scorer, C. A. Speas. Time-keepers, Mr. R. S. Curtis, Mr. William Andrews. Announcer. Sir. SlcBrayer.- of Wake Carolina SI., both second; Height Clush May be Averted. , Columbus. O.. April 17 The threat ened clash between Columbus and Buf falo over grand- circuit racing dates may be averted by a compromise agree ment, the Buffalo association taking the first three dayR of the, week of August 14 and the Columbus associa tion to start August 17. Efforts to this nd are being made by long distance telephone. - . . r Kentucky Derby, (By Leased Wire to The Time) Lexlns-ton. Kv. . Anrll 17 Nine or the Gustav LJunstrom will meet tonight j thirty ellgibles to the 37th annual Ken in 15 mile race at St. Nicholas rmk. tucky derby which will be run on May The winner wUT be pitted later against 18 are now quartered at the Kentucky Bill Queal. association track here. A narl f Ixroi roDS vou of energy, strength and ambition. To rid SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It Is a fine strengthening medicine for a torpid liver. Tha weakened organ responds promptly to its powerful reviving influence. It corrects the stomach and digestion. Purifies and regulates the bowels. Drives out that languid half-sick feeling, makes you feci bright, Vigorous and cheerful. Try it. Sold by Dealers. Price, Large Package, $1.00. Ask for the genuine with (lie Red Z on the label. If you cannot cct 1L remit to us. wc will tend it by mall postpaid, einimcms l.iver Regulator is pur up also in litiuid form for Uiosc wbo order; ib Price S1.00 per bolUe. Look for the Red 7. label. J. B. ZEILIN & CO.. Proprietors. Si. Louis. Missouri 1 At The Grand Tfiieafre RALEIGH'S THEATRE BEAUTIFUL. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY. HUE GEL & SYLVETER, Comedy Bump Act. IRENE LESTIE, Singing and Changes. TWO REELS MOTION PICTURES. CHAXGKl) DAILY. MAX LEVIN ORCHESTRA. Three Performances Daily, 3:30, 8:15, and 9:30 p. m. PRICES: Matinee, 5 and 10c. Night, 10 and 15c. IWI'IIIIBIWHB 5c. ASK YOUR GROCER When We Say 100 p. c. Pure We mean it is as pure as can lie made. . That is saying a whole lot, isn't it? But It is just what we mean. Bretsch's 109 P. C. Pare Malt Bread made from the best ingredients, baked by bakers who know how. Therefore, it is pure, light, wholesome, and all that eould be expected. Served to your grocer twice daily piping hot from our ovens. If he can't serve you call ns over either 'phone and we will have our quick delivery make a hurried call to your home. t BRETSCH'S fV BAKERY . ft-iA inner. vvr ye ruiiia TYPEWRITER RIBBON GUARANTEED IF SOT SATISFACTORY AVE WILL RK PLACE SAME GRATIS. XX Grade, $ .75 each, or $7.00 per doz. Wcarebest, !i 1.00 each, or $9.00 per doz. CARBON PAPER Ranging in Trice from $1.00 to $1.00 per box. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMKS V.. TlllttH, Manager. C, C. rhone No. 84-IF. 1 -ally Times Rullding. TI T OX A GOOD I UOXT and you cannot help but do so if you send your Dress and other Shirts to us to be laundered. Wo go to infinite pains to please our patrons by giving them most excellent work especially in the getting up of fine linen. We have an -: up-to-date -equipment and make it a practice to turn out only the best work, yet our prices attract attention because of their extreme moderation. I'KOPI.ES LAUNDRY (Inc.) Phone 74. THE RALEIGH -DAILY TIMES APRIL 17, 101 1. JT0 -107 HOUSEHOLD I'RKMIUM COUPON ' 01 This coupon, signed with the name and address of a reader of THE TIMES will be honored 011 any o our Household Prem iums. . -.:. :i Name .... . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . .... . . .... .... Address City , . , NOTICE A complete set consists of thirty (30) coupons of consecutive dates omy one cotipun o each date will be accepted in each set Hold Your Coupons Until Yon Have the Foil Set. Remember, the thirty (30) coupons must be consecutively dated. You can start with any date. .--",;..