WEATHERS Rug Sale 20 to 40 per cent. off. 111 Wilton Velvet, 9x12 .$23.99 Colonial Velvet, 9x12. 19.91 Axminsters, 9x12 . . . Smyrnas, 9x12 . . .... . Brussels, 9x12 . Tapestry, 9x12 . . Tapestry, 9x12 . . . . Ingrains, 9x12 . . Wool Fibre, 9x12 . . Axminsters, 36x72 in. Axminsters, 27x60 in. Velvets, 36x72 in. . Velvets, 27x54 in. ...... Imp. Smyrna, 36x72 in Imp. Smyrna, 28x54 in Imp. Smyna Mats . These Rugs are from Alex ander Smith Sons, and other great manufacturers. CREX Rugs All Sizes and Colors. 121 East Martin Street 16.93 26.91 16.12 10.57 8.88 5.02 6.87 3.05 1.62 2.29 1.17 3.99 2.31 1.19 ;IN THE POLICE COURT -Easter Monday saw the police court doins business m the same old sttirid this morning. The program sheet was a little off for Monday's bill of far, onlv nine . defendants being on, the police blotter. The fact that today is Easter and also an election day was entirely forgotten In the proceedings of the court, only the Judge kindly re mirided the offenders' of the day by handing them beautiful Raster eggs In the shape of fines and the costs. In stead of Joining in an Kastnr eRg hunt the friends .of the court had to witness another daily Kiind Frank O'Dcll, white, submitted to the charge of ' beins drunk and was taxed with the cost J2. Edwin Kidmrdson. white, was before. his honor for being drunk oi 'the streets and was taxed with the cost $2.".. J. H. Spikes, white, faeed the charge of being drunk and cursing on the street. Jeanetta Leake, a colored wo man, said she heard Mr. 'Spikes in her back yard Saturday afternoon cursing. The cursing was so bad that sho went alter an 'officer, I.izic Jones said she saw him anil heard him cursing. Other olnred people testified to the cursing. Mr. Spikes said he was not drunk, but admitted cursing. Ho was fined $3.00 and taxed with the cost $3.25. Malor Oriftin, white, submitted to the charge of b-'.ua drunk On the streets. . He. was let oft with , the cost 2.;r,. ".-':: Charley Huffin, white, was before his honor for getting drunk and he sub milted, to. the charge, $3.00 and the cost $2.7 John Teddy and Moses Teddy were hi t A 4W l Y (Note Criticisms of plays render ed are written by a member of The Daily Times staff. All other matter, particularly advance notices, Is fur nished by representatives 'of the theatre ) "Polly of the Cirrus.' It is not often that we are tempted to find fault with a producer of plays for being too generous, but tnat is the kind of a play producer Frederic Thompson happens to be. ' He wants to give too much for the money, As result of his extravagance he has made 'Polly of the Circus," which is ST. LKO to be presented at the Grand Wed- in "1'iiiiv f.r the rirm." n ! nesday .night 'a case of "Polly" and W ednesday, April 19th. the circus. There are not to.) many who will object to this, however. There may be some who will agree with us that "Polly" is so much mor3 Important to the Uttlo drama or which she Is a part, than a' Hundred ci reuse;; could over he t.iat the snow scene should bo eliminated, but prob ably there will be as many who will ! enjoy the sight of a real woman I' Slates Marshall Claudius bareback rider turning somersaults off Doekerv. District Attorney Herbert F. the back of a real horse ambling pa- He was fined I seawell ',- 'ivputv Clerk Oeorge Tiin- tiently around the inside of a real noft'skl ami' ortie .".Deputy Ward .have ring. It is not often playgoers object VERY LIGHT DOCKET IN FEDERAL COURT A ft , " J . a t f.Y jt U 1 Old M ortality Was His called out and upon their faiiuie to gone t',. Wa shington, this state, to at- t0 betnS offered too mue;i entertain- their bonds :vere forfeited., tend f '.li::il . eoiirt, which is being held nient, even though the extra measure even tnotigh the extra measure Answer, H, ti. forter. white, was, raced wmi thei-e i)VK we -li. Jit,l. TT, Ci. (Vinnnv several charges. Hi- was charged with I eft f, ,,,, ,: s lme at Wilson Thfre . Proves "a. Clear case Of assault and being drunk, disorderly, and carrying ls ,, Vi , v sm.ill docket to be disposed battery with the poor old drama as a eonceaieu weapon. I of and t i- xroliable that all cases Will the victim." -Pollv of Iho Circus" is .Nancy, cottun. oi ponee couii lame, ), iKcl liv the niM.lle of the week. Tin is. Was.'ilnjfton N to be tried for I., L-:.... ., ,,.rtv..-. ...:t, t,..n ti.,nMi .in,. . -i "Mil .n.nii . n f3...jl,... 'I'll,. ,.t.-. ,j .,l.i I. CircllH Happens 1IIIU 11. 1 III a way .nit of Jail, iinl is at large,- Familiar Name Raleigh, N. C. if WE SECURE t"""' Tenants and (Mllect Kent on City Property THE SEST '-if'' '"'''e. Accident, and ltoni)iiK . Companies are repicsi'iited in our otlicc. Let us make your ICKAI KSTATK deals and you will lw pleascil ivitli the RESULTS. The Parker-Hunter Really Co. I ItALElGH. X. C. si:i.i,i; A(;i:ts camickox pauk puopkktv. 1 1 J OLIVER ICE, COAL AND MILL CO We are in the fight for your Coal and Wood business. OUR AMMUNITION- the best quality and ail grades. Our Shot-summer prices RALEIGH PHONE 4392 I First Signs of Spring avo hero and as usual we arc abundantly supplied with all the necessary spring and summer wearables for the men folks. . The different styles we arc showing in spring suits are all new and nobby. Each suit possessing an appear ance for the man who loves distinction. Suits for the conservative man, as "well as those who desire the more extreme. Drop in and let us talk this matter over with you. said .she' saw.' .Mr. Porter, but did not know him and did not see the pistol Jeanetta Leake said she heard bun ur.slns but did not see the pistol. One ir two of the colored women wi re not sine or tlie man ami inn hoi-. -Know iliout the pistol. Doc Leake told of hearing ' Mr. Porter ciii sinff and saw him pull his pistol out of his pocket ami threaten to shoot him. .-.Officer Patiiek said when he was arrested he had no pistol, but vas a little drlnky. He was tilled fci.OO and taxed with: tile cost $3.2:. W. A. .Smith, colored, was with the same crowd and was caaiBcd with the ame offi'iises, - being di nnk and dis- idiTiv. lie ' Was lined '$11 ' and the ft !.1T-. Win. Mi'Clene.han, colored, heard the haiKe -again nfi rivniiinjf said Sunday morning about lil'fl -o'clock be met him on the corner of I'i :ii-e and Halifax streets and about ,4:30 saw him corn.' out of Arp s (erv stoic anil c l'c. whi'rt he yelie.l tiin and. shot at him. he ran drop- iiine an armful of bread, lard, etc. A ft.'W -Minutes 1 iter lie C.tnu; Qtount tin iriief. aiipareatly otit of breath,, and was e.itiug some hreiid.. He taen . ai - i-.Mti-.l him and brought him up to the .station-houe. SlcClenegh'an siii'l be wen! out to Wist Ital-ixh. meeting a man running and later 'net the. officer who arrest a pretty appealing story of hearts of Hip tried-and-f)itnd-true type, until FIRST CLOSING DAY RALEIGH OFFICE the last fifteen minutes it, tapers off into a commonplace little show piece, in which Polly is sacrificed to scen cry and drama to twinkling lights. ; It Mahogany eight-day Walls 30 coupons and $2.85, Yesterday . was the first Sunday ' In which tlie arious carrier windows at the (ialeigh, jiosliif.'lce Were closed, and t-'ositna-ter ,W.. 1 1, lirisgf sajd today that iiot over a doxen peions called toy tl,,,li. ,,mll TS..u. ., i ,.nnu!uni u him of breaking into a ,,,;.,, ,,..,;,.. .",; ,.,.,;, ..'p,.- '' ,ud taking smne things. wmlaw ,s ,,, hm,r ; lay. KveryliHity. in Italeigh was in- formed if t lif iii.w regulntions as n oltn-hig and as it' -result there was no crilivd at tile p-'Stofli'-c yi-Mevday af- ternooa. . 'IKM IKIAL DAY PLAN'S, Dcluils I'.eiiiK Arrangod fcr Ai'o. prialc Observtiiue of '.Way Tenth. Vs announced in The Times Sat urday the Ladies .Memorial Associa tion has been, foi iunaie in . Kc.'u;.i:t:T d him for breuking into a'e, He I M James .-.('.'. .ll.e.niphill, oilitoi- of th I Copyright 1911 The Hmik of Kuppeahdaet . - Cbiuao J. ROSENGARTEN CO. FAYETTEVILLE STREET Capital City rbone. RALEIGH, N. C. For Al the News From Everywhere, all the time read . . The Raleigh Daily, Time. dec'.ared -.that the wrong man had been arretted, lie, was sent down -to lace a Wake c.uii'.iy jniy under a $."iii bond. IVCKKASIXt; IN POWKK. Keiival Services at Kayellevllle r Street Ibiotist Church. ; Revival services, conducted by Rev. F. I). King at Fayetteville Street Haptist c.iurch are Increasing in power. The Lord is greatly blessing this work, as he earnestly strives for New Testament evangelism. He preac:ies the Word and relies upon the Holy Spirit for results. Last night there was a Ktrons ser mon on the "Power of Sin," as siiown in the life of Sampson, as it "'blinds, binds and grinds," Great interest was manifested and eleven united with the church, three by letter and eight by baptism. Total additions fo date, fifty-one. Meeting continues this week. The ehurtfh is being great ly revived and much personal work Hi -hnioi.d-Times D, spatch. iis .Mcnioiiaf I Mi y ma: or.. lO'aljoiate ' plaits : for th,- hhei fan--e he day are lie'tig' ).i ft c'teil by the liid'M of- tile .Meioiial Association of l:icll Airs. Ilolrel t . -Jones Is iil'esiili lit. 1. ('lias, K, ..loiinsoh. iif this .city. will net a" niasiej- of 'ceremonies in- 1 1 f nclti t the -orator of . the. ociv-sjon. Tiin A. & : II. (-tili'is headed liv their' I nil. will lead , llii; procession, the banI furnishing music at till' 'cem lery; M,s, Phalli's .McKlmmon h In -charge Hie. musical program. .She will be Assisted ' by the niembei s id', the city choirs. . " " " Hi v, Percy Kub.inks. assistant rector if t'hrist church Will act as chapiiiin. .Mr. t'laude Uenson, chief marshall ill be ansisied by twelve mounted marshals and assistants. The service will be held as usual in the confederate plot at Oakwood Cime- tery Full details will be arranged and announced later. Italeigh people are looking forward with 'pleasure to hearing Maj. Hemphill, IN TDE GAME Megaphones and THE J. D. RIGGHN CO. 132 Fnyettevillo Etreet. Did you over react the beautiful story of the life of "OM Mortality". - This eccentric ol.l man of long ;ipi di ! liiiicli jo sliiuulale interest in Old rlnglaud's "City of the Dead". There is no story that's quite worthy of his generous sru I. AVe only told that he 1 ived ,'nin i ii? 1 lie dead, soiiift' f rum tlce to place, t'li'iinin,!;", slijiilitt'iiiiiii,' and repairing old tennhs of every kind and shiiiiinu,' un-enred for and neglected graves, lie ciuM not ivad, thei'efVire all the ' nie . niorials were the same t. him. He heltl that all ; .graves were sacred, and spent his days in this noble work. .'.'.',..-; . '..-'. . ,- He lingered longest in localities where least care had been given the cemeteries. He was . very poor, h i s si le dependence being the gi I'ta o f the peo )Ie, Should good fortune provide more than a few days' supply, he would spend it on some neglected mound and boast of the privilege. His interest in the oldest grave and the newest mound bearing the perfume of new-cut flow ers were identical. Those who knew him best said his spirit (even in old age) was as sweet as a baby girl's, and that a frown was never seen on his face. Xo one knows his real name. ''Old Mortality" iits his calling, and he pleased with this appellation. ; was 1.0 harp Marble and Granite Company. T O. SHARP, Mgr . WE'LL TELL YOU. nilOUAM LI t "II uunnHiii. n. u .ji Mr. Qninnerly the Winner. Mr. J. P. Qulnnerly. a member of the Leazer Literary Society, won the ij being done by the evangeliat art! medal in the annual contest held at his co-laborers. the college Saturday night. His sub ject was "ThP Great Asset." Other dcclaimersr were: AV. Tl. Mnnn.' T. M. uivea Aia to BtriKers. Stafford. C. L. Cruse, The Judces were Sometimes liver, kidneys and bowels Dr. T. W. O'Kelly, Rev. W. D. Poe seem to go on a strike and refuse to and L, c. Bronghton. Mr. J. V. Martin work right. Then you need those presided over the contest and Mr. C. pleasant little strike-breaker Dr. w. Lee acted as secretary King's New Life Pills to give them natural aid and gently compel proper action. Excellent tiealth soon follows. Try them. 25c. at King-Crowell Drug Company. Central Ennorth League. The meeting of the Central Methodist KpwortU League will be held this evening at 7:45 In the league room, con- ducted by Mr. R. E. Prince. Subject: A Good Soldier." LOCAL BRIEFS. ; No Selection Yet. ; , - The executive committee of the Y. M. C. A.; campaign, of which Mr. Carey J. Hunter is chairman, has held several meetings in regard to Governor. Kitchln will return late locating the site for the building, this afternoon from -Smlthfield, where There have been a good number oi ' today he delivered an address. nronositions made to them but as yet -ThBi: usual splendid Easter music nn ool-etinn nf a alto bun heen made wa rendered Jn the several church 's n. .-!,-. t.W-" f yesterday and unusually large congre . uc. """"y"' gations 'ore present to enjoy the rer- uiiuutuieo nit; dilc iui tiic 411 v. '(es building within the next few days. -The fflrst roally beautiful weather This committee, along with the oth- of sprinir vas ushered Jn -yesterday. As era, has been hard at work since the a result'; the new Easter clothes v. ere raising of the 75,090 and even much In .evidence. since closing the subscription cam-1 Suijdy was the first fair day tn severnl itftvi nnd hnnrlreHn of Itulplffh- jmign, some further subscriptions itl,s t09k advantage, of it to go to .he have come in. Mr. Ij. m. L.nmsnen woods and, fields in search of wild reteived a check for $25 a day or so flowers.- 'Many persons went fishing ago from a New York firm and It has today. been added to the list, AND SLEEP AN HOUR LATER Ranges Sold at Cost and Connected Free on our line of mains. STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 228 Representative Will Call. Temporary Office 107 S. Wilmington St. "Glassy" Glothes for Young Men Lame Shoulder Is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. , 2HJece Roger Silver Bet In flue Onk Case for only $9.55 and 30 coupons. .PERSONALS. Mr. Z. T. Brown was here today from Goldsboro. -. . , Mr. E. -B. Thompson, of Salisbury, is in the city. Mr.' Robert J. Wyatt U 'spending Easter In Norfolk." - Mr. C - C. Hargrove,', of, Lexlngtfcn was Iri-Hkalelgh today. - v' We have made a specialty of Young Men's Clothing and wc are here with goods to show the "classy dress era". The Swellest stock of ready-to-wear tailor-made garments ever shown in Ealeigh. ' Of beautiful materials serges, unfinished wors teads and plain fancy suitings in fashionable spring shade. Suits Prices $15 up I CROSS & LiNEHAN CO THE TOUNO HAN'S STORE !

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